City Index

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Ra'anana, Israel, "Jerusalem Experienced Increased Complaints About Loud Air Conditioners During This Hot Summer" (Aug. 27, 1999). The Jerusalem Post prints several news items centering on the Jerusalem region, including one one noise. This summer there was a 100% increase in complaints over loud air conditioners in Ra'anana, Israel. Offenders can be charged NIS 100 for officials that measure the noise. They are usually cooperative in relocating or quieting their air-conditioners.

Radcliff, Kentucky, "Army Wants Residential Development Restricted Around Fort Knox Due to Potential Noise Complaints" (May 4, 1997). The Courier-Journal reports that army officials are worried that the Fort Knox army base could be threatened due to increases in noise complaints if landowners are allowed to build homes near the base in Radcliff, Kentucky. Army officials want a noise buffer zone to surround the base. Meanwhile, in a lawsuit to be heard May 12 at the Hardin fiscal court, homeowner Dale Irwin is expected to win permission from the court to build a home near the base.

Raleigh, N.C., "Raleigh-Durham Airport (North Carolina) Could Be Home to FedEx's New Transportation Hub" (Jan. 12, 1998). The News and Observer reports Federal Express is considering building a $300 million national transportation hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport. But Cary, NC officials, concerned the noise will impact their community, oppose the siting.

Raleigh, NC, "City Council Panel Proposes Updated Noise Ordinance for Raleigh, NC" (Mar. 17, 1999). The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) reports a Raleigh, North Carolina, City Council subcommittee has drafted a new version of a much-questioned noise ordinance.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "North Carolina Resident Considers The Value Of A Noise Ordinance" (Dec. 27, 1997). The News and Observer published the following letter to the editor concerning a noise ordinance in Raleigh, North Carolina:

Raleigh, North Carolina, "North Carolina Resident Questions Proposal To Widen Highway" (Dec. 27, 1997). The News and Observer published the following letter to the editor concerning the widening of U.S. 1-64 in North Carolina:

Raleigh, North Carolina, "North Carolina Resident Claims Raleigh's Noise Ordinance Inadequate" (Dec. 8, 1997). The News and Observer printed the following letter-to-the-editor concerning the inadequacy of the Raleigh noise ordinance:

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Letter to the Editor in Raleigh, North Carolina Urges Residents to Complain About Boom Cars" (Jan. 8, 1998). The following letter to the editor was printed in The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC):

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Opponents of FedEx Hub at Raleigh Airport Pressure Commissioners" (Mar. 6, 1998). The News and Observer reports overnight delivery of packages is becoming a political issue in Wake County, North Carolina, as the controversy over the proposed Federal Express hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport gains momentum.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh Council Weighing Pro's and Con's of Proposed FedEx Hub at Airport; No Official Position Yet" (Mar. 18, 1998). The News and Observer reports that the city of Raleigh has yet to take an official stand in the debate about the noise impact of the proposed Federal Express hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport while the other three towns who would be most affected have made their positions known.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh Resident Says Let More Business Come to the Airport" (Mar. 21, 1998). The News and Observer published the following editorial by Raleigh resident, Marla Hicks. In her letter, Ms. Hicks gives her opinion about those who move into areas near an airport and then complain about the noise.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh-Durham Airport Spells Out Noise Limits to Fed Ex" (Mar. 14, 1998). The News and Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina reports that Raleigh-Durham International Airport director John Brantley informed the Airport Authority of discussions he's held with FedEx about noise issues.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Automobile Noise Regulations Now Law in Raleigh, NC" (Apr. 8, 1999). The News and Observer reports in attempt to regulate noise from high-powered car stereos, the Raleigh, North Carolina, City Council unanimously approved an automobile noise ordinance Tuesday.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raligh, NC, Adopts Noise Ordinance to Govern Amplified Music" (Apr. 7, 1999). The News and Observer reports the Raleigh, North Carolina, City Council approved a new noise ordinance Tuesday that will govern business where amplified music is played.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh, North Carolina Letter to the Editor Asserts that Ordinance Exemptions For Noisy City-Sponsored Events are Unfair" (Jul. 12, 1999). The News and Observer prints a letter to the editor from a Raleigh, North Carolina resident who is upset over a noise ordinance that plays favorites. He notes that while city-sponsored events are exempt from noise ordinances, a recent orderly protest rally was considered a violation. He asks City Council to comment on these inequities, asserting that this exemption should be removed.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh, NC, Revises Noise Ordinance to Regulate Businesses that Feature Music; Many Homeowners Remain Dissatisfied" (Mar. 27, 1999). The News and Observer reports Raleigh, North Carolina, leaders said they tried to balance concern for neighbors' peace and quiet with the needs of a lively urban life when they drafted a revised noise ordinance.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Raleigh, NC, Home of Db (Decibel) Drag Racer Champion, Adopts Car Audio Ordinance" (Apr. 3, 1999). The News and Observer reports in an attempt to control drive-by concerts, Raleigh, North Carolina, will likely adopt an ordinance prohibiting music that is audible 50 feet from a vehicle.

Raleigh, North Carolina, "Cassette Tape Mimics Office Sounds for Those Who Work at Home" (Mar. 13, 2000). The Raleigh, North Carolina News and Observer published an advice column that includes a tongue-in-cheek review of a device called "Office White Noise," which is a cassette recording of background office noises for people to use when they work at home and are feeling lonely.

Raliegh, North Carolina, "Raleigh Committee Endorses Less Stringent Noise Law; Neighborhood Activists Discuss Strategy to Defeat Ordinance" (Mar. 24, 1999). The News and Observer reports a Raleigh City Council subcommittee Tuesday endorsed, on a split vote, a noise ordinance that would allow music-playing businesses in neighborhoods.

Randleman, North Carolina, "Resident of Randleman, North Carolina Asks Aldermen to Build Wall Around Noisy Blowers At Wastewater Treatment Plan; Aldermen Will Temporarily Block Blowers Until They Are Replaced By Quieter Ones" (Nov. 10, 1999). The News and Record reports that the Randleman, North Carolina Aldermen have promised to rent a small trailer to block disturbing noise coming from a wastewater treatment plant until more permanent solutions -- quieter blowers -- are installed.

Randleman, North Carolina, "City of Randleman, North Carolina Considering Water and Sewer Plant Repairs; Residents Request Quieter Blowers" (Mar. 13, 2000). The Greensboro, North Carolina News and Record reports that the city of Randleman, North Carolina is considering a $3 million project for improvements to the city's wastewater treatment and water plants. Resident Rick Scott wants the improvements to include quieter blowers.

Readfield, Maine, "Noise Ordinance Passes in Readfield, Maine" (Jun. 13, 1998). The Kennebec Journal reports that residents went against their selectmen's recommendation and voted to pass a noise ordinance at a recent town meeting in Readfield. According to the article, the ordinance sets standards for reviewing noise complaints from new development. The selectmen felt the ordinance was unnecessary and further inhibited development in the town.

Readfield, Maine, "Readfield, Maine Planning Board Approves Wood Chipper for Transfer Station; Residents Say Noise and Dust -- Possibly Carcinogenic -- Will Affect Public Health and Wildlife" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Kennebec Journal reports that Readfield, Maine residents are upset over the Planning Board's approval of a wood chipper at the local transfer station. Residents worry that the noise and dust from the chipper could cause health problems and general disruption of the community. Station officials say that noise will be reduced by infrequent operation times, and dust will be reduced by chipping wood into a closed truck.

Redlands, California, "California's Transportation Department Proposes Piggybacking Soundwalls on Interstate Expansion Project If State Approves Money" (Jul. 22, 1999). The Press-Enterprise reports that California's Transportation Department (Caltrans) wants to install sound walls along Interstate 10 near the Redlands community as part of a proposed highway expansion plan. Residents have complained about traffic noise for years because of its annoyance and impact on their property values. The brick wall would reach 14 feet on both sides of the highway. Caltrans says its proposal is contingent on state money that will become available in 2002.

Redwood Shores, California, "Residents Living Near San Carlos Airport, California Show Opposition to Proposed Runway Expansion" (Apr. 20, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the proposition to expand the runway at San Carlos Airport in California is meeting with opposition from residents who say that the noise is already bad enough, and that a bigger runway will mean bigger planes and more noise.

Rehoboth, Rhode Island, "Rehoboth, Rhode Island's Zoning Board to Rule on Permit for Golf Pro-Shop and Restaurant in Residential/Agricultural District; Golf Course Has Already Been Approved" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Rehoboth, Rhode Island's zoning board of appeals will rule on a permit that would grant Eugene Dumontier the right to put a golf pro shop and restaurant on his 140 acre property. When his golf course was approved, and his shop and restaurant denied, he appealed the decision; a judge has now said that the Board must evaluate traffic, noise, lighting, parking, and safety more thoroughly before such a denial. Dumontier has agreed to put up a structure to reduce noise, and said he will look into relocating the parking lot.

Reno, Nevada, "Reno Military Watchdog Group Appeals Navy Warfare Sites on Public Land" (Apr. 20, 2000). An article by the Associated Press reported that an activist group in Reno plans to appeal a decision by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Fallon Naval Station to place three electronic warfare sites and 22 mobile truck-mounted sites on public land in central Nevada.

Reno, Nevada, "Nevada Activists Criticize Navy Training Plan" (Feb. 5, 2000). According to an article from the Associated Press, a group of Nevada activists who monitor military activity has criticized officials of the Fallon Naval Air Station for planning to place two electronic warfare sites and 22 smaller mobile electronic sites on public land. The article said the Bureau of Land Management is collaborating with the Navy on the plan, which will be used for training.

Reno, Nevada, "Nevada Airport Authority's New Noise Study Seeks Public Input" (Jan. 14, 2000). According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Washoe County Airport Authority board approved a new study reduce to noise around the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. In addition, the authority said it would aggressively seek public input.

Richardson, Texas, "Texas Town to Test Alternative to Blaring Train Whistles" (Feb. 7, 1999). The Dallas Morning News reports the city of Richardson, Texas, will test an alternative to train whistles which frequently disturb residents at night..

Richfield Village, Nevada, "Richfield Village Neighborhood Relieved that Sound Wall Will Finally be Built Along Interstate 15" (Apr. 10, 2000). The Las Vegas Review-Journal's City Desk column reports that residents near an interstate in Richfield, Nevada may finally get some relief from bothersome noise from the highway.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minnesota Noise Wall Divides Residents" (Oct. 28, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that West Richfield residents will lose their view of Woodlake Nature Center in order to block the noise from Interstate Hwy. 35W.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minnesota City Near Airport Proposes Redevelopment Plan to Mitigate Noise from New Runway" (Apr. 21, 1998). The Star Tribune reports that city officials in Richfield, Minnesota are proposing a $200 million redevelopment plan to mitigate ground noise that is expected from a new north-south runway at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. The redevelopment plan would destroy 1,000 homes and apartments near Cedar Avenue South and replace them with bigger buildings that would insulate against jet noise. The article notes that city officials are trying to convince the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) to pay for the plan. Meanwhile, the article says, about 50 residents attended a MAC meeting Monday hoping to discuss the matter with commissioners. But they left the meeting in anger, the article reports, after only one resident was allowed to address the Commission.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minnesota City Sues Airport Commission Over Shifting Jet Noise to Their Community" (Jun. 11, 1998). The Star Tribune reports that the city of Richfield, Minnesota is suing the Metropolitan Airports Commission in the U.S. Court of Appeals for shifting jet noise from the Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport to their community. City officials are suing to stop the daily use of the airport's crosswind runway that has shifted flights away from south Minneapolis and sent them over Richfield and Bloomington instead. The court case is expected to last at least two months, the article says.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Fearing Ground Noise Impact, Residents Ask Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport for Redevelopment Money for Mitigation" (May 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports Richfield residents and officials pleaded with airport officials Wednesday to protect their city from the negative effects of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport expansion.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Editorial: Minn. Politics and Bureaucracy Nix Citizens' Chance in Fighting New Runway at Metropolitan Airport" (Nov. 22, 1998). The Star Tribune published an editorial contending a Richfield, Illinois, couple who fought runway noise at the Metropolitan Airport, and lost, learned a bitter civics lesson involving the mixing of politics and bureaucracy.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Officials of Richfield, MN, and MAC Disagree Over Significance of Previously Unreleased Noise Study of New Runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport" (Nov. 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports the city of Richfield, Minnesota, charges the Metropolitan Airports Commission withheld a noise study report that held information favorable to Richfield's efforts to secure state and federal noise mitigation funds to address low-frequency noise from a proposed new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Can't Back Bonds for Noise Reduction Efforts with Airport Revenue Because Revenue May Only Be Used for "Actual Costs"" (Aug. 25, 1999). The Bond Buyer reports on several issues related to bonds, including an issue with bonds sought by the Minnesota Metropolitan Airports Commission. They want to back bonds -- to be used for noise reduction efforts -- with airport revenue. The FAA said that they can't, since the efforts represent "projected impact" and not "actual costs."

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minnesota's Legislature -- Which Initiated Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Expansion Plans Near Richfield -- Reluctant to Help Fund Noise Abatement" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the Minnesota Legislature -- which initiated plans for a new north-south runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport near Richfield -- does not seem willing to help pay for noise abatement that the project would necessitate. Last year, the city of Richfield almost sued the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) over lack of designated funds for noise abatement. The settlement included plans to seek funds from the Legislature, but so far there has been no success.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Richfield, Minnesota Home, Located Near Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, Sells Today After the Reversal of a Decision By the U.S. Department of Housing to Deny the New Buyers' Request for Mortgage Insurance" (Sep. 21, 1999). The Star Tribune reports that the sale of a home in Richfield, Minnesota went through today after the reversal of a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Originally, mortgage insurance was denied to the buyers since the house's proximity to a Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport runway made it likely that the "mortgage would outlast the house." A call from the local congressman, who was contacted by the sellers and by city officials, prompted the reversal of the decision. Some officials are worried about the implications of the original denial on future real estate deals, while others are not and say that the reversal will be the precedent.

Richfield, Minnesota, "Minnesota Airport Noise Consultants Disagree On Noise Impact Area" (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Star Tribune, a dispute between noise consultants resulted in a failure to define noise zones affected by jets using a new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Richland Estates, Austin, Texas, "New International Airport in Austin, Texas Proposed Buyout Option For Neighbors Concerned with Noise" (May 12, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reports that officials for a new International Airport in Austin, Texas have proposed a buyout to neighboring homeowners. City Council still has to approve the proposal, which would give homeowners the option of selling to the airport. The airport would then try to sell the homes to others, telling them about the noise concerns and requiring the signing of a waiver for noise issues.

Richmond Heights, Missouri, "Commuter Rail to Be Expanded in Richmond Heights near St. Louis, Missouri; Noise Consideration to Be Part of Plan" (Nov. 11, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a commuter rail system will be expanded through Richmond Heights, near St. Louis Missouri. Each station along the route, a neighborhood committee will be formed to discuss concerns with the developers in charge of the project. Additional noise studies may be performed along the route to determine any problem areas. Noise walls may be placed in some areas.

Richmond, British Columbia CANADA, "British Columbia Town Restricts Noisy All-Night Dance Parties" (Apr. 5, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports the town of Richmond, British Columbia, has drafted a bylaw that will restrict all night dance parties, known as raves, in response to residents' noise complaints and criticisms of other kinds.

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, "Housing Under Flight-Path in Vancouver Worries Airport Officials" (May 22, 1997). The Vancouver Sun reports that the city of Richmond, British Columbia intends to develop a 14-hectare property it owns into a residential neighborhood, but officials at the Vancouver International Airport want to make sure the prospective buyers will be warned in advance that their homes are under a major flight path. They have proposed that an "air easement" be registered on the property's land title, which would prevent future owners from seeking damages because of aircraft noise.

Richmond, British Columbia, Canada, "Richmond, British Columbia, Establishes Restrictions for "Raves" after Neighbors in Vancouver Complain" (Sep. 17, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports after numerous complaints about noise from a recent rave party in Richmond, British Columbia, town officials adopt restrictions.

Richmond, California, "Residents of Richmond, California Disturbed By Nighttime Jet Flight Paths" (Mar. 15, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that over 400 residents of Richmond, California, who have noticed an increase in nighttime flights and subsequent noise from Oakland and San Francisco International Airports, have signed a petition. They are asking that the Oakland Airport Community Noise Management Forum allow the city of Richmond to join the group so that they can be a part of discussions about noise issues and flight patterns at the airports.

Richmond, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Residents Complain About Gravel Pit Noise, But Police Say Company Hasn't Violated Noise Ordinance" (Nov. 24, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that residents in Richmond, Rhode Island have been complaining about noise from the Richmond Sand Gravel's rock crusher. Nine complaints have been issued in the past few months by residents on Stilson and Buttonwood Roads, but police have not found the company to have violated the town's noise ordinance.

Richmond, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Town Considers Proposal for Auto Racetrack" (Dec. 1, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the final session of a public hearing regarding a zoning change that would bring an auto racetrack to Richmond, Rhode Island will take place tonight. The article notes that a noise expert has testified on behalf of the developers that noise from the racetrack will meet the town's noise limit.

Richmond, Rhode Island, "Proposed Ordinance in RI Town Would Create Decibel-Limit Zones" (Mar. 17, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the Richmond Town Council will resume a public hearing tonight on a proposal to strengthen the town noise ordinance.

Richmond, Rhode Island, "RI Town Designates "Noise-Sensitive Areas;" Amends Noise Ordinance" (Mar. 18, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the town of Richmond, Rhode Island, voted to approve amendments to its noise ordinance, creating a "noise-sensitive area" around certain public buildings.

Richmond, Rhode Island, "Richmond, Rhode Island Considers Regulating Noise from Motor Bikes with Amended Zoning Ordinance; Amendment Would Clarify Definition of "Motorized" and "Recreational Use"" (Nov. 29, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that after complaints over noisy motor bikes in Richmond, Rhode Island, officials are considering an amendment to the zoning ordinance to clarify the definition of a "motorized" bike and "recreational use." The town solicitor said that noise should be covered under the noise ordinance, and the dust -- a private nuisance -- should be covered by filing suit. Local dirt bike course owners say they erected a 12-foot wooden wall to help with noise, and water the track to help with dust.

Richmond, VA, "Richmond Police Force Responds To Lack Of Noise Regulation Enforcement" (May 15, 1997). The Richmond Times Dispatch prints the following letter to the editor written by Sergeant Dale C. Mullen from the Richmond (Virginia) Police Department:

Richmond, VA, "Richmond Police Officers Lack Noise Ordinance Enforcement" (May 15, 1997). The Richmond (Virginia) Times Dispatch printed an editorial in response to Sergeant Dale Mullen's letter to the editor defending the police department's actions with respect to the noise ordinance. This editorial claims that there have been only six convictions for violating Richmond's noise ordinance since June 1996, and that this proves the Richmond police have not been actively enforcing the ordinance.

Richmond, Virginia, "Virginia Neighbors Consider Effects Of New Highway Proposal" (Dec. 30, 1997). The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that Powhatan County residents are considering the changes living near the anticipated path of state Route 288 will bring about.

Richmond, Virginia, "Richmond Police Say Noise Ordinance is Being Enforced, Citing Six Convictions Since June" (May 13, 1997). The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that yesterday Charlene Hinton of the Richmond (Virginia) Police Department told the City Council that since last June there have been six convictions for violating the city's noise ordinance. The comments came after the police department had been criticized for not enforcing the noise ordinance.

Richmond, Virginia, "Animal Rights Activists Make Noise At Circus" (Feb. 21, 1998). The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that animal rights activists in Richmond, Virginia protested the Barnum and Bailey Circus using megaphones in violation of the local noise ordinance.

Richmond, Virginia area, "Virginia Residents Consider Suing Retirement Home Over Noise From Cooling Tower" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that residents near Richmond, Virginia, in western Henrico County, are considering suing an upscale retirement community behind their homes over noise from the retirement home's cooling tower. The article says the homeowners' association recently hired a lawyer, and is considering asking officials to cite the retirement home under the county's noise ordinance.

Richmond, Virginia area, "Virginia Residents Raise Concerns About Noise Related to Interstate Widening Project" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that about 80 residents of the Richmond, Virginia area attended a meeting yesterday about a proposed project to widen the Interstate 64 corridor between Richmond and Hampton. Concerns about increased noise dominated the meeting, the article says. The Virginia Department of Transportation (DOT), along with their consultants, are almost finished with their two-year study of the corridor, and are proposing six alternatives.

Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, "Ridgefield Park, New Jersey Wins Supreme Court Case Against Railroad" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Record in Bergen County, New Jersey reports that the New Jersey Supreme Court recently ruled that the village of Ridgefield Park, New Jersey can legally enforce local regulations against a railroad line in the town. The town is also allowed to inspect the railroad's maintenance facility. The railroad had alleged that federal regulations exempted it from obeying the town's ordinances and regulations.

River Forest and River Grove, Illinois, "Aircraft Noise in River Forest and River Grove, Illinois Within Acceptable Limits, O'Hare Commission Says" (Mar. 29, 2000). The Chicago Sun-Times reports on several newsworthy events in Chicago's suburbs. One item concerns recent monitoring of O'Hare International Airport noise levels in the towns of River Forest and River Grove.

Riverdale, New Jersey, "Residents of Riverdale, New Jersey Suffer from Non-Stop Quarry Blasts; Legal Restraints Prevent Local Regulation" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Record reports that city officials have decided to hold back on adopting an ordinance to regulate stone quarry operations because they want the ordinance to be legally unassailable. A proposed amendment to the ordinance was tabled giving the mayor and council extra time to enable city officials to hire experts and complete several reports to tailor the ordinance.

Riverside, California, "California City Officials Looking for Ways to Quiet Train Whistles" (Sep. 6, 1997). The Press-Enterprise reports that city officials in Riverside, California are searching for ways to quiet loud train horns that are drawing more complaints from residents. Officials are considering making the city a "quiet zone" for trains, which would require approval from the federal government and funds to build new railroad crossings.

Riverside, California, "California County Board Doesn't Revoke Resident's Kennel License, Despite Neighbors' Complaints About Barking" (Nov. 26, 1997). The Press-Enterprise reports that the Riverside (California) County Board of Supervisors Tuesday granted a resident's appeal to keep her kennel license, despite complaints by neighbors that the barking dogs are a nuisance. But, the article says, the kennel owner must return to the board before the license can be renewed in March, and the board expects to monitor conditions at the kennel.

Riverside, California, "Freeway Wall Project in California is Expected to Reduce Noise by Five Decibels" (Mar. 24, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that workers are building a$623,465 sound wall to protect residents living near Highway 91 in Riverside, California. The project, which is being undertaken by the Riverside County Transportation Commission, is expected to reduce noise levels by five decibels in the neighborhood.

Riverside, California, "Members of City Council Discover Potential Federal Funds to Help Them Eliminate or Decrease Noise from Freight Train Whistles in Riverside, California" (Apr. 2, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that members of Riverside's city council in California may be able to obtain federal funds to eliminate or decrease the noise from freight train whistles passing through town.

Riverside, California, "Union Pacific Railroad Wants Ban on Idling Locomotives Lifted in Riverside, California" (Oct. 3, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that Union Pacific Railroad is seeking a federal court ordered injunction to lift a ban on idling locomotives in Riverside, California.

Riverside, California, "Yermo, California Couple Sues Union Pacific Railroad Over Engine and Horn Noise and Fumes" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Associated Press reports that two residents in Yermo, California sued Union Pacific railroad for noise produced by trains in the rail yard located near their home. The San Bernardino County Superior Court had dismissed the suit on the grounds that complaints relating to railroad operations are governed by federal regulations, not state law. The couple appealed the case, and the Fourth District Court of Appeal has now ruled that the lawsuit can be reinstated because the couple are contending that the noise was due to harassment and not to normal railroad operations.

Riverside, California, "Humorous Solution to San Bernardino, California's Need for Local Airport and Airline" (Apr. 1, 2000). The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, California published a tongue-in-cheek article about the need for an air carrier to fly out of the defunct Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, California. The article writer recommends that residents start their own airline: Berdoo Air.

Riverside, California area, "Opponents of California Gravel Pit Operation Sue County" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports that opponents of the Owl Rock gravel pit project near Riverside, California have filed suit against Riverside County and its supervisors, alleging officials failed to properly assess the impact of the project when reconsidering it in December. The article says that Rural Communities United, a group of property owners, residents, and business owners, filed suit June 1 in Riverside Superior Court. The group asks that County Supervisors hold new hearings and rescind their approval of the project's environmental impact report. In addition, the article reports, the group is seeking an injunction to prevent any work from being started at the site.

Riviera Beach, Florida, "Florida Concrete Factory Reduces Noise for Workers and Nearby Residents" (Mar. 21, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that a concrete block factory in Riviera Beach, Florida, is being called "the most technologically advanced" in the United States. Among its innovations are its techniques to reduce noise for workers.

Roanoke, Virginia, "An Editorial Advocates Cleaning Up Air Pollution in Roanoke, Virginia" (Jan. 9, 1998). An editorial printed by the Roanoke Times & World News advocates cleaning up noise pollution in Roanoke, Virginia. Kelly Polykov, a student at Hollins College, says in the editorial that like air and water pollution, noise pollution is a very real problem for millions of Americans across the country. It comes from cars, trucks, airplanes, leaf blowers, air conditioners, construction, the booming bass of car stereos and a plethora of other sources. Noise has been getting louder and the problem more widespread every year.

Roanoke, Virginia, "Industry Moving Into Western Virginia Creates Noise Problems for Residents" (Jul. 10, 1999). The Roanoke Times & World News reports that industry, which is moving increasingly into Western Virginia, is causing noise problems for residents. Frito-Lay and Johnson and Johnson are some of the big-name companies whose factories have created noise problems. While these factories often employ many people in the community, they also are commonly convinced to locate in a particular community that offers taxpayer money as an incentive. Most neighbors accept factories but wish they would keep quiet at night.

Rochelle Park, New Jersey, "New Jersey Airport's Assets Outweigh its Liabilities, Resident Believes" (Nov. 24, 1997). The Record printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Bob Hager, a Rochelle Park, New Jersey resident, regarding the controversy over noise from the Teterboro Airport:

Rock Hill, South Carolina, "South Carolina Police Gun Club Cooperates with Neighbors about Noise Complaints" (Nov. 16, 1998). The Herald reports a Rock Hill, South Carolina, police firing range has drawn several noise complaints from neighbors, but the owners promise more quiet.

Rock Hill, South Carolina, "York County, South Carolina Official Wants $4000 Noise Study to Determine If Proposed Freeze on Residential Development Near Airport is Necessary" (Nov. 13, 1999). The Herald reports that a York County, South Carolina council member wants the council to fund a $4,000 noise study to determine if a ban on future residential development near the Rock Hill airport is necessary. The council member thinks rezoning decisions should not be based on data from a 1994 study, which could be outdated. Residents of Rock Hill were opposed to the idea of industrial zones near their neighborhoods, but were somewhat satisfied when the planning commission agreed to provide green space buffers between residents and any industrial zones.

Rockdale County, Georgia, "Bottling Plant in Georgia Works to Resolve its Noise Problem" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports residents in the Georgia towns of Covington and Oxford soon will get relief from the noise of a nearby bottling plant.

Rockland, Maine, "Maine County Commissioners Want Public Advisory Committee on Airport Expansion" (Dec. 16, 1999). According to the Bangor Daily News, county commissioners in Knox County, Maine have called for a public advisory committee to the master plan for the Knox County Regional Airport. Of particular interest are noise and air pollution.

Rockland, Maine, "Rockland, Maine Council Rejects Proposed Changes to Noise Ordinance that Would Have Raised the Decibel Levels Allowed Downtown" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Bangor Daily News reports that the city council of Rockland, Maine has rejected a proposed change to the noise ordinance that would have increased the decibel level that was allowed downtown. The deciding vote came from a council member who changed her mind when she heard that noise was audible up to 1.5 miles away from a downtown nightclub.

Rocklin, California, "City Council Proposes Limits on Delivery Times After Noise and Fumes from Idling Delivery Trucks at a Rocklin, California Food Store Prompt Complaints" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Sacramento Bee reports that delivery trucks at a Rocklin, California grocery store have prompted the city council to propose limits on delivery times. Noise and exhaust has bothered residents, and the city council is considering gates that would keep delivery trucks out after certain hours. Traffic was also a concern, and a stop sign has been installed on the road to the store to deter speeding.

Rockport, Massachusetts, "Water Police in Massachusetts Communities Around Rockport Approach Regulation of Personal Watercraft in Several Ways" (May 2, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that complaints regarding noise, environmental impact, and safety of personal watercraft in communities near Rockport, Massachusetts is prompting responses from waterway officials and harbormasters. Injuries are increasingly common, and most officials say the best approach is regulation, coupled with education. An informal survey revealed that officials would rather educate than ban.

Rockwood, Ontario CANADA, "Pearson Official Pleased with Noise Trials; Rockwood Residents Cry, "Scam!"" (Mar. 29, 1999). The Toronto Star reports while a spokesman for the Greater Toronto Airports Authority called the recent trial flight routes at Pearson International Airport "encouraging," residents of Rockwood, Ontario, see little hope of noise relief.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut, "Conn. DOT to Assess Need for Sound Barriers Along Section of I-91 Expansion" (Aug. 7, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that in an effort to determine whether there is a need for sound barriers, the state Connecticut Department of Transportation has begun to monitor traffic noise in neighborhoods along I- 91 in Rocky Hill.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut, "Rocky Hill, Connecticut Residents Along I-91 Pleased that State is Conducting Noise Abatement Analysis" (Jun. 3, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that residents in Rocky Hill, Connecticut near I-91, who have for decades complained about traffic noise, are pleased with the state's current noise abatement study. Residents submitted a 200-signature petition to the city council complaining about interstate noise; the interstate borders 700-800 homes in Rocky Hill. The Federal Highway Administration has determined that noise abatement must be provided, and the state is in the process of deciding whether that is reasonable and feasible. If all goes well, construction could begin within several years.

Rocky Hill, Connecticut, "Nine Neighborhoods Near Rocky Hill, Connecticut's I-91 Traffic Will Get Noise Barriers" (Jan. 4, 2000). The Hartford Courant reports that nine noise walls will be erected in communities around Rocky Hill, Connecticut near Interstate 91, after years of complaints from residents.

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Seeks Voting Rights on Airport Noise Commission" (Sep. 18, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports the Rolling Meadows (Illinois) City Council has agreed to seek voting rights on the Chicago O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission, a group formed by the mayor to make noise mitigation recommendations. Currently, the city is represented on the commission, but cannot vote on issues because it is not considered an "affected area." But residents convinced city councillors that the noise they experience warrants a vote on the commission, the article says.

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, "Chicago Town Says it Qualifies to Vote on O'Hare Noise Commission" (Jun. 26, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports the city of Rolling Meadows, Illinois, wants to have more say about how soundproofing efforts are funded by becoming a voting member of the Chicago-funded O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission.

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, "City Official Wants Voting Rights for Rolling Meadows on O'Hare Noise Panel" (Jun. 25, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports an Illinois alderman in Rolling Meadows is urging that his city secure voting rights on the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, "Rolling Meadows Community Near Chicago O'Hare Airport Gains Full Membership to Noise Commission, Hopes Money for Soundproofing Will Follow" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports that Rolling Meadows, Illinois has been granted full-member status on the Chicago O'Hare Airport Noise Compatibility Commission. The decision was made after data showed the community to be in O'Hare's 'affected area' by FAA standards, and means that Rolling Meadows may have more access to soundproofing money. The commission makes recommendations to the Chicago's Department of Aviation about which homes and other buildings may need soundproofing.

Rolling Meadows, Illinois, "Rolling Meadows Community Near Chicago's O'Hare Airport Is Now a Member of the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission" (Sep. 10, 1999). Chicago Daily Herald reports that Rolling Meadows, a community near Chicago's O'Hare Airport, has been admitted to the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission: the body that decides how and where soundproofing dollars will be spent. Based on 1997 noise-contour maps, many other communities have also been invited to become members. Locals are pleased, although they know that most money will still go to communities closer to the airport. One resident said he hoped the community would use their new status to oppose runway expansion

Rome, Italy, "Italy Places Partial Ban on Nighttime Aircraft Flights" (Aug. 6, 1997). The Xinhua News Agency reports that the Italian Ministry of Environment issued a decree today that will partially ban aircraft takeoffs and landings at domestic airports at night, in an effort to curb noise pollution for residents near airports. The ban will go into effect next June 30.

Rome, Maine, "Debate Over Water Scooters on Maine Waters Grows" (Jul. 5, 1997). The Patriot Ledger reports that the debate in Maine over what to do about water scooters is growing. Critics say the personal watercraft, known by brand names such as Jet Skis or Sea Doos, are noisy and a nuisance, while proponents say the scooters are a great way to draw families to Maine and make money. The state legislature had a chance to pass regulations governing the watercraft this year, but essentially did nothing, the article says.

Romulus and Huron Township, Michigan, "Federal Grant Gives $5 Million to Soundproof Homes Near Detroit Airport" (Apr. 16, 1998). The Detroit News reports that vice president Al Gore announced Wednesday that the Detroit (Michigan) Metropolitan Airport will get $5 million to soundproof 110 homes in Romulus and Huron Township, and to buy homes in the loudest areas. The article notes that this is the fourth year the airport has received the $5 million grant, which is part of the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program.

Romulus, Michigan, "Airport Neighbors Fear Expansion Project Will Make Living Near Detroit Metropolitan Airport More Miserable" (Oct. 6, 1998). The Detroit News reports that more than 700 neighbors living near Detroit Metropolitan Airport want Wayne County to require the airport to take new steps to ease the noise before the airport begins its $1.6-billion airport expansion.

Romulus, Michigan, "Residents Fear Expansion at Detroit Metropolitan Airport will Increase Noise; They Insist on Noise Study" (Oct. 6, 1998). The Associated Press reports that residents fear the expansion of Detroit Metropolitan Airport will increase airport noise, despite county efforts to implement a noise abatement program.

Roselle, Ill., "Illinois Airport Plans To Monitor Airplane Noise (May27, 1999)." (May 27, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that esidents near Schaumburg Airport have registered so many complaints about airplane noise that airport officials are now monitoring noise levels. Officials added, according to the report, that pilots have emphasized their intent to be as considerate as possible of residents in the area.

Roselle, Illinois, "Roselle (Chicago Suburb), Illinois' Schaumburg Airport to Monitor Noise Ordinance Compliance in Response to Resident Complaints" (May 27, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Schaumburg Regional Airport, on the outskirts of Chicago, plans to implement a noise abatement monitoring program in response to continued resident complaints. The program would track flights on random days and record whether pilots are legally high enough when they turn to fly over residential areas.

Roseville, California, "California Residents Frightened Over Detonation of Old, Newly Discovered Bombs" (Oct. 20, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that eight military bombs were detonated Sunday at the rail yard in Roseville, California, damaging homes and disturbing hundreds of residents. The Vietnam War-era bombs were discovered in the rail yard by workers of the Union Pacific Transportation Co.

Roseville, California, "California Trains and Boom Cars Subjects of Residents' Complaints" (Feb. 1, 2000). The Sacramento Bee printed these letters about train noise at night and loud car stereos. The letters are printed in their entirety.

Roseville, California, "Noise from California Night Club Creates Neighborhood Tension" (Jan. 13, 2000). The Sacramento Bee reported that Roseville residents can't enjoy their back yards, rest, read or sleep because of a neighborhood billiard business that plays live music, but the city council says the club doesn't violate the local noise ordinance.

Rotan, Texas, "Texas Rancher Objects to Air Force Plan--Noise from Bombers Threatens Quality of Life" (Sep. 20, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports Texan ranchers are concerned about how noise from an Air Force training range for bombers will effect their animals, ranches, and ways of life.

Rowlett, Texas, "Texas Community Passes Noise Ordinance" (Nov. 21, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that some southwest Rowlett homeowners say they are still waiting for the peace and quiet promised by a city noise ordinance passed early this year.

Rowlett, Texas, "Rowlett, Texas Seeks Solution To Noise Dispute with Industrial Park" (Jan. 9, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that city officials said they may soon have a solution to the ongoing dispute over noise between southwest Rowlett, Texas neighborhoods and nearby businesses. According to the article, residents of Dexham Estates and Ridgecrest have complained for several years about noise coming from Tolar Industrial Park near Dexham Road and State Highway 66. Although the City Council passed a noise ordinance in January 1997 in response to the complaints, homeowners have said that they have seen little decrease in the noise levels. Possible solutions being discussed include building a sound wall, buying sound measuring equipment, and soundproofing homes, and lowering the decibel levels allowed in the ordinance.

Roxbury, Massachusetts, "Roxbury, Mass., is Loser in Noise Turf Battle, Say Residents" (Apr. 3, 1999). The Boston Globe reports the Runway 27 Coalition in Massachusetts now has former members saying one faction benefited at the expense of another community in its battle over noise pollution from Logan Airport.

Rumford, Rhode Island, "Ordinance Prohibiting All-Terrain Vehicles Along Reservoir in Rumford, Rhode Island Amended to Create Stiffer Fines" (Jan. 28, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that an ordinance that prohibits the use of all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles along railbeds and near a reservoir in Rumford, Rhode Island has been amended to increase the fines. The ordinance is intended to protect the environment and to reduce noise.

Russett and Maryland City, Maryland, "Developers of Proposed Racing Complex Plan to Offer Perks to Nearby Russett and Maryland City, Maryland Residents in Order to Win Support" (Jan. 13, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that developers of a proposed 54,800-seat auto racetrack west of Fort Meade, Maryland said yesterday they might build eight public ball fields, a skateboard park and improve road intersections to win the support of skeptical neighbors. This seems to indicate the Middle River Racing Association of Timonium developers want to be "good neighbors" to nearby Russett and Maryland City, according to Anne Arundel County Executive John G. Gary. But some community leaders reacted hostilely, saying in the article that construction of soccer fields would not ease the noise and traffic problems created by a racing complex.

Russett, Maryland, "Residents Oppose Proposed Speedway in Russett, Maryland" (Jan. 14, 1998). The Capital reports that a proposed speedway just west of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Russett, Maryland has created a slew of concerns for neighbors. These concerns center around potential noise and decreased property values.

Rutherford, New Jersey, "New Jersey Airport Affects Schoolchildren" (May 22, 1997). The Record reports in a commentary by Emma Perez that air traffic over Rutherford is affecting schoolchildren. She paints the scene of a child trying to give an oral presentation over the roar of jets flying overhead. He is asked to speak up but cries when he is unsuccessful in competing with the overhead noise. Perez warns that corporations using Teterboro Airport should be wary of and comply with noise abatement guidelines, or a residential boycott of that corporation's product may result.

Rutherford, New Jersey, "Noise Consultant to Speak to New Jersey Citizens About Effects of Aircraft Noise" (Oct. 23, 1997). The Record reports that Arline Bronzaft, an author, researcher, and noise consultant, will speak to the public about aircraft noise in south Bergen County, New Jersey. Bronzaft was asked to speak by a citizens group, the Alliance of Municipalities Concerning Air Traffic, which is fighting possible plans to re-route corporate jets to the Teterboro Airport. Bronzaft will discuss a recent study that found that children living or going to school in areas that experience aircraft noise have poorer reading skills and slower cognitive development, on average.

Rutland, Vermont, "Bill in VT House Would Ban Personal Watercraft from Most Vermont Lakes" (Feb. 23, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports Jet Skis and other brands of the popular motorized water scooters may be banned on all but Vermont's four largest lakes.

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