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Ilkeston, United Kingdom, "Ilkeston, United Kingdom Historic Police Station to Become a Pub, Despite Residents' Concern Over Noise" (Jan. 28, 2000). The Nottingham Evening Post reports that a century-old building in Ilkeston, U.K. that formerly housed a police station will become a pub despite residents' concerns over potential noise.
Ilminster, England, "English Court of Appeal Rules Against Noise Complaint" (Jan. 21, 1998). Times Newspapers Limited of London reports on the outcome of a Court of Appeal: Murdoch and Another v Glacier Metal Co Ltd., in which the plaintiffs were overruled in a noise case.
Independence, Ohio, "Independence, Ohio Approves Noise Ordinance that Addresses Late-Night Construction and Excessive Stereo Volume" (Nov. 12, 1999). The Plain Dealer reports that a noise ordinance has been approved in Independence, Ohio that addresses excessive amplified noise and construction noise.
Indian River and Brevard Counties, Florida, "Florida County Officials Consider Whether Some Airboats Should Be Banned on a River" (May 26, 1998). The Press Journal reports that officials in Brevard County, Florida have deferred action on a proposed ban on airboats on the Sebastian River until Indian River County officials decide whether to regulate airboats on its portion of the river. The article says that the Indian River County Commission will hold a public hearing on the issue June 2 in Vero Beach. Large airboats operated by commercial tourism companies have drawn criticisms from residents on the river because of their noise.
Indian River County, Florida, "Florida County Planning Staff Recommends No Ban on Airboats on River" (Jun. 2, 1998). The Press Journal reports that planning staff members in Indian River County, Florida have recommended that the County Commission not pass a ban on airboats on the Sebastian River during its meeting today. Planning staffers said there is not enough evidence of negative impacts to ban airboats, but they did recommend consideration of banning all boats more than 25 feet in the narrow stretches of the river. The issue came before the commission after dozens of residents who live on or near the river in Roseland complained about noise from a commercial airboat tour operation. Meanwhile, officials in Brevard County are watching the vote closely, because they also have been asked to regulate airboats on their part of the river.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Indianapolis Airport's Newest Noise Relief Proposal Offers Residents Soundproofing or Buyouts" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Indianapolis Star reports that in response to residents' complaints about jet noise from the Indianapolis International Airport, the Indianapolis Airport Authority has proposed a plan to soundproof homes in certain areas or offer to buy the homes from residents and re-sell them. The airport's proposal is an attempt to preserve neighborhoods to a greater degree than has been done in the past, airport officials said.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Indianapolis Airport Proposes New Noise Mitigation Programs" (Jun. 21, 1997). The Indianapolis Star reports that the Indianapolis (Indiana) International Airport has proposed new noise programs designed to provide relief to residents. The proposals include soundproofing and buying homes southwest of the airport, and in areas less affected by noise, providing some compensation for homeowners unable to sell their homes at appraised values. In addition, the proposals include having departing planes change the times when they turn toward their destination, which could lessen noise impacts.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Homeowners' Interests Regarding Aircraft Noise Left out of Noise Reduction Plan Sent by Indianapolis Airport Authority to FAA for Approval" (Feb. 7, 1998). The Indianapolis Star reports that homeowners' issues regarding aircraft noise were not included in an aircraft noise reduction plan approved by the Indianapolis Airport Authority board on February 4, 1998. It could take as much as six months for the Federal Aviation Administration to rule on the plan.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Indiana Resident Asks How to Get Relief From Noisy Dog" (Jul. 18, 1998). The Indianapolis Star reports printed a column in which a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana asked whether there is a county ordinance that protects residents from neighbors' dogs that bark incessantly. The columnist responded by outlining the law enforcement process that the resident could undertake.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Indianapolis Resident Says Police Unwilling to Enforce Noise Ordinances Downtown" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Indianapolis Star published the following letter from Arthur J. Usher IV, an Indianapolis, Indiana, resident. Usher contends the city police are unwilling to enforce noise ordinances, making living in the city practically unbearable. Usher wrote:
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Recovering Indianapolis Conference Center Opposes Proposal for Go-Kart Track One Floor Above Meeting Rooms" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Indianapolis Star reports that operators of an Indianapolis Conference Center -- which is just attempting a comeback after closing several years ago -- oppose a proposal that would place a go-kart track one floor above them. Sound experts say no noise would come through, but operators are wary of the recent $8-million investment in the building.
Indianapolis, Indiana, "Indiana Residents Want Noise Barriers Along I-465" (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the Indianapolis Star, Indiana residents from Northeastside want the state highway department to build a noise barrier when they rebuild Interstate 465 this year, and sent a petition to the Indiana Department of Transportation.
Indianapolis, Indiana area, "Indiana Town Officials Present Suggestions for Reducing Jet Noise from Indianapolis Airport" (Nov. 14, 1997). The Indianapolis News reports that officials from Plainfield and Mooresville, Indiana offered suggestions for diverting most of the planes from Indianapolis International Airport away from Metro West area towns at a public hearing Wednesday night. The article says that about 30 residents and several of their attorneys from areas in Hendricks, Morgan, and Marion counties also offered suggestions. The Indianapolis Airport Authority held the public hearing to gather comments about the airport's latest planned changes in flight patterns and other steps to mitigate or compensate neighbors for the harmful noise. The public's comments will be reviewed before the airport board votes in January on a new noise mitigation plan, according to airport spokesperson Dennis Rosebrough, after which the plan will be sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for approval.
Inglewood, California, "Grant Awarded to California City to Reduce Airport Noise" (Oct. 2, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that Inglewoood, California received $10.5-million in grant money from the federal government to mitigate noise from Los Angeles International airport. The money will be used to buy residential property affected by noise and rezone it for different use.
Inglewood, California, "Grants Aimed at Reducing Resident Exposure to Airport Noise in Los Angeles" (Oct. 2, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that the community of Inglewood will receive $17 million in grants from the Federal Aviation Administration's airport improvement program to help reduce residents' exposure to noise from Los Angeles International Airport.
Inglewood, California, "Inglewood, California, Burdened with Jet Noise from Los Angeles International Airport" (Mar. 22, 1999). City News Service reports Inglewood, California, officials say their town in unfairly burdened with overflights from Los Angeles International Airport.
Inglewood, California, "California Residents Protest Los Angeles International Airport Noise" (Jan. 17, 2000). An article from City News Service reports that protestors will march at Inglewood City Hall on January 19, protesting an agreement that denies their right to sue Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) if the organization that operates the airport pays for sound-proofing their homes.
Inkom, Idaho, "Inkom, Idaho Residents Complain About a Low-End Noise From a Cement Plant Five Miles Downhill" (May 7, 1999). The Idaho Statesman reports that residents in Inkom, Idaho are complaining about a low-frequency, intermittent sound that seems to be coming from a cement plant five miles away down the hillside. The plant's environmental officer says that the problem may be a kiln shell fan installed two years ago, and has placed a monitoring device at a home on the hillside; they plan to isolate different sounds captured by the device to determine that the sound is coming from them. The plant will consider hiring an acoustical expert if the sound is determined to be from the plant. The sound is heard most often on calm evenings after the nearby Interstate has quieted down.
Inkom, Idaho, "Idaho Cement Company To Study Plant Noise" (Feb. 4, 2000). According to an article from the Associated Press, the Ash Grove Cement Company will fund a second acoustic study to determine the source of a low hum bothering residents in the vicinity of the plant.
Inkom, Idaho, "Idahoans Blame Cement Company for Noise Distrubances" (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Idaho Statesman, neighbors of the Ash Grove Cement Co. say low hum or vibration from the plant bothers them during the day and keeps them awake at night.
Innsbruck, Austria, "Austrian Noise Activists Block Major Highway to Protest European Union Policy That Allows Large Trucks on All Highways" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that hundreds of noise activists in Austria on Friday blocked one of Europe's major alpine highways, the E45 motorway near Innsbruck and the Brenner Pass, in a 28-hour protest against European Union policies that keep all highways open to huge trucks. The article says Austrians are fed up with the noise and fumes in their scenic valleys caused by heavy trucks on their alpine highways en route between Italy and Germany.
Innsbruck, Austria, "Transalpine Highway Blocked by Austrian Anti-noise Protesters" (Jun. 13, 1998). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that about 4,000 demonstrators shut down the Brenner Pass Friday, June 10 in protest against European Union policies that keep all highways open to huge trucks. Austrians are fed up with the noise and fumes of 1.2 million trucks using the pass each year. According to the article that number is a 50 percent increase since 1990 and is due to increased cross-border trade that is in line with European Union policies.
Invercargill, New Zealand, "New Zealand Airport Officials Want New Housing Restricted Around Airport" (Apr. 12, 1997). The Southland Times reports that officials at the Invercargill Airport in Invercargill, New Zealand believe it will be harder for the airport to expand its international flights unless new housing is restricted in Otatara. Officials of the airport's management company Airport Ltd. said the draft district plan, which governs the city for the next 10 years, deals with airport planning too loosely. They urged city councillors to ban further residential development under the western flight path in Otatara so the runway could eventually be extended for trans-Tasman flights. The airport company also asked that noise mitigation measures, such as insulation and double-glazing, be imposed on buildings under the eastern flight path.
Invercargill, New Zealand, "Development Around New Zealand Airport Would be Limited Under Proposed Plan" (Nov. 19, 1997). The Southland Times reports that development surrounding the Invercargill Airport in Invercargill, New Zealand would be restricted to prevent noise complaints under the latest draft of the Invercargill District Plan released yesterday. The plan must be approved by the City Council, the article notes.
Inverness, Florida, "Visitor from U.K. Says Inverness, Florida Speedway Should Be Moved Away From Residential Areas" (Nov. 9, 1999). The St. Petersburg Times prints a letter to the editor from a U.K. man -- visiting Inverness, Florida -- who says that the loud speedway in the area should be moved away from residential areas.
Ipswich, England, "Court Orders Couple to Quiet Lovemaking after Neighbors Complain of Noise in Ipswich, England" (Aug. 6, 1998). The Mirror reports an Ipswich, England, man has been ordered to keep his lovemaking sessions quiet or face eviction.
Irvine, California, "California Residents Worry About Noise Effects of New Tollway" (Nov. 18, 1996). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letter from Jeffrey and Linda Kaufman, residents of Irvine, California:
Irvine, California, "California Airport Environmental Report Lacks Property Value Impacts" (Feb. 21, 1997). OC Weekly printed the following editorial by Anthony Pignataro regarding the proposed conversion of the El Toro Air Base near Irvine, California to a commercial airport:
Irvine, California, "California's El Toro Airport Foes Cite Study About Falling Home Values" (Feb. 13, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents near the proposed El Toro airport in Orange County, California are hoping that a federal study conducted in 1994 can help them prove that their property values will be harmed by the airport.
Irvine, California, "California Judge Makes Two Preliminary Rulings Siding With Airport Opponents' Concerns in Proposed Air Base Conversion Suits" (Oct. 16, 1997). The Orange County Register reports that San Diego Superior Court Judge Judith McConnell said in a tentative court ruling issued Wednesday that the City of Irvine's plans to develop the El Toro Marine Base failed to analyze development restrictions that protect Marine landing and takeoff zones. She also indicated that the city should have considered how its plan fits with county air-safety and noise restrictions. In another lawsuit filed by airport opponents against the county regarding the proposed conversion of the El Toro base into a commercial airport, McConnell tentatively ruled Friday that the county artificially minimized the impact an airport would have on noise, traffic, and air quality. Final rulings in both cases are due in 90 days.
Irvine, California, "Researchers Develop Ways to Reduce the Sound of Supersonic Jets" (Oct. 6, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that University of California at Irvine has been studying ways to reduce noise from supersonic jets for four years, with the assistance of NASA funds. NASA will give the researchers lab space in Virginia for larger experiments in February.
Irvine, California, "Debate in California Anti-Airport Suburb on El Toro Airport Doesn't Sway Audience" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that a debate was held Thursday in Irvine, California on the proposed commercial airport at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station between Norman Ewers, a retired Marine Corps pilot and airport supporter, and Larry Agran, the chair of Project 99 and the former Irvine mayor. The article notes that most residents in Irvine oppose the airport; thus, Ewers got little sympathy, while Agran preached to the choir. After the debate, the 65 residents who attended remained undaunted in their opposition to the airport, the article says.
Irvine, California, "Converstion of El Toro and Other Options for Los Angeles' Former Military Airbase" (Jun. 21, 1998). Los Angeles Times published several letters to the editor relaying opinions about the various options for the conversion of the El Toro Airforce Base. Options discussed in the editorials include: (1) the economic feasibility of the Millennium Plan, an economic development option; (2) conversion of El Toro to commercial airport to meet the increased air travel demands; (3) the possibility of meeting air travel demands by building a commercial airport at Los Alamitos Armed Forces Reserve Center; and (4) the Diego Freeway and meeting increased air demand through the Long Beach Airport. The opinions are as follows:
Irvine, California, "Noise Demonstration Set for El Toro Base Reuse Project in Irvine, California" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that commercial jetliner flight demonstrations have been scheduled for October at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station to show the public what noise would be like if the military base were converted to an international airport.
Irvine, California, "Calif. Residents Write Letters in Protest of El Toro Airport" (May 17, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published the following letters to the editor about an op-ed article the paper published by former mayor of Newport Beach, Clarence Turner, and his opinions on the controversial El Toro Airport. The first letter is from Larry Agran of Irvine, California:
Irvine, California, "Irvine, California's city council Sues County Over Planned Jet Noise Test at El Toro Marine Base, Insisting on Environmental Review" (May 26, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Irvine, California's City Council will sue the County over a planned test of commercial jet noise at El Toro Marine base. The council wants the county to obtain an environmental review, and consider public safety issues involved, before the two-day test, during which noise from 27 takeoffs and landings will be recorded using 10 noise monitors. The study is intended to determine whether commercial jets can use the facility without excessive disturbance of the surrounding residential communities. The County supervisors, military and federal regulators have all approved the test, saying an environmental study is not needed.
Irvine, California, "Irvine, California's City Council to Sue Against Demonstration of Commercial Jet Noise at El Toro Military Base on Environmental Grounds" (May 26, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that Irvine, California will sue the County to stop a two-day demonstration of commercial jet noise at El Toro military base. The demonstration is intended to give residents a taste of how noisy it may be if the base is converted into a commercial airport. Eight different kinds of planes will land and take off up to five times each. Also, ten noise monitors will be set up, although data collected over only two days will not be scientifically significant.
Irvine, California, "Jet-Noise Demonstration at El Toro Marine Base in Orange County, California Draws Mixed Reactions from Neighbors" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports that after the first day of $1.3 million jet-noise tests at the 4,700 acre El Toro Marine Base in Orange County, Florida, neighbors are mixed in their reactions. Many critics turned out with noise monitors -- despite the fact that the County had stationed their own -- and measured noise of up to 107 decibels. Some scheduled demonstration flights in the early morning were scrubbed because of bad weather; critics said this supported their claim that the demonstration flight paths were misleading because they would eventually be forbidden by federal officials due to safety concerns. Officials claimed that the flights were scrubbed only because the foul-weather landing system -- which would be in place at a functioning commercial airport -- had been removed by the Marines when they vacated the base.
Irvine, California, "Judge Rejects Arguments to Bar Jet-Noise Test at Orange County, California's El Toro Marines Base" (Jun. 2, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports that a judge has dismissed claims by environmentalists that jet-noise tests at Irvine, California's El Toro Marines Base require a state environmental impact report. Environmentalists and other critics have claimed that the $1.3 million demonstration, which is intended to give residents an idea of noise from a proposed commercial airport, is misleading because planes will be flying lighter and thus quieter, a danger to the environment because of noise, and dangerous because of hilly terrain on the takeoff path. The judge said that while all of that may be true, the test will cause insignificant environmental harm, and will be used to gather information: a fact that exempts the demonstration from needing a state environmental report.
Irvine, California, "Millennium Plan -- Irvine, California's Development Alternative to a New Airport -- Will Add Some Noise, though It's Unclear How the Noise Would Compare to Noise from an Airport" (Nov. 25, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that the Millennium Plan -- a city-proposed development -- is poised to replace a county-proposed airport. An environmental impact report on the plan says noise would increase by 1.5 decibels on nearby roadways.
Irvine, California area, "Potential Noise of a Proposed California Airport Already Affecting Local Residents" (Dec. 14, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents near the proposed international airport at the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station -- which could be built beginning in two years -- are upset and frustrated with the potential project, they don't think there's much that can be done.
Irvine, California area, "Airline Pilot Argues That Flight Test at California's Proposed El Toro Airport Wouldn't Work" (Aug. 10, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed an editorial by George Mon, an airline captain from Laguna Niguel, California, regarding noise from the proposed conversion of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station to a commercial airport. The writer argues that a plan to conduct flight tests to allow residents to assess the noise impact of a commercial airport would not work.
Irvine, California area, "California Residents Air Their Views About Proposed Conversion of Marine Base to Commercial Airport" (Nov. 16, 1997). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letters-to-the-editor from residents in the Irvine, California area regarding the proposed conversion of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station into a commercial airport:
Irvine, California area, "California Resident Creates CD of Jet Noise to Support Fight Against Proposed El Toro Airport" (Sep. 10, 1997). The Orange County Register printed an editorial that says resident Dave Kirkey has created a CD recording of airplanes taking off and landing at John Wayne Airport and Los Angeles International as ammunition in the fight against the proposed El Toro International Airport near Irvine, California. The editorial argues that Kirkey's CD is little more than conjecture of what the noise from El Toro actually would sound like.
Irvine, California area, "Options for Converting California Air Base Into Commercial Airport Unveiled; All Options Call for Smaller Operations Than Originally Envisioned" (Apr. 17, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that the master plan for the proposed El Toro Airport in Orange County, California -- which includes four scaled down options for airport configuration -- was presented today. The airport, in any of its incarnations, would handle three to five times more passengers than nearby John Wayne Airport.
Irvine, California area, "Activists in Newport Beach, California Wield Power in El Toro Airport Fight" (Apr. 26, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that Newport Beach residents -- who fought the expansion of John Wayne Airport in the 1970s -- are worried that if the proposed El Toro Airport isn't built, increases in air traffic will occur at John Wayne since expansion limits are scheduled to end in 2005. As a result, residents there have become fierce proponents for the El Toro Airport, often opposing residents in the south of Orange County who worry they will be negatively impacted by El Toro. In addition to past experience, Newport Beach residents tend to have more money and political clout than south county residents.
Irvine, California area, "Routing Jets North Out of a Proposed El Toro Airport in Southern California Would Reduce Noise Over Some Neighborhoods, Noise Expert Says" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that officials in Orange County have proposed routing more flights north on takeoff if the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station near Irvine, California is converted into a commercial airport. According to the county's noise expert, routing more planes north could reduce the number of takeoffs and jet noise over communities to the east.
Irvine, California area, "Reporter Profiles Supporter of Proposed El Toro International Airport in California" (Feb. 23, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that Gary Proctor, chair of the Orange County (California) El Toro Airport Citizens Advisory Commission, is lobbying to educate and provide evidence to residents who oppose the conversion of the El Toro Air Base near Irvine into an international airport. The article profiles Proctor, and presents two differing opinions on him.
Irvine, California area, "Southern California Residents Continue to Debate Proposed El Toro Airport" (Feb. 22, 1998). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letters-to-the-editor from residents in Irvine, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, and Laguna Hills, California, regarding the proposed conversion of the El Toro Air Base into an international airport:
Irvine, California area, "Editorial Argues that FAA Should Take Greater Role in Determining Flight Patterns at Proposed California Airport" (Jul. 19, 1998). The Los Angeles Times printed an editorial that says the Federal Aviation Administration should be more involved in determining feasibility of the El Toro Airport in Orange County, California. Currently, debates over takeoffs to the East and North are not grounded in the way that they would be if the FAA -- whose prime responsibility is assuring safety and efficiency of airport operations -- would give a firm opinion on the safety of the proposed runways usage.
Irvine, California area, "Residents Continue Debate on Commercial Airport at California's El Toro Marine Base" (Jul. 26, 1998). The Los Angeles Times printed the following letters-to-the-editor from residents in the Irvine, California area regarding the proposed commercial airport at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station:
Irvine, California area, "Pilots Union Suggests Alternative Runway Plan for Proposed El Toro Airport in California" (Jul. 4, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that members of the Air Line Pilots Association, the nation's largest pilots union, believe if a proposed commercial airport is built at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station near Irvine, California, county officials should build two new runways to address potential safety problems. The association suggested that the existing north/south runway should be used for landings, and the proposed southeast/northwest runways should be used for takeoffs. Meanwhile, county officials called the proposal unreasonable because it would create new noise problems over at least a dozen cities.
Irvine, California area, "California Officials Say Jets Departing From Proposed El Toro Airport Won't Fly Over Communities to the Northwest, Conflicting With FAA Report" (Mar. 27, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that Orange County, California officials -- pushing for an El Toro Airport -- are telling north-county towns that northbound flights from the proposed airport won't affect them because flights will go right over the Santa Ana Mountains. The Federal Aviation Administration and county consultants disagree.
Irvine, California area, "Opposition to Proposed El Toro Airport in California Mounts from Northern Communities" (Mar. 26, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that communities in the center of Orange county are beginning to wonder if an El Toro commercial airport would cause noise problems for them. County officials are scrambling to find ways to route flights so they don't pass too close to communities.
Irvine, California area, "North and South Orange County in California Continue to Fight Over Proposed Airport" (May 25, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that the proposal to build an international airport at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station near Irvine, California has created a controversy that has split Orange County along north-south lines, and has strained families, friendships, and political alliances in the area. The article goes on to detail the ways in which the opposing sides have become divided.
Irving, Texas, "Dallas Airport Locked In Battle With Local Church" (Feb. 11, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that the Dallas/Fortworth Airport is destroying an area Church and community center.
Irving, Texas, "Texas Judge Dismisses Three Noise-Related Lawsuits Against Airport" (Jun. 2, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that a judge last week dismissed three noise-related lawsuits by residents in Irving, Texas against the Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport. The decision has prompted airport officials to seek dismissals of more than 200 similar claims. Meanwhile, a lawyer for some of the residents said he is considering whether to appeal or seek a new trial.
Irving, Texas, "Apartments Near Dallas/Fort Worth Airport to Be Soundproofed With Airport's Money; Many Property Owners Who Are Eligible for the Soundproofing Have Declined, Since a Condition of the Soundproofing is a Permanent Easement for Aircraft Overflights" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Fort Worth Start-Telegram reports that although several apartment complexes near Dallas/Fort Worth Airport in Irving, Texas will be soundproofed, many property owners don't wish to grant the permanent easement that is required before soundproofing takes place Only $3-million of the $18-million available has been spent.
Irwin, Pennsylvania, "New Restaurant in Irwin, Pennsylvania Worries Neighbors Who Anticipate Loud Noise and Traffic" (Apr. 1, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that persons living in the Penglyn section of Irwin, Pennsylvania are protesting the potential opening of Norwin's Ultimate Eatery fearing loud noise and increased traffic in their neighborhood. The proposed restaurant site is actually in North Huntingdon but many of the complaints are coming from residents across the street, which is in Irvin.
Islamorada, Florida, "Use of Personal Watercraft Prohibited Near Some Shores in the Florida Keys" (Jun. 22, 1998). The New York Times reports County Commissioners in Monroe County, Florida have approved an ordinance that prohibits operating personal watercraft within 1,200 feet of 14 beaches and resorts from Key West to Key Largo. The Personal Watercraft Industry Association, an association that represents five manufacturers of personal watercraft, plans to file suit in a Federal court asking that the ordinance be repealed.
Island Falls, Maine, "Residents of Island Falls, Maine Vote to Recall Prohibited-Uses Portion of Zoning Ordinance" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Bangor Daily News reports that Island Falls, Maine voters recently recalled a portion of the town's zoning ordinance in order to protect the National Starch and Chemical Company factory in town. The zoning ordinance from 1974 said that the town would prohibit "all uses that are obnoxious or injurious to health or property by reason of odor, dust, smoke, refuse-matter fumes, noise, vibration or similar conditions."
Isle of Palms, SC, "Isle of Palms, SC Restaurant Wins Court Battle over "Overbroad" Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 17, 1999). The Post and Courier reports a federal judge ruled that the Isle of Palms noise ordinance is too vague and broad to be legally enforcable.
Islington, England, "North London Church Fined for Noise Violations" (Mar. 13, 1998). The Press Association Newsfile reports a North London church has been fined for violating noise regulations.
Islip, New York, "New York Town Residents Say Airport Violates Late-Night Flight Agreement" (May 9, 1997). Newsday reports that residents who live near the Long Island-MacArthur (New York) Airport are angry that airplanes have begun to fly into the airport after 11 p.m. and are claiming that airport officials and Islip town officials misled them into believing there was a late-night curfew on flights.
Islip, New York, "Long Island Group Opposes Noise and Night Flights at MacArthur Airport" (May 19, 1998). Newsday reports that as the New York Town of Islip prepares to expand the terminal at Long Island MacArthur Airport, a group of residents is urging town officials to focus on the problem of airport noise.
Islip, New York, "Islip, NY, Residents Demand Night-Time Curfew at MacArthur Airport" (Mar. 14, 1999). Newsday reports residents of Islip, New York, are protesting late-night flights at MacArthur Airport and asking for a night-time flight curfew.
Itasca and Wood Dale, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Officials Urge Residents to Call Senators About Proposal to Add More Flights at O'Hare" (Jul. 11, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that local officials in Itasca and Wood Dale, Illinois are urging residents to call Illinois' two senators to protest a plan to add 100 daily flights at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. The article notes that the proposal is championed by Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), the chair of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and is scheduled for a final vote in the committee on Tuesday.
Ithaca, New York, "Researchers Find That Children in Noisy Areas Are Poor Readers Because They Tune Out Human Speech" (May 10, 1997). The Ottawa Citizen reports that researchers at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York are suggesting that children who live in noisy areas have poorer reading skills because they tune out human speech and thus have a harder time recognizing and understanding human speech.
Ithaca, New York, "Cornell Study Measures Ill Effects of Airport Noise on School-Age Children" (Mar. 4, 1998). BC Cycle reports Cornell researchers say that airport noise puts stress on children that may have lifelong effects. The article details the physiological effects of airport noise on a group of children living in Germany over a period of two years.
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