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LA, Kenner, "Louisiana Residents Angered by Airport's Delay To control Noise" (May 28, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that residents of Kenner, a small town near the New Orleans airport attended a public hearing about airplane noise. The purpose of the hearing was to explain recommendations given by the federal government, but residents were suspicious that the hearing was merely window dressing, and that the results simply justify what airport officials are already doing.
La., Greenwood, "Louisiana Racetrack Loses Bid to Block Town From Enforcing Noise Ordinance" (May 29, 1999). An Associated Press article reports that on the eve of a special racing event, the Boothill Speedway in Greenwood, Louisiana lost its battle with the town's enforcement of a noise ordinance. Boothill Speedway owners were prepared for a fine because the special event would violate curfew and noise ordinances, but were not prepared for the ruling.
La., Greenwood, "Louisiana Racetrack Loses; Noise Ordinance Wins (May 29, 1999)." (May 29, 1999). An Associated Press article reports that on the eve of a special racing event, the Boothill Speedway in Greenwood, Louisiana lost its battle with the town's enforcement of a noise ordinance.
LEOMINSTER, "Massachusetts Living Facility Air Conditioning System Creating Noise Pollution Lawsuit" (Apr. 30, 1997). Gazette reports that the air conditioning system of Cortland House, a 60-unit living facility, has been exceeding city noise limits since it was built last May. The neighbors that immediately complained had Health Director Robert P. Carlson order the facility's owner, Max E. Jordan, to fix the problem. Cortland House Officials claim the noise problem has since been fixed, but city officials disagree and are considering taking legal action.
London, "Technology Fights Noise With... More Noise" (Apr. 28, 1997). Singapore Straights Times reports that according to the London Sunday Times, that scientists and researchers are utilizing the latest theories on sound waves to produce armchairs and beds that can quiet outside noise. Speakers are incorporated within the furniture to emit an opposing tone which neutralizes the outside noise. The speakers simultaneously play back mirror images of outside noises, canceling out the outside noises. This active sound control has been successfully used in cars, aircraft and ventilation fans.
London, "London Says New Rolls-Royce is Quieter Car" (Jul. 5, 1999). The Air Transport Intelligence reports that if industry and state funding are available, the Rolls-Royce airplane will be quieter by 10 decibels (dB) by 2010.
London, "London Student Designs Electronic "Curtain" that Filters Unwanted Noise From Soothing Frequencies" (Jun. 30, 1999). Birmingham Evening Mail reports that a 25-year-old student at London's Royal College of Art has designed a "Smart Curtain" which combats irritating noise. The electronic device reduces sound intensity by up to eight decibels, and filters noise to allow only soothing frequencies to pass. The student received a prize of 2,000 pounds from the British Standards Institution for creating a design which promotes environmental best practice. The inventor notes that "Having control over a noisy environment makes people feel less stressed out and more comfortable."
London, "Noise Complaint By Cornwall, U.K. Resident Leads British Airways to Slow Concorde Flights Earlier, Causing Sonic Boom Farther Away From Land" (Jun. 9, 1999). AFX News reports that British Airways, in response to a two-year campaign by a resident in Cornwall, England, will slow its Concorde flights earlier in their approach to the shore. Harry Pusey, former aviation expert, has had his sleep disrupted by the Concorde's sonic boom just before 10:00 PM in winter along with many other residents living on the north coast. The Concorde will now slow from 1,920 to 96 kph 11 kilometers earlier, causing the boom while the aircraft is still out of sound range of land; the alteration will add less than a minute to the 3-4 hour trip between New York and London.
London, "European Lobbying Group Supports EC Noise and ATC Initiatives" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to the Air Transport Intelligence, European Commission (EC) spokesman Loyola de Palacio announced that a European airport lobbying group (ACI Europe)supports the EC's initiatives that address both jet noise and air traffic control (ATC) delays.
Los Angeles, "Residents Around LAX Will Be Soundproofed" (Apr. 22, 1997). Mayor Richard Riordan announced the creation of a new Airport Residential Soundproofing Bureau, with a budget of $12 million, that will soundproof 8,900 homes around Los Angeles International Airport over the next 7 years, the Daily News of Los Angeles reports.
Los Angeles, "Soundproofing Plan Accelerated for Homes Around LAX" (Apr. 22, 1997). The Los Angeles Times says that a plan to soundproof residences near Los Angeles International Airport, which will be paid for by the city, will happen in nearly half of the originally projected 15 years.
Los Angeles, "Expected Increase in Air Travel Seen as Justification for Airport Expansion and Development in Southern California" (Aug. 2, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports that air traffic in Southern California is expected to double over the next 20 years. Plans are in the works for both (1) expansion at the Los Angeles International Airport and for (2) development of a new airport at Orange County’s El Toro Maine Corp Air Station after it closes next year. The anger of residents is being waged against both plans. And seventy-five (75) million travelers are caught in the middle.
Los Angeles, "Natural Resources Defense Council Urges More Regulation of Supertankers and Military Sonar to Protect Marine Life from Underwater Noise" (Jun. 28, 1999). AP Online reports that the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) want stricter regulation of super tankers -- used for international shipping -- and military sonar to reduce underwater noise that may adversely affect marine life. The council says that marine creatures use their hearing "to seek food, find mates, guard their young and avoid predators."; human noise can disrupt these activities, and may even effect migration and breeding patterns. Cornell University bioacoustics expert Christopher W. Clark said of several sites including Monterey and San Diego bays where sea life is abundant, "If you just went out and listened... you're just in the middle of an acoustics traffic jam." International shipping generates a large amount of the noise pollution, but is subject to almost no regulation.
Los Angeles, "California City Council Limits Older, Noisier Aircraft: Aviation Group Files Suit" (Apr. 18, 2000). City News Service reported that the Los Angeles City Council voted in one body to limit the number of the older, noisier Stage 2 aircraft at Van Nuys Airport, and will phase out the older planes (made before 1984) by 2010.
Los Angeles, "Los Angeles Buys Homes Near LA International Airport" (Apr. 19, 2000). An article from Copley News Service reported that the LA City Council approved a $7 million voluntary buyout of 15 single-family houses and two duplexes Manchester Square, which neighbors the airport. The vote was unanimous.
Los Angeles, "LAX Authorizes Soundproofing for Additional Homes in South Los Angeles" (Feb. 16, 2000). The Los Angeles Times reports that soundproofing for more homes near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has been authorized by the Los Angeles Board of Airport Commissioners.
Louisiana (parishes are similar to counties), St. John the Baptist Parish, "Louisiana District Considers Noise Ordinance to Control Loud Music With Profanity" (Apr. 9, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the St. John the Baptist Parish (Louisiana) Council is considering changing the parish's noise ordinance in an attempt to control loud music that contains obscenities. No action was taken at a Tuesday Council meeting, but Assistant District Attorney Charles Lorio agreed to study the council's options in revising the noise ordinance.
Louisiana area, Metairie, "Louisiana Residents Living Near Interstate May Get Noise Walls" (Apr. 12, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that a new study commissioned by Louisiana state officials recommends that 10- to 24-foot noise walls be built along 11 miles of Interstate 10 near Metairie, between the St. Charles Parish/Kenner line and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. The article notes that building the noise walls would be part of a project to widen Interstate 10. Before a final decision is made, the state will hold public input meetings to gather comments from residents.
Louisiana, Alexandria, "Change to Noise Ordinance in Alexandria, Louisiana Means Stiffer Fines for Violators" (Jul. 14, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Alexandria, Louisiana's new noise ordinance promises stiffer fines for violators. Violators will pay from $137 to $587 for creating excessive noise: especially from nightclubs and vehicles. The old ordinance cost violators only $121 for each violation, regardless of the number of previous citations.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Federal Judge Overturns Part of Louisiana City Noise Ordinance" (Apr. 8, 1997). The Advocate reports that a federal judge Monday overturned part of the Baton Rouge, Louisiana city-parish ordinance limiting noise in public, saying the local law violated the constitutional rights of a street preacher who sought to use a bullhorn.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "FAA Funds Received by Baton Rouge's Metro Airport to Soundproof 87 Homes" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Advocate reports that 87 families living near the Baton Rouge Metro Airport could begin to see some reduction of jet noise in their homes. Over the last 12 years Baton Rouge's Metro Airport has participated in a noise reduction program. During that time, $25 million has been spent buying property, relocating families and repairing homes and schools.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "The Department of Transportation Releases $2.5 Million to Acquire Land for Noise Compatibility Purposes at the Baton Rouge Airport, Louisiana" (Jun. 15, 1998). The following Congressional Press Release announced that the East Baton Rouge Parish would receive $2.5 million from the Department of Transportation to acquire land for noise compatibility at the Baton Rouge airport.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Louisiana Receives Funding for Soundproofing of Homes in Flight Paths" (Mar. 11, 1998). The Advocate reports that the Federal Aviation Administration will hand over $1 million to Metro Airport in coming weeks to pay for soundproofing 25 houses near the airport's runway.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Noise Can Permanently Damage Hearing; Protection Devices Recommended" (Sep. 6, 1998). The Advocate of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, published a column that advocates for the use of protection devices to prevent noise-induced hearing damage.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Bill Passes Louisiana House, Protects Churches from Outside Noise" (Apr. 15, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports a Louisiana State House committee approved a bill Wednesday that would make it a crime to blast music or other noise within 200 feet of a church, hospital or courthouse.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Performers Outside New Orleans' Churches Subject to Jail Time Under New Noise Law" (Jul. 13, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that a new Louisiana law requires street performers and other people to keep noise under 55 decibels within ten feet of a hospital or a church which is having a service. Violators may be subject to a 30-day jail term. The law originated from complaints that street performers in New Orleans were making it hard for parishioners in churches to hear the service. American Civil Liberties Union lawyers say the law restricts the free speech of performers and constrains the city's culture.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Louisiana Senate Approves Bill to Prohibit Excessive Noise Near Hospitals and Houses of Worship" (Jun. 18, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports the Louisiana Senate approved a bill that would prohibit loud noises near hospitals and houses of worship.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Motocross Track Near Ethel, Louisiana Generates Noise 7 Days a Week; Some Residents Complain, While Others Say It Brings Families and Community Together" (Jan. 9, 2000). The Sunday Advocate reports that a motocross track near Ethel, Louisiana has drawn noise complaints from several residents who claim their homes are being devalued from noise, loss of wildlife, dust and exhaust fumes. Many in the area counter that the track allows families to bond while having "good, clean fun," and encourages young and old cyclists to be together. The lawyer for the track said that it was really an issue of land use that should be addressed.
Louisiana, Baton Rouge, "Baton Rouge City Council Tries Noise Ordinance a Second Time" (Mar. 23, 2000). According to the Baton Rouge Advocate, the Metro City Council is enforcing an amended noise ordinance after much of it was declared unconstitutional in 1997.
Louisiana, Belle Chasse, "Navy Official Stresses Need for Air Training (and Noise)" (Apr. 18, 1999). The Times-Picayune published the following article from Maj. Tom Deall, a public affairs officer for the Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base in Belle Chasse, Louisiana. In his article, Maj. Deall addresses complaints from homeowners who live in the take-off or landing paths of military airplanes:
Louisiana, Clinton, "New Louisiana Noise Ordinance Passes Constitutional Litmus Test" (Apr. 19, 2000). The Advocate reported that a new noise ordinance in East Feliciana Parish is constitutionally sound, resulting in the Police Jury's support.
Louisiana, Hammond, "Louisiana Town Council Discusses How to Control Excessive Noise From Bars" (Jun. 3, 1998). The Advocate reports that the city council in Hammond, Louisiana discussed Tuesday what actions are being taken to monitor and control noise from bars and nightclubs on Nashville Avenue. The article notes that the council adopted a noise control ordinance affecting the area about eight months ago, but the ordinance has only recently started to be enforced. Meanwhile, Mayor Louis Tallo visited Nashville Avenue last Thursday night to monitor the noise level.
Louisiana, Hammond, "Hammond, Louisiana Council Impatient with Legal Department's Pace in Developing Noise Laws" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Advocate reports that Hammond, Louisiana's City Council, which asked to develop noise laws months ago, may finally see "new proposals dealing with city alcohol permits and regulations procedures" this week. Residents have been complaining about noise from loud stereos, car stereos, and staged dog fights for at least five years.
Louisiana, Hammond, "Hammond, Louisiana Allocates Funds for Training of Police on Proper Use of Noise Monitors; Council Also Proposes New Liquor-License Renewal Process that Will Aid Enforcement of Noise Laws" (Aug. 18, 1999). The Advocate reports that Hammond, Louisiana's City Council has approved $1,000 towards the training of police officers in the proper use of a $15,000 noise-monitoring device. The current decibel limit is 85 as measured 25-feet from the source, but lack of training has meant that the device has not been used. A proposed change in the liquor-license renewal process could also help officials enforce noise laws that proprietors often ignore.
Louisiana, Jefferson, "Louisiana Officials to Make Final Decision on Building Noise Wall Along Interstate" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that Louisiana state officials are set to make a final decision about building noise walls along Interstate 10 in Jefferson. The article notes that officials will make a final decision about the placement and composition of the noise walls in August.
Louisiana, Jefferson Parish, "Jefferson Parish Parish Council Passes Airboat Noise Regulation" (Apr. 24, 1997). A new ordinance limiting airboat noise in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, has been passed by the Parish Council, The Times-Picayune reports. One boat owner plans to challenge the new rules.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Expiration of Louisiana Airline Contracts Offers Opportunities For Noise Abatement" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the expiration a five year contract with airlines presents an opportunity to negotiate any new contract with citizen concerns in mind.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Louisiana Community Council Adopts Zoning Regulations For Airport" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the Kenner City Council has adopted legislation to control airport growth.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Airport Study in Louisiana Recommends that Airport Development be Zoned" (Jun. 7, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the Kenner (Louisiana) City Council has sponsored a study which has recommended that the council could better control noise and protect the value of property near New Orleans International Airport by creating a strict zoning review process of airport development. The City Council's emergency land-use committee will discuss the draft study at a meeting Monday at 4 p.m.
Louisiana, Kenner, "FAA Says New Runway at New Orleans Airport Could be Built at an Angle to Reduce Noise Pollution; Residents Remain Unconvinced" (Jun. 25, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a new study by the Federal Aviation Administration shows that New Orleans International Airport could angle its proposed north-south runway away from neighborhoods in Kenner to reduce the noise impact, yet still handle enough traffic to make the project feasible. The FAA is using the New Orleans study to develop national standards for near-parallel runway alignment, which could help planners throughout the U.S. deal with problems to airport expansions, such as land availability and noise issues. Meanwhile, residents living in Kenner seemed unimpressed with the FAA's new idea, and said they still oppose a new runway.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Airport Information Booths Anger Kenner Residents; They Still Say No New Runway" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a number of Kenner residents expressed their disapproval on Monday of New Orleans International Airport's plans to turn its east-west taxiway into a runway for private aircraft. Residents also were not pleased with the forum designed to receive their input.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Louisiana City Schedules New Forum on Airport Expansion, Criticizing Forum Held by the Airport" (Nov. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that officials in Kenner, Louisiana have scheduled a public hearing on plans by the New Orleans International Airport to turn a taxiway into a runway for private planes. Local officials were critical of the way airport officials handled their own public forum on Monday on the same topic, the article says.
Louisiana, Kenner, "New Orleans Airport Officials Draw Criticism for Unusual Public Hearing on Proposed Taxiway Conversion" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that officials of the New Orleans International Airport held a public hearing Monday to gather input on plans to turn an east-west taxiway into a runway for private aircraft. At the hearing, airport officials staffed five booths addressing different issues, such as noise and land acquisition, and invited questions from the 200 residents who attended. But many residents from Kenner were angry both at the proposed taxiway conversion and at the way the forum was set up to handle their input.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Residents Complain About Proposed Expansion of New Orleans Airport" (Nov. 22, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that more than 400 residents from Kenner, Louisiana and the surrounding area attended a public hearing Friday to voice concerns about a proposed plan to convert a taxiway into a runway for small planes at the New Orleans International Airport. Residents vented pent-up frustration about a variety of airport issues, including noise pollution, and many said it was time for the airport to move.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Louisiana City Police Start Fining Owners of Car Alarms That Go Off Unnecessarily" (Sep. 24, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner (Louisiana) Police Chief Nick Congemi this week started using the city's noise ordinance to curb the number of false car alarms his officers investigate. Officers now will give summons to any vehicle owner whose alarm has sounded for more than 15 minutes, unless criminal activity is suspected, the article says. The summons carries a maximum fine of $500, 60 days in jail, or both. Congemi's crackdown on car alarms comes after he proposed a bylaw to the City Council that would have fined vehicle owners $25 for false or faulty car alarms, but councillors didn't even discuss the proposal.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Residents Near New Orleans Airport Want A Say in the Growing Noise Problem -- They'll Sue If They Have To" (Apr. 19, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner, Louisiana homeowners, sick and tired of noisy jets, are getting ready to sue airline pilots and airports at New Orleans International Airport for punitive damage under a bill sponsored by state Reps. Glenn Ansardi and Danny Martiny of Kenner.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Town Near New Orleans Airport Vows to Fight New Runway Plan" (Apr. 7, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports a proposed new runway at New Orleans International Airport has the support of the Louisiana Governor but the strong opposition of a nearby town that fears increased noise from roaring jets.
Louisiana, Kenner, "New Orleans International Airport to Soundproof Homes in Kenner, Louisiana" (Jul. 11, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Louisiana's New Orleans International Airport will soon begin a $20 million soundproofing project in Kenner. The project is part of the noise mitigation required by a 1989 lawsuit settlement; the airport purchased 700 homes in the loudest areas in the first phase, and soundproofing is the second phase. Residents whose homes are soundproofed -- at a cost of about $20,000 each -- must grant an easement promising not to sue the airport over noise. In homes where renovations would need to be paid by the homeowner before soundproofing could even begin, residents may have the option of receiving cash for the easement instead of insulation. The contractors in charge of soundproofing will be required to remain in the state for at least a year to answer for any homeowner complaints.
Louisiana, Kenner, "New Orleans International Airport's Noise Consultants Begin Study, Hold First in Series of Public Hearings" (May 26, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Barnard Dunkelberg and Associates, a noise consulting firm for the New Orleans International Airport held the first in a new series of public hearings. The firm has begun their 15-month study which will evaluate the effect of airport noise on neighborhoods in nearby Kenner, Louisiana. Noise monitoring sites have been chosen, but which will be used on any day will remain secret.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Contract Awarded to Begin Second Phase of Residential Airport Noise-Mitigation Program at New Orleans International Airport" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that the Aviation Board at New Orleans International Airport recently awarded a contract to begin sound-insulation work on some homes in the city of Kenner. The insulation program is the second phase of an airport noise-mitigation program that was launched as a result of a 1982 class-action residential lawsuit against the airport.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Kenner, Louisiana Aviation Board Representative Resigns" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that the New Orleans Aviation Board is losing one of its members of six years, former Kenner City Councilman Forrest "Bucky" Lanning. He waited to leave the board until its recent vote to approve a home-insulation program for residents near New Orleans International Airport.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Kenner, Louisiana Residents Near Airport Urged to Accept Airport Offer to Soundproof Homes" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that 351 homeowners who live near the New Orleans International Airport in the town of Kenner have qualified for FAA funding to have their homes soundproofed. Only 107 have accepted the offer thus far.
Louisiana, Kenner, "Navy Jets Use New Orleans International Airport For Special Mission Due to Inadequate Size of Navy Air Station's Runways" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Times-Picayune in Louisiana reports that residents in Kenner and St. Charles Parish have been warned that they will hear louder than usual takeoff noise from New Orleans International Airport today. The military is using the airport for the departure of two of the Navy's giant airborne tankers and a squadron of F/A-18 fighters for training exercises in Guam.
Louisiana, Lafayette, "Coast Guard Plans for Bridge Poses Noise and Traffic Concerns for Skeptical Louisiana Residents" (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Advocate, over 150 people attended a public meeting concerning a proposed major thoroughfare through a Lafayette neighborhood.
Louisiana, Luling, "Louisiana Residents Oppose Grocery Store" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that residents in Luling, Louisiana oppose a proposal for a new Winn-Dixie market. Residents say the secondary entrance to the market will cause noise pollution and safety hazards.
Louisiana, Mandeville, "Go-Cart Track Upsets Residents in Louisiana Subdivision" (May 16, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports a proposed go-cart track at Mandeville, Louisiana, miniature golf course has residents worried about noise.
Louisiana, Mandeville, "Go-Gart Plan in Louisiana Town Angers Residents and Councilman" (May 16, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports a proposed go-cart track at Mandeville's Putt-Putt Golf & Games has residents in a nearby subdivision worried and at least one city councilman upset.
Louisiana, Mandeville, "Opponents Stand Ground Against Noise and Go-Carts in Louisiana Town" (Sep. 10, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports Mandeville, Louisiana, residents still oppose plans for a go-cart track at a local miniature golf course, despite the owner's pitch that it will offer a positive recreational alternative for the area's teens.
Louisiana, Metairie, "New Orleans Resident Suggests Trees as Noise Barrier" (Jan. 18, 1998). The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, Louisiana, published a letter by a resident from Metairie who has a suggestion for a noise barrier on Interstate 10. The letter reads as follows:
Louisiana, Metairie and Kenner, "Louisiana State Officials Will Make Final Decision on Placement of Noise Walls in August" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that noise walls will be built along Interstate 10 in Metairie and Kenner, Louisiana to mitigate traffic noise for residents. The noise wall construction project is part of a plan to widen I-10, the article notes. State officials will make a final decision on the placement and composition of the walls in August, after compiling data gathered from public meetings.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Airport Noise in New Orleans Louder than Average" (Apr. 27, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that only 52 percent of the jets flying into Kenner airport meet Federally mandated Stage 3 noise requirements. Members of the New Orleans International Airport's noise abatement committee are concerned about the numbers.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Louisisana City Council Plans For Local Airport Regulation" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner City Council is expected to vote to give itself veto power over any project at the New Orleans International Airport that would hurt the safety and property values of Kenner residents.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Residents Startled By Practice Flights Of B-1 Bomber" (Dec. 20, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that practice flights of a B-1 Bomber startled residents of the New Orleans Lakefront with unusually loud noise.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Resident And Businesses In New Orleans' French Quarter Fight Over Noise" (Jan. 2, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that noise levels in New Orleans' French Quarter are sparking a sharply divided debate that may end up the subject of a federal lawsuit.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Lousiana Airport Expansion Plans Continue" (Dec. 9, 1997). The Times Picayune reports that the Kenner and New Orleans Ciy Council's are working together on plans to improve the New Orleans International Airport.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Noise Keeps Louisiana Airport Talks On the Ground" (Dec. 13, 1997). According to a Times Picayune report, lease negotiations between a New Orleans airport and several major airlines have become so deadlocked that a city councilman has suggested that local business leaders mediate before the airline leases expire this month. Jim Singleton suggested the Chamber of Commerce step in to help bring the two sides together.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Resident Complains About Noise and Trash in Historic Quarter" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune printed the following letter-to-the-editor from William Gershuny, a New Orleans resident, regarding the noise and trash problems in the city's historic Quarter:
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Residents Protest Airport Changes" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner, Louisiana officials spent two hours Tuesday telling a Federal Aviation Administration representative that they don't want a taxiway at New Orleans International Airport turned into a runway for private aircraft. Residents and Council members from communities surrounding the New Orleans International Airport fear the noise increased traffic would cause.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Residents Welcome Noise Barrier Walls along I-10" (Apr. 12, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports many residents who live along the Interstate 10 Service Road are supportive of building sound barriers along the highway.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Resident Alerts Public to Noise and Its Harmful Effects" (Apr. 29, 1998). The Times-Picayune published the following letter alerting readers to the pervasiveness of noise and its harmful effects. The letter is from Metairie, Louisiana, resident, John Guignard. Guignard wrote:
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Soundproofing Plan for New Orleans International Airport Comes to a Halt" (Aug. 3, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that the soundproofing program for residential areas near New Orleans International Airport in Louisiana has come to a halt while airport officials negotiate with project architects.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Enacts Noise Buffer Zone for Cathedral during Services" (Sep. 4, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports the New Orleans City Council on Thursday placed limits on noise levels around a city cathedral during religious services after a lengthy dispute between the church and street musicians.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Four French Quarter Citizen's Groups Seek State Help in Noise Battle in New Orleans, Louisiana" (Jan. 14, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that State Senator Paulette Irons has stepped into the battle over noise control in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. According to the article, Senator Irons, D-New Orleans, said Tuesday she will ask the state to develop a tourism management plan for New Orleans that covers noise and other quality-of-life issues. Irons, spoke at a news conference called by four groups of Quarter residents who want tougher enforcement of noise controls in their neighborhood. The Quarter groups holding the news conference were the St. Peter Street Neighborhood Improvement Association, the French Quarter Citizens for Preservation of Residential Quality, the Friends of Jackson Square and the Vieux Carre Property Owners, Residents and Associates.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Natural Quiet Still Lives in Louisiana Bayou" (Jan. 22, 1998). In a column called Tammany Talk, The Times-Picayune of New Orleans printed writer Carol Wolfram's peaceful canoeing experience through the Cane Bayou in Louisiana, part of the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge. In the Bayou, Wolfram enjoys the beautiful sounds of silence.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Editorial Pushes for Compromise in New Orleans, Louisiana Noise Problem" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Times-Picayune printed the following editorial:
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Louisiana Residents Worry Over Highway Noise Barriers" (Jan. 4, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that officials in New Orleans Louisiana are preparing to widen highway I-10. Neighbors worry over the increased noise of the larger road.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Louisiana Noise Activist's Property is Firebombed for the Third Time" (Jul. 18, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that a servant's quarters building behind the home of Stuart Smith, an activist who has demanded a crackdown on noisy bars in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, was set fire to on Friday about 5 a.m. Smith said this is the third firebombing of his property in what he believes is a campaign of intimidation for his activism.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Sound Walls Needed on Louisiana's I-10 According to State Officials" (May 20, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports residents concerned about state plans to construct 10- to 24-foot-high noise -barriers along Interstate 10 will get a final chance to be heard in two public hearings this week.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Noise in Nearby Towns Tops Issues at Airport Expansion Forum in New Orleans" (Sep. 25, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports although the first forum didn't solve any problems, three Louisiana towns agreed Thursday to continue meeting about the expansion of New Orleans International Airport.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Noise Walls to Include Artistic Images of Local Plants" (Aug. 23, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that a noise wall design committee in New Orleans, Louisiana chose a design for a 10- to 24-foot noise wall that will line parts of a ten mile stretch of Interstate 10. The design includes local plants, and its choice was part of a $100,000 wall design process. The walls will go up in an area where residents are exposed to 180,000 vehicles each day and noise averages as high as 75 decibels.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "New Orleans Resident Wants Noise Police" (Jul. 17, 1999). The Times-Picayune prints a letter to the editor from a New Orleans resident. He lists several instances throughout his week when he wishes there had been 'noise police', or at least noise laws put in place by local legislators.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Parishioner at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, Louisiana Applauds New Law to Keep Street Performers Quiet During Church Services" (Jul. 12, 1999). The Times-Picayune prints a letter to the Editor from a parishioner at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, Louisiana who approves of a new law to restrict street performers and musicians from interrupting church services with loud music. She lived near the cathedral until recently when she realized that the noise was causing stress-related illnesses in her family. She notes that street performers aren't always musicians, but are often jugglers or other entertainers with boom boxes.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Proposed Legislation to Restrict Sound in Traditionally Musical New Orleans Square Threatens the City's Culture" (Jun. 30, 1999). The Times-Picayune prints an editorial, in which the author points out problems with the currently pending Senate Bill 909 that would limit sound levels New Orleans' Jackson Square. The law would mean that "sound producing devices" could not be used in a public place "in a manner likely to disturb, inconvenience, or annoy a person of ordinary sensibilities." Further, the sound can't be more than 55 decibels within ten feet of an entrance to a hospital or place of worship. The author notes that the ambient noise in Jackson Square is already above that number, and that someone who coughs could be tagged as a violator if the mouth was considered a 'sound producing device." Violators could get up to 30 days in jail.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Noise in New Orleans' French Quarter Neighborhood Equal to Industrial Zone Levels" (Mar. 16, 1999). The Times-Picayune published a letter written by Winnie Nichols, French Quarter resident, and Paulette R. Irons, State Senator from New Orleans. The writers urge New Orleans city officials to appreciate the toll of noise on residents and take action to protect residents of the historic French Quarter neighborhood:
Louisiana, New Orleans, "French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana is Site of Disagreement for Street Musicians and Parishioners Desiring Quiet" (May 17, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that a Cathedral in New Orleans' French Quarter has become a place of conflict between street musicians and parishioners. Parishioners claim their right to worship is being compromised by street musician's noise, and had threatened to sue the city; in response, no-noise signs have been erected and a pledge has been made by local police to enforce noise limits there.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Police Post Signs Barring Noise at St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, Street Musicians Are Upset and Think It's Just the Beginning" (May 14, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that police in New Orleans' French Quarter posted signs in front of St. Louis Cathedral suggesting musicians were not welcome. Musicians are upset, and some signs have disappeared. An attorney who has represented street performers in the past say the signs, intended to bar noise above 78 decibels 50 feet from its source during services, seem to suggest that no noise is acceptable at any time. Parishioners planned to sue for their right to worship without disruptive sound, but they are holding off since the city has posted the signs and promised to enforce the noise limits. The noise limits in the quarter are already above the 70 decibels in other residential areas of New Orleans.
Louisiana, New Orleans, "Louisiana Leaf Blowers Worse Than Rockets and Drag Races" (Jan. 12, 2000). The Times-Picayune printed a tongue-in-cheek but none-the-less serious editorial that condemned leaf blowers, worse than car alarms, boom cars or garbage trucks at 5:00 am.
Louisiana, New Orleans and East Jefferson, "Noise Impact Study Delays Massive Highway Project in Louisiana" (May 3, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a project to widen Interstate 10 around New Orleans and East Jefferson, Louisiana would require concrete walls as high as 30 feet to muffle traffic noise, according to a recent study. This news has sent state highway officials scrambling to revise their plans and has delayed the work on the project, the article says.
Louisiana, Norco, "Jurors Tour Louisiana Neighborhood in Lawsuit Over Noise and Odors From Shell Plant" (Aug. 26, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a Louisiana jury from toured a neighborhood in Norco Monday in connection with a lawsuit brought by residents against Shell Oil Company. The approximately 250 residents in the suit say the plant is an unbearable nuisance due to its odors, noise, and flare problems, and are seeking enough money to move.
Louisiana, Norco, "Louisiana Jury Rules Against Residents' in Shell Lawsuit Over Noise and Other Problems" (Sep. 3, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a jury in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana ruled against residents Tuesday in a lawsuit that alleged that Shell's Norco chemical plant poses a nuisance to the nearby Diamond community. The suit was brought by about 250 Diamond residents who claimed that noise, odors, soot, and bright lights from the plant's flare have caused continuous problems.
Louisiana, Port Allen, "City Council in Port Allen, Louisiana Votes Unanimously to Modify Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Port Allen Advocate announced the city council's unanimous vote to revise the city's noise ordinance. The revised ordinance is an effort to reduce the loud "boom box" music and is fashioned to allow the chief of police more discretion in writing citations.
Louisiana, St. Bernard, "St. Bernard, Louisiana City Officials To Address Noise, Traffic and Parking Before Allowing Crawfish Festival To Take Place" (Apr. 20, 2000). According to the Times-Picayune, the St. Bernard Parish Council won't grant another three-year lease to the Louisiana Crawfish Festival until it reviews noise, traffic and parking problems that face its neighbors.
Louisiana, St. Charles, "Industrial Barge Fleet Frightens Louisiana Neighbors" (Dec. 17, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a proposed grain barge fleeting operation that would be moored on the Mississippi River just across the levee from Destrehan's Red Church subdivision in St. Charles, Louisiana is drawing heated opposition from neighborhood residents and St. Charles Parish Council members.
Louisiana, St. Tammany Parish, "Noisy Rooster in St. Tammany, Louisiana, Now Dead, Responsible For Making Barnyard Animals Immune From Noise Nuisance Ordinance" (Apr. 20, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that a rooster who couldn't keep quiet has caused a noise nuisance ordinance to be changed so that barnyard animals are exempt from being cited in rural areas of St. Tammany Parish in Louisiana.
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