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D. C., Washington, "FAA Re-Publishes Rules for Interim Compliance Waivers for Stage 2 Aircraft" (Jan. 13, 1998). The FAA yesterday published procedures and guidance in the Federal Register for operators of Stage 2 aircraft to submit a request for an interim compliance waiver, although the agency's policies for reviewing those requests have not changed. Under FAA noise regulations, an operator of Stage 2 aircraft by Dec. 31, 1998, must either reduce its number of Stage 2 aircraft by 75% from the November 1990 base level or achieve a fleet mix of airplanes that is 75% Stage 3 airplanes.
D.C., Washington, "Senator McCain Advacates For Changing A Rule That May Reduce Noise At Washington National Airport" (Dec. 23, 1997). Airports reports that Senator McCain of Arizona is proposing a bill to lift the perimeter rule at Washington National Airport. McCain suggests lifting the rule may reduce noise at the airport.
D.C., Washington, "Citizens Have a History of Fighting Washington's National Airport Over Noise" (Jul. 16, 1997). The Washington Post reports that noise problems from Washington, D.C.'s National Airport have been plaguing neighbors since at least 1966, when jets were introduced at the airport. The article outlines what measures airport officials have taken to mitigate airport noise, and how citizens have responded.
D.C., Washington, "Residents Fear That New Terminal at Washington's National Aiport Will Mean More Flights and Noise" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Washington Post reports that a new terminal at the National Airport in Washington, D.C. will open in two weeks, and many Washington, Maryland, and Virginia residents who live near the airport's flight path are worried that the new terminal will lead to an increase in flights that and will make the intolerable noise problem even worse. However, airport officials insist that the federal regulations in place that limit the number of flights from National will prohibit any increase. Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and other U.S. Congress members are considering legislation that could lead to more flights to and from National.
D.C., Washington, "Washington's National Airport Gets New Terminal; Airport Traffic Levels Expected to Stay the Same" (Jul. 17, 1997). The New York Times reports that Washington, D.C.'s National Airport for years has consisted of a hodgepodge of buildings, but on July 27, its new $409 million terminal will open. The terminal project includes additional traffic lanes, covered walkways to nearby parking garages, and a Metro subway station within a few hundred feet of the airline gates. While new terminals in other major cities recently have been built to accomodate more flights and passengers, National's new terminal was not intended for that purpose. National is one of four airports in the country that have federal restrictions on the number of takeoffs and landings, the article reports.
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Senate Subcommittee Hearing to be Held on Aviation Safety Issues" (Jun. 12, 1997). The Federal Document Clearing House Political Transcripts reports that the Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies, a subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, will hold a hearing on June 12, 1997 on air traffic controller staffing and other aviation issues. Members include U.S. Senators Richard Shelby (R-AL, Chair), Pete Domenici (R-NM), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Christopher Bond (R-MO), Slade Gorton (R-WA), Robert Bennett (R-UT), Lauch Faircloth (R-NC), R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Harry Reid (D-NV).
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Congress Members Prepare Legislation to Stop Military Helicopters from Being Moved to California Air Base" (May 28, 1997). Copley News Service reports that U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and U.S. Representative Bob Filner (D-San Diego) announced Wednesday that they are preparing legislation to stop the Marine Corps from moving its helicopters to Miramar, a former naval air station in San Diego. Residents near Miramar have opposed the move and have urged that the helicopters be moved instead to March Air Force Base, in San Bernardino County, which has extra room due to the transfer of active Air Force units.
D.C., Washington, "New Video Illustrates Effectiveness of Highway Noise Barriers" (May 9, 1997). PR Newswire reports that a new video available from the National Audiovisual Center illustrates different types of highway noise barriers, their effectiveness, and other details.
D.C., Washington, "Polar Air Cargo Asks U.S. Government to Impose Restrictions on Certain Airlines to Compensate for Strict Noise Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport" (Dec. 1, 1997). The Journal of Commerce reports that officials from Polar Air Cargo, a growing U.S. airline that has its European hub at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, have asked the U.S. government to take steps to punish Dutch air carriers in retaliation for strict noise restrictions set at the airport. Polar Air officials say the airport's new regulations will drive them out of the air cargo market.
D.C., Washington, "FAA Committee Holds Meeting on Noise Certification Issues" (Sep. 18, 1997). FNS Daybook reports that the Federal Aviation Administration's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee will meet today to discuss noise certification issues.
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Park Service Develops Rules Making it Easier to Ban Personal Watercraft from National Parks" (Sep. 19, 1997). AP Online reports that the U.S. National Park Service is developing new rules to make it easier for personal watercraft such as jet skis to be banned in National Parks. The agency has proposed a rule expected to get final approval in late October that would direct local park officials to determine the "appropriateness" of jet ski use in each park and restrict or ban the machines if necessary. The article says there has been a growing concern among many park superintendents about the impact of personal watercraft on the tranquillity of parks.
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Airlines Are Ahead of Regulatory Schedule for Quieter Aircraft" (Oct. 1, 1997). M2 Presswire released a press release that says U.S. Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater announced today that U.S. airlines are ahead of the federal regulatory schedule for a fifth consecutive year in making their fleets quieter. All airplanes must meet the quieter, Stage 3 noise levels by the year 2000 under the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990, the press release notes.
D.C., Washington, "FAA Announces Approval and Review of Noise Programs in Arizona" (Sep. 9, 1997). The publication Airports reports printed the following listings from the Federal Aviation Administration notices in the Federal Register:
D.C., Washington, "Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Council of Governments Opposes Two Proposed Bills Designed To Allow More Planes to Land at Washington National Airport" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Washington Times reports that the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) unanimously opposed a federal bill that would allow more planes to land at Washington National Airport, fearing increased traffic would mean more noise. COG opposes the Aviation Competition Enhancement Bill, introduced by Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican in October, which seeks exemptions to a "perimeter rule," which bans nonstop flights longer than 1,250 miles into or out of National. A companion House bill introduced by Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., Tennessee Republican, proposes to add up to six more flights a day at National. According to the report, opponents say this would increase noise.
D.C., Washington, "D.C. Residents Try to Shut Down Noisy and Dangerous Nightclub" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Washington Post reports that residents in Washington, D.C. are trying to shut down the Palace nightclub, in the 300 block of Kennedy Street NW. Residents living near the club say the club is noisy, creates traffic problems, and most of all, is dangerous to the surrounding community. A shoot-out outside the club occurred Sunday, and a stabbing occurred in April. On Tuesday, about 24 local residents demonstrated outside the club, calling for its closure. The article explains that a recently passed law, the Suspension of Liquor Licenses Amendment Act, may help residents in their fight, because it allows the alcohol licenses of establishments to be suspended when violence in or near the club endangers the community or the police.
D.C., Washington, "Nation's Capital To Modify New, Smaller Buses Because of Noise" (Dec. 15, 1999). The Washington Post reports that the new, smaller buses the local transit company bought to reduce noise on narrow District streets, are noisier than the large buses they replaced. Screeching brakes are the reason, the report says. As a result, the local transit company, Metro, will spend about $32,000 to change the break linings on 40 buses.
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Noise Reduction for Aircraft Take Effect in 2000" (Dec. 14, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that beginning January 1,2000, new U.S. noise reduction rules take effect for aircraft. It's the deadline for cargo and passenger aircraft to comply with Stage 3 noise rules for take-offs and landings at U.S. airports, the article says.
D.C., Washington, "European Union and US Battle Over Aircraft Noise Law" (Dec. 10, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reported that the United States warned the European Union that it may retaliate against a controversial EU law that would limit aircraft noise.
D.C., Washington, "US Claims European Union's Ban on Aircraft Noise Law Costs Billions: US Seeks Ban on EU Voting Rights" (Dec. 10, 1999). The London Financial Times reported that the US may ask the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to revoke the voting rights of European Union States if agreement is not reached next week at the US-EU summit in a dispute over aircraft noise.
D.C., Washington, "FAA Proposes Rules to Limit Air Tours Over Grand Canyon National Park In an Effort to Restore Natural Quiet" (Jul. 9, 1999). The M2 Presswire reports that the FAA has announced its plan to reduce air-tour noise over Grand Canyon National Park as the next step in realizing a 1987 law that calls for restoration of natural quiet in the park. The law calls for at least half of the park to be free from aircraft noise for greater than 75% of the day; currently only 32 percent of the park is quiet that often, and the new plan will increase that number to 41 percent. The FAA has revised air tour routes over the park, modified 'flight-free' zones, and designed a system that allocates limited numbers of flights to individual air tour operators.
D.C., Washington, "Hospital Curtains Developed at Georgia Institute of Technology that Can Reduce Noise By Up to 12 Decibels" (Jun. 26, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports that researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology announced that they have developed hospital curtains which can reduce noise by seven to twelve decibels by placing fabric around sheets of noise-blocking material.
D.C., Washington, "U.S. Navy's Fledgling Sonar Submarine System Shown to Harm Marine Life" (Jun. 22, 1999). The Earth Island Journal reports the U.S. Navy's latest sonar submarine detection system could severly damage whales' and dolphins' acoustic-based ability to find food and defend themselves.
D.C., Washington, "National Campaign for Hearing Health Offers Four Tips to Protect Your Hearing on the Fourth of July and Beyond" (Jun. 30, 1999). PR Newswire reports that the National Campaign for Hearing Health offers four tips to protect your hearing during the upcoming Fourth of July fireworks and beyond. First, wear ear protection when you plan to be around loud noise such as fireworks. Second, discipline yourself to listen to music only as loud as necessary. Third, cover your ears when loud noise such as sirens or aircraft surprise you. Fourth, watch fireworks from a comfortable distance, or use ear protection. Fireworks can produce noise up to 190 decibels, 110 decibels higher than the point at which ear damage can begin to occur. Toxic noise such as that can lead to tinnitus, or potentially deafness.
D.C., Washington, "Natural Resources Defense Council Calls for Study and Regulation to Protect Sea Life from Supertanker and Sonar Noise" (Jun. 29, 1999). The Calgary Herald reports that a recent Natural Resources Defense Council report calls for more study and stricter regulations that would protect sea life from noise pollution. Human-generated noise can harm sea life, by compromising their ability "to find food and mates, to guard their young, and to avoid predators." Whales have even been known to avoid noise even if it means abandoning traditional breeding grounds. Noise contributions from super tankers -- which are subject to almost no regulation -- and military sonar are significant.
D.C., Washington, "Clinton Administration's Noise Controls For Mines Criticized" (May 27, 1999). The Associated Press reports that a Republican senator from Wyoming is questioning the Clinton administration's proposal to require that mine operators protect workers from noise.
D.C., Washington, "Las Vegas, Nevada Air Tour Operators Upset Over Proposed National Park Service Rule To Limit Noise to Levels Below Ambient Sounds" (May 26, 1999). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Nevada's air tour industry believes a new rule proposed by the National Park Service could destroy their industry by limiting noise levels for Grand Canyon National Park. The rule would limit non-natural noise to 8 dB below natural sounds, although a federal court ruled that 3 dB above natural sounds would be sufficient; the park has been divided into different sound regions, so the natural noise limit would range between 20 and 40 dBs, depending on the location within the park.
D.C., Washington, "Personal Watercraft Industry Rejects Report by Noise Pollution Clearinghouse" (Apr. 19, 2000). Business Wire printed the following press release about noise from personal watercraft and a report released by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse. The press release is printed in its entirety.
D.C., Washington, "New Nissan Sentra Produces Less Interior Noise" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Washington Times published an auto review on the new Nissan Sentra. The reviewer reports very favorably on the vehicle, and is particularly impressed with its quieter interior.
D.C., Washington, "D.C. Residents Angry Over Tunnel Noise Preceding Trains" (Feb. 23, 2000). The Washington Post reports that the loud boom that precedes the Metro into the tunnel between the Fort Totten and West Hyattsville stations is a major noise concern for residents in the Avondale community.
D.C., Washington, "Airline Industry Organizations Applaud U.S. Decision to File a Complaint Against the European Union with the International Civil Aviation Organization Over It's Proposed Hushkit Ban" (Jan. 25, 2000). M2 Presswire reports that several Airline industry groups applauded the U.S. decision to file a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed ban on hushkitted aircraft. They emphasized that hushkitted aircraft meet international standards already set by the ICAO.
D.C., Washington, "US Representative Approves Building of Noise Barriers" (Jan. 14, 2000). The following is a press release from the Congressional Press Releases regarding the construction of noise barriers along I-75 in Georgia. It is printed in its entirety.
D.C., Washington, "Federal Airport Bill Will Allow Airports to Spend More on Noise Mitigation; Will Also Cause Airport Growth and Increase in Air Traffic" (Mar. 16, 2000). USA Today reports that airports around the country are waiting for President Clinton to sign the aviation bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. If the president signs the bill, many U.S. airports are expected to begin building programs next year. Los Angeles International Airport will use some of its allotted money on noise mitigation programs.
D.C., Washington, "US National Park Services Restricts Use of Personal Watercraft in National Parks" (Mar. 21, 2000). An article by Business Wire printed commentary by the Personal Watercraft Industry Association (PWIA) regarding the National Park Service's decision to allow some personal watercraft (pwc) use in selected parks while banning the watercraft in other parks.
Dallas, "NASA Predicts Aviation Advances, Including Less Noise, if Program Is Better-Funded" (Jun. 14, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports NASA predicts great improvements in aviation design in the next two decades, but only if program funding increases substantially.
Darlington Borough, "British Residents Kept Awake by Noise from Cable Company Night Work" (Sep. 18, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that residents of Darlington Borough, England, disturbed by noise from late-night work by a cable TV company brought their objections to town officials.
David Martin, "Illinois town Council To Update Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 8, 1999).
DC, Chicago, Illinois and Washington, "U.S. Senate Committee Approves 100 More Daily Flights at Chicago's Airport" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that the Senate Commerce Committee voted 11-9 Tuesday to approve legislation that could add 100 commercial flights per day at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, the world's busiest airport. Senators voted on the legislation after listening to a last-minute, unannounced appeal against the bill from U.S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun (D-Illinois), who is not a member of the committee. The article notes that the legislation is part of a national aviation bill, and it now advances to the full Senate, where a fight is expected between senators who want to increase flights around the country and those who represent constituents battling airport noise and traffic.
DC, Washington, "U.S. House Subcommittee Approves Continuing Ban on Building Sixth Runway at Denver Airport" (Jun. 26, 1997). The Rocky Mountain News reports that the transportation subcommittee of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee Wednesday approved a renewed ban on the federal funding for the proposed sixth runway at Denver International Airport. If approved by the full Congress, the ban would remain in place through September 1998, the article says. The vote was a victory for noise critics, who have maintained that the runway should not be built until the airport can control the noise pollution it already emits.
DC, Washington, "Virginia Politicians Oppose McCain's Airport Legislation" (Oct. 29, 1997). The Washington Post reports that at a Capitol Hill hearing yesterday, Virginia Sens. John W. Warner (R) and Charles S. Robb (D), along with Rep.James P. Moran Jr. (D), bitterly renounced a proposal to relax federal flight controls at National Airport. They said this bill would mean more noise and congestion at the busy airport.
DC, Washington, "New York Politicians Warn FAA Not to Reroute New Jersey Planes Over New York" (Apr. 22, 1998). Newsday reports that a New York congressional delegation yesterday warned the Federal Aviation Administration not to direct air traffic from New Jersey's Newark Airport over Long Island in New York as the agency begins to redraw the nation's air traffic routes.
DC, Washington, "Washington, DC's Open Classrooms are Noisy Failures" (Jan. 25, 1998). The Washington Post reports that students at Woodbridge High School in Prince William County can't focus because of the noise in classrooms designed without walls or doors. It's one of more than 140 Washington, DC, area schools built in the 1970s in an "open-classroom" design that failed quickly. Twenty-five years later, school districts are still living with the noise.
DC, Washington, "Washington, DC Residents Fear Increasing Noise if Senate Bill Increases Airport's Flights" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Washington Times reports that residents living near the Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC aren't happy about a proposal to add 24 more daily flights at the airport. The article explains that the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on Tuesday approved a bill that would add the flights. But residents say they already experience too much jet noise. The bill must still be passed by the full Senate and then reconciled with a similar bill passed by the House.
DC, Washington, "Legislation Will Address Noise from Air Tours in National Parks" (Jul. 9, 1998). U.S. Newswire issued the following press release concerning regulation of air tours over national parks:
DC, Washington, "National Park Service Proposes Banning Personal Watercraft From All National Parks" (Jul. 8, 1998). The Austin American-Statesman reports that the National Park Service has proposed banning personal watercraft such as Jet Skis from all national parks because of noise, safety, and environmental concerns. The article notes that the Park Service expects to publish the proposed rules this summer, and then take public comments for 90 days, after which the rules could be revised. The new regulations could take effect next year.
DC, Washington, "Personal Watercraft Ban Proposed by National Park Service" (Jul. 8, 1998). The New York Times reports personal watercraft such as Jet Skis could be banned from all national parks because of safety, noise and environmental concerns under rules proposed by the National Park Service.
DC, Washington, "Washington Officials Angry About Plan by Senator McCain to Add Flights at National Airport" (Jul. 10, 1998). The Washington Times reports that the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee yesterday approved new rules that would allow 24 more planes per day to fly into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and lift restrictions on how far away the flights could come from. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), the chair of the committee, is the chief sponsor of the bill, and says that the provisions would allow more competition in the Washington market. But local officials said McCain was meddling in their affairs for the benefit of Congress members who want more convenient flights to Washington. The committee still must take up the bill on Tuesday to approve final amendments, the article notes. If approved by the full Senate, the bill would have to be reconciled with a similar bill in the House. That bill would add only six flights at Reagan National, and would eliminate the restriction on long-haul flights.
DC, Washington, "Congressman's Approval Could Allow Controversial Sixth Runaway at DIA" (Jun. 26, 1998). The Rocky Mountain News of Denver, Colorado, reports the chairman of the Transportation Committee has given his approval, freeing up money for a much-disputed sixth runway at Denver International Airport. Some opponents will still fight the runway, based on noise issues.
DC, Washington, "Congressional Bills Would Lift Flight Restrictions at Washington's National Airport" (Mar. 20, 1998). The Washington Business Journal reports that two bills in Congress would lift flight restrictions at National Airport in Washington, DC and open the airport to new competitors. The bills propose to remove the airport's "perimeter rule," which limits flights to 1,250 miles in length. Local officials are opposing the bills, saying they would lead to a loss of jobs and growth at Dulles International Airport, would worsen congestion and noise problems at National, and could create pressure to permit more flights at National
DC, Washington, "National Parks Noisy and Congested with Traffic, National Conservation Group Says" (Mar. 17, 1998). Gannett News Service reports vacationers may be shocked at discovering smog, traffic congestion, and noise from jet skis and sightseeing planes in national parks this summer.
DC, Washington, "House Nixes Added Flights at Reagan National Airport" (Oct. 17, 1998). The Washington Times reports Congress won't be adding any new flights this year at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.
DC, Washington, "Resident Objects to Expanded Flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport" (Oct. 11, 1998). The Washington Post published a letter from a McLean resident who objects to expanded flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport. Mary Wakefield writes:
DC, Washington, "Truck Noise is a Greater Concern" (Nov. 1998). Fleet Owner reports that one reason for the high number of complaints is the sheer number of trucks. Truck traffic has increased almost sixfold between 1960 and 1995, according to the Dept. of Transportation (DOT). The other reason is that grass-roots anti- noise groups are no longer considered kooks by politicians. Congressional researchers say nearly 20-million Americans are exposed to noise levels that can lead to cardiovascular problems, strokes, and nervous disorders. Another 40-million are exposed to noise levels that cause sleep or work disruption.
DC, Washington, "FAA Worried EU Will Limit Operation of Hushkitted Aircraft" (Oct. 5, 1998). Aviation Daily reports the FAA is concerned that the European Union is getting ready to act unilaterally to limit the operation of hushkitted aircraft. According to the article, in a Sept. 14 letter, David Traynham, FAA assistant administrator for policy, planning and international aviation, told Michel Ayral, European Commission director for air transport, that a proposed EU regulation "would serve only to diminish the effectiveness of the ICAO process under a mistaken belief that U.S. carriers will transfer their Stage 3 hushkitted airplanes to EU registers after Dec. 31, 1999."
DC, Washington, "Illinois' Rep. Hyde Says, "No New Flights at O'Hare;" House Bill Nixed" (Oct. 9, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a plan that could have added 30 daily commercial flights at O'Hare International Airport appears to be squashed for now. Local activists applauded the move.
DC, Washington, "Noise Protection Zones Planned near Airport" (Oct. 7, 1998). The Washington Post reports that Stafford County and the Regional Airport Commission plan to put in place a number of noise protection zones near Stafford Regional Airport.
DC, Washington, "Noise Sources and Solutions in Washington, DC, Area Neighborhoods" (Oct. 10, 1998). The Washington Post reports that while noise may be an unavoidable part of apartment life in the Washington, DC, area, as it is elsewhere, developers, property managers, and tenants themselves can take steps to muffle their problems.
DC, Washington, "Richfield, MN, Officials Take Airport Noise Concerns to Washington" (Oct. 8, 1998). The Star Tribune reports Richfield, Minnesota, officials brought to Washington, DC, this week their fight against low-frequency airport noise in their suburban neighborhood.
DC, Washington, "US Court of Appeals Rejects Challenges to Noise and Airflight Restrictions over Grand Canyon National Park" (Sep. 15, 1998). Greenwire released the following statement announcing a US federal appeals court upheld new noise and flight restrictions in the Grand Canyon National Park. The press release reads as follows:
DC, Washington, "Air Tour Industry Accuses Park Service of Exaggerating Noise Report to Expand Quiet Zones" (Sep. 25, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Congress was told Thursday by consultants to the air tour industry that National Park Service noise studies are seriously flawed.
DC, Washington, "Despite Noise and Safety Concerns, Senate Approves Plan to Increase Flights at Washington's Reagan National Airport" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Washington Post reports the US Senate approved a plan yesterday to add flights at Washington's Reagan National Airport despite local fears that it would add to noise in neighboring communities and undermine business at Dulles International Airport.
DC, Washington, "Federal Appeals Court Supports Noise Restrictions in Grand Canyon" (Sep. 24, 1998). The Arizona Business Gazette reports a federal appellate court has refused to set aside new rules designed to curb aircraft noise at the Grand Canyon in the case of Grand Canyon Air Tour Coalition v. Federal Aviation Administration (97-1003).
DC, Washington, "Senate Approves More Flights from Reagan Airport; Washington, DC, Residents Expect More Noise" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Washington Times reports residents who live near Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport are angry about Senate approval of a bill to increase flights at the busy airport. Residents say increased flights mean more noise and traffic.
DC, Washington, "Senate Approves Regulation of Air Tour Noise in National Parks" (Sep. 25, 1998). U.S. Newswire reports the United States Senate approved measures to address the problem of excessive noise from aircraft in national parks.
DC, Washington, "Senate OK's More Flights at O'Hare; Critics Predict More Noise, More Health and Safety Problems" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a bill that could add 30 daily commercial takeoffs and landings at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was endorsed Friday by the U.S. Senate. Activists say more planes means more noise and other serious problems.
DC, Washington, "Washington Area Lawmakers Object to Senate Bill Allowing Increased Flights at Reagan National" (Sep. 24, 1998). The Associated Press reports a final Senate vote is expected Friday, despite some local opposition, to increase flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport.
DC, Washington, "Critics Say National Park Service Study of Aircraft Noise is False and Misleading" (Sep. 28, 1998). The Weekly of Business Aviation(TM) reports critics of a National Park Service aircraft noise study at the Grand Canyon spoke on Capitol Hill last week.
DC, Washington, "Aircraft in U.S. Complying with Airport Noise and Capacity Act" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Federal Department and Agency Documents reports airplanes in the United States are ahead of the required deadlines to transition to quieter aircraft, reports Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater.
DC, Washington, "Debate Continues Over Use of Personal Watercraft as National Parks Service Proposes Rule" (Sep. 6, 1998). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports national seashores in Florida and North Carolina are among several that would be exempt from a ban on Jet Ski-type watercraft under new proposed National Park Service regulations.
DC, Washington, "NY State Reps Work to Maintain Flight Restrictions at JFK and LaGuardia" (Apr. 15, 1999). Newsday reports four members of the state's congressional delegation met with U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater yesterday to argue against lifting restrictions on the number of flights at New York City's two airports.
DC, Washington, "US May Ban Concorde Landings in Retaliation for EU Hush Kit Restrictions" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Financial Times reports the United States plans to ban landings of the Concorde airliner in the US if the European Commission restricts hush-kited aircraft in Europe.
DC, Washington, "U.S. Offers to Negotiate with EU to Avert Hush Kit Ban" (Apr. 16, 1999). Reuters reports the United States said yesterday it had proposed a multilateral solution to prevent a retaliatory trade war over European Union plans to ban aircraft fitted with noise mufflers known as hush kits.
DC, Washington, "Controversy over Sen. McCain's Bill to Increase Flights at Reagan National" (Feb. 17, 1999). The Washington News Bureau reports Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has caused impassioned protests in Washington with his bill that, among other things, would add 48 takeoff and landing slots at Reagan National Airport.
DC, Washington, "US Charges European Union Ruling on Hush-Kitted Aircraft "Discriminatory"" (Feb. 18, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the United States on Thursday condemned a recent move by the European Parliament to ban hush-kitted jet aircraft in the European Union.
DC, Washington, "US Could Outlaw Concorde if EU Proceeds with Ban on Hush-Kitted Planes" (Feb. 18, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports flights to the United States by the Concorde may be prohibited if the European Union follows through with its ban on jets that use hushkits to reduce noise.
DC, Washington, "DC Residents Angry about Sen. McCain's Effort to Increase Flights at Reagan National Airport" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Christian Science Monitor reports Arizona Senator John McCain(R) is proposing to increase the number of flights in and out of Reagan National Airport and to lift the 1,250-mile limit on outbound aircraft from the Washington DC airport.
DC, Washington, "US Calls EU Rule Against Hush-Kitted Planes Discriminatory" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports the Undersecretary of Commerce, David Aaron, called the European Union's plan to prohibit hush-kitted planes in European skies pointless and biased.
DC, Washington, "An Eye for an Eye: US and EU Trade Aircraft Ban Threats, Citing Noise and Air Pollution" (Mar. 3, 1999). AP Online reports the United States House of Representative is considering a bill that could ban the Concorde from American skies if the European Union follows through with its plans to prohibit hush-kitted US planes from flying over Europe.
DC, Washington, "House Considers Bill Lifting All Flight Limits at O'Hare; Residents Alarmed" (Mar. 5, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports the most drastic proposal yet to ease flight caps at O'Hare International Airport will go through U.S. House committee discussions next week. Chicago area noise activists call the proposal "an accident waiting to happen" if it becomes reality.
DC, Washington, "US Finds EU Aircraft Ban Proposal Unacceptable; Threatens Retaliatory Ban" (Mar. 4, 1999). USA Today reports the United States threatened the European Union with a retaliatory aircraft ban if Europe follows through with prohibiting some US aircraft from Europe's skies.
DC, Washington, "Chicago Residents to Fight Washington Plan to Abolish High Density Rule at O'Hare Airport" (Feb. 9, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports federal transportation officials called Monday for lifting the cap on hourly flights at O'Hare International Airport, a limit that nearby suburbs see as one of their strongest defenses against more jet noise.
DC, Washington, "EU Hush Kit Ban Means Revenue Loss for US Aircraft Industry" (Feb. 10, 1999). Agence Presse reports a senior US trade official Tuesday forewarned that a European Union anti- noise directive, which could be approved Wednesday, could threaten one billion dollars' worth of US aircraft and aircraft engine orders.
DC, Washington, "Local Washington Citizens' Groups Will Fight Increased Flights at Reagan Airport" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Washington Times reports the US Senate commerce committee approved a bill yesterday that would add 48 takeoff and landing slots at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, double the number in last year's defeated bill.
DC, Washington, "Senators Approve Bill to Eliminate High Density Rule at Chicago's O'Hare Airport; Citizens Fear More Noise" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports a US Senate committee on Thursday approved legislation that would increase the number of flights at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.
DC, Washington, "US Rep. Appeals for More Aid for Airport Noise Victims in Tennessee" (Feb. 11, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) said Wednesday he hopes to re-open the issue of how much to pay noise-suffering residents near Memphis International Airport by increasing federal aid for noise mitigation.
DC, Washington, "US Senate Will Regulate Air Tour Noise in National Parks" (Feb. 11, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation today approved steps to address noise generated by airplane and helicopter tours over national parks.
DC, Washington, "US Transportation Secretary Headed to Europe to Tackle Airplane Noise Dispute with EU" (Mar. 20, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the US Transportation Secretary will travel to Europe to tackle a US-European dispute over airplane noise.
DC, Washington, "Anti-Noise Group Hires Law Firm to Battle Expansion at Newark Airport" (Mar. 21, 1999). The Associated Press reports a New Jersey group has hired a law firm to battle all expansion at Newark International Airport until the issue of air noise is resolved.
DC, Washington, "New Jersey Citizens' Group Sues to Stop Expansion at Newark until Noise Concerns Resolved" (Mar. 22, 1999). The Associated Press Wire Services reports a New Jersey citizens' group has decided to sue to stop all expansion at Newark International Airport until the noise issue is resolved.
DC, Washington, "Bowing to US Pressure, EU Agrees to Postpone Ban of Hush-Kitted Planes" (Mar. 11, 1999). EIU ViewsWire reports the European Union has given in to intense pressure from Washington, DC, and delayed a decision on plans to outlaw new aircraft equipped with 'hush kits.'
DC, Washington, "House Aviation Subcommittee Approves More Slots for O'Hare Airport" (Mar. 10, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a proposal to eliminate flight caps at O'Hare International Airport moved closer to reality on Tuesday.
DC, Washington, "NJ Lawmakers Advocate for Quieter Skies in Aviation Spending Bill" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports New Jersey lawmakers took some action Thursday toward making the skies quieter.
DC, Washington, "Reagan National Airport: Editorial Criticizes McCain Senate Bill; Supports House Effort" (Mar. 13, 1999). The Washington Post published an editorial criticizing Sen. John McCain's bill that would, in part, increase slots at Reagan National Airport. The editorial takes exception to leverage that can be taken by the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee in efforts to get certain bills passed, calling it "bad national policy."
DC, Washington, "Washington, DC "Nightclub Neighborhood" Discusses Noise Problems and Possible Liquor License Moratorium" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Washington Post reports that the Washington, DC neighborhood of Adams-Morgan has evolved over the years from a commercial residential neighborhood to a neighborhood with mostly restaurants and bars. The article also discusses a controversy that has ensued over the granting of liquor licenses to the various establishments.
DC, Washington, "OSHA Plans to Design Hearing Rules for Construction Industry" (Apr. 10, 2000). The Engineering News-Record reports that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is finally extending their 1983 hearing loss rule to include the construction industry. Charles N. Jeffress, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, made this announcement at a recent conference in Washington, DC on jobsite noise and hearing loss. The conference was sponsored by the Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America, OSHA, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
DC, Washington, "Noise Study Conducted by Conservation Groups in Yellowstone National Park May Convince National Park Service to Implement Parkwide Snowmobile Ban" (Mar. 14, 2000). The U.S. Newswire reports that the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition recently collaborated to study snowmobile noise in Yellowstone National Park. Based on its results, the National Park Service announced that it is seriously considering imposing a ban on snowmobiles in the park.
DC, Washington, "United States Government Officially Protests European Union Proposed Ban Against Hushkitted Aircraft" (Mar. 16, 2000). The M2 Presswire reports that the United States government today filed a formal "Article 84" action with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union (EU). The complaint concerns ongoing controversy surrounding the EU's proposed ban of aircraft that use American hushkit technology to make the planes quieter.
DC, Washington, "A Primer on Hushkit History and Worldwide Stage 3 and Stage 4 Air Emissions and Noise Standards" (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World reports on the two-year continuing battle between the United States and the European Union over emissions and noise standards in the airline industry. In particular, the article covers the controversy over hushkits and their restricted useage in clear, chronological terms.
DC, Washington, "Is "White Noise" Helpful in Getting a Good Night's Sleep?" (Mar. 29, 2000). USA Today printed a question and answer column about sleep problems. One question involved using white noise to help a reader get to sleep.
DC, Washington, "Jet Skis Banned From Assateague Island, Maryland" (Apr. 1, 2000). The Chicago Tribune reports that the U.S. National Park Service recently extended its jet ski and personal watercraft ban to include Assateague Island off the coast of Maryland and Virginia. The Park Service had earlier banned such watercraft at 358 of its 379 parks, recreation areas, and historic sites. Assateague was not included in the ban. The Park Service left it up to the exempted parks' superintendents to determine whether jet skis were harmful to wildlife in the park.
DC, Washington, "Readers Complain That Radio Stations Compromise Drivers' Safety By Use of Horns and Sirens on Radio Shows" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Washington Post published several letters to the editor in a column called "Dr. Gridlock," complaining about drivers' safety when local radio stations broadcast the sounds of horns and sirens on-air. The letters are reprinted here in their entirety:
DC, Washington, "Worldwide Cooperation Needed in Adopting More Stringent Air Noise Controls" (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World published an article about the history during the past 23 years of the airline industry in adhering to Chapter 3/Stage 3 noise rules, both in North American and in Europe. The writer believes it is time to begin discussing more seriously defining and adopting Chapter 4/Stage 4 noise rules.
Deltona, "Residents Living Near Deltona, Florida Park Say Lights Would Mean More Noise" (Jan. 9, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that Deltona, Florida City Commissioner and some city residents are in a dispute with neighbors of Wes Crile Park over lighting the park to allow for more nighttime games.
Denmark, Copenhagen, "European Commission to Hold Conference on European Union's Noise Pollution Policy" (Apr. 24, 1998). Agence France Presse reports that the European Commission, in cooperation with the Danish government, will hold a conference on May 4-5 in Copenhagen, Denmark, to discuss the European Union's noise pollution policy. The conference will focus on bringing noise pollution regulations of member states up to a standard and creating European Union legislation on noise pollution.
District of Columbia, "America West, Supported by Arizona Senator, Wants DC's National Airport to Loosen Rule and Allow Non-Stop Arrivals from Phoenix" (May 18, 1999). Arizona Republic reports that America West Airlines, with support from Arizona Senator John McCain, supports pending legislation that would allow non-stop flights from Phoenix into the District of Columbia's National Airport. Currently, a 1966 'perimeter rule' designed to ease congestion and help nearby Dulles and BWI airports compete, disallows flights of over 1,250 miles to fly into National. Critics say the Air Transportation Improvement Act would not lower fares, and would just create more noise.
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