City Index

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Sachse, Texas, "Texas Residents Oppose Concrete Plant" (Mar. 11, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports the Sachse City Council, prompted by residents' opposition to a proposed concrete batch plant, will host public hearings on the issue before voting to revise a zoning decision made in January.

Saco, Maine, "Maine Residents Voice Concerns About Noise From Proposed Gas Station Expansion" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that the Planning Board has approved Cumberland Farms' proposal to build a new store in Saco, Maine to replace its building on Route 1 and double the number of gas pumps from two to four. Area residents are concerned about the impacts that the expansion would have on the area including noise pollution at night.

Sacramaneto, California, "Air Cargo Operator to Double Flights Into Sacramento, California's Mather Airport on a Trial Basis" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Sacramento Bee reports that an air cargo operator has crafted a deal to add 12 flights into Sacramento, California's Mather Airport on a trial basis. The company wants to use Mather to handle a new $264 million contract with the U.S. Postal Service that involves routing packages to thirteen major cities on the West coast. There have already been noise complaints from communities under the incoming flight path at Mather, and they are likely to get worse with the increasing number of flights. The FAA is planning to propose a new landing approach to lessen noise complaints.

Sacramento County, California, "Plan to Widen Bridge in Sacramento County Brings Concerns about Noise, Traffic, and Health" (May 15, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports when the supervisors in Sacramento, California, unanimously approved a proposal to widen Watt Avenue, including the American River's Watt Avenue bridge, they joined one of the county's most contentious debates of the decade.

Sacramento, California, "Sacramento and Amphitheater Reach Tentative Compromise on Noise Reduction" (May 1, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that the city of Sacramento (California) and the amphitheater Cal Expo have reached a tentative settlement in their dispute over concert noise problems at the amphitheater. Under the settlement, the city has agreed to drop its lawsuit against Cal Expo and allow later nighttime curfews than it set for concerts last year, while Cal Expo has agreed to accept curfews that are earlier than it would prefer and monetary penalties when the curfews are violated.

Sacramento, California, "Fans and Foes of California Bridge Expansion Fight Over Potential Impacts" (Nov. 16, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that officials in Sacramento County, California are considering widening the Watt Avenue bridge over the American River to relieve congestion in the area. The first public hearing on the matter will be held Monday, and opponents and proponents of the plan are expected to attend. The $15 million project will go before county supervisors for a vote early next year, the article notes.

Sacramento, California, "Sacramento Residents Rally To Ban Leaf Blowers" (Dec. 5, 1997). The Sacremento Bee printed the following letters to the editor concerning banning leaf blowers in Sacramento, California:

Sacramento, California, "Lake Tahoe Jet Ski Ban Challenged by Manufacturers" (Oct. 31, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the nation's jet ski industry filed suit in federal court in Sacramento, California, against Lake Tahoe's ban on personal watercraft. Watercraft manufacturers challenged the suit by arguing that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency exceeded its authority when it adopted the ban, to take effect in June 1999. According to this article, the Lake Tahoe case is of particular importance because as "one of the nation's natural jewels," Lake Tahoe gives this fight "great visibility and importance."

Sacramento, California, "Repeal of LA Leaf-Blower Ban Defeated in Senate" (Apr. 14, 1998). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports legislation that would repeal Los Angeles' ban on gasoline-powered leaf blowers did not get the majority of votes Monday in a state Senate committee.

Sacramento, California, "California State Legislature to Consider Bill Preventing Cities in California from Banning or Regulating Leaf Blowers" (Apr. 5, 1998). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports the long-running controversy over the noise-versus-utility of leaf blowers is now sweeping into California's state legislature, where a bill before the state Senate would prevent cities from banning or independently regulating the machines.

Sacramento, California, "Sacramento Elementary School Wants Sound Wall; Neighborhood Activists Push" (Feb. 19, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports teachers, students and administrators at Babcock Elementary School are in favor a sound wall being built along the Capital City Freeway in Sacramento. The article outlines the process that will be undertaken to determine if a sound wall is feasible.

Sacramento, California, "California State Legislator Revives Bill to Prohibit Local Leaf-Blower Bans; Bill Headed for Assembly Floor Vote" (Jul. 25, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that a state law -- that prohibits local bans on leaf-blowers -- which was originally proposed to counter Los Angeles' gas-fueled leaf-blower ban passed last January seems likely to pass. The bill failed last year, but now even those who oppose the bill say that it may pass due to Republican support. The Local Government Committee just passed it by 7-3, and the Assembly will vote soon.

Sacramento, California, "Leaf Blower Bill to Overturn Local Controls Gets Approval in California Assembly" (Jul. 1, 1998). The United Press International reports legislation to overturn local controls on leaf blowers has been narrowly approved by the California Assembly's Local Government Committee.

Sacramento, California, "Bill Before California State Senate Would Prevent Cities From Banning or Regulating Leaf-Blowers" (Apr. 4, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports that a bill is before the California state Senate to prevent cities from banning or independently regulating leaf-blowers. The bill was introduced in an attempt to overturn Los Angeles' ban on gasoline-powered leaf-blowers, the article notes. If it passes, the measure would weaken Sacramento's restrictions on leaf-blowers, according to opponents.

Sacramento, California, "Cargo Companies at Mather Airport Oppose Nearby Development" (May 22, 1998). The Sacramento Business Journal reports cargo companies at Sacramento's Mather Airport fear if new development is allowed closer to the facility, it will be the end of the new hub.

Sacramento, California, "Mather Airport Says Encroaching Development Threatens Its Appeal to Cargo Companies" (May 22, 1998). Business Journal-Sacramento reports that Mather Airport is facing the problem that has bedeviled airports around the country: encroaching development. According to the article Mather Airport has become an important hub for air cargo companies but if development is allowed to come closer to the facility, its appeal to cargo companies will be lost. The article contains three subsections entitled "Shrinking Buffers", "Disputed Noise Readings" and "Housing Wanted."

Sacramento, California, "Some Practical Solutions to Personal Computer Noise" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Sacramento Bee reports that a reader wrote in to expert Cheryl Leff to ask her if the bothersome noise coming from her new computer is normal, and how she can help to make it quieter.

Sacrmento County, California, "Sacramento Airport Construction Delay Because of Noise and Safety Issues" (Apr. 16, 2000). The Sacramento Bee reported that the increase of noise complaints and the crash of a cargo jet have resulted in an 18-month construction delay at Mather Airport. The article said county officials the opportunity to study the future of the up and coming air-freight hub.

Saddlebrook, Florida, "Boca Raton, Florida Citizens Split Over Proposed Sound Walls Along State Highway" (Apr. 27, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that Boca Raton, Florida residents are divided over the proposed sound walls scheduled to be built along U.S. 441. Many residents are concerned that the walls will ruin aesthetics, decrease property values and increase vandalism.

Saginaw Township, Michigan, "Michigan Town Wants to Lower Volume on Noisy Car Stereos" (Apr. 5, 1999). The Associated Press reports some residents of Saginaw Township, Michigan, want to see a change in a local noise ordinance that would focus on noisy car stereos.

Salem, Connecticut, "Conn. Residents Say NIMBY to Heliport and Noise; Planning Commission Gets Final Say" (Apr. 15, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports Salem, Connecticut, residents said Wednesday they fear a heliport proposed for their neighborhood will bring noise and safety concerns.

Salem, Virginia, "Salem, Virginia, Residents Want Noise Wall, Not Re-location When I 81 Expands" (Aug. 11, 1998). The Roanoke Times & World News reports residents of Salem, Virginia's, Stonegate community prefer a noise wall to relocation when Interstate 81 is widened.

Salem, Virginia, "Neighbors of Proposed In-Home Babysitting Service in Salem, Virginia Worried About Increased Noise and Traffic" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Roanoke Times reports that a couple's request to open an in-home babysitting service on Bainbridge Street in Salem, Virginia has met with considerable opposition from their neighbors. Neighbors complained about increased noise, traffic, and decreased property values at a recent Salem Planning Commission hearing concerning the special use permit.

Salisbury Plain, England, "English Rural Life Also Plagued By Unwanted Sound" (Dec. 11, 1999). The Daily Telegraph printed an article from someone who left the urban life for country life to get away from the noise, only to find unwanted sound of a completely different genre.

Salisbury, England, "Citing Noise and Increased Use, Neighbors Wants Restrictions Placed on Britain's Oldest Working Airfield" (Mar. 18, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports a public meeting is being called over families' complaints that their weekends are being ruined by noise from light planes using Britain's oldest working airfield.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "National Basketball Association Orders Utah Stadium to Turn Down the Volume" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Des Moines Register reports that the National Basketball Association has ordered Utah to turn down the volume on the PA system at the Delta Center, but the basketball team the Utah Jazz are arguing against the restrictions, saying the players can't hear their introductions and the dancers can't hear their music.

Salt Lake City, Utah, ""Pink" Noise Will Be Piped In At American Stores Tower In Salt Lake City" (Nov. 2, 1997). An extensive article appears in The Salt Lake Tribune about the impact 1,900 executive employees will make on downtown when they move into the American Stores high-rise tower in Salt Lake City, Utah, in January. Some downtown merchants see this major consolidation of company operations as having a positive impact on the downtown with increased shopping and spending. Business experts see this new conglomerate headquarters designed with its employees in mind as the wave of the future. The Salt Lake Tribune describes in detail the architectural design of the tower that accommodates such a large number of executives. One issue taken into consideration is blocking noise made by employees who work side-by-side in cubicles. "We've tried very hard to design a pleasant place where people want to come to work," American Stores engineer, Pete Bratsos explains.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Utah Lawmakers Consider Mass Transit" (Jan. 18, 1998). The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Utah lawmakers are beginning to consider mass transit systems for the state, but road work still dominates transportation policies.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Local Noise Ordinance Enforced After Much Delay in Salt Lake City, Utah" (Jul. 30, 1998). The Deseret News published the following letter to the editor regarding the much-delayed enforcement of a local noise ordinance in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Noise and Safety Considerations for Ice Cream Trucks Are Issues for Some in Salt Lake City" (May 29, 1998). The Deseret News reports that summer and ice cream season are approaching, but some in Salt Lake City, Utah are worried about noise and safety considerations. The article interviews two owners of ice cream truck companies about the issues.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Residents Along Highways in Utah's Salt Lake Valley Have Varying Opinions About Noise Walls" (May 1, 1999). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that Utah's Transportation Commission is caught between residents who like noise-walls and those who hate them. Some residents say the walls allow them to enjoy their yards again without shouting over highway noise. Others want the walls demolished, arguing that their views of the valley are more important. The Department of Transportation will be remeasuring noise levels in June to determine if the sound walls have effectively reduced noise.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Some Utah Residents Push for Removal of Sound Wall that Blocks Their View, Sunlight, and Actually Increases Noise for Some Residents" (Aug. 27, 1999). The Deseret News reports that Utah's Transportation Commission is considering the removal of sound walls constructed along Interstate 215. 17 homeowners are already planning to sue for lost sunlight and views. A survey will be conducted of those who experience at least 65 decibels of highway noise in the Salt Lake City area to determine whether there is overwhelming support -- more than a majority -- for tearing down the walls

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Utah Residents Want Noise Barrier on I-15" (Jul. 7, 1999). The Salt Lake Tribune says that residents in Farmington, Utah want the city to build a sound barrier along Interstate 15. They've gathered over 1,000 signatures asking the city to accept state funding for a concrete slab from the Utah Department of Transportation. If the city declines, residents say they have over 25 percent more signatures than they need to get on the ballot at voting time in November.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "To Wall or Not to Wall? That is the Question in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, as Noise Walls are Vehemently Opposed by Some, Praised by Others" (Mar. 14, 1999). The Salt Lake Tribune reports noise walls are a contentious issue in Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Some residents applaud their effectiveness against freeway noise while others decry their unsightliness.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Gravel Mine to Replace Shooting Range Near Salt Lake City, Utah; Planning Commission Tried to Shut Down Range Because of Noise Years Ago, But State Legislature Stopped It" (Nov. 9, 1999). The Salt Lake Tribune reports that a shooting range near Salt Lake City, Utah will be closed down within a year or two. Noise complaints have been a problem, but the reasons behind the decision seem to be strictly financial. The planning commission had tried several years ago to close the noisy range, but the state legislature passed a bill preventing noisy establishments from being shut down by complainants who knew the noise was there when they moved.

Salt Lake City, Utah, "Light Rail System on the Wasatch Front Near Salt Lake City, Utah Shouldn't Add Much Noise to Area" (Nov. 8, 1999). The Deseret News reports that a light rail system planned for the Wasatch Front, near Salt Lake City, Utah, will be relatively quiet. The whistle will be much quieter than freight train whistles, and will be used sparingly.

Salt Lake Valley, Utah, "Public in Utah's Salt Lake Valley Split on Sound Walls, Some Ask That Walls Demanded Two Years Ago Be Torn Down" (May 1, 1999). The Salt Lake Tribune reports that 150 residents from Utah's Salt Lake Valley communities packed a Transportation Commission Meeting to voice varied opinions over Interstate 215 sound walls. Two years ago, residents demanded sound walls from the Commission in the same areas; some commissioners doubted their effectiveness along a hillside, but approved the $1 million project in response to pressure from state officials. While some still love the walls, the recent meeting was filled with even more people who want the walls demolished to regain the valley views they love more than quiet. Some comments regarding the Department of Transportation's decision making process prompted the commission to promise a look at the original decision to build the walls. The question is, was the public educated as to the impact the walls would have?

San Antonio, Texas, "Hush House at San Antonio Airport Will Allow Jet Engine Tests Around the Clock" (Feb. 20, 1998). The San Antonio Business Journal reports the San Antonio International Airport will complete a new engine run-up facility within two years which will allow companies to test their jets' engines 24 hours a day.

San Antonio, Texas, "Activists in San Antonio, Texas Hope Noise Compatibility Study Will Bring Airport Up to Speed on Noise Reduction Initiatives" (Sep. 15, 1999). The San Antonio Express-News reports that a current noise compatibility study around San Antonio International Airport in Texas has residents hoping for relief from aircraft noise. Local organizations believe that alternating takeoff patterns and faster climbing are among the cheapest, easiest, ways to reduce noise immediately. A 5-house pilot soundproofing project will help determine whether the federal government will fund up to 80% of a soundproofing initiative at the airport.

San Antonio, Texas, "Texas' San Antonio International Airport Far Behind Other Airports in Noise Abatement" (Sep. 19, 1999). The San Antonio Express-News prints an editorial that criticizes noise abatement efforts at Texas' San Antonio International Airport. The article notes that two recent public hearings and noise studies have promised no relief for residents. While acknowledging that soundproofing is not practical for every affected home, the editorial pushes for a dialogue between all impacted parties.

San Antonio, TX, "San Antonio, TX Cites Concrete Company for Noise" (Jun. 16, 1999). The San Antonio Express News reports a Northwest Side concrete company received a citation for violating the city's noise ordinance.

San Bernadino County, California, "California Residents Protest Proposed Road Relocation" (Dec. 11, 1997). The Press Enterprise reports that residents of Lakeview Mobile Estates in San Bernadino County, California are angry about a new park that would cause a heavily traveled road to be moved to within 22 feet of their homes. They have collected more than 100 signatures on a petition and plan to protest at a Planning Commission meeting next week.

San Bernardino County, California, "California Commisioner Urges Residents to Vote No on Measure U or Lose Public Input" (Oct. 28, 1997). The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California, published the following editorial by John Harrison who talks about the quality of life in Redlands and the threat of Measure U to close public debate around such issues as land use, noise, and traffic.

San Bruno, California, "San Francisco Airport Receives Multi-Million Dollar Package to Reduce Noise" (Jun. 23, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports California's San Francisco International Airport received a multi-million dollar grant yesterday intended to make SFO more safe and efficient. About $11 million will go toward airfield work, while the rest of the funds will be devoted to noise reduction, including $4 million for soundproofing homes in South San Francisco and San Bruno.

San Carlos, California, "Calif. Residents Fear Extended Runway Means Larger, Noisier Planes" (Sep. 8, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports a plan to extend the runway at California's San Carlos Airport makes neighbors fear bigger and noisier aircraft. Airport officials stress the project is necessary to increase airport safety.

San Carlos, California, "San Carlos, California Airport Officials Eager To Proceed With Airport Expansion" (Apr. 22, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that San Carlos Officials have voted to move ahead on construction of a longer runway which residents fear may lead to larger planes and increased noise pollution.

San Carlos, California, "San Mateo County Supervisors in California Promise to Explore Ways to Reduce Touch and Go Flights Outside of the Work-Week at San Carlos Airport" (Jul. 28, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that San Mateo County Supervisors promised at a recent meeting to try to reduce the number of touch and go flights that disrupt communities surrounding San Carlos Airport. They approved new flight procedures that avoid communities, and a voluntary curfew proposed by the local pilots association that would stop practice flights between 11 PM and 7 AM. Worried pilots who value touch and go practices were also in attendance. Members of Neighbors Against San Carlos Airport Noise want "pattern flying" restricted to 9 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday, claiming that the Board's proposal, which would allow weekend flights, doesn't go far enough.

San Clemente, California, "Reader in San Clemente, California Worried that Noise From New Toll Road Will Ruin San Clemente Backcountry Experience" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Orange County Register in California printed an editorial by Steve Netherby of San Clemente. He is extremely concerned about plans to build the Foothill South Toll Road. He is worried about the noise and other environmental assaults that the expressway, as well as other types of development, would produce in the area and the negative impact it will have on the San Clemente backcountry.

San Diego area, California, "Letters to the Editor About California Airport Facility" (Mar. 25, 2000). The San Diego Union Tribune printed letters to the editor regarding Miramar military base as a choice for an international airport. The letters are printed in their entirety.

San Diego, California, "San Diego Homeowners Fight to Keep Military Helicopters Out" (Sep. 8, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that residents in the San Diego area are increasing their efforts directed against a plan to relocate extremely loud Marine Corps helicopters to a base that affects their community.

San Diego, California, "California Company Develops Quieter Leaf Blower" (Dec. 13, 1997). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that Metallic Power Inc. is developing technology for quieter leaf blowers.

San Diego, California, "California Appeals Court Upholds Vote on Commercial Airport at El Toro Air Base" (Jul. 1, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that a district appeals court in San Diego, California rejected an attempt by opponents of the proposed El Toro Airport to invalidate a 1994 referendum that supported the airport. Other lawsuits from airport opponents are still to be decided.

San Diego, California, "Innovative San Diego Wastewater Treatment Facility Reduces Construction Noise By Careful Scheduling" (Dec. 1997). American City and County reports that the San Diego, California Wastewater Department purchased and set aside a pristine habitat covering 30 acres. Impacts like traffic and noise were addressed by limiting construction hours, employee work hours and delivery times.

San Diego, California, "Tips to Reduce the Amount of Outside Noise that Filters Inside Your Home" (Apr. 13, 1998). The Copley News Service reports on ways to prevent the sounds of a noisy neighborhood-steady traffic, dogs barking, children at play, and late-night parties-from filling your home..

San Diego, California, "California Residents Call for More Noise Protection With Highway Project" (Jul. 22, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that the City Council in San Diego, California unanimously approved a plan yesterday to mitigate some of the impact of the construction of state Route 56 through Carmel Valley. The plan requires a buffer zone between the freeway and surrounding land, extensive landscaping, limited lighting, and limited grading. In addition, the plan outlines steps that must be taken to protect wildlife and offset environmental damage caused by the freeway. But some residents living near the project asked for more restrictions, including an agreement that the freeway would never be widened beyond six lanes.

San Diego, California, "Group of CA Residents Charge Marine Corps Plans to Reduce Air Noise Inadequate" (May 20, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports a plan to quiet helicopters and jets flying out of Miramar Marine Corps Air Station was unveiled yesterday by the Marine Corps and San Diego City Councilwoman Barbara Warden's committee of residents. But people who sued last year to stop the Marines from bringing helicopters to Miramar say that there's nothing new about the plan and that it won't reduce noise.

San Diego, California, "Letters to the Editor From Residents East of San Diego, California's Miramar Naval Base Upset Over Proposed New Flight Path for Noisy Helicopters" (Aug. 5, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints a series of letters to the editor from residents who are upset about an eastern flight path for helicopters from San Diego's Miramar military base. The letters allege that the flight path will impact middle-class people more than the rich, and say that just because the flight path will affect fewer people doesn't mean it's better. Residents say that although they knew of the base when they moved in, they didn't know the flight paths would be moved over their heads and be used increasingly for louder aircraft. Some alternative routes are suggested.

San Diego, California, "San Diego Letters to the Editor Sound Off On Aircraft Noise From Miramar Military Base" (Aug. 2, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints several letters to the editor on the issue of noise from Miramar Military Base. Some residents criticized city officials for dumping a new Port District administrator's ideas for not following the proper chain of command. Others criticized the relocation of flight paths that would put noise control ahead of safety, or shift noise to a more rural area.

San Diego, California, "Letters to the Editor Divided Over Recent Public Meeting in Escondido, California Where a Marine Corps Official Explained Reasons for Helicopter Noise Over the Community" (Aug. 28, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints several letters to the editor regarding a recent Escondido, California meeting about helicopter noise from Miramar Marines Base. Some criticized complainers and said the military is necessary and quiet enough. Others criticized meeting-goers who booed military officials. Others criticized military officials for 'burning time' allotted for public questions and for 'smugly' sitting together while many elderly people stood throughout the meeting.

San Diego, California, "Calif. Marine Base Agrees to Change Helicopter Flight Path After Noise Complaints and Lawsuit" (Feb. 24, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports in response to California residents' complaints about noise, Marine Corps officials said Tuesday they will shift the main helicopter flight path a mile south to avoid Del Mar and other suburbs.

San Diego, California, "Marines Agree to Conduct Noise and Pollution Studies to Settle Lawsuit Over Helicopters at Miramar, Calif." (Feb. 23, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports the U.S. Marines announced Tuesday an agreement to conduct air pollution studies and pay legal fees to settle a California lawsuit over the transfer of hundreds military helicopters to Miramar Marine Corps Air Station.

San Diego, California, "Sound Specialist Tells Calif. Residents Noise from Sound and Gravel Company Can be Mitigated" (Feb. 11, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports residents of Serra Mesa, California, learned from an acoustical engineer that noise from a nearby sand and gravel pit can be muffled at the source to allow them to sleep at night.

San Diego, California, "Two Residents of San Diego Address Noise from Miramar Military Base; One Suggests Alternate Flight Path, Another Criticizes Anti-Noise Activists for Having Skewed Priorities Away from Safety" (Nov. 11, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints several letters to the editor, two of which pertain to helicopter noise from Miramar military base. The first writer suggests consideration of an alternative flight path, while the second says there are bigger problems to complain about than noise.

San Diego, California, "Renter Asks If He Has Any Recourse Against Noise from Natural Childbirth; Columnists Say "No, Other Than Discussion With the Neighbor In Question"" (Oct. 17, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints a question and answer column for renters and landlords. One questioner asks if a tenant can prevent a planned natural childbirth in his complex -- which could be noisy -- or receive a discount on his rent for any disturbance. The columnists say that the only real recourse that the complainer has is to talk to the couple himself, or to ask the landlord or another neighbor to talk to them in his place; they also say to just "relax".

San Diego, California, "Three San Diego, California Area Residents Voice Opinions Over Miramar Base Noise; One Says Safety Should Determine Flight Paths, Second Says Newer Helicopters Might Not Reduce Noise, Third Criticizes Letter that Blamed Military Pilot's Death in Kuwait on Noise Abatement Here" (Nov. 4, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints three letters relating to aircraft noise at Miramar Base. The first letter says only safety and cost should determine helicopter flight paths; the second says that newer helicopters may not mean quieter skies; the third criticizes a couple's letter that blamed their son's death in Kuwait on "worrying about noise abatement" while he was training here.

San Diego, California, "Letters to the Editor on the Issue of Helicopter Noise from Miramar Marines Base in San Diego, California" (Sep. 9, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints several letters to the editor regarding helicopter noise from Miramar Marines Base in San Diego, California. The first writer protests past letters to the editor that painted North Count residents as people who had moved near noise to begin with; the author says that he neither "moved next to an airport [nor] moved next to Interstate 15." He believes North County residents should work with East County residents to have the helicopters moved out of San Diego entirely instead of trying to limit their impact to one part of the county or another. The second writer pushes for consideration of the quickest, most direct flight paths. He says they effect the fewest people even if they pass over the North County where the "squawk factor" (complaint intensity) is higher. The third writer says that in sixty years of living in the North County, she has never been bothered by helicopter noise as much as by other neighborhood noise such as lawnmowers. She believes that another non-noise-related agenda motivates the complainers. The fourth and final writer has problems with the facts that the Marines will consider pilot safety above all other factors and that they will have final say in determining flight paths. She believes that safety of pilots should be balanced with protection of civilians, and that unbiased professionals would be better to decide on the flight paths.

San Diego, California, "Mayors of Four Cities in Flight Path of Helicopters From Miramar Marines Base in San Diego, California Meet to Discuss Ways to Reduce Noise" (Sep. 9, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that the mayors of four cities in the flight path of helicopters from San Diego, California's Miramar Marines Base met to discuss ways to reduce the noise. They focused on alternate flight paths and quieter helicopters.

San Diego, California, "Proposed Roads Across San Diego Area Canyons Intended to Reduce Traffic Pit Environmentalists Against Transportation Planners" (Sep. 5, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that many San Diego leaders are pushing to allow roads through area canyons to alleviate traffic problems. The canyons are important 'wildlife corridors' for species like Mule Deer, and often serve as natural retreats for people who want to escape the city. According to environmentalists, one canyon with a highway through it was "pushed into a slow biological decline." Another canyon which blocked a road that was proposed twenty years ago is in danger again. The canyon in question contains a huge nature preserve where hundreds of songbird species and eleven raptor species live in addition to many mule deer and other wildlife. Canyon crossings contribute to erosion problems in the canyons, and disrupt important wildlife corridors.

San Diego, California, "Three Residents Near San Diego, California's Miramar Marine Base Give Their Opinion on Proposed New Flight Paths for Noisy Helicopters" (Sep. 9, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune prints three opinions from residents near San Diego, California's Miramar Marine Base about proposed new flight paths for noisy helicopters. The first opinion, from the second district supervisor, centers on the importance of maintaining safety despite any possible noise impacts. She also emphasizes the importance of working together with the military instead of creating a confrontational situation. She says that shoving noise from the North County to the East County is not the solution, and notes that the military will consider Eastern routes but will not guarantee that it will use them in the end. The second opinion focuses on the fact that most people who are complaining about noise knew they were moving near an airport. The third opinion renames MARCH (Move Against Relocating Copters Here) to WHINE (We Hope Itineraries are Nudged East) and says that the more urban North County treat East County residents as if they were hicks; the author says that copters would be far more disruptive in the rural East County than the more developed North County.

San Diego, California, "Interview with Major General William G. Bowdon, Commander Marine Corps Air Bases Western Area Concerning Military Air Routes and Noise Mitigation" (Apr. 9, 2000). The San Diego Union-Tribune printed an interview with Major General William G. Bowdon, Commander of the Marine Corps Air Bases Western Area. Bowdon spoke about flight routes and the use of the Miramar air facility. He addressed military aircraft noise at the base. The interview is reprinted here in its entirety:

San Diego, California, "Three Day Airport Noise Seminar in California Unveils New Technology to Reduce Noise" (Feb. 20, 2000). According to the Chicago Daily Herald, a three-day conference, titled: "Year 2000 International Airport Noise Symposium," sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley included city officials from the Chicago area who sit on the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission.

San Diego, California, ""Car Talk" Column Responds to Reader's Question About Whining Differential in Minivan" (Mar. 18, 2000). The San Diego Union Tribune's "Car Talk" Column contains a question by a reader who hears a whining noise coming from the rear of his minivan. "Car Talk's" Tom and Ray Magliozzi address his concerns.

San Diego, California, "Condo Owner Questions Whether Neighbor Can Legally Complain About Noisy Children in Condo Complex" (Mar. 12, 2000). The San Diego Union-Tribune published a question-and-answer column for renters and landlords, written by Certified Property Manager Robert Griswold, host of Real Estate Today! (KSDO Radio, 10 a.m. Saturdays) and by attorneys Steven R. Kellman, director of the Tenants' Legal Center, and Ted Smith, principal in a law firm representing landlords. A reader posed a question about a condo owner in her association who complained about children making noise.

San Fernando Valley, California, "California's Metropolitan Transportation Authority Votes to Prioritize Long-Promised Highway Noise Walls, Legislators Push for Funds" (Apr. 30, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that California's Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and legislators are trying to accelerate the building of promised highway soundwalls in the state. A list, created in 1989, still includes 58 soundwalls that have yet to be built. Since 1989, 91 additional soundwalls have been placed on a second list. The large majority of the soundwalls on the first list are in Los Angeles County, with at least 13 in San Fernando Valley.

San Fernando Valley, California, "Los Angeles' Van Nuys Airport Applies for Permit to Allow Continued Operation Above State Noise Limits; Anti-Noise Activists Ask for Permit Stipulations Requiring Stronger Commitments to Reducing Noise" (Sep. 16, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that Los Angeles' Van Nuys Airport is applying for a permit that would allow it to continue operating above state-mandated noise levels. Noise critics want conditions to be imposed on the permit such as flight path restrictions for helicopters and a commitment to phasing out -- not just restricting -- noisy Stage 2 jets. Airport officials claim that they have already taken steps to reducing noise, and will continue to without "state-imposed conditions".

San Francisco, California, "Noise Pollution Invades Airport Departure Gates" (Oct. 26, 1996). In this opinion piece, author Adam Hochschild decries the lack of quiet in airport departure gates. For Hochschild, the sources of noise pollution are the continuously sounding television sets, mounted out of reach of anyone who would like to turn off the sound. Hochschild believes he is not alone in feeling annoyed by "force-fed TV," citing those travelers who would like to talk, read or work while waiting for their flights. He believes unwanted noise should be regulated. In public places, Hochschild likens the unwanted noise from TV to the pollution from cigarette smoke. But, the author notes that the noise from unwanted TV can't be sucked away like cigarette smoke by a good ventilation system. Many communities place restrictions on noise from jet skis, leaf blowers and snowmobiles. What about regulating the unwanted noise from television sets? With special rooms or designated areas for smokers, why not a special room in airports for TV watchers?

San Francisco, California, "Tests in San Francisco Movie Theaters Show that Some Movie Sound Levels Break 100 Decibels" (Aug. 10, 1997). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Robert Sweetow, audiology director at the University of California at San Francisco, has tested sound levels at San Francisco Bay Area theaters and found that the sound level of some movies exceed 100 decibels, the noise level generated by a jackhammer. Loud sound levels at movies have been encouraged by sophisticated audio technology which now allows soundtracks to be played at very loud levels without fuzziness or distortion, the article says. Unnecessarily loud preview trailers before movies are also an issue, and according to Barry Reardon, president of Warner's Distribution, an industry task force of movie companies and theater owners is trying to standardize and lower preview trailer volumes.

San Francisco, California, "More Noisy Streetcars to be Bought in San Francisco" (Aug. 19, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to allow San Francisco's Municipal Railway to buy 59 more Italian-built Breda streetcars, despite problems with the streetcars that include screeching noise and vibrations that shake houses.

San Francisco, California, "California Cemetery Sues Transportation Authorities for Noise of Proposed Rail Extension" (Sep. 2, 1997). The Recorder reports that the Cypress Lawn Cemetery Association in the San Francisco, California area has filed a lawsuit against BART (a rail transportation authority) and the San Mateo County Transit District at the San Mateo County Superior Court. The suit claims the transportation authorities violated the California Environmental Quality Act by failing to address ways to reduce or eliminate noise, vibrations, dust, landscaping scars, and architectural damage on the cemetery's property that borders BART's eight-mile planned extension to the San Francisco International Airport.

San Francisco, California, "Across The Nation, Jet Skis Are Making Waves" (Dec. 30, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the increase in boating accidents involving jet skis are yet another cause for their regulation. Noise and other environmental damage are causing some states to regulate the use of jet skis.

San Francisco, California, "Airlines Challenge San Francisco Benefits Law, Saying They Are Subject Only to Federal Laws" (May 13, 1997). Business Wire reports in an industry press release that the Air Transport Association (ATA) today filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco which challenges a local ordinance that would force U.S. airlines to offer employment benefits to the "domestic partners" of employees. ATA claims that airlines can only be governed by federal laws, not local laws. (Ed: This issue is relevant to airport noise issues because the airline industry uses the same arguments with respect to local noise ordinances as with San Francisco's domestic partner ordinance.)

San Francisco, California, "Cost to Fix San Francisco's New Whining Streetcars Could be $1 Million Per Car" (Nov. 18, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that officials from San Francisco's Municipal Railway said yesterday that the only remaining option to fix the whining noise and shaking caused by new Breda streetcars is a repair that could cost as much as $1 million a car.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco Airport Gets Three Year Variance to Comply with California's Noise Standards; Local and State Leaders Oppose Extension" (Sep. 4, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports California's San Francisco International Airport received a variance for another three years to comply with state noise standards and become a quieter neighbor.

San Francisco, California, "Committee Bans Personal Watercraft Banned within 1,200 of San Francisco's Shoreline" (Aug. 14, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors reported unanimously to ban personal watercraft within 1,200 feet of the city's shoreline.

San Francisco, California, "California Senator Introduces Bill To Strengthen Controls On Airport Noise" (Feb. 19, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that State Senator Quentin Kopp plans to introduce a new bill to help communities fight airport noise.

San Francisco, California, "Noise Pollution is a Growing Health Hazard" (Feb. 19, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports how noise pollution is a growing problem recognized by hosts of activists, experts and citizens groups.

San Francisco, California, "Citizens' Group Unhappy with Noise from San Francisco Airport" (Jan. 20, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports a new citizens' organization opposed to noise from San Francisco International Airport is urging Peninsula mayors to exert more pressure on the airport to be a quieter neighbor.

San Francisco, California, "National Parks Service Ban on Jet Skis May Affect California Sites" (Jul. 8, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports personal watercraft would be banned from all national parks as early as next year because of safety, noise and environmental concerns under rules proposed by the National Park Service. In California, personal watercraft could still be operated at the discretion of the local superintendent at units administered by the Park Service.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco Supervisor Proposes Entertainment District after Residents Make Noise Complaints" (Jul. 2, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports San Francisco's Supervisor Gavin Newsom is proposing the city create an entertainment district to balance needs of clubs and residents in the South of Market section of the city.

San Francisco, California, "Noise Won't Fly as Reason for SFO Runways over Salt Bay" (Nov. 24, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports San Francisco International Airport officials outlined a plan yesterday to build new runways over the bay. Environmentalists are skeptical.

San Francisco, California, "Extended Limits on Noisy Planes at San Francisco Airport Applauded by Airport Group" (Oct. 15, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports San Francisco International Airport has asked the FAA to extend a nighttime ban on Stage 2 aircraft.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco Airport Asks FAA to Extend Nighttime Noise Ban on Stage 2 Jets" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Associated Press reports the San Francisco International Airport has asked the FAA to extend a nighttime ban for some of the loudest jets in use.

San Francisco, California, "Opponents of Newsom's Proposed Nightclub-Protection Zone Speak Out Against Expected Noise, Crime and Trash" (Apr. 20, 1999). San Francisco Chronicle reports that despite Supervisor Gavin Newsom's determination to make a safety zone for nightclub owners in his district, residents are speaking out in opposition to the proposed legislature which they say will create nothing but hassles. Meanwhile Newsom argues that the ordinance is necessary to preserve the feel of San Francisco's SoMa area which he says is being overrun by loft dwellers.

San Francisco, California, "Postal Service Moves Western Hub from Oakland, California to Sacramento's Mather Airport After Reno -- the Service's First Choice -- Raises Objections Over Noise" (Aug. 20, 1999). The Sacramento Business Journal reports that the U.S. Postal Service has moved its West Coast hub from Oakland, California to Sacramento's Mather Airport. Oakland no longer wants the hub, and after Reno said it was worried about noise, the Postal Service (USPS) settled on Mather, although residents have been complaining about cargo plane noise there. 11 flights will go in and out of the airport each week for the USPS starting August 28, increasing traffic there by half.

San Francisco, California, "American Airlines Provides Active Noise Reduction Earphones for All Passengers on Some Flights" (Dec. 5, 1999). The Sacramento Bee reports that as of November, certain American Airlines flights have included active-noise-reduction earphones for all passengers.

San Francisco, California, "Calif. Residents Fear More Noise from Expanded Runways at San Francisco International Airport" (Feb. 23, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle reports a San Francisco city supervisor wants to create a city policy prohibiting noise from San Francisco International Airport to exceed current levels.

San Francisco, California, "Humboldt County, California Motocross Track Shut Down After Environmentalists Complain of Noise in Nearby Ancient Redwood Grove" (May 18, 1999). Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that a popular motocross track in California's Humboldt County will be shut down after a successful suit by the Save the Redwoods League contended that the resulting noise was incompatible with enjoyment of a nearby ancient Redwood grove.

San Francisco, California, "Humboldt County, California Motocross Track Shut Down After Environmentalists Complain of Noise in Nearby Ancient Redwood Grove" (May 18, 1999). Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that a popular motocross track in California's Humboldt County will be shut down after a successful suit by the Save the Redwoods League contended that the resulting noise was incompatible with enjoyment of a nearby ancient Redwood grove.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco's Mercury News Fails at Attempt to Force City to Release Names of Noise Complainants" (Dec. 1, 1999). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that an attempt by the Mercury News in San Francisco, California to force the city to release names of noise complainants has failed. The court ruled that the city was justified in keeping the names secret because releasing the names could lead to harassment of complainants and could make residents more reluctant to complain in the future. The newspaper claimed that complainants names should be released according to the Public Records Act.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco Resident Criticizes Airport Director for Using Euphemisms to Disguise Expansion Plans and Ignoring Noise Concerns" (Nov. 11, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle prints several letters to the editor, one of which criticizes a recent letter that discounted noise problems from San Francisco International Airport.

San Francisco, California, "San Francisco International Airport Director Responds to Letter from Mayor that Minimized Noise-Reduction Efforts at the Airport" (Nov. 3, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle prints a letter to the editor from the Director of San Francisco International Airport who responds to a previous letter from the Mayor. The writer says that the Airport Community Roundtable, which was criticized as ineffectual by the Mayor, has resulted in several noise reduction improvements.

San Francisco, California, "Homeowners Can Build Their Own Garden Sound Berms to Block Noise from Neighbors" (Apr. 12, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle publishes a gardening column. The columnist, Michele Driscoll Alioto, suggests that if readers are bothered by noise from traffic or neighbors' equipment when they are seeking peace and quiet in their gardens, they can help solve the problem by using plants and soil as a noise barrier.

San Francisco, California, "Reader Complains About Noisy Faucets in Home" (Apr. 12, 2000). The San Francisco Examiner published a question and answer column to "Mr. HandyPerson." One reader poses a question about a hot-water tap that causes thumping sounds and vibrating noises, and wonders if it has to do with air in the pipes.

San Francisco, California area, "New Policy Requires Planes Flying Into San Francisco Airport to Maintain Higher Altitudes" (Jun. 17, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a new policy which took effect Sunday requires planes flying into San Francisco International Airport between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. to fly at least 7,000 feet over Woodside, about 1,000 feet higher than required in the previous guideline. The policy comes in response to residents' complaints about early morning noise from aircraft. Meanwhile, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote today on a resolution to allow cities in southern San Mateo County to appoint representatives to the Airport Community Roundtable, a Peninsula group concerned with airport noise and other issues.

San Jose, California, "Citizens File Lawsuit Over San Jose Airport Expansion" (Jul. 16, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the group Citizens Against Airport Pollution filed a lawsuit Monday in Santa Clara Superior Court against the San Jose (California) International Airport, the City of San Jose, and the San Jose City Council over an expansion plan for the airport. The group argues that the project would cause traffic gridlock and increased air and noise pollution, and that city officials did not adequately consider the potential environmental impacts. Members of the citizens group said they are not against a bigger airport, but they would like to see a scaled-back expansion plan.

San Jose, California, "City Council Hearing for San Jose Airport Expansion Plan Expected to Draw Angry Residents" (Jun. 2, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that an ambitious plan that could more than double air traffic at the San Jose (California) International Airport will go before the City Council tomorrow night. The article reports that the hearing is expected to draw residents who are fighting the expansion, saying the increased air traffic sill produce more noise and paralyze traffic in the area. The council could vote on the issue tomorrow night, but it expected to postpone the vote for at least another week because of the controversy.

San Jose, California, "Citizens Group Pledges to Fight on After San Jose City Council Approves Airport Expansion" (Jun. 12, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the San Jose (California) City Council voted 9-to-1 Tuesday to approve an ambitious expansion plan for the San Jose International Airport. Meanwhile, a citizens group opposed to the plan said they will continue the fight and may file a lawsuit.

San Jose, California, "San Jose City Council Approves Airport Expansion Plan Despite Residents' Protests" (Jun. 11, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the San Jose (California) City Council voted 9-to-1 to approve an airport expansion plan last night that could more than double airline and cargo traffic by 2010, despite fierce opposition from downtown residents.

San Jose, California, "San Jose Activist Group Battles Major Construction Project by Caltrain" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the San Jose Mercury News, a new activist group, Citizens against Caltrain Lenzen Maintenance Facility, is taking the lead in the continuing battle to prevent the company from building a 24-acre railroad maintenance facility in San Jose's historic district.

San Jose, California, "California Senior Citizens Endure Noise from Huge Construction Project" (Feb. 22, 2000). The San Jose Mercury News reported on noise from a major downtown project, which is only feet away from a senior citizen home with 190 residents. Once the moving and re-anchoring of the old Montgomery Hotel is complete, the city plans to build a new 13-story annex for the Fairmont hotel. The end of construction and noise is three years away.

San Jose, California, "Private Jet Owner Sues San Jose International Airport Over Noise Rule He Says Is Illegal Because It Is Based on Weight and Not Noise Levels" (Jan. 7, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a CEO who owns a private jet has sued San Jose International Airport over a rule that says his plane can't land at night because it weighs more than 75,000 pounds. The CEO says that federal laws prohibit "arbitrary and discriminatory" regulation based on weight rather than noise. In 1990, Congress "established complex criteria for cities wishing to enforce noise restrictions on airline traffic," but the curfew may have been grandfathered in since it was established before the law was passed.

San Jose, California, "Introduction of Substrate Noise Analyzer Announced by CadMOS Design Technology, Inc." (Mar. 16, 2000). A press release was issued through the Business Wire by CadMOS Design Technology, Inc. The company announces the introduction of its SeismIC (tm) substrate noise analyzer. The press release is reprinted here in its entirety:

San Jose, California, "Oracle Corporation Jet Temporarily Prevented From Nighttime Landings at San Jose International Airport" (Mar. 18, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that Larry Ellison, head of Oracle Corporation, has been issued a temporary restraining order preventing his jet from landing at San Jose International Airport between the airport's curfew hours of 11:30 P.M. and 6:30 A.M. The city has warned Ellison more than once during the past eighteen months that he has allegedly violated the curfew. The city's attorneys allege that Ellison has violated "the city's noise ordinance, breached the terms of his airport lease, and engaged in unfair business practices by breaking the rules." City Attorney Rick Doyle said that the issue will now be resolved in the courts.

San Jose, California, "San Jose Officials Delay Ban on Night Flights Rather Than Lose Federal Funds" (Mar. 22, 2000). The San Jose Mercury News reported that San Mateo County officials delayed a ban on night flights at San Carlos Airport because they could lose federal funding and anger pilots, but did ask pilots for voluntary compliance until November.

San Jose, California, "San Jose International Airport Will Not Expand; San Francisco Airport Plans to Add More Runways Instead" (Apr. 1, 2000). The San Jose Mercury News in California reports that plans to possibly expand San Jose International Airport and/or to add commercial flights to Moffett Field have been cancelled. These plans had become possible alternatives to San Francisco International Airport's plan to fill in part of San Francisco bay for additional runway space.

San Juan Capistrano, California, "Freeway Noise Study in California Finds Noise Levels Don't Exceed Mandated Federal Levels" (Sep. 16, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the San Juan Capistrano City Council will review a noise study along Interstate 5. Residents had complained about noise after highway changes were made, but the study shows that noise levels do not exceed federal limits. Since the levels are not exceeded, it is likely that no noise mitigation will be undertaken.

San Leandro, California, "Lawsuits Against Oakland Airport Expansion Plan Filed by Two Nearby California Communities" (Jan. 15, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Oakland International Airport's proposed expansion has prompted two lawsuits from neighboring California communities, where residents fear they'll be stuck with more noise pollution. The city of San Leandro, California filed suit yesterday in Alameda County Superior Court, charging that Oakland Port officials' environmental review of the $600 million project did not adequately address the effects of added traffic, noise and air pollution on San Leandro residents. In addition, a lawsuit against the port is reported to have been filed today by a group of airport neighbors in Alameda.

San Mateo, California, "California State Senator Lobbies to Strenghten State Law on Airport Noise" (Aug. 15, 1997). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Calfornia State Senator Quentin Kopp plans to introduce legislation that will give the state more power to minimize noise at airports. Kopp said at a public hearing in San Mateo yesterday that noise from increased air traffic at San Francisco International Airport is becoming a bigger problem for San Mateo County residents.

San Pedro, NM, "San Pedro, NM Residents Protest Proposed Gravel Pit" (Jun. 15, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports residents near a proposed gravel pit in San Pedro, NM fear noise from the pit will destroy their lifestyle.

Sanford, Florida, "Noise Complaints are Down at Orlando Airport" (Aug. 6, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that between June and July, noise complaints about jet noise from the Orlando Sanford (Florida) Airport fell by 124. Airport officials hope new noise mitigation measures may have helped reduce complaints, but they agree there may have been other reasons for the reduction.

Sanford, Florida, "Florida City Set to Adopt Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 22, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel reports that the Sanford (Florida) City Commission is expected to pass a proposed noise ordinance next week.

Sanford, Florida, "Orlando Residents Complain About Airport Noise; Officials Measure Levels" (Jun. 1, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel reports that more people complained in April about noise from airplanes flying in and out of the Orlando Sanford (Florida) Airport than in any previous month. But airport officials who decided to test the noise from aircraft over homes in Chase Grove, said the aircraft noise isn't any louder than other everyday neighborhood noises measured on the same day.

Sanford, Florida, "Florida City Mayor is Commended for Working to Solve Airport Noise Problem" (Jun. 15, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reported in an editorial that after residents in Sanford, Florida complained about noise from large jets bringing tourists in from England, a committee formed to resolve the problem tested noise levels and found them to be no louder than a lawn mower, in general. At that point, Mayor Larry Dale got involved in the issue, saying that even though noise levels didn't test significantly high, people's quality of life had been lowered, and the problem must be dealt with. The editorial goes on to describe Mayor Dale's actions and commend him for his work.

Sanford, Florida, "Residents Say Noise at Florida Airport Isn't Getting Better, Despite Attempts to Mitigate It" (Oct. 18, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel reports that noise complaints are rising at Florida's Orlando Sanford Airport. A group of residents brought their concerns this week to the airport's Sanford Noise Abatement Committee, saying it appears there will be no end to the noise problems because the city, the county, and the airport authority continue to solicit more airport activity. Residents from prestigious neighborhoods in Lake Mary said they may consider legal action if the noise doesn't decrease.

Sanford, Florida, "Neighbors of Orlando Sanford Airport Say their Ideas to Curb Jet Noise are Ignored" (May 15, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports a group of Florida residents has suggested ways to curb jet noise from Orlando Sanford Airport, but the group feels their ideas have been ignored by the Noise Abatement Committee.

Sanford, Florida, "Noise Reduction Efforts Continue in Face of Increased Air Traffic at Orlando Sanford Airport" (May 10, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports complaints about noise from large jets last month at the Orlando Sanford Airport were fewer than during the same period a year ago. However, numbers of noise complaints will likely rise again with increased international charter flights and larger aircraft during the British tourist season.

Sanford, Florida, "Florida Residents Bothered by Noise from Orlando Sanford Airport Even Though Levels Below FAA Limit" (Feb. 5, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune Seminole reports jets flying over neighborhoods on their way to and from Orlando Sanford Airport are noisy, but according to recent tests and federal standards, they're not a noise problem.

Santa Ana Heights, California, "California Residents Cope With Airport Noise" (Dec. 22, 1996). While residents of Orange County, California debate the pros and cons of a proposed commercial and cargo airport at El Toro Marine Corps Base, the Los Angeles Times reports the communities surrounding John Wayne Airport having been living with an airport and its impact for years.

Santa Ana, California, "Proposed El Toro Airport Splits Orange County, California" (Dec. 11, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that at a recent Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, the two main sides of the argument over whether to build an airport at El Toro Marines Base argued bitterly. The two sides are businesses who want the new airport to increase economic opportunities, and residents who oppose the noise.

Santa Ana, California, "Plan in California to Test Commercial Jet Noise Abandoned" (Nov. 8, 1996). The Los Angeles Times reports that a plan, proposed by a Supervisor from California's Orange County, to conduct a demonstration of aircraft noise at the El Toro Marines Base has been rejected. The plan was designed to show residents what commercial flights -- which would operate around the clock if a proposed commercial airport is built there -- would sound like.

Santa Ana, California, "Police Crackdown on Street Noise in Santa Ana, California" (Aug. 19, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that police in Santa Ana, California may begin fining repeat noise offenders or even confiscating their amplifiers.

Santa Ana, California, "Things You Can Do To Stop The El Toro International Airport" (Jan. 16, 1998). The OC Weekly published the following editorial concerning direct action for opponents of the El Toro International Airport in California:

Santa Ana, California, "County Supervisors Add Noise Monitoring to Flight Tests at California's El Toro" (Oct. 20, 1998). City News Service reports county supervisors requested noise monitoring and night flights be added to a series of flight tests conducted at California's former El Toro Marine base, a site being considered for a commercial airport.

Santa Ana, California, "Residents Near Orange County, California's El Toro Marine Base Not Happy With First Day of Jet-Noise Demonstrations" (Jun. 4, 1999). The City News Service reports that after the first day of a $1.3 million jet-noise demonstration at Orange County, California's El Toro Marines Base, residents are not pleased. One man who lives near the flight path said "I think it's really intolerable, particularly every three minutes to have that going by...." Three of the five county supervisors are for the conversion of the El Toro base to a commercial airport, and the demonstration is meant to give residents a feel for how loud a commercial airport would be.

Santa Barbara, CA, "Leaf Blowers Anger Californian Communities" (Sep. 1994). The Christian Science Monitor reports that communities across the country are fighting the noise pollution caused by leaf blowers. Most blowers emit around 75 decibels but can reach as high as 100 decibels. According to Robin Pendergrast, a spokesman for Echo (the largest manufacturer of leaf blowers), more than 220 cities and towns across the country have discussed restricting the use of leafblowers. Seven cities, two of them Californian, have already banned them completely.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Sante Fe Sanctions Noisy Car Wash" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports the city of Santa Fe has asked a state district judge to sanction the owner of the Santa Fe Car Wash. City officials contend that neighbors of the business suffer noise levels comparable to airplanes taking off at an airport.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Recent Visitors to Santa Fe, New Mexico Discover There is No Law Against Noisy Trucks" (Jan. 5, 1998). An article in the Santa Fe New Mexican recounted the experiences of two recent visitors to Santa Fe, New Mexico who were treated to the sound of diesel engines all night during their stay. The vacationing couple spent a long, sleepless night in their hotel room, discovering that Santa Fe does not have any laws concerning noisy trucks.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Group Outlines Requests in Effort to Live with Noise from New Mexico's Santa Fe Airport" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports residents who live near New Mexico's Santa Fe Municipal Airport will bring their requests to county commissioners in an effort to get support in lowering airplane noise.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico, Airport Neighbors Seek Noise Abatement Ordinance after "Flying Friendly" Program Fails" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Associated Press reports neighbors of New Mexico's Santa Fe Airport are dissatisfied with the level of cooperation they've received from airport officials about noise complaints.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico, Takes Action Against Bar after Noise Complaints" (Sep. 30, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports a popular night spot in downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico, is forbidden from offering live music until the bar's owner complies with the city's noise ordinance, a city official said Tuesday.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe Councilors Plan to Target Loud Car Stereos First in their Fight Against Noise" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that Santa Fe, New Mexico Councilors are planning to target loud car stereos as the first step in reducing noise pollution. Currently, $40 tickets are issued several times a week for loud car stereos, but the ordinance invoked is a broad one. The council does not want to unfairly target loud music, unless it is of a "neighborhood-disturbing, baby-waking, window-rattling" intensity. Research into ordinances from other communities should result in a draft in about a month.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico City Council Considers Changes to Current, Vague Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 20, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that Santa Fe plans to revise its noise laws. Currently, users of loud car stereos -- which are the main target of the ordinance alterations -- are ticketed only occasionally with a fine of $40. The Council is asking other cities what they've done, and are thus considering the prohibition of "music that can be heard 50 feet and more from the vehicle emitting it", or use of decibel meters.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico Letter to the Editor Notes Usefulness of Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Website" (Sep. 4, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexican prints a series of letters to the editor, one of which centers on noise. The author says noise should be addressed in the city, and notes that the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse has a "very comprehensive website of hundreds of city noise ordinances." She credits her knowledge of the website to an article written last year about vibrations at a Pumice plant in Santa Fe.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico Resident Calls For Integrated Noise Laws" (Aug. 31, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexica prints several letters to the editor, one of which relates to noise. The writer asks Santa Fe officials to work on an integrated set of noise rules that -- as opposed to the current, weak ordinance -- will be effective in reducing noise from numerous sources.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico Residents Address Noise Through Letters; One Criticizes Recent Editorial Calling Anti-Noise Residents "Fussbudgets"," (Dec. 8, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexica prints several letters to the editor, including two related to noise. The first criticizes a recent editorial that characterized noise complainants as "fussbudgets", while the second criticizes owners of barking dogs.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe, New Mexico Noise Ordinance Soon to Be Passed In an Attempt to Quiet Boom Boxes and Car Stereos" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexica reports that Santa Fe, New Mexico is close to passing a proposed ordinance which would fine operators of loud stereos as much as $500 if they can be heard from 25 feet away. Car-stereo clubs say that their members will be restricted more than necessary, and even city officials from Albuquerque says that 25 feet will mean that even reasonable music volumes will be subject to fines.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Editorial States that Santa Fe, New Mexico's New Noise Laws Could Wait; Loud Car Stereos Have Been Turned Down Recently In Good Faith, and House-Partiers May Follow Suit" (Dec. 1, 1999). The Santa Fe New Mexica prints an editorial asserting that Santa Fe, New Mexico's noise laws don't need to be amended just yet. City Council had originally proposed stiff fines for noise offenders, but clubs representing those with loud car stereos have been voluntarily turning their music down after 10 p.m. This has quieted the council, but house partiers need to do the same or risk overkill restrictions.

Santa Fe, New Mexico, "Potential Low-Altitude Flight Path for Air Force Bombers in New Mexico Rejected In Favor of More Suitable Route Through West Texas" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that the Air Force has announced that a flight path it had considered for low-altitude training flights through New Mexico is not its top choice. The flight path through New Mexico would have brought 2,600 flights each year within 200 feet of the ground, generating painful noise that could disrupt recreation, ranching, and wildlife.

Santa Monica, California, "California City Votes to Ban Fast Food Drive-Through Windows at Night" (Nov. 28, 1996). The Santa Monica City Council prohibited drive-up windows at restaurants from operating at night, after residents complained about noise and traffic from patrons. The rule would only apply in residential areas.

Santa Monica, California, "Santa Monica Residents Protest Restaurant and Theater Development" (Jun. 1, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports the Santa Monica (California) Planning Commission last week voted to recommend that the City Council allow a new theater, and the expansion of a popular restaurant, in the Ocean Park neighborhood. Commissioners promised some noise relief to upset residents, in the form of noise level measurements and noise insulation.

Santa Monica, California, "Santa Monica, California Resident Says Noise from Van Nuys Airport is Primarily From Aircraft Not Based There" (Dec. 5, 1999). The Los Angeles Times prints a letter to the editor that questions a recent editorial which praised the Fly Friendly program at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles, California. The writer asserts that an effective program needs to target aircraft not based at the airport, since 90% of the noise that is over the limits come from those planes.

Santa Paula, California, "With Expansion, Santa Paula Considers Noise, Safety and Open Space" (Apr. 12, 1998). The Ventura County Star reports the Santa Paula City Council will consider whether to expand as it considers final approval for a general plan update on Monday. Besides setting policy for land use, the general plan covers noise, conservation, safety, and open space.

Santa Rosa, California, "California Residents Protest Raceway Expansion" (Jul. 10, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that about 50 people attended a meeting yesterday before the Sonoma County (California) Board of Zoning Adjustments to debate the draft environmental impact report of the expansion of the Sears Point Raceway in the Santa Rosa area. The article says residents in Sonoma Valley are opposed to the expansion, saying it will bring more noise, traffic, and visual blight. The article notes that public comments will be taken through July 27, and then will be incorporated into the final environmental study. Meanwhile, Sonoma Valley Citizens Advisory Commission unanimously passed a resolution recommending the zoning board reject the current environmental impact report and redraft it with adequate mitigation plans.

Sante Fe, New Mexico, "Aim to Quieten Noisy-Nighttime Cruisers near Sante Fe's Tourist Areas Calls for Careful Consideration of Possible Solutions" (Jun. 18, 1998). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports their opinion concerning the noise from youth cruising in their automobiles. The cruisers reportedly use a route along the Santa Fe River that passes in front of one of Sante Fe's finer hotels, the Inn of Governors. The article reports that the city's public safety committee want to block off the route for four hours along those portions that are near the hotels at 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The paper suggests instead that signs be put up saying the noise ordinance will be strictly enforced along the relevant streets where the public peace is being threatened and then use a tough enforcement measures on its violators.

Sante Fe, New Mexico, "Airport-Area Residents, Pilots, and Airport Officials Try Program to Alleviate Aircraft Noise at the Sante Fe Municipal Airport" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Sante Fe New Mexican reports that airport neighbors are asking administrators at Sante Fe Municipal Airport to make changes that will lower the impact of noise. Airport-area residents - called Friends of Noise Abatement - hope a trial program will help reduce the aircraft noise and alleviate the need to advocate for more restrictive regulation by local government.

Sante Fe, New Mexico, "Sante Fe Business Can Keep Live Music; Must Follow City's Noise Ordinance" (May 14, 1998). The Santa Fe New Mexican reports an agreement between the Santa Fe City Council and a local business means the lounge will continue to offer live amplified music, but hours for live performances will be limited.

Sante Fe, New Mexico, "Sante Fe, NM, Lounge Agrees to Noise Restrictions" (May 15, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports Santa Fe, New Mexico, city councilors on Wednesday adopted an agreement between the city and El Farol Restaurant & Lounge, ending a lengthy noise dispute with the nightclub.

Sante Fe, New Mexico, "Santa Fe Airport Neighbors Seek Noise Abatement Ordinance" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Albuquerque Tribune reports a group of airport neighbors contend Santa Fe Airport officials are ignoring complaints about too many low-flying ear-piercing planes over homes in New Mexico at all hours.

Sarasota County, Florida, "Sarasota County, Florida Appeals Ruling That Allows Bar to Play Live Music Outdoors Until 10 PM; Another Bar Has Lawsuits Pending Against the County Claiming Its Noise Laws Are Unconstitutional" (Dec. 8, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that Sarasota County, Florida is appealing a ruling that allows a particular bar to play live music outdoors until 10 p.m. County commissioners claim that a special exception would need to be granted, but its not clear whether exceptions are necessary for daytime music. Another bar -- which together with the aforementioned one causes most noise complaints in the county -- is suing the County, saying its local noise laws are unconstitutional.

Sarasota County, Florida, "Sarasota County, Florida Decides to Forego Noise Ordinance Change In Favor of Improving Enforcement" (Nov. 24, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that Florida's Sarasota County commission decided to table proposed amendments to the noise ordinance. Noise is currently limited to 55 or 65 decibels, depending on the area.

Sarasota County, Florida, "Florida County to Measure Music Levels at Bars" (Jan. 13, 2000). According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Sarasota County commissioners gave their approval to sheriff's deputies to use sound-level meters to determine noise violations when residents complain about loud music at bars.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida City Prepares Zoning Ordinances For Outdoor Dining" (Dec. 17, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that sidewalk dining has become very popular in Sarasota, Florida, particularly on St. Armands Circle, prompting calls for stricter controls from nearby residents because of concerns about noise.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida Community Prepares To Revise Noise Ordinance" (Dec. 8, 1997). The Sarasota Herald Tribune reports that the Sarasota (Florida) City Commission will tackle two controversial issues - outdoor music and sidewalk cafe dining - during public hearings tonight.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida Community Proposes Noise Ordinance" (Dec. 9, 1997). The Sarasota Herald Tribune reports that about 100 people packed the Sarasota (Florida) City Commission chambers Monday night to weigh in on a proposed noise ordinance designed to quiet the sounds coming from bars that play outdoor music.

Sarasota, Florida, "Proposed Flight Path in Florida Still Opposed by Residents, Though Approved by Airport Authority" (Jul. 22, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that a group of residents is still opposed to a new flight path for aircraft leaving the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport that will route planes over Longboat Key, near Sarasota, Florida. The Sarasota-Manatee Airport Authority several months ago voted 6-2 to approve the new flight pattern, after extensive public hearings that pitted mid-Longboat Key residents against Manatee County residents who hoped to get some relief from aircraft noise. But now William Myers, an unsuccessful 1996 candidate for the authority, has brought the issue back, taxing the patience of the authority members, the article says.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida Restauraunt Files Lawsuit Challenging City's Noise Ordinance That Targets Music" (Jul. 11, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that owners of the Lemon Coast Grill in downtown Sarasota, Florida filed a lawsuit against the city Thursday, challenging the noise ordinance that limits outdoor music. The lawsuit argues that the ordinance is unconstitutional, and asks for an injunction that would prevent the city from enforcing the ordinance until the case is resolved.

Sarasota, Florida, "Sarasota Resident Thinks New Noise Ordinance is Unworkable" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Leslie Freeman, a Sarasota, Florida resident, regarding the city's new noise ordinance. Freeman says the ordinance is unworkable because the decibel limits are too low, and calls on citizens to oppose the 10 p.m. weekday curfew on outdoor music. The letter follows:

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida City to Study Recently Passed Noise Ordinance and Consider Alterations" (Jun. 11, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that the Sarasota (Florida) City Commission agreed Tuesday to leave a recently passed noise ordinance as it is for now, but to investigate whether it needs to be changed by first undertaking more noise tests. A controversy arose after two restaurant owners recently were fined for noise from outdoor music, and noise readings of the police differed from noise readings of the restaurant owners.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida City's Enforcement of Outdoor Music Regulations Draws Complaints from Bar-Owners" (Jun. 10, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that last month, the Sarasota, Florida City Commission passed two ordinances designed to control outdoor amplified music, and over the past weekend, police officers issued violations to owners of the Lemon Coast Grill and Groove, and the Main Street Depot. Business owners are saying they were targeted to receive violations and that the city's decibel readings are much higher than their own readings.

Sarasota, Florida, "Judge Invalidates Florida City's Noise Ordinance" (Nov. 27, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that a judge invalidated the noise ordinance in Sarasota, Florida on Wednesday, chalking up a victory for Lemon Coast bar, which challenged the ordinance in July. The noise ordinance had been passed by the City Commission in May, the article says. In response to the ruling, city officials are beginning the process of creating a new ordinance that will correct the faults found by the judge in the previous ordinance.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida Nightclub Begins Court Hearing With City Over Noise Limit" (Oct. 22, 1997). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that the City of Sarasota, Florida started its hearing with the Lemon Coast Grill Monday, in the first stage of a lawsuit filed by the nightclub. The nightclub owners argue that the city's noise ordinance was enacted improperly, and that the city did not give the public proper notice, according to city prosecutor Michael Perry.

Sarasota, Florida, "Loudspeaker Announcers for Competitive Swim Races Accused of Violating Noise Ordinance in Sarasota, Florida" (Apr. 5, 1998). Sarasota Herald-Tribune published the following article in their Perspectives column after two loudspeaker announcers were cited for violating a noise ordinance in Arlington Park, Sarasota, Florida. The announcers were accused of violating an ordinance designed to let city residents sleep a little later on weekends by using a loudspeaker before 10 a.m. to start competitive swim races.

Sarasota, Florida, "Sarasota, Florida's New Noise Ordinance Will Regulate Outdoor Amplified Music" (Jan. 9, 1998). Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that Sarasota, Florida has adopted a new noise ordinance. The law, which was approved 4-1 by the City Commission, caps the allowable sound level at 75 decibels and requires outdoor music to stop at 10 p.m. during the week and at 11:59 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and holidays.

Sarasota, Florida, "Neighbors Complain about Nightclub Noise, Legal Action May Lead to Florida Club Shutdown" (Sep. 10, 1998). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports authorities could start procedures to close a nightclub in Sarasota, Florida, after neighbors charge the club violated a noise agreement.

Sarasota, Florida, "The Noise Lovers I Have Known" (Apr. 19, 1999). Sarasota Herald-Tribune recently printed Daryl Lease's editorial on his reaction to and encounters with people who seem to thrive on noise.

Sarasota, Florida, "FAA Refining Plans for a Sharper Left Turn at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport in Florida; Turn Should Ease Noise for Many on Mainland, Increase Noise for Some on Longboat Key" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is refining its plans for a sharper left turn to be used by aircraft at Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport in Florida. The turn will reduce noise for many on the mainland, but some people -- though the FAA notes the number is smaller than those helped on the mainland -- on Longboat Key will be subjected to increased noise.

Sarasota, Florida, "Florida County Commission Stands Neutral on New Jet Route, Urges FAA to Rule" (Feb. 17, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports the Manatee County Commission declined to take a position on a proposed flight path from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport that will reduce aircraft noise over Manatee while increasing noise over central Longboat Key, Florida.

Sarasota, Florida, "Bon Secours-Venice Hospital Near Sarasota, Florida Works to Lessen Noise from Air Conditioners and Generators" (Sep. 17, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that 24 residents met with officials from Bon Secours-Venice Hospital near Sarasota, Florida to discuss ways that noise from the hospital could be reduced. The hospital's air conditioners and cooling towers make noise all the time, and 6 AM testing of emergency generators also causes disturbances. The hospital plans to take steps towards reducing the noise including a fence around the air conditioner and late-morning testing of the generators.

Sarasota, Florida, "Column Writer in Sarasota, Florida Compares Local Grievances Against Airport with European Court Case" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune in Florida published an editorial column from Waldo Proffitt concerning a recent court case involving Heathrow Airport in England. Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport is struggling with noise problems as well.

Sarasota, Florida, "Sarasota-Bradenton Airport (Florida) Awaits FAA Approval of Proposed Takeoff Path Change" (Apr. 12, 2000). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has still not decided whether to approve a takeoff path at Sarasota-Bradenton Airport that it had previously approved. The agency has said it needs to continue to review neighborhood noise data, and could possibly demand a new environmental impact statement that could delay the path's approval for more than another year.

Sarasota, Florida, "Sarasota County Commission Approves Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport Expansion Plan" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport will probably begin implementing its expansion plan this spring. The plan will include building a longer runway and a larger passenger terminal, as well as adding a parking garage and as many as 144 airplane hangars.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, "Canadian Shakespeare Theater Company Wants Jet Ski Bylaw Enforced During Their Performances" (Jun. 2, 1998). The Calgary Herald reports that members of the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan theater company in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan want the city police to enforce a bylaw that prohibits Jet Skis from using the portion of the South Saskatchewan River near the company's performance tents on the river banks.

Saucon, Pennsylvania, "Saucon, Pennsylvania Town Planning Commission Will Fix Time Conflict Between Two Noise-Related Ordinances" (May 7, 1999). The Morning Call reports that a 1987 construction ordinance and a newly proposed noise ordinance amendment conflict regarding the earliest time that noise is allowed in Saucon, Pennsylvania. The Town Planning Commission will reconcile the two ordinances before the noise ordinance is officially passed. The construction ordinance says noise can begin at 6 AM, while the noise ordinance says 7 AM.

Saukville, Wisconsin, "Steel Company Hires Noise Consultants to Identify Source of Noise Problems" (Aug. 21, 1998). The Journal Sentinel reports that the Charter Steel Manufacturing plant in Saukville, Wisconsin has hired a consultant to evaluate and recommend solutions to noise problems.

Savage, Maryland, "Proposal to Convert Savage, Maryland Home into an Inn Causes Residents to Worry About Noise and Traffic" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Baltimore Sun reports that residents in a Savage, Maryland neighborhood are concerned that an historic home, which may be converted to an inn, will increase noise and traffic in the area.

Savannah, Georgia, "Beaufort, Georgia Air Station to Generate More Jet Noise as Navy and Marines Begin to Share Base" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Savannah Morning News reports that the U.S. Navy is going to begin sharing space with the Marines at the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, Georgia. Twenty-two Navy jets will mean that more than 100 planes will be at Beaufort, and the base's active-duty population will be increased by 500 people.

Savannah, Georgia, "Mixed Opinions on New Gulfstream IV Business Jet" (Apr. 1, 2000). Business and Commercial Aviation reports that the Gulfstream IV business jet, which was announced by Gulfstream Aerospace in the early 1980s, has not lived up to expectations. One positive result, however, is "unmatched low noise levels" inside the jet's cabin. The rest of the article discusses other performance features of the Gulfstream IV.

Sayville, New York, "Protest of Long Island Railroad Train Whistle Draws Support From Residents and Politicians" (Sep. 3, 1999). Newsday reports that 40 people gathered at Sayville, New York's Long Island Railroad (LIRR) station yesterday to protest a loud train whistle which has gotten louder since the introduction of double-decker trains. LIRR officials defend the whistles importance in assuring safety, citing federal guidelines that require a MINIMUM of 96 decibels at 100 feet in front of the train; still, they are performing a study on the whistles. Loud sounds such as train whistles can cause hearing loss, and a temporary increase in blood pressure and weakened immune system.

Schaumberg, Illinois, "Stadium Plans To Go To City Zoning Commission; Plans Get Cool Reception from Residents in Schaumberg and Roselle, Illinois" (Jun. 18, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that nearly 125 people attended a Schaumburg zoning hearing June 18 regarding the proposed minor-league baseball stadium. Many residents in attendance argued the proposed stadium site - in the middle of single-family suburbia- was not fitting to the suburban village of Schaumberg.

Schaumberg, Illinois, "Residents Hope Monitors at Schaumburg Regional Airport, Illinois Will Help Bring Back Some Peace and Quiet" (Apr. 22, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that at Schaumburg Regional Airport in Illinois, citizen complaints have prompted airport officials to begin monitoring the noise levels of departures and arrivals in order to ensure that the airport is complying with FAA regulations.

Schaumburg Township, Illinois, "Neighbors in Illinois Township Worry About Potential Problems From Proposed Minor League Baseball Stadium" (Apr. 24, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that a 5,000-seat, $7-million minor league baseball stadium was proposed last month in Schaumburg Township, Illinois. But Mandy Hagestedt, a neighbor who said she first learned about the proposed stadium on the evening news, is organizing other residents who are concerned about the noise, traffic, and bright lights that the stadium will bring.

Schaumburg, Illinois, "Regional Illinois Airport Expands, While Other Nearby Airports Face Opposition Over Noise" (Aug. 28, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that many of the smaller, regional airports near Chicago have faced opposition due to noise pollution, including opposition to a proposed runway expansion at Lake in the Hills Airport in McHenry County, and an effort by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to turn Meigs Field into a park. However, the village of Schaumburg has recently taken the opposite track by saving the Schaumburg Regional Airport from demolition, spending another $8 million on development, and allowing commercial aircraft to use the airport. The article goes on to expand upon the economic benefits of reginal airports.

Schaumburg, Illinois, "Ballpark Approved by Illinois Village Trustees Despite Residents' Objections to Noise and Traffic" (Jun. 24, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald Cook reports Schaumburg trustees unanimously approved final plans for a publicly financed minor-league ballpark Tuesday, despite objections of noise and traffic congestion from some homeowners.

Schaumburg, Illinois, "Illinois Town Seeks to Clear Up Vagueness in Noise & Entertainment Zoning Rules" (May 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports in an effort to clarify rules that govern licensed entertainment establishments, officials in Schaumburg, Illinois, proposed changes to sections of the village's zoning code that regulates entertainment and noise.

Schaumburg, Illinois, "Schaumburg, Illinois Airport Noise Monitoring Program Reports Full Compliance Last Month" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that a noise monitoring program at Schaumburg Regional Airport shows that all planes were in full compliance of noise rules since last month. Noise complaints have decreased to 30 percent of their levels since 1997 when the program was begun.

Schoenersville, Pennsylvania, "Decision by Pennsylvania Airport Officials to Re-Locate 52 Homes Angers Residents" (Sep. 29, 1997). The Morning Call reports that airport officials at the Lehigh Valley International Airport recently received a $3 million federal grant to re-locate the residents of 52 homes in the Williamson Mobile Home Court in Schoenersville, Pennsylvania. But homeowners are upset by the decision, the article says -- some because they learned about the airport's plans in the newspaper, and others because they don't want to move.

Schoenersville, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Airport Buys More Land and Property to Create Noise Buffer Zone" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Morning Call reports Pennsylvania's Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority will purchase land and homes to reduce noise complaints from the Village of Schoenersville.

Scituate, Massachusetts, "Restoration of Commuter Rail Line in Scituate, Massachusetts Raises Noise and Environmental Concerns" (Apr. 5, 2000). The Patriot Ledger in Massachusetts reports that the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) is considering reinstating a rail line through the Boston suburb of Scituate. Town officials recently met with MBTA officials to discuss possible noise and air pollution that a new line would bring, as well as other environmental impacts.

Scottsdale, Arizona, "Residents Pressure Arizona City for Sound Wall and Get Positive Results" (Jul. 18, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that the city of Scottsdale, Arizona has agreed to begin work in September on a 10-foot wall to protect residents from traffic and construction noise from Goldwater Boulevard and the construction of the Scottsdale Waterfront Project, which includes a future shopping center. The residents have lobbied the city for a new wall for almost two years, and the city appropriated money for the project last year, but the project hadn't gone forward.

Scottsdale, Arizona, "Some Say Airports and Urban Sprawl on Collision Course in Arizona's Valley" (Mar. 15, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports Arizona's population is growing along with air traffic, spurring noise and safety concerns.

Scottsdale, Arizona, "Letter: Scottsdale Resident Accepts Airplane Noise as Here to Stay" (Mar. 24, 1999). The Arizona Republic published a letter from Michael Straley of Scottsdale, Arizona. Straley accepts airplane noise as a given and believes related safety concerns in the Scottsdale area are exaggerated. Straley writes:

Sea Isle City, New Jersey, "New Jersey Town Votes on Noise-Free Zones to Quiet the Summer" (Apr. 27, 1998). The New York Times reports that the City Council in Sea Isle City, New Jersey will vote tomorrow on designating noise-free zones in order to quiet partyers. In the zones, the fines for violations would be doubled. In addition, landlords would have their permits revoked if tenants receive three noise summonses in one summer. Mayor Leonard Desiderio said that the current $180 fines for violations have not kept the noise down. The article notes that Sea Isle City, along with other shore towns like Wildwood and North Wildwood, have been known as party towns, but they are trying to change their images to attract families. Wildwood and North Wildwood have voted to close their bars two hours earlier this summer, at 3 a.m.

Seabrook, New Hampshire, "NH to Expand I-95 Visitor Center and Erect Noise Barriers to Offset Increased Traffic Noise" (Aug. 8, 1998). The Union Leader reports the New Hampshire Department of Transportation has announced plans for a major expansion of the visitor center on Interstate 95 just north of the Massachusetts state line. Barriers will be erected to mitigate expected increases in noise levels at nearby homes.

Seattle area, Washington, "Seattle Area Neighbors Pitted Against Each Other Because of Seattle-Tacoma Airport Flight Paths" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to a report by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, over 300 angry residents attended a public hearing at a community center last night ordering city officials to kill the proposal that would put a flight path directly over their neighborhoods. The problem is, their neighbors in Beacon Hill, Madrona, Leschi and the Central Area already endure jet noise, and want support the proposal, which would channel some air traffic south.

Seattle, WA, "Seattle Schools Demand Noise Research And Fight New Airport Runway" (May 15, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has caused ongoing dispute between the Highline School District and the Port of Seattle. Highline Schools asked the Port yesterday to conduct and pay for a study of the effects of noise on schools near the airport. The schools also asked the Port to pay for noise abatement and renovations to two schools. The Port is excited that the schools are wanting to talk, but is not in agreement with everything in the proposal, including the supposedly high budget of $20 million. The Port will respond to the proposal, according to director of aviation professional and technical services Mike Feldman.

Seattle, WA, "Magnolia, WA and Seattle Suburbs Protest Night Flights At Boeing Field" (Jun. 16, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports residents of Magnolia, WA and other Seattle suburbs are seeking an alternative night flight path into Boeing Field, instead of the current one directly over Magnolia.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Congressman Urges That Schools Be Included on Noise Impact Committee" (Apr. 8, 1997). Business Wire reports that U.S. Representative Adam Smith has written a letter urging the Port of Seattle (Washington) to reconsider its decision to exclude school districts from the committee that advises the port on how to deal appropriately with noise impacts from Sea-Tac International Airport.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Struggles Over Airport Expansion" (Dec. 26, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that as preparations begin for building a new runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, a coalition of cities is spending millions of tax dollars on lawsuits and public relations trying to stop the massive project. The Port of Seattle, meanwhile, will spend millions in public funds to keep it from being blocked.

Seattle, Washington, "Alaska Becomes First Major U.S. Airline to Fly Quieter, All Stage 3 Fleet" (Dec. 11, 1997). According to a Business Wire Press Release, now in addition to having the youngest fleet among the nation's 10 largest carriers, Alaska Airlines has the quietest. Business Wire released the following press release:

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Reporters Go in Search of Quiet Places" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that there are few places to escape the noise that fills our lives. Reporters went in search of quiet places around Seattle, and found several: the Meditation Room at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the sensory deprivation tank at The Comfort Zone in the Pike Place Market, the Metro tunnel on Sunday morning, and underwater at Wynoochee Lake.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Airport Should Get Serious About Noise Problem" (Jun. 16, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from June Schumacher, a Seattle resident, about overflight noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport:

Seattle, Washington, "Owners of Former Nightclub Sue Seattle, Saying Racism and City Noise Ordinance Destroyed Their Business" (Nov. 15, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Keith Olson and Ronald Santi, the owners of the former Celebrity Italian Kitchen, filed suit yesterday in U.S. District Court against Seattle, Washington city officials, alleging police officers and other officials repeatedly harrassed the club because it catered mainly to African Americans, and used a city noise ordinance to destroy the business.

Seattle, Washington, "Sunjet Planes too Loud for Long Beach, California; Flights Suspended Until Quieter Planes" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Sunjet, a public charter airline operated by World Technology System of Atlanta, is suspending flights between Seattle and Long Beach, California, tomorrow because its airplanes don't meet noise regulations in the city of Long Beach. Service will be reinstated when Sunjet can get three aircraft that can operate within the local noise ordinance, Sunjet spokesman Hank Ernest said.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Airport Receives Federal Funding Pledge for New Runway" (Oct. 1, 1997). The News Tribune reports that the U.S. Department of Transportation Tuesday committed $161 million to Seattle, Washington's Sea-Tac Airport for a third runway. That funding, in addition to up to $95 million in other federal money, will provide enough federal funding to complete the controversial project, the article notes. Meanwhile, several lawsuits seeking to stop the project are pending.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Area Faces Two Airport Expansions" (Feb. 19, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that a second Seattle-area airport has announced plans to expand, and neighbors of King County Airport - better known as Boeing Field - aren't happy about the idea.

Seattle, Washington, "Residents in Washington State Object to Airport Expansion, But Officials Pass Expansion Plan" (Jul. 14, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that residents in the old Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington already experience significant jet noise from Boeing Field. Despite their objections, however, the Metropolitan King County Council yesterday unanimously approved a proposal to bring more cargo flights to the airport and move the runway closer Georgetown's homes. The proposal now moves to county environmental reviews. But, the article says, given yesterday's unanimous vote, the plan is likely to get final approval from the council sometime next year.

Seattle, Washington, "National Parks Service Proposes Ban on Jet-Propelled Water Skis, with Limited Exceptions" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that the week of June 15, National Parks Service proposed a ban on personal watercraft from thousands of pristine lakes and rivers in national parks, while simultaneously permitting them on waterways where they have traditionally been used. The proposal from the parks services does not establish the complete ban sought by some environmentalists, but it does effectuate a total ban in some areas.

Seattle, Washington, "Residents Consider Proposal to Quiet Washington's King County Airport Inadequate" (Jun. 30, 1998). The Seattle Times reports yesterday, after months of community protests over noise from Washington's King County International Airport, a King County Executive proposed a compromise that some residents already consider inadequate.

Seattle, Washington, "Residents Protest Expansion at Washington's Boeing Field; They Say Noise Rattles Windows Now" (Jul. 3, 1998). The Seattle Times reports at a council meeting yesterday, residents in Washington's South Seattle neighborhoods protested a plan that would increase air traffic at Boeing Field and move the airport's runway closer to their neighborhoods.

Seattle, Washington, "Sea-Tac and Schools Discuss Funding for Airport Noise Impact Studies" (Mar. 5, 1998). The News Tribune reports the Highline School District of Seattle, Washington, whose schools encircle the airport, recently discussed the impact of airport noise on schools and funding for studies. At the meeting residents heard from Sea-Tac Airport director, Gina Marie Lindsey.

Seattle, Washington, "Port of Seattle Agrees to Fund Noise and Soundproofing Study for Highline Schools" (May 14, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Port of Seattle and school officials say they're close to reaching a deal that would begin the process of outfitting schools near Sea-Tac Airport with insulation to muffle the noise of jets.

Seattle, Washington, "Airport Officials in Seattle Offer to Pay for Noise Studies in Schools" (May 22, 1998). The News Tribune reports that officials at the Port of Seattle (Washington), which operates Sea-Tac Airport, offered Thursday to pay $350,000 for a study to determine the jet noise impacts on Highline School District schools.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Set to Approve Floatplane Takeoffs and Landings Near Downtown Pier" (Jun. 6, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that city officials in Seattle, Washington are set to approve a project that would allow float-planes to take off and land 72 times a day near Pier 54 on Elliott Bay, after reviewing the proposed project for more than a year. If permitted, the project would allow Kenmore Air to operate 20-minute scenic trips from a 25-foot float off the pier. Meanwhile, some residents who live in the downtown are opposing the project, saying it will bring more noise. If the project is approved, the article notes, it likely will be appealed and will face a more lengthy review.

Seattle, Washington, "Washington's Boeing Field Will Undergo Noise Reduction Efforts" (Oct. 9, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Metropolitan King County Council next week is expected to authorize the most extensive noise -reduction efforts in the history of Washington's Boeing Field.

Seattle, Washington, "Cargo Business at Seattle's Boeing Field Brings Most Noise Complaints" (Sep. 13, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter to the editor from Mike Rees, President of Seattle, Washington's, Council on Airport Affairs. In his letter, Rees contends Boeing Field Airport stopped being a good neighbor when it increased air cargo business. Rees writes:

Seattle, Washington, "New Anti-Nuisance Enforcement Procedures in Seattle, Washington Will Allow On-the-Spot Citations and Fewer Loopholes" (Apr. 26, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that a new enforcement policy proposed in Seattle, Washington's City Council will help local police enforce laws against nuisances such as absentee landlords who don't remove junk from their properties, excessively loud parties and other noise, and "neighbors who operate obtrusive businesses out of their residences." In the past, the complicated enforcement process required several warnings, waiting periods, deadlines, and opportunities for appeals that provided many loopholes; one front-yard car-repair business operated through 30 years of complaints by manipulating the system.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle, Washington Resident Irritated By Noise From Inconsiderate Night Clubs" (Aug. 8, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor written by a noise activist in Seattle, Washington. She writes that nightclubs in the area need to learn to be good neighbors who operate within noise limits.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle City Council Delays Noise Ordinance in 2000" (Dec. 14, 1999). According to the Seattle Times, the Seattle City Council delayed voting on new noise regulations this year because of a possible infringements of First Amendment rights of demonstrators and because it threatened the existence of the city's nightclubs.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Residents Express Anger Over Exclusion From Flight Plans" (Dec. 13, 1999). The Seattle Times reports that residents of several suburbs have come together to protest what they feel as being railroaded by the Port of Seattle staff regarding modification study of jet flight paths over Lake Washington.

Seattle, Washington, "National Anti-Noise Organization Urges FAA to Study Noise Mitigation for Low-Frequency Aircraft Sound" (Dec. 6, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the National Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled Environment (NOISE) is working with a congressional representative from Minnesota to push the FAA to study low-frequency noise from aircraft.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Resident Questions Proposed Changes in Seattle-Tacoma Airport Flight Paths Designed to Spread Noise More Evenly" (Dec. 8, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor relating to noise at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The letter acknowledges the fairness of spreading noise more evenly, but questions several aspects of the plan including: a turn that would be taken at lower altitude, and the absence of data regarding another nearby airport.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle, Washington Resident Writes Letter to the Editor Urging Seattle/Tacoma Airport to Distribute Noisy Air-Traffic More Evenly from Third Runway" (Jul. 16, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from a Seattle, Washington resident who wants the Seattle/Tacoma Airport to spread out air-traffic from a third runway more evenly. He also says that he hadn't called the complaint line after awhile because he didn't know calls were being counted. Finally, he wants a moratorium on after-midnight flights. "I'd be willing to give up fresh peaches in December for a full night's sleep."

Seattle, Washington, "Neighbors of Seattle's Nightclubs want Peace" (Mar. 26, 1999). The Seattle Times reports as a result of increasing complaints, Seattle and Washington state regulators are considering new noise, alcohol and entertainment regulations that club owners fear could ruin their livelihood.

Seattle, Washington, "Port of Seattle "Puts Kids First" and Funds Jet Noise Study at Highline Schools" (Mar. 24, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports the Port of Seattle yesterday agreed to fund the noise study for Highline School District whose schools are seriously affected by noise from nearby Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Nightclub Owners Face Stricter Noise Ordinances" (Mar. 27, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports proposals to reinforce noise regulations for nightclubs in Seattle neighborhoods are not sitting well with a number of club owners.

Seattle, Washington, "Proposed "Entertainment Zones" in Seattle Would Relax Strict Noise Rules; Some See a Balance Between Residents and Vibrant Nightlife, Others See Residential Density Being Discouraged" (May 22, 1999). Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that Seattle's loudest late-night businesses may find refuge from the city's tough new noise ordinances -- including $250 fines -- in a new idea: Entertainment Zones. City council is considering designating designating these zones to allow a loud, vibrant nightlife to flourish in some areas while protecting residential tranquility in others. Many businesses love the idea, but at least one citizen group believes the zones would be unfair to current residents and contribute to urban sprawl. The columnists address the issue in a humorous way, following a luckless drunken man through his night.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle-Tacoma Airport Noise Consultant Proposes More Equitable Flight Paths that Would Share Noise More Evenly; FAA to Be Consulted on Use of Industrial Corridor" (Nov. 18, 1999). Business Wire reports that at a hearing, attended by at least 200 residents, the noise consultant for the Seattle-Tacoma Airport has proposed the use of split flight paths for north and south departures that would share noise more evenly between communities. CANE (full-name unspecified) was concerned that the proposal had fizzled out in 1990 when it was first proposed, but were optimistic that it would now be taken seriously by the Port Authority. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) seemed interested in examining the consultant's proposal more closely.

Seattle, Washington, "Commissioners Will Vote In the Spring On a Proposed Two-Tiered Flight Path to Spread Noise More Evenly Over Communities North of Seattle-Tacoma Airport" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Seattle Times reports that port commissioners will vote in the spring on a proposed two-tiered flight path that would spread noise more evenly over communities to the North of the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The plan should reduce total noise impact in the North by 30 percent, as planes turn sooner and at a lower altitude.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Activist Implores Seattle-Tacoma Airport to More Evenly Distribute Aircraft Noise, Claiming Support from Ten Communities" (Nov. 25, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from the chair of Citizens for Airplane Noise Equity Seattle. She suggests several measures that will help minimize and equitably share noise impacts from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Resident Questions Recent Letter that Criticized a Recently Rejected Noise Ordinance Proposal" (Nov. 11, 1999). The Seattle Weekly prints several letters to the editor, one of which questions a recent article that criticized a recently vetoed noise ordinance.

Seattle, Washington, "New Seattle Noise Ordinance Almost In Effect; Mayor and Council Must Agree on Rights of Music Clubs and Protestors" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that Seattle's new noise ordinance is almost in effect, but that the Mayor and the City Council still haven't agreed on a few issues. They must agree on whether music clubs will be given warnings before citations are issued, and when or whether protesters will be allowed to use bullhorns and other amplifiers. The Council seems willing to compromise on both issues to get the ordinance approved by the Mayor.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Editorial Staff Support City's New, Tougher Noise Ordinance" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer prints an editorial which supports the Seattle City Council's proposed new noise ordinance. They agree with the Mayor that music clubs should be allowed warnings before fines kick in, and that protesters should be allowed to use amplifiers during the day. They see the fines as too mild.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Council Members Criticized for Accepting "Inflammatory Hypothetical Examples" to Support Nuisance Ordinances" (Nov. 4, 1999). The Seattle Weekly prints an article that criticizes Seattle City Council members for voting to approve noise and nuisance ordinances on the basis of "inflammatory hypothetical examples."

Seattle, Washington, "Elderly Gardener in Seattle, Washington Asks Noise Abatement Funds for Interstate 5 to Include Wallingford District" (Sep. 7, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from an elderly gardener living beside Interstate 5 in Seattle, Washington. The writer asks that noise abatement funds earmarked for noise walls on Interstate 5 include the area in front of his home.

Seattle, Washington, "Boeing 727 to Get Performance Upgrade" (Apr. 17, 2000). Aviation Week & Space Technology printed an article about a modification kit for Boeing 727 aircraft that is compliant with Stage 3 "noise-attenuation system for increased and heavy-gross-weight 727s." The article is technical in nature, explaining that the kit allows shorter takeoffs and increased "payloads at 'hot and high' airports."

Seattle, Washington, "Residents of Southeast Seattle Upset by Airport Proposal To Divert Flight Paths" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that residents of southeast Seattle are at loggerheads with their neighbors in northern Seattle over a proposal by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to change the take-off flight path of some planes from a northerly path to an easterly path. The path change is commonly referred to as the "split east turn." Southeast Seattle residents will hold a public meeting on Tuesday to voice their complaints with city, county, and port officials.

Seattle, Washington, "Redirecting Flight Path at Seattle International Airport Is Not a Solution" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Seattle Times printed this letter to the editor regarding a controversial proposal to switch jet flight paths from some neighborhoods to others. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Seattle, Washington, "Seattle Towns in Flight Paths Should Share Jet Noise" (Feb. 2, 2000). The Seattle Times printed this letter to the editor regarding Washington towns in flight paths. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Seattle, Washington, "Port of Seattle Nearing Completion of Soundproofing Work on Homes Near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport" (Mar. 31, 2000). The Seattle Times reports that the Port of Seattle, which operates Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington state, has been diligent in using federal funds to help soundproof approximately 8,000 homes near the airport (which is also known as Sea-Tac). Work began on the homes in 1985, and has cost $163 million. More than 1,000 flights land at Sea-Tac each day.

Seattle, Washington area, "Seattle's Airport Gets FAA Approval for Third Runway" (Jul. 4, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) yesterday gave its final approval to a new, third runway at Seattle-Tacoma (Washington) International Airport, which is an important step in the airport's planned major expansion. Meanwhile, officials in the cities in South King County that have opposed the third runway said the decision was no surprise and just means the cities will add the FAA to the list of agencies they plan to sue.

Seattle, Washington area, "Little Action on Noise Impacts of Seattle Airport on Nearby Schools" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from resident Wallace Meyers Burien regarding the effects of noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Highline Schools:

Seattle, Washington area, "Schools Should Not Bear the Burden of Seattle's Airport Noise" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Laura Anderson, a Normandy Park resident, about the noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport that affects students in the Highline School District:

Seattle, Washington area, "Coalition Fighting Runway at Seattle Airport Releases Documents Detailing the Likelihood of Winning Court Cases" (Feb. 28, 1998). The News Tribune reports that the Airport Communities Coalition, a group fighting the proposed construction of a third runway at the Sea-Tac Airport near Seattle, Washington, released documents two weeks ago showing that it considered using lawsuits against the project largely as a means to force airport officials to negotiate a financial settlement. The Coalition documents were made public as a result of judicial action after the Port of Seattle, which owns the airport, requested to review the documents.

Seattle, Washington area, "Resident Says Washington State Airport Officials Didn't Follow Federal Guidelines in Noise Mitigation Program" (Jul. 17, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor form Minnie Brasher, a Burien, Washington resident, regarding noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport:

Seattle, Washington area, "Washington Resident Applauds State Supreme Court and National Park Service for Banning Jet Skis" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Christina Wilsdon, a Seattle resident, regarding noise from personal watercraft:

Seattle, Washington area, "Washington State Supreme Court Rules That Jet Skis Can Be Banned" (Jul. 13, 1998). NBC News Transcripts reports that the Washington state Supreme Court has upheld a county ordinance that bans Jet Skis as noise pollution in the San Juan islands, north of Seattle, Washington.

Seattle, Washington area, "Washington County Commissioners Deny Wal-Mart Request to Rezone Property" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that commissioners in Spokane County, Washington Tuesday unanimously denied a request by Wal-Mart to rezone residential property for a regional shopping center on the north side of Seattle. Residents who had opposed the rezoning because of the size, lights, noise, traffic, and possible 24-hour operation of the store were thrilled with the decision. The article notes that Wal-Mart has not yet announced whether it will appeal the decision to the Superior Court.

Seattle, Washington area, "FAA Proposes New Flight Paths for Some Jets at Seattle Airport to Reduce Noise" (Jul. 26, 1998). The News Tribune reports that a new plan has been proposed that would shift some nighttime flight paths at the Sea-Tac Airport in the Seattle, Washington area to reduce noise over Federal Way. There are conflicting accounts of whether the plan has been proposed by the Federal Aviation Administration or the office of U.S. Representative Adam Smith. The article reports that a similar proposal involving daytime flights was rejected by the FAA in April, surprising and disappointing many local officials.

Seattle, Washington area, "Washington Columnist Tells Camper That Noise Wall Along Campground Isn't Likely" (Jul. 29, 1998). The Seattle Times printed a column in which a reader said he and his family like to camp at the Crystal Springs campground along Interstate 90 near Snoqualmie Pass in Washington. But, the reader said, the increase in traffic along the Interstate has made the campground very noisy. He asked who he can write to ask for a noise barrier separating the campground from the Interstate. The columnist responded that there is no chance of getting a noise wall built in that area.

Seattle, Washington area, "Washington School District Rejects Airport Money for Noise Study Because There Are Strings Attached" (May 29, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that officials with the Highline School District near Seattle, Washington yesterday rejected the Port of Seattle's offer to pay for a jet-noise study because they say it is too restrictive. The Port operates the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the airport explains. Last week, Port officials announced they would pay up to $350,000 for a noise study in the school district. But Highline officials have already started their own noise study, and they say using the Port's money would force them to start the study over. Highline officials asked that the Port instead help pay for the study already underway.

Sebastian, Florida, "Rodeo in Sebastian, Florida Receives Reprimand; Rodeo Officials Claim Other Loud Events Are Unfairly Ignored" (Dec. 3, 1999). The Sebastian Sun reports that the Sebastian, Florida police visited a recent rodeo to ask that the music be turned down. Rodeo officials say that other festivals aren't harassed because of noise, but police said amplified bass and volume made the rodeo louder than other festivals. The city is considering reinstituting a policy of issuing permits that designate how long and loud an event can be.

Sedgefield, England, "England Town Launches Noise Exposure Survey to Encourage Quiet Neighborhoods" (Jul. 22, 1997). The Northern Echo of England escalating complaints of domestic noise from barking dogs, loud music and other sources have prompted the town of Sedgefield, England, to take action.

Seekonk, Massachusetts, "Seekonk, Mass., Adopts New Anti-Noise Regulations" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports new anti- noise regulation are included among a package of local bylaws in Seekonk, Massachusetts, just given approval by the attorney general's office.

Seekonk, Massachusetts, "Saying, "You Can't Get Away from the Noise Problem," Seekonk, Mass. Zoning Appeals Board Denies Permit for Company" (Apr. 5, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the Zoning Board of Appeals in Seekonk, Massachusetts, agreed with residents' noise concerns and denied a permit for a parcel-distribution center in a residential neighborhood.

Seoul, South Korea, "South Korean Residents Sue Government Over Airplane Noise" (Feb. 1, 2000). The Korea Herald reported on residents who sued the government and a government-run airport operator because of airplane noise from nearby Kimpo International Airport. Residents seek compensation for "physical and mental damage" because of airport noise.

Severna Park, Maryland, "Planes Flying Below Recommended Altitudes Thwart Noise Control Efforts near Baltimore Washington International Airport" (Aug. 18, 1998). The Capital reports that a state study concludes that about one-third of planes flying over Severna Park to Baltimore Washington International Airport are flying lower than the altitude recommended by the state to control noise.

Severna Park, Maryland, "BWI Airport Works to Get Pilots to Adhere to Higher Altitudes, Giving Residents More Quiet" (Mar. 3, 1998). The Capital reports the Baltimore-Washington International Airport is taking steps to reduce low-flying, loud aircraft that disturb residents. BWI will begin employing a new technique to remind pilots to fly higher and, therefore, quieter.

Sha Tin, Hong Kong, "District Board Proposes Steeper Descent Into Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok Airport" (Sep. 3, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that the Sha Tin Provisional District Board's Health and Environment Committee is considering a proposal for steeper aircraft descents -- already used in Britain -- at Hong Kong's Check Lap Kok airport. A committee member said that hills in the area would make it harder to correct flight path deviations inherent in steeper approaches. Since the airport opened a second runway and began round-the-clock operation, noise complaints have increased. Since then, the most disruptive northeast approach has seen less use but has not been eliminated as the committee has demanded.

Shadowlawn, Virginia, "Shadowlawn, Virginia Civic League Acknowledges Oceana Naval Base's Cooperation and Says It Has Reduced Aircraft Noise" (Sep. 21, 1999). The Virginian-Pilot prints several letters to the editor, one of which relates to noise in Virginia's Shadowlawn community from Oceana Naval Base aircraft. The author notes that after meeting with a commanding officer at the base, during which the Shadowlawn Civic League asked for a standard flight pattern to be used on a particular runway, noise has been significantly reduced. He supports the base while striving to reduce noise, and commends the officer and the base for their cooperative spirit.

Shakopee, Minnesota, "Fish and Wildlife Service Says Proposed Amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota Will Harm Neighboring Wildlife Refuge" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that the Fish and Wildlife Service has opposed an amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota that would disrupt animals and recreation at a wildlife refuge. A preliminary environmental review determined the noise wouldn't be too much, but the Fish and Wildlife Service wants further study at the 10,500 acre refuge.

Sham Tseng, China, "Protesters in Sham Tseng, China Stage Silent Sit-In to Urge Adoption of Noise Control Measures When New Runway Begins Operations" (Aug. 2, 1999). The South China Morning Post reports that protesters in Sham Tseng, China staged a silent sit-in to protest aircraft noise near their homes. Protesters want a noise law limiting aircraft noise in certain districts, but officials say that an environmental impact conducted before a second runway was added showed acceptable noise levels.

Shaughnessy, British Columbia, "Human Powered Gardening Replaces Noisy Power Tools in British Columbia" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports about the peaceful home gardening business of Shaughnessy's Graham Clark, whose human powered gardening replaces noisy power mowers and leaf blowers.

Sheffield, United Kingdom, "Britain Regulates Offshore Noise" (Feb. 23, 1998). M2 Presswire issued the following press release concerning new regulations for offshore noise:

Shelter Island, New York, "New York Island Community Passes Strict Noise Ordinance Among Some Controversy" (Jul. 19, 1998). Newsday reports that the Town Board in Shelter Island, New York unanimously approved a strict noise ordinance on June 19. The article notes that the town was split on the issue, with two opposing petitions collecting almost an equal number of signatures.

Shepherd Hills, Pennsylvania, "Construction Noise at Wal-Mart in Shepherd Hills, Pennsylvania Irritates Columnist, If Not Legislators" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Morning Call reports that a columnist said that noise from Wal-Mart construction in Shepherd Hills, Pennsylvania is extremely intrusive. The site produces rumbles and beeps from 8 pieces of heavy equipment, bright lighting, and airborne dust from the site during periods of its 18 hours of operation each day.

Sherman Oaks, California, "Van Nuys Airport Hearing Attendee Furious With Los Angeles Airport Commissioners for Not Voting With Anti-Noise Sentiment" (Aug. 8, 1999). The Los Angeles Times prints a letter to the editor from a Sherman Oaks, California resident. The author abruptly and concisely trashes the Los Angeles airport commissioners for ignoring resident protests over noise.

Sherman Oaks, California, "Politician Attempts to Mediate Dispute Between Mall and California's Transportation Department; The Goal Is to Build Freeway Connector that Eases Traffic While Staying Further from Mall Buildings Destined for Noise-Sensitive Animation Studio" (Nov. 5, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that officials are working quickly to resolve a dispute between California's Transportation Department and the Galleria Mall over a planned freeway connector. A compromise -- one that will ease traffic while keeping the road from increasing the noise level in the building -- must be found by next month to avoid a three-year delay on construction of the road.

Shingle Springs, California, "Planning Commission Rejects Preschool Expansion in Calif. Neighborhood When Residents Stress Noise and Traffic Concerns" (Jun. 28, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports plans for an expanded preschool in Shingle Springs , California, were rejected Thursday by the El Dorado County Planning Commission. Opponents pressured commission to reverse its initial approval, citing the inappropriateness of the site in a neighborhood and pointing to noise and traffic concerns.

Shivley, Kentucky, "Kentucky Residents Told Cost Too High for Noise Wall Along I-264" (Apr. 23, 1998). The Courier-Journal of Louisville, Kentucky, published the following question and answer in its News Fact Finder column, a service to readers who have questions about public works projects. Residents John and Irene Pircock of Shively asked about erecting noise barriers on Kentucky's Interstate 264:

Shrewsbury, New Jersey, "New Jersey Residents Oppose Construction of Supermarket and Accompanying Sound Wall" (Oct. 17, 1997). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Planning Board in Shrewsbury, New Jersey postponed a decision on a proposal to build a 58,000-square-foot Edwards supermarket off Newman Springs Road till November 6. At a meeting Wednesday night, residents who live near the proposed site continued to protest the plan, the article says, and have hired a lawyer to help them fight the proposal. Residents object both to the presence of a supermarket and to a 14-foot sound barrier the developer has proposed building to cut down on noise from the supermarket.

Shrewsbury, New Jersey, "Shrewsbury, New Jersey Supermarket to Open Despite Concerns Over Possible Noise Ordinance Violation" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Asbury Park Press reports that a resident in Shrewsbury, New Jersey had opposed the construction of an Edwards Super Food Store in his community because of concerns over noise, hours, and traffic. The resident, Frederick W. Robison, filed a lawsuit against the borough planning board and the supermarket chain in back in 1998 after the planning board first approved the store's plans. Robison claimed that the store's hours of operation and noise levels would violate ordinances in the borough.

Sidney, Illinois, "Possible Construction of Power Plant in Sidney, Illinois Brings Complaints from Residents" (Apr. 10, 2000). The News-Gazette in Sidney, Illinois reports that residents are concerned about a natural gas-fired "peaker" power plant slated to be built northeast of Sidney. They are concerned about noise, air pollution, and aesthetics. State Representative Timothy Johnson lives in the neighborhood most likely to be affected, and he has voiced strong opposition to the plant. He would like the zoning to be amended so that power plants would have to be located in industrial areas rather than rural areas.

Silver City, New Mexico, "New Mexico County Passes Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 17, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that Grant County Commissioners in Silver City, New Mexico approved a noise ordinance Tuesday that took effect immediately.

Silverdale, Pennsylvania, "Neighbors of Noisy Racetrack in PA Urged to Call Police with Complaints" (Jul. 8, 1998). The Morning Call reports neighbors of a Silverdale, Pennsylvania, racing track complained Monday to the city council about excessive noise and dust. They were advised to report their complaints to police in an effort to get the noise ordinance enforced.

Simi Valley, California, "California Community Establishes New Requirements For Noisy Bars And Restaurants" (Dec. 23, 1997). Ventura County Star reports that the Simi Valley City Council in California approved an amendment requiring noisy bars and restaurants to obtain a special-use permit.

Simi Valley, California, "California Neighbors Oppose Church Expansion, Citing More Noise and Traffic" (Nov. 22, 1997). The Ventura County Star reports that neighbors of the NewHeart Foursquare Church in Simi Valley, California are opposing a proposed expansion of the church, saying it would create more noise and traffic and would block their view. Officials from the church presented the expansion plan to the Planning Commission Wednesday, but commissioners postponed action and asked church officials to work with neighbors and rethink their design.

Simi Valley, California, "Simi Valley, California Plans to Streamline Noise Laws, Quieting Streets By 10 PM, and Increasing Role of Police in Noise Disputes" (Dec. 6, 1999). The Ventura County Star reports that local officials in Simi Valley, California are planning to streamline their noise laws to assure quiet on the streets by 10 p.m. and until 7 a.m. The new laws would increase the role of police, who would give more objective descriptions of the excessiveness of noise than those currently given in court by furious neighbors.

Simsbury, Connecticut, "Airport Noise in Connecticut Town is a Growing Problem" (Nov. 21, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that increasing air traffic at the Bradley Airport near Simsbury, Connecticut is creating escalating problems with jet noise for residents. In response to the problem, local officials are asking airport officials to perform a study to determine which parts of the town are experiencing noise. Meanwhile, a public forum on jet noise will be held tonight to detail how the airport measures noise and how residents can register complaints.

Simsbury, Connecticut, "ConnDOT to Begin Noise Monitoring at Bradley International Airport" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports residents of Simsbury, Connecticut, attended the last of three state Department of Transportation meetings on solving the noise problem at the increasingly busy Bradley International Airport.

Simsbury, Connecticut, "Simsbury, Connecticut Plans to Establish a Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 7, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that Simsbury, Connecticut officials are working with police to develop a local noise ordinance that would fine violators $50.

Singapore, Asia, "Singapore Government Offers Awards to Quiet Companies" (Oct. 18, 1998). The Straits Times (Singapore) reports Singapore's government will award companies who reduce noise levels.

Singapore, Asia, "Maylaysia Limits Singapore's Use of Airspace; Could Mean More Noise for Both Countries" (Sep. 19, 1998). Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports Malaysia's new restrictions on Singapore's use of Malaysian airspace could mean more aircraft noise for residents of both countries.

Singapore, Asia, "Letter: Singapore Citizens Urged to Reduce Noise Pollution" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Straits Times (Singapore) published a letter from Ralph A. Lewin of California, USA, urging the citizens of Singapore to reduce noise pollution. Lewin writes:

Singapore, Asia, "Singapore Turns Noise, Air, and Land Pollution Rules into Law" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Business Times (Singapore) reports the Singapore Parliament yesterday passed a new bill which gives the Ministry of the Environment (ENV) power to enforce many existing noise, air and ground pollution controls.

Singapore, Malaysia, "Singapore Resident Resents Construction Noise" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Straits Times published the following letter to the editor regarding noise pollution from construction:

Skowhegan, Maine, "Noise Regulations for Watercraft in Maine" (Jun. 30, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports new laws regulating motorboats, including limiting the noise levels of all powerboats go into effect next week in Maine.

Skye Island, Scotland, "Outdoor Enthusiast Champions Victory for Failed Helicopter Tour Scheme on a British Isle" (Jun. 28, 1997). The Daily Telegraph printed an editorial in which the writer celebrates the victory over a proposal to run sightseeing flights over Skye, an island in the Hebrides off Scotland's northwest coast. The writer says the noise from the tour flights would have destroyed "one of the last wild sanctuaries of silence" in Britain.

Slinger, Wisconsin, "Slinger, Wisconsin Residents Oppose Proposed Concrete Plant" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents in Slinger, Wisconsin are opposed to a proposed concrete plant that they say will increase noise, dust, and traffic. The planning commission says all of those concerns will be included in the development plan. 155 property owners have already signed a petition opposing the plant, and plan to file a lawsuit against the village if the plant is approved.

Sloan, New York, "Village in New York Passes Nighttime Noise Ordinance Targeting "Unreasonable" Noise" (Oct. 22, 1997). The Buffalo News reports that the Sloan, New York Village Board recently adopted a nighttime noise ordinance that targets "unreasonable" noise. The ordinance carries fines of up to $250.

Smithtown, New York, "Long Island Towns Restrict Places to Ride Noisy ATVs" (Aug. 9, 1998). Newsday reports Smithtown, New York, officials say a recent crackdown on noisy all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes in neighboring Brookhaven has brought riders into their town in search of open spaces to ride. Citing noise and environmental and liability issues, Smithtown is enforcing its own restrictions.

Snyder, Texas, "West Texas Ranchers Threaten to Sue Over Noise from Air Force Bomber Training" (Apr. 7, 1999). The Associated Press reports a large group of West Texas ranchers and farmers have joined together to voice their opposition to Air Force bombing practice that they say will bring noise to ruin their way of life and spook their animals.

Soho, England, "London's Theater District Too Noisy for Soho Residents" (Feb. 2, 2000). An article from the Press Association Newsfile reported that Soho residents have taken political action against Westminster City Council's decision to allow another new night café in London's theater. Resident's claim that there are just too many night cafes, loud music and entertainment in the West End, London's theater and entertainment center, and that they interfere with their sleep.

Solana Beach, California, "Solana Beach, CA, Drum Group Cooperates with Noise Laws to Keep Meeting Place" (Jul. 5, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports a drumming circle group in Solana Beach, California, will be allowed to continue to meet at a county park after they worked work out a solution to stay within the noise laws.

Solana Beach, California, "Opinion: Too Much Noise about Navy Jet Flyover at Little League Park" (Mar. 18, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune published an opinion article charging that the negative reaction to the recent Navy flyover at Solana Beach, California, is creating much more noise than the criticized incident.

Somerset, United Kingdom, "Residents in Somerset, U.K. Fear Slaughterhouse Extension Will Create Noise and Odor Problems" (Jan. 25, 2000). The Western Daily Press reports that residents in Somerset, U.K. are worried that a slaughterhouse extension that was recently approved will cost noise, traffic and odor problems. Local officials say that strict rules will deal with those problems.

Sonoma County, California, "California Racetrack Gets OK For Expansion; Opponents Not Happy" (Mar. 22, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Sonoma County officials unanimously approved the expansion of the Sears Point Raceway despite concerns of neighbors about traffic, noise and crowds.

Sonoma Valley, California, "California Officials Announce Scaled-Back Plans For Raceway" (Dec. 15, 1999). According to the San Francisco Chronicle, In an attempt to appease Sonoma Valley residents fretting over more NASCAR-size events, the Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma Valley, California voluntarily reduced its proposed grandstand seating to 35,000 people in an effort to appease Sonoma Valley residents who objected to more NASCAR-sized events near their neighborhoods. The original estimate was over 100,000. Race officials also plan to plant a grove of trees and other landscaping technology to hide the raceway.

South Bend, Indiana, "Some at Seniors Community in South Bend, Indiana Are Bothered by Street Noise, Others Are Not" (Jul. 25, 1999). The South Bend Tribune reports that while some senior citizens at the Robertson's Apartments in downtown South Bend, Indiana are disturbed by street noise, others are not. Residents who are bothered cite a loud bar across the street, unruly patrons from the bar, motorcycles loud enough to set off car alarms, and outdoor concerts at a nearby parking garage. The outdoor concerts -- whose organizers have agreed to face the bands away from the apartments -- always end before 11 PM, and the bar owner said he establishment has been fight-free for over one year, though the article didn't address the legality of other noises. Some residents blame city planners for allowing a senior citizen community next to a loud bar, while they commend the easy access they have to bus service and shopping.

South County, California, "South County, CA Residents Respond to Jet Demonstration at El Toro Base" (Jun. 16, 1999). The Los Angeles Times recently included letters to the editor regarding the El Toro base in South County, CA. One letter stated a test done at the base supported claims of excessive noise, while one felt noise was not a problem there.

South County, California, "South County Residents Protest Plans for International Airport" (Jun. 17, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports South County residents have mobilized against the threat of a proposed international airport, saying county-sponsored noise tests were inaccurate.

South Elgin, Illinois, "Eliminating Truck Noise in Illinois Town May Come at High Economic Cost" (Sep. 24, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports an Illinois town is considering eliminating or rerouting truck traffic due to noise and pollution problems.

South Elgin, Illinois, "Illinois Town Conducts Study to Solve Truck Traffic Noise" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports noisy truck traffic through east-side residential streets in South Elgin, Illinois, may come to an end depending on the results of a village truck-traffic study.

South Glastonbury, Connecticut, "South Glastonbury, Connecticut Resident Seeks Permission to Build Home Heliport" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Hartford Courant reports that South Glastonbury resident Robert Maltempo would like to build a heliport behind his home. He recently presented his plan to the town's zoning and planning commission, from whom he would need to receive a special exception permit in order to build the heliport.

South Gloucestershire, U.K., "South Gloucestershire, U.K. Council Institutes a Noise Response Team During Peak Noise-Complaint Hours" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that the South Gloucestershire, U.K. Council will create a noise response team to deal with noise complaints during peak times. Council officers will operate in pairs, and will be available to respond to noise complaints during peak times. Violations will include "noisy parties, loud music, and barking dogs".

South Gloucestershire, UK, "Environment Department of South Gloucestershire, UK's Council Will Hire New Staff for Responding to Noise Complaints" (Sep. 20, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that the Environment Department of South Gloucestershire, UK's Council plans to hire more staff to handle noise complaints during peak hours. Noise causes half of all complaints for the department. Complaints peak between 11 pm and midnight during the week, and from 10 am to midday and 8 pm to 2 am on the weekend. The staff will cost 106,000 pounds, and should be active by next year.

South Hackensack, New Jersey, "New Jersey Township Officials Call Meeting on Jet Noise" (Nov. 21, 1997). The Record reports that officials of the South Hackensack (New Jersey) Township Committee and the Board of Education have called a public meeting for Tuesday night to discuss noise and air pollution from the Teterboro Airport. The meeting has been prompted by a sharp increase in complaints from residents.

South Hackensack, New Jersey, "New Jersey Lawmakers Design Strategy to Reduce Jet Noise at Teterboro" (Jan. 14, 2000). The Bergen County Record reported that lawmakers recently met to design a strategy for reducing noise for North Jersey towns near Teterboro Airport, the nation's busiest non-commercial airport.

South Orange County, California, "Developers Plan Open Space Surrounding California's El Toro Airport" (Sep. 22, 1998). World Airport Week reports developers for California's El Toro Airport have presented on open space plan to county executives, requesting a park surround the airfield.

South River, Maryland area, "Maryland Considers Permanent State Regulations for Watercraft Decibel Levels on State Waterways" (Jun. 29, 1997). The Washington Post reports that after a Maryland state law designed to quiet waterways passed last year, temporary regulations went into effect last summer that restricted noise levels on state waters and made it easier for the rules to be enforced. Now, the state Department of Natural Resources wants to make those regulations permanent, and residents and boaters are once again in conflict, the article reports. The issue is especially important for residents and boaters on South River, the article says.

South Wales, Britain, "Plans for Road Development through Welsh Gorge Brings Protests of Noise Pollution" (May 17, 1998). The Independent of London, England, reports Clydach Gorge, a three-mile enclave of wildlife in South Wales, is under consideration for road development. Locals oppose the plan, citing environmental impacts and noise pollution.

South Windsor, Connecticut, "Connecticut Town Passes Noise Ordinance" (Dec. 16, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the town council in South Windsor, Connecticut unanimously approved a noise ordinance that some Barbara Road residents hope will bring peace and quiet to their neighborhood.

South Windsor, Connecticut, "Connecticut Town Council Tables Noise Ordinance Proposal" (Sep. 16, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the South Windsor (Connecticut) Town Council voted to table a proposed noise ordinance for a month and gather more information after a public hearing on the issue Monday. The ordinance was proposed after residents complained about noise from Cupid Diaper Co. of Satellite Road.

South Zeal, United Kingdom, "South Zeal, U.K. Residents Say They Have Dealt with Highway Noise for Ten Years, and Urge Exeter Residents To Keep Up their "Resurface the A30" Campaign To Avoid a Similar Fate" (Nov. 14, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that residents of South Zeal, U.K are urging Exeter campaigners to keep up their fight to resurface the new A30 with a quieter pavement. They say if Exeter campaigners don't keep up their fight, they would be forced to listen to highway noise for the rest of their lives.

Southampton, England, "British Professor Says Owls' Wing Feathers Are Key to Quiet Flight; Suggests Airplane Engineers Take Note" (Jun. 13, 1999). The Ottowa Citizen reports a British professor says the key to owls'quiet flight is in their wing feathers and may offer suggestions to airplane engineers.

Southampton, United Kingdom, "Rolls Royce Sets Up New Technology Center at University of South Hampton in the U.K." (Dec. 1, 1999). The Derby Evening Telegraph reports that Rolls Royce will invest 1.6 million pounds in a new technology center at the University of Southampton in the U.K. to reduce noise from aircraft engines.

Southaven, Mississippi, "Mississippi Homeowners Renew Request for Berm to Muffle Airport Noise" (Mar. 17, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports a Mississippi homeowners association has renewed its plea for trees and berms to mitigate noise from the Memphis International Airport.

Southbridge, MA, "Massachusetts Town Councillor Asks Residents to Support Proposed Noise Bylaw" (Aug. 19, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that Dale Johonnett, a Southbridge, Massachusetts Town Councillor, urged residents last night to let their town councillors know they support a proposed noise control bylaw or it may be defeated.

Southbridge, Massachusetts, "Massachusetts City Considers Detailed Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 16, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the General Government Subcommittee in Southbridge, Massachusetts will review a proposed bylaw tonight designed to prohibit unlawful noise which "annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of any reasonable person, of normal sensitivity, residing in the area." The Town Council must hold three readings on the noise bylaw before voting on its acceptance, the article says.

Southbridge, Massachusetts, "Massachusetts Town Considers Noise Bylaw" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Southbridge, Massachusetts Town Council General Government subcommittee held a meeting last night to consider a proposed noise bylaw. The subcommittee and several residents who attended the meeting were concerned about excess noise at all times of day, but especially late at night and early in the morning.

Southbridge, Massachusetts, "Massachusetts Town Passes Noise Control Ordinance With Stiff Fines" (Sep. 23, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Southbridge (Massachusetts) Town Council passed on a 9-2 vote a noise-control bylaw that sets fines for unreasonable noise levels. The fine for first-time offenders is double that of most other town infractions, the article says.

Southbridge, Massachusetts, "Second Hearing Held on Noise Ordinance in Massachusetts Town" (Sep. 9, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Town Council in Southbridge, Massachusetts held its second hearing on a proposed ordinance that would set time limits on some types of noisy activity and institute methods of punishing offenders. Councillor Mark Carron made a motion to send the proposed ordinance back to the General Government Subcommittee for further review and revision. But that motion was defeated by an 8-5 vote. The third and final hearing, at which councillors are expected to vote on the ordinance, will be held September 22.

Southfield, Michigan, "Michigan City Wins Fight for Noise Barrier Along Interstate" (May 6, 1997). The Detroit News reports that after a 10-year fight, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will extend a sound barrier wall on the north side of I-696 from Franklin Road to just short of Inkster Road in Southfield, Michigan. The decision comes after about 250 residents fought to have the noise barrier in their neighborhoods.

Southington, Connecticut, "Conn. Recreation Area Temporarily Closed Due to Uncontrolled Noise, Litter, and Parking" (May 14, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports Southington, Connecticut, officials have temporarily closed a newly opened recreation area while they work out a plan to control parking, noise and litter.

Southlake, Texas, "Texas City Councils Say Noise Regulation Difficult to Enforce" (Jan. 13, 2000). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Southlake residents have had enough of the blower from a nearby car wash, and have lodged complaints to local officials just the city was reviewing its noise ordinance. The article explained some of the difficulties of writing an "enforceable noise ordinance," according to the city's head of code enforcement.

Southport, Connecticut, "Shifting Commerce to Waterways May be Answer to Noise Along Northeast's I-95" (May 6, 1998). The Journal of Commerce reports incessant noise from Interstate 95 permeates the picture-perfect postcard of moneyed Southport, Connecticut. Officials are exploring ways to mitigate truck traffic as a way to dampen the noise.

Spanish Fork, Utah, "Utah Department of Transportation to Construct Sound Wall Along U.S. Route 6 in Spanish Fork" (Apr. 4, 2000). The Deseret News in Utah reports that the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has agreed to install a sound wall along busy U.S. Route 6 in the town of Spanish Fork. The walls will be made of concret, 12 to 14-feet high. They will lower the sound from passing cars, trucks, and even trains in the vicinity to less than 65 decibels. The traffic noise has been concerning residents along the road for years.

Spokane, Washington, "Washington Community Plans City's Vehicle Maintenance Complex" (Dec. 11, 1997). The Spokesman-Review reports that an estimated 400 cars and trucks are expected to arrive at and depart from a proposed fleet maintenance complex in the Garry Park neighborhood of Spokane, Washington each morning, around the same time students are on their way to school. Neighbors voiced concerns about the noise, traffic and potential danger to school-children during a community meeting with city officials Tuesday.

Spokane, Washington, "Residential Day Care Center Bothers Washington Neighbor" (Dec. 4, 1997). The Spokesman-Review reports that a Spokane, Washington resident, weary of noise and traffic from a residential day care operation, is filing a lawsuit.

Spokane, Washington, "Rezoning Dispute in Spokane, Washington" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that developers and residents disagree over the appropriate use of a 40 acre piece of land in Spokane, Washington. Developers are asking the county hearing examiner to rezone the land in north Spokane to allow a large shopping center with Wal-Mart as its centerpiece. But residents, who will live next door to the 40 acres of shopping and parking, argue that a massive shopping center would make a bad neighbor.

Spokane, Washington, "Spokane Mayor Courts Native American Festival by Allowing Violation of City's Noise Ordinance" (May 30, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that John Talbott, the Mayor of Spokane, Washington, met with organizers of the Spokane Falls Northwest Indian Encampment and Pow Wow Friday and made concessions to ensure that the event will be held as usual this August at Riverfront Park. The article notes that event organizers had announced earlier this week that the event wouldn't take place this year because the city and the American Indian Community Center, which sponsors the festival, couldn't come to agreement about certain fees and regulations. But the mayor made several concessions, the article says, including allowing the pow-wow to continue past 10 p.m., which violates the city's noise ordinance.

Spondon, England, "British Government Invests ƒ760,000 on Road Noise Reduction" (Mar. 24, 2000). The London Evening Standard reported on a 760,000ƒ noise abatement grant from the Government to reduce road surface noise on a major highway, A52.

Spring Hill, Florida, "Noise from Nightclub in Spring Hill, Florida Keeps Neighbors Up, Though Sound is Within Ordinance Limits" (Apr. 26, 1999). The St. Petersburg Times reports that music from Spring Hill, Florida's nightclub Planet Bubba is too loud for residents, though the volume is under local decibel limits. Though the club is located in a commercial district, nearby residents complain that the bass remains too loud and disrupts their sleep. Owner of the nightclub and local radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge Clem claims that he spent $50,000 on a 'compressor limiter' to cap the amplified volume, insulated walls, and moved entrances in an attempt to limit noise; he is upset that he is still being hounded even though he meets the noise ordinance.

Spring Hill, Florida, "Florida Nightclub Meets Noise Complaints with Louder Music" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the St. Petersburg Times, the owners of Plant Bubba in Hernando County, vow to crank up the music more nights during the week when county commissioners strengthen existing noise ordinances.

Spring Hill, Florida, "Reader in Spring Hill, Florida Asks About Legal Rights Concerning Neighborhood Noise" (Apr. 6, 2000). The St. Petersburg Times recently published a letter to the editor from a reader who has legally questions about residential noise in her Spring Hill, Florida neighborhood. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Spring Lake, Florida, "Neighbors Object to Noise from Dog Kennel in Spring Lake, Florida" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Petersburg Times reports the noise from a dog kennel has pitted neighbors against the dogs' owner in Spring Lake, Florida.

Spring Lake, New Jersey, "New Jersey Town Debates Ordinance in Effort to Preserve Quiet Time" (Jun. 23, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports a proposed ordinance in Spring Lake, New Jersey, to limit noise pollution produced lively discussion at last night's Borough Council meeting.

Spring Lake, New Jersey, "New Jersey Town Considers Noise Ordinance to Restrict Gardening and Construction Hours" (Jun. 9, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Borough Council in Spring Lake, New Jersey introduced a noise ordinance last night that would restrict lawn mowing, leaf blowing, construction, and other activities to certain hours. The article notes that a public hearing is scheduled on the proposed ordinance for June 22.

Spring Valley, Nevada, "Residents Near McCarran Airport Object to Their Homes on New Noise Contour Map" (Apr. 15, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports some Spring Valley residents are angry their homes could be included in the updated McCarran International Airport Environs Overlay District Maps, possibly classifying their homes as being in a high aircraft noise area.

Spring Valley, Nevada, "Meetings Set in Las Vegas Area to Show New Boundaries on Airport Noise Contour Maps" (Mar. 25, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that the Clark County (Nevada) departments of aviation and comprehensive planning are holding a series of meetings to discuss the revised noise contour maps for the McCarran International Airport. The maps show how noise levels have affected neighborhoods around the airport during the last seven years. The Spring Valley Town Board will recommend the Clark County Commissioners approve or deny the noise contour map at a meeting Monday. Commissioners are expected to take up the matter on April 22.

Springdale, Arkansas, "Construction at Springdale, Arkansas' Public Library Done at Night So Patrons Aren't Disrupted; Neighbors Aren't So Lucky" (Jun. 26, 1999). The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that when the decision was made to conduct particularly noisy construction at Springdale, Arkansas' public library during the night, the idea was to avoid disruption of library patrons. Several neighbors have called the police, however, saying that the noise did disrupt them. While the Engineering Department approved the several days of work, residents say that they weren't notified. "It would have been nice if someone had called us and told us they were going to be working at night and that it would only be temporary" one resident said. The $4-million library expansion will add 24,500 square feet to the building that currently has 18,500; ground was broken in 1998, and completion is scheduled by February 2000 but may come as early as Christmas.

Springfield, Illinois, "Noise Grant to Chicago Suburbs Discussed in Illinois State Legislature" (Mar. 24, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Illinois state transportation officials defended a $787,000 grant to suburbs around Chicago for equipment that monitors noise from O'Hare International Airport. State politicians loyal to Chicago's Mayor Daley objected to the grant during examination of the Transportation Department's budget in a Democrat-led House budget committee. In a related matter, Transportation Secretary Kirk Brown revealed that his agency has up to $8 million it could spend this year without legislative input to purchase land for a third Chicago area airport.

Springfield, Illinois, "Officials from Illinois' Palwaukee Airport Request Grant Money for Noise Study and Construction of Taxiway" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports officials from Palwaukee Municipal Airport bid for millions of dollars in grants for airport improvements. Plans for the grant money include an update of a noise study and construction of part of a taxiway on the main runway's west side.

Springfield, Illinois, "Illinois Municipalities with Ordinances that Exempt Ice Cream Truck Music From Noise Laws May Face Constitutionality Issues, Now that the State Has Thrown Out a Law that Does the Same" (Nov. 24, 1999). The Copley News Service reports that since the Illinois State Supreme Court has thrown out an unconstitutional state law that exempted ice cream trucks and other advertisers from vehicle noise laws, many municipal noise ordinances in Illinois may have to be changed as well. State legislators originally wanted to protect ice cream trucks which were just "playing a jingle", but the court and anti-noise activists say "noise abatement is noise abatement."

Springfield, Illinois, "Springfield, Illinois Plans to Strengthen Noise Law, Allowing Cars with Loud Stereos to Be Impounded" (Nov. 24, 1999). The Copley News Service reports that Springfield, Illinois is planning to strengthen their noise ordinance by allowing police to impound cars with stereos playing at an excessively loud volume. The ordinance, which is borrowing from similar ordinances in nearby communities Rock Island and Kankakee, should be drafted within three months.

Springfield, Illinois, "State of Illinois Awaits Governor's Signature on Bill Outlawing Boom Cars" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Copley News Service reports that the Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill that will penalize drivers of vehicles playing stereos that can be heard at least 75 feet away from the vehicle. Police will be able to fine offenders $50 for violations. The bill will shortly be presented to Governor George Ryan for his signature.

Springfield, Ohio, "Ohio City Council Considers Increasing Fines for Violators of Noise Law" (Nov. 17, 1998). The State Journal Register reports the Springfield, Ohio, City Council is considering increasing fines for violators of noise law.

Springfield, Oregon, "Springfield, Oregon Residents Question Wal-Mart Site Location, Noise and Traffic Implications" (Mar. 20, 2000). The Register Guard reports that residents of neighborhoods surrounding a proposed Wal-Mart site are concerned about the traffic and noise that will be generated by the retailer's operations. Some options have included requiring Wal-Mart to adequately address traffic congestion by possibly building additional interchanges along Highway 126. Springfield has no planned commercial center that would allow for development without adversely impacting residential neighborhoods.

Springvale, Maine, "Maine Residents Bothered by Noisy ATVs on Railbed" (Oct. 3, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that residents in Springvale, Maine are complaining about the all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes that gun their engines and race up and down the former Boston & Maine Railroad rail bed. Police say they can do little to curb the problem, and other local officials do not believe the problem warrants action.

St. Augustine, Florida, "Florida County Considers Fees and Restrictions for Jet-Skiers" (Jun. 11, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that St. Johns County (Florida) Commissioners are considering a new beach code that would charge jet-skiers a $125 annual fee. The first of two public hearings on the proposed beach code was held last night, with both jet-skiers and opponents vocal in their views.

St. Bernard, Louisiana, "St. Bernard, Louisiana City Officials To Address Noise, Traffic and Parking Before Allowing Crawfish Festival To Take Place" (Apr. 20, 2000). According to the Times-Picayune, the St. Bernard Parish Council won't grant another three-year lease to the Louisiana Crawfish Festival until it reviews noise, traffic and parking problems that face its neighbors.

St. Catharines, Ontario, "Grape Farmers in Ontario Use Many Noise-Based Technologies to Keep Bird from Eating their Crops; Loud "Bird-Bangers" Can Annoy Human Neighbors as Well" (Aug. 27, 1999). The Ottawa Citizen reports that grape farmers in Ontario use many noise-based technologies to scare birds away from their grapes. Gas-powered cannons called 'bird bangers' are the loudest, and many complaints about them come from nearby residents. If the cannons go off too often or are too close to neighbors, officials may suggest changes, but "farmers are allowed to use all methods 'within reason' to protect their crop."

St. Charles County, Missouri, "Local Missouri Officials Will Meet With FAA Over Airport Expansion Plan" (Jun. 11, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials in St. Charles County and Bridgeton, Missouri will meet Tuesday with Susan Kurland, the associate administrator for airports at the Federal Aviation Administration, over plans to expand Lambert Field. According to Joe Ortwerth, a St. Charles County Executive, the meeting should resolve whether the FAA will conduct a "real time" simulation study that would produce data about the noise levels of the proposed expansion.

St. Charles County, Missouri, "County Official Says Legal Hand Forced over Noise from Missouri's Lambert Field" (Nov. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Charles County Councilman believes a lawsuit could have been avoided over noise at Missouri's Lambert Field if St. Louis officials had been more cooperative.

St. Charles County, Missouri, "County Exec. Urges St. Charles to Join Lawsuit Against FAA Over New Runway Plan for Missouri's Lambert Field" (Oct. 12, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Charles County leader is advising the county to join a lawsuit to overturn the approved expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport.

St. Charles County, Missouri, "St. Charles, Missouri, Council May Join Suit Against Lambert Runway" (Oct. 15, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the St. Charles County Council is getting closer to joining in a lawsuit aimed at stopping the construction of a runway at Lambert Field, an expansion that would bring the airport two miles closer to St. Charles.

St. Charles, Illinois, "St. Charles, Illinois Officials Consider Ultimatum in Dispute Over Airport Expansion Noise" (Jan. 8, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Charles, Illinois City Council is frustrated with the lack of noise abatement strategies in the proposed plan for airport expansion favored by St. Louis and Lambert Field Airport officials. If a noise abatement agreement cannot be reached, the City of St. Charles is considering filing a lawsuit against the city of St. Louis and Lambert Field Airport.

St. Charles, Louisiana, "Industrial Barge Fleet Frightens Louisiana Neighbors" (Dec. 17, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a proposed grain barge fleeting operation that would be moored on the Mississippi River just across the levee from Destrehan's Red Church subdivision in St. Charles, Louisiana is drawing heated opposition from neighborhood residents and St. Charles Parish Council members.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Lambert Field (St. Louis) Officials Ignore Community Complaints" (Apr. 23, 1997). St. Charles, Missouri residents are circulating a petition to force its county council and Lambert Field officials to create a airport noise management program, St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri Citizens Group Calls for Local Officials to Take a Stand on Pursuing Noise Agreement with Airport" (Aug. 19, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that members of St. Charles (Missouri) Citizens Against Aircraft Noise (CAAN) are urging more aggressive action by local officials in pursuing a noise agreement with city officials in St. Louis over noise from Lambert Field. CAAN opposes an airport expansion plan favored by St. Louis officials that would extend a runway two miles closer to St. Charles. CAAN members have staged a rally for September 6 and are urging officials who support the group to attend and speak at the event.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Rally Scheduled in Missouri Town to Protest Airport Noise" (Sep. 5, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the citizens group St. Charles Citizens Against Aircraft Noise will hold a rally Saturday in St. Charles, Missouri to protest airport noise at Lambert Airfield. The rally is being used to urge local officials to more aggressively pursue a noise agreement with St. Louis officials.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri City Studies Legal Options to Fight Airport Expansion" (Jun. 30, 1997). The St. Louis Business Journal reports that the St. Charles (Missouri) City Council is considering its legal options in opposing expansion plans for Lambert St. Louis International Airport. Council members are worried that the W-1W expansion plan which has been submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration for approval will send more low-flying planes over St. Charles. Although the council appears to be preparing for a legal battle, council members said they also are keeping lines of communication open and trying to reach an agreement on noise abatement with airport authorities.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri Residents Group Against Airport Expansion Pushes County Council to Work Toward Noise Abatement Agreement" (May 30, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that members of the St. Charles County Citizens Against Airport Noise (CAAN), a group opposed to westward expansion of Lambert Airfield near St. Louis, Missouri, has asked the St. Charles County Council to follow through on a resolution it passed in December to work toward a noise-abatement agreement with St. Louis, which owns the airport. At Tuesday's meeting of the County Council, CAAN members also told the council that although the group was formed to oppose the westward expansion of the airport, it was shifting its emphasis to focus on getting a noise-abatement agreement with Lambert officials.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Rally Held in Missouri Town to Protest Airport Runway Plan" (Sep. 7, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a rally was held Saturday at the St. Charles (Missouri) City Hall to protest the proposed runway west of Lambert Air Field outside St. Louis. An estimated 500 people attended the two-hour rally organized by St. Charles Citizens Against Aircraft Noise. City, county, and state elected officials also attended and spoke at the rally.

St. Charles, Missouri, "County Vows to Sue if Noise Pact not Reached with Lambert Field Airport" (Jun. 29, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri's St. Charles County will file a lawsuit to stop any expansion plan at Lambert Field unless it gets an agreement that aircraft noise will be lowered from present levels.

St. Charles, Missouri, "St. Louis Agrees to Address Airport Noise from Lambert Field" (Mar. 17, 1998). The Louis Post-Dispatch reports efforts by St. Charles to convince St. Louis to reduce aircraft noise from Lambert Field Airport has reached an important point.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri City Officials Prepare to Spend $100,000 on Public Education Campaign Opposing Airport Expansion" (Mar. 30, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials in St. Charles, Missouri are preparing to spend around $100,000 on a public awareness campaign submitted by St. Charles Citizens Against Airport Noise (CAAN) that would educate community members about the city's opposition to the W-1W expansion plan for Lambert Field, which is owned and operated by St. Louis.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri Quarry Wants to Expand, But Planning and Zoning Commission Recommends Rejection of Rezoning Request" (Apr. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Planning and Zoning Commission in St. Charles, Missouri has recommended that the City Council reject a re-zoning request by LaFarge Corporation for the St. Charles Quarry. The company wants to re-zone a 38-acre tract of land southwest of Friedens Road and west of its intersection with South River Road to expand its quarry operation. The land currently is zoned "limited industrial," and the company is asking that it be re-zoned to "general industrial." This would allow the quarry to expand closer to the residential areas that already surround it on three sides. But residents who live nearby objected to the proposed change, saying the quarry company already doesn't do enough to control dust, noise, vibrations, traffic, and debris.

St. Charles, Missouri, "County Says No Choice Left Except to Sue Over Noise from Missouri's Lambert Field Airport" (Nov. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Missouri's St. Charles County Council decided Thursday evening to sue St. Louis over expansion plans at Lambert Field Airport, claiming the city's expansion plan is flawed and will dramatically increase noise levels.

St. Charles, Missouri, "St.Charles County, Missouri, Joins Cities in Lawsuit to Block Expansion and Noise at Lambert Field Airport" (Nov. 23, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports St. Charles County, Missouri, has joined the cities of St. Charles and Bridgeton in taking legal action against expansion at Lambert Field Airport. The lawsuit objects to increased noise among other issues.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Missouri Town Seeks Enforceable Resolution Over Noise from Lambert Field Airport" (Oct. 12, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the St. Charles County Council in Missouri is seeking a noise-reduction agreement with St. Louis regarding Lambert Field Airport. If no agreement appears to be forthcoming, St. Charles is threatening to sue the city of St. Louis.

St. Charles, Missouri, "St. Charles Will Join Bridgeton Lawsuit Against Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field" (Oct. 9, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports officials in St. Charles, Missouri, are waiting for the full release of a federal report on the expansion of Lambert Field before joining Bridgeton in federal court to challenge that expansion.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Leaders in Missouri Towns Travel to St. Louis to Voice Concerns over Airport Expansion" (Sep. 25, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports St. Charles and Bridgeton leaders are planning a major presence Monday in downtown St. Louis to express their concern over expansion plans at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport. Intolerable aircraft noise lies at the heart of their opposition.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Nearby Towns Say the Issue is Noise; Vow to Fight FAA Approval of Expansion of St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field" (Sep. 30, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports if, as expected, the Federal Aviation Administration gives the green light to the $2.6 billion W-1W plan for expanding Lambert Field, the announcement will set in motion legal actions by public officials in St. Charles County.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Residents of St. Charles, Missouri Rally to Stop Expansion of Lambert Field" (Oct. 2, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on citizen views and their efforts to stop the expansion of Lambert Field near St. Charles, Missouri.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Noise Activists Bussing Their Message Up to State Legislature Regarding Airport Expansion" (Apr. 22, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a citizen group formed to fight noise pollution emanating from Lambert Field is heading up to the Missouri Legislature en masse in order to get their point across.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Air Traffic Controllers Join Others in Opposing Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Airport" (Mar. 18, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a leader of a St. Charles, Missouri, group fighting the expansion of Lambert Field said more people are joining St. Charles in filing court papers opposing the expansion plan.

St. Charles, Missouri, "Airport Expansion Opponents in St. Charles, Missouri Speak to an Unmoved St. Louis Airport Commission About Increased Noise and Safety Concerns" (Jun. 4, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Louis Airport Commission was unfazed by a statement from St. Charles, Missouri's Citizens Against Aircraft Noise (CAAN). The statement said that a real-time study should be performed before a third runway -- which would be two miles closer to St. Charles and increase noise -- is approved at Lambert Field. CAAN co-chairman Pat McDonnell asked for a real-time study of the expansion plan, which would include a computer model of predicted impacts. "We need your assurances that our families and homes are not in danger," McDonnell said. "You would demand the same for your families."

St. Charles, Missouri, "Columnist Asserts that Many St. Louis Area Politicians Are Losing Support from St. Charles Residents Because of Their Denial of the Aircraft Noise Problem" (Sep. 20, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints a column that mentions a long list of politicians in the St. Louis area who are either championing the fight against aircraft noise pollution, or are ignoring it. The issue of noise is getting attention because of a proposed $2.6 billion expansion at Lambert Field.

St. Clair, Missouri, "Quarry in St. Clair, Missouri May Need County Approval to Begin Operations" (Mar. 16, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Capitol Quarries of Jefferson City wishes to operate a quarry on the Suntrup Farms property on Dry Branch Road in St. Clair. Many residents oppose the quarry operation because of the noise that it will generate. Legal technicalities concerning Missouri state statutes that govern quarry operations may or may not work in the quarry's favor.

St. George, Utah, "Conservation Group Says National Park Service Should Regulate Air Tours Over National Parks" (Nov. 17, 1997). U.S. Newswire reports that an official from the National Parks and Conservation Association today testified at a congressional field hearing that the National Park Service should be given the power to regulate air tours over national parks in order to curb noise. The official said that legislation is needed to manage the operations of scenic air tours, because the tours have grown explosively at the Grand Canyon and have expanded to other parks. Currently, neither the Park Service nor the Federal Aviation Administration has a process in place for regulating or managing flight tour operations over parks, the article notes.

St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana (parishes are similar to counties), "Louisiana District Considers Noise Ordinance to Control Loud Music With Profanity" (Apr. 9, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the St. John the Baptist Parish (Louisiana) Council is considering changing the parish's noise ordinance in an attempt to control loud music that contains obscenities. No action was taken at a Tuesday Council meeting, but Assistant District Attorney Charles Lorio agreed to study the council's options in revising the noise ordinance.

St. Joseph County, Indiana, "St. Joseph County, Indiana Council Adopts Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 14, 1999). The South Bend Tribune reports that St. Joseph County has a new noise ordinance -- driven by increasing development in formerly rural areas -- allowing police to ticket those who are making "loud, raucous or disturbing noises. " The ordinance, which takes effect in August, is similar to ordinances already in place in nearby municipalities.

St. Lawrence and Saugenay Rivers, Quebec, Canada; Groton, Connecticut, "Researchers Study Beluga Whales' Responses to Shipping Noise in Canadian Rivers" (May 6, 1997). Newsday reports that a University of Connecticut researcher is studying whether shipping noise in the St. Lawrence and Saugenay Rivers in Quebec could damage the hearing and capacity for survival of beluga whales in the area.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Federal Aviation Administration Completes Environmental Assessment of Airport Expansion In Missouri" (Dec. 23, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the expansion of the Missouri Airport at Lambert Field won a big endorsement from the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Missouri Community Persists In Struggle Against Airport Noise" (Dec. 23, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Charles officials and residents say they will continue to press their case for reducing aircraft noise over the county and protecting a historic commercial district as they respond to a federal agency's assessment of the environmental impact of Lambert Field.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Missouri Continues Plans For Airport Expansion At Lambert Field" (Dec. 29, 1997). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that opponents of Lambert Field's airport expansion vow to fight on, but it looks like their battle will be lost.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Noise and Air Pollution are Driving People Away from St. Louis, Residents Say" (Nov. 23, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Environmental Protection Agency held a public forum in St. Louis, Missouri Saturday to gather input on environmental problems. Residents who attended the forum told agency officials that many environmental concerns, including noise and industrial air pollution, are helping to destabilize neighborhoods and depopulate the city.

St. Louis, Missouri, "St. Louis Struggles With Proposed Development" (Jan. 19, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Louis residents are in conflict over a proposed development in Highway 141. Some residents say the proposed food shop car wash and oil change center is the best sale they can make for their land. Others fear the noise and traffic will change the residential nature of the area, and lower the surrounding land values.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Missouri Residents Meet with Airport Authority about Noise Grievances" (Mar. 3, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports of a meeting that took place last week between the St. Louis Airport Authority and area residents with noise grievances. The article details residents' concerns and an airport representative's responses.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Committee in St. Louis,Missouri Secures Noise Monitor from Airport Authority as a Response to Residents' Complaints" (Apr. 2, 1998). St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the airport authority is placing monitors in residential areas in a response to residents' complaints about noisy aircraft. The monitors will be able to help pinpoint the altitude and position of the plane when a noise complaint is called into the airport.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Changes in Lambert Field's Expansion Plan Means More Noise, Critics Charge" (Sep. 13, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch of St. Louis, Missouri, reports opponents of Lambert Field's expansion plan contend that changes made in the proposal would generate more noise south of the airport than originally anticipated.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Missouri's Lambert Field to Install New Noise Monitor to Aid Residents" (Sep. 17, 1998). The Louis Post-Dispatch reports an easement was approved for a new permanent noise monitor to determine the amount of noise residents are subjected to from Missouri's Lambert Field Airport.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Bridgeton Files Suit After FAA OK's Lambert Expansion; Various Factions Speak Out" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday approved southwest expansion into Bridgeton at Missouri's Lambert Field. A few hours later, attorneys for Bridgeton filed suit in St. Louis Circuit Court to try to overturn the plan.

St. Louis, Missouri, "County Tries to Block Expansion of Lambert Field Airport in St. Louis, Missouri" (Oct. 2, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that St. Charles County may join others in a lawsuit against the Federal Aviation Administration to block the expansion of Lambert Field Airport.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Economic Developers See Benefits if Missouri's Lambert Field Expands" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports economic development officials predict expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field would have a wide-ranging direct and indirect impact, creating thousands of new jobs, pouring billions of dollars into the local economy, and helping Lambert compete with airport hubs across the United States.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Opponents of Expansion at Missouri's Lambert Field Picket in St. Louis" (Sep. 29, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports despite expected federal approval of Missouri's Lambert Field's expansion plan, three busloads of opponents picketed outside St. Louis City Hall on Monday.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Groups Picket St. Louis City Hall Over Expansion Plans for Missouri's Lambert Field Airport, Citing Noise and Safety Concerns" (Sep. 9, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports three organizations that oppose the expansion plan for Missouri's Lambert Field are scheduled today to picket the St. Louis City Hall. After the picketing, they hope to meet with St. Louis Mayor Clarence Harmon to voice their complaints.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Committee Urges Tests of Noise Controls Before Proceeding with Redevelopment Plan for Missouri, Housing Complex" (Apr. 12, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports noise is a concern of a committee overseeing expansion of a housing complex in St. Louis, Missouri.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Airlines at St. Louis' Lambert Field Airport Will Meet January 1, 1999 Deadline for Full Stage-Three Compliance" (Aug. 20, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that airlines at Lambert Field in St. Louis expect engine noise on all aircraft to meet quieter stage-three requirements by January 1, 1999. St. Louis-based TWA was well behind that deadline at 75%. TWA is now acquiring a new aircraft every ten days, and will go from being the oldest fleet in the nation to the youngest by 2004. Anti-noise activists claim that stage-three aircraft will not necessarily be quieter

St. Louis, Missouri, "Resident Warns Against Noise and Environmental Destruction In Wake of Missouri Department of Transportation Projects" (Nov. 18, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints an editorial which claims that Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) projects always result in destruction of communities. The writer asserts that MoDOT answers to no-one but a poorly defined independent council, and is not concerned with the noisy, environmentally-insensitive aftermath it leaves in a community because it doesn't have to be. The writer urges residents to sit down with their representatives to demand more accountability.

St. Louis, Missouri, "University of Missouri: St. Louis Professor Says Proposed Campus Performing Arts Center Will Be Sub-Standard Due to Noise from Overhead Jet Flights" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Riverfront Times reports that a physics professor at the University of Missouri -- St. Louis is saying that a planned campus performing arts center will be plagued with noise from jets flying overhead. The professor says the site should be moved to south campus and should be built with a thicker roof and walls that would block 10 additional decibels of outside noise.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Small St. Louis Airport Too Busy to Grow" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Spirit of St. Louis airport is the source of residents' complaints of noise and safety. The article said that the airport, once a small, recreational airport is now the third-busiest in the four-state area.

St. Louis, Missouri, "St.Louis, Missouri Ball Park Will Try to Contain Noise with New Sound System" (Apr. 5, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the city of St. Louis, Missouri is taking steps to ensure that noise from the T.R. Hughes Ballpark will be contained when the River City Rascals begin playing ball there this season.

St. Louis, Missouri, "High School Student in St. Louis Wins Prize for Hearing Research on Teenage Noise Exposure" (Apr. 10, 2000). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports on a scientific research project contest for high school students. Senior Shannon Goebel won a first-place prize for her research on the actual and perceived noise levels to which teen-agers are exposed.

St. Louis, Missouri, "Increased Traffic in St. Louis Prompts Requests for Sound Barrier" (Mar. 27, 2000). An article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed an op-ed article about increased traffic in the St. Louis area, prompting some mayors from area cities to take action against the noise.

St. Louis, Missouri area, "Decision is Due This Summer on St. Louis Airport Expansion" (Jun. 15, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Federal Aviation Administration will rule this summer on whether the Lambert Airfield near St. Louis, Missouri can proceed with its expansion plan. By July, the FAA is expected to release a final study on the effects of expansion on the surrounding communities. As early as 30 days later, the agency will decide whether to approve or reject the expansion plan for a westward runway at the airport. The article goes on to report on all the details of the expansion plan, including the costs for the various parts of the project. A list of the country's busiest 20 airports is also given.

St. Louis, Missouri area, "Editorial Argues That Airport Expansion Plan Should Move Forward" (Nov. 30, 1997). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch printed an editorial that supports the W-1W expansion plan of the Lambert Airfield in the St. Louis, Missouri area. The editorial says the impact of a new, modern airport would be enormous on the development of the region in the next century. In addition, the editorial argues, the recent opening of MidAmerica Airport in St. Clair County has put the region in an excellent position to become a key player not only in air-passenger traffic, but also in air-cargo traffic.

St. Louis, Missouri area, "FAA Makes No Decision on Missouri Airport Expansion Plan; Opponents Say FAA Will Reject Plan" (Jul. 21, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials with the Federal Aviation Administration met with Leonard Griggs, the director of Lambert Field near St. Louis, Missouri, on Monday to discuss plans for Lambert's proposed expansion. However, the article says, the federal agency gave no indication on whether it intends to approve the controversial expansion plan. Meanwhile, some opponents of Lambert's expansion predicted that the FAA would soon reject the plan. A meeting between FAA Administrator Jane Garvey and a delegation of local officials on the same topic is slated for Thursday in Washington.

St. Matthews, Kentucky, "Kentucky Residents Seek Noise Barrier at New Interchange; City Council Joins Effort" (May 20, 1998). The Courier-Journal reports the St. Matthews City Council last week joined residents in an effort to persuade the state to add noise barriers to a new interchange at Westport Road and the Watterson Expressway.

St. Matthews, Kentucky, "Kentucky Residents Request Noise Barrier along New Interchange" (May 3, 1998). The Courier-Journal reports St. Matthews residents whose homes border a planned interchange along Kentucky's Interstate 264 have requested the state erect a concrete noise barrier.

St. Matthews, Kentucky, "Third Noise Study Rejects Noise Barriers for NJ Town" (Feb. 3, 1999). The Courier-Journal reports a third noise study of the Westport Road area where a Watterson Expressway interchange is planned in St. Matthews, Kentucky, has again concluded that concrete noise barriers are not warranted - despite residents' pleas.

St. Paul, Minnesota, "St. Paul Planning Commission Continues Suspension of New Metal Shredders" (Sep. 25, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota, reports that members of the St. Paul City Council voted on Wednesday to extend a temporary moratorium on new metal shredders in St. Paul as the city neared a decision on whether to make the ban permanent. Those in favor of the ban object not to recycling but to the noise and other types of pollution caused by operation. They say the industry should find a more appropriate site.

St. Paul, Minnesota, "St. Paul City Council To Consider Emergency Measure to Ban Late-Night Train Whistles in Minnesota" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Minneapolis Tribune reports the St. Paul City Council will be asked to consider an emergency ordinance to end late-night train whistles that are disturbing the sleep of hundreds of St. Paul residents.

St. Paul, Minnesota, "Minn. Refuge Paid $20 Million for Loss of Quiet Due to Jet Noise" (Sep. 18, 1998). The Associated Press reports that silence is worth at least $20 million, according to an appraisal of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

St. Paul, Minnesota, "MN Lawmakers Vote to Address Airport Noise Before Building New Runway" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Associated Press reports noise and pollution issues should be addressed before any more construction happens at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, a Minnesota House panel decided.

St. Paul, Minnesota, "St. Paul, Minnesota Musician/Pilot Warns that Current Site for Amphitheater Will Be Too Noisy Since It Sits Near an Important Air-Navigation Beacon" (Dec. 2, 1999). The Star Tribune prints a letter to the editor from a pilot/musician who believes the current site selected for the Minnesota Orchestra's amphitheater is too close to a crucial air-navigation landmark to avoid jet noise.

St. Peters, Missouri, "Missouri Alderman Sponsors Bill to Restrict Speedway Operations, Citing Noise Complaints" (Oct. 1, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports a St. Peters, Missouri, Alderman is pushing a bill to further restrict noise from the St. Charles Speedway.

St. Petersberg, Florida, "Florida Resident Sue Resort Over Traffic Noise" (Jan. 3, 1998). The St. Petersberg Times reports that homeowners at the Saddlebrook Resort are suing the resort for the years of noise and inconvenience from traffic.

St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, "Personal Watercraft in Florida Waters Cause Safety and Noise Problems" (Aug. 29, 1997). The Tampa Tribune printed an article outlining the controversy over personal watercraft, known as Jet Skis, in St. Petersburg Beach and other areas in Florida. The article contains an in-depth look at the safety problems with the watercraft, but also outlines some of the noise issues surrounding the watercraft. According to the article, Labor Day weekend is likely to bring more attention to the battle between personal watercraft users and everyone else in the water trying to have a good time.

St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, "Florida Town Passes New Noise Restrictions After Making Concessions to Resort and Bar Owners" (Jul. 26, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports that the City Commission in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida unanimously approved changes to its noise ordinance last week after weakening the proposed rules in a concession to hotel owners. The article says that eight large resort owners had opposed the changes to the noise rules. But, Tuesday, hotel managers said the noise ordinance approved by the Commission would benefit both frustrated residents and hotel guests.

St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, "Florida City Tightens Nighttime Noise Ordinance to Deal With Noisy Bars" (Jun. 7, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports that the City Commission in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida voted unanimously last week to toughen rules restricting nighttime noise. The ordinance changes were prompted by residents' complaints about noisy bars. The new ordinance is scheduled for final approval at the commission's June 16 meeting.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "What Residents Can Do About Neighborhood Noise in St. Petersburg" (Jun. 6, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times printed a letter from a resident asking a columnist whether there is a noise ordinance in St. Petersburg, Florida. The resident, W. Bytautas, has a neighbor who plays the drums and the noise is unbearable. The resident asks the columnist how to get action on this problem. The columnist responds by saying there is a noise ordinance in St. Petersburg, but the code compliance officers do not get involved in residential disturbances. The columnist advises calling the police.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Florida City Considers Restricting Use of Boat Launches to Cut Down on Noise and Traffic for Neighbors" (Nov. 26, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times printed an editorial that argues that residents living near Crisp Park in St. Petersburg, Florida deserve relief from the noise and traffic associated with a popular boat launch area in the park. The City Council is considering restricting the use of the boat ramps, and the editorial says councilors should vote in the restrictions.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Noise from Youth Gatherings Frustrates Neighbors in Bartlett Park, St. Petersburg, Florida." (Apr. 8, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports that the noise from thousands of youth gathered each Sunday at Bartlett Park in St. Petersburg, Florida is frustrating neighborhood residents.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Editorial Applauds Proposal by National Park Service to Ban Personal Watercraft" (Jul. 16, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times printed an editorial that argues the proposal by the National Park Service to ban Jet Skis at national parks would improve health and safety conditions at our parks. The editorial goes on to say that state and local governments should impose similar restrictions on Jet Skis near coastal and lake shores. The issue is especially important for Florida, the editorial says.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Florida Airport Officials Ask Condominium Developer for Noise Liability Waivers, But Developers Refuse" (Jul. 15, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports officials at the Albert Whitted Municipal Airport in St. Petersburg, Florida are worried about the location of Vinoy Place, a proposed condominium development below the final approach path for one of the airport's runways. The article says airport officials asked the developers to require buyers to sign liability waivers, protecting the airport from noise lawsuits. But developers, on the advice of the city's legal department, have refused; however, they say they will provide full disclosure to buyers about the airport's proximity.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "St. Petersburg, Florida Police Step-Up Enforcement of Existing Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 28, 1999). The Tampa Tribune reports that St. Petersburg, Florida police have stepped up enforcement of their noise ordinance. $43 tickets are issued after the first warning for noise that is plainly audible at 100 feet away.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Power Boat Races Want to Return to St. Petersburg, Florida Next Year; They Are Asking for Mayor's Help, Which Will Include Evaluation of Noise Impacts on Downtown" (Nov. 25, 1999). The St. Petersburg Times reports that the Power Boat World Championships wants to return to St. Petersburg, Florida next year, and they have already talked to the mayor about working together to improve the event. The mayor has said she appreciates the economic benefits of such an event, and wants to help event planners evaluate possible negative impacts -- such as excessive noise and damage to estuaries -- on downtown residents.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Residents of St. Petersburg, Florida Write About Noise; One Says Use Existing Noise Laws Instead of Prohibiting Family Activities on Shell Key, Another Says Leaf Blowers Should Be Banned" (Nov. 28, 1999). The St. Petersburg Times prints two letters to the editor from St. Petersburg, Florida residents regarding noise. Two residents ask officials to abandon an effort to ban certain activities on environmentally-senstive Shell Key, and instead rely on existing noise laws to punish violators. Another residents says leaf blowers should be banned.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Hernando County, Florida Residents Want Noise Ordinance Tightened to Clamp Down on Undesirable Nightclub" (Apr. 12, 2000). The Hernando Times in Florida reports that Hernando County residents have lodged many complaints about Planet Bubba, a nightclub that allegedly makes too much noise, and is a location used for drug dealing and nude dancing. Some residents recently filed petitions with the Hernando County Government Center enumerating their complaints. In addition, they attended a recent County Commission meeting to voice their concerns in person. New ordinances will be drafted by the County Attorney's office as a result.

St. Petersburg, Florida, "Live Music Outdoors Divides St. Petersburg Florida Neighborhood Residents" (Mar. 26, 2000). An article in the Neighborhood section of the St. Petersburg Times addressed the loud, live music of a new neighborhood outdoor club and its impact on residents of a nearby senior citizen apartment complex. Opinion is divided over the loud live music.

St. Stephen, South Carolina, "St. Stephen, South Carolina Begins Enforcing Its Laws to Fine Cars with Excessively Loud Stereos or Darkly-Tinted Windows" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Post and Courier reports that St. Stephen, South Carolina officials have begun more aggressive enforcement of several local laws. Now, you can be fined $348 for noise that can be heard over 50 feet away, or $360 for darkly-tinted rear windows on your car that could obstruct the view of police.

St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, "Noisy Rooster in St. Tammany, Louisiana, Now Dead, Responsible For Making Barnyard Animals Immune From Noise Nuisance Ordinance" (Apr. 20, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that a rooster who couldn't keep quiet has caused a noise nuisance ordinance to be changed so that barnyard animals are exempt from being cited in rural areas of St. Tammany Parish in Louisiana.

St.Paul, Minnesota, "Residents Object to University Soccer Stadium in St. Paul Neighborhood" (Jul. 1, 1998). The Star Tribune reports plans by the University of Minnesota to build a women's soccer stadium on its St. Paul campus have nearby residents and some local officials upset. They say it's inappropriate to build a soccer stadium in a residential neighborhood because of the noise, traffic and parking problems it will cause.

Stafford Township, New Jersey, "NJ Township Debates Noise from Ice Cream Vendors" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Stafford Township Council in New Jersey last night delayed a vote on whether to limit ice cream vendors' noise. Members want time to consider the hotly argued viewpoints expressed during last night's public session.

Stafford Township, New Jersey, "New Jersey Town Passes Ordinance that Bans Ice Cream Truck Tunes" (Mar. 4, 1998). The New York Times reports that the Town Council in Stafford Township, New Jersey passed an ordinance tonight by a vote of 4-2 to ban amplified sound on ice cream trucks. The ordinance allows ice cream vendors to use hand bells in place of musical tunes, the article notes.

Stafford Township, New Jersey, "Will Noise Ordinance be Adjusted for New Jersey Ice Cream Vendors?" (Mar. 18, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that New Jersey officials in Stafford Township are seeking a compromise in an ordinance that bans ice cream vendors from playing amplified music from their trucks.

Stafford Township, New Jersey, "New Jersey Township Looks at New York City Regulations on Ice Cream Truck Music" (Mar. 25, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Township Council in Stafford Township, New Jersey recently banned music from ice cream trucks. But now, because ice cream vendors are saying the ban will hurt their business, the Township Council is looking at New York City's ordinance regulating amplified music from street vendor vehicles. That ordinance stipulates that a vendor cannot "emit a sound signal more frequently than once every 10 minutes in any city block" and the sound cannot last for more than 10 seconds.

Stafford Township, New Jersey, "Silencing of Ice Cream Truck Music by Stafford Township Leads to Filing of Federal Lawsuit" (Mar. 28, 1998). The Asbury Park Press of New Jersey reports that Stafford Township's ban on ice cream truck music is being challenged in Federal Court based on constitutional grounds. Jeffery S. Cabaniss, a township resident and the owner of Jef-Freeze Treats, filed the suit against the township council on March 25. He has asked for a court injunction to restore the music in Stafford while the case is pending.

Stafford, Connecticut, "Connecticut Town Considers Passing Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 5, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the board of selectmen in Stafford, Connecticut decided Wednesday to pursue passage of a town noise ordinance. The decision was prompted by a letter from a resident, signed also by about 30 other people, complaining about the noise levels of car stereo systems.

Stafford, Connecticut, "Controlling Car Stereos is a Good Idea in Connecticut Town" (Jun. 3, 1997). The Hartford Courant printed an editorial in which the recent move by the board of selectmen in Stafford, Connecticut to consider a noise ordinance for car stereos is applauded. The editorial advises the board of selectmen to act quickly to approve the ordinance, and advises townspeople to support the proposal at public hearings.

Stafford, Connecticut, "Increase in Activity and Noise at Conn. Speedway Leads to Resident Petition of Protest" (May 14, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports noise from a speedway during the daytime has led residents of Stafford, Connecticut, to submit a petition to the board of selectmen Monday asking that something be done about the problem.

Stafford, England, "English Town Expands Noise Control Team as Noise Complaints Rise" (May 1, 1998). The Sentinel of Stoke, England reports an extra officer is being added to the Stafford Borough Council's noise control team to help cope with the expected rise in complaints. The council faces its busiest period in the summer months.

Stafford, New Jersey, "NJ Town Bans Amplified Music from Ice-Cream Vendors" (Mar. 5, 1998). The Asbury Park Press published an editorial about the decision Tuesday night by the Stafford, New Jersey, Township Committee to ban amplified music from ice cream trucks.

Stafford, New Jersey, "New Jersey Ice Cream Man Banned!" (Mar. 8, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that Stafford, New Jersey has banned the ice cream man from playing music.

Staffordshire County, England, "Staffordshire Relaxes Steel Company's Restrictions, Ignores Residents' Noise Concerns" (Apr. 10, 1998). The Sentinel of Stoke, England, reports a Staffordshire steel company has been given approval to store stock closer to its boundary despite residents' fears of noise and late night working.

Stamford, Connecticut, "Press Release Touts Noise Reduction Headphones for Airplane Travel" (May 27, 1998). PR Newswire released the following press release from Noise Cancellation Technologies, a firm that sells noise reduction headphones, regarding the company's product:

Stamford, Connecticut, "Stamford, Connecticut Police Take Over Enforcement of Hard-To-Enforce Noise Laws" (Jun. 6, 1999). The New York Times reports that Stamford, Connecticut Police have taken over the job of enforcing the city's noise ordinance from the Department of Health. The ordinance, which says a $99 ticket may be issued for excessively loud noise, can be difficult to enforce for moving vehicles with loud stereos; the ordinance requires that a noise level be determined with and without the offending noise, which means most violators will be long gone before they qualify for a ticket. Other noise issues in the city include loud bars and nightclubs, and early-morning garbage trucks.

Stamford, Connecticut, "Stamford, Connecticut Noise Ordinance Enforcement Transferred to Police" (May 12, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Stamford, Connecticut's noise ordinance will now be enforced by police instead of city health inspectors. The change comes in response to continuing, frequent complaints about car stereos, construction, car alarms, and garbage trucks among other noise sources. Fines can be up to $99 per day, and noise limits depend on the type of zone (residential, commercial, industrial) the noise is in.

Stamford, Connecticut, "Stamford, Connecticut Noise Ordinance Enforcement Transferred to Police" (May 12, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Stamford, Connecticut's noise ordinance will now be enforced by police instead of city health inspectors. The change comes in response to continuing, frequent complaints about car stereos, construction, car alarms, and garbage trucks among other noise sources. Fines can be up to $99 per day, and noise limits depend on the type of zone (residential, commercial, industrial) the noise is in.

Stamford, Connecticut, "NCT Hearing Products, Inc. to Buy 60% of Pro Tech Communications, Inc. in Exchange for Rights to Use NCTI Noise Reduction Technologies" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Business Wire published the following press statement released by NCT Group, Inc. The press release is re-printed here in its entirety:

Staple, Great Britain, "Pilot in Great Britain Wins Case Over "Buzzing" a Village in a Military Jet" (May 23, 1997). The Press Association Newsfile reports that a Royal Air Force pilot in Great Britain who was court-martialled for "buzzing" his parents' home village of Staple in his Hawk jet, was cleared by the Court of Appeal today.

Star, Idaho, "Proposed Gravel Pit in Star, Idaho to be voted on by Ada County Commission" (Jan. 14, 1998). The Idaho Statesman reports that the Ada County Commission will have the final say Thursday on an application for a gravel pit near Star, Idaho. According to the article, the proposed operation would be on about 30 acres of the 600-acre Phillips Bros. Cattle Co. ranch south of the Star city limits. It would remove close to 1 million cubic yards of gravel in the next 10 years. The Ada County Planning and Zoning Commission denied the application for the gravel pit in July 1997, largely because of a public outcry against the project.

Sterling, Massachusetts, "Freight Yard Approved Near Commercial and Residential Buildings in a Massachusetts Town; Business Owners Vow to Appeal" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Telegram & Gazette reports that the Zoning Board in Sterling, Massachusetts, near Worcester, has granted a special permit to Colnon & Co. to develop a freight yard behind the Barbers Crossing North Restaurant on Route 12. Residents and business owners are angry at the decision, and some are planning to appeal.

Stillwater, Minnesota, "Minnesota Town Gives Skateboarders a Park, but Noise Brings Complaints from Nearby Residents" (Sep. 14, 1998). The Star Tribune reports while skateboarders in Stillwater, Minnesota, are excited about their new rink on the western edge of town, residents are complaining about the noise the skateboard facility brings to their neighborhood.

Stockertown, Pennsylvania, "Stockertown, Pennsylvania Drops Cease and Desist Order After Polymer Company Promises to Address Noise Concerns" (Nov. 29, 1999). The Morning Call reports that Stockertown, Pennsylvania officials decided to withdraw the cease and desist order they served to a local polymer company because of complaints about noise, vibrations, traffic and odor. The company said that it believes it could eliminate at least one of two major noise problems, and said they became aware of many of the perceived problems at a recent public hearing.

Stoke, England, "Residents Say Generator a Noise Nuisance in England Town" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Sentinel reports residents of Stoke, England, contend noise from a generator powering temporary traffic lights is making their life hell.

Stoke, United Kingdom, "Noise Pollution is a Growing Problem in United Kingdom" (Jul. 2, 1998). The Sentinel reports that noise pollution is a growing problem in the Newcastle area in the United Kingdom, and residents are becoming more aware of their rights to have a peaceful life. The article goes on to detail the noise problems of two residents in the Stoke area, and to detail how officials at the Newcastle Borough Council advise people to deal with noise problems.

Stoke-on-Trent, England, "English Residents Living Near Highway Get Money to Mitigate Traffic Noise" (Jun. 4, 1998). The Sentinel reports the Highways Agency in the United Kingdom will spend more than 400,000 pounds on noise insulation to protect residents along a section of the new A50 highway in Stoke-on-Trent, England. The article notes that 164 residents have applied for noise mitigation measures, and the government will spend about 2,500 pounds per home for the insulation measures.

Stoke-on-Trent, UK, "Residents of Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom are Petitioning to Have Loud Thrill Ride Closed" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Sentinel reports that a thrill ride at a park in Stoke-on-Trent in the United Kingdom is too loud for most neighbors, who are starting a petition to have it closed. The local council is requiring the systematic quieting of the noise, and the park is only allowed to run the ride for ten minutes out of every hour and only before 7 PM.

Stonehaven, U.K., "Stonehaven, U.K. Bar Is Granted Later Operating Hours, Despite Resident's Objections" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the Aberdeenshire Council granted permission for later operating hours at a Stonehaven bar. A neighbor had said the hours would cause noise problems, but police officials said there had never been any problems.

Stoneville, North Carolina, "Neighbors Claim Stoneville, North Carolina Wood-Product Factory Is Violating Zoning Ordinances, Producing Noise and Spewing Sawdust" (Jan. 6, 2000). The News and Record reports that neighbors of a wood-product finishing factory say that the owner hasn't complied with a conditional-use permit, and complain about sawdust and noise from the factory. The owner of the factory says he believes he is in compliance, and pointed to improvements such as added ducts and piping that were meant to better contain sawdust. The town council will send a letter of violation to the company, and they will have until July to comply.

Stoughton, Massachusetts, "Dispute Between Neighbors and Auto Body Shop Goes Unresolved" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that a year-long dispute between residents and an auto body shop in Stoughton, Massachusetts went unresolved after a recent town selectman's meeting. At the meeting, selectmen told neighbors, who are opposed to the repair shop based on noise, fumes and aesthetic grounds, that they must take their complaints to the zoning board of appeals.

Strasbourg, France, "Environmentalism or Protectionism? The EU and the US Spar about New Aircraft Standards" (Feb. 10, 1999). AP Worldstream reports the European Parliament, against the wishes of the United States, on Wednesday approved a European Union proposal for new standards aimed at reducing aircraft noise and pollution.

Stratford, Ontario, CANADA, "Ontario Judge Rules Excessive Noise Violations Fall Under Criminal Code" (Feb. 17, 1999). The London Free Press reports a man from Stratford, Ontario, with a history of disturbing his neighbors with loud music was fined $1,700 and prohibited from owning a stereo for the next two years.

Streator, Illinois, "Illinois Town Plan Commission Tables Proposed Noise Ordinance for Further Study" (Jun. 10, 1998). The Pantagraph reports that the Plan Commission in Streator, Illinois on Tuesday decided to table a proposed noise ordinance for further study. The decision came after two city councilors said they did not support the ordinance. The city manager drafted the noise ordinance, the article explains, but was held up in traffic in St. Louis and was not able to attend Tuesday's meeting to explain and defend the ordinance.

Streator, Illinois, "Planning Commission Decides to Table Proposed Noise Ordinance in Steator, Illinois" (Jun. 10, 1998). The Pantagraph reports that a noise ordinance was introduced to the Plan Commission in Streator, Illinois on Tuesday night. The commission decided to table the measure for further study.

Stroud, England, "Council in Stroud, England, Committed to Dealing with Noise Issues" (Sep. 15, 1998). The Gloucester Citizen reports members of an environment committee in Stroud, England, are committed to dealing with noise complaints.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida City Considers Noise Ordinance" (Feb. 25, 1997). The Stuart News / Port St. Lucie News reports that city commissioners in Stuart, Florida gave a favorable review Monday night to a draft of a noise ordinance that would help prohibit disturbing noise in the city.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Airport Expansion Plan Faces More Study" (May 17, 1997). The Palm Beach Post reports that expansion plans for the St. Lucie County International Airport in Stuart, Florida will receive more study by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. The council agreed Friday to hold a workshop session before the project comes to them for approval as a development of regional impact (DRI). Before the council workshop is held, the council's staff will study the airport's impact on roads, noise levels, air quality, water quality, and other issues. The workshop is expected to be held later this summer.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Residents Hire Attorney to Ensure Dredging Project Will Be Quiet" (Nov. 14, 1997). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that Martin County, Florida officials have a project planned to dredge the sand shoals in the St. Lucie Inlet near Stuart, and residents who live nearby in the Hanson's Landing condominiums have hired an attorney and are planning to sue the county for creating a public nuisance if the workers create as much noise as they did during another inlet project earlier this year.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida County Drops Grandfathering Clause in Proposed Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 5, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports Martin County, Florida's, proposed noise rules could cost some businesses thousands of dollars to be in compliance.

Stuart, Florida, "How To Fix A Noisy Garbage Disposal" (Jan. 4, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News describes how to quiet a noisy garbage disposal.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida County Commission Considers Noise Ordinance" (Mar. 26, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that the Martin County (Florida) Commission agreed to consider a noise ordinance for the unincorporated parts of the county at their meeting Tuesday. The issue was brought forward by Commissioner Janet Gettig, and all the other Commissioners except for the Chair, Donna Melzer, agreed a noise ordinance should be investigated.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Pig Farmer Says Noise Laws will Harm Business" (May 12, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports Martin County officials will hold a public hearing on a noise ordinance for the county. A Stuart pig farmer says the proposed noise law is aimed specifically at him and will alter his agricultural business.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Pig Farmers Ordered to Turn Down Music" (Nov. 21, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports golfers in Stuart, Florida, won the first court fight Friday against the pig farmers they say are disrupting them with blaring music the farmers say calm their animals.

Stuart, Florida, "Outdoor Amplified Music Banned on Public Property in Stuart, Florida" (Nov. 12, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports a resident's complaints about noise has stopped the outdoor Sunday music in Stuart, Florida. Restaurant owners say the city's order has foiled their means of drawing business into downtown on Sundays.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida's Martin County Enacts Noise Ordinance" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports many residents of Stuart, Florida, are pleased with new noise restrictions adopted by the commissioners of Martin County.

Stuart, Florida, "Martin County, Florida, Set to Approve Noise Restrictions" (Oct. 10, 1998). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports commissioners in Martin County, Florida, are expected to approve noise restrictions Tuesday after months of debate.

Stuart, Florida, "Letter: Noise from Stuart Airport Robs Residents of Peace and Quiet in Former Florida Paradise" (Apr. 17, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News published a letter from Dorothy Coutant of Stuart, Florida. Ms. Coutant contends increased noise at the nearby airport is robbing residents of peace and quiet. She writes:

Stuart, Florida, "300 Witham Field Residents Vent Frustration Over Airport Noise and Pollution at Public Meeting" (Apr. 20, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports that residents who live near Witham Field in Stuart, Florida gathered at a public meeting to hear airport officials and experts address their concerns regarding noise and air pollution created by the huge jets taking off and landing at the airport.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Residents Complain of Increasing Noise from Witham Field Airport" (Apr. 18, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports residents of nearby communities are protesting noise and increased air traffic at Witham Field in Stuart, Florida.

Stuart, Florida, "Residents Gather To Express Their Opinion on Growth of Witham Field in Stuart, Florida." (Apr. 20, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that there was a huge turnout for a community meeting held to discuss the future of Witham Field in Stuart, Florida. Residents have become increasingly concerned over the growing number of landings and takeoffs, as well as the increase in noise from large jets.

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida Resident Opposes New Witham Field Runway, Discounting Claims that the Runway is for Safety and Noting Environmental Impacts; Encourages Public Comment" (Apr. 27, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News prints the following Letter to the Editor, by a resident who discounts the claims that a new Witham Field Runway is being built for safety concerns. He notes the relocation of two jet repair businesses to the area as proof that the airport plans to expand. He also notes increased noise and pollution from an expanding airport.

Stuart, Florida, "Letter: Airport Noise Impacts Quality of Life in Stuart, Florida" (Apr. 9, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News published a letter from Mary Warren of Stuart, Florida. In her letter, Ms. Warren details how noise from Witham Field Airport destroys her quality of life:

Stuart, Florida, "Politician Up for Election in Florida Pledges to Prohibit Airports from Expanding in Ways that Violate Local Growth Plans" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News prints a letter to the editor from a politician hoping to be elected as a Florida state representative. He cites his experience as an environmentalist and jet pilot, and pledges to prohibit state airports from expanding in ways that violate local comprehensive growth management plans. He specifically mentions Witham Field in Stuart Florida as having a problem with noise and pollution.

Stuart, Florida, "Residents of Panther Woods, Florida Split Over New Link to Interstate" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Press Journal reports that Panther Woods, Florida residents are split over whether to support a new $24-million link to the Interstate and the Florida Turnpike. Many residents say the link will be more convenient and will help development. Others say that noise will increase substantially.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Golfers Object to Jet Noise" (Dec. 12, 1999). The Stuart News printed a letter to the editor regarding golfers, noise and jet noise. The letter was written by an international captain flying with American Airlines in response to jet noise interfering with golf games.

Stuart, Florida, "Noise Levels for Martin County, Florida, Ordinance May Be Too Low" (Mar. 14, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports the Martin County, Florida, noise ordinance is the most restrictive of its kind in the area and could make enforcement difficult.

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida's County Commission Meeting Packed by Witham Field/Martin County Airport Watch Committee Members Demanding Airport Noise Reduction" (May 26, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that 100 members of the Witham Field/Martin County Airport Watch packed a County Commission meeting in Stuart, Florida with a list of several demands relating to reduction of airport noise. They claimed that the Commission had basically relinquished control of the airport to the FAA, and was not sufficiently curbing increased air traffic and noise in accordance with their existing limited growth policies. Commission Chairwoman Janet Gettig agreed with their concerns, citing her opposition of several commission actions including recent approval of a new airport lease; she plans to place the issue on the Commission's agenda in the near future.

Stuart, Florida, "Pilot Critical of Florida Airport Criticism" (May 9, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News in Stuart Florida printed the following letters to the editor concerning airport noise:

Stuart, Florida, "Martin County Airport in Stuart, Florida Begins Part 150 Study that Is Required for FAA-Sanctioned Curfews" (Nov. 26, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that the Martin County Airport in Stuart, Florida is beginning a Part 150 study. The first piece of the study will cost $35,000, and will monitor jet noise over the Thanksgiving holiday with twelve noise monitors

Stuart, Florida, "Resident of Stuart, Florida Questions Whether Pilots Knew They Were Being Monitored for Noise During Thanksgiving Weekend Test" (Dec. 4, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News prints a letter to the editor that questions the validity of a noise study at Witham Field near Stuart, Florida.

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida Resident Criticizes Officials Who Prioritize Reduction of Industrial Noise Over Airport Noise" (Nov. 29, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News prints a letter to the editor from a Stuart, Florida resident who says that reduction of airport noise should be given higher priority than reduction of noise from industrial sources.

Stuart, Florida, "Florida Airport Relocation Debate Gets Noisy" (Apr. 16, 2000). an article in the Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reported that politics money and the proposed expansion of Witham Airport have accelerated greatly, and residents are calling for a vote on the issue in November and are organizing.

Stuart, Florida, "Floridians Say Trains Noisier Than Airplanes" (Apr. 19, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News printed this letter to the editor responding to complaints from complaints about airport noise. The letters are printed in their entirety.

Stuart, Florida, "Moving Florida Airport Topic of Debate" (Apr. 19, 2000). The Jupiter Courier reported that a real estate broker who lives under the flight path of 760-acre Witham Field airport has proposed moving the airport to a site in western Martin County and use the current site to build a major business complex. His plan is now the subject of an invigorating debate.

Stuart, Florida, "Officials Must Complete Federal Noise Studies Before Airport Noise Can be Tackled at Witham Field in Stuart, Florida" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that the controversy about whether or not to allow large, noisy planes to use Witham Field in Stuart, Florida continues. The County Commission would like to institute a weight ban on planes; airport officials believe that noise levels should be the criterion for a ban instead.

Stuart, Florida, "Reader Wants Stuart, Florida Community Airport Moved to Rural Area" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News recently published a letter to the editor from Stuart, Florida resident Betty Becker, who is concerned about aircraft noise at Witham Field. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida Attorney Wants to Land Private 737 at County Airport Despite Opposition" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Palm Beach Post reports that a wealthy attorney in Stuart, Florida who has been fighting to be able to land his private Boeing 737 at Witham Field has come up against resistance from residents and from the Martin County Commission. The Commission decided at a recent meeting to back plans that would block larger aircraft from using the airport. The businessman, Willie Gary, said that he might file suit against the county.

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida Resident Concerned About Noisy Aircraft and Touch-and-Go Landings" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News in Stuart, Florida published a letter to the editor from a reader named Robert Gavin who is concerned about noisy aircraft at Witham Field. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Stuart, Florida, "Pratt & Whitney Rocket Testing Facility Causes Noise Pollution in Nearby Stuart, Florida" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Palm Beach Post published a letter to the editor by Jeanne Waldrop of Stuart Florida, who has complaints about noise pollution from a nearby rocket-testing facility. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Stuart, Florida, "Stuart, Florida Businessman Annoys Residents with Plan to Land Large Jet at Local Airfield" (Mar. 13, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News in Florida published a letter to the editor from a member of Stuart's Airport Planning Advisory Team, who is annoyed with a local businessman who wants to land his Boeing 737 at a local airfield. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Stuart, Florida, "Witham Field in Stuart, Florida Opens New Control Tower; Citizen Group Concerned About Increased Noise as a Result" (Mar. 19, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that Witham Field is holding ceremonies on Monday to celebrate the opening of a new control tower. The Witham Field/Martin County Airport Watch Committee has objections to the new tower because it will increase noise levels in the area.

Stuart, Florida, "Noise Complaints Prompt Consideration of Rules Against "Touch-and-Go" Training Exercises at Witham Field in Stuart, Florida" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Palm Beach Post reports that Martin County officials are trying to respond to community complaints about noise at Witham Field in Stuart, Florida by drafting a law that would restrict "touch-and-go" takeoffs and landings there. They will closely study a similar law enacted by the city of Pompano Beach five years ago as they draft the Witham Field law.

Stuart, Florida, "Reader Blasts Witham Field (Stuart, Florida) Airport Watch Committee" (Apr. 1, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News in Stuart, Florida published a letter to the editor about continuing controversies at Witham Airfield. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Stuart, Florida, "Reader Worried About Noise Increase at Witham Field in Stuart, Florida" (Mar. 29, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News printed a letter to the editor about opening Witham Field to larger jet aircraft. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Studio City, California, "Studio City, CA, Resident Criticizes Burbank Airport Authority for Neglecting Noise Mitigation" (Nov. 22, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published the following Letter to Editor from a resident who is critical of Burbank Airport Authority for he sees is a lack of effort to mitigate the airport's noise impact on nearby residents. The letter from Studio City, California, resident Martin Briner reads as follows:

Studio City, California, "Residents of Studio City, California Criticize Burbank's Airport Deal -- Which Bans Eastern Takeoffs -- and Ask Congressional Representatives to Help Kill the Deal and Spread Noise More Evenly" (Sep. 15, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that residents of Studio City, California are upset over a deal that the city of Burbank cut with the Burbank Airport. The deal approves the airport's expansion plan in exchange for a ban on takeoffs over Burbank. Studio City officials say that a ban that was previously instituted on eastern takeoffs was due to the proximity of the terminal to the runway; expansion and renovation would eliminate that reason as justification for the ban. In addition, the deal would allow the Airport to forego a night-flight curfew and would also allow the addition of two gates to the existing fourteen in phase two of construction.

Studio City, California, "San Fernando Valley Residents Unfairly Burdened with Burbank Airport Noise" (Mar. 19, 2000). Los Angeles Times reports that Tom Lucente, President of the Studio City Residents Association, believes that southeast San Fernando Valley residents are unfairly burdened with noise from Burbank Airport. He wants other surrounding cities to share the noise burden. He opposes adoption of the settlement agreement offered last fall.

Studio City, California, "San Fernando Valley Residents Unfairly Burdened with Burbank Airport Noise" (Mar. 19, 2000). Los Angeles Times reports that Tom Lucente, President of the Studio City Residents Association, believes that southeast San Fernando Valley residents are unfairly burdened with noise from Burbank Airport. He wants other surrounding cities to share the noise burden. He opposes adoption of the settlement agreement offered last fall.

Sudbury, Massachusetts, "Ice Cream Trucks Get Increasing Criticism Around the Country" (May 27, 1998). The Telegraph Herald reports that ice cream trucks are facing a growing list of communities where they are not welcome. The trucks have been blamed for noise pollution, poor nutrition, traffic hazards, and attracting pedophiles as drivers, and laws restricting ice cream truck operations have sprouted around the country. The article goes on to focus on one ice cream truck operator who runs trucks on the Massachusetts - Rhode Island border.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Petition Against Aircraft Noise is Circulated in Connecticut Town" (Sep. 6, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that residents in the southern part of Suffield, Connecticut, near Stony Brook, are circulating a petition demanding a solution to "excessive aircraft noise" from the nearby Bradley International Airport.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Commission in Connecticut Town Seeks New Location for Day-Care Center Due to Airport Noise" (Jun. 14, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the Suffield, Connecticut Economic Development Commission is requesting a different lot for a proposed day-care center in the town's Mach I Industrial Park due to aircraft noise from Bradley International Airport.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Resident Proposes Local Oversight Committee for Noise at Connecticut Airport" (May 8, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that Suffield, Connecticut resident Robert Frasco proposed creating a local oversight committee to help keep the volume in check at the Bradley International Airport at the board of selectment meeting Wednesday. In addition, Frasco asked to see a moratorium on business agreements with the airport until the noise impacts can be gauged. First Selectman Roland Dowd responded by asking the audience to call him personally with noise complaints so that he can create a log of the problem.

Suffield, Connecticut, ""Rogue Planes" Increase at Connecticut Airport and Officials Worry that Expansion Plan May Increase Noise" (May 5, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that residents in Suffield, Connecticut have been complaining about noise from "rogue planes" from the Bradley International Airport. As state Department of Transportation studies whether to build a new terminal at the airport, residents and some officials are worried that the plans could mean even more noise for the community.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Connecticut Town Considers Monitoring Jet Noise Levels" (Sep. 19, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that Roland Dowd, First Selectman in Suffield, Connecticut, is seeking to have special equipment installed to monitor jet noise from Bradley International Airport. Dowd's action comes as resident complaints about the noise are increasing. But some residents believe Dowd is just stalling, and a more immediate solution is needed, the article says.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Connecticut Residents Threaten to Sue the State if Airport Noise Isn't Reduced" (Oct. 2, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that a group of residents in Suffield, Connecticut are threatening to sue the state if noise from planes using the Bradley International Airport isn't reduced. Residents insist the noise has grown worse this year, and have submitted a petition with 195 signatures asking that the noise be controlled.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Connecticut Politicians Meet with Local Officials to Reduce Noise from Bradley Airport and Preserve "Main Street" as Airport Expands" (Mar. 2, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports state of Connecticut transportation officials are considering new efforts to reduce the noise over Suffield from planes leaving Bradley International Airport. One consideration in the noise mitigation effort is a new voluntary takeoff pattern. Other airport concerns were voice during a meeting last month at the governor's office with local elected officials.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Seeking Relief, Conn. Residents Urge Expedience in Noise Study at Bradley Airport" (Sep. 25, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports Connecticut residents affected by noise from Bradley International Airport urged consultants to avoid any delays of a planned noise study.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Noise Study of Bradley Airport Presents Dilemma for Suffield, Conn." (Apr. 5, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports the results of a mini-study show reducing noise in one part of Suffield, Connecticut, will only increase noise in another section of town.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Connecticut Department of Transportation Tests Noise from Takeoffs at Bradley International Airport in Suffield; Realtors Should Also Notify Prospective Buyers About Noise Impacts" (Nov. 12, 1999). The Hartford Courant asserts that in addition to testing quieter alternative flight paths at Bradley International Airport in Suffield, realtors should be forced to tell home buyers about noise impacts.

Suffield, Connecticut, "Letter to the Editor Criticizes Noise Abatement at Bradley Airport in Suffield, Connecticut" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Hartford Courant prints a letter to the editor that criticizes noise abatement at Bradley Airport, and says until recently it has been lead by those who are ignorant of typical noise abatement strategy.

Suffolk County, New York, "Boom Boxes in Suffolk County New York Expected To Abide by Noise Limits" (Dec. 12, 1999). According to the New York Times, the Suffolk County Legislature approved noise limits for boom boxes and other noise sources on county roads or in county-owned beaches and parks. One county official said that the legislation came about because existing loud noises have an adverse affect on the quality of life for Suffolk residents.

Suffolk, New York, "Suffolk, New York Voted to Strengthen Noise Rules By Introducing Decibel Limits" (Dec. 8, 1999). Newsday reports that the Legislature in Suffolk, New York voted to introduce decibel limits in county noise rules to help cut down on noise on county property. Decibel limits are 50 between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. and 65 during the day. Several exemptions are made. The County Executive has 30 days to sign or veto the bill

Sugar Grove, Illinois, "Illinois Residents Stall Plans For Road Course" (Feb. 6, 2000). The Chicago Tribune reported on Sugar Grove residents who attended a planning commission meeting to oppose plans for a country club with a road course. While they were unable to stop the plans, residents were successful in stalling them.

Sugar Grove, Illinois, "Sugar Grove, Illinois Planners Delay Ruling on Proposed Road Loop at Country Club for High-Performance Cars -- Though Racecars Would Be Prohibited -- Until Noise Can Be Studied Further" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Chicago Tribune reports that Sugar Grove, Illinois planning officials have deferred their decision on an application for a road loop for high-performance cars at a local country club. Estimates place noise at 66 decibels, which could be present all day long during the warmer months.

Summerville, South Carolina, "South Carolina Noise Complaint Puts Police Against Crowd" (Mar. 23, 2000). The Post and Courier reported that a police officer, in pursuit of a vehicle with a loud stereo system, attempted to arrest the driver when he stopped his car, angering a crowd of people that had gathered.

Sun Valley, California, "Sun Valley, California Methodist Churches Annoy Residents With Amplified Services; Local Officials Say Churches Have Taken Some Measures, But Little More Can Be Done" (Nov. 7, 1999). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that two churches in a Sun Valley neighborhood has become an increasing irritant to residents. Over the last two years forty complaints have been made, and the churches have taken some measures to reduce the noise. Although the local noise ordinance was amended to include churches, little can be done without restricting times of services,:a move that would be construed as a limit on religious freedom.

Sun Valley, California, "Burbank Airport Begins Home Insulation Program That Extends Beyond Burbank City Limits" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Federal Aviation Administration and the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority have undertaken an ambitious home soundproofing program that for the first time extends into the city limits of Los Angeles. The Salazar family have become the first homeowners outside the city of Burbank to receive soundproofing.

Sun Valley, Idaho, "Letters to the Editor, Including a Sun Valley, Idaho Resident Who Suggests Easements as a Solution to Potential Noise Complaints After Airport Expansion" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Idaho Statesman prints several letters to the editor, including one relating to noise. A Sun Valley, Idaho resident notes that easements -- signed by residents waiving their right to complain about jet noise -- could be the answer to quelling noise complaints near the expanding airport.

Sunderland, England, "UK Go Kart Track Subject of Noise Complaints and Controversy" (Jan. 13, 2000). According to The Journal, Sunderland residents are so angry about the noise from the expansion of a nearby go-kart track that they've organized to challenge not only the noise but also the procedure for the track's getting a permit to open. Representatives from the Warden Law Action Group say the process was not democratic.

Sunnyvale, California, "City Council in Sunnyvale, CA, Discusses Leaf Blower Noise" (Sep. 29, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports the city council in Sunnyvale, California, will meet to discuss the effect of noise on the community, including noise created by leaf blowers.

Sunrise, Florida, "Florida Town Toughens its Noise Ordinance" (May 4, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports the city commissioners in Sunrise, Florida last week tentatively approved an ordinance that tightens the city's noise regulations. The proposed ordinance would prohibit loud noises at any time of the day, and police would have the power to determine if a noise is loud enough to be prohibited. The article says that the proposal must be voted on a second time to become law.

Sunrise, Florida, "Florida Residents Want to Hasten Delayed Noise Wall" (Oct. 1, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, reports it could be eight more months before Sunrise residents along Flamingo Road and Northwest 136th Avenue will see a wall shielding their homes from the grit and noise of traffic. Many are angry about the delay.

Sunrise, Florida, "Noise Wall Delay Makes Florida Residents Angry" (Oct. 3, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that residents in Sunrise, Florida who along Flamingo Road and Northwest 136th Avenue attended a City Commission meeting last week to complain about the lack of action in getting an 8-foot noise barrier built to protect their homes from traffic noise and dust. The project has been in the works for more than a year, the article says, and it could be another eight months before the wall is built.

Sunriver, Oregon, "Sunriver, Oregon Airport Plans to Add New Staff and Automatic Weather Advisory to Help Pilots Keep Quiet" (Jan. 27, 2000). The Bulletin reports that Sunriver Airport in Sunriver, Oregon plans to add extra staff and an automatic weather system which could advise pilots of the quietest possible approach.

Sunset Hills, Missouri, "Missouri Residents Want Noise Relief from Traffic but Disagree on Sound Wall" (Feb. 8, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports residents disagree about a sound wall the Missouri Department of Transportation is building between the highway and their neighborhood.

Superior, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge Rules Local Noise Ordinance as Unconstitutional" (Feb. 1, 2000). According to the Associated Press, a judge in Superior, Wisconsin ruled that the local noise ordinance is unconstitutional, and in effect reversing a decision by the village board.

Surf City, New Jersey, "Some Residents Angry at Hefty Fines for Noise Violations in New Jersey Shore Towns" (Jul. 26, 1998). The Record reports that towns along New Jersey's shoreline are attempting to keep life peaceful during the busy summer season by imposing stiff fines for noise pollution, disorderly conduct, and public urination. The rules have angered some residents, but local officials say the high fines are an effective deterrent.

Surprise City, Arizona, "Editorial Criticizes Residential Growth Near Arizona's Luke Air Force Base" (Sep. 11, 1998). The Arizona Republic published the following letter to the editor from Bill Lipscomb of Surprise City, Arizona. In his letter, Lipscomb warns citizens of the dangers of allowing residential growth under the flight paths at Luke Air Force Base. Lipscomb wrote:

Surprise, Arizona, "Residential Development Proposed Near Arizona Air Force Base" (Mar. 2, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that a residential development with up to 1,500 homes is being proposed in Surprise, Arizona, near the Luke Air Force Base. If built, the homes would be on the fringe of the air force base noise contour area in which the average noise exceeds 65 decibels, an area where residential developments are discouraged.

Surprise, Arizona, "Surprise, Arizona Disagrees With State's Law Requiring Use of Out-Of-Date Noise Contours to Zone Around Luke Air Force Base; Pentagon Sides With Surprise" (Jul. 27, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Surprise, Arizona's disagreement with state-required use of old noise contours from 1988 has gained support from the Pentagon. The newer, smaller 1995 contours will allow planners to zone more appropriately and avoid potential lawsuits from homeowners whose property value is lowered according to 1988 noise contours that show greater noise exposure than they currently receive

Surprise, Arizona, "City of Surprise, Arizona Discusses Developing Land Near Luke Air Force Base" (Mar. 29, 2000). The Arizona Republic reports that the City Council in Surprise, Arizona has voted to support Luke Air Force Base and will encourage property owners to voluntarily follow a law that says that cities should build sound-insulated homes and should encourage low-density residential building within a noise contour around Luke Air Force Base that was established in 1988. The law does not require that cities follow these building protocols. Surprise, however, requires that any new homes built within the city limits be insulated against the noise of jets from the base.

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, "Canadian Residents and Officials Protest for a Decade About Illegal Airfield, Without Resolution" (May 26, 1998). The Vancouver Sun reports that residents and officials in Surrey, British Columbia have been fighting to have the Airflow Ultralight Aviation airfield in the 4900 block of King George Highway shut down for a decade, without result. The article explains that the airfield owner has never had a business license and the land has never had proper zoning for an airfield since opening in 1981, but local politicians refuse to enforce a city zoning bylaw and shut down the airfield. Now, the article says, it may be too late for the city to get rid of the airfield because officials have allowed it to operate for so long. In the latest development, the Surrey City Council last week again postponed a decision on the airfield.

Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, "Surrey, British Columbia (Canada) Involved in Zoning Dispute with Wood Mill Following Noise Complaints from Adjacent Residential Neighborhood" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in British Columbia, Canada reports that Adler Forest Products Ltd. in Surrey has encountered difficulties as a result of noise and dust complaints by residents in a neighborhood adjoining one of its factories. Some people have questioned why the city of Surrey has allowed industrial zoning areas to be placed alongside residential areas. The president of Adler Forest Products is Rod Hoffmeister, the son of Bert Hoffmeister, a well-known British Columbia businessman and leader of local forestry organizations.

Surrey, England, "United Kingdom to Test Rubber Roads to Reduce Noise" (Sep. 13, 1998). Times Newspapers Limited reports Colsoft, a new type of road surface, could come to the relief of United Kingdom residents plagued by traffic noise.

Surrey, United Kingdom, "New Homeowner in Surrey, U.K. Asks If Seller -- Who Didn't Disclose Traffic Noise -- Can Be Sued; Columnist Says Yes, If You Wouldn't Have Bought the Home If You'd Known" (Nov. 20, 1999). The Daily Telegraph prints a legal column, including a question from a new Surrey, U.K. homeowner wants to know if the people who sold the house -- who didn't tell him about a traffic noise problem -- can be sued. Although the columnist says decreased property value can't be claimed, damages can be sought if the homeowner would not have otherwise bought the home.

Swansea, South Wales, "Neighbors of a Metal Fabrications Plant in Swansea, South Wales Are Upset By Noise" (Sep. 6, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that residents living near Magnaforce Metal Fabrications Plant in Swansea, South Wales are upset by the plant's noise. Residents have noticed no reduction in noise after they talked with the business and had officials monitor plant noise. The plant manager claims that they have recently purchased a quieter machine and have reduced noisy work in the mornings an on Sundays.

Swansea, South Wales, "Town in South Wales Implements Faster Noise Complaint Policy" (Mar. 23, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported on plans by the Swansea Council to find a newer and faster noise complaint policy.

Swansea, Wales, "Wales' Residents Voice Noise Concerns Over Pub's Request for Music License" (Apr. 9, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea community council is fighting a pub's application for a music license, citing noise concerns.

Swansea, Wales, "Kennels in Wales Approved Without Conditions Despite Residents' Noise Fears" (Apr. 1, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea farm has been given approval to build kennels despite fears about noise nuisance.

Swansea, Wales, "Swansea, Wales Club Is Denied a 4 A.M. Weekend Extension By the Local Council" (Nov. 22, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the local council has rejected an application from a Swansea, Wales club for a two-hour extension of their operating hours. Police feared the time would cause a sudden exodus that would draw noise complaints. Club owners said that noise issues could be dealt with, and said the exodus would not be sudden.

Swansea, Wales, "Swansea, Wales City Council Warns Public that Industrial Noise Is No Longer Under Their Jurisdiction" (Dec. 3, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the government of Wales has transferred the power to enforce industrial noise limits to the Environment Agency, meaning that local councils no longer have the power to enforce noise laws when it comes to industrial noise.

Swindon, United Kingdom, "Swindon, U.K. Plan to Transform Clocktower Building Into a Nightclub Worries Residents" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Western Daily Press reports that a proposal to turn a 131-year-old clocktower building in Swindon, U.K. into a nightclub is drawing protest from residents who think that noise will be too much of a problem. Residents fear screaming patrons and honking cars at the nightclub, which would operate from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursday through Saturday and 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday.

Sydney, Australia, "Australian Racing Club Approved For Night Racing" (Dec. 19, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the Sydney Turf Club (STC) won conditional approval from Canterbury Council to proceed with its development for night racing at Canterbury.

Sydney, Australia, "New Airport In Sydney Australia Would Disturb Children" (Dec. 19, 1997). Australian General News reports that classes in 300 schools would be disrupted by aircraft noise if a second Sydney airport was built at Badgerys Creek in the city's west, New South Wales Environment Minister Pam Allan said today.

Sydney, Australia, "Protestors Demand A Second Airport in Sydney" (Dec. 10, 1997). The Agence France Presse reports that traffic was slowed to a crawl around the Sydney, Australia airport for several hours Wednesday because of a protest by officials from 11municipalities demanding a second international airport.

Sydney, Australia, "New Flight Paths For Australian Airport Would Spread Noise Impacts Around the City" (Dec. 1, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that new airport flight paths for the Sydney, Australia airport were unveiled today by federal Transport Minister Mark Vaile. According to Vaile, the plan would direct as many take-offs as possible over water and non-residential land, which would have the effect of more fairly sharing the aircraft noise around the city.

Sydney, Australia, "Australia Introduces Bill to Limit Flights at Sydney Airport" (Sep. 26, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that Australia's federal government introduced the Sydney Airport Demand Management Bill 1997 yesterday that would limit the number of planes landing and taking off at Sydney Airport to 80 an hour and would limit the number of movements within five-minute periods. The bill was introduced by parliamentary transport secretary Michael Ronaldson, the article says. However, the bill has met with widespread criticism, both from a tourism lobbying group and from local officials whose towns are affected by jet noise.

Sydney, Australia, "Noise Sharing Scheme at Sydney Airport Criticized" (Apr. 29, 1998). Flight International of Cairns, Australia, reports airline officials, controllers and pilots are against noise sharing at Sydney's airport, citing safety and economic issues as well as mounting chaos.

Sydney, Australia, "New South Wales Considers Curfews to Cut Road Traffic Noise" (Jul. 8, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports the New South Wales government is considering night curfews on some roads to cut traffic noise, the Daily Telegraph reported today.

Sydney, Australia, "Australian Prime Minister Concedes that the Government's Noise Plan Has Failed to Achieve its Goals" (Jun. 19, 1998). The AAP Newsfeed reported that Australian Prime Minister John Howard admitted for the first time that his government could not meet its promises regarding aircraft noise.

Sydney, Australia, "Australian Court is Told That Airport Flight Path Changes to Remove Noise from Neighborhoods Were Politically Motivated and Illegal" (May 25, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports that the councils in Randwick and Woollahra, Australia have filed a lawsuit alleging that Environment Minister Robert Hill acted for political reasons last July when he made a decision to introduce a long-term operating plan (LTOP) for planes using the Sydney airport. The LTOP was introduced for the improper purpose of reducing noise from coalition-held federal electorates north of the city, according to attorneys for the plaintiffs. Former Transport Minister John Sharp is also accused of making politically motivated decisions, the article says. The case currently is being argued before the Federal Court, and is expected to last at least five days.

Sydney, Australia, "Anti-Noise Candidate in Australia Claims Death Threats-Continues Campaign Against RAAF Jet Noise" (Sep. 18, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports an independent candidate in Australia campaigning against aircraft noise claimed today she and her family had been subjected to death threats.

Sydney, Australia, "New Flight Patterns Will Spread Aircraft Noise More Evenly Around Sydney Airport in Australia" (Jul. 29, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports that Sydney Airport in Australia will be implementing its long-term operating plan which will spread aircraft noise more evenly around Sydney. The airport claims that residents will now bear the burden more evenly, while politicians representing the areas to be more affected claim that the changes have not been sufficiently researched and are an outrage.

Sydney, Australia, "Airlines Flying in Australia May Face Stiffer Fines for Violating Curfews and Breaching Safety Rules" (Mar. 7, 1999). AAP Newsfeed reports airlines breaching Sydney Airport's noise curfew could face bigger fines under a review of airport regulations, federal Transport Minister John Anderson announced today.

Sydney, Australia, "Organization in Australia Seeks Ban on Jet Skis in Sydney Harbor and Restrictions Elsewhere" (May 3, 1999). The Dominion reports that Australia's Sydney Coastal Councils Group is calling on the state government to ban jet skis from Sydney Harbor while restricting their use elsewhere. Water police reported 120 incidents last year -- a 30 percent increase -- and the risk to riders and others such as bathers who use the harbor is rising. Some councils in Sydney have received up to 10 calls a day complaining of physical danger and excessive noise.

Sydney, Australia, "Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith International Airport Will Insulate More Houses After Updated Software Reveals Higher Noise Levels than Previously Thought" (Jan. 26, 2000). Air Transport Intelligence reports that Sydney, Australia has promised to insulate more homes against noise from Kingsford Smith International Airport, after it was considered that the land around the airport slopes upward.

Sydney, Florida, "Neighbors in Rural Florida React to Welding Business" (Aug. 23, 1998). The Tampa Tribune reports that persons living in rural areas near Sydney, Florida are shocked to learn that the county can grant a rural home industry permit without a public hearing or other notice to nearby property owners.

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