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Palm Beach, Fl., "AIRPORT'S REBATE PROGRAM HELPS LAND QUIETER FLIGHTS (May 30 1999). According to the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, airport officials at Palm Beach International Airport are paying airlines over $200,000 in rebates if they use quieter airliners." (May 30, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that at Palm Beach International Airport(PBIA), more money means less noise.The Sun-Sentinel reports that PBIA officials can find no other airport that saw as much of a reduction.The article also quoted Waters regarding the protocol airlines must follow the regulations. "If a carrier backslides from quarter to quarter, or if they increase number of nighttime Stage 2 operations, they get nothing," she said.
Palm Beach, Fl., "Airport's Rebate Program To Aid in Quiter Flights" (May 30, 1999). According to the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, airport officials at Palm Beach International Airport (PBIA) are paying airlines over $200,000 in rebates if they use quieter airliners.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Airport Offers Money to Airlines That Fly Quiet Jets" (Aug. 18, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that officials from the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport want to return some of the fees airlines have paid as a penalty for flying noisy airplanes after an airline flies 80% or more of its flights using quieter "Stage 3" jets. Airport officials plan to bring their proposal before county commissioners Tuesday.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Runway Expansion At Florida Airport Worries Neighbors" (Dec. 31, 1997). The Palm Beach Post reports that Palm Beach residents are skeptical about a proposal to extend the runway at Palm Beach International Airport(PBIA). Officials say the extended runway will reduce noise. Residents disagree.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Columnist Says Jet Noise is Decreasing At Florida Airport" (Apr. 24, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel printed an editorial by a writer who argues that jet noise from the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport is decreasing. The writer says he lives south of the airport under the main takeoff corridor, and he believes the jets are becoming less noisy. His experience was confirmed, he says, when several airlines at the airport recently got awards for using quieter jets.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Palm Beach Airport's Noise-Afflicted Neighbors Will Continue to Fight Expansion Despite FAA Approval for Longer Runway" (May 1, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports Palm Beach International Airport received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration this week to lengthen its main runway. Airport expansion and noise continue to be a source of conflict among residents, city officials, and county commissioners.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Airplanes are Unbearably Loud for Family Living Near Palm Beach International Airport" (Aug. 22, 1998). The Palm Beach Post published the following editorial from a resident living near Palm Beach International Airport (PBIA). The editorialist articulates his feelings of powerlessness amidst discussions of further PBIA expansion.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Resident Says Newspaper Shouldn't Print Comments About Jet Noise From People Living Far From Airport" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Marilyn Jordan, a West Palm Beach resident, regarding noise from the Palm Beach International Airport:
Palm Beach, Florida, "Former Pilot Says Residents Have Little Reason to Complain about Airplane Noise" (Jun. 26, 1998). The Palm Beach Post published the following letter to the editor from Florida resident Roy L. Huber. Huber responds to an opinion article about residents' dissatisfaction with airplane noise standards. Huber writes:
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Resident Dismisses Residents' Aircraft Noise Complaints" (Mar. 28, 1998). The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Norman Lynn, a Lake Worth, Florida resident, regarding the expansion plan at the Palm Beach International Airport:
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Resident Says Airport Should Consider Residents' Interests and Abandon Expansion Plans" (Mar. 30, 1998). The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Samuel Lederman, the president of the El Cid Neighborhood Association and a resident of West Palm Beach, Florida, regarding the proposed expansion of the Palm Beach International Airport:
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Resident Thinks Expanded Airport Will Reduce Noise and Provide Important Services" (Mar. 31, 1998). The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from H.C. Rogal, a Palm Beach Gardens, Florida resident, regarding the controversy over the proposed runway expansion at Palm Beach International Airport:
Palm Beach, Florida, "Opponents and Supporters Weigh in on Florida Airport Expansion" (Jun. 1, 1998). The Palm Beach Post printed a summary of what some of the key players are saying about jet noise and expansion at the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport. The summary includes opinions of local politicians, lawyers, airport administrators, and residents.
Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Airport Runway Construction Prompts Noise Debate" (Jul. 2, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports that Palm Beach International Airport's (PBIA) runway construction work has some residents consulting heir attorneys.
Palm Springs, California, "Airport Sound Insulation Project is Completed in California City" (May 8, 1998). The Public Record reports that the Palm Springs Regional Airport in Palm Springs, California announced today that their Residential Sound Insulation Pilot Project has been completed. The article explains that in 1996, ten homes near the airport were selected for noise insulation work to test how much noise could be reduced in the homes. The project was funded by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Airport, the article notes.
Palmer, Alaska, "Alaska Residents Speak Out For and Against Proposed Noise Ordinance" (Apr. 9, 1997). The Anchorage Daily News reports that more than 80 people attended a hearing at the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (Alaska) Assembly chambers Tuesday about a proposed noise ordinance that would cover the more populated center. About two-thirds of the citizens who testified spoke against the proposed ordinance.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "New Zealand Judge Hints that Rifle Range Use Might Have to be Restricted" (Nov. 19, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that an Environment Court judge in New Zealand hinted yesterday that the use of the Turitea rifle range might have to be severely restricted in order to comply with the Resource Management Act. Judge John Treadwell made the comments at the conclusion of a hearing initiated by the Palmerston North City Council, which argues that the judge should grant a declaration stating that land owned by the rifle club is being used for activities contrary to the Act. The decision in the case was reserved, the article says. However, in closing, the judge said that any such declaration could be over-ridden by a section of the Act that stipulates that occupiers of such land must ensure that noise emissions don't exceed a reasonable level.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "New Zealand Man Threatens to Shoot Down Air Force Jet Because of Noise" (Oct. 23, 1997). The Dominion reports that a man in Palmerston North, New Zealand who threatened to shoot down a noisy air force jet flying over his home was given a 12-month suspended sentence in Palmerston North District Court.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "New Zealand Resident Conducts Survey On Jet Noise At The Palmerston North Airport" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Evening Standard reports the results of a recent survey on jet noise from the Palmerston North airport.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Proposed Noise Controls on Aircraft Testing at New Zealand Airport May Be Relaxed" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that the city council resource management and regulatory committee in Palmerston North, New Zealand voted Monday to proceed with the public notification of a variation to the proposed district plan that would allow noise from the testing of aircraft engines at Palmerston North Airport to be louder than the district plan proposes.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Airport Noise Level Plans Require Future Homes to be Soundproofed" (Jun. 27, 1998). The Evening Standard reports rural New Zealand residents living under flight paths are concerned about how proposed new noise level limits near Palmerston North airport will affect future homes and additions to existing properties.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "New Zealand Residents Want Airport Noise Reduced Sooner than Later" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Evening Standard reports at a meeting about airport generated noise attended by ratepayers and representatives from the Palmerston North city council, airport company, and Fieldair Engineering, New Zealanders' main message was, "Let's curb noise now."
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Palmerston North, New Zealand City Council Supports Strict Noise Controls on New Night-Testing of Jet Engines, Now that Variance for Specific Tests Have Lapsed" (Aug. 3, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that since an unpopular noise variance granted by Palmerston North, New Zealand's City Council has expired, the council is working towards stricter noise limits for night-time jet-engine testing. The council now supports a required enclosure for any night-time engine testing. Proposed limits include a maximum of 70 decibels as measured from a residential boundary, and a maximum hourly average of 55 decibels, "with an allowable rise one night a month to 60."
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Posselt, New Zealand Resident Complains that Aviary Birds Were Disturbed By a Recent Motorcycle Race" (Aug. 3, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that a resident of Palmerston North complained to the City Council and the SPCA that a recent motorbike race in the area "must have been distressed" by the noise. City officials said that the event was "fully assessed" and open to public comment, although none were made. The curator of the aviary "said there was no evidence the birds were stressed." The SPCA said it would investigate the matter when more information was available.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Hearings Over Airport Noise Rules In Palmerston North, New Zealand Result In New Guidelines for Airport Operation and Development Nearby" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that after a series of hearings regarding airport noise in Palmerston North, New Zealand, new guidelines have been established for noise abatement. Ground engine-testing rules, land uses, and noise limits were set.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Noise-Hearings Commissioner in Palmerston North, New Zealand Admits that Even After Noise Rules, Airport Noise May Still Exasperate Residents" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that the commissioner of recent airport-noise hearings in Palmerston North, New Zealand admits that "adverse effects" from airport noise may still be present even after the recent establishment of noise rules. The commissioner refused to totally ban nighttime engine testing, saying that occasional, unavoidable nighttime testing was essential to the airport's operation.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Noise From Vehicle Sound Systems Annoys Business Owners" (Mar. 15, 2000). The Manawatu Standard reports that police in Palmerston North, New Zealand, do not believe that they should be dealing with complaints about loud music coming from vehicles as they drive through the city. They would rather see the city council deal with the problem.
Palmerston North, New Zealand, "Palmerston North, New Zealand Police Need to Do More to Enforce Speeding and Noise Violations" (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Standard in Palmerston North, New Zealand reports that the Palmerston North City Council is concerned that police in the city are not doing enough to enforce speeding vehicles and noise offenders.
Palmerston North, New Zealand area, "Meeting Between Air Force and Community Members on Jet Noise Held in New Zealand" (Feb. 27, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that a meeting was held Wednesday night between officials at New Zealand's Ohakea Air Force Base and the Sanson Community Committee in the Palmerston North, New Zealand area to discuss noise from jets and from base operations. Also attending the meeting were two Manawatu District Council members and, by invitation, members of the Collier family who live off the Ohakea main runway's east end.
Palmerston, New Zealand, "New Zealand's Palmerston North Airport and Its Surrounding Development Given New Limits" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Evening Standard reports that new noise limits for Palmerston North Airport in New Zealand have been set. The limits were set after consideration was given on the parts of the Manawatu District Council, the Palmerson North City Council, and Palmerston North Airport Company.
Palmerston, New Zealand, "Noise Insulation Plans Revealed for Homes Near New Zealand Airport" (Jun. 25, 1998). The Dominion reports residents who live near New Zealand's Palmerston North airport will hear tonight about new regulations that affect the noise insulation of new homes.
Palmerston, New Zealand, "Complaints Over Noise From Aircraft Engine Testing Spurs Revision of Local Laws" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Evening Standard reports that the planning commission in Palmerston, New Zealand may limit noise from aircraft engine testing. The limits wouldn't go into effect until January of 2001. The issue became controversial when a particular airline began routinely servicing -- and testing -- engines at night; that airline has since moved its servicing operation.
Palmerstown North, New Zealand, "New Zealand Court Affirms Rights Of Gun Clubs" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Evening Standard reports that a New Zealand court recently affirmed the rights of a local gun club.
Palmetto, Florida, "Residents of Palmetto, Florida Soon To Have More Peace and Quiet" (Apr. 20, 1999). Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports that a stricter noise ordinance has been passed in Palmetto, Florida which gives the City Council more authority in determining what "too loud" really means.
Palmetto, Florida, "New Noise Ordinance in Florida Town will Require Special Permits" (Apr. 6, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports Palmetto, Florida, officials will seek public input on the city's proposed noise-control ordinance amendments at a hearing scheduled for May 3.
Palmetto, Florida, "Palmetto, Florida, Seeks to Create Enforceable Noise Ordinance with a 'Bite'" (Feb. 27, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports noise complaints from a new arena has prompted the city of Palmetto, Florida, to rewrite their noise ordinance.
Palmetto, Florida, "Palmetto, Florida, Looks to Remove Exemptions from Current Noise Ordinance" (Mar. 2, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports spurred by noise from the Manatee County Fairgrounds, the Palmetto, Florida, City Council plans to tighten the town's noise ordinance, eliminating a number of exemptions.
Palo Alto, California, "As Air Traffic Increases at San Francisco Airport, More Towns Affected by Jet Noise" (Aug. 6, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports the outrage over jet noise is spreading to communities further and further south of the San Francisco International Airport as air traffic increases.
Palos Hills, Illinois, "Illinois City Amends Noise Ordinance" (May 5, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that Palos Hills, Illinois has amended its noise ordinance so that it now includes decibel threshold readings. In addition, a decibel meter will now be used by police to make it easier to enforce the regulations.
Palwaukee, Illinois, "Noise Consultant for Palwaukee Municipal Airport in Illinois Warns that Noise Study Does Not Guarantee Federal Noise-Abatement Funds" (Nov. 14, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that a noise consultant conducting a study for Palwaukee Municipal Airport in Illinois warned that the study didn't guarantee noise-abatement funds.
Palwaukee, Illinois, "Palwaukee, Illinois Resident Proposes Noise Hot Line, But Officials Say One Exists and Isn't Very Useful" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that at a recent meeting on an airport noise study, a Palwaukee resident suggested instituting a noise hot line for Palwaukee Municipal Airport. Officials noted that the current answering machine does take noise complaints, but it has been seldom used and ineffective since complainers rarely leave their names. Also, an alderman made it clear that noise-abatement funds should not be counted on as a definite result of the study.
Papillion, Nebraska, "New Noise in Papillion City, Nebraska Will Silence Boom Cars and Other Loud Noise Makers" (Mar. 22, 2000). The Omaha World-Herald reported that to ensure the peace and tranquility of the town, the Papillion City Council will impose a new noise ordinance that will crack down on loud noises, boom cars in particular.
Paradise Valley, Arizona, "Arizona Town and Kennel Fight Over Noise from Barking Dogs" (Oct. 1, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that city officials in Paradise Valley, Arizona, a kennel owner, and neighbors of the kennel are involved in a fight over noise from barking dogs. Last spring, the town's code enforcement committee decided that the kennel owner's barking dogs violated a town code and placed restrictions on the kennel. Last week, the committee rejected the kennel owner's motion to hold a re-hearing of the decision. Meanwhile, the kennel owner has filed two lawsuits against the town, the article says.
Paris, France, "France Plans to Add Two Runways at Paris Airport and Enact New Anti-Noise Standards" (Sep. 30, 1997). International Market Insight Trade Inquiries reports that the French Ministry of Transport announced on September 23 that it plans to proceed with the addition of two new runways at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. Anti-noise standards will accompany the project, the article says.
Paris, France, "Report Finds Six Million People in France Suffer From Excess Noise Pollution" (Apr. 16, 1998). The Independent reports that the Economic and Social Council (CES) in France, a consultative body representing industrial, business and social groups, issued a report that finds six million French people suffer from excess noise, mainly from cars, railways, and planes.
Paris, France, "France will Phase out Noisier Jets at Charles de Gaulle Airport" (Jun. 29, 1998). AP Worldstream reports the French government on Monday agreed to phase out noisier jetliners at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport by 2002.
Paris, France, "Paris Cabarets Too Noisy For Public" (Dec. 15, 1999). The London Times reports that French cabarets have been targeted by anti-noise groups, and will either have to close or install soundproofing. Up to 2,000 of the 3,000 French bars that stage concerts will close, according to their owners.
Paris, France, "Raytheon Aircraft Co. Shows Wares at Paris Airshow, Including Beech 1900D with a Quiet-Cabin Feature" (Jun. 15, 1999). A press release from the M2Presswire Company details the Raytheon Aircraft Company's new showings at the Paris Airshow, including a Beech 1900D model with a quieter cabin.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Rejects Proposal to Join Chicago Airport Noise Commission and Supports Federal Legislation to Restore Noise Regulation Power to EPA" (Aug. 19, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that the Park Ridge (Illinois) City Council voted unanimously Monday night to reject a proposal to join the City of Chicago's O'Hare Airport Noise Commission. In addition, the council voted to endorse federal legislation that would restore the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate noise emissions, the article reports.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Illinois Town Joins an Effort to Oust the FAA as Airport Noise Monitor" (Aug. 20, 1997). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Park Ridge, Illinois has become the first town to join a campaign by the Alliance of Residents Concerning O'Hare to remove the Federal Aviation Administration from airport noise monitoring and return the power to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Mayor of Chicago Suburb Says Jet Noise Complaints are Being Ignored by Airport Officials" (Sep. 28, 1997). The Chicago Tribune printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Ronald Wietecha, Mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois, regarding noise from the O'Hare International Airport. Wietecha argues that the city of Chicago is not listening to the complaints of Park Ridge residents who have been fighting jet noise for 20 years.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Creates Citizens Advisory Group on Jet Noise" (Apr. 17, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Park Ridge, Illinois has formed an eight-member citizens advisory group to give the city a voice in fighting jet noise from O'Hare International Airport. The article says the group met for the first time Wednesday, and about 20 residents attended the meeting and voiced complaints ranging from constant noise, low-flying airplanes, and the averaging of noise data that downplays intense periods.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Residents in Chicago Suburb Voice Frustration Over Noisy Jets and Misleading Noise Measurements" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that Park Ridge Citizens O'Hare Airport Council in Park Ridge, Illinois met Wednesday to discuss residents' frustration over jet noise from O'Hare International Airport. Residents complained about misleading noise measurements done by the airport, and suggested that fines be charged to airlines that fly too close to the town or limits be placed on when planes can fly overhead.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "O’Hare Impact Study Warranted According to Mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois" (Jul. 30, 1998). Chicago Tribune published the following poignant commentary from the Mayor of Park Ridge, a suburb of Chicago, and neighbor to O’Hare International Airport. The commentary takes issue with the opinion of the Chicago Tribune’s editorial board which concluded that any review of the environmental impact of safety, noise and air pollution implications from a shift of 100 military slots at O'Hare International Airport to commercial usage will, in all likelihood, show minimal adverse impact.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "New Citizens' Group Organizes around Noise Issues at O'Hara International Airport in Chicago, Illinois" (Jun. 18, 1998). Chicago Tribune reports that another group of residents critical about the noise from O'Hare International Airport has organized.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Creates Citizens Advisory Council on Jet Noise" (Mar. 3, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that Ron Wietecha, the mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois, announced Monday that a citizens advisory council will be formed to provide a forum on noise from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. The six-member council will be made up of residents from the areas hit hardest by jet noise, the article notes, and will meet monthly to review and interpret the results from permanent jet- noise monitors located in Park Ridge.
Park Ridge, Illinois, "Illinois Resident Highlights Health Hazards from O'Hare" (Feb. 13, 1999). The Chicago Tribune published a letter from Robert E. Pochron of Park Ridge, Illinois, who highlights the health dangers of air and noise pollution dispersed by O'Hare International Airport. Mr. Pochron writes:
Park Terrace, New Zealand, "Residents of Park Terrace, New Zealand Worried About Potential Noise from Pile-Driving Construction Project" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Press reports that a pile-driving construction project -- the second this year for the area -- is proposed in Park Terrace, New Zealand. Officials say that when possible, screw-type non-impact piles will be used in this four-month project to reduce noise and vibration impacts. Residents are still worried.
Parkland, Florida, "Parkland, Florida, Drafts Noise Ordinance" (Apr. 26, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports Parkland, Florida, city administrators are drafting a law aimed at reducing "loud and raucous" noise.
Parma, Ohio, "Residents Angry About Aircraft Noise Over Ohio City" (Jun. 13, 1997). The Plain Dealer reports that residents in northern Parma, Ohio are increasingly angry about noise from the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. Last night, about 70 residents brought their complaints before Cleveland officials and Federal Aviation Administration officials.
Parma, Ohio, "Ohioans Ready to Take Legal Action Against Jet Noise from Cleveland International Airport" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to the Plain Dealer, noise complaints from residents near Cleveland Hopkins International airport are on the rise, and a local city councilwoman called for legal action.
Pasadena Hills, Missouri, "Missouri Residents Lodge Complaints About Barking Dogs; New Noise Monitoring Stations Installed at Lambert Field" (Jul. 20, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that residents in Pasadena Hills, Missouri have called Mayor Scott Livingston during evening hours to complain about barking dogs. Livingston said last week that there's little he can do personally about the problem. In other news, the Pasadena Hills Board of Alderman last week heard a report about new noise monitoring stations to be installed at Lambert Field.
Pasadena Park, Missouri, "New Monitoring System for St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field Airport Will Produce More Specific Information About Noise Impacts from Aircraft" (Apr. 26, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that 20 new noise-monitoring devices spread throughout communities surrounding St. Louis, Missouri's Lambert Field Airport will show airport officials the details of airport noise impacts. The devices determine day-night level decibels (DNLs), and will also include "aircraft types, flight times and altitude related to noise levels." The FAA's Regulation Part 150 sets noise mitigation guidelines that include the use of monitoring devices. Airport officials also hope that the increasingly-used, quieter Stage 3 aircraft will help reduce noise as well.
Pasadena Park, Missouri, "Pasadena Park, Missouri Airport to Install Monitors in Community to Monitor Noise Levels" (Apr. 26, 1999). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Lambert Field Airport will install computer-driven monitors in Pasadena Park in order to come into compliance with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines for noise mitigation. The airport also offers homes and businesses affected by the noise several compensatory options.
Pasadena, California, "Burbank, California Airport Neighbors Will Receive Funding to Soundproof Their Homes" (Apr. 24, 1999). The Los Angeles Daily News reports that funding is being sought from the state by Senator Adam Schiff in order to help residents living near the Burbank Airport soundproof their homes from noise pollution caused by airflight.
Pasadena, Maryland, "Maryland County Removes Obstacle to Building Motor Speedway; Residents Angry That They Had Little Voice in Decision" (Apr. 22, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) Council voted 5-2 Monday to allow "sports racing complexes" as one of the allowed activities at a site in Pasadena that has been proposed for a motor speedway. The article says the decision removes a major obstacle to the proposed project. Meanwhile, residents are angry that the decision to bring the track to their area occurred in slightly more than a month, and that their concerns have not been considered.
Pasadena, Maryland, "Detractors of Maryland Race Track Cite Noise and Traffic Concerns" (Apr. 10, 1998). The Capital reports developers of a 54,800-seat race track in Pasadena met with the public again last night, hoping to amass support for the proposal.
Pasco County, Florida, "Florida County Considers Stricter Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that the Pasco County (Florida) Commission will hold a hearing this morning on proposed changes to the existing noise ordinance that would define stricter noise limits and allow sheriff's deputies to issue violations.
Pasco County, Florida, "Regulating Noise in Florida County is as Hard as Banning Strip Bars" (Jun. 23, 1997). The St. Petersburg Times reports in a humorous editorial that the attempt by Pasco County (Florida) to come up with a way to regulate noise has turned out to be nearly impossible. The writer compares the attempt to define and enforce a noise ordinance with earlier attempts to close down strip bars.
Pasco County, Florida, "Florida County Considers Changes to Noise Ordinance" (May 20, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that Pasco County (Florida) Commissioners today will consider changes to the county's existing noise ordinance that would make it a misdemeanor to violate the ordinance, would prescribe decibel level limits for all hours of the day, and would give officers the ability to cite violators without a noise meter.
Pasco, Florida, "Editorial Calls on Florida Commissioners to Use Existing Laws to Quiet Raves" (Sep. 10, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times published an editorial in which the author takes exception to Florida county commissioner Pat Mulieri's request to ban late-night outdoor dance concerts known as raves.
Pasco, Florida, "Florida Commissioner Asks for Review of County's Ordinances After All-Night Concert Sparks Noise Complaints" (Sep. 9, 1998). The St. Petersburg Times reports last weekend's all-night "rave" party in Pasco, Florida, was noisy enough to prompt one county commissioner to seek a change in the way the county permits such events.
Pasco, Florida, "Florida Town Considers Banning All-Night Concerts After Noise Complaints" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Tampa Tribune reports Pasco, Florida, is considering a ban on all-night outdoor music shows after a recent event resulted in dozens of drug arrests and noise complaints.
Passaic County, New Jersey, "Columnist Believes County Governments Should Regulate Quarry Mining in New Jersey" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Record printed an editorial which describes the extensive quarry mining industry in Passaic County, New Jersey, and the long fight between miners and residents over noise, dust, vibration, and other problems. The editorial argues that both the state and local governments regulate facets of quarry mining, and the system is not working. County governments are better suited to regulate the industry, the editorial says.
Paterson, New Jersey, "New Jersey Residents Await Highway Sound Barrier" (Jan. 1, 1998). The Record reports that a project to build concrete sound barriers along Route 80 in Paterson and West Paterson is on schedule, but a recent phase, which removed trees and shrubs that buffered some homes from the busy interstate, has left residents eager for the job to be completed.
Paterson, NJ, "Northern New Jersey Sound Barrier To Be Built Next To Major Highway" (May 15, 1997). The Record reports a one-mile sound barrier will be built along Route 80 in Paterson, New Jersey to make life quieter for residents adjacent to the major highway. According to John Dourgarian from the state Department of Transportation, the sound barrier will consist of three walls, 14 to 24 feet high, and will cost the state $4.2 million. The barrier should be complete by June 1998.
Peace Dale, Rhode Island, "Town of Peace Dale, Rhode Island Approves Money for Noise Monitoring at Construction Company" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the town of Peace Dale, Rhode Island has approved money for the purchase of sound equipment after recent noise complaints against two local construction companies intensified. The company claims it has made "huge efforts" to lessen noise and dust, but reports of loud noise from 2 am to 6 am say otherwise.
Pearland, Texas, "Texas Town Considers Buying Small Airport; Neighbors Worried About Noise Oppose the Purchase" (Jul. 27, 1997). The Houston Chronicle reports that the city of Pearland, Texas is considering whether to buy a 400-acre airport, Clover Field, located about three miles south of Pearland and two miles west of Friendswood. The issue has pitted residents near Clover Field and citizens who want to maintain the area's small-town character against those who favor change and increased business activity in the area.
Pedley, California, "199 Birds Per Acre Ruins Peace and Quiet of Rural Living in Pedley, CA" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Press-Enterprise reports a Pedley resident will try for the third time to convince Riverside County officials to change the ordinance that allows property owners in unincorporated areas to keep up to 199 poultry.
Pedley, California, "California Resident Says 199 Roosters Too Loud; Seeks New Ordinance Yet Willing to Compromise" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, California, reports that a Pedley resident who planned to petition the Riverside County Board of Supervisors Tuesday seeking restriction on crowing fowl kept by residents in the unincorporated communities decided to delay action.
Pedley, California, "Riverside County, California Wrestles With Rooster Ownership Ban Because of Noise Complaints" (Apr. 9, 2000). The Press-Enterprise reports that Cindy Scheirer, a resident of Pedley, California, is perpetually annoyed by the noise made by hundreds of roosters owned by her neighbors in this rural community. Scheirer estimates that there are at least eight nearby properties that each have more than fifty roosters.
Pembroke Pines, Florida, "Plans Approved For Florida K-Mart" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Sun Sentinel reports that a "Big Kmart" superstore was given final approval on Thursday and will be built at the northeast corner of Pines Boulevard and Dykes Road on the west side of Pembroke Pines, Florida.
Pembroke Pines, Florida, "Neighbors Accuse Wendy's Restaurant in Florida of Violating Noise Ordinance" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports neighbors of a Wendy's restaurant in Pembroke Pines, Florida, say trucks making early morning deliveries are robbing them of their sleep.
Pembroke Pines, Florida, "Pembroke Pines, Florida Considers Stricter Noise Ordinance" (Jan. 30, 2000). The Sun-Sentinel reports that the Mayor of Pembroke Pines, Florida has asked city commissioners to consider toughening the existing noise ordinance. Noise that exceeded new decibel limits, or was loud enough "to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighborhood, regardless of the time of day," would be punishable by up to $500 fine or 60 days in jail.
Pembroke Pines, Florida, "Wealthy Florida Developer Finally Complies With Noise Ordinance" (Jan. 15, 2000). According to the Sun-Sentinel, a local developer violated six city noise ordinances by continuing to run heavy equipment at a construction site well past the 10 p.m. deadline without being penalized.
Pembroke, Massachusetts, "Mass. Resident Says Noise Escalating from Local Gun Club" (Nov. 17, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports a Pembroke, Massachusetts, resident says the noise is escalating from a gun club on her street.
Peninsula Communities, California, "Residents in California's Peninsula Communities Support Limits on Noise Levels and Operation Times for Leaf Blowers After One Peninsula Community Rejected an Outright Ban Last Year" (May 4, 1999). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that residents in Palo Alto, California and other Peninsula communities support limiting noise levels from leaf blowers as well as hours of operation. A demonstration of four leaf blowers for the city council showed that noise from all of them exceeded the limits that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) claimed they met. Currently, if police identify a blower emitting over 70 decibels -- the present noise limit -- they can fine the violator $104. The Palo Alto city council wants a public hearing to determine if there is support for an outright ban
Peninsula, California, "Several Mayors in the Peninsula Region Near San Francisco, California's International Airport Push to Have Noise Issues Considered in Terminal Expansion Plan" (May 22, 1999). San Francisco Chronicle reports that eight mayors from the Mid-Peninsula region near San Francicso International Airport asked airport management to take noise-control measures as part of the current $2.4 billion terminal expansion. Measures would include maximum noise levels for new flights over Peninsula cities, reduction in noise of current flights, penalties for non-compliance, and public hearings to help determine the placement of new runways. The mayors made their request public at a news conference, after sending their request to the airport in writing three months ago.
Penn Township, Pennsylvania, "Residents in Penn Township, Pennsylvania Oppose Construction of Power Plant" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in Pennsylvania reports that residents in Penn Township, Pennsylvania are going to court to appeal a decision made by the Township's zoning board to grant a permit for Allegheny Energy to build a "peaker" power plant in their town.
Peoria, Arizona, "Arizona Town Restricts Construction Noise" (Mar. 2, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that the City Council in Peoria, Arizona unanimously passed a new ordinance on Feb. 17 that limits construction to certain hours in order to cut down on noise. The ordinance was passed in an effort to respond to the increasing number of complaints about construction noise in the fast-growing city, according to Ibrahim Maslamani, the city's building safety manager.
Peoria, Arizona, "Peoria, Arizona Councilwoman's Proposed Noise Wall Fronts Her Own House, Creating Conflict of Interest" (May 26, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports on a noise wall proposed in Peoria, Arizona. The wall has been proposed by councilwoman Rebekah Coty who lives in the community; she has said that she will allow her fellow council members to make the decision, to avoid a conflict of interest.
Peoria, Arizona, "Peoria, Arizona Resident Supports Fun Concerts for Youth, But Insists Upon Nearby Sports Complex Restricting Concert Noise Levels for Area Residents" (Nov. 3, 1999). The Arizona Republic prints a letter to the editor which insists that the Peoria, Arizona Sports Complex should restrict noise levels at concerts.
Perris, California, "Noise Ordinance Approved by City Council in Perris City, California" (Mar. 15, 2000). The Press-Enterprise reports that Perris City, California has approved a new city noise ordinance. Other unrelated city issues discussed by the council also appear in the article.
Perth, Australia, "Nighttime Curfew Proposed for Australian Airport Meets With Opposition" (Oct. 6, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the Australian Democrat Senator Andrew Murray has proposed federal legislation that would place a midnight-to-6 am curfew at Perth Airport, similar to the curfews at the Sydney, Adelaide, and Melbourne Airports. While members of the public support the legislation, others are attacking it, including officials from Westralia Airports Corporation, the airport's new private-sector owner; Perth MHR Stephen Smith; and John D'Orazio, mayor of the noise-affected Bayswater.
Perth, Australia, "Proposal for Nighttime Curfew at Australian Airport Raises Controversy" (Oct. 5, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that Australian Democrats Senator Andrew Murray has introduced federal legislation that would impose a midnight-to-6 am curfew at the Perth Airport and a cap on the number of flights using the airport each hour. But Stephen Smith, MHR for Perth and a Labor Member of Parliament, today opposed the plan, saying it will have a negative impact on Western Australia, without improving the lives of residents near the airport.
Perth, Australia, "Anti-Aircraft Noise Activists Win Concessions at Australia's Perth Airport" (Jun. 29, 1998). AAP Newsfeed reports Australia's Perth airport owners have given in to pressure from anti-aircraft noise activists, imposing several restrictions on the use of a proposed runway extension.
Perth, Australia, "Shared-Noise Strategy at Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport Criticized by Safety Experts, Air Traffic Controllers, Pilots and Others" (Sep. 7, 1998). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports Australia's government shared- noise strategy significantly reduces capacity at Sydney's Kingsford Smith Airport while increasing safety concerns.
Perth, Australia, "Noise Restrictions and Runway Layout Blamed for Congestion at Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport" (Aug. 2, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA) is facing inefficiency and safety problems due in large part to noise restrictions. Regulations which encourage the frequent switching of runways to spread noise is "tiring, demoralizing and overwhelming [to] air traffic controllers." Pilots are often asked to land on runways against high winds, even when safer runways are available, for the sake of noise reduction. Flight-paths are often restricted in an attempt to reduce noise, which pilots say are futile and wasteful. Some successful noise-regulation measures have included maximization of flight-time over water, and a night curfew on passenger jets.
Perthshire, Scotland, "Soundproofing Company Opens New Research Facility in Scotland" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Scotsman reports that "one of the most advance facilities of its kind in Europe to improve and develop acoustic products for the construction industry opened this month" in Perthshire, Scotland. The company will market floor and wall-insulation products that will help developers market their buildings and help homeowners cope with noise.
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, "Trains Annoy Reader in Malaysia" (Apr. 11, 2000). The New Straits Times in Malaysia published a letter to the editor from a reader who is bothered by noise from LRT trains. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Peterhead, United Kingdom, "Plans for Fish Market in Peterhead, U.K. Delayed While Council Investigates Possible Noise Problems; Vendors Say They've Already Waited Too Long" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that approval of a proposed deep-water fish market, proposed for Peterhead Harbour in the U.K., has been delayed by at least three weeks to allow for further investigation into potential noise disturbances there. Harbour trustees are upset, saying they've already waited long enough already, and that they won't know how to best mitigate noise until the market is built.
Peters Township, Pennsylvania, "Proposed 24-Hour Gas Station Angers Pennsylvania Residents" (Jun. 7, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that residents are objecting to a 24-hour gas station proposed for Route 19 in Peters Township, Pennsylvania, saying the development will create constant noise, traffic, and bright lighting near their homes.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, "Philadelphia Labor Union No Longer Allowed to Make Excessive Noise as Part of Ongoing Protests" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Legal Intelligencer reports that Philadelphia's United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners can no longer protest at such loud volumes. Use of non-union labor at Society Hill Towers has prompted an ongoing protest from the union which has prompted over 40 noise calls to police. The union's lawyer argued that only the city can enforce noise laws, but the judge said that especially because of the union's use of lookouts to evade proper noise measurement by local police, the NLRB "cannot be required to rely exclusively upon municipal enforcement mechanisms."
Phoenix and Glendale, Arizona, "New Noise Walls Planned But Who Picks Up the Tab?" (Apr. 15, 2000). According to the Arizona Republic, noise from Interstate 10 already interferes with the quality of life and peace of mind for residents who live nearby, but a construction project for a local loop has added to the din.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Soundproofing Of Homes Near Arizona Airport Continues" (Dec. 22, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that a 1987 noise study by the Federal Aviation Administration targeted homes in Tempe and Phoenix to be "soundproofed."
Phoenix, Arizona, "Musicians and Artists Say the Grand Canyon is Losing its Essence Due to Increased Noise and Air Pollution" (Dec. 1, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that musicians and visual artists are increasingly saying that the Grand Canyon is losing its distinctive essence due to increased noise and air pollution. The article goes on to explore how the works of artist Curt Walters, musician Paul Winter, and other artists have changed over time as the Grand Canyon has experienced increasing impacts from more visitors.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Secret Memo By National Park Service Says New Grand Canyon Air Flight Rules Will Not Reduce Noise Enough" (Dec. 2, 1997). Greenwire reports that according to an article by Steve Yozwiak in the Phoenix Arizona Republic, a "secret" National Park Service memo obtained by the newspaper says the new rules for air flights over the Grand Canyon will do almost nothing to reduce noise over the national park.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Phoenix Residents Use Political Clout to Win Noise Concessions from Developers" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Arizona Republic reports that after months of negotiations, developers at the Camelback Esplanade have struck a deal with neighbors and are pushing ahead to build two more office towers. Neighbors fought the project because of the noise and traffic associated with an office complex the size of the Esplanade. "It was certainly a long process, and the neighbors used all of their political clout to get what they wanted," said Tom Roberts, president of one of the developers, OpusWest. "But at the end of the day, it worked out." Opus West and other developers of the project have agreed to nearly $1million in concessions, including planting trees and building speed bumps. When the development is completed, it will have five office towers, two parking garages, two hotel towers, a 24-screen movie theater, shops and restaurants.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona Announces That it is Keeping Flights on Track with One Million Dollar Monitoring System" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that their one million-dollar monitoring system at Sky Harbor International Airport indicates that about 95 percent of airplanes follow the correct flight pattern after they take off. Officials at Sky Harbor International Airport officials announced plans June 15 to keep even more flights on track to protect neighborhoods from noise caused by departing planes. They hope to increase compliance to 97 or 98 percent.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Almost 90 Percent of Planes at Phoenix Airport Meet Quieter Standards; Residents Say They Can't Hear the Difference" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that 86 percent of planes at the Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona have achieved stricter federal standards for noise, according to airport officials. By the end of 1999, all commercial jets are required by federal law to be equipped with the quieter engines, the article notes. But some residents who live in the airport's flight path say they don't notice any difference.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Airports Add Noise and Safety Issues to Expanding Urban Sprawl in Arizona" (Mar. 16, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports safety and noise drive the airport encroachment debate in the Phoenix, Arizona, area as crowded airways rival congested freeways.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Noise from Squawk Peak Freeway in Arizona Is Bothering Residents Despite State Transportation Department's Determination that Noise There Isn't Too Much; State Will Re-Evaluate Noise Levels, But Residents Don't Expect Much" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that noise and dust from the Squawk Peak freeway in Arizona has been bothering residents for the five months it has been open. Noise was not originally measured above 65 decibels: the benchmark that requires sound walls. The state says it will reevaluate noise levels there, but residents aren't confident that anything will be done.
Phoenix, Arizona, "Attempts to Revitalize Beleaguered Phoenix, Arizona Neighborhood Meet With Opposition From Some City Officials" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Phoenix New Times in Arizona reports that some city officials and residents wish to revitalize the neighborhood of Central City South. Residents there are faced with many obstacles, including noise pollution. The plan is getting little support from the city, however.
Pierce County, Washington, "Gravel Mining and School Incompatible, Says Pierce County, Washington" (Mar. 13, 1998). The News Tribune reports Pierce County, Washington, revoked a mining permit, preventing a sand and gravel company from reopening across from Rocky Ridge Elementary School.
Pierrefonds, Montreal, "Pierrefonds, Montreal Landfill Site Monitored by City Committee to Address Citizen Complaints" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Gazette reports that the community of Pierrefonds in Montreal, Canada has set up a committee to monitor a landfill facility. Citizens had complained, and the committee is there to serve as a go between. The landfill is used by a private company to dump construction debris, and the owner has been patient, "despite the lengthy delays and initial residents' mistrust of his operation." Two years ago, the project was almost rejected, but with stricter environmental restrictions were approved and changes in the board, the project was approved.
Pierson, Florida, "Rural Neighborhood Near Florida's Lake George Disrupted By Noise From Airboats" (Jun. 9, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that communities near Florida's Lake George are being disrupted by noisy airboats. An existing ordinance prohibits airboat noise from bothering residents, but the ordinance requires that the boat operator be caught being too loud too close to a residence. Volusia County Council member "Big John" wants to tighten enforcement of that ordinance, or alternatively ban airboats from the lake during the later hours of the day. Deputies have said they will patrol the lake more, but promise to evaluate each situation and not simply go after airboat operators.
Pill, United Kingdom, "Pill, U.K Residents Oppose New Freight Railway Line, Saying Highway Noise is Bad Enough Already" (May 5, 1999). The Bristol Evening Post reports that residents in Pill, U.K. are upset at the proposed new railway branch to two existing railway lines. Residents have endured noise from the M5 Avonmout Bridge for years, and its proposed widening already promises to increase noise. The heavy freight that would use the new railway would be add to the noise, making it unbearable for many residents. The Bristol Port Company wants to build the line across a wildlife area, moving thousands of heavy shipping vehicles off the roads.
Pine, Pennsylvania, "Seniors Articulate Divergent Views on the Need for Noise Regulations" (Aug. 16, 1998). Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the Pittsburgh City Council has passed a noise-pollution ordinance. Correspondent Jeanne Dutel-Martino interviews residents at a Retirement Center in the suburban community of Pine about the need for a noise-pollution ordinance in their community. Residents responded to the question: "Would you like to see similar [noise] ordinances in the suburbs?"
Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, "Letter to the Editor from Medical Helicopter Pilot Expressing Disdain for Those Who Accept Noise from Traffic and Fireworks but Complain About Medical Helicopters" (Aug. 28, 1999). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette prints a letter to the editor that criticizes those who accept city noise and fireworks while complaining about medical helicopters.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Should Build Sound Barrier for Residents, Says Representative Murphy" (Oct. 26, 1997). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reports that Democratic state representative Tim Murphy said that the state of Pennsylvania should pay $750,000 for a sound barrier to keep noise from Interstate 279 away from 22 houses in Green Tree.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Editorialist Decides Ice Cream Truck Noise Permissible in Spite of Its Extreme Annoyance to Young Parents" (Aug. 5, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published the following editorial in which the editorialist imagines the enforcement of Pittsburgh's new noise ordinance against ice cream trucks in the suburbs. The editorialist resolves that ice cream truck noise should be tolerated despite its extreme annoyance to parents of young children.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Noise and Conduct Ordinance Receives Final Approval from Pittsburgh City Council" (Aug. 4, 1998). Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Pittsburgh City Council has approved new "noise pollution" legislation intended to improve the city's quality of life. The ordinance was written as a response to residents' complaints about booming car stereos and is expected to take effect October 1, provided the mayor signs the bill.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Selective Enforcement of Noise Ordinance a Concern Says Pittsburgh Editorialist" (Aug. 9, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published the following editorial regarding the enforcement of the city's new noise ordinance. The editorialist says that if the ordinance is "enforced selectively on the basis of race or age or neighborhood, citizens will make their discontent known - loud and clear. Most Pittsburghers want a more civil society, but not at the cost of fairness."
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Pittsburgh City Council Considers Lowering Decibel Limit for Car Stereos" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the City Council in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will consider an ordinance Wednesday that would lower the lawful noise level for car stereos from 85 decibels to 68 decibels, the level used in New York City. The proposal would allow police to impound cars after a second citation.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Columnist Argues Pittsburgh Decibel Limit Should Be Lowered, But Questions Whether Lower Limit Can Be Enforced" (Jul. 26, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed an editorial that says a proposal in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to lower the permitted decibel limit is probably a good one. But, the editorial argues, it is difficult to imagine enough police enforcement to truly do away with noise pollution.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Proposed Noise Ordinance Targets Loud Car Stereos and Receives Initial Approval from Pittsburgh’s City Council" (Jul. 30, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that Mayor Murphy is expected to sign a noise ordinance if City Council gives its final approval August 3. The Council has already given preliminary approval to the ordinance, which provides tougher fines for noise violators and threatens repeat offenders with “booting” of their cars when the penalty fines are not paid.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Toll Road is a Bad Idea, Writer Argues" (Mar. 28, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed an editorial in which the writer argues that the Mon-Fayette toll road in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a bad idea. The writer says the high cost of the road is prohibitive, and the road will destroy the quality-of-life of the communities near it.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Residents of Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania Are Upset Over Noise From Highway Construction Blasting and Potential Noise From the Finished Highway; They Also Oppose a Zoning Proposal That Would Allow a Salt Dome and Police Barracks to Be Built Nearby" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that residents of Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania are upset about a highway construction project that promises to subject them to daily dynamite blasts for ten months. Currently, construction-workers' shifts end begin at 6 a.m. and end at midnight, but soon those hours may be extended until 4:30 a.m. The blasting and construction is part of a project to create a 65-mile toll highway between Pittsburgh and Interstate highways in West Virginia.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Pittsburgh Reader Vents That Public Noise Levels Are Too Loud" (Feb. 16, 2000). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a Letter to the Editor by Jenifer Johnson of Shadyside responding to a February 9 Post-Gazette editorial by Eileen Reutzel Colianni titled "The Noise Pollution of Daily Life." Her letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Reader Complains About Pittsburgh Noise" (Feb. 16, 2000). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a Letter to the Editor by Barbara Hays of Squirrel Hill responding to a February 9 Post-Gazette editorial by Eileen Reutzel Colianni titled "The Noise Pollution of Daily Life." Her letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, "Patrons Object to Loud Live Music in Restaurants" (Mar. 15, 2000). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a column by staff writer Kelly D. Burgess who complains about the loud music in a local pub. The column is reprinted here in its entirety:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, "Pennsylvania Residents Protest New Flight Patterns Caused by Construction" (Jun. 12, 1997). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that nearly 100 residents complained to the Moon (Pennsylvania) township supervisors last night about excessive noise from the new flight patterns at Pittsburgh International Airport.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, "Pittsburgh Residents Complain About Noise From 24-Hour Operation of Casting Plant" (Nov. 20, 1997). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that angry Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) area residents complained to county supervisors last night about noise from the Harmony Casting plant on Perry Highway. Their complaints come in the face of a proposed expansion at the plant. Meanwhile, the board of supervisors is considering passing a noise ordinance which, among other things, would require the plant to be properly insulated and inspected by the township engineer.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Neighbors of Pittsfield, Maine, Airport Object to Additional Hanger, Citing Noise, Traffic and Safety Concerns" (Sep. 5, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports Maine's Pittsfield planning board will meet Wednesday, Sept. 16, to review a conditional use application for a new hangar at the municipal airport. Neighbors are concerned about increased noise and traffic that the new structure may bring.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Pittsfield City Council Adopts Noise and Conduct Ordinance in Maine" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the Town Council passed a noise and public conduct ordinance. The ordinance is intended to discourage late-night noise and vandalism in downtown Pittsfield where, according to officers, the behavior of teen-agers and young adults has been a problem for the town for many years.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Proposed Noise and Public Conduct Ordinance in Pittsfield, Maine Revised Again" (Jun. 16, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that the town's proposed noise and public conduct ordinance has been modified. Some of the original elements of the ordinance were considered unenforceable and state law already covered others so the council submitted it to a Portland law firm to be rewritten.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Noise and Public Conduct Ordinance Proposed for Maine Town" (May 16, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports Pittsfield, Maine, town officials hope to curb unwanted behavior with a new noise and public conduct ordinance.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Maine Town Rewrites Proposed Noise Ordinance to Allow Community Events" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that the Town Council in Pittsfield, Maine held a public hearing on a proposed noise ordinance Tuesday that would ban noisy behavior between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. Residents who supported and opposed the ordinance turned out for the meeting, the article says. Those who opposed the ordinance were worried that it would prohibit high school events and other community activities. In response to residents' concerns, a group of residents, police officers, and town officials reworked the proposed ordinance Wednesday night to allow community and school events to occur. The council will consider the matter again at their June 16 meeting. Meanwhile, the article says, police officers say even if an ordinance is passed, they have no way to enforce it.
Pittsfield, Maine, "Expansion of Metalworking Plant in Pittsfield, Maine Opposed By Residents On Basis of Noise" (Aug. 10, 1999). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports that residents near a metal-fabrication plant in Pittsfield, Maine are opposing expansions there. The local planning board approved the expansion, which includes noise-reduction plans, but residents note that past expansions have turned a quiet, small facility into a facility with 'uncontrolled noise.' The plant hopes to keep 20 new workers on through the winter now that the extension is approved.
Placentia, California, "California Communities Oppose Railroad Expansion" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Orange County Register reports that trains are expected to rumble and roar through Placentia California in increasingly hefty numbers in the next 10 to 15 years. Their numbers may jump from about 40 trains a day to as many as 150 trains daily along the Orangethorpe Avenue corridor.
Placentia, California, "California Residents Object to a Proposed YMCA in Their Neighborhood" (Mar. 19, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that more than 300 residents attended a meeting last week in Placentia, California to protest the construction of a YMCA proposed for a vacant lot at the Placentia United Methodist Church. Residents said they were worried about the noise the YMCA would bring. Before the proposal could be built, the article notes, it must be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Placer County, California, "California County Supervisor Fights Proposed Amphitheater" (Nov. 20, 1997). The Sacramento Bee reports that about 20 residents of Placer County, California met with Placer County Supervisor Bill Santucci about encroaching development in the county. While residents are fighting a Home Depot store permit in Auburn, Santucci is fighting the proposed Bill Graham Presents amphitheater in West Placer. Santucci said the amphitheater will have traffic and noise problems.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Public Hearing on Noise Plan at Indianapolis Airport is Delayed" (Aug. 16, 1997). The Indianapolis News reports that the Indianapolis Airport Authority voted Friday to delay a public hearing on a noise mitigation plan for the airport by 30 days. The hearing was set for August 25, but the Plainfield Town Council sent a letter to the authority asking for a 90-day delay. In a related development, the Town of Plainfield decided this week to hire a consultant to study the noise plan for the town.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Residents Drop Lawsuit Against Indianapolis Airport After Soundproofing Agreement Reached" (Jun. 30, 1997). The Indianapolis Business Journal reports that a group of residents in Plainfield, Indiana has dropped its lawsuit over airport noise after the Indianapolis Airport Authority agreed to include the residents' homes in a new noise-reduction program. The agreement stipulates that the authority will pay to soundproof homes in the Cottonwood Court subdivision, but if residents are still bothered by the noise, the authority would purchase their homes and try to resell them.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Residents in Indiana Withdraw Lawsuit Against Airport After Purchase Assurance Program is Proposed" (Jul. 2, 1997). The Indianapolis News reports that residents of Cottonwood Court in Plainfield, Indiana have dropped their lawsuit against Indianapolis International Airport operator BAA after receiving promises that the airport will a new program to mitigate the noise impact. The program will allow homeowners in certain areas to sell their homes to the airport or receive a free package of new windows, doors, and insulation to cut down on airplane noise.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Hearing on Soundproofing and Purchase Program for Homes Near Indianapolis Airport is Postponed" (Sep. 26, 1997). The Indianapolis Star reports that a public hearing on the Indianapolis (Indiana) Airport Authority's plans to alleviate noise problems for surrounding homeowners has been postponed until November after a request from the Plainfield Town Council for a 15-day extension. The hearing was supposed to be held Monday, but now will be held on November 12, the article says.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Homeowners Near Indianapolis International Airport to Get Noise Assistance" (Nov. 21, 1998). The Indianapolis News reports the Federal Aviation Administration has approved a new plan to reduce the impact of airplane noise from Indianapolis International Airport on homeowners in Plainfield, Indiana.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Contractors Educated on Installing Noise Insulation for Homes Near Indianapolis International Airport" (Apr. 9, 1999). The Indianapolis Star reports work will begin soon to insulate hundreds of Hendricks County homes from the noise of jets from Indianapolis International Airport.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Indianapolis International Airport Asks FAA to Require Higher Altitude Before Turning Over Communities to Reduce Noise Impact" (Jul. 31, 1999). The Indianapolis News reports that in a noise study performed for the Indianapolis International Airport, the airport authority has asked the FAA to require pilots to climb higher before turning over communities in order to reduce noise impacts. The new requirements would require pilots to fly at least 4.5 miles before turning. Planes would not only fly higher but would also keep to a narrower corridor instead of spreading out over several communities. Already, the airport has bought over 1,000 homes for $100 million in the area, and this year 380 more residents have been offered noise-abatement in some form, such as soundproofing
Plainfield, Indiana, "Greensboro, North Carolina Residents Living Near Piedmont Triad International Airport May See their Neighborhoods Dismantled Due to Excessive Noise from a Proposed FedEx Hub, As Has Happened In Similar Neighborhoods Near Indianapolis' International Airport" (Nov. 7, 1999). The News and Record reports that neighborhoods south of Indianapolis International Airport are being slowly dismantled as the airport buys out houses impacted by jet noise. Greensboro, North Carolina residents fear that a FedEx hub at Piedmont Triad International Airport -- which would make Piedmont very similar to Indianapolis -- could cause similar problems to the south. Most flights would be routed south at Piedmont due to wind patterns, just as they are in Indianapolis, which would protect the most vocal opponents of the new hub: upscale suburban homeowners north of the airport.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Plainfield, Indiana's Strategy for Replacing Taxes Lost When Airport Bought Land By Increasing Incentives for Businesses May Be Model for Greensboro, North Carolina, Where Airport Growth Is Similar to Plainfield" (Nov. 8, 1999). The News and Record reports that when Plainfield, Indiana began losing property taxes because Indianapolis International Airport was buying land in the area, they began offering incentives to businesses. Greensboro, North Carolina is looking at Plainfield's model, since a proposed FedEx Hub at Greensboro's Piedmont Triad International Airport is similar to Indianapolis' airport growth.
Plainfield, Indiana, "Residences Around Greensboro, North Carolina's Piedmont Triad International Airport May Go the Way of Neighborhoods Near Indianapolis' International Airport; Some Neighborhoods May Be Soundproofed, Others May Be Demolished" (Nov. 8, 1999). The News and Record reports that neighborhoods surrounding Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina may share a fate that has befallen neighborhoods around Indianapolis International Airport: soundproofing or demolition. The Airport owner pays all of the expenses associated with these projects to comply with federal law.
Plainview, New York, "Residents in Plainview, New York Who Wanted a Noise Wall for the Highway in 1992 Now Oppose It As Too Close to Their Homes" (May 16, 1999). Newsday reports that residents in Plainview, New York who asked their representative for a noise wall in 1992 when he was elected now say that the proposed 18-24 foot wall would block their view. Because of the sloped terrain between the highway and the homes, utility and emergency access issues, and economic feasibility, the wall would have to be closer to the property lines than to the road to be effective. In 1997 about 100 residents signed a petition saying that the noise wall would be too close, and this year about 40 signed a petition saying they no longer wanted it at all.
Plainview, NY, "Plainview, NY Residents Say Proposed Expressway Sound Barrier Too Intrusive" (Jun. 13, 1999). The Daily News reports residents of Plainview, NY feel a proposed expressway sound barrier would destroy their landscape.
Plainville, Connecticut, "Connecticut Town Studies the Need for a Noise Ordinance" (May 26, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the Plainville (Connecticut) Town Council is considering adopting a noise ordinance after hearing resident complaints about noise from tractor trailers.
Plano, Illinois, "Residents of Plano, Illinois, Say Proposed Raceway Will Ruin Quiet" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that a citizens group who oppose a motor speedway that would be built in Kendall County has scheduled a meeting Monday to discuss its opposition to the proposal.
Plano, Texas, "Fast Food Restaurant Proposal Near Residential Area is Rejected in Texas" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that planning and zoning commissioners in Plano, Texas on Monday rejected a request for a new Sonic drive-in restaurant on Coit Road due to the proximity of a residential neighborhood, and complaints from residents about the noise, traffic, and trash the restaurant would bring.
Plantation, Florida, "Florida Residents Get Angry About Nightclub Noise" (Feb. 13, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that the City Council in Plantation, Florida is considering a nightclub ordinance after hearing from seven residents and business owners at a recent meeting about noise and other problems at two restaurant-lounges on State Road 7.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, "Nebraska Ampitheater Plan Shelved" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Omaha World-Herald reports that the fate of a proposed open-air amphitheater halfway between Omaha and Lincoln remained up in the air Thursday night after the Cass County Planning Commission chose to table the proposal.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, "Two Nebraska Land Developments Vie For Commission's Approval" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Omaha World-Herald reports that a debate over a proposed amphitheater between Omaha and Lincoln is shaping up to be a choice between the amphitheater complex or an expansion of the nearby Quarry Oaks Golf Course that would include single-family homes and townhomes.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, "County Board Reduces Noise Restrictions to Allow Second Amphitheater Near Omaha" (May 20, 1998). The World-Heraldwriter of Omaha, Nebraska, reports plans are moving forward for Omaha's second major open-air amphitheater after the county board reduced restrictions despite residents' noise concerns. The new facility will test the Omaha area's ability to support large open-air entertainment events.
Plymouth, England, "Hearing Experts in England Call for Restrictions on Noise Levels in Cinemas" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Evening Herald reports hearing experts in Plymouth, England, say film-makers are turning up the volume to dangerous levels which could lead to hearing loss.
Plymouth, England, "Town Council in England will Investigate Ways to Reduce Excessive Noise from Music Festival after Residents Complain" (Sep. 12, 1998). The Evening Herald reports the Plymouth, England, City Council is determined to address the issue of excessive noise from a free festival in 1999 after complaints about this year's event.
Plymouth, England, "Reader in Plymouth, England Disagrees With Those Who Complain About Airport Noise" (Apr. 3, 2000). The Evening Herald in Plymouth, England printed a letter to the editor from a reader who does not feel that residents should complain about noise from nearby Plymouth Airport. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:
Plymouth, England, "Five Resident Opinions Concerning Planned Alterations to Plymouth City, England Airport and Surrounding Roads" (Feb. 17, 2000). The Evening Herald, Plymouth, England has printed letters from five residents of the Plymouth area who have varying opinions on proposed changes to Plymouth Airport and alterations to surrounding roads. The letters are printed below in their entirety:
Plymouth, England, "Plymouth, England Planners to Conduct Noise Reduction Survey of Proposed Manufacturing Plant" (Feb. 15, 2000). The Evening Herald of Plymouth, England reports that the planning council in Plymouth, England will not approve an application by West Wise Manufacturing, Limited to build a new factory at Darklake View in Estover until they inspect the building site and conduct a noise survey. Nearby residents are concerned that the new metal fabrication plant would create excessive noise.
Plymouth, England, "Application for Building of New Wildlife Park in Jeopardy Due to Noise and Other Concerns" (Mar. 14, 2000). The Evening Herald of Plymouth, England reports that the South Hams, England city council is not recommending approval of a 104-acre wildlife park to be built in the community. The park is planned to be located on the site of the National Shire Horse Center in Yealmpton.
Plymouth, England, "Business Owner in Torbay, England Forced to Go to Court Over Loud Bird" (Mar. 13, 2000). The Western Morning News of Plymouth, England reports that Derek Sharp, owner of the Alpine Lodge residential home in Torbay, has had to go to court over his noisy cockerel. This is not the first time that Sharp has been served with orders to silence his cockerels.
Plymouth, Massachusetts, "Plymouth, Massachusetts Residents Against Expansion of Golf Club Operations" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that a group of West Plymouth, Massachusetts residents is upset over a proposal to expand clubhouse operations and open a golf school at the Squirrel Run Country Club. The residents have asked the planning board to deny the permit unless steps are taken to improve their privacy and cut down on noise from the 18-hole golf course and clubhouse.
Plymouth, United Kingdom, "Plymouth, United Kingdom Physician Says Loud Movies Should Include Health Warnings" (Aug. 16, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that according to a doctor in Plymouth, U.K., loud movies should include a health warning. Movies, trailers, and advertisements are getting louder, according to the British Standards Institution. In the U.K., employees must be warned of noise levels above 85 decibels, and hearing protection must be provided if the levels breach 90; three popular movies were mentioned that exceeded 100 decibels.
Plymouth, United Kingdom, "Columnist Advises Plymouth, U.K. Resident Who Says Neighbors Make Too Much Noise to Keep Diary for Local Council" (Nov. 20, 1999). The Evening Herald prints a question about neighbors who create noise. The columnists suggests that the resident keep a month-long diary of the noisy incidents. Then, send the diary to the local council asking what can be done. Also, the Environmental Health Department may be able to investigate the noise.
Plymouth, United Kingdom, "Silent Roads Campaign Gathering Support in United Kingdom" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a "silent roads" campaign has been started by the RAC Foundation and the Refined Bitumen Association. Residents calling campaign officials can learn of techniques to pressure government officials as well as other localities where a similar fight is occurring. Six petrochemical companies are funding the campaign.
Plymouth, United Kingdom, "Residents in Plymouth, U.K. Want Annual Festival -- Involving Gunfire and Fireworks -- To End Earlier" (Dec. 3, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that residents in Plymouth, U.K. want the cut-off time for the annual Music of the Night spectacular to be moved back to 10:30 p.m. After a meeting between residents, event organizers, and local officials no agreement was reached. As it stands, the event will end by 11:30 p.m.
Plympton St. Maurice, United Kingdom, "Plympton St. Maurice, U.K. Pub Fined for Noise Violations" (Aug. 7, 1999). The Evening Herald reports that a pub manager in Plympton St. Maurice was fined 250 pounds for each of four noise violations after a noise abatement notice was served. The man admitted to the violations, but said the brewery was supposed to soundproof the walls.
Plympton, England, "UK Local City Council Member Objects to Noise in Neighboring Industrial Park" (Feb. 1, 2000). The Evening Herald printed this letter from a City Council member in Plympton, England regarding commercial and industrial noise near residences. The letter is printed in its entirety.
Plympton, England, "Residents in Plympton, England Bothered by Noise From Nearby Industrial Park" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Plymouth, England Evening Herald reports that there have been many noise complaints lodged by Plympton residents against businesses at the Valley Road Industrial Estate. Residents says that the noise has become increasingly loud over the last few years.
Point Loma, California, "Calf. High School Gets More Funds to Soundproof Against Noise from Lindbergh Field" (Jun. 19, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports California's Point Loma High School will get additional funds to provide relief from the constant noise of nearby Lindbergh Field.
Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey, "New Jersey Shoreline Residents Oppose Parking Lot Proposal" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Asbury Park Press reports that residents on the New Jersey Shore are fighting a zoning change that would allow a public parking lot in a residential area. Residents oppose the change because the lot would attract traffic and noise and encourage others to destroy the residential nature of the area.
Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey, "Landlords in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey Bear the Brunt of Noisy Tenants as Noise Ordinance is Enforced" (Apr. 20, 1999). Asbury Park Press reports that landlords in Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey are being held responsible for noise citations issued to their tenants. Five landlords appeared in court yesterday to face charges, despite claims that the 1994 ordinance does not alert landowners of their tenant's citations until it is too late to evict them.
Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey, "Point Pleasant, New Jersey Beach Bar May Lose Mercantile License for Violation of Borough Noise Ordinances and May Also be Shut Down for Fifteen Days For Illegally Conducting Sports Pool Gambling." (Mar. 20, 2000). The Asbury Park Press reports that J.P. Bailey's, a Point Pleasant Beach bar and restaurant, has violated the borough noise ordinance dozens of times and has allowed sports pool gambling to take place. Two people have been arrested for the sports pool gambling.
Pomona, California, "California Neighbors Concerned About Fairplex Entertainment Center Proposal" (Dec. 15, 1997). The Business Press reports that a year-round entertainment complex proposed for the Pomona (California) Fairplex got a nod of approval from several city council members last week.
Pompano Beach, Florida, "Pompano Beach, Florida Suffers From Airport Noise" (Dec. 10, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel printed the following letter to the editor concerning the effects of noise pollution from air traffic on Pompano Beach, Florida:
Pompano Beach, Florida, "Florida Airport Should Not be Closed, Editorial Argues" (Nov. 22, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel printed an editorial which argues that that Pompano Air Park in Pompano Beach, Florida is a valuable asset to the community, and the Federal Aviation Administration is taking the correct action by refusing to close it. Despite residents' complaints about noise pollution, the editorial says, closing the airport would only increase noise for residents near other area airports.
Pompano Beach, Florida, "Florida City Wants to Close Airport, But FAA Says it Must Stay Open" (Nov. 16, 1997). The Sun-Sentinel reports that city officials in Pompano Beach, Florida have been exploring the possibility of closing the Pompano Beach Air Park since September. But the Federal Aviation Administration, which must grant permission to close the airport, recently told city officials the airport is too important to the future aviation needs of South Florida to be shut down.
Pontiac, Illinois, "Mayor in Pontiac, Illinois Must Decide Whether Bar Violated City's Liquor Code When Its Loud Music Disturbed Next-door Neighbors" (Aug. 5, 1998). The Pantagraph reports that the mayor of Pontiac, Illinois will decide whether a local bar violated the city's noise ordinance when it played loud music disturbing its neighbors.
Port Allen, Louisiana, "City Council in Port Allen, Louisiana Votes Unanimously to Modify Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Port Allen Advocate announced the city council's unanimous vote to revise the city's noise ordinance. The revised ordinance is an effort to reduce the loud "boom box" music and is fashioned to allow the chief of police more discretion in writing citations.
Port Glasgow, Scotland, "Outdoor Festival in Port Glasgow, Scotland Cancelled Because of Noise Concerns" (Apr. 5, 2000). The Herald in Glasgow, Scotland reports that a summer festival that was to be held in Port Glasgow this summer will probably not take place. The organizers will likely not proceed with the event because they have been told that residents in Dunbartonshire will be bombarded with high levels of noise from the festival.
Port Jefferson, New York, "LI Residents Complain about Noise, Fumes, Lights from New Rail Road Yard" (Mar. 28, 1999). Newsday reports neighbors of a new Long Island Rail Road yard in Port Jefferson Station, New York, are complaining of noise, fumes, and lights.
Port Moody, Vancouver, Canada, "Canadian Mayor Backs Skytrain Tunnel Option to Reduce Noise in Small Town of Port Moody" (Apr. 19, 2000). The Vancouver Sun reported on a proposed tunnel extension under Port Moody, a self-described backwater town. At issue is the noise and visual impact that the SkyTrin has on the small city. They town's mayor told a capacity audience at a public hearing (sponsored by the Rapid Transit Project Office-RPTO) that a tunnel extension would reduce the impact.
Port Richey, Florida, "Florida Town Struggles to Reconcile Noise Issue Between Residents and Restaurant Owners" (May 12, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that due to a boom in business along Port Richey, Florida's waterfront, four restaurants are now offering live music, outdoor seating, and drinks in the evenings. But homeowners along the Pithlachascotee River and Miller's Bayou, who live directly across from the restaurants, say noise from the restaurants echoes across the water and disrupts their peace. City officials are struggling to solve the problem.
Port Richey, Florida, "Floridian Waterfront Community Fights Excessive Music From Restaurants" (May 15, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports the growing commerical restaurant business along the Pithlachascotee River in Port Richey, Florida has residents complaining about the loud live music. The city already has a noise ordinance, which councilman Ron Barnett supported a stricter enforcement of after the city council met with restaurant owners and riverfront residents.
Port Richey, Florida, "Florida Community To Decide Whether To Outlaw Outdoor Concerts" (Dec. 6, 1997). The Tampa Tribune reports that Pasco County (Florida) commissioners will decide Tuesday whether to grant a permit for an outdoor concert at Harmony Park.
Port St. Lucie, Florida, "Florida City Starts Ticketing Motorists With Loud Car Stereos After Court Ruling" (May 30, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that police in Port St. Lucie, Florida have started to issue tickets to motorists with loud car stereos, after an appeals court ruling upheld a state noise law earlier this month. The article says that police can issue tickets if car stereos can be heard more than 100 feet away.
Port St. Lucie, Florida, "Property Owners In Port St. Lucie, Florida Are Concerned With Potential Noise Impact From Proposed Roof Truss Factory" (Jul. 29, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that residents of Port St. Lucie, Florida are concerned that a proposed roof truss factory may create round-the-clock disruptive noise. The owner says that no complaints were ever received at their other location, noting that the facility will not operate 24-hours unless a disaster such as a hurricane increases demand dramatically. The proposed facility will consist of a 71,600 square foot factory, an office building, and a 14,000 square foot warehouse built on an 11-acre property.
Port St. Lucie, Florida, "Police in Port St. Lucie, Florida Crack Down on Loud Car Stereos" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Palm Beach Post reports that police in Port St. Lucie, Florida recently engaged in "Operation Silent Night," an undercover plan to ticket drivers who play their car radios and stereos too loud. They gave out traffic tickets to eighteen drivers at $50 per ticket. They also issued one misdemeanor noise violation with a fine of $100 and a notice for the driver to appear in court.
Port Washington, New York, "Fire Sirens In A New York Community Spark Controversy" (Jan. 18, 1998). Newsday reports that the Port Washington, New York fire department is being questioned by a local neighborhood organization, the Willowdale Terrace Concerned Residents, concerning the department's need to blare sirens and air horns to alert the town's volunteer firefighters to the presence of a fire. Some residents have been disturbed by the noise of the sirens; others in the neighborhood recognize the need for the firefighters to be alerted in a timely manner. The fire department is willing to try other methods, although they feel that the current system of using sirens is still the most reliable.
Portland, Connecticut, "Angry Neighbors in Connecticut Take Farmer to Court Over Noise From "Corn Cannons"" (May 27, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that residents from the Bell Court subdivision of Portland, Connecticut have taken their farmer neighbor to court over noise from propane corn cannons that scare off blackbirds from his sweet corn crop. Judge Richard Stanley is considering the case in the Middlesex Superior Court.
Portland, Maine, "Maine City Rejects Airline Maintenance Facility Development Due Partly to Noise Concerns" (Sep. 10, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that Business Express, a New Hampshire-based airline, wants to move its headquarters and maintenance operations to Portland, Maine. But city officials in Portland don't want the maintenance facility, saying it would be too noisy, too large, and wouldn't fit in with the master plan for the Portland International Jetport. Officials from the city say their decision is final, but Business Express officials and a Maine state official are trying to get them to re-consider the proposal.
Portland, Maine, "Portland Officials Concerned about Noise if Business Express Moves to Maine" (Sep. 11, 1997). The Kennebec Journal of Augusta, Maine, reports that negotiations between Portland, Maine, and New Hampshire-based Business Express, who would like to move its headquarters and maintenance operations to Maine, have reached a standstill. State officials are hoping to help the two parties come to an agreement. Portland's main objection to the move is noise pollution from the maintenance operations.
Portland, Maine, "Maine City Tries to Entice Airline to Locate Headquarters There" (Feb. 26, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports that Maine state and local officials are working on a plan to allow Business Express Airlines to locate its headquarters and maintenance facilities near the Portland International Jetport. Last fall, the city said there wasn't enough room for the airline to locate at the 636-acre airport, but the latest plan would allow the airline to locate on state-owned land near the Maine Youth Center, a juvenile detention center.
Portland, Maine, "Salvation Army In Old Orchard Beach, Maine Cited For Noise From Its Annual Meeting" (Aug. 6, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, the Salvation Army has been cited with a noise violation. The group was warned earlier this week, but noise levels from its two-week annual meeting continued to exceed local limits.
Portland, Maine, "Noise From Neighbors Disrupts Serenity in the Home; Police Say Problems Can Often Be Fixed By Going Through Proper Channels" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Portland (Maine) Press Herald printed an article in the Real Estate section about obnoxious noisy neighbors.
Portland, Oregon, "Oregon Airport Experiments With Flying Jets Over New Area in Washington State" (Apr. 21, 1998). The Columbian reports that jets leaving the Portland (Oregon) International Airport will be flying over Clark County in Washington for two or three months starting Monday as part of an experiment to consider permanent flight path changes. The article notes that jets have not flown above this area before. Airport officials are trying the experimental flight path to find out if noise can be reduced over areas with growing populations, and to learn whether residents in Clark County will notice the jet traffic and will complain about the noise.
Portland, Oregon, "Runway Work at Portland Airport to Shift Flight Patterns and Noise" (Jul. 9, 1998). The Columbian reports work on Portland International Airport's south runway will shift aircraft flight patterns and bring more noise to areas north of the airport.
Portland, Oregon, "Portland, Oregon Resident Questions PDX Airport's Claim that Airports Have "No Authority Over Aircraft In Flight"" (Nov. 14, 1999). The Columbian prints several letters to the editor, one of which has to do with aircraft noise. The writer asks whether PDX really has "no authority over aircraft in flight" as it has claimed.
Portsmouth, Virginia, "Virginia Citizens Like Waterfront Gathering Area; Some Residents Dislike its Noise" (Oct. 19, 1997). The Virginian-Pilot printed an editorial regarding a recent "Vision 2005" meeting in Portsmouth, Virginia Thursday to discuss Portside, the downtown waterfront gathering place. The columnist said a standing-room-only crowd showed up to give both positive and negative comments on the area. While some nearby residents spoke against the gathering place on the grounds of noise, many residents gave positive comments. The columnist argues that the area provides a needed community space, and that the noise impact on the surrounding area can be mitigated.
Poway, California, "In Wake of Noise Complaints, San Diego Council Asks Marines to Alter Helicopter Flight Patterns" (Feb. 11, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the San Diego City Council will ask the Miramar Naval Air Station to modify its helicopter flight patterns after a number of residents voiced noise complaints.
Powell, Wyoming, "Residents of Powell, Wyoming Still Finding Stock Car Races Too Loud After New Noise Ordinance Established" (May 15, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that in Powell, Wyoming where a new noise ordinance has just been established, residents still find the County Fairground stock car races too loud. The new ordinance sets a limit of 80 decibels at 100 feet, and readings taken on May 8 showed an acceptable average; however, residents claim that particularly loud times still exceed the limits. A resident suggested planting a row of trees to buffer the race noise, and the Park Board is looking into the possibility.
Prague, Czech Republic, "Controversial Wall in Czechoslovakia Used Against Gypsies is Purchased by Zoo as Noise Control Wall" (Apr. 5, 2000). AP Worldstream reports that a zoo in the Czech Republic is purchasing an infamous concrete wall that had been used to separate Gypsy families from the rest of the inhabitants in their town. The zoo intends to donate a portion of the wall to a museum, and to use the rest of it as a noise barrier between the zoo and the road that runs alongside it.
Prague, Czechoslovakia, "Noise Found to be Most Prominent Pollution in Prague" (Oct. 29, 1997). CTK National News Wire reports that forty percent of the Prague, Czechoslovakia, population is exposed to noise levels exceeding 65 decibels during the day, compared to between 20 and 30 percent in other large towns in the Czech Republic, according to an Environment Ministry report submitted to cabinet and released to the press today. The report, which covers the year 1996, says that most noise pollution is caused by road traffic.
Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin, "Authorities at Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin's Lake Wisconsin Use Airplane Surveillance to Record Violators of Personal Watercraft Laws" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that 14 County Conservation wardens at Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin's Lake Wisconsin will be joined by an airplane in an effort to catch violators of personal water craft rules. The airplane will be used to record violations on video. Complaints from lakefront residents about noise, as well as concerns about environmental destruction and safety issues, prompted the rules and the crack-down. Boaters will be given warnings, but wardens will give tickets when necessary; while personal watercraft represent only 5 percent of registered boats on the lake, they are involved in a much higher percentage of the accidents there.
Prince George's County, Maryland, "Maryland County Approves Plans for Massive Development, Pending Satisfactory Noise and Traffic Mitigation Measures" (Jun. 3, 1998). The Washington Post reports that the County Council in Prince George's County, Maryland voted 8 to 1 yesterday to approve plans for National Harbor, a massive entertainment and retail development, as long as the developer first addresses noise and traffic concerns. The decision came after the County Council created special rules for the project last summer to speed up its approval process, including a provision that stipulated the developer did not have to submit a detailed site plan for the project. The $1 billion project still must be approved by the National Capital Planning Commission, the article notes, which is conducting an environmental study of the project and is not expected to vote on the issue until late 1998 or early 1999.
Pringletown, South Carolina, "Opponents of Proposed South Carolina Racetrack Appeal State Decision that Noise Won't Damage Surrounding Countryside" (Nov. 27, 1997). The Post and Courier reports that opponents of a proposed racetrack in Pringletown, South Carolina have appealed a decision by the state Department of Health and Environmental Control that the track's noise level will not adversely affect Francis Beidler Forest. The appellant in the case has claimed that comparisons made between the proposed track and another track are invalid because the topography and existing background noise are very different.
Prospect Heights and Wheeling, Illinois, "Study Likely Will Be Undertaken on Noise Levels at Illinois Airport" (Oct. 1, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that officials in Prospect Heights and Wheeling, Illinois likely will commission a noise study for noise produced at the Palwaukee Municipal Airport, in response to complaints by residents. The two communities jointly own the airport, the article notes.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Noise Pollution is Everywhere" (Jun. 20, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports in an editorial that an average day is a day of "audio assault," whether you live in the city or the country. The editorial writer discusses some of the noises that constitute "outrageous invasions," and cause stress, fright, heart disease, and violence.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Editorial: Making Providence, Rhode Island Safe for Civility" (Aug. 13, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following editorial from Dave Brussat, which discusses noise as one element in the quest for civility in urban life. Dave Brussat editorial discusses the Mayor's recent commitment to eliminating motorcycle noise in the context of the larger need to remove all "stigmas of disorder" for the revitalization of older neighborhoods and the city as a whole.And let Hizzoner memorize City Journal, which has been the Bible in New York. Every issue is a sort of Clausewitz on the war to save our cities.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Mayor Assigns Two Additional Police Officers to Buttress Enforcement of Noise Ordinance in Providence, Rhode Island" (Aug. 14, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Mayor Vincent A. Cianci Jr. has decided to assign two additional police officers to downtown Providence to buttress enforcement of the city's noise ordinance.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Noise created by nighttime construction of Providence, Rhode Island mall keeps nearby hotel guests from sleeping" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that construction of Providence Place, a new mall in Providence, Rhode Island, is keeping some Westin Hotel guests up at night. They're losing sleep listening to the pounding of piles all night long at the mall site across Memorial Boulevard from the Westin. Construction times are dictated by Amtrak, which won't allow construction crews on the railroad tracks in the daytime when trains are running. The mall is to be built over the tracks.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Providence Resident Wants Police to Enforce Noise Pollution Laws" (Jun. 24, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following editorial from resident Edward Moncada, encouraging police enforcement of noise regulations in Providence, Rhode Island. Moncada writes:
Providence, Rhode Island, "Town Council Approves Expansion of Indoor Skateboard Facility" (Oct. 6, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a skateboard facility will be expanding in spite of neighbors' complaints about noise.
Providence, Rhode Island, "FAA Adds $1Million to Soundproofing Fund at RI's Green Airport" (Sep. 21, 1998). The Associated Press reports T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode, Island, is getting $1 million from the Federal Aviation Administration to insulate neighboring homes against jet noise.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Providence, Rhode Island Town Council to Amend Nuisance Ordinance so Owners of Barking Dogs Must Quiet their Pets or Lose Them" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Providence, Rhode Island's Town Council plans to amend their nuisance ordinance to quiet barking dogs. Instead of the current system of impounding dogs and then freeing them after payment of a small fine -- which does not necessarily solve the noise problem -- the new system will require owners to propose a strategy for quieting their dogs before they can reclaim them.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Providence, Rhode Island City Council Proposes Revisions to Toughen Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 3, 1999). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the City Council of Providence, Rhode Island is making revisions to their ordinance that should make enforcement easier and stiffen fines. The revisions come as noise complaints continue to roll in during the loud summer season, and are meant to target car radios, amplification systems, and home stereos. Excessive noise is defined loosely as"any noise audible at a distance of 200 feet from its source by a person of normal hearing," allowing officers to make a judgment call. $100 fines will be the minimum, and will double for uncontested violations. Repeat offenders will draw a $100 surcharge on top of any fine. Fines will be $500 for violators who contest a fine but are found guilty, or they may serve up to 10 days in jail.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Providence, Rhode Island Hip-Hop Music Club Has Liquor License Threatened, Due to Problems with Parking, Noise, and Violence" (Nov. 24, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a hip-hop music club operating in Providence, Rhode Island is having its liquor license threatened after continued noise, violence, and parking problems continue to draw complaints. A city councilman, together with a citizens association and other residents, is asking that the club's license not be renewed. The owner says that the club is being blamed for problems it hasn't caused, but has said that she may consider a change of format from hip-hop to top-40 to draw a quieter clientele.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Bookstore/Restaurant in Providence, Rhode Island Has License Renewed, With the Understanding That It Must Keep the Noise Down" (Dec. 1, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a combination bookstore and restaurant in Providence, Rhode Island had its license renewed on the condition that it keep the noise down. The owner of the restaurant has fired his manager from the summer, and the new manager has implemented strict closing rules designed to keep the noise down by reducing loitering.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Main Runway Repaving at Providence, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport Temporarily Changes Noise Patterns" (Sep. 19, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that during a two-week paving job of the main runway at Providence, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport, aircraft will be using a shorter secondary runway. Some communities may experience increased noise. Also, airlines have sold fewer tickets to lighten their load and allow the use of the shorter runway.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Reader Warns of Danger of Honking Automobile Horns at Horseback Riders on Road" (Feb. 17, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following Letter to the Editor by a reader who is concerned about the dangers of automobiles, especially of honking horns, when cars are sharing the road with horseback riders. The following letter is printed in its entirety:Needless to say, a fast-moving vehicle and a horse, in close proximity, can be a downright deadly combination.
Providence, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Club Loses Renewal of Permit" (Jan. 11, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reported on the city council's rejection of a permit renewal for the Club Confetti because of noise, traffic and unruly customers. The vote was four to one.
Provincetown, Massachusetts, "Whale Song Researcher Works With Students from the American School for the Deaf to Examine the Possibility that Whales Are Losing Their Hearing" (Jul. 11, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that a researcher from the University of Connecticut is working with two teenage students at the American School for the Deaf on the question of whether whales may be losing their hearing due to man-made noise. The students feel that hearing loss is something they may have in common with the whales. Whales need their hearing to survive, but will not leave noisy feeding grounds that is as loud and dangerous to a whale's hearing as to humans living near an airport. They will study whether whale songs match noise patterns, which would indicate that the whales may hear, and be injured by, the noise.
Puget Sound, Washington, "Researchers to Set Underwater Sonic Blasts in Puget Sound; Biologists Worry About Noise Impacts on Marine Mammals" (May 30, 1997). The News Tribune reports that scientists plan to set off a succession of underwater blasts in Puget Sound (Washington) next spring to study the geologic faults beneath the region and learn more about which areas are most earthquake-prone. But biologists are worried that the underwater noise could disturb or even harm whales, porpoises, seals, and sea lions in the area.
Puget Sound, Washington, "University of Puget Sound in Washington Will Extend Their Student Conduct Code to Student Behavior Off-Campus" (Sep. 8, 1999). The News Tribune reports that the University of Puget Sound in Washington will be extending its student code to off-campus student behavior. Student Government, armed with 1,250 signatures from students opposing the policy, says students are already subject to community laws off-campus. A local neighborhood council agrees, saying that preventive measures should take precedence over disciplinary ones. Complaints from community residents have said that some University students are sources of "noise, garbage, and obnoxious behavior." Anything that puts anyone in danger, damages property, or violates alcohol or drug laws could result in punishment ranging from warnings to expulsion.
Pulaski, Virginia, "Pulaski County Supervisors Can't Agree with Planning Commission on Which Body Should Initiate a Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 28, 1999). The Roanoke Times & World News reports that Pulaski County's Board of Supervisors can't agree with the Planning Commission on who should take the first step towards a new noise ordinance. The Board referred the matter to the Commission but wouldn't promise to seriously consider adopting any ordinance that the Commission drafted. The Board is doing research into other ordinances. A local businessman pointed out that Pulaski is the only community in the area that requires citizens to personally obtain a warrant from a magistrate to address noise issues.
Pullman, Washington, "Washington City to Consider Reinstating Noise Ordinance on First Weekend of School Year" (Apr. 26, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that the City Council in Pullman, Washington will consider a proposal to reinstate the noise ordinance on the first Friday and Saturday nights of the school year. The council lifted the city noise ordinance last year on those nights, which caused a "hue and cry from members of the public," according to Pullman Police Chief Ted Weatherly. The noise ordinance is intended partly to curb noisy parties at Washington State University, the article notes.
Punta Gorda, Florida, "Florida Residents Frustrated by Noise; City Council Says it's Powerless to Intervene" (Mar. 4, 1999). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports Punta Gorda, Florida, residents who say they're disturbed by music from Fishermen's Village, a complex of bars, restaurants and shops, aren't getting any help from their city council.
Put-In-Bay, Ohio, "Put-In-Bay, Ohio Create Noise Ordinance to Reduce Volume Competition Between Bars Meant to Attract Customers" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Put-In-Bay, Ohio has created a noise ordinance to crack down on bars which compete with each other by turning up their music. Police will now fine those who exceed 95 decibels on weekends and holidays $100.
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