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Quebec CANADA, Montreal, "Environment Committee at Montreal International Airport(Dorval) Analyzes Noise Complaints" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Gazette reports new procedures to reduce noise at Montreal International Airport (Dorval) have been in effect for one month, but it's too soon to judge their effectiveness.

Quebec, Cote St. Luc, "Noise-Weary Residents From Two More Communities in Quebec Joined Class Action Suit Against Two Canadian Railways" (Sep. 16, 1999). The Gazette reports that at a public hearing in Cote St. Luc, Quebec regarding railway noise, dozens of residents learned about a class action suit that they may be able to join. The suit, instigated by a man in a nearby community, will try to force the railways to compensate residents for the noise and reduce noise and pollution. Currently, the man is asking for $25,000 in damages. A similar case was recently won against CN, ruling that the rail company must reduce noise.

Quebec, Montreal, "Some Montreal Residents Say Neighborhoods and Bars Don't Mix, Citing Noise and Traffic" (Jul. 2, 1998). The Gazette reports bars and restaurants in residential area of Montreal have become controversial. Residents complain about noise. West End business owners say they are working to peacefully co-exist in neighborhoods.

Quebec, Montreal, "Highway Improvements and Sound Barriers to Reduce Noise in Montreal's East End" (Mar. 5, 1998). The Gazette of Montreal, Quebec, reports the Quebec government announced a $35-million plan to improve the road system around Highway 25. Those improvements will make life quieter for thousands of residents of Montreal's east end, Mayor Pierre Bourque said yesterday.

Quebec, Montreal, "Noise Control Officers in Montreal Outfitted to Monitor Noise of All Types" (May 24, 1999). The Gazette reports on Montreal's Noise Control Officers, and the problems that their urban counterparts everywhere face. This quote-heavy article is a humorous, literary take on urban noise. Montreal itself forbids construction noise between 7 PM and 7 AM. The city has a noise department to deal with relatively constant sounds (like air conditioners, ventilation systems, etc).

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