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Jackson, Mississippi, "Mississippi House Approves Noise Pollution Immunity for Shooting Range" (Feb. 10, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports Mississippi state government endorsed civil immunity from noise pollution for a proposed firing range.
Jackson, Wyoming, "FAA Approves Terminal Expansion and Parking Garage at Jackson, Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport, Rejects Plans for New Radar System and Noise-Reducing Restrictions" (Jun. 7, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that the Federal Aviation Administration approved a terminal expansion and new parking garage at Jackson, Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport. The 10,000 square foot terminal expansion will make room for additional gates. Plans to move rental-car company parking off-site may free up more parking for the public, eliminating the need for the new parking garage. The proposals were part of an environmental assessment presented to the FAA as part of a long-term plan for airport expansion. Other parts of the plan, such as noise-reduction initiatives, were rejected because costs involved were not clearly justified.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Construction Noise Irritates Residents in Florida City" (Aug. 30, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that residents in the San Pablo Creek subdivision in Jacksonville, Florida are complaining about noise from the construction of an 800-unit apartment complex near their homes. Residents voiced their complaints at a town meeting Tuesday with Mayor John Delaney at Alimacani Elementary School.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Florida Community Studies Amphitheater Proposal" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that officials in Jacksonville, Florida said a new sound study has raised questions that are forcing them to rethink plans for building a 17,000-seat amphitheater in Metropolitan Park.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Residents Along Florida Interstate Get Three Miles of Noise Barriers; Landscaping Options Around Barriers are Explored" (Jun. 28, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that about three miles of noise barriers are being erected in Jacksonville, Florida along sections of Interstate 95 as part of a project to widen the interstate by one lane on each side. The article goes on to outline how the areas surrounding the noise barriers will be or could be landscaped to mitigate their ugliness, and to report that many residents are already pleased with the outcome of the reduced traffic noise.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Residents Oppose Outdoor Amphitheater in Florida" (Oct. 18, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that a debate over whether the City of Jacksonville, Florida should build an amphitheater in Metropolitan Park is heating up. At a meeting Monday of the Southwest Citizens Planning Advisory Committee, two residents expressed their opposition to the proposal on behalf of a citizens group. City representatives did not attend the meeting, the article reports.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Public Opinion Poll Favoring Renovation of Amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida Considered Biased" (Apr. 5, 1998). The Florida Times-Union printed a column by Dave Roman on April 5, 1998 concerning a public opinion poll that found voters supported, by a 2 to 1 margin, the renovation of the Amphitheater at Metropolitan Park in Jackson, Florida.
Jacksonville, Florida, "In Jacksonville, Florida, Smaller is Better in the Noise and Music Wars" (Jan. 18, 1998). The Florida Times-Union, in a longer article that makes a bid for a Metropolitan Park amphitheater, recalls the mere fifteen thousand fans who went to the Gator Bowl to hear the Who in 1976. While 15,000 appeared awkward in the Gator Bowl, think how nicely they would fit at a proposed new Metropolitan Park amphitheater, the article suggested A snug audience right up against the riverfront park's new seating capacity of 17,000 would be a compelling picture for all the world to see. The article goes on to suggest that other groups may be enticed by such a comfortable number. It also compares and contrasts the behavior of a larger concert audience to that of a smaller one by citing injury statistics from both small crowd a the 1976 concert and the 70,000 at a concert played by the Rolling Stones.
Jacksonville, Florida, "City-Imposed Sound Limits May Limit Performances at Proposed Amphitheater" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Florida Times-Union reports that Jacksonville, Florida officials have placed a 'non-negotiable' limit of 105 decibels on bands performing at a proposed amphitheater. According to The Cellar Door Cos., the promoter negotiating to run the facility, that wouldn't prevent putting topnotch acts on stage. This is despite the fact that one promoter has said acts like KISS, Boston, Alan Jackson or Sawyer Brown generally play at 110 to 130 decibels and country star Travis Tritt's show July 4 at the current pavilion at Metro Park registered highs of 117 decibels.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Noise Wall is Completed in Florida City" (Jul. 11, 1998). The Florida Times-Union reports that a noise wall has been completed in Jacksonville, Florida along Interstate 95 from north of Emerson Street to south of University Boulevard. Residents are mostly happy with the noise wall, the article says.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Jacksonville Considering New Enforceable Noise Laws" (Jun. 27, 1998). The State Journal Register reports the city of Jacksonville, Florida, is looking at a new proposal to restrict noise in neighborhoods.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Jacksonville, Florida Residents Concerned About Noise from Proposed Flyover Ramp That Would Bypass a Currently Congested Intersection" (Apr. 28, 1999). The Florida Times-Union reports that a flyover ramp in Jacksonville, Florida -- designed to take pressure off of a busy intersection that currently serves approximately 116,000 motorists -- is drawing objections from residents who don't want the increased noise. Residents claim that new traffic will now be on their streets, raising noise levels. The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has prioritized the plan, along with the Florida Department of Transportation because of the severely congested intersection. It is estimated that a proposed connector will reduce traffic at the intersection to 89,000 by 2010, but the flyway is still needed.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Noise Concerns Delay Florida Recycling Plant Opening" (Dec. 11, 1999). The Florida Times-Union reported on the delay in opening Angelo's Aggregate Materials, a concrete recycling plant because of dust and noise concerns.
Jacksonville, Florida, "Jacksonville, Florida Resident Upset by Construction Equipment Backup Beepers, but Beepers are Exempt from Noise Limits" (Oct. 16, 1999). The Florida Times-Union prints a question and answer column dealing with construction, housing, and highway issues. One person asked if the Jacksonville, Florida noise code forbids beepers that signal the backing up of late-night construction equipment. In fact, the beepers are mandated by the federal government to be exempt from local noise laws.
Jacksonville, Florida area, "Florida Residents Living Near Proposed Lakeshore Park Are Worried About Noise" (Nov. 15, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that residents in Eagle Harbor, in the Jacksonville, Florida area, are worried about the county's plans to build a 3-acre recreational park on Doctors Lake off Lakeshore Drive North, because of the potential noise from loud, late-night music. The county planning commission will hold a public hearing on the matter on December 2, and will decide the matter on December 23.
Jaffrey, New Hampshire, "Jaffrey, New Hampshire Police Begin Enforcement of Noise Ordinance" (Aug. 28, 1999). The Union Leader reports that after loud car stereos caused noise problems outside quiet memorial day services this year, police in Jaffrey, New Hampshire decided to begin enforcing their noise ordinance. The ordinance also covers barking dogs, and loud motorcycles. Fines are $100.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, "The Boston Globe" (Jul. 18, 1999). The Boston Globe reports that in response to increasing noise complaints several years ago, police officers in Boston, Massachusetts' Jamaica Plain neighborhood instituted "Operation Sound-Off." Police respond to noise-hotline complaints with three decibel meters, warning first-time violators but ticketing repeat violators $100 and sometimes requiring a court appearance. Holidays, weekend cookouts and cultural celebrations are not subject to the ordinance.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, "Letter: Third Runway at Logan Airport Will Only Dump More Noise on Boston's Citizens" (Mar. 21, 1999). The Boston Globe published a letter from Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, resident Moira Raftery. In her letter, Raftery protests a new runway at Boston's Logan Airport where the congested city's citizens are already adversely affected by airplane noise. Raftery writes:
Jamaica, New York City, "Jamaica, New York City Reverent Supports Congressional Bill to Force Concorde to Comply with Noise Regulations" (Nov. 15, 1999). Newsday reports that a reverend in Jamaica, New York City has asked an old friend -- now influential in the U.S. Congress -- to help reduce aircraft noise from Kennedy Airport by supporting a bill passed by the House and pending in the Senate. The bill would force the heretofore exempt Concorde supersonic jet to comply with noise regulations, and would also strengthen those regulations for all aircraft.
Jamestown, New York, "Police in New York Town Crack Down on Loud Car Stereos" (Jul. 24, 1998). The Buffalo News reports that police in Jamestown, New York have started to crack down on loud car stereos recently, after a new noise ordinance was passed by the City Council earlier this year. The article goes on to describe a citation that was issued by a police officer for a loud car stereo on Wednesday.
Jean, Nevada, "Activist Decries Lack of Public Process for Proposed Air Cargo Airport in Nevada" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal printed an editorial by Randy Harkness, chair of the Southern Nevada chapter of the Sierra Club, regarding a proposed air cargo airport near Jean, Nevada. The writer criticizes an earlier editorial in the paper on the subject, and goes on to say that the proposed airport could create many noise and environmental problems. The project should not be undertaken without a complete public process, which is not now happening, the writer says. The Sierra Club is opposing a provision regarding the airport in an appropriations bill because it would further prevent public input, the editorial says.
Jefferson City, Missouri, "Missouri Bill Introduced to Ban "Jake Brakes"" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Associated Press reports that Roger Albright of Stewartsville, Missouri recently met with the Missouri Senate Transportation Committee to complain about loud truck "Jake Brakes" and to ask for legislation outlawing them. Albright claims that eighteen wheelers routinely engage the brakes on the road near his home, making it extremely difficult to sleep.
Jefferson County, Colorado, "Colorado Residents Opposed to Proposed Rock Quarry" (Apr. 21, 1998). The Denver Post reports that residents in Jefferson County, Colorado are opposed to a proposed quarry at a site in Coal Creek Canyon that would mine up to 70 rail cars of rock a day. Residents from Crescent Park, a subdivision to the west of the quarry site, and Plainview, a rural community to the east, say their homes will be filled with noise and dust, and their wells will dry up if the quarry is built. Residents will meet tonight representatives of the quarry company to discuss the proposal.
Jefferson County, Colorado, "Commissioners In Jefferson County, Colorado Will Soon Hold Last Public Hearing On Proposed Quarry Near Eldorado Canyon State Park" (Nov. 9, 1999). The Denver Rocky Mountain News reports that the last public hearing on a proposed quarry near Jefferson County, Colorado's Eldorado State Park will be held soon. The county staff's report sides with residents and state legislators in opposing the project based on possible noise problems.
Jefferson County, Colorado, "Jefferson County, Colorado Commissioners Reject Proposed Quarry" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Denver Post reports that Jefferson County, Colorado commissioners rejected a proposal for a quarry on Scar Top Mountain. According to the company, technology would have reduced water, air, and noise pollution, but commissioners sided with residents, open-space advocates, and water experts that worried about possible environmental repercussions.
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, "Jefferson Parish Parish Council Passes Airboat Noise Regulation" (Apr. 24, 1997). A new ordinance limiting airboat noise in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, has been passed by the Parish Council, The Times-Picayune reports. One boat owner plans to challenge the new rules.
Jefferson, Louisiana, "Louisiana Officials to Make Final Decision on Building Noise Wall Along Interstate" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Times-Picayune reports that Louisiana state officials are set to make a final decision about building noise walls along Interstate 10 in Jefferson. The article notes that officials will make a final decision about the placement and composition of the noise walls in August.
Jerome, Arizona, "Jerome, Arizona "Ex-Hippie" Residents Push Noise Ordinance to Restrict Large, Noisy Biker Population" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that "ex-hippies" living in Jerome, Arizona are pushing for a noise ordinance that would provide relief from noisy, smelly motorcycles ridden by a large biker population. The ordinance would prohibit noise of over 80 decibels at 25 feet from the source.
Johnston, Rhode Island, "RI Town Goes to Court to Stop Night-Time Noise from Asphalt Plant" (Nov. 20, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the noise from late-night paving in Johnston, Rhode Island, has turned into a legal issue.
Johnston, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Night Club Owners Appeal Noise Violation: Claim it is Unconstitutional" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to an article in the Providence Journal-Bulletin, the Town Council suspended a local business for violating an after-hours noise ordinance, but stayed the suspension when a Superior Court judge issued a temporary restraining order allowing the club to operate until a new court hearing.
Johnston, Rhode Island, "Johnston, Rhode Island Nightclub Loses License for Sixty Days for Noise Ordinance Violation" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin in Rhode Island reports that a nightclub, Club Starzz, has hat its license suspended for 60 days for violating the noise ordinance in the town of Johnston. If convicted of the violation in court, the club could also be required to pay a fine of $50. The club's lawyers are also seeking to have another town ordinance of which the club has been found in violation, governing after-hours operations, overturned because of unconstitutionality.
Johnston, Rhode Island, "Johnston, Rhode Island Nightclub's License Suspended for Violation of Town Ordinances" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a nightclub in Johnston, Rhode Island has had its business license suspended for sixty days for violating the town's noise ordinance and a club operating hours ordinance. Club Starzz's owners plan to appeal the Town Council's decision in court.
Johor Baru, Malaysia, "Reader Bothered By Noise From All-Night Discos" (Mar. 14, 2000). The New Straits Times published a letter to the editor from a reader who has been bothered by the noise from all-night discos. The letter is reprinted below in its entirety:
Jupiter Farms, Florida, "Jupiter Farms, Florida Residents Oppose Proposed Raceway; Track Officials Say Noise Should Be Slight" (Nov. 28, 1999). The Jupiter Courier reports that residents near Jupiter Farms, Florida are concerned that a proposed speedway in the community would create noise problems. Buffering and other techniques will be used to ease noise problems, but track officials said "I'm not sure we'll ever reach complete agreement with [the residents] on [noise]."
Jupiter Farms, Florida, "Jupiter Farms, Florida Residents Meet With Walgreens Officials To Voice Concerns: Walgreens Noncommittal" (Mar. 22, 2000). According to the Jupiter Courier, around 150 local residents met as a group with representatives of Walgreens to discuss their concerns about a planned 650,000-square-foot distribution center at the Palm Beach Park of Commerce. The article said residents asked questions about noise, lighting and traffic.
Jupiter Island, Florida, "Commissioner in Jupiter Island, Florida Says Noise Ordinance Doesn't Go Far Enough In Limiting Construction Noise" (Dec. 9, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that at least one commissioner in Jupiter Island, Florida believes a recently passed noise ordinance is not doing enough to reduce construction noise. Although loud construction equipment is forbidden in the winter -- when most residents are in town -- and all work is restricted to between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., some are still bothered by hammering from construction.
Jupiter Island, Florida, "Jupiter Island, Florida Bans Noisy Winter Construction" (Jul. 13, 1999). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that Jupiter Island, Florida has banned construction noise during the winter season, when most of its 600 residents are there. A noise will be considered too loud if "in its operation [it] would render the enjoyment of property within the town less agreeable." During the summer, noise is limited to between 8:30 and 5:30 during the week, and to between 8:30 and 1 PM on Saturdays. Equipment that produces noise louder than 65 decibels at a neighboring property is prohibited at any time of year.
Jupiter Island, Florida, "Jupiter Island, Florida Will Likely Include Summer Equipment Ban in its Noise Ordinance Amendment" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Stuart News/Port St. Lucie News reports that Jupiter Island, Florida plans to amend its noise ordinance to prevent some construction equipment from operating on Saturdays in the summer months. The current noise ordinance bans the equipment from November 1 through April 15 only. Under the amendment, the equipment would be allowed to continue operating only with permission from the property owner's neighbors.
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