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Aberavon, Wales, "Residents in Aberavon, Wales To Experience Construction Noise From Morning to Night" (Mar. 27, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported that Baglan Moors Hospital is scheduled to begin construction and its neighbors were warned at a public meeting to expect noise from pile driving 11 hours a day.
Aberdeen, Maryland, "Weapons Testing In Maryland Worries Residents" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Hellfire, a helicopter-launched missile, will be tested at Abbey Point in Maryland and will be fired at a remote area of the proving ground. Area residents worry about the noise and environmental effects.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Scottish Resident Upset About Neighbor's Plan for a Pigeon Loft" (Jul. 27, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports that a resident in the Aberdeen, Scotland area has applied for permission to build a loft for racing pigeons in the shared back yard of his council apartment. However, the article says, the next-door neighbor is opposing the plan, saying the pigeons will create noise and make a mess. Planning officers at the Aberdeen City Council have recommended that councilors approve the plan, and the issue will be discussed at Thursday's planning committee meeting.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Scottish Planning Committee Delays Ruling on Noise Problems at Quarry" (Jul. 11, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports the Highland Council's Ross and Cromarty area planning committee, near Aberdeen, Scotland, has delayed a ruling on noise problems by the quarry operator Leiths, on its Tor Achilty quarry near Contin, until September. The committee is set to consider a breach of the quarry's planning conditions related to noise levels. Committee members delayed their ruling in order to allow the quarry to finish work which is intended to minimize the noise.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "City in Scotland Publishes Guide for Residents with Noise Problems" (Jul. 1, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports the City Council of Aberdeen, Scotland, is addressing the growing noise pollution problem by publishing noise reduction guidelines for residents.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Aberdeen Say New Takeout Business Will Increase Noise, Litter, and Traffic" (May 7, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports local residents are irate over food takeaway plans, which they claim will make their lives miserable by adding to existing noise and traffic problems.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "New Aberdeen Industrial Park in Suburb Looks for Quiet Businesses" (May 8, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports noise is absent from Aberdeen's latest industrial park that is located in the middle of a suburb.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Residents Object to New Nightclub in Scotland, But City Recommends Approval" (Jun. 6, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports residents in Aberdeen, Scotland are protesting a bid to convert the Q Brasserie on Alford Place from a restaurant into a nightclub. Residents say there already are many nightclubs in the area, and another one would only increase the levels of late-night noise and disturbances. But, the article says, Peter Cockhead, the city's planning and strategic development director, has recommended that the change be allowed. The planning (development control) committee will consider the application next Thursday.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Health Officers Promise to Investigate Complaints Regarding Low Frequency Noise" (Oct. 5, 1998). The Aberdeen Evening Express says that environmental health officers will monitor low frequency noise levels emanating from an Abderdeen dairy. According to the article their new "state of the art" equipment can filter noise frequencies.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Scotland City Gets a Noise Complaint a Day" (Jul. 7, 1999). The Aberdeen Evening News reports that the Aberdeen City Council launched the third National Noise Action Awareness Day to educate residents about noise and its impact on others.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Proposed Dog Kennel Causes Concern by Neighbors in Aberdeenshire, Scotland" (Mar. 15, 2000). The Aberdeen, Scotland Press and Journal reports that plans for a dog boarding kennel at New Pitsgligo have met with resistance from neighbors who are worried about increased traffic and noise.
Aberdeen, Scotland, "Stonehaven, Scotland Restaurant Owner Requests Permission to Build Apartments Above Restaurant" (Mar. 17, 2000). The Aberdeen Press and Journal in Scotland reports that a restaurant owner has asked the Stonehaven council to approve his request to add apartments upstairs from his restaurant. The council has been hesitant to grant approval because of noise concerns. The restaurant owner says, however, that only he and his family will be occupying the apartments and will be unaffected by the noise from their own restaurant or surrounding areas.
Aberdeen, United Kingdom, "Construction at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Causes Too Much Noise; Cardiac Patients Were Given Only Earplugs, and Staff Were Subjected to the Noise Unprotected" (Aug. 25, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that construction at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary has been stopped until a way can be found that reduces the noise that cardiac patients and staff have to endure. The only option proposed is moving the cardiac patients away from the noise but they must somehow remain close to cardiac equipment that is difficult to move.
Aberdeen, United Kingdom, "Housing Development Proposal that Would Place Residences Near Noisy Granite Firm Was Rejected in Aberdeen, U.K." (Dec. 3, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the Aberdeen city council rejected a housing development proposal that would have placed residences near a noisy granite firm in an industrial area.
Aberdeen, United Kingdom, "Approval of Proposed Hotel and Housing Development In Aberdeen, U.K. Is In Question Due to Potential Rail and Airport Noise" (Nov. 2, 1999). The Aberdeen Evening Express reports that planners say a proposed hotel and housing development in Aberdeen, U.K. may be too near to a noisy railroad and airport, and worry that future complaints will be directed at airport noise, or noise from established area businesses.
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, "Scottish Council Turns Down Application for Off-Road Driving Center" (May 29, 1998). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the council in Aberdeenshire, Scotland voted 5-3 to reject an application for planning permission for an off-road driving center in Deeside. The article says that the company Making Treks was asked earlier by the council to undertake an independent noise-pollution survey related to the proposed project. Company officials say they commissioned the survey, which concluded that there would be no noise pollution, but councilors ignored that information or were not given the results of the survey before voting. The company intends to appeal the decision, the article says.
Acadia National Park, Maine, "Maine's Acadia National Park is First National Park to Ban Jet Skis" (Jul. 13, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that Acadia National Park, near Bar Harbor, Maine, has become the first national park in the country to ban personal watercraft in its lakes and ponds. The article explains that the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission and the National Park System currently are working on rules that would restrict personal watercraft on many water bodies throughout the country. According to the article, Acadia used the state's Great Ponds law to achieve its ban. Meanwhile, the National Park Service is considering banning Jet Skis at nine other national parks, including Mount Ranier in Washington and Voyageurs in Minnesota.
Ada County, Idaho, "Idaho County Passes Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 10, 1997). The Idaho Statesman reports that the Ada County (Idaho) Commission has approved a noise ordinance that bans "loud or offensive" noise that is audible 100 feet or more from the source between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. The ordinance covers Boise, Idaho and all other locations in the county.
Ada, Michigan, "Residents Seek Relief from Nightly Rail Noise" (Mar. 9, 1998). The Grand Rapids Press reports Ada residents have organized to curb incessant night time train noise in their neighborhood. Their prospects for success appear dim.
Adams, Pennsylvania, "Small Town Turned Suburb Suffering from Noise Pollution in Pennsylvania" (Aug. 12, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that life is miserable for some township residents in Adams, Pennsylvania. Residents complained to the Township Supervisors about noise emanating from dirt bikes and industrial functions. They are asking town supervisors to adopt a noise ordinance so noisemakers can be brought to court.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, "Commetary Says Stricter Rules Justified for Noise Reduction in Addis Ababa" (Aug. 11, 1998). The Monitor published an editorial advocating the new strict noise regulations in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The writer believes it's better to enforce controls now before the city becomes hopelessly polluted.
Addison, Illinois, "Addison, Illinois Hires Consultant to Determine if Sound Wall Would Effectively Reduce Highway Noise, Although Some Say Addison Couldn't Afford the Wall Anyway" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Addison, Illinois has decided to hire a noise consultant to determine whether a noise wall could ease noise for residents in the Oak Mill neighborhood. Some officials say the the city would have trouble paying for the $1-million-per-mile wall even if it would help. Proponents hope to get half of the money from Illinois' FIRST construction program, and to get the rest from other grants or by postponing less important village projects.
Addison, Illinois, "Addison, Illinois Officials Approve Noise Study to Determine Potential Effectiveness of a Noise Wall on Interstate 290" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports that officials in Addison, Illinois have approved a noise study which will determine whether a noise wall on Interstate 290 could effectively reduce traffic noise in the community. The study will cost $30,000, and if a noise wall is deemed effective, officials say they will pursue their half of the wall cost -- which would be about $500,000 -- from the state's FIRST program and other state grants.
Addison, Illinois, "Addison, Illinois Officials Approve Study on I-290 Highway Noise" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Addison, Illinois officials have approved a $25,000 study to determine whether a noise wall along Interstate 290 would help muffle noise. Officials are past their fears that they may not be able to obtain money for the wall if it were deemed necessary; several state grant programs are available and several community projects may be postponed.
Addison, Illinois, "Addison, Illinois Toughens Noise Ordinance to Address Loud Car Stereos" (Jan. 28, 2000). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Addison, Illinois has changed its noise ordinance to prohibit stereos systems or mufflers from being heard 75 feet away from a vehicle.
Adelaide, Austrailia, "Claim Made that a Labor Federal Government Would Ensure A Decrease in Noise Impact from Airport in Adelaide, Australia" (Jun. 16, 1998). Australian General News reports that a spokesperson for the opposition transport, Lindsay Tanner, said today that a Labor federal government would decrease the impact of aircraft noise around Adelaide Airport. "A Labor government will ensure that every home in Australia seriously affected by aircraft noise is entitled to equal access to insulation," Tanner was quoted saying in the article.
Adelaide, Australia, "Aircraft Noise Becomes an Issue in South Australian Election Campaign" (Sep. 23, 1997). The AAP Newsfeed reports that aircraft noise became an issue in the South Australian election campaign today, when the ALP (Labor party) called for the nighttime curfew at Adelaide Airport to become federal law.
Adelaide, Australia, "South Australian Government Will Monitor Noise Levels in Nightclubs" (Sep. 9, 1997). AAP Newsfeed reports that the South Australian government will monitor noise levels in nightclubs, hotels, and at concert venues in a project that will seek to improve the health of workers in the entertainment and hospitality industries.
Agoura, California, "California Wedding Retreat Site and Neighbors Continue Five-Year Feud Over Noise and Traffic" (Nov. 13, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that a retreat center called Fantasy Island, located in Agoura, California, has had a long history of noise and traffic complaints. The article discusses the history of the problems at the center, owned by a sometimes-inflammatory Israeli immigrant. The article notes that problems have often stemmed from lame zoning enforcement and lack of action by local officials.
Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona, "Arizona Residents Become Noise Experts to Get Sound Wall Built" (Nov. 4, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports residents of Ahwatukee Foothills in Arizona pleaded with the village planning committee Monday to build a noise mitigation wall near Interstate 10, claiming the noise is unbearable and driving their housing values down.
Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona, "Noise from Shifting Flight Patterns at Sky Harbor International Airport Continues to Irritate Ahwatukee Foothills' Residents; Petitions and Elected Officials Pressure FAA and Airport to Reduce Noise" (Jun. 30, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that residents in Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona are still being annoyed by noise from Sky Harbor International Airport; in March, the airport began increasing use of a route over the community to better balance the use of its two runways and to deal with increasing winds from the West. Officials still claim that the change only resulted in 48 more flights per day for the first eighteen days in June. At a village planning commission meeting, concerns from a U.S. Senators, a Representative, and a Phoenix Councilman, together with a petition signed by 647 residents, aimed to pressure the FAA to do something to reduce noise in the community. The FAA -- which was in attendance -- says that it is looking at some measures, but says that redirecting flights will only shift the noise burden to other communities.
Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona, "Residents Upset at Noise from Sky Harbor International Airport's Increased Use of a Flight Path Over Arizona's Ahwatukee Foothills" (May 26, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that since Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix increased its use of an older flight path over the Ahwatukee Foothills, residents have been subjected to increased noise. While many residents are upset, airport officials say they have no solution. Some local legislators are concerned, but maintain that this is fundamentally a federal issue.
Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona, "Change in Flight Paths over Communities Near Arizona's Sky Harbor International Airport Blamed for Increased Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that residents in Apache Junction and the Ahwatukee Foothills -- two communities near Arizona's Sky Harbor International Airport -- are complaining about an increase in jet-noise in mid-March. Residents say there should have been a public hearing to discuss a change in flight paths, since the noise impact has increased so much in their communities and over a Superstition Mountain wilderness area. The FAA made seemingly euphemistic claims that there was "no 'flight pattern change' and no environmental impact; they implemented a 'flight departure procedure change' from Sky Harbor."
Ahwatukee Foothills, Arizona, "Residents of Arizona's Ahwatukee Foothills to Petition FAA and Get Answers Explaining Increased Airplane Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that residents of Ahwatukee Foothills in Arizona are scheduled to meet with FAA officials to discuss increased airplane noise over their community. Two residents will be collecting names of those who wish to complain about the increased traffic which began in mid-March after flight patterns from Sky Harbor International Airport changed. The FAA acknowledges that 40-80 more flights are flying over the community using an older route due to increased air traffic and shifting wind patterns; they also claim that the planes should be 7,000-10,000 feet high and away from the foothills area, and shouldn't cause much noise on the ground.
Aiken, South Carolina, "S.C. Residents Object to Noise from Aviation Club" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Augusta reports members of The Southern Model Aviation Club and nearby residents who don't like the noise coming from their airport reached no compromise at Tuesday's Aiken County Council meeting.
Aiken, South Carolina, "Airport Disturbs Rural Community In South Carolina" (Feb. 16, 1998). The Augusta Chronicle reports that residents of Aiken, South Carolina object to noise from recent air field.
Akron, Ohio, "Northfield Center, Ohio Approves Noise Regulation" (Feb. 15, 2000). The Plain Dealer reports on community events in the northeast Ohio metropolitan area. In Northfield Center, a noise regulation has been approved.
Albany, New York, "Resident Says Albany's Noise Laws are not Adequate or Enforced" (Aug. 4, 1997). The Times Union printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Paul Tick, a resident and chair of the Environment Committee, regarding noise regulations in Albany, New York:
Albany, New York, "Noise Laws in Albany Should be Enforced, Columnist Thinks" (Jul. 24, 1997). The Times printed an editorial in which the writer reports at the last caucus of the Albany Common Council, the council president circulated a letter from residents of Central Avenue asking the council to pass an ordinance directed at cars with loud boom boxes. The writer points out that the city's ordinances are already very tough on noise, but the codes are not very well-publicized or used.
Albany, New York, "Albany Airport Gets $7 Million for Construction and Home Purchases" (May 21, 1997). The Times Union reports that federal officials announced Tuesday a $7 million appropriation to the Albany Airport construction projects and the purchase of nearby homes for noise abatement.
Albany, New York, "NY Residents Say Noise and Fumes Accompany Go-Cart Track" (Apr. 29, 1998). The Times Union of Albany, New York, reports an angry crowd of Turf Community Park residents Tuesday night protested a proposed go-cart tract and urged the Town Board to side with them.
Albany, New York, "Albany, New York Considers Zoning Change to Allow Controversial Go-cart Track" (Apr. 9, 1998). The Times Union reports the town board will hold a public hearing later this month to consider a zoning change that would allow a controversial go-cart track at a local driving range.
Albany, New York, "Some Residents in Albany, New York Oppose New Hospital Helipad Due to Noise While Others Say Noise is Negligible Next to Potentially Saved Lives" (Apr. 27, 1999). The Times Union reports that plans for a $1-million helicopter landing pad atop Albany Medical Center Hospital in New York's capital is drawing different opinions from neighbors. Some believe that the noise will be too much, saying that a test-run shook his floor and windows; in addition, residents worry about dropping property values and the risk of crashes, and they asked the Zoning Board of Appeals to reject the hospital's proposal. Others including members of the Park Slope Neighborhood Association, which believes that any problems will be negligible next to the potential to save human lives.
Albany, New York, "Albany, New York is Home to Blasting Car Stereos, Unmufflered Motorcycles, and Honking Taxis" (May 16, 1999). The Times Union printed a letter to the editor as follows:
Albany, New York, "Albany Assemblyman Opposes Soundwalls Designed to Block Train Whistles at Stations and Supports Them at a New Railyard" (Sep. 10, 1999). Newsday reports that an Albany, New York Assemblyman disagrees with residents' pleas for soundwalls at train stations, but supports them at a new railyard. He says the horns are necessary to keep people safely away from moving trains, and that people should better insulate their homes if they are so worried about noise. Conversely, he notes that the new Port Jefferson rail yard -- which was opposed by nearby residents -- should be the subject of an immediate noise study and should close while soundwalls are erected if they are deemed necessary.
Albany, New York, "New York State Department of Transportation To Perform Noise Study; Official Clarifies Confusion Over Construction on the Northway" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Times Union prints a response to a prior letter to the editor regarding noise on New York State's Northway. A state Department of Transportation (DOT) official says that the DOT will be performing a noise study on the Northway in Colonie to determine if there is a need for soundwalls in the area.
Albany, New York, "Albany, New York Considers Adoption of New Noise Ordinance" (Apr. 7, 2000). The Times Union in Albany, New York reports that the city of Albany has proposed a noise ordinance that will be presented at a public meeting on April 25. The city decided it needed to instate a noise ordinance after having received ongoing complaints from residents who were continually annoyed by the sound of motorbike riders.
Albany, NY, "Albany Airport Authority Plans To Buy More Homes" (May 15, 1997). The Times Union reports the Albany (New York) County Airport plans to buy 9 more homes north of the airport, according to airport Chief Executive Officer John Egan. More than 30 houses have already been bought in the past by either the airport authority or Albany County, which used to own and operate the airport. The 9 homes on Kelly Road, if purchased, are planned to be demolished or converted into commercial buildings, garages, or warehouses.
Albion, New York, "Upstate New York Resident Objects to Noise from Hail Guns in Apple Orchard" (Jan. 25, 1998). The Buffalo News of Buffalo, New York, reports that an Orleans County resident has asked the county Legislature to do something about noise coming from hail guns at a nearby apple orchard.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Aircraft Association Appeals to New Mexico City Mayor to Reopen Runway" (May 19, 1997). The Weekly of Business Aviation reports that the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has asked Albuquerque, New Mexico Mayor Martin Chavez to reopen Runway 17/35 at Albuquerque International Airport, saying that during times of strong wind, the runway is the only safe one available. AOPA believes the mayor may have closed the runway because of noise concerns.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "The City of Sante Fe Seeks to Put a Stop to NightClub Noise." (Apr. 7, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that city officials of Sante Fe, New Mexico have been attempting for over a year to put a stop to the noise from a local nightclub.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque Considers Ordinance Restricting Heliports after Residents Complain of Noise from TV News Helicopters" (Sep. 4, 1998). The Albuquerque Tribune reports the Albuquerque, New Mexico, Environmental Planning Commission is considering an ordinance restricting heliports after residents complained of noise from news helicopters that take off and land near their homes.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Changes in Land-use Policies Recommended to Mitigate the Impact of Airport Noise in Albuquerque, New Mexico" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that noise consultants are recommending new land-use policies for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico and the surrounding county to help mitigate the impact of airport noise.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Proposed Ampitheater In New Mexico On Hold" (Feb. 20, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that a regional ampitheater in Bernalillo County, New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Flight Paths of Stage Two Planes May Change at Albuquerque, New Mexico Airport As a Result of Recent Noise Study" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that Albuquerque International (New Mexico) Airport officials and a consultant conducting a noise study have been working with airlines and the FAA to change some flight patterns to reduce noise to nearby residents. As a result, some of the older, noisier planes that have plagued residents of Southeast Heights, Albuquerque may start turning south away from the city after taking off. The noisier, stage two airplanes, which include Boeing 727s, must be phased out or outfitted with "hush kits" by 2000.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "TV Helicopters Break New Mexico City's Noise Laws; City Officials Want to Mediate Problem" (Jul. 21, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that a recent study in Albuquerque, New Mexico found that three area television stations have news helicopters that operate above the city's noise laws. The article notes that the city monitored the stations helicopter ports in March and April in response to residents' complaints about the noise, fumes, and potential danger of the helicopters taking off and landing near their homes. City officials have offered to set up meetings between the news stations and the residents. Some residents said they are unhappy with the city's response.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque Residents Concerned about Noise, Pollution, Danger from News Helicopters" (Mar. 5, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports residents of an Albuquerque, New Mexico, neighborhood claim they've lost their peace and quiet to television-news helicopters that frequently fly over their homes.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque International Sunport Airport Will Attempt to Limit Noise over Residents while Main Runway in Under Repair in New Mexico" (Apr. 4, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reported that the Albuquerque International Sunport Airport in New Mexico was scheduled to shut the airport's main east-west runway for several weeks beginning April 11, 1998 for repairs. That means neighborhoods north of the airport will have to endure the noise from planes using the north-south and northeast-southwest runways to take off and land.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Activist Who is Hard of Hearing Uniquely Positioned to Advocate for Peace and Quiet" (Oct. 2, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports how one man, Stephen Frazier, is speaking out against loud background music and other noise.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque, New Mexico Plans to Add Noise Control Officer Position, Revise Noise Law" (May 8, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports that Albuquerque, New Mexico has requested $66,000 to buy noise monitoring equipment and create a new noise control position to help address the issue of urban noise. Though no noise control position existed, 6,000 hours of staff time were used dealing with noise complaints and related permits last year: the same as three full-time positions. The new position will focus on working with developers to curb noise before it becomes a problem, as well as responding to complaints, issuing permits, and educating the public.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque, New Mexico Mayor Wants Airport Takeoffs to Turn South Instead of North to Avoid Communities" (Sep. 9, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports that the Mayor of Albuquerque, New Mexico wants flights to always avoid northern communities by turning to the South after takeoff instead of North. The FAA is resisting the change, saying that routing all takeoffs to the South may cause safety problems, since many landings arrive from the South. Older planes, whether outfitted with noise-reducing hush-kits or not, gain altitude less quickly and cause the worst noise impact; most of these planes already take off to the South. Also, the North-South Runway closed in 1997 and helped to reduce the noise impact on the Northern communities.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque, New Mexico Noise Ordinance Needs to be Consistent and Properly Enforced" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Albuquerque Journal published an editorial about a proposed Albuquerque noise ordinance. The writer believes that a noise ordinance is a good idea, but the city needs to make sure that the ordinance will be backed up with proper enforcement ability.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque, New Mexico Noise Ordinance to be Rewritten" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Albuquerque Tribune reports that Albuquerque mayor Jim Baca wants the city's noise ordinance to be rewritten.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque City Council Against the Sound Wall" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Albuquerque Journal reported on a decision by the city's environmental planning commission to approve the construction of a 10-foot-high, 1,900-foot-long sound barrier against traffic noise near San Mateo Boulevard, a main thoroughfare.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "New Mexico City Officials Call for Quieter Airport" (Jan. 11, 2000). The Albuquerque Journal reported that city officials approved an airport noise abatement ordinance, calling for changes at Santa Fe Municipal Airport.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "Albuquerque City Council To Hire Noise Enforcement Officer" (Mar. 24, 2000). The Albuquerque Tribune reported that Jay Czar, head of the Albuquerque International Sunport is scheduled to interview four people for the newly created position of Noise Abatement Officer.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, "New Mexico Noise Activists Hire National Noise Experts" (Mar. 25, 2000). The Albuquerque Journal reported that Airport Neighbors Alliance, a grassroots campaign against jet noise, received the help of two national noise experts to help them challenge jet noise from the Albuquerque International Sunport.
Albuquerque, New Mexico area, "Planners In New Mexico Consider Airport Noise In Decision About Proposed Development" (Dec. 5, 1997). The Albuquerque Tribune reports that Albuquerque, New Mexico area officials are considering a proposal for an enormous development project on a vast tract of open mesa. Among the concerns for the project are the impact of jet noise from a nearby airport on the potential community.
Albuquerque, NM, "Albuqeurque Noise Walls Modified on I-40" (Jan. 24, 1998). The Albuquerque Journal reports that this week in Albuquerque, New Mexico, sections of noise walls recently installed along Interstate 40 near the Rio Grande were adjusted after property owners complained.
Alburquerque, New Mexico, "Citizens' Group Takes on Noise in Albuquerque" (Feb. 18, 1999). The Albuquerque Journal reports a citizens' group is working to update Albuquerque's noise laws.
Alden, New York, "Residents Oppose Wood Mulching Facility in New York Town" (Apr. 8, 1997). The Buffalo News reports that a Alden (New York) Town Board public hearing on a proposed special permit for a wood chip mulching and storage facility in a rural/agricultural zone drew mostly opposition from residents.
Alexandria, Louisiana, "Change to Noise Ordinance in Alexandria, Louisiana Means Stiffer Fines for Violators" (Jul. 14, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that Alexandria, Louisiana's new noise ordinance promises stiffer fines for violators. Violators will pay from $137 to $587 for creating excessive noise: especially from nightclubs and vehicles. The old ordinance cost violators only $121 for each violation, regardless of the number of previous citations.
Alexandria, Virginia, "Alexandria, Virginia Home Uses Landscaped Waterfalls and Lagoons to Block Sounds of Traffic" (Jul. 29, 1999). The Washington Post reports on a home in Alexandria, Virginia that was landscaped to deal with traffic noise using more pleasant noise from water. The award-winning design includes two fountains in front and two waterfalls in back, together with berms scattered around the property and a stand of evergreens that help to quiet the property from the nearby highway. The use of water in sound abatement has double in the last ten years.
Alexandria, Virginia, "Alexandria, Virginia City Council Restricts Construction Hours on Bridge Job" (Mar. 25, 2000). According to the Washington Post, the Alexandria City Council will vote to limit construction hours on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, from 9am to 6pm on weekdays and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays. No construction is permitted on Sundays.
Alexandria, Virginia, "Metropolitan Area around D.C. to Endure Months of Loud Bridge Construction" (Mar. 22, 2000). The Washington Times reported that Alexandria residents will soon experience the inordinately loud sound of pile driving as work crews begin construction on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge.
Alexandria, Virginia, "US Department of Defense Launches Program to Develop Low-Noise, Supersonic Aircraft" (Mar. 29, 2000). Jane's Defense Weekly, a British publication, reports on recent US Department of Defense discussions concerning research and development of a new low-noise supersonic aircraft that could conduct long-range reconnaissance missions without being detected.
Aliso Viejo, California, "California County Board of Supervisors Delays Action on Residential Development Near El Toro Air Station" (Apr. 9, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the land six miles to the south of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station -- which has been closed to development for twenty years due to noise from aircraft -- was due to be made re-eligible for development. The Orange County, California Board of Supervisors delayed that expected action on Tuesday.
Aliso Viejo, California, "California County Votes to Ban Homeowners From Suing Proposed El Toro Airport Over Noise" (Jul. 29, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that Orange County, California supervisors decided to require "avigation easements" from all new homeowners near the proposed El Toro Airport. Mission Viejo Company, a developer, will now build 1,800 housing units. Anyone buying one of the units must sign an easement promising not to sue the airport over noise problems, but real estate agents are also required to disclose explicit details about potential jet noise.
Allendale, New Jersey, "Noise from New Jersey Firing Range Pits Neighboring Towns" (Oct. 13, 1998). The Record reports the neighboring New Jersey towns of Allendale and Waldwick are engaged in a dispute over noise from a Waldwick firing range.
Allendale, New Jersey, "Resident Says Allendale, New Jersey Has Money to Enclose Pistol Range, But Continues to Stall Construction" (Dec. 1, 1999). The Record prints a letter to the editor from an Allendale, New Jersey resident who says that although the town has the money to enclose a pistol range in the area to reduce noise, it continues to stall construction.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Noise From Farmland Sludge Dumping Upsets Pennsylvania Neighbors" (Jan. 3, 1998). The Morning Call reports that complaints about noise from dumping sewage sludge on farm fields in Upper Mount Bethel Township, Pennsylvania has halted the dumping until further investigation can be done as to the content of the material.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Speedway Seeks Zoning Variance" (Dec. 29, 1997). The Morning Call reports that Mahoning Valley Speedway in Pennsylvania, which six years ago lost its battle to allow cars to run practice laps on weeknights, is hoping to get the checkered flag this time.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Public Housing Project in Pennsylvania Produces More Noise Complaints Than Crime Problems" (Nov. 28, 1997). The Morning Call reports that the Cumberland Gardens housing project in Allentown, Pennsylvania, contrary to popular sentiment, currently is considerably safer than many other low-income neighborhoods in the city. Although many believe that crime is high in the area, the article says that noise complaints are the most frequent type of complaint received in the area.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Proposed Legislation Requires $300 Fine for Noisy Car Stereos and Car Alarms in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania" (Oct. 6, 1998). The Morning Call reports that Bethlehem Mayor Don Cunningham will propose amending the existing noise ordinance. The proposed amendment levies fines up to $300 for booming car stereos and deafening car alarms.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Companies in Northampton, Pennsylvania Violate Local Noise Ordinance; But Town Officials Refuse to Take Immediate Enforcement Measures" (Oct. 2, 1998). The Morning Call reports that noises from two industries in Northampton, Pennsylvania exceed the borough's noise ordinance by more than 20 decibels. Borough officials, however, refuse to take adverse action until they have an opportunity to correct the problems.
Allentown, Pennsylvania, "Board of Lehigh and Northampton Airport, Near Allentown, Pennsylvania Compromises to Begin Noise Monitoring Program Before Senate Funding Passes" (May 26, 1999). The Morning Call reports that after heated debate, a compromise to begin a noise-monitoring program was reached at the Lehigh and Northampton Airport near Allentown, Pennsylvania. One grant meant to fund the program had been eaten up by other projects, and a second federal grant is still pending in the Senate. To avoid further delays, the Authority agreed to fund the design stages until the grant came through; then, those costs could be reimbursed and the necessary equipment could be purchased.
Allentown, Pennsylvania area, "Airport Noise Pollution is No Reason to Purchase Property, Resident Believes" (Sep. 4, 1997). The Morning Call printed the following letter-to-the-editor from L.R. Labar, a Hanover Township (Pennsylvania) resident, regarding an buyout of land by the Lehigh Valley International Airport:
Allentown, Pennsylvania area, "Pennsylvania Resident Complains About Highway Noise" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Morning Call printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Robin Serfass, a South Whitehall Township resident, about traffic noise along Route 22:
Allentown, Pennsylvania area, "Pennsylvania Homes Get Soundproofing Against Aircraft Noise in Demonstration Project" (Oct. 26, 1997). The Morning Call reports that ten homes surrounding the Lehigh Valley International Airport near Allentown, Pennsylvania are receiving free soundproofing in a project to demonstrate the effectiveness of soundproofing homes against aircraft noise. After work is completed, noise levels will be measured inside the homes, and the data will be used to apply for more federal funding to expand the program.
Alpharetta, Georgia, "Alpharetta, Georgia Fedex Packaging Facility Raises Residential Noise Concerns" (Apr. 24, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that the Alpharetta City Council is delaying approval of a proposed 88,000-square-foot Federal Express office and distribution center while it considers the noise concerns of area residents.
Alpine Townships, Michigan, "Michigan Residents Object to Concrete Crushing in Neighborhood" (Mar. 12, 1998). The Grand Rapids Press reports Alpine Township residents will have to wait for a decision from the Planning Commission on a special use permit for an excavating company to crush concrete and process topsoil in their neighborhood.
Alum Bridge, West Virginia, "Letter to the Editor Highlights Problems with West Virginia Quarry Bill, Including Lack of Protections from Noise" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Charleston Daily Mail prints several letters to the editor, one of which talks about the problems with a quarry bill in West Virginia, including lack of noise regulation.
Alvaston, England, "UK Nursery Wins Construction Appeal" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Derby Telegraph reported that the owner of a nursery in Alvaston, England won an appeal that will allow her to complete construction of the nursery. Construction was interrupted when the Derby City Council discovered that the plans for the nursery included converting the garage into a baby unit, and had not been approved.
Amherst, New York, "Editorial: Loud Stereos are a Problem in Amherst, New York" (Aug. 11, 1998). The Buffalo News published the following letter regarding multidecibel audio-assault vehicles. The editorialist says Amherst, New York needs to draft a new noise ordinance, use a decimeter to track noise levels, and start issuing tickets.
Amherst, New York, "Amherst, New York Resident Says Despite Low Turnout at a Recent Public Meeting, Many State and National Park Visitors Resent Noise and Exhaust from Snowmobiles" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Buffalo News prints a letter to the editor from a man in Amherst, New York who believes that despite the low turnout at a recent public meeting, many visitors to state and national parks resent the noise and pollution from snowmobiles.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Landing Slots at Amsterdam Airport to be Apportioned by Independent Administrator" (Aug. 16, 1997). The Financial Times (London) reports that Annemarie Jorritsma, the Netherlands Transport Minister, said she would seek clearance from Brussels to declare Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport a "co-ordinated airport," with landing slots apportioned by an independent administrator, in an attempt to address noise problems. If the regulation goes through, airlines would be forced to surrender some of their present scheduled times at the airport and would be allocated other times. The announcement comes the day after a ruling by a Haarlem court that the airport must rescind a ban on night flights by older, noisier jets in an attempt to not exceed legal noise limits.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Court Rules That Amsterdam Airport Doesn't Have Authority to Limit Nighttime Flights" (Aug. 18, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that a court in Haarlem, Netherlands ruled Friday that the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam did not have the authority to limit air traffic and control noise pollution levels by imposing a ban on night flights by wide-body planes. The suit was brought by a number of airlines, led by the charter airline Martinair.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Dutch Government Agrees to Speed Up Plans for a Fifth Runway at Amsterdam Airport" (Aug. 19, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that the Dutch government agreed Monday to accelerate work on a fifth runway at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The runway project is designed to decrease noise in neighborhoods near the airport by providing another landing strip for incoming jets.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Environmental Groups Set to File Lawsuits Over Legal Noise Limits at Amsterdam Airport" (Aug. 29, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that Dutch environmental groups said Thursday they planned to take Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, a number of airlines, and the Transport Minister to court to demand compliance with legal noise restrictions.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Airline Calls Amsterdam Airport's Noise Reduction Plan Discriminatory" (Jul. 14, 1997). ANP English News Bulletin reports that officials at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands recently announced that in order to meet legal noise limits, they intend to ban nighttime flights of noisier planes starting August 1. Officials from the airline Martinair, which will see its three older Boeing planes banned from nighttime takeoffs as a result of the rule, have complained that the restriction is discriminatory and asked the airport to focus its ban on airlines that have recently increased night flights, thereby contributing to higher overall noise levels. Martinair officials maintain that tens of thousands of vacationers could be stranded in August as a result of the ban.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Announces Nighttime Restrictions to Reduce Noise" (Jul. 15, 1997). The publication Airports reports that officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands announced new restrictions on nighttime flights Friday. The new rules, which still must be approved by the government, call for a ban on flights of DC-10s and Boeing 747-100s, -200s, -300s, and SPs between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. starting August 1. Flights which are scheduled before 11 p.m., but are delayed, will also be prohibited, the article says. Airport officials said the ban is necessary to comply with the Netherlands' legally defined noise limits, but cargo airlines operating at the airport are furious about the proposed restrictions.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Charter Airlines Threaten Price Increase if Nighttime Flight Restrictions Imposed at Amsterdam Airport" (Jul. 29, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that charter airline companies have said fares may rise 30%-40% if nighttime noise restrictions are imposed at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The airport has proposed to limit nighttime flights starting August 1 in order to avoid exceeding the country's noise pollution limits.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Dutch Government Will Decide Next Week Whether to Impose Nighttime Flight Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport, Delaying the Target Implementation Date" (Jul. 30, 1997). The Business Times reports that officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands will announce early next week if they will proceed with plans announced earlier to ban certain night flights and restrict others in order to meet the country's noise regulations. The airport's new rules were set to take effect August 1, but the government, which must approve the rules, currently is studying the issue. Meanwhile, airlines whose operations would be limited by the rules have raised strong protests and some reportedly have threatened to sue the airport, saying the restrictions would violate aviation treaties such as the open-skies agreements.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Considers Nighttime Ban on Takeoffs by Noisy Jets" (Jul. 7, 1997). AFX News reports that the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Netherlands is considering a ban on takeoffs by the noisiest, wide-body aircraft between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am starting Aug. 1.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Dutch Government Report Finds That Restraining Amsterdam Airport's Growth Will Seriously Affect Economy" (Nov. 28, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that a Dutch government advisory body, the Central Plan Bureau, released a report Friday warning that limiting the growth of Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to meet legal noise limits could cost the Dutch economy "tens of billions of guilders" by the year 2020. The report is being hailed by airlines and dismissed by environmental groups.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Airline Officials Complain About Noise Limits at Amsterdam's Airport" (Nov. 12, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that officials from the airline Polar Air Cargo are complaining about the consequences of strong noise limits imposed by the Dutch government at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The noise limits will lead to airport-wide frequency reductions next spring, the article notes. Polar Air officials also are asking the U.S. Department of Transportation not to approve an application by KLM airlines (a subsidiary of Northwest Airlines) to place Northwest's "NW" code on KLM flights between Amsterdam and Calcutta. Meanwhile, KLM officials also oppose the Dutch regulations, but say they should be granted the code approval.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport's Noise Regulations Will Limit Flights and Runway Usage" (Nov. 12, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that officials at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have submitted operational guidelines for the new noise regulations at the airport to the Dutch transport ministry. According to airport officials, the noise limits will require "far-reaching limitations on flights and runway usage" during 1998. Dutch carriers will have to reduce frequencies after April 1, airport officials said.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Wins Noise Lawsuits" (Oct. 16, 1997). Aviation Daily reports that Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport and the Dutch government were the victors in lawsuits brought against the airport for not following noise regulations.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Flight Restrictions to Address Noise at Amsterdam Airport Will Cost the Airlines" (Oct. 17, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that according to the airline KLM, the flight restrictions imposed at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to reduce noise pollution could cost the airline as much as 1.2 billion guilders in eliminated flights under a worse-case scenario. The restrictions are scheduled to take effect January 1. Meanwhile, the article says, the officials from the National Aviation and Astronautics Laboratory said they have found a way to reduce noise by 50% with a combination of technical adaptations and new methods of taking off and landing.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Netherlands Government Allows Amsterdam Airport to Violate Noise Standards Till End of 1997" (Oct. 15, 1997). Flight International reports that the Netherlands Government agreed October 3 to allow Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to violate its noise standards till the end of the year, but has said the airport will have to meet those standards in 1998.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Announces Increase in Passengers" (Oct. 24, 1997). AP Worldstream reports that officials from the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam announced Friday that more than 23 million passengers passed through the airport in the first nine months of 1997, an increase of 13.6% over the same period last year. Meanwhile, freight traffic increased 8.2% to about 845,000 tons in the same period. According to the article, more flights to North and Latin America, Africa, and Europe fueled the passenger growth, airport officials said. Environmentalists have decried the airport's continued growth, the article notes, saying that the increase in passenger numbers means more noise pollution for residents near the airport. The Dutch government acknowledges the problem, the article says, but doesn't want to harm the airport's growth. Various ideas are being considered to allow growth but control noise, the article concludes.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Air Freight Organization Opposes Noise Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport" (Sep. 16, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that an organization of air freight companies, Barin, is opposing the restrictions on flights at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, scheduled to take effect October 1. The organization sent an angry letter to Dutch Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, claiming the restrictions designed to keep the airport within legal noise limits will compromise the safety and environmental standards.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Proposes Daytime Flight Restrictions to Curb Noise" (Sep. 15, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that officials at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport announced last week they would place daytime restrictions on flights, if approved by Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, in order to stay within the country's noise limits. The restrictions would result in only two of the airport's four runways being available at some peak times, starting on October 1.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Dutch Institute Finds that Compensation for Residents Near Amsterdam Airport is Cheaper Than a New Airport" (Sep. 17, 1997). AFX News reports that according to the publication Het Financieele Dagblad, the Dutch economic institute NEI has released a study that concludes that compensating residents who live near Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport for noise pollution would be cheaper than building a new airport.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Noise Limits for Amsterdam Airport May Be Reviewed and Relaxed by Government" (Sep. 16, 1997). The Financial Times reports that the Dutch government may consider relaxing legal controls on noise pollution at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, after airlines mounted a strong protest against recently announced flight restrictions. Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma favors a review of the noise legislation, the article says, and may gain the backing of a parliamentary majority in a debate expected this week.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "New Noise Regulations at Amsterdam Airport Would Restrict Growth, Officials Say" (Sep. 23, 1997). The publication Airports reports that new noise regulations proposed by officials at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands would permit only limited air traffic growth in 1998, according to an airport official. The article says that according to the Dutch business daily Financieele Dagblad, Schiphol Manager Hans Smits said demand will increase by 8% to 10% next year, but capacity will increase by only 1% until 2003, when the airport's fifth runway becomes operational.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport to Exceed Noise Limits" (Oct. 4, 1997). The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Minnesota reports that Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport - one of Europe's busiest - won a waiver from the government Friday allowing it to exceed noise limits.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Dutch Airline Rejects Runways in North Sea for Schiphol" (Oct. 1, 1997). Jane's Airport Review talks about the growth at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and the White Paper that sets down clear limits to the airport's future growth, specifying day- and night-time ' noise zones'; a maximum annual throughput of passengers; freight; and enhanced safety and emissions. The growth of the airport has already outgrown the projections on which the 1990 study was completed.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Airlines Complain About New Noise Regulations at Amsterdam Airport" (Sep. 11, 1997). AFX News reports that three airlines said in a combined statement that the new regulations to mitigate noise levels at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport will have far-reaching, damaging consequences for them, and could severely damage the reputation of Schiphol as a high-quality European airport. The airlines that released the statement were KLM Royal Dutch Airlines NV, Transavia, and Martinair.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Director Steps Down; Meanwhile, Residents Group Calls on Government to Reduce Noise Levels at Airport" (Sep. 11, 1997). ANP English News Bulletin reports that Hans Smits, director of Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, announced Wednesday that he will step down from his position to become vice chair of the Rabobank. During much of Smits' five-year tenure at the airport, Schipol has been surrounded by cotroversy regarding expansion plans. In a separate move on Wednesday, the residents' group GEUS (Vereniging Geen Uitbreiding Schiphol) called on Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma to reduce noise from the airport by 20%, alleging that Jorritsma is not keeping the airport within the legal noise limits.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Officials Consider Closing One Runway at Peak Times to Abate Noise" (Sep. 9, 1997). Airline Industry Information reports that officials from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport have announced that they may close one of the airport's four runways during peak times in order to stay within legal noise limits.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, "Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport May Have to Close for Several" (Aug. 19, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, the busiest airport in the Netherlands, may have to close down for weeks at the end of this year if the government doesn't relax noise pollution guidelines.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Institutes Ban on Night Flights to Reduce Noise" (Aug. 6, 1997). The ANP English News Bulletin reports that the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, the Netherlands Tuesday instituted a ban on night flights to avoid exceeding the country's noise pollution limits. The ban was approved late Monday by Transport Minister Annemarie Jorritsma, who described the plan as insufficient and called for a revised plan to be presented by September.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, "Dutch Anti-Noise Activists Protest Jet Noise" (Feb. 20, 1998). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune reports that a Royal Dutch airliner bound for Atlanta was stranded at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on Thursday after anti- noise protesters climbed on to the fuselage and formed a human chain.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, "Amsterdam Airport Raises Fees for Noisy Aircraft Starting in August" (Jun. 4, 1998). AFX News reports that officials at the Schiphol Aiport in Amsterdam, Netherlands said they will raise the charges for daytime and nighttime landings and take-offs by the noisier Chapter 3 planes starting on August 1. The airport's actions come after the transport ministry approved the plans. The charges are intended to motivate airlines to fly quieter planes and to reduce night flights, according to airport officials.
Anaheim Hills, California, "Orange County, California Supervisor and Laguna Hills Councilman Debate Whether El Toro Air Base Should Be Converted into a Commercial Airport or Residential Areas with Parks and a Research Facilities" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that 150 people turned out to hear an Orange County, California supervisor debate a Laguna Hills councilman over the best use for the former El Toro Air Base. Cynthia Coad -- the supervisor -- believes that a commercial airport should be located at El Toro. Allan Songstad -- the councilman -- "argued for the Millennium Plan, which calls for a large central park, up to 6,000 homes, a sports stadium, a university and high-tech research and development." Coad claims that John Wayne Airport would expand without the new airport, but Songstad said no additional air traffic capacity is needed.
Anaheim Hills, California, "Debate in Anaheim Hills, California Over Proposed Commercial Airport at Former El Toro Military Base; Residents Know Noise Won't Affect Them, But Fear Problems with Housing and Economics" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that at a recent debate over a proposed new airport at the former El Toro Military Base, many Anaheim Hills, California residents shared fears of "increased pollution, proliferation of 'slum' neighborhoods that commonly surround airports, and a more "transportation-business-oriented community." They didn't worry much about noise problems, which airport proponents say wouldn't effect the community in the first place.
Anaheim, California, "California City Considers Proposal to Mitigate Railroad Noise" (Apr. 16, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that in response to years of noise endured by residents of Anaheim, California, a public meeting will be held tonight to discuss a possible $40-million noise wall and train overpass in the area. The project would alter a railroad corridor that parallels Esperanza Road.
Anaheim, California, "Disney Project in California Attempts to Mitigate Construction Impacts" (Jul. 27, 1998). The Orange County Register reports that contractors working on a major construction project at Disneyland in Anaheim, California are taking special methods to cut down on the negative impacts of the project, including dust, noise, traffic, and other impacts.
Anaheim, California, "Anaheim, California Says It Will Only Continue Support for El Toro Airport If County Promises to Mitigate Noise Impacts for Residents" (Nov. 25, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that Anaheim, California has noted that it will continue support for the El Toro Airport proposal only if the County promises to adequately mitigate noise impacts for residents. One of those mitigations would be a night-time noise curfew.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Local Survey in Alaska Shows Noise Exceeds Safe Limits in Many Environments" (May 19, 1997). The Anchorage Daily News reports that a survey undertaken by the Quota International of Anchorage (Alaska) service club to determine how loud noises are around Anchorage found that 14 out of 23 locations tested register above 80 decibels, the level at which permanent damage to ears can occur after prolonged exposure, according to club members. The club undertook the survey in order to educate people about noise threats and about the subtlety and irreversibility of hearing damage.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Alaska Group Formed to Promote Quiet Rights in the Outdoors" (Sep. 28, 1997). The Anchorage Daily News reports that a new group has formed in Alaska to promote the right to quiet in the state's outdoors. The group is called the Alaska Quiet Rights Coalition, and members say they have signed up hundreds of supporters across the state during the past year. An event planned by the group, Alaska Quiet Rights Day, will be held today and will be mainly a public information meeting.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Alaska Legislators Hear Jet Noise Complaints" (Dec. 12, 1999). The article report on citizens from a nearby town who asked the legislators to help alleviate the inordinate amount of air traffic and subsequent jet noise over many parts of the city.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Residents Question Noise Reduction Plan at Anchorage Airport in the Face of Continued Growth" (Feb. 9, 1999). The Anchorage Daily News reports communities near the Anchorage International Airport say they're pleased that airport officials are addressing noise; nevertheless, some residents are skeptical the proposed measures will help.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Anchorage, Alaska Resident Charged With Disorderly Conduct for Operating a Bug Zapper" (Sep. 17, 1999). The Anchorage Daily News reports that a man in Anchorage, Alaska has been charged with disorderly conduct after a neighbor complained about the noise from his bug zapper. The owner also sells bug zappers, and notes that bugs must be zapped throughout the night to be effectively controlled. Members of the local Assembly say that while the charge may be legitimate, it should have been settled without the government. According to city officials, sound-absorbing panels installed around the zapper reduces noise to acceptable levels.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Anchorage, Alaska Resident Worries that Permit to Fill Wetlands at Airport Will Destroy Environment and Neighborhoods" (Sep. 14, 1999). The Anchorage Daily News prints an article written by a resident who is worried about a requested 10-year permit that would allow the Anchorage International Airport to fill most of the wetlands remaining on its land. Officials say competition requires growth, and critics worry about negative impacts to the environment and the community. The author urges the withdrawal of the permit request, and the drafting of an Environmental Impact Statement, which is not currently planned.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Alaska Boom Cars Prompt Complaint" (Apr. 17, 2000). The Anchorage Daily News printed this letter to the editor about boom cars and neighborhood tranquility. The letter is printed in its entirety.
Anchorage, Alaska, "Alaska Airport Releases Biased Studies on Airport Expansion" (Mar. 24, 2000). According to the Anchorage City News, four studies by Anchorage's international airport state that expanding the airport won't have much noise, air and traffic impact. {Editor's Note: One might conclude that a study sponsored by an airport might vastly differ from a study sponsored by advocates for noise abatement.]
Ankeny, Illinois, "Illinois Shooting Range Faces County Opposition Over Staying Open" (Jul. 7, 1999). According to the Des Moines Register, an indoor shooting range in rural Polk County is in danger of closing because its neighbors and county officials claim the noise is too much. They want it to move to a new location.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Maryland Governor Announces Bigger Budgets and Looser Rules for Highway Sound Barriers" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Washington Post reports that Maryland Governor Parris Glendening announced yesterday that the state will provide bigger budgets and looser rules for building noise barriers along highways. The governor's action was prompted by complaints from residents in noisy neighborhoods near highways.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Maryland Residents and Boaters Fight at Hearing on State Boat Noise Restrictions" (Jun. 26, 1997). The Capital reports that at a hearing on state boat noise regulations last night held by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources in Annapolis, about 60 riverside residents and power-boaters split two sides of the room and began arguing with each other rather than commenting on noise limits and inspections scheduled to become permanent in August.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Proposed New Runway at Baltimore - Washington Airport Debated in Court Proceedings to Eliminate Mobile Home Park" (May 28, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that prospects for a new runway at Baltimore-Washington International Airport were debated yesterday in Anne Arundel Circuit Court at a hearing on a lawsuit filed by the Maryland Aviation Administration to take temporary control of a nearby mobile home park and move its residents.
Annapolis, Maryland, "To Keep Noise Out, Walls to be Built in Annapolis Open Schools" (Jan. 22, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports that the city's proposal to construct walls in 25 "open space" schools would cost $17 million and still may not eliminate noise.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Maryland Councilor Calls for Police Enforcement of Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Capital reports that Alder Board member Louise Hammond of Annapolis, Maryland this week called for police to enforce the noise ordinance against traffic noise in the downtown.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Monitors Track Noise But Don't Reduce Noise from BWI Airport, Residents Say" (Jul. 4, 1998). The Capital reports the Mary land Aviation Administration monitors noise daily from BWI Airport to make sure aircraft stay within the allowed noise levels. Residents commend them for these noise abatement measures, but they say it does nothing to reduce the amount of noise they are exposed to.
Annapolis, Maryland, "BWI Airport Avoids New Environmental Restrictions" (Mar. 21, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports that three bills that supporters say would have forced BWI Airport to be a better neighbor were voted down this week by two General Assembly committees.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Residents Frustrated with Absence of Funding for Noise Barrier in Annapolis, Maryland" (Apr. 3, 1998). The Capitol reports that residents in Annapolis, Maryland are complaining of dangerous noise levels coming from Route 50 just east of the Severn River. The county rushed through zoning changes earlier this year to qualify for the money that would pay for walls, but the State Highway Administration is not planning to pay for the walls for another three to five years.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Annapolis, MD, Officials Draft Enforceable Noise Law" (Nov. 20, 1998). The Capital reports officials in Annapolis, Maryland, are revising their noise laws to make them easier for police to enforce.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Annapolis, Maryland City Council Considers Revisions to Make a New Public Nuisance Law More Specific" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Capital reports that the City Council Public Safety Committee in Annapolis, Maryland has recommended changes to a newly revised public nuisance law. Revisions were meant to specify offenses in more detail than state laws.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Annapolis, MD, Residents Want Ordinance to Protect Them Against Nighttime Noise Disturbances" (Feb. 23, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports Annapolis, Maryland, residents seek an ordinance that will provide them with peace and quiet during the night.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Annapolis, Maryland Passes New Noise Ordinance" (Sep. 14, 1999). The Capital reports on a new noise ordinance in Annapolis, Maryland. It applies to amplified music, shouting, and loud vehicles. A noise will be considered a violation if it can be heard fifty feet from the source.
Annapolis, Maryland, "Maryland Senate Committee Wants to Limit County's Authority to Set Local Noise Ordinances" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to an article in The Capital, a state Senate committee in Maryland is looking at legislation that would preclude county officials' setting their own local noise limits on regulating a Pasadena gun club. The reason: business would be at risk if legislation were enacted.
Annapolis, Maryland area, "Noise and Safety Issues of Powerboats Debated in Maryland" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Capital reports that the South River, near Annapolis, Maryland, has become a battleground over restrictions on powerboats. Residents living in the area want a quieter life, and powerboaters want open waters for their fast boats. Last month, two events focused attention on the issues: a state hearing on boat noise regulations, and the death of a man thrown from a speeding high-performance boat. State officials are considering speed limits on the South River and two other rivers, the article says.
Annapolis, Maryland area, "Maryland's Waterways Should Have Speed and Noise Limits" (Jul. 23, 1997). The Capital printed an editorial which argues that speed limits on Maryland's Severn, South, and Magothy Rivers should be passed, and noise limits on the rivers also should be strictly enforced.
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, "Residents in Annapolis Area Concerned about Increasing Noise Sources" (May 11, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports Anne Arundel County residents are exposed to ever increasing sources of noise. While many believe their world is too noisy, experts say it's all in how people perceive noise. The article provides an overview of noise standards, methods by which noise is measured, and some methods of noise mitigation.
Anne Arundel, Maryland, "Maryland Communities Struggle Over Proposed Racetrack" (Dec. 18, 1997). The Washington Post reports that neighborhood activists in Anne Arundel County, Maryland find themselves staring at a $100 million, 100,000-seat auto racing track and entertainment center that would host National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing events.
Anne Arundel, Maryland, "Maryland Speedway Project Woos County Officials" (Dec. 20, 1997). The Washington Post reports that County Executive John G. Gary is behind a Speedway Project in Anne Arundel, Maryland.
Anne Arundel, Maryland, "Baltimore Area Residents Fight Auto Speedway Proposal" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Washington Post reports that homeowners in Anne Arundel, Maryland are fighting a proposal to build a $100 million auto speedway in their area.
Anne Arundel, Maryland, "Wary Residents in Arundel Will Fight Speedway" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Washington Post reports that citizens of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, are fighting a proposal to build a $100 million auto speedway near Laurel.
Aranda, Australia, "Road Project in Aranda, Australia Will Bring More Traffic and Noise" (Apr. 8, 2000). The Canberra Times reports that residents in Aranda, Australia, led by John Kovacic, president of the Aranda Residents' Group, are concerned by the $20 million Gungahlin Drive parkway extension project. They fear it will bring increased traffic and noise to their community. Kovacic recently appeared before the Legislative Assembly's urban services committee to plead the residents' case.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Airport Board Votes to Keep a Ban on Heavy Jets" (Aug. 15, 1997). The Rocky Mountain News reports that the Centennial Airport Board in Arapahoe County, Colorado voted Thursday to refuse to open the airport's runways to large corporate jets, giving a victory to opponents of airport expansion and of increased noise pollution. However, the article says, the board hedged on whether it will permit so-called through-the-fence cargo operations, which opponents fear will encourage more noisy cargo flights into the airport. The board had postponed its decisions until Thursday after several hundred people packed a hearing room June 19 to oppose the measures, the article says.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Communities Fight Commuter Flights" (Dec. 9, 1997). The Denver Post reports that Board members of the Arapahoe County Public Airport Authority got an earful Monday from opponents of a controversial proposal to allow commuter charter flights at Centennial Airport.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Airport Wants to Allow Heavier Planes; Residents Worried About Noise Increases" (Jun. 5, 1997). The Denver Post reports that airport officials in Arapahoe County, Colorado are hoping to change standards at the Centennial Airport to allow heavier planes to land there. The proposal is an attempt to attract a new type of corporate jet that is popular with executives. Some residents who live near the airport, however, are afraid that changing the weight standards will open the door to air traffic from older, noisier jets as well.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Residents Oppose Expansion Plan at Colorado Airport" (Jun. 20, 1997). The Rocky Mountain News reports that a hearing was held before the Arapahoe County (Colorado) Public Airport Authority board Thursday to consider changes in operation for Centennial Airport. In response to the proposed changes, which could lead to larger aircraft and expanded cargo and passenger service operations, a standing-room only crowd of residents said they opposed the changes.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Citizens Group Demands Noise Study for Centennial Airport" (Jun. 14, 1997). The Denver Post reports that the president of a neighborhood organization in Arapahoe County, Colorado is fighting the expansion plans of the Centennial Airport. Joseph Ryan, president of United Citizens of Arapahoe Neighborhoods, said he has 5,000 signed petitions opposing expanding operations and expanding jet sizes at the airport. Ryan said, "We demand a noise study be done. We are mad as hell and we won't take it anymore. We want county commissioners to honor their campaign promises and stand by us."
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Airport Could Face Sanctions if it Rejects Charter Flights" (Dec. 5, 1997). The Rocky Mountain News reports that managers from the Federal Aviation Administration said the Centennial Airport in Arapahoe County, Colorado might face sanctions if its board rejects a charter company's proposal to offer regular daily flights from the airport.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Colorado Airport Gets Federal Funding for Noise Study" (Sep. 24, 1997). The Denver Post reports that the Federal Aviation Administration has approved a $400,000 grant for a two-year noise study at Centennial Airport in Arapahoe County, Colorado. The study will be used as a standard for noise mitigation efforts once it is completed, the article says.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Homeowner Near Colorado Airport Sues Developer Over Jet Noise" (Sep. 23, 1997). The Denver Post reports that Arapahoe County, Colorado resident Kevin Evans is suing Esprit Homes over jet noise from Centennial Airport, the second busiest general aviation airport in the country. Evans purchased a $325,000 home from Esprit Homes, and argues that the representatives from the company did not disclose the home would be impacted by jet noise. Evans is asking for $900,000 in damages, the article notes.
Arapahoe County, Colorado, "Editorial Praises County for Freezing Development Around Airports Until Noise Study is Completed" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Denver Post prints an editorial that praises Arapahoe County, Colorado Commissioners for placing a moratorium on development near airports until a two-year, $400,000 noise study is completed.
Arcata, California, "Right Whale Deaths Caused By Ship Collisions May Result From Acclamation to Noise in Heavily-Traveled Waters" (Nov. 6, 1999). The New Scientist reports that right whales -- among the most endangered species on the planet -- often die after collisions with ships. The whales may be so used to noise from increasingly busy shipping lanes that they don't connect it with danger.
Archdale, North Carolina, "Archdale, North Carolina Resident Campaigned For Business Rezoning of His Property Weeks After He Fought Expansion of an Industrial Operation Near Another Property He Owns" (Nov. 20, 1999). The News and Record reports that a resident who fought against the expansion of an adhesive company in an industrial zone near his home several weeks ago also wanted to rezone another of his properties for business. The resident said an industrial zone will usually lower property values, while a property values near a business zone will usually rise. A 400-foot buffer was built to ease noise and pollution from the adhesive company's proposed expansion due to the resident's campaigning, only a few small portions of his property were approved for commercial zoning.
Arden, North Carolina, "North Carolina Airboat Operator Draws Resident Complaints Over Noise; County Commissioners Say They Can Only Regulate Noise When It Is Part of a Safety Hazard" (Aug. 27, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that County Commissioners were asked by several residents in Arden, North Carolina to curb the noise made by an airboat operator on the French Broad River. After some responsibility-passing between the County Commissioners and the state Wildlife Commission, the County Commission has said it will hear public comments at its next area meeting, and will attempt to negotiate a compromise.
Arden, North Carolina Hearing to Regulate Airboats, "Arden, North Carolina Airboat" (May 5, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that Mike Bumgardner, an airboat operator on the French Board River in Arden, North Carolina, will appear at the County commissioners meeting with some of his past passengers to protest the efforts to shut his operation down. Noise complaints and concerns about the environment from riverfront residents have prompted the commission to consider regulation of airboats, which would primarily affect Bumgardner.
Arligton Heights, IL, "Arlington, IL Residents Protest Increased Night Noise at O'Hare, Say Flight Path Usage Violates "Fly Quiet" Plan" (Jun. 16, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports Arlington, IL's village board is getting fed up with increased noise at O'Hare International Airport. The board says the extra noise is caused by greater use of the airport's southeast-to-northeast runways, which the board says runs contrary to the recommended patterns of Chicago's "Fly Quiet" program.
Arlington County, Virginia, "Interstate Divides Virginia Neighborhoods but not Virginia Neighborhood Organizations" (Mar. 25, 2000). The Washington Post reported on three neighborhoods in Arlington that were divided by Interstate 66 in 1982. Spokespeople from three civic associations in Bluemont, North Highlands and Arlington-East Falls Church commented on what the division has meant to their neighborhoods-an increase in noise and traffic as well as a determination to remain united.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Votes to Support Federal Bill to Fund Noise Office at EPA" (Sep. 4, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that village trustees in Arlington Heights, Illinois voted unanimously Tuesday to support a federal bill that would fund a noise abatement office in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The legislation is known as the Quiet Communities Act of 1997, and is currently being reviewed by committees in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. Arlington Heights has long been involved in a fight against O'Hare International Airport over aircraft noise.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Area Considers Third Airport To Reduce Noise From O'Hare" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the Arlington Heights (Illinois) Advisory Committee is considering whether a third Chicago airport would reduce noise from O'Hare International Airport.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Noise Group Says Third Airport Won't Reduce Noise" (Apr. 22, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that in February, the Arlington Heights Village Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise voted against joining a coalition that supports building a third regional airport. However, committee discussions on the topic continue.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Committee Set to Make Final Decision on Supporting a Third Area Airport" (Apr. 22, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Village Board in Arlington Heights, Illinois has asked the Arlington Heights Village Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise to make a final decision on whether the village should support a third regional airport in the Chicago area. The article notes that the committee voted against joining a coalition that supports building a third airport in the Peotone area in February, saying a third airport would not reduce jet noise in Arlington Heights. The committee will take up the issue again at its May 19 meeting.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise Want Compliance with Night-time Flight Rules" (Aug. 19, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the Village of Arlington Heights is fuming about O'Hare's noncompliance with nightime-flying rules.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "No New Noise Monitor for Chicago Area's Fly Quiet Program" (Aug. 20, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that a noise committee for the village of Arlington Heights debated whether to get a second stationary monitor from the city of Chicago. According to Trustee Virginia Kucera, the committee's vice chairwoman, failure to reach a consensus meant the village would not be getting a second monitor for tracking O'Hara aircraft noise.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Community Opts Against Third Airport Because Of Noise Pollution" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Arlington Heights, Illinois recently voted not to join a Chicago area coalition in support of a third airport due to concerns over noise pollution.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Community Rejects Third Airport" (Feb. 19, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that Arlington Heights, Illinois has chosen to reject the idea of a third Chicago area airport in a recent vote.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Illinois Community Considers Whether To Back Third Chicago Area Airport" (Feb. 17, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that the Arlington Heights Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise will gather to hear more testimony about the need for a new airport near Peotone, in Will County, to curb expansion of O'Hare International Airport.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights, Illinois Must Decide Whether to Join Group Calling for a Third Chicago Area Airport" (Jan. 13, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports many eyes will be watching tonight as the Arlington Heights, Illinois Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise takes up the question of whether the village should join a pro-third airport group. While many south and west suburban communities have joined the Partnership for Metropolitan Chicago's Airport Future, Arlington Heights would be the first Northwest suburb outside of Suburban O'Hare Committee members Des Plaines, Elk Grove Village and Park Ridge, Illinois to join. "People are looking to see what Arlington will do," said Trustee Virginia Kucera, who will chair the committee's 7:30 p.m. meeting in the council room at village hall, 33 S. Arlington Heights Road. "We're going to have a thorough discussion."
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Sound Walls For Existing Illinois Roads Built at Community's Expense" (Jan. 11, 1998). A Daily Herald article answered reader's questions about traffic problems and road construction, with one question referring to sound wall construction along current roads.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise to Update Goals" (Jun. 23, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports the village of Arlington Heights has requested the Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise re-issue their plan for mitigating airplane noise in the village's airspace.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Discusses Supporting Third Regional Airport to Lessen Noise from O'Hare" (Mar. 3, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that village trustees in Arlington Heights, Illinois met Monday to discuss whether they should support a group that is lobbying for a third regional airport at Peotone in an attempt to lessen noise problems at O'Hare International Airport. About 25 people attended the meeting, and politicians outside the village sent their comments.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Noise Group Lists Goals in Fighting Noise from Chicago's O'Hare Airport" (Nov. 18, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports an advisory committee in Arlington Heights, Illinois, is ready to present their new strategic plan to fight noise from O'Hare International Airport.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Questions O'Hare's Compliance with Fly Quiet Program" (Sep. 17, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports an increase in the number of residents' complaints about noise from Illinois' O'Hare International Airport is causing Arlington Heights officials to question the City of Chicago about compliance with nighttime flying procedures.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Updates Plans to Fight Noise at Chicago's O'Hare Airport" (Sep. 17, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports Arlington Heights' Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise began drafting a new battle plan this week to fight airplane noise.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Illinois Residents Object to Regulation of Law Mower and Snow Blower Noise" (Sep. 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald published the following letters it received from Arlington Heights, Illinois, citizens in response to a report that the Arlington Heights Environmental Control Commission said it was looking at limiting the hours when people can operate lawn mowers. The first letter is from Jan Berkley:
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Most Residents in Chicago Suburb Object to Proposed Regulation of Lawn Mower Noise" (Sep. 14, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald published a second set of letters from Arlington Heights, Illinois, residents responding to an article that reported the Arlington Heights Environmental Control Commission was considering imposing restrictions on homeowners' use of lawn mowers and snow blowers to regulate noise. Included as well are two letters from residents addressing other noise issues in Arlington Heights. The first letter about lawn mower noise is from resident Cathy Robertson:
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlinton Heights Noise Panel Opposes Expansion at O'Hare" (Feb. 18, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports members of an Arlington Heights, Illinois, advisory panel on aircraft noise voted Tuesday to oppose expansion at O'Hare International Airport.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Hts. Trustees Request Residents' Noise Complaints about O'Hare Airport" (Feb. 9, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports village trustees in Arlington Heights, Illinois, asked residents to voice their concerns over aircraft noise and pressure state legislators about quality-of-life issues.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Two New Terminals Proposed at O'Hare Airport Bring Noise Questions" (Feb. 6, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the chairman of the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission on Friday asked for an analysis of how plans for two new terminals at O'Hare International Airport will affect noise in surrounding communities.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Panel Says O'Hare is Ignoring "Fly Quiet" Noise Abatement Program" (Mar. 18, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the Arlington Heights Village Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise plans to meet with O'Hare officials in an effort to convince the airport to turn down the volume.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Arlington Heights Officials Cite Low Compliance with O'Hare Noise Commission's Fly Quiet Program" (Mar. 24, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the board of trustees in Arlington Heights, Illinois, is closely watching the city-suburban O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission these days and voicing its concerns about noise.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Official Insists Expanded O'Hare Terminal Won't Mean More Noise" (Mar. 26, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports a Chicago official on Thursday defended Mayor Daley's planned terminal expansion at O'Hare International Airport as one that will not increase noise.
Arlington Heights, Illinois, "Chicago Area Airport Committee Promises More Pro-Active Position on Reducing Noise" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to the Chicago Daily Herald, Arlington Heights' Advisory Committee on O'Hare Noise
Arlington, Florida, "Florida Town Meeting Focuses on Noise and River Pollution" (Nov. 26, 1997). The Florida Times-Union reports that a town meeting in Arlington, Florida was held Thursday by City Councilor John Crescimbeni, and was attended by about 35 residents. The main topics of discussion were the health of the St. Johns River and noise pollution from concerts at Alltel Stadium.
Arlington, Florida, "Residents in Arlington, Florida Don't Want Runway Expansion at Craig Municipal Airport" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Florida Times-Union reports that a residents in Arlington, Florida are worried that a proposed $6 million, 2,000 foot runway extension at Craig Municipal Airport would increase air traffic to a point inappropriate for their small community. The airport currently has two 4,000-foot runways; the extension would allow larger -- but still relatively small -- general aviation airplanes currently using Jacksonville International Airport to use Craig instead.
Arlington, Massachusetts, "Tenant Wonders Whether Landlord Is Accountable for Noise from Neighbors Due to Inadequate Insulation; Expert Says "No, Unless Landlord Promised Silence or Knew Other Tenants Would Be Loud"" (Oct. 17, 1999). The Boston Globe prints a realty question from a tenant who says his landlord misled him in saying that noise would not be a problem in his apartment. The columnist says effective action would probably need proof that the landlord knew the other tenants would be disruptive, and an unquestionably misleading statement by the landlord. The questioner admitted the tenants were not particularly disruptive, and that the landlord's low-noise claim was ambiguous.
Arlington, Texas, "Texans Say Schools Are Noisy Neighbors" (Dec. 14, 1997). The Dallas Morning News published an editorial about how residents surrounding the existing Arlington High School have complained about trash, traffic, and noise resulting from school activities. Many Arlington residents don't want a school in their back yard for the same reasons, though the present school is bursting at the seams.
Arlington, Texas, "Texas City Proposes Runway to Entice Helicopter Company to Locate There" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that city officials in Arlington, Texas have proposed building a 1,000-foot runway in an effort to convince Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. to locate a production facility of the tilt-rotor aircraft at Arlington Municipal Airport. The city council's airport development committee discussed the plan at a meeting Tuesday. Officials from Bell Helicopter have raised a number of concerns, including the desire to avoid angering nearby residents with noise that would come from ground-testing of the aircraft.
Arlington, Texas, "Carmelite Nuns Ask for Noise Buffer from New Roads; Texas Town Says Wall Too Expensive" (Jul. 1, 1998). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports two former mayors and a former city councilwoman spoke to the City Council last night on behalf of a group of nuns who say the expansion of two roads threatens the serenity of their south Arlington, Texas, monastery.
Arlington, Texas, "Texas City Officials Argue With Nuns Over Erecting a Noise Wall and the Purchase Price for Land" (May 23, 1998). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that city officials in Arlington, Texas are arguing with nuns at the Carmel of the Holy Trinity monastery over the price of some land the city wants to buy from the nuns to expand a street. In addition, the nuns want the city to build a noise wall to protect their property from increased traffic noise, but city officials won't agree to do so. The article notes that negotiations continue, but the city also filed documents this week to initiate an eminent domain hearing, in which court-appointed commissioners would determine the fair market value of the property.
Arlington, Texas, "Texas Residents Complain About Noise from Rock Concert" (May 20, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that residents in Arlington, Texas complained about excessive noise and obscenity during the first paid concert Sunday at the ballpark in the Arlington amphitheater. The event featured 10 bands, drew almost 30,000 fans, and produced music that could be heard up to three miles away. The article says that some residents asked City Council members at a Tuesday meeting to not allow such events at the amphitheater again.
Arlington, TX, "Dallas, TX Columnist Complains about Overly-Stimulating Ballpark Noise" (Jun. 15, 1999). The Dallas Morning News ran an opinion column by William McKenzie, who feels ballparks are becoming too noisy for patrons.
Arlington, Virginia, "International Civil Aviation Organization to Negotiate "Difficult" Agreement with U.S. and EU on Reducing Airplane Noise" (May 4, 1999). AFX News reports that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) will try to negotiate an agreement between the United States and the European Union on reduction of noise and pollution from aircraft. The European Union's recent decision to outlaw older airplanes with 'hush kits' by 2002, intended to encourage the use of even quieter planes, means that the U.S. will have difficulty reselling their hush-kitted airplanes and lose an estimated $1 billion in lost sales. Negotiation within ICAO may be difficult, because many members are from developing countries where noise isn't seen as a primary concern.
Arlington, Virginia, "US Airways Introduces A320 Airbus on Boston to New York Route; With 75-Decibel Footprint, Aircraft Affects Ten Times Less Area than the 727s It Replaces" (Nov. 8, 1999). PR Newswire reports that US Airways new Airbus A320s has a 75-decibel noise footprint, making it affect ten times less area with noise than the Boeing 727 it replaces.
Arrowtown, New Zealand, "Orchard Owner in New Zealand Must Reduce Noise Level of Wind Machine that Fights Frost" (May 23, 1997). The Southland Times reports that an orchard owner in Arrowtown, New Zealand has been asked by a panel to significantly reduce noise levels from a frost-fighting wind machine, or remove it. The panel's decision came in response to neighbors angry about the noise and intrusion into the landscape of the machine.
Arroyo Springs, Arizona, "Phoenix City Council OKs Noise Barriers For Arroyo Springs Residents" (Jul. 7, 1999). The Arizona Republic reports that Arroyo Springs residents will finally get relief from the overwhelming noise from cars and trailer trucks passing by on nearby Loop 101.
Arundel County, Maryland, "Political Push for Maryland Racetrack Unlikely in Election Year" (Jan. 18, 1998). The Baltimore Sun recently published an editorial about the questionable future of a 54,000-seat auto racetrack in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Convincing officials in an election year that auto racing should be part of their county's future may be difficult.
Ashby, England, "Bar in Ashby, England May Not Be Allowed to Continue Operating as a Nightclub Because of Excessive Noise" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Leicester Mercury in England reports that an entertainment locale in Ashby, England called "Desires" has been operating illegally as a nightclub. However, until the North West Leicestershire District Council makes a decision about its license, the establishment can stay open until 2 AM on weekend nights. The noise from the club has been extremely bothersome to one of its neighbors, who is elderly.
Asheville, North Carolina, "Residents Say New Muffler Rule at Racetrack Has Not Decreased Noise in Asheville, North Carolina" (Jun. 14, 1998). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that some residents say they haven't noticed a difference since tighter noise restrictions were implemented at the speedway in Asheville, North Carolina. But the track's owner says he's measured a drop in noise since the new muffler rule went into effect.
Asheville, North Carolina, "North Carolina Racetrack Owner Reduces Race-Car Noise Limit to 90 Decibels" (May 22, 1998). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that the owner of the Asheville Motor Speedway in Asheville, North Carolina has decided to limit noise from race-cars to 90 decibels, starting this week. The article notes that 90 decibels is between noise level of a common vacuum cleaner and a circular saw.
Asheville, North Carolina, "Two Developers Compete to Build Speedways in Asheville, NC; Noise Concerns Delay One Permit" (Nov. 21, 1998). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports there are two efforts to build a racetrack in the Asheville, North Carolina, area. In response to one of the plans, Henderson County commissioners have imposed a 90-day moratorium on racetrack building while they work on a noise ordinance.
Asheville, North Carolina, "Editorial: Race Track in Haywood, NC, will Mean Noise and Turmoil for Residents" (Apr. 12, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times published a rebuttal of Vesta Neale's guest column on Friday, March 26, advocating for a race track in Haywood County, North Carolina. Resident Peggy M. Setzer writes:
Asheville, North Carolina, "County Commissioners in Asheville, North Carolina Consult State Wildlife Commission Concerning Noise and Other Disturbance from an Airboat Operation on the French Broad River" (May 26, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports that Buncombe County Commissioners will ask the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for help in determining the environmental threats that a small airboat operation may have on the French Broad River. In addition to environmental concerns, citizens are worried about effects on other recreation, safety, and hearing.
Asheville, North Carolina, "Younger Generations are Facing More Noise, Making Ear Protection More Critical" (May 13, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times reports on the increase of hearing problems in relatively young people. Louder traffic, appliances, and music put younger people at risk, and have created two generations of kids who will lose more hearing than their parents did. Noise-induced hearing loss affects 20 million Americans, and nearly every other U.S. adult believes he or she has lost some hearing, while one in three 18 to 29-year-olds believes the same. There has been a fourteen percent increase in hearing loss ince 1971, and kids as always think they're immune to health problems like hearing loss.
Asheville, North Carolina, "Yelling is Noise Violation in South Carolina" (Mar. 25, 2000). An article from the Associated Press reported that an anti-abortion protester was cited for violating a local noise ordinance because he was yelling.
Ashville, North Carolina, "North Carolina Police Ticket Protesters for Noise" (Mar. 25, 2000). An article in the Asheville Citizen-Times that protesters who yelled at an employee of a women's health clinic were ticketed by police for "unreasonable, loud, disturbing, unnecessary noise."
Asotin, Washington, "County in Washington Makes it Easier to Punish Industrial Noise Polluters" (Sep. 3, 1997). The Lewiston Morning Tribune reports that commissioners in Asotin County, Washington Monday passed a revision of an ordinance that will allow the county sheriff's employees, rather than state employees, to enforce industrial noise regulations. The action came partly as a result of complaints from residents living near Dutch's Welding in Clarkston, who said they couldn't get an uninterrupted night of sleep because of noise from the company. In addition, the state didn't have an employee stationed in Asotin County who could enforce industrial noise issues, the article says.
Athens, Greece, "Noise Pollution Study in Greece Demands Attention" (Mar. 11, 1998). AP Worldstream reports that according to the Athens Pollution Control Program, or Perpa, 54 percent of Athenians live in areas with unacceptable levels of noise pollution.
Atherton, California area, "Air Traffic Near San Francisco Grows and So Does Territory of Angry Residents" (Jun. 8, 1997). The San Francisco Examiner reports that residents in Atherton, California and other southern San Mateo County communities have started to complain more and more about noise from planes heading for the San Francisco International Airport. The article says that noise has intensified in the area because larger planes are now being used to serve more travelers, and because new FAA rules have required more airspace between flights, which has limited the number of approaches over San Francisco Bay to the airport.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Airport's Master Plan Will Include New Noise Projections and Contour Lines" (Aug. 28, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that the new master plan for Hartsfield International Airport, expected to be completed next spring, will include updated noise projections and new noise contour lines that show the concentrations of noise around the airport. The plan also will project what the contour lines will look like five years into the future, according to Deputy General Manager Andy Bell. Airport officials held three-day workshops last week in Jonesboro, College Park, and south Fulton County to update residents on the master planning process and gather public input, the article notes.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Airport Expansion Disturbs Historic District" (Dec. 14, 1997). According to the Atlanta Journal, an airport expansion option released Friday by a committee advising Hartsfield shows the possibility of a new runway north of the existing airport--a runway College Park Mayor Jack Longino believes would direct jets over his house and could mean construction in areas of the city near Woodward Academy, which sits in the historic district.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Area Communities Say Airport Expansion Is At Their Expense" (Dec. 8, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that the dollar cost for expanding Atlanta, Georgia's Hartsfield Airport may exceed $9.5 billion. But the cost in community dislocation may be even higher.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Committee Wary Of Atlanta Airport Expansion" (Dec. 13, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that a committee advising Hartsfield International Airport took a preliminary vote Friday against expanding the present airfield, but kept three options for handling growth on the table. Only one of those three calls for a sixth runway ---and it would be built on the north side of the airport.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Loud Noise Can Delay Language Skills in Children, Research Finds" (May 8, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that a new study in the Journal of Environment and Behavior by Cornell University researchers has found that loud noise can delay reading skills and language acquisition skills in children. Children cope with the loud noise by "tuning out" many sounds, including human speech, the study found.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Georgia Planners Gear Up for Increasing Business Sector Air Traffic at General Aviation Airports" (Nov. 17, 1997). The Atlanta Journal reports that because businesses are increasingly owning their own fleets of jets, general aviation airports in the Atlanta area are booming. According to Bill Peratta, senior planner for the Atlanta Regional Commission, takeoffs and landings at these airports now outnumber commercial airliner takeoffs and landings at Atlanta's Hartsfield International Airport. Planners in the area are beginning to think about how to help general aviation airports manage the future air traffic growth, including how to deal with noise pollution and transportation congestion issues.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Study Says Noise Acceptable from Georgia Firing Range; Neighbors Disagree" (Apr. 15, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports a study of noise from a Georgia police firing range shows that noise levels acceptable.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Noise Matters: Ban Leaf Blowers, Buy Rakes" (Jan. 10, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports that noise matters. It points to the clash over leaf blowers in Los Angeles ---a battle that has drawn national attention and counts among its supporters actress Julie Newmar, a leaf-blower hater.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Navy Jets Practice Landings at Atlanta Base Too Loud for Residents" (May 7, 1998). The Atlanta Journal reports many Atlanta, Georgia, residents are annoyed by the noise from the Navy's Blue Dolphins practicing carrier landings at Naval Air Station Atlanta.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Columnist Explains What Must Happen for Erection of a Noise Barrier" (Aug. 5, 1999). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution prints a question and answer column, which includes a question about why noise barriers have not been installed in front of certain highway-noise-impacted properties. The columnist answers that several criteria -- including a maximum cost per residence and a requirement that a noise wall must be part of a highway widening project -- must be met beyond the minimum 69 decibels of noise impact to qualify an area for a wall.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Residents Around Dekalb-Peachtree Airport In Atlanta, Georgia Oppose Expansion Project" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that a plan to rezone 3.5 acres at 765-acre Dekalb-Peachtree Airport in Atlanta, Georgia for a new corporate hangar is being vehemently opposed by residents, saying they want no more jet traffic at the airport: already Georgia's second largest. An active community group wants to prevent all expansion at the airport.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Georgia Institute of Technology Researcher Develops "Quiet Curtain"; Noise Shielding Material and Fabric Can Reduce Noise By 12 Decibels" (Aug. 16, 1999). Design News reports that a Georgia Institute of Technology Researcher has developed a "quiet curtain" that can reduce noise by 12 decibels.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Restaurants Are Getting Louder; Diners Weigh Exciting Atmosphere Against Agitating Noise" (Jun. 10, 1999). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that restaurants in Atlanta are louder than they were ten years ago. Some venues are noisy by design in an attempt to convey an exciting atmosphere; these places may play louder music, and furnish their establishments with metal, cement, wood, tile and other smooth surfaces that tend to reflect sound. Some restaurants are noisy because they tend to draw larger groups, or because of the materials they are furnished with. Restaurants that want to be quieter can install carpets over smooth floors that reflect noise, and place sound-absorbing paneling in ceilings and walls.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Residents Near Georgia Tech in Atlanta Complain that Supplemental Student Housing Ruins Their Neighborhoods' Peace and Appearance" (Dec. 2, 1999). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that a series of 35-foot tall duplexes, constructed to house students from Georgia Tech and Georgia State, annoy many residents of Atlanta. Residents complain about parking issues, trash and noise. City officials are working to enforce parking and noise restrictions more stringently, and to change zoning that allows duplexes.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Woodworker Wonders Why His Bandsaw Makes Such a Racket" (Apr. 9, 2000). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that a reader recently asked for help in determining the cause of extremely loud noise from his bandsaw. The newspaper's woodworking expert, Jack Warner, attempts to answer the question.
Atlanta, Georgia, "Atlanta Plans Beefed-up Public Safety and Noise Ordinance Enforcement Presence in Buckhead District for St. Patrick's Day Weekend Celebrations" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that Atlanta's Buckhead bar district is planning on huge crowds during the upcoming St. Patrick's Day weekend, and the city is preparing ahead of time to make sure that the area is well patrolled for safety and crowd control, and to make sure that the city noise ordinance is enforced.
Atlantic Beach, Florida, "Elevated Vehicle Ramp Noise Lower Than Original Projections" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to the Florida Times Union, a newly constructed elevated vehicle ramp won't be so loud as Atlantic Beach commissioners originally thought, and the cost of noise reduction solutions will be lower as a result.
Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan, "Tokyo High Court Grant Residents Living Near U.S. Air Base Monetary Compensation, But Won't Ban Night Flights; Residents Won't Appeal" (Aug. 2, 1999). The Mainichi Daily News reports that the Tokyo High Court ruled that the government must pay 170 million yen to residents living near the U.S. Asugi Naval Air Facility who have been disturbed by aircraft noise. All night-flights will be allowed to continue, although even the lower courts were considering a ban on some flights. The residents will not appeal the ruling.
Auburn, Massachusetts, "Will Trees Protect High School from Mass. Highway Noise?" (Apr. 10, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports the Massachusetts Highway Department has agreed to plant fast-growing trees along the road near Auburn High School in an effort to muffle the noise from heavy traffic.
Auburn, Washington, "Environmental Impact Statement For Native American Tribe's Amphitheater Convinces Officials to Approve the Project, But a Community Group in the Seattle, Washington Area Says the Theater Would Ruin the Rural Character of the Area" (Aug. 9, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that a $30-million amphitheater near Auburn, Washington has earned a favorable environmental impact statement. A community group says that the impact report is a joke that "damages the credibility of the government agencies that oversaw it." The group claims that the rural character of the area will be ruined by the theater, and plans to attempt to block further construction through legal means.
Auckland, New Zealand, "A Minute's Worth of Complete Silence a Rare Experience, Even in New Zealand" (Apr. 29, 1998). The Dominion of Wellington, New Zealand, reports Auckland academics will allow citizens to experience blissful silence today in honor of Noise Awareness Day.
Auckland, New Zealand, "New Zealand Researcher Believes Noise May Reduce Infant Crib-Death Incidents" (Apr. 12, 2000). The Press in Christchurch, New Zealand reports that an Auckland, New Zealand clinical psychologist has released a controversial study that says that infants at risk of crib death have an easier time breathing if they are exposed to background noise while they are sleeping.
Augusta, Georgia, "Reader Expresses Concern Over Jet Noise at Upcoming Augusta, Georgia Skyfest 2000" (Mar. 16, 2000). The Augusta, Georgia Chronicle published reader comments on a variety of topics in its "Rants and Raves" column. One is from a reader who expresses concern about noise at Skyfest 2000. The comments are reprinted here in their entirety:
Augusta, Maine, "Maine Senate Enacts Watercraft-use Legislation that Bans Use of Personalwatercraft and Boat Moters on Specific Water Surfaces and Sets Decibel Noise Restrictions Where Watercraft Use is Permitted." (Apr. 8, 1998). The Bangdor Daily News reports that legislation enacted by Maine's Senate bans the use of personal watercraft (including Jet Skis) on 243 gem ponds and on specific lakes in Maine's Rangeley region.
Augusta, Maine, "Maine Passes Comprehensive Law Regulating Noise and Operators of Personal Watercraft" (Jul. 6, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reported Maine's new watercraft regulations take effect on Thursday. Years of complaints about noise and safety issues concerning the personal watercraft led to the most comprehensive law of its kind yet passed in Maine.
Augusta, Maine, "New Laws on Maine's Waters Restricting Noise and Personal Watercraft" (Jun. 28, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports as Maine's busiest boating season begins next weekend, game wardens are gearing up to enforce new boating laws - including restrictions on noise levels and the minimum age for operating personal watercraft.
Augusta, Maine, "Bath, Maine Allows Iron Works to Continue 24-Hour Work As Long As Night Noise Limits Are Maintained" (Sep. 3, 1999). The Portland Press Herald reports that Bath, Maine's Board of Environmental Protection voted 8-0 that Bath Iron Works (BIW) can continue constructing its $218 million shipbuilding facility around the clock. BIW must keep quiet at night and monitor its own noise. Residents were hoping for a ban on night construction, but they concede that BIW has taken positive steps towards reducing noise. Driving piles into the riverbed will be the loudest process -- which BIW likened to inserting beach umbrellas into the sand -- but BIW will be allowed to do even that at night if noise limits are observed.
Augusta, Maine, "Augusta, Maine Bar Granted Three-Month Permit to Offer Live Music" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Kennebec Journal reports that an Augusta, Maine bar will be able to offer live music three nights per week as a result of a recent City Council vote that granted the business a special amusement permit. Complaints from residents about loud music and patrons prompted city meetings to discuss the issue.
Aurora, Colorado, "Noise Walls Will Be Built Along Interstate in Colorado City" (Feb. 27, 1998). The Rocky Mountain News reports that construction on noise walls in Aurora, Colorado will begin in the next few weeks. The walls will go up on both sides of Interstate 225 from Parker Road to East Yale Avenue, as part of an overhaul of the I-225 and Parker interchange. According to the article, the beige and dark brown masonry block noise walls will provide noise relief for nearby residents, and will cost about $4.5 million.
Aurora, Colorado, "Colorado City Steps Up Enforcement of Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 20, 1998). The Denver Post reports that police in Aurora, Colorado have stepped up enforcement of the city's noise ordinance that passed in 1995, responding to residents' complaints. The article says residents were warned with an insert in their water bills this month to keep the noise down.
Aurora, Colorado, "Study Predicts High Noise Levels for Planned Housing near Colorado's Buckley Air Base" (Jun. 21, 1998). The Rocky Mountain News reports a recently released report by the Air Force concerning noise levels from Buckley Air National Guard Base may force Aurora, Colorado, city planners to reconsider already-approved developments.
Aurora, Colorado, "Colorado Air National Guard Base Releases Noise and Safety Study" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Denver Post reports that officials at Colorado's Buckley Air National Guard released results on Thursday of a noise and safety study that looked at impacts on Aurora and Arapahoe County, the communities most affected by the base's aircraft operations. The study, known as the Department of Defense's Air Installation Compatible Use Zone Study, was intended to provide non-binding guidelines for local governments as they develop land-use plans in areas surrounding the military installation. The article notes that although residents living near the base have complained about the noise, the city of Aurora has continued to approve residential developments near the base.
Aurora, Colorado, "FAA Approves Air National Guard's Low-Level Training Flights Over Southern Colorado" (May 4, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that the FAA has approved the Air National Guard's plan to conduct low-altitude F-16 training flights over southern Colorado. Several organizations opposed the plan, and Bob Senderhauf, president of the Custer County Action Association, said "They really completely ignored a lot of the concerns...." Residents are worried that the noise will affect their lifestyle, livestock, wildlife and tourism. The Air Force said it has considered resident concerns, and halved the area that will be affected by low-altitude flight. The flights would be as low as 300-feet over some areas. At least one resident/businessman has planned to sue if the plan goes through.
Aurora, Colorado, "Letter Writer Says Placement of Housing Developments Near DIA Airport in Aurora, Colorado Sets Stage for Future Litigation Over Noise" (Sep. 6, 1999). The Denver Rocky Mountain News prints a letter to the editor by a realtor from Aurora, Colorado. The writer is concerned that after DIA Airport was built intentionally in an area away from residential neighborhoods, new development plans will place residences there and set the stage for future litigations that taxpayers will end up paying for.
Aurora, Illinois, "Illinois City Considers Extending Nighttime Noise Ordinance to Businesses" (Jun. 26, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that the Aurora (Illinois) City Council Government Operations Committee is considering extending a nighttime noise prohibition that now applies to homes, to cover businesses adjacent to residential areas.
Aurora, Illinois, "Neighborhood Group and Local Illinois City Police Work Together to Enforce Anti-Noise Law" (Jun. 24, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that an effort in Aurora, Illinois to enforce a noise ordinance directed at blaring stereos from vehicles has combined the forces of the Near West Side Neighborhood Association with community police officers. Under "Operation Boombox," as the effort is called, residents in the neighborhood group use two-way radios to notify nearby squad cars if they hear a blaring vehicle stereo, allowing police officers to arrive quickly at the scene and determine whether a violation has occurred. If so, officers can impound the vehicle, the article says.
Austell, Georgia, "Austell, Georgia Railway Construction Site Produces Noise Complaints from Residents" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that construction work on the Norfolk Southern Railway train-to-truck transfer station in Austell, Georgia has angered residents in the small town because much of the work is done at night and prevents them from sleeping. County Commissioner Woody Thompson has come to the aid of the residents by issuing a formal complaint to the city of Austell, requesting enforcement of its noise ordinance, prohibition of nighttime work at the site, and watering of the site to prevent dust from filling the air around area homes.
Austin, Texas, "Austin Texas Awaits New Airport" (Dec. 7, 1997). The Houston Chronicle reports that Austin, Texas is preparing to open a new airport.
Austin, Texas, "Scientists at University of Texas Devise Design Improvement for Noise Walls" (Jul. 3, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports because scientists believe noise generated by cars and trucks can damage the hearing of people who live nearby, a group at the University of Texas at Austin is trying to develop the best physical barrier to block noise coming from highways.
Austin, Texas, "Texas City Settles Lawsuit With Nightclubs Suing to Overturn Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 6, 1998). The Austin American-Statesman reports that officials with the City of Austin, Texas have settled a lawsuit with the East Sixth Street Community Association and 10 nightclubs that had sued to overturn the city's noise ordinance. The article explains that the noise ordinance will stay in effect, but police will adopt new methods and use new equipment to measure the noise coming from nightclubs.
Austin, Texas, "Public Hearing in Austin, Texas, will Address Noise Study Projections for Austin-Bergstrom International Airport" (Oct. 14, 1998). The Austin American-Statesman reports officials in Austin, Texas, will hold a public meeting tonight to discuss a noise study in preparation for the May 1999 opening of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport for passenger traffic.
Austin, Texas, "A Proposed Noise Mitigation Plan at Austin-Bergstrom International Airport Is Scheduled For Consideration in September; Plan Was Originally Scheduled For June Consideration, and Residents Are Upset At the Delay" (Aug. 30, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reports that a noise mitigation plan for Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA) in Texas will be considered in September by the city council after a delay of several months. The plan would call for buyouts, soundproofing, and money in exchange for overflight easements. Some residents are upset that the plan has been delayed, and say that a program that requires planes to turn over residential areas above a certain altitude is not being enforced. Officials say enforcement is strict.
Austin, Texas, "Life in Downtown Austin Means Attractive Housing But Constant Noise" (Dec. 11, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reported on people who live in attractive lofts in downtown Austin, and their love hate relationship with living in the middle of a city.
Austin, Texas, "Study Shows Noise from New Texas Airport will Affect 1,500 Residents" (Feb. 17, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reports an updated study on noise around a new airport in Southeast Austin, Texas, shows an increase in the number of residents who will be affected by noise from aircraft taking off and landing.
Austin, Texas, "Actor Fined $50 for Breaking Noise Ordinance During Naked Drumming Session in Austin, Texas" (Nov. 16, 1999). The Cox News Service reports that the actor Matthew McConaughey was fined $50 for a night of naked bongo drumming for violating the Austin, Texas noise ordinance.
Austin, Texas, "Austin Approves $14.8 Million for Noise Abatement at City's New Airport" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Austin American-Statesman reports that Austin, Texas' city council has approved $14.8 million for noise abatement at the new Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. Residents will have the option of having the city buy their house, soundproof it, or do nothing. Many people who have lived there for years have mixed feelings because they don't want to move. Nevertheless they will be escaping the "cracked walls, broken windows" and pollution that were mentioned in their complaints. The city is acting even though federal noise limits that require action have not been reached in most of the neighborhoods. The plan is part of their "Fly Quiet" program, which has already designated southern takeoffs during the day and moved four schools further from the airport.
Avon Lake, Ohio, "Ohio Residents Oppose Railroad Expansion That Would Triple the Number of Trains" (Sep. 15, 1997). The Plain Dealer reports that the Norfolk Southern Railroad and its competitor, CSX, have submitted a joint application to the federal Surface Transportation Board to purchase rail tracks from Conrail in the Lorain County, Ohio. If the purchase is approved, the article says, Norfolk Southern will increase the number of freight trains it runs through Lorain County en route between New York and Chicago from 13 per day to 24. Residents who live near the tracks in Avon Lake and local government officials are opposed to the idea of increasing train traffic for a variety of reasons, including increased noise and safety issues.
Avon, Ohio, "Avon, Ohio, to Get Noise Barriers Along Widened Section of Interstate 90" (Nov. 10, 1998). The Plain Dealer reports Avon, Ohio, will get noise walls built along Interstate 90 next year.
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