State or Country Index

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State or Country Index:

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 

WA, Seattle, "Seattle Schools Demand Noise Research And Fight New Airport Runway" (May 15, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport has caused ongoing dispute between the Highline School District and the Port of Seattle. Highline Schools asked the Port yesterday to conduct and pay for a study of the effects of noise on schools near the airport. The schools also asked the Port to pay for noise abatement and renovations to two schools. The Port is excited that the schools are wanting to talk, but is not in agreement with everything in the proposal, including the supposedly high budget of $20 million. The Port will respond to the proposal, according to director of aviation professional and technical services Mike Feldman.

WA, Seattle, "Magnolia, WA and Seattle Suburbs Protest Night Flights At Boeing Field" (Jun. 16, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports residents of Magnolia, WA and other Seattle suburbs are seeking an alternative night flight path into Boeing Field, instead of the current one directly over Magnolia.

Wales, "Parents in Wales to Sue Ministry of Defense over Damage to Children's Hearing From Low-Flying Military Jets" (Jun. 20, 1997). The Guardian reports that a group of parents in Wales is planning to sue Great Ministry of Defense over their children's hearing problems which they blame on low-flying military jets. The parents are submitting research conducted in conjunction with the Federal Environmental Agency in Germany, which has found a link between low flying aircraft and hearing impairments.

Wales, Aberavon, "Residents in Aberavon, Wales To Experience Construction Noise From Morning to Night" (Mar. 27, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reported that Baglan Moors Hospital is scheduled to begin construction and its neighbors were warned at a public meeting to expect noise from pile driving 11 hours a day.

Wales, Carmarthen, "Amusement Arcade in Wales Will Likely Be Denied Permission to Relocate Because of Fears of Young People Making Noise" (Apr. 4, 2000). The South Wales Evening Post reports that businesses in Carmarthen, Wales are objecting to an amusement arcade that would like to relocate to an area that falls within the town's conservation area, and which would bring noise and undesirable clientele to the neighborhood.

Wales, Swansea, "Wales' Residents Voice Noise Concerns Over Pub's Request for Music License" (Apr. 9, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea community council is fighting a pub's application for a music license, citing noise concerns.

Wales, Swansea, "Kennels in Wales Approved Without Conditions Despite Residents' Noise Fears" (Apr. 1, 1998). The South Wales Evening Post reports a Swansea farm has been given approval to build kennels despite fears about noise nuisance.

Wales, Swansea, "Swansea, Wales Club Is Denied a 4 A.M. Weekend Extension By the Local Council" (Nov. 22, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the local council has rejected an application from a Swansea, Wales club for a two-hour extension of their operating hours. Police feared the time would cause a sudden exodus that would draw noise complaints. Club owners said that noise issues could be dealt with, and said the exodus would not be sudden.

Wales, Swansea, "Swansea, Wales City Council Warns Public that Industrial Noise Is No Longer Under Their Jurisdiction" (Dec. 3, 1999). The South Wales Evening Post reports that the government of Wales has transferred the power to enforce industrial noise limits to the Environment Agency, meaning that local councils no longer have the power to enforce noise laws when it comes to industrial noise.

Washington, "Noise Control for Mines Criticized by Republican Senator" (May 27, 1999). Associated Press reports Sen. Michael B. Enzi, R-Wyo., chairman of the Senate subcommittee on employment, safety and training is questioning the Clinton administration's proposal to require that mine operators protect workers from noise by buying quieter machines or rotating employees.

Washington, "U.S. State Department Files Petition with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Concerning Possible International Law Violation by European Union for Banning Hushkitted Transports" (Mar. 20, 2000). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the United States is concerned that the European Union's ban of hushkitted transports is illegal. The U.S. hopes that the petition it filed with the ICAO on March 14 will help settle the dispute. Hushkits are devices that were developed to help powerplants and aviation companies comply with the ICAO's Chapter 3 noise-emissions standards. Most hushkitted aircraft have been built in the United States. The United States claims that by banning hushkitted aircraft, the EU is unfairly penalizing U.S. aircraft companies, while simultaneously favoring European manufacturers who do not install hushkits, particularly Airbus Industrie.

Washington area, Seattle, "Seattle's Airport Gets FAA Approval for Third Runway" (Jul. 4, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) yesterday gave its final approval to a new, third runway at Seattle-Tacoma (Washington) International Airport, which is an important step in the airport's planned major expansion. Meanwhile, officials in the cities in South King County that have opposed the third runway said the decision was no surprise and just means the cities will add the FAA to the list of agencies they plan to sue.

Washington area, Seattle, "Little Action on Noise Impacts of Seattle Airport on Nearby Schools" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from resident Wallace Meyers Burien regarding the effects of noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Highline Schools:

Washington area, Seattle, "Schools Should Not Bear the Burden of Seattle's Airport Noise" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Laura Anderson, a Normandy Park resident, about the noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport that affects students in the Highline School District:

Washington area, Seattle, "Coalition Fighting Runway at Seattle Airport Releases Documents Detailing the Likelihood of Winning Court Cases" (Feb. 28, 1998). The News Tribune reports that the Airport Communities Coalition, a group fighting the proposed construction of a third runway at the Sea-Tac Airport near Seattle, Washington, released documents two weeks ago showing that it considered using lawsuits against the project largely as a means to force airport officials to negotiate a financial settlement. The Coalition documents were made public as a result of judicial action after the Port of Seattle, which owns the airport, requested to review the documents.

Washington area, Seattle, "Resident Says Washington State Airport Officials Didn't Follow Federal Guidelines in Noise Mitigation Program" (Jul. 17, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor form Minnie Brasher, a Burien, Washington resident, regarding noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport:

Washington area, Seattle, "Washington Resident Applauds State Supreme Court and National Park Service for Banning Jet Skis" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Christina Wilsdon, a Seattle resident, regarding noise from personal watercraft:

Washington area, Seattle, "Washington State Supreme Court Rules That Jet Skis Can Be Banned" (Jul. 13, 1998). NBC News Transcripts reports that the Washington state Supreme Court has upheld a county ordinance that bans Jet Skis as noise pollution in the San Juan islands, north of Seattle, Washington.

Washington area, Seattle, "Washington County Commissioners Deny Wal-Mart Request to Rezone Property" (Jul. 22, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that commissioners in Spokane County, Washington Tuesday unanimously denied a request by Wal-Mart to rezone residential property for a regional shopping center on the north side of Seattle. Residents who had opposed the rezoning because of the size, lights, noise, traffic, and possible 24-hour operation of the store were thrilled with the decision. The article notes that Wal-Mart has not yet announced whether it will appeal the decision to the Superior Court.

Washington area, Seattle, "FAA Proposes New Flight Paths for Some Jets at Seattle Airport to Reduce Noise" (Jul. 26, 1998). The News Tribune reports that a new plan has been proposed that would shift some nighttime flight paths at the Sea-Tac Airport in the Seattle, Washington area to reduce noise over Federal Way. There are conflicting accounts of whether the plan has been proposed by the Federal Aviation Administration or the office of U.S. Representative Adam Smith. The article reports that a similar proposal involving daytime flights was rejected by the FAA in April, surprising and disappointing many local officials.

Washington area, Seattle, "Washington Columnist Tells Camper That Noise Wall Along Campground Isn't Likely" (Jul. 29, 1998). The Seattle Times printed a column in which a reader said he and his family like to camp at the Crystal Springs campground along Interstate 90 near Snoqualmie Pass in Washington. But, the reader said, the increase in traffic along the Interstate has made the campground very noisy. He asked who he can write to ask for a noise barrier separating the campground from the Interstate. The columnist responded that there is no chance of getting a noise wall built in that area.

Washington area, Seattle, "Washington School District Rejects Airport Money for Noise Study Because There Are Strings Attached" (May 29, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that officials with the Highline School District near Seattle, Washington yesterday rejected the Port of Seattle's offer to pay for a jet-noise study because they say it is too restrictive. The Port operates the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the airport explains. Last week, Port officials announced they would pay up to $350,000 for a noise study in the school district. But Highline officials have already started their own noise study, and they say using the Port's money would force them to start the study over. Highline officials asked that the Port instead help pay for the study already underway.

Washington area, Tacoma, "New Rules at Washington Air Force Base Should Reduce Noise" (Aug. 15, 1997). The News Tribune reports that aircraft landings at McChord Air Force Base near Tacoma, Washington should be quieter from now on, due to new minimum altitude requirements that go into effect today.

Washington area, Tacoma, "Washington Cities Deserve Explanation on FAA's Refusal to Adjust Flight Paths for Noise Reduction" (Apr. 20, 1998). The News Tribune printed an editorial which argues that residents living in the flight path of Sea-Tac Airport in the Tacoma, Washington area deserve a good explanation for the Federal Aviation Administration's recent decision not to adjust flight routes in order to mitigate jet noise.

Washington area, Vancouver, "Editorial Says Jet Ski Ban in Some Washington Lakes Makes Sense" (Jul. 13, 1998). The Columbian printed an editorial that argues Jet Ski bans make sense in some Washington lakes. In national parks and other important natural areas, Jet Skis are not appropriate, the editorial says. But on other lakes, such as the Lacamas Lake near Vancouver, Washington, seaplanes and motorboats already have shattered the silence and residential developments have eliminated much of the former natural setting. On such lakes, the editorial argues, Jet Skis should be banned only if they can be shown to be environmentally harmful.

Washington D.C., "U.S. Policy Makers Speak Out Against Ineffectual European Law Regarding Quieter Airplanes" (Apr. 21, 1999). The International Herald Tribune recently printed an editorial by Rodney E. Slater, David L. Aaron and Stuart E. Eizenstat stating how they feel about the recent European Union "hush kit" rule that will supposedly bring more peace and quiet to airports on both sides of the Atlantic.

Washington D.C., "Columnist Takes Humorous Look at Excessive Noise at Two Venues in Washington D.C. That Are Not Regulated" (Apr. 30, 1999). The Washington Post prints a humorous column which examines noise laws in Washington D.C. The columnists discusses a shoe store which blares loud music and promos, as well as a hockey game at MCI Center where the public address system is extremely loud. He notes that while Washington's 1981 noise laws prohibits "loud noises . . . upon the streets or public places," it does not prohibit loud noise in private places (such as the two venues mentioned) where the public sometimes goes. The columnist's theory is that promoters believe high volume will encourage the spending of money.

Washington D.C., "European Union Postpones Implementation of Legislation Banning Hush Kits, Giving U.S. More Time to Resell their Hush-Kitted Aircraft" (Apr. 29, 1999). The Financial Times reports that the European Union has agreed to postpone legislation by one year that would ban hush-kitted airplanes from EU airspace. Originally, the 2002 ban was to be applied to hush-kitted planes that had not operated in the EU before May 1999. The ban is aimed at quieting airplanes, since older hush-kitted airplanes -- like the Boeing 727, the DC-9, and early Boeing 737s -- are still louder than newer, quieter planes.

Washington D.C., "U.S. Threatens to File Complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization to Pressure the European Union to Modify or Withdraw Its Hushkit Ban" (Jan. 1, 2000). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the United States may file an official complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed hushkit ban, although a compromise may be reached before that. The U.S. says that when the ICAO eventually tries to work on Stage 4 standards, European companies won't want its equipment devalued any more than the U.S. does now.

Washington D.C., "Pending Congressional Bills Designed to Increase Airline Competition Would End Limits on Regional Flights at Four Major Airports; Residents Worry About Increased Air Traffic" (Jul. 12, 1999). Newsday reports that two new bills in Congress are designed to allow more regional jets into airports in New York City, Washington D.C., and Chicago. Planes with fewer than 70 seats would be eligible. The House bill proposes a total end to flight limits by 2007 and puts no limit on the number of exemptions; the Senate version restricts its exemptions to small planes for the foreseeable future, and allows the Transportation Department to set a limit on the number of exemptions. New York City residents worry about increased noise and pollution. New York Senators are pushing for guarantees that the bills, if passed, would improve air service and competition in upstate New York.

Washington D.C., "Supreme Court is Latest Court to Reject Environmentalist Arguments that Government Must Move More Quickly to Reduce Aircraft Noise over the Grand Canyon and Other National Parks" (Jun. 8, 1999). The Tennessean reports that the Supreme Court rejected an appeal from seven environmental groups -- including the Grand Canyon Trust -- to more quickly reduce noise from planes flying over the Grand Canyon. In a similar case over helicopter landing pads -- used by tourism companies -- near Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the court similarly refused to hear arguments. In 1987, a federal law was passed that noted safety concerns and the negative impacts of noise from aircraft flying over the Grand Canyon; after years of study, a 1994 report said more noise reduction was needed. The FAA created flight-free zones and limited flights, to be in place by 2008. Air tour operators complained this was too fast, while environmentalists argued it was too slow.

Washington D.C., "Supreme Court Rejects an Appeal by Environmentalists that Claimed the Government is Moving Too Slowly to Reduce Aircraft Noise in the Grand Canyon" (Jun. 7, 1999). AP Online reports that the Supreme Court rejected an appeal from environmentalists that claimed the government was moving too slowly to reduce aircraft noise from sightseeing flights over the Grand Canyon. The decision confirmed what lower appeals courts asserted: even the slow pace of progress is something, and it is unfair to say no steps have been taken. The appeal had claimed that at the current rate of action, "no delay is unreasonable." In contrast, a group of air tour operators have claimed the government is moving too quickly. Both claims have been rejected by appeals courts.

Washington D.C., "Supreme Court Rejects Appeals from Environmentalists that Claim the Government is Moving Too Slowly to Address Noise from Sightseeing Planes Over the Grand Canyon." (Jun. 8, 1999). Greenwire reports that the Supreme Court rejected an appeal from Environmentalists that said the Federal Aviation Administration's plan to reduce noise by 2008 violates Federal Law which requires noise-abatement steps. Air-tour operators had also filed suit, claiming the government was moving too quickly. The Supreme Court Decision agreed with a previous U.S. Court of Appeals decision, which said that it was unfair to say that no noise-abatement steps had been taken. Environmentalists claimed that "Under this approach, no delay is unreasonable."

Washington D.C., "US Airways Introduces Earlier Shuttle Between Washington and New York After Acquiring Quieter Planes; Addition Expected to Attract Business Travelers" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Washington Post reports that US Airways is the first to introduce a 6 a.m. shuttle from Washington's Reagan National Airport to New York's LaGuardia Airport. New aircraft allow the airline to meet noise limits required of early takeoffs.

Washington D.C., "New Jersey, New York Legislators Argue Over Flight Paths from Newark Airport" (Nov. 5, 1999). The Gannett News Service reports that New Jersey and New York legislators are arguing over proposed changes in flight paths from Newark Airport that would take a 'straight-out' path that passes over Elizabeth, New Jersey instead of turning to fly over Staten Island.

Washington D.C., "FAA Asks Congress to Hold Off on Filing Complaints Against EU's Anti-Hushkit Legislation, Saying that Productive Negotiations for Next Generation of Noise Standards May Encourage EU to Withdraw Legislation Themselves" (Sep. 14, 1999). Air Transport Intelligence reports that the FAA has asked Congress to hold off on filing an official complaint against the European Union (EU) and its recent legislation that bans new planes from using hushkits to meet noise limits after May 2000. The EU is eager for U.S. participation in the development of new noise standards, and may be willing to withdraw their legislation if a proposed standard is being developed to otherwise address their concerns about noise. The anti-hushkit legislation -- as it now stands -- would prevent the addition of noisy, hush-kitted planes to European fleets after May 2000.

Washington D.C., "US and EU Nearing a Resolution to Tension Over EU's Aircraft Noise Regulations that US Says Would Unfairly Hurt Resale Market for Noisier Planes" (Sep. 20, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the US and the European Union (EU) are closer to an agreement that would resolve tension over proposed airport noise regulations in Europe. The regulations would forbid noisier Stage 2 aircraft from being used, which the US says would unfairly hurt the resale market for their aircraft. The EU may agree to withdraw or modify the regulations if the US commits in writing to a definitive timeline for development of the next phase of noise standards: Stage 4. The US is already working with the European Commission to outline principles and "an appropriate level of economic protection for the existing Stage 3 fleet," although the EU wants more assurances that the US will remain committed.

Washington D.C., "Mine Safety and Health Administration Issues New Standards to Protect Miners from Prolonged Exposure to Dangerous Noise" (Sep. 9, 1999). The U.S. Newswire reports that the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will now require mine operators to monitor noise exposure and also make training, hearing tests, and hearing protection available to miners who are exposed to more than an 85 decibel average over eight hours. Hearing loss is one of the top occupational hazards among miners, and may reduce safety in the workplace.

Washington D.C., "Trade Officials Urge European Union to Revisit Regulation that Discriminates Against U.S. Planes with Hushkits" (Sep. 10, 1999). The Financial Times reports that the U.S. undersecretary of commerce asked the European Union (EU) to withdraw a regulation that restricts some U.S. aircraft -- outfitted with noise-dampening hushkits -- from flying in the EU. The U.S. could lose $1.5 billion if the measure -- which would prevent hushkitted aircraft from flying to the EU by May of 2002 if they hadn't operated in the EU prior to May 1999 -- is put in place. The regulation was intended to phase out noisier aircraft over the densely populated EU, but the U.S. claims that the agreement doesn't meet international standards, since U.S. aircraft would be discriminated against while other noisier aircraft still operated.

Washington DC, "86% of United States' Commercial Jets are Stage 3 Compliant Already; FAA Expects Full Compliance by January 1, 2000 Deadline" (Aug. 20, 1999). Air Transport Intelligence reports that 86% of the United States' commercial jets are now Stage 3 compliant, and it appears that 100% will be compliant by January 1, 2000. The tougher noise requirements, apply to all non-military aircraft weighing over 75,000 pounds: 7,538 aircraft in all.

Washington DC, "Major US Airlines 86% Compliant with New Noise Standards" (Aug. 20, 1999). The Associated Press reports that 86% of US commercial jets are now Stage 3 compliant, in accordance with a 1990 congressional law that requires compliance with the tougher noise standards by January 1, 2000. Stage 3 planes are 5 times quieter than the older, Stage 2 airplanes

Washington DC, "Nevada Senators Add Rider to Spending Bill That Would Delay Noise Restrictions Planned for Grand Canyon National Park" (Sep. 17, 1999). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Nevada senators added a rider to an Interior spending bill that would delay implementation of new noise limits in Grand Canyon National Park. The senators say that air tour operators only want time to refute the methods used by the Park Service: methods they say are flawed. Environmentalists consider the rider a simple delay tactic, to be used to find other ways to reject the limits. In developing the limits, the Park Service is trying to comply with a 1987 congressional mandate to restore natural quiet to the park.

Washington, Asotin, "County in Washington Makes it Easier to Punish Industrial Noise Polluters" (Sep. 3, 1997). The Lewiston Morning Tribune reports that commissioners in Asotin County, Washington Monday passed a revision of an ordinance that will allow the county sheriff's employees, rather than state employees, to enforce industrial noise regulations. The action came partly as a result of complaints from residents living near Dutch's Welding in Clarkston, who said they couldn't get an uninterrupted night of sleep because of noise from the company. In addition, the state didn't have an employee stationed in Asotin County who could enforce industrial noise issues, the article says.

Washington, Auburn, "Environmental Impact Statement For Native American Tribe's Amphitheater Convinces Officials to Approve the Project, But a Community Group in the Seattle, Washington Area Says the Theater Would Ruin the Rural Character of the Area" (Aug. 9, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that a $30-million amphitheater near Auburn, Washington has earned a favorable environmental impact statement. A community group says that the impact report is a joke that "damages the credibility of the government agencies that oversaw it." The group claims that the rural character of the area will be ruined by the theater, and plans to attempt to block further construction through legal means.

Washington, Bellevue, "Washington City Changes Ordinance to Allow Construction Noise on Saturdays" (Jun. 17, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the City Council in Bellevue, Washington has approved changes to the city's noise ordinance that will allow construction noise between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays. In addition, subcontractors will now be fined up to $250 for making noise during quiet hours. Previously, the article reports, the city charged the general contractor of a project for noise violations.

Washington, Bellevue, "Washington State Moderates Traffic Noise with Tall Noise Walls" (Aug. 4, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the biggest noise walls ever put up in the state of Washington are appearing on state Highway 520. Studies showed the unusual height was needed to moderate traffic sounds

Washington, Bellevue, "Noise from Seattle-Tacoma Airport Wakes Bellevue Residents" (Mar. 18, 1998). The Seattle Times published the following letter in the "Just Ask Johnston" column:

Washington, Boulevard Park, "Washington School Battles Airport For Insulation Against Noise" (Mar. 11, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that airport officials at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport in Washington have agreed to insulate schools against noise pollution, including a possible air conditioning system.

Washington, Burien, "Washington State District Strives for a Sound Environment for Education Near Airport" (Oct. 28, 1997). The Seattle Times reported that officials for the Highline School District of Burien, Washington, met yesterday with a public-relations firm to figure out how to deal with noise problems caused by air traffic at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Washington, Clark County, "Some Say Police Firing Range Incompatible with Quiet Use Redevelopment Plans for WA Army Post" (May 15, 1998). The Columbian of Vancouver, Washington, reports Clark County commissioners decided Thursday that a redevelopment plan for a former Army post should include police firing ranges, much to the dismay of nearby residents.

Washington, Clark County, "Foes of Clark County, Washington Amphitheater Hold Rally to Emphasize That "It's Not Over Yet"" (Dec. 8, 1999). The Columbian reports that opponents of a proposed 18,000-seat amphitheater in Clark County, Washington will hold a rally this weekend to increase public awareness and support. Stop the Amphitheater Today (STAT) has a lawsuit pending against the builders. Builders and officials say that the amphitheater's concerts are public and so are allowed to exceed the noise limits for private events; opponents say the concerts should be considered private. STAT is seeking earlier ending times, lower noise limits and an official environmental impact statement.

Washington, Clark County, "Washington Man Claims Toy Airplanes Violate County Ordinance" (Feb. 16, 2000). According to an article in The Columbian, a Clark County man complained about model airplane noise at a nearby fairground so vociferously that county commissioners ordered sound tests.

Washington, Colville, "Washington County Judge Allows Resident to Reopen Dog Shelter Despite Neighbors Protests" (Mar. 25, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that Superior Court Judge Larry Kristianson in Stevens County, Washington ruled this week after hearing testimony from a sound engineer that Joyce Tasker can reopen her Dog Patch animal shelter on her semi-rural property in Colville. The judge ruled that a new $50,000 sound-baffling dog run eliminates the noise nuisance at the shelter. The judge's order is expected to be signed this week.

Washington, Des Moines, "Washington School District Sponsors "A Sound Education;" Explores Ways to Reduce Classroom Noise from Seattle Airport" (May 6, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Highline School District in Des Moines, Washington, has hired a firm to measure noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and to advise the district on ways to reduce jet noise in classrooms. Teachers have involved students in studying the problem and coming up with solutions.

Washington, Duvall, "Residents Near Noisy Gas Pipeline in Washington Will Get Some Relief, Gas Company Says" (Jul. 24, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that officials for Northwest Pipeline have announced they will install two large containers around an underground gas pipeline in order to muffle the constant thumping noise that has been disturbing residents in Duvall, Washington. The fix is expected to be installed by late August, the article says.

Washington, Everett, "New Hearing on Railroad Noise in Washington City Scheduled" (Aug. 7, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the City Council in Everett, Washington has scheduled a new public hearing to review a proposed ordinance that would limit noise from the "makeup yard" at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad yard. The public hearing is set for 7 pm on August 20 in order to accomodate citizens who couldn't attend a morning hearing yesterday.

Washington, Everett, "City in Washington May Lack Power to Control Noise from Rail Yard" (Jul. 24, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the Everett (Washington) City Council yesterday introduced an ordinance that would limit operations in the switching-yard of The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad near Everett Marina due to resident complaints about noise. The ordinance would forbid excessive noise between 10 pm and 7 am. However, federal laws protect railroads from local regulations due to constitutional restrictions on interfering with interstate commerce, leading to speculation that the city may not have the power to enforce its ordinance.

Washington, Everett, "Commuter Rail Project in Washington City Could Eliminate Noisy Rail Yards" (Mar. 24, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Regional Transit Authority in the Seattle, Washington area is considering eliminating noisy railroad yards next to the marina in Everett along the Snohomish River as part of its commuter-rail project.

Washington, Everett, "Seattle Real Estate Expert Says Rights of Neighbors Regarding Noise from Building Construction Varies with Building Codes and Ordinances" (Sep. 5, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a series of questions and answers about real estate. One question asked if residents "have any rights during construction regarding noise." The columnist answers that there is a friendly way -- informally talking to the builder -- and the official way. The official way depends on building codes and local noise ordinances entirely; there are no universal 'rights' in this case.

Washington, Federal Way, "Seattle-Tacoma Airport's Change in Flight Plan Gets Support From City Officials" (Mar. 23, 2000). According to the News Tribune reported that town officials in Washington state support a plan to reroute dozens of flights from Sea-Tac (Seattle-Tacoma) Airport, a plan which other cities do not support. flight paths.

Washington, Fort Lewis, "Late-Night Military Combat Drills at Fort Lewis, Washington to Increase Noise for Three Days" (Oct. 15, 1999). The News Tribune reports that late-night military drills at Fort Lewis, Washington will increase noise around the base for three upcoming days.

Washington, Ft. Lewis, "Nightime Army Training in Ft. Lewis, Washington Means an Increase in Noise" (Apr. 18, 2000). According to the News Tribute, gunfire and demolition sounds will disturb nights for neighbors of Ft. Lewis as the army conducts nighttime combat training

Washington, Gig Harbor, "Gig Harbor, Washington Residents Say Second Narrows Bridge Project Will Not Include Enough Noise Walls" (Dec. 2, 1999). The News Tribune reports that several Gig Harbor, Washington attended by 75, residents spoke angrily about increased noise at a public meeting over a second Narrows Bridge. Transportation officials say the bridge is necessary to help relieve congestion and improve safety, but residents say the six noise walls planned will not help enough people.

Washington, Kennewick, "Kennewick, Washington Audiologist Says On-the-Job Noise is Often the Cause of Hearing Loss" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire discusses hearing loss with expert Francis Aiello from the Columbia Basin Hearing Center. Aiello mentions several ways that recent patients have damaged their hearing. He also explains how hearing loss occurs, and notes that the average age for patients visiting the Center has decreased.

Washington, King County, "County Council Approves Noise-Reduction Plan for Washington's Boeing Field; Activists Not Satisfied" (Oct. 13, 1998). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports an ambitious program that will reduce aircraft noise at Boeing Field won the unanimous approval of Washington's King County Council yesterday. Some activists and airport neighbors disapprove of the plan.

Washington, Kirkland, "New Waterfall Along Waterfront in Washington City Designed to Muffle Traffic Noise" (Jun. 25, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that an 11- foot-high, man-made waterfall and stream will be added to the waterfront area in Kirkland, Washington as part of a condominium development. The waterfall project will form a new park, and has been designed to muffle traffic noise.

Washington, Mercer Island, "Seattle Resident Says Redistributing Noise is No Solution to Seattle-Tacoma Airport's Noise Problems" (Jan. 6, 2000). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor that criticizes a recent letter that supported sharing aircraft noise by redistributing it. This letter says redistribution is no solution.

Washington, Newport, "Newport, Washington Police Chief Proposes Ban on Booming Car Stereos" (Apr. 25, 1999). The Spokesman-Review reports the local police chief in Newport, Washington wants to ban excessively-loud bass-heavy car stereos that disrupt local residents and businesses. An employee of a local chiropractic clinic said "We don't let [economically important] loggers use jake brakes, so why do we let young people boom us out?" The police chief lives 100-200 feet from U.S. 2, but can still hear the loudest stereos. Other members of the City Council haven't heard complaints and don't believe it's a problem; they'd prefer to rely on the existing ordinance.

Washington, Olympia, "Washington School District Gets Grant for Pilot Project to Reduce Aircraft Noise" (Sep. 18, 1997). PR Newswire released a press release that reports the Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) will provide a grant of $165,000 to the Highline School District in Olympia, Washington for a pilot project to identify which schools could benefit from soundproofing to mitigate the impact of jet noise from the nearby airport. The money will allow the school district to begin the first phase of the pilot project, which will consist of surveying eight to twelve schools to determine which is the best candidate for an actual soundproofing project, the article says.

Washington, Pierce County, "Gravel Mining and School Incompatible, Says Pierce County, Washington" (Mar. 13, 1998). The News Tribune reports Pierce County, Washington, revoked a mining permit, preventing a sand and gravel company from reopening across from Rocky Ridge Elementary School.

Washington, Puget Sound, "Researchers to Set Underwater Sonic Blasts in Puget Sound; Biologists Worry About Noise Impacts on Marine Mammals" (May 30, 1997). The News Tribune reports that scientists plan to set off a succession of underwater blasts in Puget Sound (Washington) next spring to study the geologic faults beneath the region and learn more about which areas are most earthquake-prone. But biologists are worried that the underwater noise could disturb or even harm whales, porpoises, seals, and sea lions in the area.

Washington, Puget Sound, "University of Puget Sound in Washington Will Extend Their Student Conduct Code to Student Behavior Off-Campus" (Sep. 8, 1999). The News Tribune reports that the University of Puget Sound in Washington will be extending its student code to off-campus student behavior. Student Government, armed with 1,250 signatures from students opposing the policy, says students are already subject to community laws off-campus. A local neighborhood council agrees, saying that preventive measures should take precedence over disciplinary ones. Complaints from community residents have said that some University students are sources of "noise, garbage, and obnoxious behavior." Anything that puts anyone in danger, damages property, or violates alcohol or drug laws could result in punishment ranging from warnings to expulsion.

Washington, Pullman, "Washington City to Consider Reinstating Noise Ordinance on First Weekend of School Year" (Apr. 26, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that the City Council in Pullman, Washington will consider a proposal to reinstate the noise ordinance on the first Friday and Saturday nights of the school year. The council lifted the city noise ordinance last year on those nights, which caused a "hue and cry from members of the public," according to Pullman Police Chief Ted Weatherly. The noise ordinance is intended partly to curb noisy parties at Washington State University, the article notes.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Congressman Urges That Schools Be Included on Noise Impact Committee" (Apr. 8, 1997). Business Wire reports that U.S. Representative Adam Smith has written a letter urging the Port of Seattle (Washington) to reconsider its decision to exclude school districts from the committee that advises the port on how to deal appropriately with noise impacts from Sea-Tac International Airport.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Struggles Over Airport Expansion" (Dec. 26, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that as preparations begin for building a new runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, a coalition of cities is spending millions of tax dollars on lawsuits and public relations trying to stop the massive project. The Port of Seattle, meanwhile, will spend millions in public funds to keep it from being blocked.

Washington, Seattle, "Alaska Becomes First Major U.S. Airline to Fly Quieter, All Stage 3 Fleet" (Dec. 11, 1997). According to a Business Wire Press Release, now in addition to having the youngest fleet among the nation's 10 largest carriers, Alaska Airlines has the quietest. Business Wire released the following press release:

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Reporters Go in Search of Quiet Places" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that there are few places to escape the noise that fills our lives. Reporters went in search of quiet places around Seattle, and found several: the Meditation Room at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the sensory deprivation tank at The Comfort Zone in the Pike Place Market, the Metro tunnel on Sunday morning, and underwater at Wynoochee Lake.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Airport Should Get Serious About Noise Problem" (Jun. 16, 1997). The Seattle Times printed the following letter-to-the-editor from June Schumacher, a Seattle resident, about overflight noise from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport:

Washington, Seattle, "Owners of Former Nightclub Sue Seattle, Saying Racism and City Noise Ordinance Destroyed Their Business" (Nov. 15, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Keith Olson and Ronald Santi, the owners of the former Celebrity Italian Kitchen, filed suit yesterday in U.S. District Court against Seattle, Washington city officials, alleging police officers and other officials repeatedly harrassed the club because it catered mainly to African Americans, and used a city noise ordinance to destroy the business.

Washington, Seattle, "Sunjet Planes too Loud for Long Beach, California; Flights Suspended Until Quieter Planes" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Sunjet, a public charter airline operated by World Technology System of Atlanta, is suspending flights between Seattle and Long Beach, California, tomorrow because its airplanes don't meet noise regulations in the city of Long Beach. Service will be reinstated when Sunjet can get three aircraft that can operate within the local noise ordinance, Sunjet spokesman Hank Ernest said.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Airport Receives Federal Funding Pledge for New Runway" (Oct. 1, 1997). The News Tribune reports that the U.S. Department of Transportation Tuesday committed $161 million to Seattle, Washington's Sea-Tac Airport for a third runway. That funding, in addition to up to $95 million in other federal money, will provide enough federal funding to complete the controversial project, the article notes. Meanwhile, several lawsuits seeking to stop the project are pending.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Area Faces Two Airport Expansions" (Feb. 19, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that a second Seattle-area airport has announced plans to expand, and neighbors of King County Airport - better known as Boeing Field - aren't happy about the idea.

Washington, Seattle, "Residents in Washington State Object to Airport Expansion, But Officials Pass Expansion Plan" (Jul. 14, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that residents in the old Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington already experience significant jet noise from Boeing Field. Despite their objections, however, the Metropolitan King County Council yesterday unanimously approved a proposal to bring more cargo flights to the airport and move the runway closer Georgetown's homes. The proposal now moves to county environmental reviews. But, the article says, given yesterday's unanimous vote, the plan is likely to get final approval from the council sometime next year.

Washington, Seattle, "National Parks Service Proposes Ban on Jet-Propelled Water Skis, with Limited Exceptions" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that the week of June 15, National Parks Service proposed a ban on personal watercraft from thousands of pristine lakes and rivers in national parks, while simultaneously permitting them on waterways where they have traditionally been used. The proposal from the parks services does not establish the complete ban sought by some environmentalists, but it does effectuate a total ban in some areas.

Washington, Seattle, "Residents Consider Proposal to Quiet Washington's King County Airport Inadequate" (Jun. 30, 1998). The Seattle Times reports yesterday, after months of community protests over noise from Washington's King County International Airport, a King County Executive proposed a compromise that some residents already consider inadequate.

Washington, Seattle, "Residents Protest Expansion at Washington's Boeing Field; They Say Noise Rattles Windows Now" (Jul. 3, 1998). The Seattle Times reports at a council meeting yesterday, residents in Washington's South Seattle neighborhoods protested a plan that would increase air traffic at Boeing Field and move the airport's runway closer to their neighborhoods.

Washington, Seattle, "Sea-Tac and Schools Discuss Funding for Airport Noise Impact Studies" (Mar. 5, 1998). The News Tribune reports the Highline School District of Seattle, Washington, whose schools encircle the airport, recently discussed the impact of airport noise on schools and funding for studies. At the meeting residents heard from Sea-Tac Airport director, Gina Marie Lindsey.

Washington, Seattle, "Port of Seattle Agrees to Fund Noise and Soundproofing Study for Highline Schools" (May 14, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Port of Seattle and school officials say they're close to reaching a deal that would begin the process of outfitting schools near Sea-Tac Airport with insulation to muffle the noise of jets.

Washington, Seattle, "Airport Officials in Seattle Offer to Pay for Noise Studies in Schools" (May 22, 1998). The News Tribune reports that officials at the Port of Seattle (Washington), which operates Sea-Tac Airport, offered Thursday to pay $350,000 for a study to determine the jet noise impacts on Highline School District schools.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Set to Approve Floatplane Takeoffs and Landings Near Downtown Pier" (Jun. 6, 1998). The Seattle Times reports that city officials in Seattle, Washington are set to approve a project that would allow float-planes to take off and land 72 times a day near Pier 54 on Elliott Bay, after reviewing the proposed project for more than a year. If permitted, the project would allow Kenmore Air to operate 20-minute scenic trips from a 25-foot float off the pier. Meanwhile, some residents who live in the downtown are opposing the project, saying it will bring more noise. If the project is approved, the article notes, it likely will be appealed and will face a more lengthy review.

Washington, Seattle, "Washington's Boeing Field Will Undergo Noise Reduction Efforts" (Oct. 9, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Metropolitan King County Council next week is expected to authorize the most extensive noise -reduction efforts in the history of Washington's Boeing Field.

Washington, Seattle, "Cargo Business at Seattle's Boeing Field Brings Most Noise Complaints" (Sep. 13, 1998). The Seattle Times printed the following letter to the editor from Mike Rees, President of Seattle, Washington's, Council on Airport Affairs. In his letter, Rees contends Boeing Field Airport stopped being a good neighbor when it increased air cargo business. Rees writes:

Washington, Seattle, "New Anti-Nuisance Enforcement Procedures in Seattle, Washington Will Allow On-the-Spot Citations and Fewer Loopholes" (Apr. 26, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that a new enforcement policy proposed in Seattle, Washington's City Council will help local police enforce laws against nuisances such as absentee landlords who don't remove junk from their properties, excessively loud parties and other noise, and "neighbors who operate obtrusive businesses out of their residences." In the past, the complicated enforcement process required several warnings, waiting periods, deadlines, and opportunities for appeals that provided many loopholes; one front-yard car-repair business operated through 30 years of complaints by manipulating the system.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle, Washington Resident Irritated By Noise From Inconsiderate Night Clubs" (Aug. 8, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor written by a noise activist in Seattle, Washington. She writes that nightclubs in the area need to learn to be good neighbors who operate within noise limits.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle City Council Delays Noise Ordinance in 2000" (Dec. 14, 1999). According to the Seattle Times, the Seattle City Council delayed voting on new noise regulations this year because of a possible infringements of First Amendment rights of demonstrators and because it threatened the existence of the city's nightclubs.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Residents Express Anger Over Exclusion From Flight Plans" (Dec. 13, 1999). The Seattle Times reports that residents of several suburbs have come together to protest what they feel as being railroaded by the Port of Seattle staff regarding modification study of jet flight paths over Lake Washington.

Washington, Seattle, "National Anti-Noise Organization Urges FAA to Study Noise Mitigation for Low-Frequency Aircraft Sound" (Dec. 6, 1999). Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the National Organization to Insure a Sound-controlled Environment (NOISE) is working with a congressional representative from Minnesota to push the FAA to study low-frequency noise from aircraft.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Resident Questions Proposed Changes in Seattle-Tacoma Airport Flight Paths Designed to Spread Noise More Evenly" (Dec. 8, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor relating to noise at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The letter acknowledges the fairness of spreading noise more evenly, but questions several aspects of the plan including: a turn that would be taken at lower altitude, and the absence of data regarding another nearby airport.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle, Washington Resident Writes Letter to the Editor Urging Seattle/Tacoma Airport to Distribute Noisy Air-Traffic More Evenly from Third Runway" (Jul. 16, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from a Seattle, Washington resident who wants the Seattle/Tacoma Airport to spread out air-traffic from a third runway more evenly. He also says that he hadn't called the complaint line after awhile because he didn't know calls were being counted. Finally, he wants a moratorium on after-midnight flights. "I'd be willing to give up fresh peaches in December for a full night's sleep."

Washington, Seattle, "Neighbors of Seattle's Nightclubs want Peace" (Mar. 26, 1999). The Seattle Times reports as a result of increasing complaints, Seattle and Washington state regulators are considering new noise, alcohol and entertainment regulations that club owners fear could ruin their livelihood.

Washington, Seattle, "Port of Seattle "Puts Kids First" and Funds Jet Noise Study at Highline Schools" (Mar. 24, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports the Port of Seattle yesterday agreed to fund the noise study for Highline School District whose schools are seriously affected by noise from nearby Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Nightclub Owners Face Stricter Noise Ordinances" (Mar. 27, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports proposals to reinforce noise regulations for nightclubs in Seattle neighborhoods are not sitting well with a number of club owners.

Washington, Seattle, "Proposed "Entertainment Zones" in Seattle Would Relax Strict Noise Rules; Some See a Balance Between Residents and Vibrant Nightlife, Others See Residential Density Being Discouraged" (May 22, 1999). Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that Seattle's loudest late-night businesses may find refuge from the city's tough new noise ordinances -- including $250 fines -- in a new idea: Entertainment Zones. City council is considering designating designating these zones to allow a loud, vibrant nightlife to flourish in some areas while protecting residential tranquility in others. Many businesses love the idea, but at least one citizen group believes the zones would be unfair to current residents and contribute to urban sprawl. The columnists address the issue in a humorous way, following a luckless drunken man through his night.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle-Tacoma Airport Noise Consultant Proposes More Equitable Flight Paths that Would Share Noise More Evenly; FAA to Be Consulted on Use of Industrial Corridor" (Nov. 18, 1999). Business Wire reports that at a hearing, attended by at least 200 residents, the noise consultant for the Seattle-Tacoma Airport has proposed the use of split flight paths for north and south departures that would share noise more evenly between communities. CANE (full-name unspecified) was concerned that the proposal had fizzled out in 1990 when it was first proposed, but were optimistic that it would now be taken seriously by the Port Authority. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) seemed interested in examining the consultant's proposal more closely.

Washington, Seattle, "Commissioners Will Vote In the Spring On a Proposed Two-Tiered Flight Path to Spread Noise More Evenly Over Communities North of Seattle-Tacoma Airport" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Seattle Times reports that port commissioners will vote in the spring on a proposed two-tiered flight path that would spread noise more evenly over communities to the North of the Seattle-Tacoma Airport. The plan should reduce total noise impact in the North by 30 percent, as planes turn sooner and at a lower altitude.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Activist Implores Seattle-Tacoma Airport to More Evenly Distribute Aircraft Noise, Claiming Support from Ten Communities" (Nov. 25, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from the chair of Citizens for Airplane Noise Equity Seattle. She suggests several measures that will help minimize and equitably share noise impacts from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Resident Questions Recent Letter that Criticized a Recently Rejected Noise Ordinance Proposal" (Nov. 11, 1999). The Seattle Weekly prints several letters to the editor, one of which questions a recent article that criticized a recently vetoed noise ordinance.

Washington, Seattle, "New Seattle Noise Ordinance Almost In Effect; Mayor and Council Must Agree on Rights of Music Clubs and Protestors" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that Seattle's new noise ordinance is almost in effect, but that the Mayor and the City Council still haven't agreed on a few issues. They must agree on whether music clubs will be given warnings before citations are issued, and when or whether protesters will be allowed to use bullhorns and other amplifiers. The Council seems willing to compromise on both issues to get the ordinance approved by the Mayor.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Editorial Staff Support City's New, Tougher Noise Ordinance" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer prints an editorial which supports the Seattle City Council's proposed new noise ordinance. They agree with the Mayor that music clubs should be allowed warnings before fines kick in, and that protesters should be allowed to use amplifiers during the day. They see the fines as too mild.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Council Members Criticized for Accepting "Inflammatory Hypothetical Examples" to Support Nuisance Ordinances" (Nov. 4, 1999). The Seattle Weekly prints an article that criticizes Seattle City Council members for voting to approve noise and nuisance ordinances on the basis of "inflammatory hypothetical examples."

Washington, Seattle, "Elderly Gardener in Seattle, Washington Asks Noise Abatement Funds for Interstate 5 to Include Wallingford District" (Sep. 7, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor from an elderly gardener living beside Interstate 5 in Seattle, Washington. The writer asks that noise abatement funds earmarked for noise walls on Interstate 5 include the area in front of his home.

Washington, Seattle, "Boeing 727 to Get Performance Upgrade" (Apr. 17, 2000). Aviation Week & Space Technology printed an article about a modification kit for Boeing 727 aircraft that is compliant with Stage 3 "noise-attenuation system for increased and heavy-gross-weight 727s." The article is technical in nature, explaining that the kit allows shorter takeoffs and increased "payloads at 'hot and high' airports."

Washington, Seattle, "Residents of Southeast Seattle Upset by Airport Proposal To Divert Flight Paths" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that residents of southeast Seattle are at loggerheads with their neighbors in northern Seattle over a proposal by Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to change the take-off flight path of some planes from a northerly path to an easterly path. The path change is commonly referred to as the "split east turn." Southeast Seattle residents will hold a public meeting on Tuesday to voice their complaints with city, county, and port officials.

Washington, Seattle, "Redirecting Flight Path at Seattle International Airport Is Not a Solution" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Seattle Times printed this letter to the editor regarding a controversial proposal to switch jet flight paths from some neighborhoods to others. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Washington, Seattle, "Seattle Towns in Flight Paths Should Share Jet Noise" (Feb. 2, 2000). The Seattle Times printed this letter to the editor regarding Washington towns in flight paths. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Washington, Seattle, "Port of Seattle Nearing Completion of Soundproofing Work on Homes Near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport" (Mar. 31, 2000). The Seattle Times reports that the Port of Seattle, which operates Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Washington state, has been diligent in using federal funds to help soundproof approximately 8,000 homes near the airport (which is also known as Sea-Tac). Work began on the homes in 1985, and has cost $163 million. More than 1,000 flights land at Sea-Tac each day.

Washington, Seattle area, "Seattle Area Neighbors Pitted Against Each Other Because of Seattle-Tacoma Airport Flight Paths" (Apr. 19, 2000). According to a report by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, over 300 angry residents attended a public hearing at a community center last night ordering city officials to kill the proposal that would put a flight path directly over their neighborhoods. The problem is, their neighbors in Beacon Hill, Madrona, Leschi and the Central Area already endure jet noise, and want support the proposal, which would channel some air traffic south.

Washington, Spokane, "Washington Community Plans City's Vehicle Maintenance Complex" (Dec. 11, 1997). The Spokesman-Review reports that an estimated 400 cars and trucks are expected to arrive at and depart from a proposed fleet maintenance complex in the Garry Park neighborhood of Spokane, Washington each morning, around the same time students are on their way to school. Neighbors voiced concerns about the noise, traffic and potential danger to school-children during a community meeting with city officials Tuesday.

Washington, Spokane, "Residential Day Care Center Bothers Washington Neighbor" (Dec. 4, 1997). The Spokesman-Review reports that a Spokane, Washington resident, weary of noise and traffic from a residential day care operation, is filing a lawsuit.

Washington, Spokane, "Rezoning Dispute in Spokane, Washington" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that developers and residents disagree over the appropriate use of a 40 acre piece of land in Spokane, Washington. Developers are asking the county hearing examiner to rezone the land in north Spokane to allow a large shopping center with Wal-Mart as its centerpiece. But residents, who will live next door to the 40 acres of shopping and parking, argue that a massive shopping center would make a bad neighbor.

Washington, Spokane, "Spokane Mayor Courts Native American Festival by Allowing Violation of City's Noise Ordinance" (May 30, 1998). The Spokesman-Review reports that John Talbott, the Mayor of Spokane, Washington, met with organizers of the Spokane Falls Northwest Indian Encampment and Pow Wow Friday and made concessions to ensure that the event will be held as usual this August at Riverfront Park. The article notes that event organizers had announced earlier this week that the event wouldn't take place this year because the city and the American Indian Community Center, which sponsors the festival, couldn't come to agreement about certain fees and regulations. But the mayor made several concessions, the article says, including allowing the pow-wow to continue past 10 p.m., which violates the city's noise ordinance.

Washington, Tacoma, "Washington Community Negotiates With Native American Tribe On Ampitheater Proposal" (Dec. 16, 1997). The News Tribune reports that King County is negotiating with the Muckleshoot Tribe over a 20,000-seat amphitheater the tribe is building on farmland near Auburn.

Washington, Tacoma, "Study to Assess Impact of Sea-Tac Noise on Washington Schools" (Apr. 10, 1998). The News Tribune of Tacoma, Washington, reports that the Highline School District has hired sound experts to measure acoustic conditions in classrooms affected by the noise from nearby Sea-Tac Airport.

Washington, Tacoma, "Homeowner in Washington State Sues Developers, Charges They Destroyed Natural Noise Buffer and Devalued His Property" (Sep. 5, 1998). The News Tribune reports Tacoma, Washington, resident Earl Petit plans to picket the Pierce County Street of Dreams custom home show on its final weekend. Petit claims the developers removed a natural noise buffer between his home and a scrap metal yard, destroying his right to peace and quiet and devaluing his property.

Washington, Tacoma, "Construction Noise for New Stadium Regulated by Noise Levels, Rather Than Curfews in Tacoma, Washington" (Aug. 14, 1998). The Tacoma Washington News Tribune reports that the City of Seattle averted a major showdown with the company building the new Seattle Seahawks stadium. The conflict arose when the city placed construction-hour limitations of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the permit because the stadium is being built across the street from a 108-unit condominium. Seattle later retreated from its position and placed noise-specific rather than time-specific restrictions on the construction project.

Washington, Tacoma, "Washington Airport Considers Safety Requirements Of Runway" (Feb. 18, 1998). The News Tribune reports that a plan to shift usable runway at Boeing Field, Washington, 800 feet to the north is drawing complaints from neighbors at that end of the King County Airport.

Washington, Tacoma, "Wetlands, Noise, Traffic Concerns Force Review of Proposed Amphitheater in Washington State" (Jan. 23, 1998). The News Tribune of Tacoma, Washington, reports the Muckleshoot Tribe's amphitheater project must undergo a review of all possible environmental impacts, including traffic and noise as well as its effect on wetlands.

Washington, Tacoma, "Some Residents Near Tacoma, Washington Find Military’s Nighttime Firing a Nuisance; Others Say the Blasts Are “Sounds of Freedom”" (Aug. 1, 1998). The News Tribune reports that Fort Lewis is again training artillery crews at Fort Lewis during the nighttime hours which has set off a series of complaints. Some find the booms and vibrations a nuisance. Others believe these noises are the sounds of freedom.

Washington, Tacoma, "Sea-Tac Airport Authority and Opponents to Enter Mediation" (Jun. 27, 1998). The News Tribune reports the Port of Seattle and opponents of its proposed third runway at Sea-Tac International Airport have agreed to negotiation talks with a nationally known mediator.

Washington, Tacoma, "Sea-Tac Negotiates with Schools to Pay for Jet Noise Study and Noise Reduction Improvements" (May 15, 1998). The News Tribune of Tacoma, Washington, reports school district officials and representatives of the Port of Seattle, which runs the Sea-Tac Airport, say they're trying to negotiate a solution to the long-running dispute over jet noise in Highline classrooms. Both sides say they could have an agreement within the week over how to pay for a noise study.

Washington, Tacoma, "Residents in Washington State To Expect Loud and Late-Night Gun Fire" (Apr. 20, 2000). The News Tribune reported that residents near Fort Lewis, Washington will expect late-night mortar fire from 1am through midnight on April 17.

Washington, Vancouver, "Washington Metal Shredder Proposal Concerns Residents" (Dec. 21, 1997). The Columbian reports that several neighborhood activists are airing concerns about a metal shredding plant proposed for the site of the former Fort Vancouver Plywood cooperative in Vancouver, Washington.

Washington, Vancouver, "Oregon Airport Experiments With Flying Planes at Lower Altitutes Over a Washington County" (Apr. 24, 1998). The Columbian printed an editorial that explains that the Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon will allow some passenger jets to make their big turns at lower than usual altitudes over Clark County in Washington for 60 to 90 days, beginning Monday. The experiment is a test to determine how sensitive residents are to jet noise in the area. The editorial writer says that airport officials should prepare to get lots of complaints.

Washington, Vancouver, "Storms Re-route Aircraft; Vancouver and Portland Residents Annoyed by Noise" (Jun. 28, 1998). The Columbian of Vancouver, Washington, reports Friday afternoon thunderstorms caused several dozen complaints about aircraft noise from downtown Vancouver and north Portland residents.

Washington, Vancouver, "Vancouver Residents Say Portland Airport Noise Abatement Test Moves Noise from One Neighborhood to the Next" (May 15, 1998). The Columbian of Vancouver, Washington, reports complaint calls to the Port of Portland's noise abatement office are rising along with tests of new routes for jets departing Portland International Airport. The tests are being done to in an attempt to shift noise from areas that get a lot to areas whose residents might not notice. Next week, an airport noise committee holds a special meeting, and could cancel the test.

Washington, Vancouver, "Oregon Airport Officials End Experiment to Reroute Planes Due to Noise Complaints" (May 24, 1998). The Columbian printed an editorial that says the Port of Portland, which operates Portland (Oregon) International Airport, ended an experiment last Wednesday to reroute jets after hundreds of people complained about the noise. The editorial argues that the complaints are understandable, and that the representation of Vancouver, Washington on a new formal panel to address airport noise issues will be important for the community.

Washington, Vancouver, "Editorial Says It's Time For Vancouver to Object to Portland Airport Noise Exports" (May 3, 1998). The Columbian printed an editorial that says Portland International Airport's practice of sending noise over Clark County, Washington, is unacceptable. It's time for residents to object to this noise abuse and secure representation on the Portland Airport's governing board.

Washington, Vancouver, "Noise Abatement Group Attempts to Quiet Portland Airport" (May 8, 1998). The Columbian reports since total elimination of noise from the Portland International Airport is impossible, PDX and the airport's Noise Abatement Advisory Committee are making attempts to mitigate the noise. The article goes on to list some of the mitigation measures and their challenges.

Washington, Vancouver, "Chicago O'Hare Airport Built First "Hush-House" For Quieting Engine Tests in 1997" (Aug. 31, 1999). The Columbian reports that the first 'hush-house' -- a three-walled enclosure designed to reduce noise from engine testing at airports -- was built at Chicago O'Hare Airport in 1997. Noise is reduced by three-quarters, and complaints about engine-testing noise stopped. Maintenance crews love the structure, since it is in an area where no runway crossings are required, and since it is lit particularly well. Although using the $3.2-million structure is voluntary, over 80% used it last year.

Washington, Vancouver, "Portland International Airport in Oregon Plans to Build "Hush House" For All But Largest Jets to Quiet Late-Night Engine Testing; Critics Say the Largest Jets -- Which Will Be Tested At the Airport's Corner Nearest Vancouver, Washington -- Will Create Noise Problems for Vancouver" (Aug. 31, 1999). The Columbian reports that the Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon plans to build a 'hush house' to quiet late-night engine testing, but jumbo jets that won't fit will be tested at the edge of the airport near Vancouver, Washington. Airport officials say a 'hush house' large enough for jumbo jets would have raised the price, which is not justified since less than 2% of the engine tests would involve jumbo jets. Others worry that Vancouver will be inundated with noise, and may see a drop in property values; they also note that the percentage of jumbo jets will rise as international traffic becomes more common A particularly vocal Portland resident is responsible for pressuring the airport -- with FAA assistance -- to build the hush-house. Before the hush-house is built, airlines may only test engines at night if departure times necessitate it.

Washington, Vancouver, "Seattle's Sea-Tac Airport Plans to Use New, "Two-Tiered Flight Path" For Departures; Noise Will Be Balanced More Evenly, But Residents Who Will Get More Noise Are Upset" (Nov. 29, 1999). The Columbian reports that residents near Seattle, Washington's Sea-Tac Airport are split over a new plan to use a two-tiered flight path system for takeoffs that will increase noise for some residents.

Washington, Vancouver, "Vancouver, Washington Resident Claims Department of Transportation Falsely Stated A Noise Wall Would Be Erected Behind His House; Instead, a Second Off-Ramp Was Built, Taking Up the Only Available Space For a Wall" (Dec. 2, 1999). The Columbian reports that a Vancouver, Washington resident claims that the Department of Transportation (DOT) falsely told him that his house was a prime candidate for a noise wall. Now they say that the wall couldn't have been erected because it was too close to a wetland, and because a stream -- requiring a break in the wall -- would have rendered it useless anyway. In the meantime, a second off-ramp has been built in its place.

Washington, Vancouver, "Proposed Amphitheater in Vancouver, Washington Faces Lawsuit that Claims Shows Are Not "Public" and Thus Are Not Permitted to Make As Much Noise or to Be Held as Late at Night" (Oct. 16, 1999). The Columbian reports that a lawsuit is threatening a proposed amphitheater in Vancouver, Washington. Opponents fear noise as well as traffic, environmental damage and reduced property values. They argue the noise will be inappropriate for 'non-public' events. Officials claim that the events will in fact be public, and that all concerns were addressed in the application.

Washington, Vancouver, "Residents of Vancouver, Washington Want Noise Wall With Planned Road Extension; Officials Say They Don't Have the Money" (Jan. 8, 2000). The Columbian reports that residents near Interstate 5 in Vancouver, Washington want a noise wall in their neighborhood where a planned extension will increase traffic. State transportation officials say that it could take about ten years to build the $50-million worth of noise walls currently on the waiting list with an annual budget of just over $5-million.

Washington, Vancouver, "Opponents of Outdoor Amphitheater in Vancouver, Washington File Lawsuit Against County and Developer" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Columbian in Vancouver, Washington reports that two citizen organizations have sued Clark County, Washington, and Q Prime, a developer that wants to build an 18,000-seat, 800,000-square foot amphitheater in Clark County. The suit alleges that the amphitheater would cause noise pollution, harm the environment, and lessen the quality of life for area residents. This is the third time that opponents have filed a lawsuit trying to stop the project.

Washington, Vancouver, "Reader Protests Preschool Noise in Vancouver, Washington Neighborhood" (Mar. 31, 2000). The Columbian in Vancouver, Washington recently printed a number of letters to the editor. One of them is from a reader who is disturbed by noise from a preschool in her residential neighborhood. The letter is reprinted here in its entirety:

Washington, Washougal, "Foam- and Concrete-Based Homes -- Which Insulate Homes Extremely Well From Temperature and Noise -- Gain Popularity" (Nov. 7, 1999). The Columbian reports that homes with walls made of styrofoam and concrete are gaining popularity. The R-value -- or temperature/noise insulation value -- can reach R-56, as opposed to the average wood wall's R-20. Costs that can be 5% to 10% higher up front, although utility bills can run as low as $100/month for a 6,000 square foot home.

Washington, Woodinville, "Seattle Natural Gas Company Installs Silencing Devices on Gas Pipeline to Reduce Noise" (Sep. 16, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Northwest Pipeline, a Seattle company that operates an underground natural gas pipeline, installed silencing devices on the pipeline last month to quiet sound waves resulting from compression of the gas at a station in Woodinville, Washington. Residents in the Bear Creek area had complained that the noise was constant and resembled a helicopter flying overhead. According to Grant Jensen, company spokesperson, the silencing project cost about $500,000 and should be a permanent fix.

Washington, Woodinville, "Town in Washington Adopts Noise Ordinance After Hearing Complaints about Car Stereos" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Woodinville, Washington, City Council has adopted a noise ordinance after receiving numerous noise complaints from citizens about loud car stereos.

West Virginia area, Charleston, "Columnist Criticizes Snowmobiles on Public Lands" (Mar. 23, 1998). The Charleston Gazette printed the following editorial from Donella Meadows, an adjunct professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College, regarding snowmobile noise on public lands:

West Virginia, Alum Bridge, "Letter to the Editor Highlights Problems with West Virginia Quarry Bill, Including Lack of Protections from Noise" (Jan. 26, 2000). The Charleston Daily Mail prints several letters to the editor, one of which talks about the problems with a quarry bill in West Virginia, including lack of noise regulation.

West Virginia, Charleston, "Virginia Senate Approves Bill Giving Counties Power to Control Noise" (Feb. 9, 1999). The Associated Press reports the Virginia Senate approved a proposal to give county commissioners in their state the power to control excessive noise.

West Virginia, Mineral County, "West Virginia Noise Bill May Not Get Through Senate" (Mar. 5, 1998). The Charleston Gazette reports a bill that could help secure a little peace and quiet for a West Virginia resident was approved by a Senate Judiciary subcommittee Wednesday. However, the deadline is fast-approaching for the Senate to act on its own bills, and this bill may not make it through in time.

Wisconsin, "Virtual Pets Become More Popular with Some" (Aug. 26, 1997). The Wisconsin State Journal printed a column discussing the popularity of virtual pets, the new computer toys that allow kids to raise an electronic pet or child. The toys beep when the pet/child has a need that must be satisfied. The article explores the opinions of some parents who like and who don't like the toys.

Wisconsin, "Study in Wisconsin Finds that Noise from Grooved Highway Pavement Can be Reduced" (Aug. 8, 1997). M2 Presswire released a press release from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation that reports a new study has found that the whine caused by vehicles traveling over grooved highway pavement can be reduced by spacing the grooves or "tines" in a random pattern. The study was funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), and was conducted by Marquette University in cooperation with the Wisconsin Concrete Pavement Association and the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Wisconsin, "Complaints of Noisy Snowmobiles Have Increased in Wisconsin" (Jan. 14, 1998). The Wisconsin State Journal reports that increased complaints about noisy snowmobiles have attracted the attention of the Governor's Snowmobile Council, the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs and state recreation officials. Some of the complaints are related to an increasing number of snowmobile owners who are replacing their machines' factory-installed exhaust systems with ones that boost horsepower but are noisier, according to the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Wisconsin area, Milwaukee, "Milwaukee Residents Protest Plan to Extend Airport Runway" (Nov. 30, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents near the Mitchell International Airport in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area are opposing a plan to extend the airport's smallest runway by 700 feet, which would allow larger planes to land. Officials have approved the plan and the County Board has appropriated money for the project, the article says, although a few more steps are required for final approval. The plan will be discussed at a public information session today, the article reports.

Wisconsin, Bayside, "Wisconsin Village Approves Noise Ordinance to Address Noisy Vehicles" (Jul. 3, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Village Board in Bayside, Wisconsin has approved an ordinance that allows police officers to issue disorderly conduct citations to motorists for any loud noise coming from a vehicle, including loud car stereos and peeling rubber when accelerating. According to the article, the ordinance was requested by Police Chief Bruce Resnick because officers currently have no enforcement power over such behavior. The article adds that the ordinance does not cover noise from motorcycles.

Wisconsin, Brown Deer, "Wisconsin Town Board Tells Resident They Can't Regulate Lawn Mower Noise" (Jun. 19, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Village Board members in Brown Deer, Wisconsin told a resident Monday they don't believe they have the power to restrict lawn mower noise. The resident, Jerry Freidenfeld, had asked the board to help him turn down the noise on the volume of the lawn mowers used by some of his neighbors.

Wisconsin, Cedarburg, "Cedarburg, Wisconsin, Will Address Noise Complaints about Automotive Plant" (Sep. 30, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the city of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, is investigating complaints from neighbors about noise at the local Amcast Automotive Plant.

Wisconsin, Cedarburg, "Wisconsin Auto Plant Gets Extension on Noise Abatement Plan While Neighbors Grow Impatient" (Mar. 9, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a Cedarburg, Wisconsin, automotive plant has been given another chance to get in compliance with noise laws, despite urgings by neighbors to start legal proceedings.

Wisconsin, Cedarburg, "Wisconsin Town May Take Legal Action Against Auto Plant for Noise Violations" (Mar. 8, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the Common Council of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, may decide tonight to take legal action against Amcast Automotive for noise violations.

Wisconsin, Cedarburg, "Cedarburg, Wisconsin Automotive Company Gets Last Chance to Comply with Noise Ordinance Before Prosecution" (Sep. 15, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the Common Council of Cedarburg, Wisconsin is giving Amcast Automotive its last chance to comply with the local noise ordinance before prosecution.

Wisconsin, Cross Plains, "Cross Plains, Wisconsin Introduces Ordinance to Regulate Noise from Outdoor Concerts" (Jul. 13, 1999). The Capital Times reports that the Town Board of Cross Plains, Wisconsin has introduced an ordinance which will limit outdoor concerts to 48 hours, with music allowed between 1 and 11 PM; only one outdoor concert will be permitted at any venue during any one year. A local tavern's outdoor music may be affected, but its indoor music would have to be cited under county law, although the Town plans to give the owner some leeway since he has showed a cooperative spirit.

Wisconsin, Delafield, "Delafield, Wisconsin Shooting Club Draws Complaints from Residents, but Appears to Be In Compliance with Local Laws" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel residents of Delafield, Wisconsin are upset by noise from a shooting club, while owners and local officials say they by noise restrictions. The Town Board is being criticized as ineffectual, but they no longer have any jurisdiction in the matter since the city annexed the club two years ago. Nevertheless, town officials have asked the new city administrator to look into the matter when he takes his post next week.

Wisconsin, Dunn, "Judge Hears Case on Motorcycle Course in Rural Wisconsin; Residents Angry About Noise and Afraid of Course Owner" (Jul. 19, 1998). The Wisconsin State Journal reports that residents are angry about the noise from a motorcycle course in Dunn, Wisconsin. Earlier this month, Dane County Judge Richard Callaway heard arguments in the dispute, and could rule on it Tuesday when the hearing resumes. County officials have argued that the course's owners have violated zoning laws that prohibit a motorcycle course on land zoned for farming, and failed to get a proper erosion control permit to move dirt to build the course. Many residents who object to the motorcycle course are afraid of the course's owners, who have done jail time and had additional brushes with the law. Meanwhile, the town of Dunn board will hold a public hearing Tuesday on a proposed ordinance to limit "disorderly conduct with a motor vehicle" that appears to be aimed at controlling the motorcycle course.

Wisconsin, Dunn, "Wisconsin Town Wants to Beef Up Nuisance Ordinance to Quiet Motorbike Noise" (Jun. 26, 1998). The Capital Times reports residents of Dunn, Wisconsin, say motorbikes racing on a nearby track keep them awake at night, but the owner of the property says he's a good neighbor who regulates racing hours.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Wisconsin Residents Complain About Noise From Shooting Clay Range" (Dec. 8, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a public hearing will be held Wednesday by the Eagle (Wisconsin) Town Board on a request of Wern Valley Inc. for another conditional use permit to allow sporting clay shooting at the McMiller Sports Center.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Wisconsin Town Rescinds Ban on Sporting Clay Shooting Due to a Legal Technicality" (Jul. 14, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that officials in Eagle, Wisconsin have lifted a ban on sporting clay shooting at the McMiller Sports Center after they discovered they made a mistake earlier this week in establishing the prohibition. According to town chair Don Wilton, officials made the mistake Monday when they rejected a Department of Natural Resources request for a year extension on a conditional use permit to operate the range. Town officials later realized they could not legally initiate a ban before the current permit, which was agreed to last year by officials, expires July 27. Wilton said officials would ban the shooting clay range again, if necessary, once the current permit expires.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Some Wisconsin Residents Say Peace and Quiet Shattered. Others Urge Compromise" (Oct. 31, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that some residents of Eagle, Wisconsin, are upset about a proposal from a private gun club, the McMiller Sports Center, to use state land for a sporting clay pigeon range. The land is in the Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Wisconsin Opponents Prompt Reduced Hours for Shooting Range" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a shooting permit request by the McMiller Sports Center, located in Eagle, Wisconsin, was revived when McMiller agreed to trim hours and days of operation for a clay pigeon range after a year-long dispute over gunfire noise from the center.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "The Town of Eagle, Wisconsin Fights Against Clay Pigeon Shooting Business and State Department of Natural Resources" (Apr. 6, 1998). Journal Sentinel reports the town of Eagle, Wisconsin is fighting against Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources and the Wern Valley Inc., a business which operates shooting ranges, in its effort to ban clay shooting. The Town of Eagle initially banned the sport in response to noise complaints but the town's order was reversed when the Waukesha County Circuit Court ruled that the town did not act properly in refusing a conditional use permit for the range last August.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Wisconsin Town Loses Lawsuit for Rejecting Shooting Range Due to Noise Complaints" (Feb. 26, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a judge ruled Wednesday that the Town of Eagle, Wisconsin did not follow proper procedure when it rejected a conditional use permit for a clay pigeon shooting range at the McMiller Sports Center. Noise complaints from neighbors resulted in town officials' decision.

Wisconsin, Eagle, "Sports Center in Eagle, Wisconsin Seeks Permit for Clay Shooting Despite Noise Complaints by Residents" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Wern Valley Inc. plans another attempt to obtain a conditional use permit to allow sporting clay target shooting at the McMiller Sports Center, part of the Southern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest in Wisconsin. Last year, Eagle, Wisconsin officials declined to renew Wern Valley's permit for sporting clay shooting for another year because of noise complaints from nearby residents.

Wisconsin, Fox Point, "Fox Point, Wisconsin Considers Ordinance for Noisy, High Traffic Home Businesses" (May 4, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Fox Point, Wisconsin village officials are considering a noise ordinance that would deal with noise from home-based businesses. The issue was raised after several residents complained about a landscaping/snow removal business proprietor whose traffic and long-idling vehicles are disruptive.

Wisconsin, Franklin, "Police in Wisconsin City Are Given More Power to Issue Noise Citations" (Nov. 13, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Common Council in Franklin, Wisconsin approved an amendment to the city's noise ordinance that give police officers greater discretion in deciding noise violations. Police officers will be able to issue a citation even if the decibel level of the noise doesn't violate city noise standards, the article says.

Wisconsin, Franklin, "Franklin, Wisconsin High School Tree Barrier -- to Control Noise and Exhaust Fumes for Neighbors -- Deemed Inadequate By Residents; School Says Barrier Is Inadequate Due to Resident's Input" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a natural barrier of evergreen trees -- which was supposed to protect neighbors of a Franklin, Wisconsin high school from noise and exhaust fumes -- has been deemed inadequate by the residents. School district officials claim that the evergreens are spaced as they are because some residents insisted on keeping black walnut trees on their property; when the leaves drop, the barrier is ineffective.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Regional Wisconsin Airport Builds New Runway to Improve Noise Levels Over Neighborhoods" (Aug. 3, 1997). The Wisconsin State Journal reports that this summer, work is beginning on a runway at the Dane County Regional Airport near Madison, Wisconsin. The new runway is being constructed in order to reduce noise levels for nearby residents and to improve safety, according to Airport Director Peter Drahn.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Minority-Owned Wisconsin Bar With Noise Violations Receives Scrutiny by City, While County Supervisor Accuses City of Discrimination" (Nov. 29, 1997). The Capital Times reports that the Alcohol License Review Committee in Madison, Wisconsin is considering suspending or revoking the liquor license of Taste Buds, a minority-owned bar and restaurant, due to several ordinance violations, including noise violations. Meanwhile, County Board Supervisor Regina Rhyne believes the establishment is not being treated fairly by city officials and is using her position as a minority official to play watchdog over the city.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Wisconsin Resident Says Noise Complaints Near Randall Stadium Legitimate" (Oct. 28, 1997). The Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, ran the following editorial written by a reader. The reader is Chuck Erickson, member of the Vilas Neighborhood Association zoning committee. Mr. Erickson responded to a recent column published in the newspaper about the city cracking down on noise from bars near Camp Randall Stadium. Mr. Erickson takes exception to what he saw as a mocking tone of the writer of the column in reference to residents who have complained about the noise.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Madison Imposes Restrictions in Stadium Area After Residents Complain of Noise" (Aug. 10, 1998). The Capital Times reports new, tougher rules in Madison, Wisconsin, will limit hours for outdoor beer gardens during this season's University of Wisconsin football games.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Business Owners Object to Proposed Changes in Wisconsin City's Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 21, 1998). The Capital Times reports that the Plan Commission in Madison, Wisconsin held a public meeting Monday to discuss proposed changes in the city's noise ordinance. A group of local manufacturers and business owners turned out at the meeting, objecting to the proposed changes. The commission sent the issue back to a committee for more study.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Madison, WI, Proposes Stricter Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 25, 1998). The Wisconsin State Journal reports a proposal to toughen Madison, Wisconsin's noise regulations may please residents but irk businesses.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Business Reps. Convince Madison, WI, Commission to Reject Noise Ordinance" (Nov. 13, 1998). The Wisconsin State Journal reports the Madison, Wisconsin, Economic Development Commission rejected a proposed noise ordinance Thursday.

Wisconsin, Madison, "Dane County International Airport Near Madison Wisconsin Is Receiving Fewer Noise Complaints Since a New Runway Opened" (Jun. 26, 1999). The Capital Times reports that noise complaints received at the Dane County Regional Airport near Madison, Wisconsin are down after a new 7,200 foot runway opened last year. The newer runway is angled towards the northeast, away from dense residential areas, and will eventually be used in one third of the airport's operations. Plans to repave the 9,000 foot main runway may divert so much traffic to the newer runway so much that noise complaints will again rise. Newer, quieter planes are also helping to quiet noise from the airport.

Wisconsin, Manitowoc, "Wisconsin Resident Argues That Airplane Safety is More Important Than Noise" (Mar. 7, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Steve Weinert, a Manitowoc, Wisconsin, resident, regarding homeowners who complain about noise from the Waukesha airport:

Wisconsin, Mayville, "Winconsin Condo Owner's Damp Roof Probable Cause of Noise" (Feb. 7, 2000). The Life Style section of the Scripps Howard News Service printed a letter from someone asking about a creaking noise in the roof of her condominium. The letter appears in its entirety.

Wisconsin, Mequon, "Wisconsin Residents Object to Noise from Neighborhood Swimming Lessons" (Oct. 8, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a special planning commission hearing was held in Mequon, Wisconsin, to address the issue of noise from a residence where swimming lessons are given.

Wisconsin, Middleton, "Residents Concerned About Possible Airfield Expansion in Wisconsin City" (Aug. 5, 1997). The Capital Times reports that residents in Middleton, Wisconsin who are concerned about possible expansion of Morey Field told town officials that airpcraft noise is already a problem at the airfield. The city is considering purchasing the airport as an option to having it develop as a private business park.

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Milwaukee Church Next to Airport Offers a Seminar on Silence" (Jun. 11, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the St. Stephen's Catholic Church, on Howell Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is surrounded by runways and constant noise from Mitchell Airport, but will nevertheless hold a seminar on silence tonight from 6:30 to 8:30. However, the article says, a quiet room will not be available for the seminar.

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Soundproofing Funding for Homes Near Milwaukee Airport is Restored" (Sep. 28, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the federal government has restored $2 million that had been cut from funds to soundproof homes surrounding the Mitchell International Airport outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The grant was announced last week by Milwaukee Congress member Jerry Kleczka, who helped restore the funding. The article reports the money will be enough to soundproof 96 homes (60 in Milwaukee, 15 in Oak Creek, 11 in St. Francis, and 10 in Cudahy). Additional homes likely will be soundproofed with state and airport funds, according to Airport Director Barry Bateman.

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Sound Barriers Could Be Built Along Lake Parkway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin if Neighbors Want Them" (Apr. 7, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that city officials will consider whether noise barriers should be built east of the Lake Parkway in Bay View section of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A total of three noise barriers could be built -if city officials determine a majority of the residents want them.

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Holler Park, the 'Suburb-Within-The City' of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Fears Increased Noise From Mitchell Airport Expansion" (Jan. 11, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin neighborhood of Holler Park are worried about the effects of Mitchell Airport expansion on their community. Holler Park, often called 'the suburb within the city,' is an island of residential tranquility, surrounded by rivers of commerce and a sea of industry. The article reports that a runway at Mitchell, which can now handle only small propeller aircraft, is to be extended to accommodate 19-seat propeller airliners and a few private jets. The runway's flight path leads over Holler Park.

Wisconsin, Milwaukee, "Legality of Private Go-cart Track Questioned in Milwaukee, Wisconsin" (Jun. 12, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that private property owners have threatened to sue the Town Board for its decision to stop construction of a private go-cart track.

Wisconsin, Oshkosh, "Technological Solutions to Noise" (Apr. 23, 1997). ABC World News This Morning correspondent Jack Smith reports on two new technologies designed to reduce noise, one for the listener, one for the producer.

Wisconsin, Prairie Du Sac, "Authorities at Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin's Lake Wisconsin Use Airplane Surveillance to Record Violators of Personal Watercraft Laws" (Jun. 5, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that 14 County Conservation wardens at Prairie Du Sac, Wisconsin's Lake Wisconsin will be joined by an airplane in an effort to catch violators of personal water craft rules. The airplane will be used to record violations on video. Complaints from lakefront residents about noise, as well as concerns about environmental destruction and safety issues, prompted the rules and the crack-down. Boaters will be given warnings, but wardens will give tickets when necessary; while personal watercraft represent only 5 percent of registered boats on the lake, they are involved in a much higher percentage of the accidents there.

Wisconsin, Saukville, "Steel Company Hires Noise Consultants to Identify Source of Noise Problems" (Aug. 21, 1998). The Journal Sentinel reports that the Charter Steel Manufacturing plant in Saukville, Wisconsin has hired a consultant to evaluate and recommend solutions to noise problems.

Wisconsin, Slinger, "Slinger, Wisconsin Residents Oppose Proposed Concrete Plant" (Nov. 22, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents in Slinger, Wisconsin are opposed to a proposed concrete plant that they say will increase noise, dust, and traffic. The planning commission says all of those concerns will be included in the development plan. 155 property owners have already signed a petition opposing the plant, and plan to file a lawsuit against the village if the plant is approved.

Wisconsin, Superior, "Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge Rules Local Noise Ordinance as Unconstitutional" (Feb. 1, 2000). According to the Associated Press, a judge in Superior, Wisconsin ruled that the local noise ordinance is unconstitutional, and in effect reversing a decision by the village board.

Wisconsin, Town of Eagle, "Eagle Town, Wisconsin Needs State Action to Stop Clay Shooting Noise" (Aug. 21, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a new state law prohibits the restriction of gunfire noise at the McMiller Sports Center in Eagle Town, Wisconsin. The article says Wisconsin's Range Protection Bill prohibits local governments from using noise as an issue to regulate existing shooting ranges.

Wisconsin, Town of Eagle, "Residents Bothered by Noise from Wisconsin Sports Center Dissatisfied with DNR Report" (Mar. 1, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources has developed a long-range plan for improving the McMiller Sports Center, including seeking ways to reduce gunfire noise, but nearby residents say more focus should have been placed on mitigating noise.

Wisconsin, Waukesha, "Wisconsin County Airport Commissioner Suggests Limiting Airport's Hours to Appease Neighbors Angry at Early-Morning Flights" (Mar. 2, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents living near the Waukesha County Airport in Waukesha, Wisconsin are angry about early-morning takeoffs and landings at the airport. To respond to the problem, one airport commissioner has suggested that officials consider limiting the airport's hours.

Wisconsin, Waukesha, "Resident's Airport Complaints Will be Heard in Waukesha" (Mar. 19, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the Airport Commission Wednesday announced it will hold periodic public hearings to allow Crites Field's neighbors to voice their concerns about airplane noise.

Wisconsin, Waukesha, "Developer Claims FedEx Distribution Center Won't Increase Air Traffic at Wisconsin Airport" (Mar. 26, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Planning Commission in Waukesha, Wisconsin approved plans Wednesday for a 90,000-square-foot Federal Express distribution center near Crites Field. The facility will be the largest Federal Express facility in the Milwaukee area, the article says. According to the developer, the distribution center will not immediately increase air traffic at the county airport, but there is not telling what could happen in the future. Meanwhile, residents have complained to county officials recently that aircraft noise has increased around the airport.

Wisconsin, Waukesha, "Officials at Wisconsin's Waukesha County Airport Invite Residents to Discuss Noise and Expansion Concerns" (Oct. 13, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Wisconsin residents will have an opportunity to meet with Waukesha County Airport officials later this month to discuss airport noise and expansion.

Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, "Wisconsin Town Seeks Highway Noise Barriers to Protect Schools" (Nov. 19, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports officials in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, have requested highway noise barriers to protect outdoor school activities from freeway noise.

Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, "Medical Chopper Recently Acquired By Police In Wauwatosa, Wisconsin May Be Parked Off Grounds" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a new police helicopter may not be based on nearby hospital grounds, where the sheriff had hoped. Residents surrounding Milwaukee Regional Medical Center are concerned about potential noise pollution. To use the airport, a $200,000 hangar would have to be built; the sheriff would prefer to use an existing, unused hangar at the hospital.

Wisconsin, West Allis, "Government Officials in West Allis, Wisconsin are Ready to Demand Less Tire-Testing Noise from State Fair Auto-Racing Oval in Response to Increasing Resident Complaints" (May 23, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the mayor, along with several House Representatives in West Allis, Wisconsin, are ready to demand that the State Fair "Milwaukee Mile" auto-racing oval limit the noise they produce. Noise has been more prevalent due to more frequent in pre-race tire testing and increasing use by an auto-racing school. Residents are very upset and complaining more frequently, but track officials continue to make improvements to the track to draw even more races there.

Wisconsin, West Allis, "Legislators and Officials from West Allis, Wisconsin's Milwaukee Mile Racetrack to Meet Today and Devise Noise Reduction Strategies" (Jun. 3, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Mayor of West Allis, Wisconsin along with legislators and officials from the local Milwaukee Mile Racetrack will have a meeting today to discuss ways to reduce noise. Though the track manager says he has received only five noise complaints, he says he is willing to work with neighbors as long as he feels their intention is not to shut him down. While major races at the track last only a few hours, the track is also by racers testing tires and by a race driving school; this noise can go on all day long without a break.

Wisconsin, West Allis, "Officials at West Allis, Wisconsin's Milwaukee Mile Racetrack Will Institute Policies Aimed at Reducing Impacts from Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a meeting between Milwaukee Mile racetrack officials, State Fair officials, and three local legislators has succeeded in identifying significant steps that will reduce noise for residents of West Allis, Wisconsin. At the meeting, racetrack officials agreed to post signs showing the schedule for non-race events such as tire-testing and race car driving school classes. They also agreed to limit the number of cars that can test tires at once, require better mufflers for the driving school, and refrain from scheduling any new non-race events this year.

Wisconsin, West Allis, "Racetrack Officials in West Allis, Wisconsin Agree to Reduce Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that officials at the Milwaukee Mile Racetrack in West Allis, Wisconsin has agreed to limit noise. Residents have complained about noise that lasts all day; most of this noise comes not from races, but from pre-race tire testing and a racecar-driving school that helps the track bring in revenue when there are no races. Officials at the track have agreed to post signs to tell residents when loud non-race events will occur, reduce the number of cars that can be testing tires at any given time, and require better mufflers for the driving school.

Wisconsin, West Allis, "Wisconsin Governor Offends West Allis Officials By Vetoing Legislation that Would Have Tied Racetrack Funding to the Appearance of a Noise Report" (Nov. 2, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that West Allis, Wisconsin legislators are upset with the governor for vetoing legislation that would have tied funding for the Milwaukee Mile Racetrack on the State Fairgrounds to the production of a noise report. The governor said he didn't want to add "another layer of bureaucracy to State Fair Park decision-making." He had actually proposed night-racing: something that would draw even more complaints over noise.

Wisconsin, West Bend, "Compromise Proposed over Noisy Fans at Wisconsin School" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a plan that should reduce the noise from rooftop ventilating units at the high school was endorsed Thursday by the West Bend, Wisconsin, school board.

Wisconsin, Whitefish Bay, "Complaints of Air Conditioner Noise from Neighbor of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Municipal Building Prompts City to Build Expensive Wall" (Jun. 30, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that after a noisy air conditioner at Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin's Municipal Building drew complaints from a neighbor, the village has decided to build a wall to cut the noise. The neighbor pointed out that while the unit is 2.5 feet from his property line, the city failed to secure a variance to the 10-foot requirement. The village will spend a partial $18,600 wall, and may spend an additional $5200 if the first section isn't sufficient.

World, "Lord Corporation Active Noise Technology Can Reduce Aircraft Noise by 95%" (Jun. 30, 1999). Flight International reports that NVX Active Noise and Vibration Control Technology, designed by the Lord Corporation, has received approval from the FAA. The system, which has been successfully tested for a year on Air Canada flights, is designed to reduce noise by up to 25 decibels or 95% on DC-9s and MD-80s. The system also reduces vibration on cabin floors and fixtures.

World, "Report from Natural Resources Defense Council Calls for Reductions in Marine Noise to Protect Ocean Life" (Jun. 28, 1999). Greenwire reports that according to a Natural Resources Defense Council, more needs to be done to reduce noise from military sonar and supertankers. Marine animals depend on sound to find food and mates, and to protect their young; man-made noise may "fundamentally alter the ocean habitat" by disrupting the communication that marine animals live by. No new evidence is offered by the report, but it points out that whales are known to avoid noise even when it means abandoning traditional breeding grounds.

Wyoming, Gillette, "Gillette, Wyoming Mine Officials Say New Noise Regulations Are Unfair" (Nov. 19, 1999). The Denver Post reports that new regulations by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) are being called unfair by mine officials in the Gillette, Wyoming area. The regulations call for a three-tiered "engineering, administration, and hearing protection" strategy, which officials say they are already following. They do say that they will be working on quieter mufflers and exhaust systems.

Wyoming, Jackson, "FAA Approves Terminal Expansion and Parking Garage at Jackson, Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport, Rejects Plans for New Radar System and Noise-Reducing Restrictions" (Jun. 7, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that the Federal Aviation Administration approved a terminal expansion and new parking garage at Jackson, Wyoming's Jackson Hole Airport. The 10,000 square foot terminal expansion will make room for additional gates. Plans to move rental-car company parking off-site may free up more parking for the public, eliminating the need for the new parking garage. The proposals were part of an environmental assessment presented to the FAA as part of a long-term plan for airport expansion. Other parts of the plan, such as noise-reduction initiatives, were rejected because costs involved were not clearly justified.

Wyoming, Powell, "Residents of Powell, Wyoming Still Finding Stock Car Races Too Loud After New Noise Ordinance Established" (May 15, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that in Powell, Wyoming where a new noise ordinance has just been established, residents still find the County Fairground stock car races too loud. The new ordinance sets a limit of 80 decibels at 100 feet, and readings taken on May 8 showed an acceptable average; however, residents claim that particularly loud times still exceed the limits. A resident suggested planting a row of trees to buffer the race noise, and the Park Board is looking into the possibility.

Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, "Limits on Snowmobiles in Yellowstone Are Unavoidable" (May 8, 1997). The Idaho Falls Post Register printed an editorial that explores the issue of how many snowmobiles should be allowed in Yellowstone National Park and its six adjacent national forests in order to avoid conflicts with wildlife and other recreational users and damage to natural resources. The editorial writer says that the scientific answer to the question is fairly straightforward, but a political solution acceptable to everyone is not so easy.

Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, "Snowmobiles Plague Yellowstone" (Feb. 19, 1998). USA Today published an editorial about the effects of snowmobiles on Yellowstone National Park and advocates banning their use in National Parks.

Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, "US National Park Service Hoping to Reduce Motor Vehicle Use in Parks" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Deseret News in Salt Lake City, Utah recently published an article that originally appeared in the Christian Science Monitor. The article reports that the National Park Service is considering reducing the use of snowmobiles, cars, and airplanes in some of the country's national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon. The Park Service hopes to be able to decrease noise and air pollution in the parks to keep them more pristine and to allow visitors to experience a more unspoiled environment.

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