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Kane County, Illinois, "Kane County, Illinois Officials Consider Fine For Loud Car Stereos" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Kane County, Illinois officials recently recommended approval of a measure that would allow sheriff's police to issue a $50 ticket to offenders whose car stereos can be heard from 75 feet away. "It's unfortunate we have to have a law like this," board member Rudy Neuberger, an Aurora Democrat, said in the article. "It's just unfortunate we have to regulate consideration for other people."
Kane, Pennsylvania, "Fierce Fight Over Wood-Chipping Mill in Pennsylvania Town Raises Noise Pollution Issues" (May 21, 1997). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that residents angered at noise from the Keystone Chipping Mill in Kane, Pennsylvania have organized to fight the wood-chip operation, but so far the protest seems to be going nowhere. The article explains the controversy over the mill and explores why noise pollution issues get little attention nowadays.
Kansas City, Kansas area, "Barriers Improve Noise Levels on Kansas Interstate, But Some Residents Don't Like the Walls" (Jun. 16, 1997). The Kansas City Star reports that one year after the Kansas Department of Transportation built the state's first noise barriers on Interstate 435 near Kansas City, many residents living near the Interstate say that noise levels are much improved. Other residents, however, believe the walls are ugly and not that effective.
Kansas City, Missouri, "Kansas City Residents Want Park, Not Noisy Industry" (Jan. 22, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that residents of Coleman Highlands in Kansas City, Missouri, oppose a developer's plans to build a business in their quiet neighborhood. Concern about heavy traffic, noise, pollution and decreasing property values have prompted the group to ask the city to condemn the developer's property and turn it into a park.
Kansas City, Missouri, "Missouri Residents and Shopping Center Developers Try to Find Compromise" (Jun. 13, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports that residents of the Foxridge subdivision in Kansas City, Missouri met earlier this week with developers of Olathe Station, a proposed shopping and entertainment complex at 119th Street and Strang Line Road, to discuss details of the development. The article explains that when the project was first proposed two years ago, residents and developers quickly took sides against each other. Now, they are trying to resolve their differences and mitigate potential noise pollution and other problems for residents.
Kansas City, Missouri, "Groups Disagree over Change in Kansas City Noise Ordinance" (Mar. 19, 1998). The Kansas City Star reports neighborhood leaders and abortion opponents disagreed Wednesday about a proposal to give police more power to enforce the city' s noise ordinance. Abortion opponents promised to sue if the ordinance is revised.
Karlsruhe, Germany, "German Court Rules in Favor of Neighbors; Enforces Quiet Times at Home" (Jun. 26, 1998). AP Worldstream reports Germany's Constitutional Court refused Friday to hear an appeal of a controversial ruling that came from a neighbor's complaints about noise coming from a house for mentally handicapped men.
Keith, United Kingdom, "Keith, U.K. Dairy Granted Temporary Consent to Continue Operation After Councillors Say Noise is Still Questionable; No Official Complaints Have Been Received" (Aug. 26, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that a dairy in Keith, United Kingdom has been granted only temporary consent to continue its operation on grounds of noise pollution, although no official complaints have been filed. Disruptions to residents have included the unloading of big trucks as late as 2:30 a.m. and fowl language.
Keith, United Kingdom, "Milk Depot In Keith, U.K. Will Be Granted Permanent Consent For Their Building, Now That Noise Levels Have Been Reduced As Requested in 1997" (Aug. 23, 1999). The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that a milk depot in Keith, United Kingdom will be issued permanent consent for their development after two years of conflicts with the city council about noise levels. The depot has impressed council members with their noise mitigation efforts, and no further noise complaints have been issued.
Keller, Texas, "Helicopter Noise Near Texas Race-Track Angers Residents; FAA Says Noise is Legal" (Jun. 13, 1997). The Dallas Morning News reports that when the Texas Motor Speedway in Keller, Texas opened last April, some residents and city councillors were worried about potential noise from the racetrack. While noise from the track has not been a problem, residents and officials from Keller, Southlake, and Grapevine complained about excessive helicopter noise after inaugural races in April and again last weekend during the Indy Racing League events. Officials with the Federal Aviation Administration said they will look into the complaints, but maintain they have no legal authority over the helicopter routes.
Kenner, LA, "Louisiana Residents Angered by Airport's Delay To control Noise" (May 28, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that residents of Kenner, a small town near the New Orleans airport attended a public hearing about airplane noise. The purpose of the hearing was to explain recommendations given by the federal government, but residents were suspicious that the hearing was merely window dressing, and that the results simply justify what airport officials are already doing.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Expiration of Louisiana Airline Contracts Offers Opportunities For Noise Abatement" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the expiration a five year contract with airlines presents an opportunity to negotiate any new contract with citizen concerns in mind.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Louisiana Community Council Adopts Zoning Regulations For Airport" (Dec. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the Kenner City Council has adopted legislation to control airport growth.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Airport Study in Louisiana Recommends that Airport Development be Zoned" (Jun. 7, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that the Kenner (Louisiana) City Council has sponsored a study which has recommended that the council could better control noise and protect the value of property near New Orleans International Airport by creating a strict zoning review process of airport development. The City Council's emergency land-use committee will discuss the draft study at a meeting Monday at 4 p.m.
Kenner, Louisiana, "FAA Says New Runway at New Orleans Airport Could be Built at an Angle to Reduce Noise Pollution; Residents Remain Unconvinced" (Jun. 25, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a new study by the Federal Aviation Administration shows that New Orleans International Airport could angle its proposed north-south runway away from neighborhoods in Kenner to reduce the noise impact, yet still handle enough traffic to make the project feasible. The FAA is using the New Orleans study to develop national standards for near-parallel runway alignment, which could help planners throughout the U.S. deal with problems to airport expansions, such as land availability and noise issues. Meanwhile, residents living in Kenner seemed unimpressed with the FAA's new idea, and said they still oppose a new runway.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Airport Information Booths Anger Kenner Residents; They Still Say No New Runway" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that a number of Kenner residents expressed their disapproval on Monday of New Orleans International Airport's plans to turn its east-west taxiway into a runway for private aircraft. Residents also were not pleased with the forum designed to receive their input.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Louisiana City Schedules New Forum on Airport Expansion, Criticizing Forum Held by the Airport" (Nov. 19, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that officials in Kenner, Louisiana have scheduled a public hearing on plans by the New Orleans International Airport to turn a taxiway into a runway for private planes. Local officials were critical of the way airport officials handled their own public forum on Monday on the same topic, the article says.
Kenner, Louisiana, "New Orleans Airport Officials Draw Criticism for Unusual Public Hearing on Proposed Taxiway Conversion" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that officials of the New Orleans International Airport held a public hearing Monday to gather input on plans to turn an east-west taxiway into a runway for private aircraft. At the hearing, airport officials staffed five booths addressing different issues, such as noise and land acquisition, and invited questions from the 200 residents who attended. But many residents from Kenner were angry both at the proposed taxiway conversion and at the way the forum was set up to handle their input.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Residents Complain About Proposed Expansion of New Orleans Airport" (Nov. 22, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that more than 400 residents from Kenner, Louisiana and the surrounding area attended a public hearing Friday to voice concerns about a proposed plan to convert a taxiway into a runway for small planes at the New Orleans International Airport. Residents vented pent-up frustration about a variety of airport issues, including noise pollution, and many said it was time for the airport to move.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Louisiana City Police Start Fining Owners of Car Alarms That Go Off Unnecessarily" (Sep. 24, 1997). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner (Louisiana) Police Chief Nick Congemi this week started using the city's noise ordinance to curb the number of false car alarms his officers investigate. Officers now will give summons to any vehicle owner whose alarm has sounded for more than 15 minutes, unless criminal activity is suspected, the article says. The summons carries a maximum fine of $500, 60 days in jail, or both. Congemi's crackdown on car alarms comes after he proposed a bylaw to the City Council that would have fined vehicle owners $25 for false or faulty car alarms, but councillors didn't even discuss the proposal.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Residents Near New Orleans Airport Want A Say in the Growing Noise Problem -- They'll Sue If They Have To" (Apr. 19, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Kenner, Louisiana homeowners, sick and tired of noisy jets, are getting ready to sue airline pilots and airports at New Orleans International Airport for punitive damage under a bill sponsored by state Reps. Glenn Ansardi and Danny Martiny of Kenner.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Town Near New Orleans Airport Vows to Fight New Runway Plan" (Apr. 7, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports a proposed new runway at New Orleans International Airport has the support of the Louisiana Governor but the strong opposition of a nearby town that fears increased noise from roaring jets.
Kenner, Louisiana, "New Orleans International Airport to Soundproof Homes in Kenner, Louisiana" (Jul. 11, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Louisiana's New Orleans International Airport will soon begin a $20 million soundproofing project in Kenner. The project is part of the noise mitigation required by a 1989 lawsuit settlement; the airport purchased 700 homes in the loudest areas in the first phase, and soundproofing is the second phase. Residents whose homes are soundproofed -- at a cost of about $20,000 each -- must grant an easement promising not to sue the airport over noise. In homes where renovations would need to be paid by the homeowner before soundproofing could even begin, residents may have the option of receiving cash for the easement instead of insulation. The contractors in charge of soundproofing will be required to remain in the state for at least a year to answer for any homeowner complaints.
Kenner, Louisiana, "New Orleans International Airport's Noise Consultants Begin Study, Hold First in Series of Public Hearings" (May 26, 1999). The Times-Picayune reports that Barnard Dunkelberg and Associates, a noise consulting firm for the New Orleans International Airport held the first in a new series of public hearings. The firm has begun their 15-month study which will evaluate the effect of airport noise on neighborhoods in nearby Kenner, Louisiana. Noise monitoring sites have been chosen, but which will be used on any day will remain secret.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Contract Awarded to Begin Second Phase of Residential Airport Noise-Mitigation Program at New Orleans International Airport" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that the Aviation Board at New Orleans International Airport recently awarded a contract to begin sound-insulation work on some homes in the city of Kenner. The insulation program is the second phase of an airport noise-mitigation program that was launched as a result of a 1982 class-action residential lawsuit against the airport.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Kenner, Louisiana Aviation Board Representative Resigns" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that the New Orleans Aviation Board is losing one of its members of six years, former Kenner City Councilman Forrest "Bucky" Lanning. He waited to leave the board until its recent vote to approve a home-insulation program for residents near New Orleans International Airport.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Kenner, Louisiana Residents Near Airport Urged to Accept Airport Offer to Soundproof Homes" (Apr. 2, 2000). The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Louisiana reports that 351 homeowners who live near the New Orleans International Airport in the town of Kenner have qualified for FAA funding to have their homes soundproofed. Only 107 have accepted the offer thus far.
Kenner, Louisiana, "Navy Jets Use New Orleans International Airport For Special Mission Due to Inadequate Size of Navy Air Station's Runways" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Times-Picayune in Louisiana reports that residents in Kenner and St. Charles Parish have been warned that they will hear louder than usual takeoff noise from New Orleans International Airport today. The military is using the airport for the departure of two of the Navy's giant airborne tankers and a squadron of F/A-18 fighters for training exercises in Guam.
Kennewick, Washington, "Kennewick, Washington Audiologist Says On-the-Job Noise is Often the Cause of Hearing Loss" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire discusses hearing loss with expert Francis Aiello from the Columbia Basin Hearing Center. Aiello mentions several ways that recent patients have damaged their hearing. He also explains how hearing loss occurs, and notes that the average age for patients visiting the Center has decreased.
Kfar Saba, Israel, "Two Noise Stories From Jerusalem, Israel: Woman Wins Lawsuit Over Noise at Retirement Community; Drag Club Forced to Move After Residents Complain" (Jul. 30, 1999). The Jerusalem Post reports on several issues in communities surrounding Jerusalem, including a political race, new burial options, and several issues relating to noise. A woman who entered a retirement home in 1990 has won a lawsuit against the home which has changed from a peaceful, quiet place due to a nearby long-term construction project that began in 1994. Also in this article was information about a drag club that is being forced to move. Residents' complaints of noise forced the club to close first at midnight, and most recently at 11 PM. Club owners feel they must move because they will not be able to bring in enough money with such short operating hours. Club owners believe that residents' real complaints center around the club's clientele, which includes homosexual and cross-dressing people. Officials deny the allegations, saying that the club has been operating without proper permits, and that a non-drag club in the same building faces the same restrictions
Killingworth, United Kingdom, "Local Council in Killingworth, U.K. Takes U.S. Electronics Manufacturer to Court Over Constant Noise From Its Manufacturing Plant" (Aug. 31, 1999). The Evening Chronicle reports that a U.S. electronics manufacturer -- Viasystems -- is being taken to court by the local council in Killingworth, U.K. over constant noise from its plant. Plant officials did install mufflers on the noisiest outdoor equipment, but the noise continues to be a problem.
Kilmarnock, Scotland, "TV of Scottish Man Confiscated Over Noise" (May 28, 1997). The Herald reports that Michael McGinn of Kilmarnock, Scotland has had his television and radio confiscated because he played them too loudly. McGinn also has been fined 450 pounds by the Kilmarnock Sheriff Court.
King County, Washington, "County Council Approves Noise-Reduction Plan for Washington's Boeing Field; Activists Not Satisfied" (Oct. 13, 1998). The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports an ambitious program that will reduce aircraft noise at Boeing Field won the unanimous approval of Washington's King County Council yesterday. Some activists and airport neighbors disapprove of the plan.
Kinningworth and Westmoor, England, "UK Planning Council Member Responds to Noise Complaint Against US Company" (Feb. 18, 2000). The Journal printed this letter from a planning council member in England responding to a letter complaining about noise from Viasystem, a US electronics plant. In question are two fume abatement chimneys. The letter is printed in its entirety and defends the planning council's permitting process.
Kirkland, Washington, "New Waterfall Along Waterfront in Washington City Designed to Muffle Traffic Noise" (Jun. 25, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that an 11- foot-high, man-made waterfall and stream will be added to the waterfront area in Kirkland, Washington as part of a condominium development. The waterfall project will form a new park, and has been designed to muffle traffic noise.
Kissimmee, Florida, "Florida Resident Shares Perspective on Commission's Denial of Bikini Contest" (Dec. 7, 1997). The Orlando Sentinel Tribune printed the following letter to the editor concerning the Kissimmee (Florida) City Commission's decision to deny a bikini contest proposal.
Kissimmee, Florida, "Noise Forces Power Company to Withdraw Proposal for New Plant, But Two More Companies Looking to Build in Osceola County, Florida" (Dec. 10, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel reported that one of three power companies planning to build plants in Osceola County are sheleved plans due to noise.
Kissimmee, Florida, "Kissimmee, Florida County Commissioners Approve Power Plant, But Jeopardize Project By Denying Special Noise Exemptions" (Nov. 20, 1999). The Orlando Sentinel reports that although the County Commissioners for Kissimmee, Florida approved a 460-megawatt power plant in theory, they denied a requested noise exemption that would have allowed 85 decibels at the plant's perimeter. Neighbors signed a petition about their concerns over water, noise, and pollution problems from the plant. Plant officials are trying to find alternatives to lower the noise at the plant.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "35-Year-Old Knoxville Noise Ordinance May Receive Update" (Apr. 22, 1997). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that a 35-year-old noise ordinance, criticized by residents for being vague and inadequate to current needs, may soon be changed.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville Community Meeting Reinforces Noise Ordinances" (Apr. 20, 1997). Noise problems from patio bars, boom boxes and other sources will be the topic of discussion at a meeting being sponsored by the Council of Involved Neighborhoods (COIN), Councilman Nick Pavlis and the Knoxville Police Department, the Knoxville News-Sentinel reports.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Residents Complain About Noise and Dust from Tennessee Slag-Mill Facility" (Nov. 19, 1997). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that in response to residents' complaints, the owners of the Ameristeel slag-processing operation run by Olympic Mill Service in Knoxville, Tennessee have agreed to make some changes to improve the noise and dust for neighbors in the Lonsdale community. Residents asked the city to get involved in their on-going problem with the plant owners after the company didn't cut back operations as promised.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "New Noise Ordinance Widely Endorsed at Knoxville City Council Workshop" (Aug. 7, 1998). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that Knoxville's newly proposed noise ordinance was widely endorsed by a variety of individuals and groups at a recent City Council workshop.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville, Tennessee City Council Finds it Difficult to Please Everyone with Noise Ordinance" (Sep. 4, 1998). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports Tennessee's Knoxville City Council is working hard to establish enforceable noise regulations that will please business owners and residents.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville Delays Vote on Noise Ordinance to Explore How to Regulate Amplified Music" (Feb. 24, 1998). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports the Knoxville City Council is expected to delay action on at least two matters currently on its agenda for tonight. One of the items is proposed revisions to the city's noise ordinance. The other issue deals with revisions to the ordinance governing wrecker service operations.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville, Tennessee, Plans to Update City's Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 27, 1998). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports Knoxville, Tennessee's City Council agenda for Tuesday night includes proposals to update the city's thirty-year-old noise ordinance to make it more enforceable.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville, Tennessee, Passes New Noise Ordinance" (Oct. 9, 1998). The Commercial Appeal reports Knoxville, Tennessee, is setting stricter standards for quiet.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Knoxville, Tennessee's McGhee Tyson Airport Receives $3.2-Million From Federal Government, In Part to Pay for Noise Mitigation" (Aug. 3, 1999). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that Knoxville's McGhee Tyson Airport will soon receive $3.2-million from the federal government, $2.6-million of which will help pay for past noise mitigation. Additional land may be purchased with the money as well. The airport authority hopes to perform another $6-million in noise abatement work; it will be responsible for 10% of the costs.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Residents Near Knoxville, Tennessee Want Noise Wall, but Officials Say Effective Walls Would Have to Be Too High" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Knoxville News-Sentinel reports on a noisy section of Interstate 40 where residents want noise barriers. An environmental study from 1988 called for barriers, but it was shown in a 1990 study that walls there would exceed the $25,000 per home cost. Residents say the number of people who would benefit from walls is being underestimated.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Erroneous Planning Excludes Some Tennessee Homes From Noise Abatement Measures" (Apr. 18, 2000). The Knoxville News-Sentinel printed this letter to the editor about the impact of an interstate highway on homes. Of special interest is the article's explanation of an error planning that resulted in a loss of noise abatement measures for one neighborhood. The letter is printed in its entirety.
Knoxville, Tennessee, "Westwood, Tennessee Residents Complain to State About Highway Noise" (Mar. 31, 2000). The Knoxville News-Sentinel in Tennessee reports that residents in Westwood feel that the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is not living up to its responsibilities to alleviate the traffic noise that the residents are now subjected to as a result of widening Interstate 40.
Kowloon City, Hong Kong, "Hong Kong Airport Set to Close; Merchants Predict Losses, But Property Agents Expect Boom in Housing Market in the Area" (Nov. 30, 1997). The South China Morning Post reports that the Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon City, Hong Kong is set to close in 1998 when the new Chek Lap Kok Airport opens. The article says that some merchants near Kai Tak expect their businesses to hang on after the airport is gone, while others expect their businesses to fold. Meanwhile, property agents are gearing up for new residential housing in the area, which will be more popular when residents don't have to deal with aircraft noise.
Kowloon, Hong Kong, "Hong Kong Airport to Move; Massive Truck Convoy Will Cause Massive Noise" (Dec. 1, 1997). The South China Morning Post reports that the Kai Tak Airport in Kowloon, Hong Kong is scheduled to close next year, and the city is expected to thunder with early morning noise from heavy trucks making hundreds of trips as equipment is moved to the new Chek Lap Kok Airport.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, "New Noise Regulations Drafted in Malaysia" (Sep. 13, 1997). The New Straits Times reports that three sets of new noise regulations and a set of guidelines have been proposed by the Malaysian government to control the country's worsening noise pollution. The regulations and guidelines address a wide range of noises and vibrations, and currently are being reviewed by the government's DOE.
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