Chronological Index for March 1998

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1998: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
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2000: Jan Feb Mar Apr

March 1, 1998

Residential Suburban Growth in Maryland Pits Homeowners Against Gravel Mine Owners. The Washington Post reports that residents in Charles County, Maryland are lobbying for restrictions on the entrenched gravel mining industry in the county. The article says that as homes increasingly spread across formerly rural land, homeowners' interests are at odds with the mining industry's practice of routinely strip mining for gravel.

Some Southern California Airport Expansions Face Opposition, While Others Do Not. The Los Angeles Times reports that air traffic demand in Southern California is expected to double in the next 15 years, and pressure to expand Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and open El Toro's former military airport for commercial use is mounting. Residents near both airport sites are fighting that pressure. Some say that expansion should happen at March Air Force Base and Palmdale Airport instead; both sites are north of Los Angeles. The article discusses the specific problems at each airport that expansion would cause.

Study Available on Noise Control and Abatement in Transportation and Heavy Industrial Environments. The Industrial Health & Hazards Update says that a report is available about noise control and abatement in the transportation industry and heavy industrial environments. The publication goes on to list what the report covers and how it can be obtained.

European Union Proposes Restrictions on Noise From Outdoor Equipment. The Automotive Environment Analyst reports that the European Commission proposed a new directive on noise from outdoor equipment on February 24. The directive specifies noise levels for a range of equipment used outdoors, the article notes.

Business Association in California Opposes Additions to Airport Noise Regulations. The Los Angeles Times printed an editorial by Bonnie Herman, president of the Valley Industry and Commerce Association. She says that further restrictions on Stage II jets at Van Nuys Airport will be an economic problem for the community, which will lose jobs and money.

Two Minnesota Neighborhoods Fight to Ensure Increased Train Traffic Isn't in Their Neighborhood. The Star Tribune reports that two neighborhoods in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area are fighting to ensure that train traffic increases, not in their own, but in the other neighborhood. The Twin Cities & Western freight trains pass through both the working class Blackstone Avenue neighborhood in St. Louis Park and the exclusive Kenwood and Cedar-Isles-Dean neighborhoods in Minneapolis, but only one of the towns will be experiencing a permanent increase in rail traffic. The next vote on the issue will occur Monday in St. Louis Park, the article reports, when the City Council will consider an agreement in which the town gets funds to clean up a contaminated Superfund site in exchange for eventually having the trains pass through their city.

March 2, 1998

NYC Can't Preempt Federal Government's Control of Airspace, Appeals Courts Rules. The Weekly of Business Aviation reports an appeals court ruled that the city of New York may not restrict routes of sightseeing flights.

Paper on Nighttime Aircraft Restrictions Released in Britain. M2 Presswire released a press release that reports a new consultation paper was issued today by Glenda Jackson, Britain's Minister for Shipping and Aviation, regarding night restrictions on aircraft movements at Heathrow, Gatwick, and Stansted Airports. Jackson also announced that a research trial will take place on sleep disturbance patterns by aircraft. The press release goes on to quote Jackson's answer to a Parliamentary Question from a Member of Parliament on the issue.

Residential Development Proposed Near Arizona Air Force Base. The Arizona Republic reports that a residential development with up to 1,500 homes is being proposed in Surprise, Arizona, near the Luke Air Force Base. If built, the homes would be on the fringe of the air force base noise contour area in which the average noise exceeds 65 decibels, an area where residential developments are discouraged.

Wisconsin County Airport Commissioner Suggests Limiting Airport's Hours to Appease Neighbors Angry at Early-Morning Flights. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents living near the Waukesha County Airport in Waukesha, Wisconsin are angry about early-morning takeoffs and landings at the airport. To respond to the problem, one airport commissioner has suggested that officials consider limiting the airport's hours.

Connecticut Politicians Meet with Local Officials to Reduce Noise from Bradley Airport and Preserve "Main Street" as Airport Expands. The Hartford Courant reports state of Connecticut transportation officials are considering new efforts to reduce the noise over Suffield from planes leaving Bradley International Airport. One consideration in the noise mitigation effort is a new voluntary takeoff pattern. Other airport concerns were voice during a meeting last month at the governor's office with local elected officials.

Arizona Town Restricts Construction Noise. The Arizona Republic reports that the City Council in Peoria, Arizona unanimously passed a new ordinance on Feb. 17 that limits construction to certain hours in order to cut down on noise. The ordinance was passed in an effort to respond to the increasing number of complaints about construction noise in the fast-growing city, according to Ibrahim Maslamani, the city's building safety manager.

March 3, 1998

BWI Airport Works to Get Pilots to Adhere to Higher Altitudes, Giving Residents More Quiet. The Capital reports the Baltimore-Washington International Airport is taking steps to reduce low-flying, loud aircraft that disturb residents. BWI will begin employing a new technique to remind pilots to fly higher and, therefore, quieter.

Gardeners in California City to Protest Leaf Blower Ban, Claiming Ban is Racist. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that gardeners in the San Francisco area will stage three demonstrations this week and one next week to protest a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers by the city of Menlo Park. The gardeners claim the ban is racially biased.

Menlo Park Ban on Leaf Blowers to be Contested by Gardeners. The San Francisco Chronicle Tuesday reports gardeners in the Menlo Park area are planning a series of protests against the proposed ban on leaf blowers, alleging the ban is racially and economically motivated.

Chicago Suburb Creates Citizens Advisory Council on Jet Noise. The Chicago Tribune reports that Ron Wietecha, the mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois, announced Monday that a citizens advisory council will be formed to provide a forum on noise from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. The six-member council will be made up of residents from the areas hit hardest by jet noise, the article notes, and will meet monthly to review and interpret the results from permanent jet- noise monitors located in Park Ridge.

Chicago Suburb Discusses Supporting Third Regional Airport to Lessen Noise from O'Hare. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that village trustees in Arlington Heights, Illinois met Monday to discuss whether they should support a group that is lobbying for a third regional airport at Peotone in an attempt to lessen noise problems at O'Hare International Airport. About 25 people attended the meeting, and politicians outside the village sent their comments.

Missouri Residents Meet with Airport Authority about Noise Grievances. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports of a meeting that took place last week between the St. Louis Airport Authority and area residents with noise grievances. The article details residents' concerns and an airport representative's responses.

March 4, 1998

New Jersey Town Passes Ordinance that Bans Ice Cream Truck Tunes. The New York Times reports that the Town Council in Stafford Township, New Jersey passed an ordinance tonight by a vote of 4-2 to ban amplified sound on ice cream trucks. The ordinance allows ice cream vendors to use hand bells in place of musical tunes, the article notes.

Florida Residents Ban All-Night Dance Festivals. The Ledger of Lakeland, Florida, reports a new law placing restrictions on outdoor concerts in Polk County was approved recently after last year's all-night dance festival outraged neighbors.

Another NJ Town Bans Music from Ice-Cream Trucks. BC Cycle reports Stafford Township, New Jersey, has become the latest community to ban ice cream trucks from playing music to attract their customers.

Coalition Questions New Housing in Potential Flight Paths of Luke AFB. The Arizona Republic reports that developers plans to build up to 2,200 residences in El Mirage, Arizona, have been put on hold because it's unclear whether the properties are in the flight path of planes from Luke Air Force Base.

More Traffic Causes Ohio Town to Consider Noise Barriers Along Interstate 75. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports Union Township leaders are considering erecting noise barriers in anticipation of increased traffic along Interstate 75 near West Chester.

Cornell Study Measures Ill Effects of Airport Noise on School-Age Children. BC Cycle reports Cornell researchers say that airport noise puts stress on children that may have lifelong effects. The article details the physiological effects of airport noise on a group of children living in Germany over a period of two years.

March 5, 1998

NJ Town Bans Amplified Music from Ice-Cream Vendors. The Asbury Park Press published an editorial about the decision Tuesday night by the Stafford, New Jersey, Township Committee to ban amplified music from ice cream trucks.

CT Residents Object to Asphalt Plant, Circulate Petition. The Hartford Courant reports that a group of vocal opponents circulated a petition Wednesday to voice their concerns about a proposed asphalt plant near Colchester, Connecticut. Meanwhile, a representative of the Department of Environmental Protection visited the site to make a recommendation about granting a permit to the company.

Sea-Tac and Schools Discuss Funding for Airport Noise Impact Studies. The News Tribune reports the Highline School District of Seattle, Washington, whose schools encircle the airport, recently discussed the impact of airport noise on schools and funding for studies. At the meeting residents heard from Sea-Tac Airport director, Gina Marie Lindsey.

West Virginia Noise Bill May Not Get Through Senate. The Charleston Gazette reports a bill that could help secure a little peace and quiet for a West Virginia resident was approved by a Senate Judiciary subcommittee Wednesday. However, the deadline is fast-approaching for the Senate to act on its own bills, and this bill may not make it through in time.

Highway Improvements and Sound Barriers to Reduce Noise in Montreal's East End. The Gazette of Montreal, Quebec, reports the Quebec government announced a $35-million plan to improve the road system around Highway 25. Those improvements will make life quieter for thousands of residents of Montreal's east end, Mayor Pierre Bourque said yesterday.

Live with PBI Airport Noise or Move: It's Your Choice, Says Resident. The Palm Beach Post published the following letter in its Letters to the Editor section from West Palm Beach resident, Noelle Smith. Smith says dealing with noise from the Palm Beach International Airport is a choice she makes. Others, she says, need to take responsibility for their choice of residence. Ms Smith writes:

Albuquerque Residents Concerned about Noise, Pollution, Danger from News Helicopters. The Albuquerque Journal reports residents of an Albuquerque, New Mexico, neighborhood claim they've lost their peace and quiet to television-news helicopters that frequently fly over their homes.

Louisville Residents Fear Increased Noise with UPS Expansion at Airport. The Courier-Journal reports Louisville, Kentucky, residents who live near the airport or under the flight path, worry that the UPS expansion announced yesterday will mean more noise and other harmful effects.

Drilling Rig Proves Noisemaker and Nightmare for Las Vegas Family. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports a Las Vegas family lost their peace and quiet and ability to sleep at night when a massive drilling rig set up operation in their backyard. The residents are frustrated with the response they've received from project officials. When the drilling stops, new wells will provide water for area golf courses.

March 6, 1998

LA Neighborhood Avoids Noisy Welding Facility. The Daily News of Los Angeles reports MTA officials have abandoned plans to place a temporary welding facility and accompanying 16-foot-high sound walls in the Valley Village neighborhood.

Residents Wary of Study that Says Sixth Runway at Denver Airport will Reduce Noise. The Denver Post reports Denver officials are hoping a study that says it is possible to reduce noise around Denver International Airport will persuade Congress to release funds for a sixth runway.

"Best Practice" Flying Trials by British Airways Verifies Noise Reduction. M2 Presswire issued a press release that reports trials held with British Airways 747-400 aircraft leaving Heathrow confirm that "best-practice" flying procedures during take-off produce the least possible disturbance to local communities.

Court-Ordered Release Reveals El Toro Plans. According to OC Weekly, a report written last year but only now released under court order contradicts statements from Newport Beach, California, county officials that runways at the proposed El Toro International Airport will go unchanged.

Opponents of FedEx Hub at Raleigh Airport Pressure Commissioners. The News and Observer reports overnight delivery of packages is becoming a political issue in Wake County, North Carolina, as the controversy over the proposed Federal Express hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport gains momentum.

Study Says More Planes Won't Mean More Noise at Denver's Airport. The Rocky Mountain News reports changes in flight paths at Denver International Airport could ease noise problems for 90,000 people, according to a study released Wednesday. The study drew attention because it's the first time anyone has suggested so many people in the area are bothered by airport noise.

March 7, 1998

OHare Noise Compatibility Commission Marks First Year. The Chicago Tribune reports that the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission marked its first anniversary Friday by noting its achievements.

California City Residents Get Landscaping to Protect Them From Traffic Noise. The Los Angeles Times reports that because of resident complaints about noise from traffic increases along Bake Parkway in Lake Forest, California, the city council has decided to plant trees between residences and the highway. The effort is intended to quiet the neighborhood, and residents seem happy about the idea. The traffic increased because of a highway expansion project two years ago.

Scotland's Environmental Health Department Should Enforce Noise Laws. The Evening News of Edinburgh, Scotland, printed the following letter from a resident about which agency should enforce noise laws:

Kentucky Residents Worried About Noise From UPS Expansion at Airport. The Courier-Journal reports that residents living near the Louisville (Kentucky) International Airport are worried that making the airport a mega-hub for United Parcel Service will increase the already disturbing noise produced by aircraft. As Regional Airport Authority and Jefferson County officials revise the airport's noise-reduction plan, residents are preparing to voice their concerns.

Wisconsin Resident Argues That Airplane Safety is More Important Than Noise. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Steve Weinert, a Manitowoc, Wisconsin, resident, regarding homeowners who complain about noise from the Waukesha airport:

Some U.S. Cities Have Noise Committees and Programs to Mitigate Aircraft Noise. The Courier-Journal reports that some U.S. cities that have airports close to heavily populated areas have established committees and programs to monitor and mitigate noise for neighbors. The article examines the measures that San Francisco, Minneapolis, and Memphis have undertaken, and discusses how the noise problems are similar to the airport noise issues in Louisville, Kentucky.

Domestic Noise Problems Belong to Environmental Health Department Says Citizen in Eninburgh, Scotland. The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland ran the following letter regarding the enforcement of noise ordinances. According to the article, legislation was recently amended to provide police the power to seize sound equipment that is causing a nuisance. The resident's letter points out that the Environmental Health Department already had existing powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to enforce the law regarding persistent noise nuisance from both commercial and domestic sources. The letter reads as follows:

Motorsport Noise Issue Goes to Court. The United Kingdom's Northern Echo reports a court hearing has been scheduled for June to address noise levels at a popular motorsport center in Sunderland.

March 8, 1998

Navy Considers Residents Concerns Over Relocation Of Jet Station. The Virginian-Pilot reports that the proposal to relocate the Hornets, the U.S. Navy's jet squad, to the Virginia area is still unpopular.

New Jersey Ice Cream Man Banned!. The Asbury Park Press reports that Stafford, New Jersey has banned the ice cream man from playing music.

Los Angeles Resident Speaks Out About Noise Pollution. The Los Angeles Times reports published the following letter to the editor:

March 9, 1998

Canadian Company Markets Noise Pollution Solution in Europe. Canada NewsWire Ltd. reports that John Barrett, President of ATCO Noise Management Ltd., announced the opening of the company's new branch office in Staffordshire, England.

Latino Gardeners in California Demand Compromise on Leaf Blower Ban. The San Francisco Chronicle reports about the largest rally yet by opponents of Menlo Park, California's proposed leaf blower ban.

Residents Seek Relief from Nightly Rail Noise. The Grand Rapids Press reports Ada residents have organized to curb incessant night time train noise in their neighborhood. Their prospects for success appear dim.

North Carolina Welcomes FedEx Hub. The Herald-Sun reports that Durham, North Carolina is hoping FedEx will bring new jobs to the area with its recent hub proposal.

March 10, 1998

California Gardeners Protest Proposed Leaf Blower Ban. The San Francisco Examiner reports that gardeners in Menlo Park, California are preparing to protest the proposed ban on gas powered leaf blowers.

Air Force Proposes Bomber Training in New Mexico. The Albuquerque Journal reports that a U.S. Air Force proposal for bomber training in rural New Mexico has residents inflamed.

Opera Lover Silenced in England. The Daily Mail reports that neighbors in Cardiff, England are in dispute over loud opera music.

Braintree Company Responds to Noise Complaints. The Patriot Ledger reports King Hill Road residents in Braintree have asked selectman to take action on noisy delivery trucks at a nearby business.

March 11, 1998

PA Company Granted Variance for Earlier Operation Hours. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports the Carnegie zoning hearing board has given approval to a drywall company to operate earlier than allowed by borough law, but the board says it will revoke the variance if delivery trucks disturb neighbors.

Ear Muffs Relieve Patients of Construction Noise. The Daily Record reports that heart patients at the Ayr Hospital were upset by noise from hospital construction. The report describes how the hospital is making use of ear muffs to content the noise weary patients.

Washington School Battles Airport For Insulation Against Noise. The Seattle Times reports that airport officials at the Seattle Tacoma International Airport in Washington have agreed to insulate schools against noise pollution, including a possible air conditioning system.

New Jersey Town Enacts Stronger Noise Ordinance. The Record reports that Teaneck, New Jersey is strengthening its noise ordinance.

Texas Residents Oppose Concrete Plant. The Dallas Morning News reports the Sachse City Council, prompted by residents' opposition to a proposed concrete batch plant, will host public hearings on the issue before voting to revise a zoning decision made in January.

Citizens Work to Enforce Los Angeles Leaf Blower Ban. The Daily News of Los Angeles reports ...

Another California Community Faces Leaf Blower Debate. The San Francisco Examiner reports that the Menlo Park City Council in California has put off a vote on a controversial ordinance that would ban gas-powered leaf blowers.

Noise Pollution Study in Greece Demands Attention. AP Worldstream reports that according to the Athens Pollution Control Program, or Perpa, 54 percent of Athenians live in areas with unacceptable levels of noise pollution.

Community in Canada Angered by Barking Dogs. The Toronto Star reports that Oshawa residents are angered by the recent City Council decision not to prosecute barking dog complaints

Connecticut Residents Still Concerned Over Airport Noise and Safety. The Hartford Courant reports that residents and area officials are still not satisfied with the current noise solutions at the Bradley International Airport in Connecticut.

Louisiana Receives Funding for Soundproofing of Homes in Flight Paths. The Advocate reports that the Federal Aviation Administration will hand over $1 million to Metro Airport in coming weeks to pay for soundproofing 25 houses near the airport's runway.

March 12, 1998

Idaho Environmentalists Fight Air Force Training Range Expansion. The Idaho Statesman reports environmentalists don't believe the Air Force will adequately protect Owyhee Desert wilds from a training range expansion, so they are in Washington, DC, trying to halt the project.

Memphis Go Kart Track Under Consideration; Noise Concerns. The Commercial Appeal reports a Memphis amusement business has applied for a special use permit to operative an outdoor Go Kart track near Perkins. The request was put on hold last month for further study following concerns about how noise from the motors might affect nearby businesses and homes.

Michigan Residents Object to Concrete Crushing in Neighborhood. The Grand Rapids Press reports Alpine Township residents will have to wait for a decision from the Planning Commission on a special use permit for an excavating company to crush concrete and process topsoil in their neighborhood.

Florida Judge Pronounces Noise Ordinance Unconstitutional. The Sun-Sentinel reports that a county judge has ruled the Coral Springs, Florida noise ordinance unconstitutional, saying it is "vague and overbroad."

Boise Commissioners Say New Road to Abate Truck Noise. The Idaho Statesman of Boise reports Ada County Highway District commissioners approved a new road plan to reduce garbage trucks' noise.

European Commission Proposes Ban on Aircraft with Hush Kits. The Journal of Commerce reports that the European Commission has moved to ban certain types of aircraft in a controversial move against noise pollution that has angered the Continent's express carriers and threatens trade relations with the United States.

March 13, 1998

EU Freezes Number of Hush-Kitted Aircraft; They're Legal, but Not So Quiet. AFX News reports the European Commission is proposing a directive so that "hush-kitted" aircraft - aircraft with older engines muffled to meet tighter modern noise pollution standards - cannot be added to the registers of the EU after April 1, 1999.

Go Kart Track Approved Near Office Building in Parkway Village, Ohio. The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch reports a proposed outdoor Go Kart racing track in Parkway Village received approval despite opposition for a nearby building owner who voiced concerns about noise.

Foes Say Fight Against Expanded Terminal at Burbank Airport Far From Over. The Los Angeles Times reports that Burbank Airport won a federal court of appeals case which validated an environmental study from 1996 that was called into question. The ruling allows the airport authority to move forward with plans to build a larger terminal.

Noise Pollution Activists Protest New Flight Paths at New Jersey Airport. The New York Times reports that noise pollution activists protest the new flight paths for Newark International Airport.

Noise Pollution is Many Americans' Biggest Pollution Problem. E Magazine reports that our world is becoming dangerously noisy, with noise pollution and health problems from noise on the rise. The two largest sources of noise pollution, airport and vehicle traffic, are growing at a rate of three to five percent annually, and the most frequent complaint Americans make about their neighborhoods is noise. The article says activists working on noise pollution issues compare the movement today to the campaign against secondhand smoke a decade ago. Like secondhand smoke, they say, noise is both an annoying nuisance and the cause of serious health problems. The article goes on to give an overview of health problems related to noise and to interview several activists involved in the fight against noise.

Noisy Sewer Pumps Double Edged Sword for Massachusetts Residents. The Patriot Ledger reports a Milton, Massachusetts, resident appeared before town selectmen last night pleading for an end to noisy gas-operated sewer pumps located in his neighborhood.

Polaris Amphitheater to Erect Noise Wall in Response to Complaints. The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch reports Polaris Amphitheater managers will erect a new wall to block concert noise from nearby neighborhoods.

North London Church Fined for Noise Violations. The Press Association Newsfile reports a North London church has been fined for violating noise regulations.

Loud Machinery Regulated by N. Charleston's Noise Ordinance. The Post and Courier reports a new North Charleston, South Carolina, noise ordinance passed without comment from the public Thursday night.

Gravel Mining and School Incompatible, Says Pierce County, Washington. The News Tribune reports Pierce County, Washington, revoked a mining permit, preventing a sand and gravel company from reopening across from Rocky Ridge Elementary School.

March 14, 1998

Raleigh-Durham Airport Spells Out Noise Limits to Fed Ex. The News and Observer of Raleigh, North Carolina reports that Raleigh-Durham International Airport director John Brantley informed the Airport Authority of discussions he's held with FedEx about noise issues.

Hayden and Riordan Disagree over LAX Expansion. The Daily News of Los Angeles Saturday reports state Sen. Tom Hayden harshly criticized Mayor Richard Riordan's promotion of a proposal to expand Los Angeles International Airport.

Noise Violations All in the Family in Two Massachusetts Asphalt Plants. The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Massachusetts, reports Building Inspector James J. Ford Sr. has informed the P.J. Keating Co., a blacktop plant, that it is in violation of town bylaws governing noise from blasting and truck traffic.

March 16, 1998

Cincinnati Airport Brings Jobs, But Not Without Noise and Land Costs in Boone County. The Cincinnati Enquirer reports Boone County, Kentucky, residents know the price for the prosperity brought by the Cincinnati - Northern Kentucky International Airport. Among the prices paid: jet aircraft noise, loss of land and homes, and now, the airport wants to close a section of road. Residents have objected to this last request.

Jury Still Out on New Flight Pattern at Newark. The New York Times reports an accurate assessment of the new flight pattern at Newark International Airport was thwarted by a northwest wind today.

LA Residents Write in About Leaf Blowers and Enforcing the Law. The Daily News of Los Angeles published the following letters from residents in the Los Angeles area who cited their views on leaf blowers, the leaf blower ban and its enforcement:

Residents Oppose Turning Vacant RAF Airfield into International Airport. The Press Association Newsfile reports that thousands of angry residents are fighting plans to turn an abandoned airfield in rural England into a 24 hour international airport.

March 17, 1998

Armstrong Makes Ceiling Tiles Certified to Reduce Noise in Workplace. PR Newswire reports over 70% of U.S. office workers say their productivity would increase if their workspaces were less noisy (source: American Society of Interior Designers study). In addition, over 70% of today's office spaces are based on "open plan" environments, where the din of routine activities can negatively impact worker productivity. Given this, architects, facility managers and acoustical consultants need to ensure that the workspaces they design and build can provide the noise reduction levels required by the businesses they work for. And, for the first time, this is possible!

Barnegat Toll Plaza on Garden State Parkway Will Get Quiet Pavement, Maybe Noise Barrier. The Asbury Park Press reports that the New Jersey Highway Authority is considering a noise barrier for the Garden State Parkway toll plaza at Barnegat.

Florida Airport's New Noise Officer Makes Enforcement Priority. The Sun-Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale reports the city's Airport Authority on Monday appointed a new noise abatement officer.

Maine Residents Cry "Extended Use"; Object to Concerts at Revival Site. The Portland Press Herald reports a third meeting moderated by town officials failed to alleviate residents' noise and traffic concerns about a new outdoor amphitheater in Old Orchard Beach.

National Parks Noisy and Congested with Traffic, National Conservation Group Says. Gannett News Service reports vacationers may be shocked at discovering smog, traffic congestion, and noise from jet skis and sightseeing planes in national parks this summer.

Noise Hotline at Palm Beach Airport. The Palm Beach Post reports that a call to Florida's Palm Beach International Airport's 24-hour noise hot line will provide residents specifics about the type of plane, airline, flight direction and weather conditions during takeoff if they think the noise culprit is an airplane flying outside set paths.

St. Louis Agrees to Address Airport Noise from Lambert Field. The Louis Post-Dispatch reports efforts by St. Charles to convince St. Louis to reduce aircraft noise from Lambert Field Airport has reached an important point.

March 18, 1998

Florida Residents Oppose CarMax; Cite Noise, Environment and Traffic Concerns. The St. Petersburg Times reports residents who live near the site of a proposed used-car superstore in Pinellas told Largo city commissioners Tuesday that the store would increase traffic and noise in what once was a quiet neighborhood.

Glendale Buys Land as Noise Buffer between Airport and Residences. The Arizona Republic reports that Glendale officials will purchase a large tract of land south of Glendale Municipal Airport to prevent developers from building too close to the airport.

Noise from Seattle-Tacoma Airport Wakes Bellevue Residents. The Seattle Times published the following letter in the "Just Ask Johnston" column:

Raleigh Council Weighing Pro's and Con's of Proposed FedEx Hub at Airport; No Official Position Yet. The News and Observer reports that the city of Raleigh has yet to take an official stand in the debate about the noise impact of the proposed Federal Express hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport while the other three towns who would be most affected have made their positions known.

Second Phase of Repairs Shifts Noise at Charleston Air Force Base. The Post and Courier reports moving a repair project at Charleston Air Force Base from one runway to the other means a reduction in noise for some residents while a return of noise for others.

Tollway Noise May Get One Chicago Neighborhood Noise Barriers; No to the Other for Now. The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority is compiling noise-level readings along the North-South Tollway prompted by residents' complaints of tollway noise.

Will Noise Ordinance be Adjusted for New Jersey Ice Cream Vendors?. The Asbury Park Press reports that New Jersey officials in Stafford Township are seeking a compromise in an ordinance that bans ice cream vendors from playing amplified music from their trucks.

March 19, 1998

Allow FedEx Hub at RDU to Create Jobs and Prosperity. The Herald-Sun of Durham, North Carolina, published an editorial pointing out the irony of opposition from elected officials in the towns of Morrisville and Cary to the proposed Federal Express hub at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport.

California Residents Object to a Proposed YMCA in Their Neighborhood. The Orange County Register reports that more than 300 residents attended a meeting last week in Placentia, California to protest the construction of a YMCA proposed for a vacant lot at the Placentia United Methodist Church. Residents said they were worried about the noise the YMCA would bring. Before the proposal could be built, the article notes, it must be approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.

Florida Residents Prefer Peace and Quiet to Softball in their Neighborhood. The Press Journal of Vero Beach, Florida, reports that residents strongly object to a proposed softball complex in their neighborhood. They predict the complex will bring noise and traffic to their quiet neighborhood.

Gates Put Up in Lincoln State Park to Curb Night-Time Noise from Joy Riders. The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the state has installed two gates on the road that circles Olney Pond at Lincoln Woods State Park in an effort to cut down on evening joyriders who speed around the pond with their car radios blasting.

Groups Disagree over Change in Kansas City Noise Ordinance. The Kansas City Star reports neighborhood leaders and abortion opponents disagreed Wednesday about a proposal to give police more power to enforce the city' s noise ordinance. Abortion opponents promised to sue if the ordinance is revised.

Resident's Airport Complaints Will be Heard in Waukesha. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the Airport Commission Wednesday announced it will hold periodic public hearings to allow Crites Field's neighbors to voice their concerns about airplane noise.

Virginia Quarry gets Expanded Hours, Promises Noise Abatement Plan. The Richmond Times Dispatch reports that quarry operator Martin Marietta Aggregates promised to be a good neighbor in return for expanded hours of operation.

March 20, 1998

Airport Officials Skip Open Forum at West Palm Beach Public Hearing. The Palm Beach Post reports Thursday's public hearing on West Palm Beach Airport's proposed runway extension used a format that prevented a group of people from expressing their views the old-fashioned way: in one large forum. Reviews were mixed.

Congressional Bills Would Lift Flight Restrictions at Washington's National Airport. The Washington Business Journal reports that two bills in Congress would lift flight restrictions at National Airport in Washington, DC and open the airport to new competitors. The bills propose to remove the airport's "perimeter rule," which limits flights to 1,250 miles in length. Local officials are opposing the bills, saying they would lead to a loss of jobs and growth at Dulles International Airport, would worsen congestion and noise problems at National, and could create pressure to permit more flights at National

FedEx Possibility at Raleigh Airport Puts Cary Town Council and Chamber of Commerce on Opposite Sides. The News and Observer (Raleigh, NC) reports divisions are loud and clear in the town of Cary over the possible location of a Federal Express hub at Raleigh-Durham International Airport.

In Ybor City, Florida, Bar Owners Oppose Noise Ordinance. The St. Petersburg Times reports Ybor City bar owners are opposed to the newest efforts to reduce noise in the historic Florida district.

New York Town Wants to Move Toll Barriers Citing Noise and Dirt. The Buffalo News of Buffalo, New York, reports that Erie County legislators voted 12-5 Thursday to ask the State Thruway Authority to relocate the Williamsville and Lackawanna toll barriers to protect nearby residents from noise and pollution.

Resident Groups in Belgium Threaten Action if Noise at Two Airports Doesn't Decrease. Aviation Daily reports that resident groups in Belgium are threatening action against two airports in the Brussels area to protest what they say are lax noise standards. Residents living near the Brussels South Charleroi Airport are demanding a halt to night flights and training flights, and residents and city officials in Woluwe-St.-Pierre, a Brussels borough near Brussels Airport International, say the airport is not monitoring or enforcing noise rules for older aircraft.

March 21, 1998

Alabama State Court Upholds Montgomery Noise Ordinance. The Montgomery Advertiser reports that the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals ruled unanimously Friday that Montgomery's noise ordinance is constitutional, after a challenge was brought by Eddie Lee Moore, who was ticketed while listening to talk radio.

BWI Airport Avoids New Environmental Restrictions. The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports that three bills that supporters say would have forced BWI Airport to be a better neighbor were voted down this week by two General Assembly committees.

Businesses in Florida Protest Noise Ordinance. The Tampa Tribune reports that some Ybor City, Florida, business owners in the Latin Quarter say a proposed citywide noise ordinance would put them out of business.

Florida Concrete Factory Reduces Noise for Workers and Nearby Residents. The Palm Beach Post reports that a concrete block factory in Riviera Beach, Florida, is being called "the most technologically advanced" in the United States. Among its innovations are its techniques to reduce noise for workers.

Raleigh Resident Says Let More Business Come to the Airport. The News and Observer published the following editorial by Raleigh resident, Marla Hicks. In her letter, Ms. Hicks gives her opinion about those who move into areas near an airport and then complain about the noise.

Silence Doesn't Mean Agreement in Charlotte with FedEx Hub at Airport. The News and Observer reports that while residents who live near Raleigh-Durham International Airport have voiced their opposition to the noise that a new Federal Express hub would create, residents around Charlotte/Douglas International Airport, one of the four contenders for the project, have not sounded any opposition.

March 22, 1998

DOT Tree Removal Infuriates Condo Resident Who is Now Exposed to Interstate Noise. The Sun-Sentinel reports that the removal of thick Florida holly trees from Interstate 95 is exposing condominium residents to interstate noise in Deerfield Beach, Florida.

March 23, 1998

Chicago Looks for Consultant to Discourage Plans for a Third Chicago-Area Airport. The Chicago Tribune reports that the Chicago mayor's administration is searching for a public relations expert who would help discourage the idea of a third Chicago-area airport at a cost of about $180,000 per year. The consultant hired will help develop a strategy to defeat the movement for a regional airport near rural Peotone, and to prevent any of the more than $100 million in passenger taxes that Chicago collects annually at O'Hare International and Midway Airports from being used to build or operate a competing facility, according to city documents. The money to pay for the consultant would come out of the $3 tax on airline passengers at O'Hare and Midway.

Children Near Munich Airport Stressed by Aircraft Noise. The AAP Newsfeed in Overseas News reports that a German medical journal says aircraft noise stresses children according to the results of a study conducted around the new Munich airport.

Chinese Block Lukou International Airport Runway to Protest Noise. The Agence France Presse reports that villagers living near the new airport in eastern China's Nanjing last week blocked air traffic in a protest against excessive noise levels.

Columnist Criticizes Snowmobiles on Public Lands. The Charleston Gazette printed the following editorial from Donella Meadows, an adjunct professor of environmental studies at Dartmouth College, regarding snowmobile noise on public lands:

Toronto Residents Protest New Bus Route Citing Noise and Fumes. The Toronto Star reports that about 50 people walked in front of a Toronto Transit Commission bus along Moore Park Ave. in Toronto yesterday to protest the start of an altered route that they say will bring noise, pollution, and increased traffic to their neighborhoods.

Transport Minister Criticizes NSW Government Opposition to 2nd Sydney Airport. The Australian General News from the AAP Newsfeed reports federal Transport Minister Mark Vaile accused the New South Wales government of mounting a cheap fear campaign against a second Sydney Airport. Vaile said new flight paths will distribute noise more evenly over Sydney.

March 24, 1998

Commuter Rail Project in Washington City Could Eliminate Noisy Rail Yards. The Seattle Times reports the Regional Transit Authority in the Seattle, Washington area is considering eliminating noisy railroad yards next to the marina in Everett along the Snohomish River as part of its commuter-rail project.

Freeway Wall Project in California is Expected to Reduce Noise by Five Decibels. The Press-Enterprise reports that workers are building a$623,465 sound wall to protect residents living near Highway 91 in Riverside, California. The project, which is being undertaken by the Riverside County Transportation Commission, is expected to reduce noise levels by five decibels in the neighborhood.

Noise Grant to Chicago Suburbs Discussed in Illinois State Legislature. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Illinois state transportation officials defended a $787,000 grant to suburbs around Chicago for equipment that monitors noise from O'Hare International Airport. State politicians loyal to Chicago's Mayor Daley objected to the grant during examination of the Transportation Department's budget in a Democrat-led House budget committee. In a related matter, Transportation Secretary Kirk Brown revealed that his agency has up to $8 million it could spend this year without legislative input to purchase land for a third Chicago area airport.

Scientists Find that Oceans are Deafeningly Noisy. AAP Newsfeed reports that scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cornell University have found that oceans are extremely noisy. In some places, researchers found, the level of noise is the same as that found in New York's Times Square at midday. Although natural causes create some loud ocean noises, most are the result of human activities. The scientists performed their research using data collected over more than a decade by the US Navy searching for enemy submarines with highly sensitive underwater microphones. The Navy data has recently been made public.

State Study in Connecticut Will Identify Noise Levels Around Airport. The Hartford Courant reports that officials from the Connecticut Department of Transportation discussed plans for a study of aircraft takeoff patterns and possible ways to lower noise levels around Bradley International Airport near Windsor Locks, Connecticut with members of the selectboards in Suffield, Windsor Locks, East Granby, and Simsbury on Monday.

March 25, 1998

Meetings Set in Las Vegas Area to Show New Boundaries on Airport Noise Contour Maps. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that the Clark County (Nevada) departments of aviation and comprehensive planning are holding a series of meetings to discuss the revised noise contour maps for the McCarran International Airport. The maps show how noise levels have affected neighborhoods around the airport during the last seven years. The Spring Valley Town Board will recommend the Clark County Commissioners approve or deny the noise contour map at a meeting Monday. Commissioners are expected to take up the matter on April 22.

New Jersey Township Looks at New York City Regulations on Ice Cream Truck Music. The Asbury Park Press reports that the Township Council in Stafford Township, New Jersey recently banned music from ice cream trucks. But now, because ice cream vendors are saying the ban will hurt their business, the Township Council is looking at New York City's ordinance regulating amplified music from street vendor vehicles. That ordinance stipulates that a vendor cannot "emit a sound signal more frequently than once every 10 minutes in any city block" and the sound cannot last for more than 10 seconds.

Washington County Judge Allows Resident to Reopen Dog Shelter Despite Neighbors Protests. The Spokesman-Review reports that Superior Court Judge Larry Kristianson in Stevens County, Washington ruled this week after hearing testimony from a sound engineer that Joyce Tasker can reopen her Dog Patch animal shelter on her semi-rural property in Colville. The judge ruled that a new $50,000 sound-baffling dog run eliminates the noise nuisance at the shelter. The judge's order is expected to be signed this week.

March 26, 1998

Australian Residents Organize to Oppose Canberra Airport Expansion. The Canberra Times reports that residents in Jerrabomberra, Australia are preparing to mount a fight over aircraft noise and a major expansion at the Canberra Airport. The article notes that several days ago, the airport was sold to a local consortium for $66.5 million, and with a commitment by the new owners to spend $57 million on upgrades in the next 10 years. In addition, the article notes, there are plans to expand the airport to full international status before the Sydney Olympics.

Calif. Restaurant Served Restrictions after Noise Complaints from Residents. The Orange County Register reports a new restaurant which practices "concept dining" has brought complaints from Lido Isle residents and others across the bay for its exuberant celebrations.

Developer Claims FedEx Distribution Center Won't Increase Air Traffic at Wisconsin Airport. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Planning Commission in Waukesha, Wisconsin approved plans Wednesday for a 90,000-square-foot Federal Express distribution center near Crites Field. The facility will be the largest Federal Express facility in the Milwaukee area, the article says. According to the developer, the distribution center will not immediately increase air traffic at the county airport, but there is not telling what could happen in the future. Meanwhile, residents have complained to county officials recently that aircraft noise has increased around the airport.

Florida County Commission Considers Noise Ordinance. The Palm Beach Post reports that the Martin County (Florida) Commission agreed to consider a noise ordinance for the unincorporated parts of the county at their meeting Tuesday. The issue was brought forward by Commissioner Janet Gettig, and all the other Commissioners except for the Chair, Donna Melzer, agreed a noise ordinance should be investigated.

Irish Residents Oppose Plan for Wind Farm Because of Noise and Other Potential Impacts. The Irish Times reports that residents in Waterford, Ireland have lodged objections to a plan by the ESB to build 16 wind turbines on a 200-acre coastal site at Carnsore Point, County Wexford. The residents have formed an action group to oppose the plan because of concerns ranging from visual amenity, potential noise pollution, the impact on wildlife, and the wind farm's proximity to homes.

Noise Boundaries to be Considered for Arizona Airport. The Arizona Republic reports that the Williams Gateway Airport Authority, which governs the Williams Gateway Airport near Mesa, Arizona, will consider a proposal this afternoon to place an Airport Influence Area around the airport to warn prospective buyers about airport noise. If the authority embraces the proposal, the airport will be the first in the state to create Airport Influence Area since the state Legislature granted the right in 1997, although some airports have created similar boundaries through zoning, the article says.

Opposition to Proposed El Toro Airport in California Mounts from Northern Communities. The Los Angeles Times reports that communities in the center of Orange county are beginning to wonder if an El Toro commercial airport would cause noise problems for them. County officials are scrambling to find ways to route flights so they don't pass too close to communities.

Suburbs Don't Get Promised Reimbursement for Noise Monitors from Chicago, so They Turn to State for Money. The Chicago Tribune reports that a year ago, Chicago suburbs disturbed by noise from the O'Hare International Airport bought a noise monitoring system that was supposed to be paid for by the City of Chicago. But the money from Chicago never arrived, the article says, and now the suburban mayors have asked the Illinois Department of Transportation to pick up the cost, amounting to $787,000.

University Students in England Complain about Night Time Noise on Campus. The Leicester Mail reports De Montfort University students who live near the student union have complained about late night noise coming from the union.

March 27, 1998

Arizona Airport Delays Defining Noise Boundary Area. The Arizona Republic reports that the Williams Gateway Authority, which governs the Williams Gateway Airport near Mesa, Arizona, tabled a proposal to define an "Airport Influence Area" that would warn prospective buyers about airport noise. Authority officials said they were uncertain whether the proposed area's boundary's were too large for the type of aircraft expected to operate at the airport, and decided to wait till at least the beginning of 1999 to define boundaries, when airport officials will have updated the airport's 5-year master plan.

California Officials Say Jets Departing From Proposed El Toro Airport Won't Fly Over Communities to the Northwest, Conflicting With FAA Report. The Los Angeles Times reports that Orange County, California officials -- pushing for an El Toro Airport -- are telling north-county towns that northbound flights from the proposed airport won't affect them because flights will go right over the Santa Ana Mountains. The Federal Aviation Administration and county consultants disagree.

March 28, 1998

Florida Resident Dismisses Residents' Aircraft Noise Complaints. The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Norman Lynn, a Lake Worth, Florida resident, regarding the expansion plan at the Palm Beach International Airport:

New Building in Taiwan Dampens Noise From Jet Aircraft Testing. The China News reports that a "hush house," designed to test jets while dampening noise, was unveiled in Taichung, Taiwan on Thursday.

Pennsylvania Toll Road is a Bad Idea, Writer Argues. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed an editorial in which the writer argues that the Mon-Fayette toll road in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a bad idea. The writer says the high cost of the road is prohibitive, and the road will destroy the quality-of-life of the communities near it.

Residents Beneath Ottawa Airport Flight Path Fear More Noise After Expansion. The Ottawa Citizen reports that residents living near the MacDonald Cartier Airport in Ottawa, Ontario are afraid that the $250 million airport expansion project that includes a new terminal will bring more airline noise, especially over communities such as Barrhaven.

Silencing of Ice Cream Truck Music by Stafford Township Leads to Filing of Federal Lawsuit. The Asbury Park Press of New Jersey reports that Stafford Township's ban on ice cream truck music is being challenged in Federal Court based on constitutional grounds. Jeffery S. Cabaniss, a township resident and the owner of Jef-Freeze Treats, filed the suit against the township council on March 25. He has asked for a court injunction to restore the music in Stafford while the case is pending.

March 29, 1998

Residents Say Ottawa Airport Expansion Plan Failed to Consider Them. The Ottawa Citizen reports that residents in neighborhoods near the Macdonald-Cartier International Airport outside Ottawa, Ontario say the airport authority failed to consult them when deciding on a major expansion plan. The expansion will decrease the quality-of-life of residents Nepean neighborhoods like Barrhaven, residents say. In addition, they say the airport authority did not consider plans that would route some aircraft over unpopulated areas.

March 30, 1998

Florida Resident Says Airport Should Consider Residents' Interests and Abandon Expansion Plans. The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Samuel Lederman, the president of the El Cid Neighborhood Association and a resident of West Palm Beach, Florida, regarding the proposed expansion of the Palm Beach International Airport:

Missouri City Officials Prepare to Spend $100,000 on Public Education Campaign Opposing Airport Expansion. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that officials in St. Charles, Missouri are preparing to spend around $100,000 on a public awareness campaign submitted by St. Charles Citizens Against Airport Noise (CAAN) that would educate community members about the city's opposition to the W-1W expansion plan for Lambert Field, which is owned and operated by St. Louis.

Noise and Development Drives Away Turtles Laying Eggs on Beaches in Malaysia. Emerging Markets Datafile reports the beaches of Rantau Abang, Malaysia became a popular eco-tourism site for tourists who wanted to see the majestic leatherback turtles lay their eggs. But extensive development and noise to accommodate more tourists has driven away the shy turtles. Now, as the Malacca Fisheries Department makes plans to designate Pulau Upeh as a turtle sanctuary, along with promoting it as an eco-tourism site, a better model of sensitive development is needed, the article says.

Noise from Engineering Workshop is the Source of a Bitter Neighborhood Dispute Before City Council in Upper Hutt, New Zealand. The Evening Post of Upper Hutt, New Zealand reports that a neighborhood dispute regarding noise from an engineering workshop came before the City Council. According to the article, Sean Clancy, of Western Hutt Engineering, wants retrospective consent for a heavy industrial engineering workshop on his property at 229 Whitemans Valley Rd. But neighbor Tim O'Brien has complained to the council about the noise from industrial work being done at Clancy's workshop in their rural area.

North Carolina City Officials Lobby for New FedEx Hub; Officials in Other Towns Oppose Plan. The Herald-Sun reports that FedEx shipping company officials are considering locating their mid-Atlantic cargo hub at the Raleigh-Durham (North Carolina) International Airport. Officials in Durham are lobbying for the FedEx hub to locate at the airport, but officials in Cary, Morrisville, and North Raleigh are opposed to the plan because of the increased noise and congestion it would bring.

Off-Road Vehicles Should Be Banned From National Forests, Columnist Believes. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed an editorial in which the writer argues that dirt bikes, snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles should be banned at national forests.

Tokyo Airport Monitors Airplanes to Mitigate Noise. Airline Industry Information reports that officials at the Tokyo Airport have started to display the flight path of every aircraft taking off or landing at the airport at an information center. Aircraft that don't follow their designated flight path will be controlled in order to mitigate noise to local residents, the article says.

March 31, 1998

British Neighbors Angry Over Construction Noise at Former Dairy. The Northern Echo reports that residents in Middlesbrough, United Kingdom have complained to the Middlesbrough council that construction noise, dust, and vibration from the internal renovation of a nearby dairy are making their lives miserable. Councilor Ken Walker, the leader of the Middlesbrough council, is joining residents in their attack on the property owner, Shmshad Qurban. The council has told Qurban that he must restrict the hours of work to control noise.

Chicago Residents Upset Over Noise from Railroad Track Blower. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Chicago residents living in the 4600 block of North Lawler in Jefferson Park are upset about the noise from three blower devices the Union Pacific Railroad installed next to the tracks on Metra's Northwest line to Harvard. The three devices blow cold air on the tracks to keep snow and ice from interfering with the railroad switches, and they run 24 hours a day from November through April.

Florida Resident Thinks Expanded Airport Will Reduce Noise and Provide Important Services. The Palm Beach Post printed the following letter-to-the-editor from H.C. Rogal, a Palm Beach Gardens, Florida resident, regarding the controversy over the proposed runway expansion at Palm Beach International Airport:

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