City Index

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State or Country Index:

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Wake County, North Carolina, "North Carolina Resident Asks Residents Near Firing Range to Get Over Their NIMBYism" (Oct. 25, 1997). The News and Observer printed the following letter-to-the-editor from John Posthill, a Garner, North Carolina resident, regarding a meeting for a proposed firing range in Holly Springs:

Waldwick, New Jersey, "Progress Made in Two Year Dispute Over Waldwick, New Jersey Firing Range" (Jan. 8, 1998). The Record reports that Waldwick, New Jersey officials are seeking architectural plans and cost estimates for enclosing an outdoor gun range that has been the target of a lawsuit by residents in neighboring Allendale, New Jersey. The article reports that Mayor Rick Vander Wende said the borough plans to hire an architect to look at several ways the Capt. George H. Bunning Police Training Facility could be enclosed, diminishing the gunfire noise Allendale residents have said disrupts their peace.

Walnut Creek, California, "Noise from Interstate Viaduct Disturbs Walnut Creek Residents" (Jan. 22, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that residents of Walnut Creek, California, are being assaulted by loud noise inside their homes from a temporary viaduct on Interstate 680-Highway 24. Caltrans officials blame the noise on a loose-steel plate in an expansion joint

Walnut Creek, California, "San Francisco Resident Complains About Siren Noise from Ambulance Station Nearby" (May 23, 1998). The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Gus Buttacavoli, a resident of Walnut Creek, California, has complained about the noise from ambulance sirens. An ambulance station is located down the street from Buttacavoli's apartment, the article explains. In response to his complaints, ambulance drivers have started waiting to turn on their sirens, but some officials express exasperation at Buttacavoli's complaints.

Walsall, England, "Steel Company Makes Noise Reduction Efforts to Appease Neighbors in Walsall, England" (Jul. 8, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports a dispute has been resolved between residents and a Walsall, England, steel firm over alleged late night noise.

Walton County, Georgia, "Georgia County Considers Fining Owners of Barking Dogs" (Nov. 25, 1997). The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reports that the Walton County (Georgia) Commission is proposing a new animal-control ordinance that would fine the owners of dogs that are a nuisance. The article says that specific penalties have not yet been proposed, but the commissioners are seeking to make dog-owners pay fines for dogs that bark excessively or stray too close to their neighbor's property.

Wanaka, New Zealand, "Noise From Pump Station in Wanaka, New Zealand Annoys Neighbors" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Southland Times in New Zealand reports that two residents in Wanaka, New Zealand have appealed to the Environment Court about noise emitted from a pump station that adjoins their property. The court has decided not to close the station, but rather, to limit nighttime noise from the pump station to no more than 40 decibels.

Wanaka, New Zealand, "Applications for Tavern Licenses in New Zealand Questioned Because of Excessive Noise" (Feb. 16, 2000). The Southland Times reports that two restaurants in Wanaka have applied for tavern licenses, which would allow them to serve and sell alcohol and to provide live entertainment until 2:30 A.M. The applications have been questioned because noise complaints have been lodged in the past against both restaurants.

Wanaka, New Zealand, "UK Tavern Owners Asked to Reduce Noise" (Feb. 3, 2000). According to The Press, local officials from Wanaka urged tavern and motel owners to resolve their conflict over noise from loud music and bar customers.

Ware, Massachusetts, "Mass. Residents Request Relief from Noise from 24-Hour Store" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette of Worcester, Massachusetts, reports two residents in Ware, whose homes are close to a gas station, recently complained to selectmen of noise, bright lights and fumes that come from the 24-hour gas station and convenience store.

Warendorf, Germany, "German Judge Rules that Couple Must Quiet Their Love-Making" (Aug. 19, 1997). The Deutsche Presse-Agentur reports that a judge ruled Tuesday that a German couple from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia will have to quiet their love-making or else risk a fine of up to 500,000 marks ($275,000). The judge ruled that failure to comply with the court order also could lead to a prison sentence. The case was brought by a neighbor tired of hearing the noise next door, the article says.

Warendorf, Germany, "German Court Asks Couple to Make Love to Test Noise Levels After Complaints From Neighbors" (Jun. 12, 1997). The Mirror reports that a magistrate in Warendorf, Germany has asked a couple to make love so that officials can check how noisy they are, after complaints from neighbors about the noise levels. The article says the magistrate first asked the couple if they would move, but when they said they wouldn't, they agreed to have their noise levels monitored.

Warkwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Schools Barely Outside Airport Noise Zone and FAA Refuses to Pay for Soundproofing" (Feb. 22, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin printed an article about two Rhode Island schools that are barely outside the high-noise zone around T. F. Green Airport, making them ineligible for funding from the Federal Aviation Administration for soundproofing. The schools are within 200 feet from the zone boundary, and both parents and teachers complain that the noise disrupts learning.

Warren County, Missouri, "Missouri County Allows Expanded Quarrying Operations Despite Residents' Objections to Increased Noise and Decreased Property Values" (Nov. 16, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Warren County, Missouri, Commission overturned a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission Friday and voted to allow a company to expand its quarrying operation. Nearby residents object to the expansion saying it will bring increased noise and decreased property values.

Warren County, Ohio, "Population Growth Results in Increased Noise in Warren County, Ohio" (Aug. 2, 1998). The Dayton Daily News reports that recent population growth in rural Warren County has evolved into increased noise pollution.

Warren, Michigan, "City Councilman and Neighbor Want Music from Noisy Ice Cream Truck Either Turned Down or Eliminated in Warren, Michigan" (Jun. 17, 1998). The Detroit News reports that the amplified music from boom box ice cream vendors peddling neighborhoods has mother, Diane Biskner, and Warren Councilman, Cecil St. Pierre, pushing for a new noise ordinance in Warren, Michigan.

Warrenton, Virginia, "Virginia Town Residents Say Noise Walls and Berms Near New Highway Aren't Enough" (Nov. 27, 1997). The Washington Post reports that a four-lane divided bypass around Warrenton, Virginia opened on Monday after a ribbon-cutting ceremony. But some residents in the Ivy Hill neighborhood near the new highway say the noise walls and berms that have been built will not be enough to drown out the noise of passing traffic, the article reports. Residents attended the ceremony carrying signs saying "Finish Our Sound Wall" and "Spur Noise Ruins Lives."

Warrenville, Illinois, "Warrenville Joins West Chicago in Publicizing its Opposition to Union Pacific's Proposed Railport" (Oct. 1, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that the city of Warrenville, Illinois is voicing its clear opposition to the railport proposed by Union Pacific. West Chicago has already publicized its opposition to the project.

Wartrace, Tennessee, "Noise from Firing Range Incites the Retaliatory Noise from a County Commissioner Leading to His Citation for Disorderly Conduct" (Apr. 2, 1998). The Tennessean reports about the case of a cantankerous county commissioner riled about the noise from a club of cowboy wannabes. The commissioner retaliated with noise from a siren and foghorn resulting in a citation for disorderly conduct and summons to court.

Wartrace, Tennessee, "Tennessee Man Mounts Siren on Tractor to Retaliate Against Nearby Gun Club" (May 28, 1998). The Tennessean reports that J.C. Hillin, a resident of Wartrace, Tennessee, was cited for disorderly conduct after he mounted a siren on his tractor to retaliate against noise from a nearby gun club. Yesterday, Hillin, a veteran county commissioner, waived his right to a preliminary hearing in Bedford County General Sessions Court and was bound over to the grand jury. The next session of the grand jury convenes on June 22, the article says.

Warwick, Pennsylvania, "Residents in Warwick, Pennsylvania Argue Against Potentially Noisy Go-Kart Track In Last Hearing Before Decision" (Nov. 3, 1999). The Intelligencer Journal reports that Warwick, Pennsylvania residents used the last public hearing for a proposed go-kart track to reiterate concerns about noise and pollution. The applicants have promised to erect five-foot-high earthen berms on two sides of the track, and will erect taller walls if needed. The decision is due November 15.

Warwick, R.I., "Rhode Island Airport Corporation Seeks Grants to Buy Homes of Noise-Weary Neighbors" (Jun. 17, 1999). The Associated Press reports the Rhode Island Airport Corporation is hoping to buy the homes of neighbors near the T.F.Green Airport. The board of directors also plans to create alternative flight paths and insulate some homes against noise.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Airport Grows and Noise Complaints Increase" (Aug. 17, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that air traffic at the T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island is booming, due in part to a new air terminal that opened 11 months ago and by the introduction of Southwest Airlines to the airport. Meanwhile, residents living near the airport are complaining more and more about the noise from the growing airport. In recent developments, Air Ontario and Southwest announced plans Thursday to add service to Toronto, Iceland, and Luxembourg; the City Council Tuesday asked the state Department of Health to conduct an independent noise study; and a City Councillor has a resolution pending that would require a portion of the airport's landing fees be given to the city. The article details the history of attempts to measure noise impacts at the airport.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Airport Redevelopment Plan Seeks to Eliminate Residential Neighborhood" (Aug. 19, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the phenomenal growth of the T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island has led city officials hoping to capitalize on the airport's success to propose an Airport Economic Redevelopment Plan, in which Hillsgrove is targeted for more commercial and light-industrial development. The plans would eliminate the neighborhoods in the historic village. The article details the history of Hillsgrove, and the sentiments of residents who eventually will lose their homes.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Second Airport Noise Citizens Group Formed in Rhode Island Town" (Sep. 5, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a second citizens group is being formed to lobby for noise reduction from jets at the T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Angry Rhode Island Residents Turn Out at Meeting to Discuss Airport's Plans for Noise Mitigation" (Oct. 22, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a meeting was held last night in Warwick, Rhode Island by the Airport Corporation to explain plans for noise mitigation efforts at the T.F. Green Airport. Many officials and politicians attended, as well as about 100 residents. Public turnout was down, the article says, compared to two earlier anti-airport-noise meetings: one held last month by U.S. Representative Joseph McNamara, and one held in August by Peg Magill, an anti-noise activist from Cowesett, which drew about 400 people.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Airport Officials Apply for Federal Noise Study Grant" (Oct. 5, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that officials from the Rhode Island Airport Corporation, which manages the T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, have announced they will apply for a federal grant to study whether the airport should adopt mandatory flight rules that would reduce jet noise. The noise study also would re-draw the noise contours around the airport, the areas in which jet noise is a problem, in order to determine which areas need soundproofing. The Airport Corporation has scheduled three public meetings this month to hear comments on the proposed study, the article says.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Airport Noise Complaint Session in Rhode Island Draws More Than One-Hundred" (Sep. 17, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that 120 people attended an airport noise meeting in Warwick, Rhode Island last night to complain about jet noise from aircraft flying out of T.F. Green State Airport. The meeting was organized by U.S. Representative Joseph McNamara.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Airport Officials Consider Voluntary Noise Reduction Controls" (Sep. 21, 1997). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that officials at the R.I. Airport Corporation are considering establishing voluntary flight rules at T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island, in order to address the recent backlash against increased noise after the airport's new terminal that opened one year ago. Flight rules being considered involve the amount of power pilots should apply on takeoff, how quickly they should climb, and whether they should turn once they gain sufficient altitude. The article notes that officials are considering these measures after they have already spent $35 million on other noise control schemes, including buying out neighbors, soundproofing houses, and building noise barriers on the airfield. The article goes on to detail the long history of the jet noise fight in Warwick, and the success of other airports around the country in establishing voluntary flight rules to mitigate noise.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Citizen Defends Noise Abatement Demands at Warwick's T.F. Green Airport" (Sep. 5, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following letter to the editor from Warwick resident Peg Magill defending noise abatement procedures suggested by citizens for Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport. Magill wrote:

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Finger Pointing and Blaming When Residents and Local Officials Discuss Noise from Warwick's Expanded T. F. Green Airport" (Sep. 4, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports Warwick, Rhode Island, Councilman Gene Kelly held a meeting on airport noise last night. The incumbent mayor, a mayoral candidate, and a state airport official turned out to respond to residents' concerns about noise and expansion at Warwick's T. F. Green Airport.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Residents Angry that Their Ideas to Reduce Airport Noise at T.F. Green Airport Dismissed by the Experts" (Aug. 14, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that noise experts for T.F. Green Airport shot down the mandatory controls demanded by airport neighbors yesterday, saying they would be too costly, would disrupt service, and would never be approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Airport Corporation Hears Residents' Proposals for Noise Reduction at T.F. Green Airport" (Aug. 11, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports Rhode Island's state Airport Corporation will sponsor a public meeting Thursday to focus noise and ways to reduce it from Warwick's T.F. Green Airport.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Warwick, RI, Mayor Suggests Ways for Airport to be a Good Neighbor" (Aug. 11, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published the following editorial by Lincoln Chafee, mayor of Warwick, Rhode Island, about Warwick's T.F. Green Airport. Mayor Chafee outlines ways for the airport to be a good neighbor:

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Prepares Noise Control Bills For Airport" (Feb. 11, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a House committee will hear testimony on four bills aimed at noise at T.F. Green Airport, at a time when the Airport Corporation says it's making progress on reducing noise without state mandates.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Gripe Session on Airport Issues Held in Rhode Island Town" (Jul. 24, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that about 165 residents attended a "gripe session" in Warwick, Rhode Island last night and aired their feelings about noise and development at the T.F. Green Airport. The session was held by City Councilor Gerry Gibbons. Also attending the meeting were Lincoln Chafee, Warwick's Mayor, George Zainyeh, the Democratic candidate for mayor, and Elaine Roberts, executive director of the state Airport Corporation.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Mayoral Candidates Debate about the Noise from T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island" (Jun. 19, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin summarized conclusions from a debate between mayoral candidates concerning increased traffic and noise pollution at the T.F. Green Airport. According to the article, two out of three mayoral candidates agree: There isn't much a mayor, by himself, can do about the noise from T.F. Green Airport. The two candidates agreed, however that while the city cannot impose its will on airport operations, by mandating flight hours or flight paths, there are courses of action the mayor can take.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Expanded T.F. Green Airport Brings More Noise to Rhode Island Residents" (Jun. 23, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the newly expanded T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island, is bringing new noise to its host city, afflicting almost 4 square miles of neighborhoods with enough noise to make them eligible for house soundproofing at taxpayer expense.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "FAA Gives RI's Green Airport Additional Funds to Soundproof Homes" (Sep. 21, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the Federal Aviation Administration has awarded T.F. Green Airport an additional $1 million to insulate more houses against jet noise.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "RI Residents Question Justice of Proposed New Flight Tracks at T.F. Green Airport" (Apr. 6, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports some Rhode Island residents who will likely hear more noise if proposed new flight paths become a realty at Warwick's T.F. Green Airport questioned last night the justice of such noise distribution.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Warwick, Rhode Island Noise Ordinance to Be Retooled to Confront Loud Car Stereos" (Aug. 23, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that officials in Warwick, Rhode Island are hoping to revise the local noise ordinance to address noise emanating from loud car stereos. The new ordinance would allow police to ticket motorists for loud car stereos based on judgment.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Warwick, Rhode Island Residents Look for Ways to Sell Their Homes to Escape Increasing Noise from T.F. Green Airport" (Aug. 25, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that residents of Warwick, Rhode Island want to leave behind the increasing noise from T.F. Green Airport. The opening of a new terminal in 1996 attracted larger, louder jets. One option, which in one recent case brought more than double the market value of houses to the sellers, is to have a realtor market an entire neighborhood for sale. Another is to hope that the airport gets a grant to buy individual houses. Those who have already soundproofed their houses with federal money may be lower priority for buyouts.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Study Shows Fewer Noise Disturbed Residents if Pilots Use Shorter Runway at Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport" (Mar. 3, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the final draft of Rhode Island's Airport Corporation's Part 51 noise study on T.F. Green Airport in Warwick arrived this week, giving residents a month to study it before a public hearing set for March 31.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "RI Residents Invited to Comment on Plans to Limit Noise from T.F. Green Airport" (Apr. 2, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports on Monday, residents of Cranston and Warwick, Rhode Island, will have a final opportunity to comment on a list of noise controls proposed for T.F. Green Airport, including significant changes in the flight paths over the city.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Consultants for Warwick, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport Recommend Buying Homes as Most Cost-Effective Way to Reduce Noise Exposure to Residents" (May 26, 1999). The Associated Press reports that consultants for Rhode Island's Airport Corp. have recommended the purchase of at least 135 homes who are exposed to 70 dB or more of noise from T.F. Green Airport over a 24-hour period. The recommendation came after many homes had already been soundproofed, and options such as extending a secondary runway were explored.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Consultants for Warwick, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport Recommend Buying Homes as Most Cost-Effective Way to Reduce Noise Exposure to Residents" (May 26, 1999). The Associated Press reports that consultants for Rhode Island's Airport Corp. have recommended the purchase of at least 135 homes who are exposed to 70 dB or more of noise from T.F. Green Airport over a 24-hour period. The recommendation came after many homes had already been soundproofed, and options such as extending a secondary runway were explored.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Consultants Recommend that Warwick, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport Buy Homes Subjected to Most Noise, and Consider Extending Shorter Runway" (May 26, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that Landrum & Brown, noise consultants for Rhode Island's Airport Corporation, recommended the $20 million purchase of at least 135 residences surrounding Warwick's T.F. Green Airport. The residences selected are subjected to at least 65-70 dB of airport noise each day, caused by ever-increasing air traffic at the airport. The $100-300 million extension of a shorter runway, which would redistribute more flights over less populated areas such as an industrial park, was not in the noise consultants report; the consultants did encourage a second look at extending the runway, saying that other benefits other than noise abatement may help to justify the cost. The Corporation's Board of Directors will vote on the proposals and forward them to the FAA for adoption.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Two Schools in Warwick, Rhode Island are Frequently Disrupted by Jet Noise from T.F. Green Airport, but FAA Says Levels are Too Low to Qualify for Soundproofing" (Jun. 2, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that while noise from Providence, Rhode Island's T.F. Green Airport is disruptive at nearby schools including two in Warwick, the FAA says that noise levels at the schools do not justify money for soundproofing. A member of one of the school's committees said "I would say the most accurate tool is the human ear; if you cannot teach or you cannot hear in the classroom, that model (being used by the government) doesn't matter."

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Legal Notice of Public Hearing in Warwick, Rhode Island Concerning Noise Abatement Programs at T. F. Green Airport" (Apr. 3, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin published several legal notices, one of which is an announcement for a public hearing and workshop for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on proposed air traffic noise abatement actions at T. F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "Warwick, Rhode Island Airport to Redirect Flights to Reduce Neighborhood Noise" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island plans to change its flight paths in order to reduce noise in certain neighborhoods. Under the new plan, the FAA would need to soundproof 800 to 900 fewer homes than they would have needed to had the flight paths remained the same. Airport officials recently presented the plans to the public and, pending FAA approval, would like to start using the new paths in December.

Warwick, Rhode Island, "T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island Plans to Buy 260 Homes to Mitigate Noise" (Jan. 31, 2000). The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island plans to offer home buyouts to 260 homeowners to mitigate noise. Local officials are asking for creation of a federal law which would make airports reimburse municipalities for tax revenue lost in the process of noise mitigation.

Warwick, RI, "Warwick, RI Airport Corporation Creates Noise-Reduction Plan" (Jun. 17, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the Rhode Island Airport Corporation approved a plan to reduce noise problems for airport neighbors.

Warwick, United Kingdom, "Warwick, U.K. Shooting Range Appeals Noise Abatement Notice that Would Limit Them to Several Days a Week for Shooting Activities" (Nov. 8, 1999). The Coventry Evening Telegraph reports that a shooting range in Warwick, U.K. will finally get to appeal a noise abatement notice in court this coming February.

Washington Township, N.J., "Activist Group in Washington, New Jersey Convinces Turnpike Authority to Study Possible Noise Walls for Schools and Hospitals" (Nov. 16, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that members of the Washington, New Jersey Community Against Traffic Sound have convinced the Turnpike Authority to conduct several studies that may lead to noise walls for schools and hospitals near the turnpike.

Washington, D. C., "FAA Re-Publishes Rules for Interim Compliance Waivers for Stage 2 Aircraft" (Jan. 13, 1998). The FAA yesterday published procedures and guidance in the Federal Register for operators of Stage 2 aircraft to submit a request for an interim compliance waiver, although the agency's policies for reviewing those requests have not changed. Under FAA noise regulations, an operator of Stage 2 aircraft by Dec. 31, 1998, must either reduce its number of Stage 2 aircraft by 75% from the November 1990 base level or achieve a fleet mix of airplanes that is 75% Stage 3 airplanes.

Washington, D.C., "Senator McCain Advacates For Changing A Rule That May Reduce Noise At Washington National Airport" (Dec. 23, 1997). Airports reports that Senator McCain of Arizona is proposing a bill to lift the perimeter rule at Washington National Airport. McCain suggests lifting the rule may reduce noise at the airport.

Washington, D.C., "Citizens Have a History of Fighting Washington's National Airport Over Noise" (Jul. 16, 1997). The Washington Post reports that noise problems from Washington, D.C.'s National Airport have been plaguing neighbors since at least 1966, when jets were introduced at the airport. The article outlines what measures airport officials have taken to mitigate airport noise, and how citizens have responded.

Washington, D.C., "Residents Fear That New Terminal at Washington's National Aiport Will Mean More Flights and Noise" (Jul. 13, 1997). The Washington Post reports that a new terminal at the National Airport in Washington, D.C. will open in two weeks, and many Washington, Maryland, and Virginia residents who live near the airport's flight path are worried that the new terminal will lead to an increase in flights that and will make the intolerable noise problem even worse. However, airport officials insist that the federal regulations in place that limit the number of flights from National will prohibit any increase. Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and other U.S. Congress members are considering legislation that could lead to more flights to and from National.

Washington, D.C., "Washington's National Airport Gets New Terminal; Airport Traffic Levels Expected to Stay the Same" (Jul. 17, 1997). The New York Times reports that Washington, D.C.'s National Airport for years has consisted of a hodgepodge of buildings, but on July 27, its new $409 million terminal will open. The terminal project includes additional traffic lanes, covered walkways to nearby parking garages, and a Metro subway station within a few hundred feet of the airline gates. While new terminals in other major cities recently have been built to accomodate more flights and passengers, National's new terminal was not intended for that purpose. National is one of four airports in the country that have federal restrictions on the number of takeoffs and landings, the article reports.

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Senate Subcommittee Hearing to be Held on Aviation Safety Issues" (Jun. 12, 1997). The Federal Document Clearing House Political Transcripts reports that the Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies, a subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, will hold a hearing on June 12, 1997 on air traffic controller staffing and other aviation issues. Members include U.S. Senators Richard Shelby (R-AL, Chair), Pete Domenici (R-NM), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Christopher Bond (R-MO), Slade Gorton (R-WA), Robert Bennett (R-UT), Lauch Faircloth (R-NC), R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), Robert Byrd (D-WV), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), and Harry Reid (D-NV).

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Congress Members Prepare Legislation to Stop Military Helicopters from Being Moved to California Air Base" (May 28, 1997). Copley News Service reports that U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and U.S. Representative Bob Filner (D-San Diego) announced Wednesday that they are preparing legislation to stop the Marine Corps from moving its helicopters to Miramar, a former naval air station in San Diego. Residents near Miramar have opposed the move and have urged that the helicopters be moved instead to March Air Force Base, in San Bernardino County, which has extra room due to the transfer of active Air Force units.

Washington, D.C., "New Video Illustrates Effectiveness of Highway Noise Barriers" (May 9, 1997). PR Newswire reports that a new video available from the National Audiovisual Center illustrates different types of highway noise barriers, their effectiveness, and other details.

Washington, D.C., "Polar Air Cargo Asks U.S. Government to Impose Restrictions on Certain Airlines to Compensate for Strict Noise Restrictions at Amsterdam Airport" (Dec. 1, 1997). The Journal of Commerce reports that officials from Polar Air Cargo, a growing U.S. airline that has its European hub at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, have asked the U.S. government to take steps to punish Dutch air carriers in retaliation for strict noise restrictions set at the airport. Polar Air officials say the airport's new regulations will drive them out of the air cargo market.

Washington, D.C., "FAA Committee Holds Meeting on Noise Certification Issues" (Sep. 18, 1997). FNS Daybook reports that the Federal Aviation Administration's Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee will meet today to discuss noise certification issues.

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Park Service Develops Rules Making it Easier to Ban Personal Watercraft from National Parks" (Sep. 19, 1997). AP Online reports that the U.S. National Park Service is developing new rules to make it easier for personal watercraft such as jet skis to be banned in National Parks. The agency has proposed a rule expected to get final approval in late October that would direct local park officials to determine the "appropriateness" of jet ski use in each park and restrict or ban the machines if necessary. The article says there has been a growing concern among many park superintendents about the impact of personal watercraft on the tranquillity of parks.

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Airlines Are Ahead of Regulatory Schedule for Quieter Aircraft" (Oct. 1, 1997). M2 Presswire released a press release that says U.S. Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater announced today that U.S. airlines are ahead of the federal regulatory schedule for a fifth consecutive year in making their fleets quieter. All airplanes must meet the quieter, Stage 3 noise levels by the year 2000 under the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990, the press release notes.

Washington, D.C., "FAA Announces Approval and Review of Noise Programs in Arizona" (Sep. 9, 1997). The publication Airports reports printed the following listings from the Federal Aviation Administration notices in the Federal Register:

Washington, D.C., "Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Council of Governments Opposes Two Proposed Bills Designed To Allow More Planes to Land at Washington National Airport" (Jan. 15, 1998). The Washington Times reports that the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) unanimously opposed a federal bill that would allow more planes to land at Washington National Airport, fearing increased traffic would mean more noise. COG opposes the Aviation Competition Enhancement Bill, introduced by Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican in October, which seeks exemptions to a "perimeter rule," which bans nonstop flights longer than 1,250 miles into or out of National. A companion House bill introduced by Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., Tennessee Republican, proposes to add up to six more flights a day at National. According to the report, opponents say this would increase noise.

Washington, D.C., "D.C. Residents Try to Shut Down Noisy and Dangerous Nightclub" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Washington Post reports that residents in Washington, D.C. are trying to shut down the Palace nightclub, in the 300 block of Kennedy Street NW. Residents living near the club say the club is noisy, creates traffic problems, and most of all, is dangerous to the surrounding community. A shoot-out outside the club occurred Sunday, and a stabbing occurred in April. On Tuesday, about 24 local residents demonstrated outside the club, calling for its closure. The article explains that a recently passed law, the Suspension of Liquor Licenses Amendment Act, may help residents in their fight, because it allows the alcohol licenses of establishments to be suspended when violence in or near the club endangers the community or the police.

Washington, D.C., "Nation's Capital To Modify New, Smaller Buses Because of Noise" (Dec. 15, 1999). The Washington Post reports that the new, smaller buses the local transit company bought to reduce noise on narrow District streets, are noisier than the large buses they replaced. Screeching brakes are the reason, the report says. As a result, the local transit company, Metro, will spend about $32,000 to change the break linings on 40 buses.

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Noise Reduction for Aircraft Take Effect in 2000" (Dec. 14, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports that beginning January 1,2000, new U.S. noise reduction rules take effect for aircraft. It's the deadline for cargo and passenger aircraft to comply with Stage 3 noise rules for take-offs and landings at U.S. airports, the article says.

Washington, D.C., "European Union and US Battle Over Aircraft Noise Law" (Dec. 10, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reported that the United States warned the European Union that it may retaliate against a controversial EU law that would limit aircraft noise.

Washington, D.C., "US Claims European Union's Ban on Aircraft Noise Law Costs Billions: US Seeks Ban on EU Voting Rights" (Dec. 10, 1999). The London Financial Times reported that the US may ask the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to revoke the voting rights of European Union States if agreement is not reached next week at the US-EU summit in a dispute over aircraft noise.

Washington, D.C., "FAA Proposes Rules to Limit Air Tours Over Grand Canyon National Park In an Effort to Restore Natural Quiet" (Jul. 9, 1999). The M2 Presswire reports that the FAA has announced its plan to reduce air-tour noise over Grand Canyon National Park as the next step in realizing a 1987 law that calls for restoration of natural quiet in the park. The law calls for at least half of the park to be free from aircraft noise for greater than 75% of the day; currently only 32 percent of the park is quiet that often, and the new plan will increase that number to 41 percent. The FAA has revised air tour routes over the park, modified 'flight-free' zones, and designed a system that allocates limited numbers of flights to individual air tour operators.

Washington, D.C., "Hospital Curtains Developed at Georgia Institute of Technology that Can Reduce Noise By Up to 12 Decibels" (Jun. 26, 1999). The Vancouver Sun reports that researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology announced that they have developed hospital curtains which can reduce noise by seven to twelve decibels by placing fabric around sheets of noise-blocking material.

Washington, D.C., "U.S. Navy's Fledgling Sonar Submarine System Shown to Harm Marine Life" (Jun. 22, 1999). The Earth Island Journal reports the U.S. Navy's latest sonar submarine detection system could severly damage whales' and dolphins' acoustic-based ability to find food and defend themselves.

Washington, D.C., "National Campaign for Hearing Health Offers Four Tips to Protect Your Hearing on the Fourth of July and Beyond" (Jun. 30, 1999). PR Newswire reports that the National Campaign for Hearing Health offers four tips to protect your hearing during the upcoming Fourth of July fireworks and beyond. First, wear ear protection when you plan to be around loud noise such as fireworks. Second, discipline yourself to listen to music only as loud as necessary. Third, cover your ears when loud noise such as sirens or aircraft surprise you. Fourth, watch fireworks from a comfortable distance, or use ear protection. Fireworks can produce noise up to 190 decibels, 110 decibels higher than the point at which ear damage can begin to occur. Toxic noise such as that can lead to tinnitus, or potentially deafness.

Washington, D.C., "Natural Resources Defense Council Calls for Study and Regulation to Protect Sea Life from Supertanker and Sonar Noise" (Jun. 29, 1999). The Calgary Herald reports that a recent Natural Resources Defense Council report calls for more study and stricter regulations that would protect sea life from noise pollution. Human-generated noise can harm sea life, by compromising their ability "to find food and mates, to guard their young, and to avoid predators." Whales have even been known to avoid noise even if it means abandoning traditional breeding grounds. Noise contributions from super tankers -- which are subject to almost no regulation -- and military sonar are significant.

Washington, D.C., "Clinton Administration's Noise Controls For Mines Criticized" (May 27, 1999). The Associated Press reports that a Republican senator from Wyoming is questioning the Clinton administration's proposal to require that mine operators protect workers from noise.

Washington, D.C., "Las Vegas, Nevada Air Tour Operators Upset Over Proposed National Park Service Rule To Limit Noise to Levels Below Ambient Sounds" (May 26, 1999). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Nevada's air tour industry believes a new rule proposed by the National Park Service could destroy their industry by limiting noise levels for Grand Canyon National Park. The rule would limit non-natural noise to 8 dB below natural sounds, although a federal court ruled that 3 dB above natural sounds would be sufficient; the park has been divided into different sound regions, so the natural noise limit would range between 20 and 40 dBs, depending on the location within the park.

Washington, D.C., "Personal Watercraft Industry Rejects Report by Noise Pollution Clearinghouse" (Apr. 19, 2000). Business Wire printed the following press release about noise from personal watercraft and a report released by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse. The press release is printed in its entirety.

Washington, D.C., "New Nissan Sentra Produces Less Interior Noise" (Apr. 14, 2000). The Washington Times published an auto review on the new Nissan Sentra. The reviewer reports very favorably on the vehicle, and is particularly impressed with its quieter interior.

Washington, D.C., "D.C. Residents Angry Over Tunnel Noise Preceding Trains" (Feb. 23, 2000). The Washington Post reports that the loud boom that precedes the Metro into the tunnel between the Fort Totten and West Hyattsville stations is a major noise concern for residents in the Avondale community.

Washington, D.C., "Airline Industry Organizations Applaud U.S. Decision to File a Complaint Against the European Union with the International Civil Aviation Organization Over It's Proposed Hushkit Ban" (Jan. 25, 2000). M2 Presswire reports that several Airline industry groups applauded the U.S. decision to file a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed ban on hushkitted aircraft. They emphasized that hushkitted aircraft meet international standards already set by the ICAO.

Washington, D.C., "US Representative Approves Building of Noise Barriers" (Jan. 14, 2000). The following is a press release from the Congressional Press Releases regarding the construction of noise barriers along I-75 in Georgia. It is printed in its entirety.

Washington, D.C., "Federal Airport Bill Will Allow Airports to Spend More on Noise Mitigation; Will Also Cause Airport Growth and Increase in Air Traffic" (Mar. 16, 2000). USA Today reports that airports around the country are waiting for President Clinton to sign the aviation bill recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. If the president signs the bill, many U.S. airports are expected to begin building programs next year. Los Angeles International Airport will use some of its allotted money on noise mitigation programs.

Washington, D.C., "US National Park Services Restricts Use of Personal Watercraft in National Parks" (Mar. 21, 2000). An article by Business Wire printed commentary by the Personal Watercraft Industry Association (PWIA) regarding the National Park Service's decision to allow some personal watercraft (pwc) use in selected parks while banning the watercraft in other parks.

Washington, DC, "U.S. House Subcommittee Approves Continuing Ban on Building Sixth Runway at Denver Airport" (Jun. 26, 1997). The Rocky Mountain News reports that the transportation subcommittee of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee Wednesday approved a renewed ban on the federal funding for the proposed sixth runway at Denver International Airport. If approved by the full Congress, the ban would remain in place through September 1998, the article says. The vote was a victory for noise critics, who have maintained that the runway should not be built until the airport can control the noise pollution it already emits.

Washington, DC, "Virginia Politicians Oppose McCain's Airport Legislation" (Oct. 29, 1997). The Washington Post reports that at a Capitol Hill hearing yesterday, Virginia Sens. John W. Warner (R) and Charles S. Robb (D), along with Rep.James P. Moran Jr. (D), bitterly renounced a proposal to relax federal flight controls at National Airport. They said this bill would mean more noise and congestion at the busy airport.

Washington, DC, "New York Politicians Warn FAA Not to Reroute New Jersey Planes Over New York" (Apr. 22, 1998). Newsday reports that a New York congressional delegation yesterday warned the Federal Aviation Administration not to direct air traffic from New Jersey's Newark Airport over Long Island in New York as the agency begins to redraw the nation's air traffic routes.

Washington, DC, "Washington, DC's Open Classrooms are Noisy Failures" (Jan. 25, 1998). The Washington Post reports that students at Woodbridge High School in Prince William County can't focus because of the noise in classrooms designed without walls or doors. It's one of more than 140 Washington, DC, area schools built in the 1970s in an "open-classroom" design that failed quickly. Twenty-five years later, school districts are still living with the noise.

Washington, DC, "Washington, DC Residents Fear Increasing Noise if Senate Bill Increases Airport's Flights" (Jul. 16, 1998). The Washington Times reports that residents living near the Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC aren't happy about a proposal to add 24 more daily flights at the airport. The article explains that the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on Tuesday approved a bill that would add the flights. But residents say they already experience too much jet noise. The bill must still be passed by the full Senate and then reconciled with a similar bill passed by the House.

Washington, DC, "Legislation Will Address Noise from Air Tours in National Parks" (Jul. 9, 1998). U.S. Newswire issued the following press release concerning regulation of air tours over national parks:

Washington, DC, "National Park Service Proposes Banning Personal Watercraft From All National Parks" (Jul. 8, 1998). The Austin American-Statesman reports that the National Park Service has proposed banning personal watercraft such as Jet Skis from all national parks because of noise, safety, and environmental concerns. The article notes that the Park Service expects to publish the proposed rules this summer, and then take public comments for 90 days, after which the rules could be revised. The new regulations could take effect next year.

Washington, DC, "Personal Watercraft Ban Proposed by National Park Service" (Jul. 8, 1998). The New York Times reports personal watercraft such as Jet Skis could be banned from all national parks because of safety, noise and environmental concerns under rules proposed by the National Park Service.

Washington, DC, "Washington Officials Angry About Plan by Senator McCain to Add Flights at National Airport" (Jul. 10, 1998). The Washington Times reports that the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee yesterday approved new rules that would allow 24 more planes per day to fly into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport and lift restrictions on how far away the flights could come from. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), the chair of the committee, is the chief sponsor of the bill, and says that the provisions would allow more competition in the Washington market. But local officials said McCain was meddling in their affairs for the benefit of Congress members who want more convenient flights to Washington. The committee still must take up the bill on Tuesday to approve final amendments, the article notes. If approved by the full Senate, the bill would have to be reconciled with a similar bill in the House. That bill would add only six flights at Reagan National, and would eliminate the restriction on long-haul flights.

Washington, DC, "Congressman's Approval Could Allow Controversial Sixth Runaway at DIA" (Jun. 26, 1998). The Rocky Mountain News of Denver, Colorado, reports the chairman of the Transportation Committee has given his approval, freeing up money for a much-disputed sixth runway at Denver International Airport. Some opponents will still fight the runway, based on noise issues.

Washington, DC, "Congressional Bills Would Lift Flight Restrictions at Washington's National Airport" (Mar. 20, 1998). The Washington Business Journal reports that two bills in Congress would lift flight restrictions at National Airport in Washington, DC and open the airport to new competitors. The bills propose to remove the airport's "perimeter rule," which limits flights to 1,250 miles in length. Local officials are opposing the bills, saying they would lead to a loss of jobs and growth at Dulles International Airport, would worsen congestion and noise problems at National, and could create pressure to permit more flights at National

Washington, DC, "National Parks Noisy and Congested with Traffic, National Conservation Group Says" (Mar. 17, 1998). Gannett News Service reports vacationers may be shocked at discovering smog, traffic congestion, and noise from jet skis and sightseeing planes in national parks this summer.

Washington, DC, "House Nixes Added Flights at Reagan National Airport" (Oct. 17, 1998). The Washington Times reports Congress won't be adding any new flights this year at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.

Washington, DC, "Resident Objects to Expanded Flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport" (Oct. 11, 1998). The Washington Post published a letter from a McLean resident who objects to expanded flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport. Mary Wakefield writes:

Washington, DC, "Truck Noise is a Greater Concern" (Nov. 1998). Fleet Owner reports that one reason for the high number of complaints is the sheer number of trucks. Truck traffic has increased almost sixfold between 1960 and 1995, according to the Dept. of Transportation (DOT). The other reason is that grass-roots anti- noise groups are no longer considered kooks by politicians. Congressional researchers say nearly 20-million Americans are exposed to noise levels that can lead to cardiovascular problems, strokes, and nervous disorders. Another 40-million are exposed to noise levels that cause sleep or work disruption.

Washington, DC, "FAA Worried EU Will Limit Operation of Hushkitted Aircraft" (Oct. 5, 1998). Aviation Daily reports the FAA is concerned that the European Union is getting ready to act unilaterally to limit the operation of hushkitted aircraft. According to the article, in a Sept. 14 letter, David Traynham, FAA assistant administrator for policy, planning and international aviation, told Michel Ayral, European Commission director for air transport, that a proposed EU regulation "would serve only to diminish the effectiveness of the ICAO process under a mistaken belief that U.S. carriers will transfer their Stage 3 hushkitted airplanes to EU registers after Dec. 31, 1999."

Washington, DC, "Illinois' Rep. Hyde Says, "No New Flights at O'Hare;" House Bill Nixed" (Oct. 9, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a plan that could have added 30 daily commercial flights at O'Hare International Airport appears to be squashed for now. Local activists applauded the move.

Washington, DC, "Noise Protection Zones Planned near Airport" (Oct. 7, 1998). The Washington Post reports that Stafford County and the Regional Airport Commission plan to put in place a number of noise protection zones near Stafford Regional Airport.

Washington, DC, "Noise Sources and Solutions in Washington, DC, Area Neighborhoods" (Oct. 10, 1998). The Washington Post reports that while noise may be an unavoidable part of apartment life in the Washington, DC, area, as it is elsewhere, developers, property managers, and tenants themselves can take steps to muffle their problems.

Washington, DC, "Richfield, MN, Officials Take Airport Noise Concerns to Washington" (Oct. 8, 1998). The Star Tribune reports Richfield, Minnesota, officials brought to Washington, DC, this week their fight against low-frequency airport noise in their suburban neighborhood.

Washington, DC, "US Court of Appeals Rejects Challenges to Noise and Airflight Restrictions over Grand Canyon National Park" (Sep. 15, 1998). Greenwire released the following statement announcing a US federal appeals court upheld new noise and flight restrictions in the Grand Canyon National Park. The press release reads as follows:

Washington, DC, "Air Tour Industry Accuses Park Service of Exaggerating Noise Report to Expand Quiet Zones" (Sep. 25, 1998). The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Congress was told Thursday by consultants to the air tour industry that National Park Service noise studies are seriously flawed.

Washington, DC, "Despite Noise and Safety Concerns, Senate Approves Plan to Increase Flights at Washington's Reagan National Airport" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Washington Post reports the US Senate approved a plan yesterday to add flights at Washington's Reagan National Airport despite local fears that it would add to noise in neighboring communities and undermine business at Dulles International Airport.

Washington, DC, "Federal Appeals Court Supports Noise Restrictions in Grand Canyon" (Sep. 24, 1998). The Arizona Business Gazette reports a federal appellate court has refused to set aside new rules designed to curb aircraft noise at the Grand Canyon in the case of Grand Canyon Air Tour Coalition v. Federal Aviation Administration (97-1003).

Washington, DC, "Senate Approves More Flights from Reagan Airport; Washington, DC, Residents Expect More Noise" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Washington Times reports residents who live near Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport are angry about Senate approval of a bill to increase flights at the busy airport. Residents say increased flights mean more noise and traffic.

Washington, DC, "Senate Approves Regulation of Air Tour Noise in National Parks" (Sep. 25, 1998). U.S. Newswire reports the United States Senate approved measures to address the problem of excessive noise from aircraft in national parks.

Washington, DC, "Senate OK's More Flights at O'Hare; Critics Predict More Noise, More Health and Safety Problems" (Sep. 26, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a bill that could add 30 daily commercial takeoffs and landings at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport was endorsed Friday by the U.S. Senate. Activists say more planes means more noise and other serious problems.

Washington, DC, "Washington Area Lawmakers Object to Senate Bill Allowing Increased Flights at Reagan National" (Sep. 24, 1998). The Associated Press reports a final Senate vote is expected Friday, despite some local opposition, to increase flights at Washington, DC's Reagan National Airport.

Washington, DC, "Critics Say National Park Service Study of Aircraft Noise is False and Misleading" (Sep. 28, 1998). The Weekly of Business Aviation(TM) reports critics of a National Park Service aircraft noise study at the Grand Canyon spoke on Capitol Hill last week.

Washington, DC, "Aircraft in U.S. Complying with Airport Noise and Capacity Act" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Federal Department and Agency Documents reports airplanes in the United States are ahead of the required deadlines to transition to quieter aircraft, reports Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater.

Washington, DC, "Debate Continues Over Use of Personal Watercraft as National Parks Service Proposes Rule" (Sep. 6, 1998). The Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports national seashores in Florida and North Carolina are among several that would be exempt from a ban on Jet Ski-type watercraft under new proposed National Park Service regulations.

Washington, DC, "NY State Reps Work to Maintain Flight Restrictions at JFK and LaGuardia" (Apr. 15, 1999). Newsday reports four members of the state's congressional delegation met with U.S. Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater yesterday to argue against lifting restrictions on the number of flights at New York City's two airports.

Washington, DC, "US May Ban Concorde Landings in Retaliation for EU Hush Kit Restrictions" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Financial Times reports the United States plans to ban landings of the Concorde airliner in the US if the European Commission restricts hush-kited aircraft in Europe.

Washington, DC, "U.S. Offers to Negotiate with EU to Avert Hush Kit Ban" (Apr. 16, 1999). Reuters reports the United States said yesterday it had proposed a multilateral solution to prevent a retaliatory trade war over European Union plans to ban aircraft fitted with noise mufflers known as hush kits.

Washington, DC, "Controversy over Sen. McCain's Bill to Increase Flights at Reagan National" (Feb. 17, 1999). The Washington News Bureau reports Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has caused impassioned protests in Washington with his bill that, among other things, would add 48 takeoff and landing slots at Reagan National Airport.

Washington, DC, "US Charges European Union Ruling on Hush-Kitted Aircraft "Discriminatory"" (Feb. 18, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the United States on Thursday condemned a recent move by the European Parliament to ban hush-kitted jet aircraft in the European Union.

Washington, DC, "US Could Outlaw Concorde if EU Proceeds with Ban on Hush-Kitted Planes" (Feb. 18, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports flights to the United States by the Concorde may be prohibited if the European Union follows through with its ban on jets that use hushkits to reduce noise.

Washington, DC, "DC Residents Angry about Sen. McCain's Effort to Increase Flights at Reagan National Airport" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Christian Science Monitor reports Arizona Senator John McCain(R) is proposing to increase the number of flights in and out of Reagan National Airport and to lift the 1,250-mile limit on outbound aircraft from the Washington DC airport.

Washington, DC, "US Calls EU Rule Against Hush-Kitted Planes Discriminatory" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Journal of Commerce reports the Undersecretary of Commerce, David Aaron, called the European Union's plan to prohibit hush-kitted planes in European skies pointless and biased.

Washington, DC, "An Eye for an Eye: US and EU Trade Aircraft Ban Threats, Citing Noise and Air Pollution" (Mar. 3, 1999). AP Online reports the United States House of Representative is considering a bill that could ban the Concorde from American skies if the European Union follows through with its plans to prohibit hush-kitted US planes from flying over Europe.

Washington, DC, "House Considers Bill Lifting All Flight Limits at O'Hare; Residents Alarmed" (Mar. 5, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports the most drastic proposal yet to ease flight caps at O'Hare International Airport will go through U.S. House committee discussions next week. Chicago area noise activists call the proposal "an accident waiting to happen" if it becomes reality.

Washington, DC, "US Finds EU Aircraft Ban Proposal Unacceptable; Threatens Retaliatory Ban" (Mar. 4, 1999). USA Today reports the United States threatened the European Union with a retaliatory aircraft ban if Europe follows through with prohibiting some US aircraft from Europe's skies.

Washington, DC, "Chicago Residents to Fight Washington Plan to Abolish High Density Rule at O'Hare Airport" (Feb. 9, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports federal transportation officials called Monday for lifting the cap on hourly flights at O'Hare International Airport, a limit that nearby suburbs see as one of their strongest defenses against more jet noise.

Washington, DC, "EU Hush Kit Ban Means Revenue Loss for US Aircraft Industry" (Feb. 10, 1999). Agence Presse reports a senior US trade official Tuesday forewarned that a European Union anti- noise directive, which could be approved Wednesday, could threaten one billion dollars' worth of US aircraft and aircraft engine orders.

Washington, DC, "Local Washington Citizens' Groups Will Fight Increased Flights at Reagan Airport" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Washington Times reports the US Senate commerce committee approved a bill yesterday that would add 48 takeoff and landing slots at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, double the number in last year's defeated bill.

Washington, DC, "Senators Approve Bill to Eliminate High Density Rule at Chicago's O'Hare Airport; Citizens Fear More Noise" (Feb. 12, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports a US Senate committee on Thursday approved legislation that would increase the number of flights at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport.

Washington, DC, "US Rep. Appeals for More Aid for Airport Noise Victims in Tennessee" (Feb. 11, 1999). The Commercial Appeal reports Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) said Wednesday he hopes to re-open the issue of how much to pay noise-suffering residents near Memphis International Airport by increasing federal aid for noise mitigation.

Washington, DC, "US Senate Will Regulate Air Tour Noise in National Parks" (Feb. 11, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation today approved steps to address noise generated by airplane and helicopter tours over national parks.

Washington, DC, "US Transportation Secretary Headed to Europe to Tackle Airplane Noise Dispute with EU" (Mar. 20, 1999). Agence France Presse reports the US Transportation Secretary will travel to Europe to tackle a US-European dispute over airplane noise.

Washington, DC, "Anti-Noise Group Hires Law Firm to Battle Expansion at Newark Airport" (Mar. 21, 1999). The Associated Press reports a New Jersey group has hired a law firm to battle all expansion at Newark International Airport until the issue of air noise is resolved.

Washington, DC, "New Jersey Citizens' Group Sues to Stop Expansion at Newark until Noise Concerns Resolved" (Mar. 22, 1999). The Associated Press Wire Services reports a New Jersey citizens' group has decided to sue to stop all expansion at Newark International Airport until the noise issue is resolved.

Washington, DC, "Bowing to US Pressure, EU Agrees to Postpone Ban of Hush-Kitted Planes" (Mar. 11, 1999). EIU ViewsWire reports the European Union has given in to intense pressure from Washington, DC, and delayed a decision on plans to outlaw new aircraft equipped with 'hush kits.'

Washington, DC, "House Aviation Subcommittee Approves More Slots for O'Hare Airport" (Mar. 10, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports a proposal to eliminate flight caps at O'Hare International Airport moved closer to reality on Tuesday.

Washington, DC, "NJ Lawmakers Advocate for Quieter Skies in Aviation Spending Bill" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports New Jersey lawmakers took some action Thursday toward making the skies quieter.

Washington, DC, "Reagan National Airport: Editorial Criticizes McCain Senate Bill; Supports House Effort" (Mar. 13, 1999). The Washington Post published an editorial criticizing Sen. John McCain's bill that would, in part, increase slots at Reagan National Airport. The editorial takes exception to leverage that can be taken by the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee in efforts to get certain bills passed, calling it "bad national policy."

Washington, DC, "Washington, DC "Nightclub Neighborhood" Discusses Noise Problems and Possible Liquor License Moratorium" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Washington Post reports that the Washington, DC neighborhood of Adams-Morgan has evolved over the years from a commercial residential neighborhood to a neighborhood with mostly restaurants and bars. The article also discusses a controversy that has ensued over the granting of liquor licenses to the various establishments.

Washington, DC, "OSHA Plans to Design Hearing Rules for Construction Industry" (Apr. 10, 2000). The Engineering News-Record reports that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is finally extending their 1983 hearing loss rule to include the construction industry. Charles N. Jeffress, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, made this announcement at a recent conference in Washington, DC on jobsite noise and hearing loss. The conference was sponsored by the Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America, OSHA, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Washington, DC, "Noise Study Conducted by Conservation Groups in Yellowstone National Park May Convince National Park Service to Implement Parkwide Snowmobile Ban" (Mar. 14, 2000). The U.S. Newswire reports that the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition recently collaborated to study snowmobile noise in Yellowstone National Park. Based on its results, the National Park Service announced that it is seriously considering imposing a ban on snowmobiles in the park.

Washington, DC, "United States Government Officially Protests European Union Proposed Ban Against Hushkitted Aircraft" (Mar. 16, 2000). The M2 Presswire reports that the United States government today filed a formal "Article 84" action with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union (EU). The complaint concerns ongoing controversy surrounding the EU's proposed ban of aircraft that use American hushkit technology to make the planes quieter.

Washington, DC, "A Primer on Hushkit History and Worldwide Stage 3 and Stage 4 Air Emissions and Noise Standards" (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World reports on the two-year continuing battle between the United States and the European Union over emissions and noise standards in the airline industry. In particular, the article covers the controversy over hushkits and their restricted useage in clear, chronological terms.

Washington, DC, "Is "White Noise" Helpful in Getting a Good Night's Sleep?" (Mar. 29, 2000). USA Today printed a question and answer column about sleep problems. One question involved using white noise to help a reader get to sleep.

Washington, DC, "Jet Skis Banned From Assateague Island, Maryland" (Apr. 1, 2000). The Chicago Tribune reports that the U.S. National Park Service recently extended its jet ski and personal watercraft ban to include Assateague Island off the coast of Maryland and Virginia. The Park Service had earlier banned such watercraft at 358 of its 379 parks, recreation areas, and historic sites. Assateague was not included in the ban. The Park Service left it up to the exempted parks' superintendents to determine whether jet skis were harmful to wildlife in the park.

Washington, DC, "Readers Complain That Radio Stations Compromise Drivers' Safety By Use of Horns and Sirens on Radio Shows" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Washington Post published several letters to the editor in a column called "Dr. Gridlock," complaining about drivers' safety when local radio stations broadcast the sounds of horns and sirens on-air. The letters are reprinted here in their entirety:

Washington, DC, "Worldwide Cooperation Needed in Adopting More Stringent Air Noise Controls" (Apr. 1, 2000). Air Transport World published an article about the history during the past 23 years of the airline industry in adhering to Chapter 3/Stage 3 noise rules, both in North American and in Europe. The writer believes it is time to begin discussing more seriously defining and adopting Chapter 4/Stage 4 noise rules.

Washington, DC and Chicago, Illinois, "Illinois Congress Members Seek to Halt Senator McCain's Plan to Add Flights at O'Hare" (Jul. 11, 1998). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Illinois Congress members stepped up pressure on Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) Friday, trying to stop him from moving forward on his plan to add 100 daily flights at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago.

Washington, DC and Tempe, Arizona, "Senator McCain Gets Praise and Criticism for Flight-Related Bill" (Jul. 10, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that Arizona Senator John McCain was praised by many on Thursday for a bill to reduce aircraft noise over national parks, but was then criticized by citizen groups opposed to a provision in the bill which would increase flights at such airports as Chicago's O'Hare and Washington's Reagan National. McCain also was accused of pushing the bill in order to benefit America West Airlines, based in Tempe, Arizona. The bill would allow America West to fly non-stop from Phoenix to Washington's Reagan National Airport. The article notes that the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, which McCain heads, gave preliminary approval to the bill, and will return next week to consider some minor amendments.

Washington, Jan. 16, "National Park Service Prepares To Develop Winter Use Plan At Yellowstone Park" (Jan. 16, 1998). The National Parks and Conservation Association issued the following press release concerning the study of winter uses by the public at Yellowstone Park and their effects on wildlife, air and water quality, and overall park tranquility:

Washougal, Washington, "Foam- and Concrete-Based Homes -- Which Insulate Homes Extremely Well From Temperature and Noise -- Gain Popularity" (Nov. 7, 1999). The Columbian reports that homes with walls made of styrofoam and concrete are gaining popularity. The R-value -- or temperature/noise insulation value -- can reach R-56, as opposed to the average wood wall's R-20. Costs that can be 5% to 10% higher up front, although utility bills can run as low as $100/month for a 6,000 square foot home.

Waterford, Ireland, "Irish Residents Oppose Plan for Wind Farm Because of Noise and Other Potential Impacts" (Mar. 26, 1998). The Irish Times reports that residents in Waterford, Ireland have lodged objections to a plan by the ESB to build 16 wind turbines on a 200-acre coastal site at Carnsore Point, County Wexford. The residents have formed an action group to oppose the plan because of concerns ranging from visual amenity, potential noise pollution, the impact on wildlife, and the wind farm's proximity to homes.

Waterloo, Iowa, "Iowa Town Delays Race Track Until Reliable Noise Data Available" (Apr. 12, 1999). The Associated Press reports a proposal to bring stock car racing to Iowa's Waterloo Greyhound Park has been put on hold after zoning commissioners raised concern over noise.

Waterloo, Iowa, "Iowa Stock Car Racing Proposal Tabled for Lack of Noise Data" (Apr. 8, 1999). The Associated Press reports a proposal to bring stock car racing to Waterloo Greyhound Park has been put on hold after zoning commissioners raised concern over noise.

Waterville, Maine, "City Councilors of Pittsfield, Maine Consider Public-Conduct Ordinance Aimed at City's Youth to Prohibit Excessive Nightime Noise" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Central Maine Morning Sentinel reports a public conduct ordinance was proposed to the Pittsfield, Maine city council by the ordinance committee to prohibit excessive late-night noise from the city's youth.

Watervliet, New York, "City in New York Continues Campaign to Ban Nightly Truck Traffic on Residential Street" (Aug. 4, 1997). The Capital District Business Review reports that the city of Watervliet, New York is continuing its campaign to ban most nightly truck traffic on 25th Street, a residential street that has provided access to the major routes into and out of the city for nearly a century. Previous ordinances have been implemented twice, but have been challenged successfully in court. Each time, the ordinance has been rewritten by the city to address problems arising from the court challenges. Now, the city council is considering whether to enact another rewritten ordinance, and is seeking public input at a public hearing on August 7.

Wauconda, Illinois, "Wauconda, Illinois Considers Increasing Penalties for Noise Ordinance to Increase Compliance" (Jun. 2, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports that Wauconda, Illinois is considering stiffer penalties for violators of its noise ordinance. The proposal was prompted by increasing complaints about the noise from car stereos at a local apartment complex. Current fines range from $25-$750, but village officials say they 'lack teeth' without jail time to back it up.

Waukegan, Illinois, "Illinois Officials Prepare For Airport Expansion" (Dec. 15, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that the Illinois Department of Transportation is considering a runway expansion at the Waukegan Airport. Area residents worry about greater noise and traffic and its effects on homes and on wilderness areas.

Waukegan, Illinois, "Too Many Gulls Drive a Waukegan, Illinois Man to Appeal Cannon Booms Used to Scare Birds Away" (Apr. 20, 1999). Chicago Tribune reports that the propane cannons used to frighten nesting gulls away from the Waukegan, Illinois lakefront have one man fighting mad over the incessant noise.

Waukesha, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin County Airport Commissioner Suggests Limiting Airport's Hours to Appease Neighbors Angry at Early-Morning Flights" (Mar. 2, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that residents living near the Waukesha County Airport in Waukesha, Wisconsin are angry about early-morning takeoffs and landings at the airport. To respond to the problem, one airport commissioner has suggested that officials consider limiting the airport's hours.

Waukesha, Wisconsin, "Resident's Airport Complaints Will be Heard in Waukesha" (Mar. 19, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports the Airport Commission Wednesday announced it will hold periodic public hearings to allow Crites Field's neighbors to voice their concerns about airplane noise.

Waukesha, Wisconsin, "Developer Claims FedEx Distribution Center Won't Increase Air Traffic at Wisconsin Airport" (Mar. 26, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Planning Commission in Waukesha, Wisconsin approved plans Wednesday for a 90,000-square-foot Federal Express distribution center near Crites Field. The facility will be the largest Federal Express facility in the Milwaukee area, the article says. According to the developer, the distribution center will not immediately increase air traffic at the county airport, but there is not telling what could happen in the future. Meanwhile, residents have complained to county officials recently that aircraft noise has increased around the airport.

Waukesha, Wisconsin, "Officials at Wisconsin's Waukesha County Airport Invite Residents to Discuss Noise and Expansion Concerns" (Oct. 13, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Wisconsin residents will have an opportunity to meet with Waukesha County Airport officials later this month to discuss airport noise and expansion.

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Town Seeks Highway Noise Barriers to Protect Schools" (Nov. 19, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports officials in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, have requested highway noise barriers to protect outdoor school activities from freeway noise.

Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, "Medical Chopper Recently Acquired By Police In Wauwatosa, Wisconsin May Be Parked Off Grounds" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a new police helicopter may not be based on nearby hospital grounds, where the sheriff had hoped. Residents surrounding Milwaukee Regional Medical Center are concerned about potential noise pollution. To use the airport, a $200,000 hangar would have to be built; the sheriff would prefer to use an existing, unused hangar at the hospital.

Wayne Township, Indiana, "Indiana Township Calls Public Meeting to Interpret Technical Aircraft Noise Report" (Sep. 6, 1997). The Indianapolis Star reports that Charles Spears, Assessor for Wayne Township, Indiana, has called a public meeting to interpret a highly technical report on the impact of aircraft noise from Indianapolis International Airport. The report, which was released by the Indianapolis Airport Authority and prepared by a consultant, outlines the impact of noise on residents in Wayne and Decatur townships and Hendricks County. The meeting will be Monday at 7 p.m. in Ben Davis Junior High School, 1200 N. Girls School Road. The article notes that the airport authority has scheduled its own public hearing on the report for September 29 at 5 p.m. in the auditorium of Plainfield High School.

Wayne, Maine, "Wayne, Maine Public Hearings Propose an Ordinance Forbidding Personal Water Craft on Local Ponds and a Change in How Noise from Alleged Noise Ordinance Violators is Measured" (May 27, 1999). Kennebec Journal reports on a series of Wayne, Maine public hearings dealing with an ordinance to ban personal water craft on local ponds, and a change in measuring noise ordinance violations.

Weimar, California, "Calif. Residents Don't Want Concrete Plant to Relocate to Weimar" (Jun. 28, 1998). The Sacramento Bee reports Weimar, California, residents were pleased Thursday morning when the Placer County Planning Commission voted 3-2 to deny Manuel Brothers Inc. a conditional use permit for a concrete batch plant on Canyon Way. Residents oppose the plant relocation based on concerns about noise pollution, increased traffic, and property devaluation.

Wellington, England, "Community In England Launches Attack On Gang Noise" (Dec. 30, 1997). The Evening Post reports that Wellington City Council has launched a crackdown on Satan Slaves' noisy Berhampore headquarters.

Wellington, England, "Action Group Formed to Address Noise from Bars in Wellington, England" (Feb. 20, 1999). The Evening Post (Wellington) reports tensions are mounting between inner-city residents and bar owners over complaints about loud music in Wellington, England.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Groups Battling Over Noise Issues at New Zealand Airport Reach an Agreement" (Aug. 20, 1997). The Dominion reports that the groups involved in an Environment Court hearing against provisions in the Wellington (New Zealand) City Council's district plan regarding acceptable noise controls for the Wellington Airport have signed a consent order, agreeing to settle their differences, after a week of court-ordered mediation. The Residents Airport Noise Action Group, Wellington International Airport Ltd, the Board of Airline Representatives, and Wellington City Council presented the consent order to Judge Shonagh Kenderdine, ending more than 10 years of dispute on the issue.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Debate Over Aircraft Noise at New Zealand Airport Begins in the Environment Court" (Aug. 5, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Environment Court in Wellington, New Zealand is being asked to decide how Wellington Airport and its neighbors can best live with each other. A three-week court hearing started yesterday to hear appeals against airport noise provisions in Wellington City Council's proposed District Plan. Judge Shonagh Kenderdine, assisted by three environment commissioners, is hearing the case.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand Residents Propose Extra Fees For Noisy Planes" (Dec. 10, 1997). The Evening Post reports that proposals to charge noisy Boeing 737 aircraft more for landing at Wellington Airport in New Zealand have been deferred until February.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Legal Costs May Prevent New Zealand Residents Group from Going to Court Over Airport Noise Control" (Jul. 1, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Residents Airport Noise Action Group (RANAG), a group of residents in the eastern suburbs of Wellington, New Zealand, may have to abandon a fight over airport noise control because they cannot afford to go to the Environment Court for an appeal. The court hearing is estimated to cost the group $20,000, and is expected to last most of August.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Proposed Wind Farm Project in New Zealand Meets Opposition on Grounds of Noise" (Jul. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that the Energy Corporation (ECNZ) wants to build a wind farm in Makara, New Zealand, and has met with opposition from residents in the area. At a Wind Energy Association and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority conference in Wellington this week, ECNZ Makara project manager Graeme Mills presented a paper on the proposed wind farm, and said the company is working to understand the potential nosie effects. He also urged Makara residents to understand and have faith in the input processes of the project.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand Airplane Noise Fight in Court Will Begin in August" (May 26, 1997). The Evening Post reports that New Zealand's Environment Court has set aside the month of August to hear appeals against Wellington City Council's noise rules, contained in the proposed district plan, that would regulate airport noise. Appeals will be brought both by residents groups and by airline groups.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Court Ruling in New Zealand Ends Ten-Year Battle Over Airport Noise" (Nov. 21, 1997). The Dominion reports that a ten-year fight over acceptable noise levels around the Wellington, New Zealand Airport ended with a ruling yesterday by an Environment Court judge which stipulates where and what kind of housing developments can be built near the airport. The court case involved four parties: the Residents Airport Noise Action Group, the Wellington International Airport, the Board of Airline Representatives, and the Wellington City Council.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Judge's Ruling on Building Rules for Homes Near New Zealand Airport Ends a Decade-Long Noise Fight" (Nov. 22, 1997). The Dominion reports that a judge's ruling Thursday regarding building rules for new homes near the Wellington (New Zealand) airport ends a decade-long battle between airline and airport officials and residents. The article describes the long fight, focusing on the leader who organized residents and led a successful battle, Maxine Harris.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand Judge Sets Noise Insulation Rules for Housing Near Airport" (Nov. 20, 1997). The Evening Post reports that Environment Court Judge Kenderdine ruled yesterday that new housing developments on industrial or commercial land around the Wellington (New Zealand) Airport will have to meet new planning rules, including the use of noise insulation. The article says that the ruling is an attempt to end an 11-year battle over noise at Wellington Airport. Meanwhile, residents that have been fighting for stronger noise controls said that the ruling passes the problem back to the community instead of to the noise-makers.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Army Training Exercises Bombard New Zealand Residents With Noise" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Evening Post reports that an Army training exercise in the middle of the night in Upper Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand has angered residents.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand City Councilor Proposes Extra Fees for Noisy Air New Zealand Jets" (Nov. 12, 1997). The Evening Post reports that officers of the Wellington (New Zealand) City Council are preparing a proposal that Air New Zealand be forced to pay extra charges every time its noisy Boeing 737 jets land at Wellington Airport. The extra costs paid by the airline would be used to insulate homes around the airport against noise. The proposal is being championed by Councilor Sue Kedgley, who said that if the idea was accepted by the City Council, it would ask Wellington International Airport Limited -- 34% of which is owned by the Council -- to impose the extra charges.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand Advisor Advises Against Highway Upgrade, Citing Noise and Its Health Effects" (May 1, 1998). The Evening Post reports a New Zealand senior advisor said widening a State Highway would add to already unacceptably high noise levels for residents and most likely result in serious health effects.

Wellington, New Zealand, "New Zealand Expert Advises Against Highway Upgrade, Citing Noise and Its Health Effects" (May 1, 1998). The Evening Post reports a New Zealand senior advisor said widening a State Highway would add to already unacceptably high noise levels for residents and most likely result in serious health effects.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Wellington, New Zealand Tourism Officer Pushes Review of Restrictions that Limit Number of Loud Shows at Westpac Trust Stadium; Famous Act Could Sell Out Two More Shows If Permitted" (Aug. 23, 1999). The Dominion reports that there is a push for review of restrictions that limit the number of loud shows at a local stadium, since a performer already scheduled for three nights could likely sell out two more shows if permitted. The tourism officer blames a few vocal residents for the limits, but a neighborhood resident said that residents simply accepted an offer from the stadium. There is always the chance that the performer will not exceed the decibel limit.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Wellington, New Zealand Reverse-Bungy Attraction Called "Sky-Screamer" Has Nearby Businesses Worried About Noise, But Attraction Officials Say Noise Is Negligible" (Dec. 7, 1999). The Evening Post reports that business owners in downtown Wellington, New Zealand are worried that a proposed attraction called the "Sky-Screamer" -- a reverse-bungy ride -- would be noisy, and the city council has yet to grant permission for the attraction.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Major Entertainers are Forgoing Stadium in Wellington, New Zealand Because Night Performances Are Limited to Six Yearly" (Sep. 17, 1999). The Evening Post reports that WestPac Trust stadium in Wellington, New Zealand is losing the chance to host major performers because of a rule that limits night performances to six each year. The six are already booked, owing to several unusual opportunities to book world-class acts, and stadium officials say that any other promoters who are turned down because of the rule may be reluctant to try again next year. They claimed that the city will no longer be known as a world-class venue, and the community will lose millions when people who normally travel there to see concerts stop coming.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Screams from Bungy Ride in Wellington, New Zealand Upsets Clients of Sexual Abuse Trauma Center Nearby" (Jan. 7, 2000). The Press reports that a therapist at a counseling center for sexual abuse victims in Wellington, New Zealand says his clients are upset at screams from a nearby thrill ride. Measurements taken in the last few days suggested that some screaming did exceed noise limits, contrary to previous estimates. City council members are discussing the issue with the operator.

Wellington, New Zealand, "Rugby Superstar Jonah Lomu of New Zealand Plans to Attempt to Break World Car Audio Sound Pressure Record of 176 Decibels" (Mar. 20, 2000). The Dominion (Wellington) reports that rugby star Jonah Lomu attended the Car Audio New Zealand sound-off central regional finals. He plans to attempt to break the world record in six months. The sound-off is a competition to create the loudest sound-pressure level using a car stereo.

Werrington, United Kingdom, "Bar in Werrington, U.K. Granted License to Host Musical Events Up Until 11:30 P.M. on Weekends, Despite Residents' Noise Concerns" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Sentinel reports that a license to host musical events until 11:30 p.m. Thursday through Sunday was granted to a bar in Werrington, U.K. despite residents' concerns about potential noise.

West Allis, Wisconsin, "Government Officials in West Allis, Wisconsin are Ready to Demand Less Tire-Testing Noise from State Fair Auto-Racing Oval in Response to Increasing Resident Complaints" (May 23, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the mayor, along with several House Representatives in West Allis, Wisconsin, are ready to demand that the State Fair "Milwaukee Mile" auto-racing oval limit the noise they produce. Noise has been more prevalent due to more frequent in pre-race tire testing and increasing use by an auto-racing school. Residents are very upset and complaining more frequently, but track officials continue to make improvements to the track to draw even more races there.

West Allis, Wisconsin, "Legislators and Officials from West Allis, Wisconsin's Milwaukee Mile Racetrack to Meet Today and Devise Noise Reduction Strategies" (Jun. 3, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the Mayor of West Allis, Wisconsin along with legislators and officials from the local Milwaukee Mile Racetrack will have a meeting today to discuss ways to reduce noise. Though the track manager says he has received only five noise complaints, he says he is willing to work with neighbors as long as he feels their intention is not to shut him down. While major races at the track last only a few hours, the track is also by racers testing tires and by a race driving school; this noise can go on all day long without a break.

West Allis, Wisconsin, "Officials at West Allis, Wisconsin's Milwaukee Mile Racetrack Will Institute Policies Aimed at Reducing Impacts from Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a meeting between Milwaukee Mile racetrack officials, State Fair officials, and three local legislators has succeeded in identifying significant steps that will reduce noise for residents of West Allis, Wisconsin. At the meeting, racetrack officials agreed to post signs showing the schedule for non-race events such as tire-testing and race car driving school classes. They also agreed to limit the number of cars that can test tires at once, require better mufflers for the driving school, and refrain from scheduling any new non-race events this year.

West Allis, Wisconsin, "Racetrack Officials in West Allis, Wisconsin Agree to Reduce Noise" (Jun. 4, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that officials at the Milwaukee Mile Racetrack in West Allis, Wisconsin has agreed to limit noise. Residents have complained about noise that lasts all day; most of this noise comes not from races, but from pre-race tire testing and a racecar-driving school that helps the track bring in revenue when there are no races. Officials at the track have agreed to post signs to tell residents when loud non-race events will occur, reduce the number of cars that can be testing tires at any given time, and require better mufflers for the driving school.

West Allis, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Governor Offends West Allis Officials By Vetoing Legislation that Would Have Tied Racetrack Funding to the Appearance of a Noise Report" (Nov. 2, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that West Allis, Wisconsin legislators are upset with the governor for vetoing legislation that would have tied funding for the Milwaukee Mile Racetrack on the State Fairgrounds to the production of a noise report. The governor said he didn't want to add "another layer of bureaucracy to State Fair Park decision-making." He had actually proposed night-racing: something that would draw even more complaints over noise.

West Anchorage, Alaska, "Opinion From Anchorage Resident Says that a Local Group -- Backed By State and National Environmental Organizations -- Is Wrong to Fight Expansion at Anchorage International Airport" (Sep. 15, 1999). The Anchorage Daily News prints an opinion from an Anchorage, Alaska resident who believes that a local group fighting expansion at Anchorage International Airport is wrong. He notes their affiliation with the Alaska Center for the Environment and the National Wildlife Federation, and says that concern over "a few acres of crummy bog that is of no value except to some Canada geese and an occasional moose" is overblown. The writer says that the group -- which centers on noise although its primary agenda is environmental -- should recognize the commercial importance of the airport.They aren't aware, apparently, that this noise issue was one of the loud and whiny complaints years ago when the north-south runway was first proposed. Residents of a little subdivision at the south end of the new runway raised holy hoopla and tried to block the construction of what has become, obviously, a vital part of Anchorage's commercial life.

West Bend, Wisconsin, "Compromise Proposed over Noisy Fans at Wisconsin School" (Apr. 16, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports a plan that should reduce the noise from rooftop ventilating units at the high school was endorsed Thursday by the West Bend, Wisconsin, school board.

West Boca, Florida, "West Boca, Florida Residents Oppose 16-foot Noise Wall on U.S. 441, Asking For Shorter Wall Atop Existing Berm" (May 6, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that over 200 residents gathered in Boca Chase to protest a proposed I-95 style noise walls in front of their homes that they say would give the community a 'prison-like' feel and decrease their property values. The Department of Transportation wants to build 16-foot noise walls in front of 8 communities in Boca Raton, Florida; Boca Chase residents want an 8-foot wall atop an existing berm, which has been shown already in Hillsborough county and confirmed by the state noise program administrator. The sound barriers, whatever their final form, will be required after the proposed widening of U.S. 441 from two lanes to six increases noise to more than 67 decibels, the point at which federal regulations require a noise wall.

West Boca, Florida, "Residents in West Boca, Florida Frustrated with Noise Study that Says Noise Walls Are Too Ineffective and Expensive to Be Built; State Representatives Say Don't Give Up" (Sep. 17, 1999). The Sun-Sentinel reports that the "bottom line" of a recent public meeting in West Boca, Florida on the subject of noise walls along U.S. 441 was that the walls could not be built. Many residents want the sound walls, some say that their property values will be hurt by the walls. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) officials said that their study's results -- which calculated a cost of $57,000 per home protected, and a reduction of less than five decibels at most of those homes most affected -- do not justify sound walls. Local politicians told residents at the meeting not to give up, and said that "this is not over."

West Boca, Florida, "West Boca, Florida Couple Complains that a Neighbor Stomps In Wooden Clogs at Night and Allows Her Dogs to Bark Constantly; Neighbor Files Suit to Stop Their "Harassment"" (Jan. 30, 2000). The Sun-Sentinel reports that in West Boca, Florida, an elderly couple claims their upstairs neighbor stomps around with wooden clogs at night and allows her two dogs to constantly bark. The neighbor, who now wears socks at night, said she is suing the couple for harassing her.

West Boylston, Massachusetts, "Residents Complain About Noise From Massachusetts Wal-Mart" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Telegram & Gazette reports that residents living near a Wal-Mart on Route 12 in West Boylston, Massachusetts have long complained about noise from the store. The dispute may be nearing resolution, the article says, but if it does not end soon, town officials are ready to take the company to court for not complying with noise regulations. Town officials say representatives from the store have made promises in the past and have not lived up to them.

West Cornforth, England, "British Council Uses New Powers to Quiet Noisy Neighbor" (Sep. 12, 1997). The Northern Echo of England reports that a resident of West Cornforth, England, who held noisy, late-night parties has been ordered by a judge to stop the noise.

West County, Maryland, "Maryland Residents Oppose Race Track on Noise and Traffic Grounds" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Capital of Annapolis, Maryland, reports Middle River Racing officials failed to convince West County residents opposed to a proposed speedway that it would be a good neighbor.

West Dundee, Illinois, "West Dundee, Illinois Passes Noise Ordinance" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports that in response to residents' complaints about noise from leaf blowers and vacuum trucks at a nearby business, West Dundee, Illinois has passed a noise ordinance. Fines will range from $25 to $500.

West Dundee, Illinois, "West Dundee, Illinois Considers Noise Ordinance to Address Garbage Collection, Construction, and Amplified Noise" (Nov. 11, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that West Dundee, Illinois is considering a noise ordinance that would restrict amplified noise, construction noise, and trash collection. Fines will range from $5 to $500, and maintenance of public property will be exempted.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Zoning Board Postpones Public Hearing on Gun Club Permit" (Jul. 15, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that the Zoning Board of Review in West Greenwich, Rhode Island postponed a public hearing last night on a special-use permit sought by the Wincheck Gun Club, because the club's two expert witnesses were unable to attend and because board members requested site plans for the proposed club. More than 50 residents concerned about noise attended the meeting and waited two-and-a-half hours without getting a chance to speak. The Zoning Board moved the public hearing to its August 25 meeting.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "Gun Club Relocation Endorsed by Rhode Island Planning Board Despite Opposition from Residents with Noise Concerns" (Jul. 7, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the West Greenwich, Rhode Island, Planning Board voted last night to recommend that the Zoning Board of Review approve an area gun club's relocation. The recommendation came despite two dissenting votes and a number of residents expressing noise concerns.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "Board Orders RI Gun Club to Conduct More Sound Tests" (May 5, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the West Greenwich, Rhode Island Planning Board last night rejected noise tests performed by a gun club seeking a special-use permit to relocate. The Planning Board requested further noise tests as well as a second traffic study.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "RI Town Delays Gun-Club Permit to Conduct More Noise Tests" (Nov. 18, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports a Rhode Island zoning board delayed voting on a gun club permit so that the town can hire a sound expert to study how noise from the club would affect nearby residents.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "Hearing on Rhode Island Gun Club Permit Request Continued; Neighbors Strongly Object to Club's Relocation" (Sep. 30, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports a Rhode Island zoning board last night continued a hearing to a fourth night of review on a gun club's application for a special-use permit that would allow it to relocate, frustrating the club's lawyer.

West Greenwich, Rhode Island, "RI Planning Board to Hear Residents' Noise Concerns about Gun Club" (Sep. 28, 1998). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports West Greenwich, Rhode Island, residents will have their turn tomorrow to present arguments to the Zoning Board of Review against allowing a gun club's request for re-location.

West Haven, Connecticut, "Sign Warning People to Keep Quiet on Connecticut Beach is Turned Off Because it Was Too Noisy" (Jun. 1, 1998). The Associated Press reports that the mayor of West Haven, Connecticut has ordered a flashing sign that warned people to keep quiet at the beach to be turned off because it was too noisy. The sign was connected to a generator to power it.

West Lafayette, Indiana, "West Lafayette, Indiana's Purdue University Creates Institute to Study Tire and Highway Noise" (Sep. 20, 1999). Rubber & Plastics News reports that Purdue University in West LaFayette, Indiana has created the Institute of Safe, Quiet and Durable Highways. Tires have been studied at the University for years, and researchers already believe road noise to result from several distinct factors that warrant further study. The institute will have a $7 million budget for its first five years. There are opposing views at the new institute regarding the usefulness of "rubber-modified" asphalt, and it remains to be seen whether much research will be done in that area.

West Lampeter, Pennsylvania, "West Lampeter, Pennsylvania Mini-Mart Wants to Expand Store, but Neighbor Says Noise and Light Pollution Will Worsen" (Jan. 5, 2000). The Intelligencer Journal reports that a mini-mart in West Lampeter, Pennsylvania wants to expand. One neighbor, who has already planted trees and built a shed to shield himself from noise and light from the current store, says a larger store will worsen the situation and force him to move. The store will appear before the planning board soon.

West Melton, New Zealand, "Army Weapons Range in West Melton, New Zealand to Be Upgraded; Upgrade to Include Trees and Berms to Increase Safety and Reduce Noise, But Some Residents Are Still Concerned" (Aug. 3, 1999). The Press reports that an army weapons range in West Melton, New Zealand will receive trees and 3-meter as part of a $1-million upgrade to address residents' safety and noise concerns. Most residents were happy with the army's efforts, and thought that safety issues were well addressed, but they still worried about noise.

West Milford, New Jersey, "Connecticut Gun Club and Neighbors At Odds As City Councilman Mediates" (Dec. 16, 1999). According to the County Record, a New Jersey city councilman is trying to mediate a dispute between a local gun club and some of its neighbors.

West Milford, New Jersey, "New Jersey Gun Club's License Challenged by Neighbors: Township To Investigate" (Dec. 14, 1999). The Bergen County Record reports that the West Milford Township Council is in an intense, five-year-old dispute between a gun club and some of its neighbors. According to the article, at issue is whether the council should renew the club's operating permit for another year.

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Florida Neighborhood Association Will Sue City Over Airport Noise; City May Pay High Price on Lawsuit" (Feb. 3, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that the Palm Beach (Florida) Neighborhood Association has threatened to sue Palm Beach County over noise at the Palm Beach International Airport. Today, county commissioners will decide whether to hire Cutler and Stanfield, a Washington, D.C. law firm that charges $205 an hour and specializes in airport noise issues. The article says the lawsuit could be one of the most expensive noise suits in the history of the airport, with costs that could amount to $1.8 million for the city.

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Study Finds New Runway at Florida Airport Won't Increase Noise" (Feb. 18, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that a recent study has found that a proposed 2,000-foot extension of the main runway at Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport will not pose a significant environmental impact to neighbors, and will not increase noise levels. The $553,983 study was paid for by the airport authority and reviewed by the Federal Aviation Administration, the article notes.

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Live with PBI Airport Noise or Move: It's Your Choice, Says Resident" (Mar. 5, 1998). The Palm Beach Post published the following letter in its Letters to the Editor section from West Palm Beach resident, Noelle Smith. Smith says dealing with noise from the Palm Beach International Airport is a choice she makes. Others, she says, need to take responsibility for their choice of residence. Ms Smith writes:

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Airport Officials Skip Open Forum at West Palm Beach Public Hearing" (Mar. 20, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports Thursday's public hearing on West Palm Beach Airport's proposed runway extension used a format that prevented a group of people from expressing their views the old-fashioned way: in one large forum. Reviews were mixed.

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Noise Hotline at Palm Beach Airport" (Mar. 17, 1998). The Palm Beach Post reports that a call to Florida's Palm Beach International Airport's 24-hour noise hot line will provide residents specifics about the type of plane, airline, flight direction and weather conditions during takeoff if they think the noise culprit is an airplane flying outside set paths.

West Palm Beach, Florida, "Judge Rules Florida Landowners Must Prove Decreased Property Value in Airport Noise Suit" (Apr. 3, 1999). The Palm Beach Post reports a judge's ruling may have crippled the case of Palm Beach, Florida, landowners who claim their peace of mind is shattered by the noise of 85 air flights a day over their homes from Palm Beach International Airport.

West Paterson, New Jersey, "Neighborhood in New Jersey City Gets Noise Barriers; Some Residents Angry that the Barriers Don't Extend to Their Homes" (Jul. 15, 1997). The Record reports that noise barriers are being built along Route 80 in West Paterson, New Jersey, in a project expected to be completed in June 1998. But at least one resident who lives just outside of the area where the noise barriers will stop, wants the state to extend noise barriers to her area.

West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, "Noise Bylaw Exemption Requested for Filming of Movie in West Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada)" (Mar. 13, 2000). The Vancouver Sun in Canada reports that a movie filming project needs a noise bylaw exemption from the West Vancouver district council in order to film before 7:30 AM, after 5:30 PM, or on Sundays. The council will vote tonight.

West Yellowstone, Montana, "US Snowmobile Manufacturer Announces Quieter Machines For Testing in Yellowstone" (Jan. 14, 2000). An article from the PR Presswire reported that Arctic Cat announced that it would loan two prototypes for a quieter snowmobile to the National Park Service for use in Yellowstone National Park.

Westchester, New York, "Public Workshop Scheduled in Westchester, New York is Designed to Gather Opinions from Residents Living With Noise from Westchester County Airport" (Dec. 2, 1999). The Daily News reports that a public workshop is being held to hear comments from some of the 700 residents who lives closest to noise from the Westchester County Airport in Westchester, New York.

Westcott, England, "UK Residents Suffer From Highway Road Noise" (Feb. 5, 2000). The Daily Telegraph of London reported on residents in one English town who say their quiet, pastoral life has come to an end because of a new highway that recently opened near their town.

Westerly, Rhode Island, "Noisy Post Office Disturbs Rhode Island Residents Night and Day" (May 18, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports residents of Westerly, Rhode Island, complained to the Town Council that their post office is a noisy neighbor.

Westerly, Rhode Island, "Rhode Island Town Seeks Enforceable and Reasonable Noise Ordinance" (Feb. 15, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports the town of Westerly, Rhode Island, is updating its noise ordinance to make it easier to enforce.

Westerville, Ohio, "Residents Living Near Ohio Amphitheater Complain About Noise, While County Official Launches Effort to Help" (Jul. 2, 1997). The Columbus Dispatch reports that residents living near the Polaris Amphitheater in Westerville, Ohio have been complaining about noise from concerts for several years, with little tangible result. Now, Delaware County Commissioner Donald Wuertz has launched an effort to get the city of Columbus to enforce its noise ordinance, and visited residents near the amphitheater last night during an Ozzy Osbourne concert. The article goes on to focus on the impact of the concert noise on the life of one family who lives near the amphitheater.

Westerville, Ohio, "Westerville Ohio, Near Columbus' Polaris Amphitheater to Enforce Its Noise Ordinance On the Venue" (Sep. 8, 1999). The Columbus Dispatch reports that the City Council of Westerville, Ohio is considering changes to its noise ordinance which include the enforcement of noise limits on Polaris amphitheater in neighboring Columbus, Ohio. State law permits a city -- in this case Westerville -- to enforce its noise ordinances on noisy locations from an adjacent city if both cities agree. Westerville is also making changes to its ordinance to make it more enforceable. Westerville feels that Polaris has ignored their concerns up until now.

Westfield, Indiana, "Noise Regulation is Part of Indiana Town's Comprehensive Plan" (Nov. 1, 1997). A much longer article from The Indianapolis News reports Westfield, Indiana's vision for their comprehensive plan for growth and management that came from two recent planning sessions. Among the priorities of the 140 residents who participated were desires to preserve the rural charm of their area while fostering mixed growth, and subdivisions with houses that aren't mirror images of each other. Among their concerns was the regulation of noise pollution from a nearby airport.

Westhampton, New York, "Neighbors of Suffolk County, New York Gabreski Airport Want a Moratorium on New Airport Construction; Airport Officials Say Air Traffic Is Down and No Significant Expansion is Planned" (Dec. 5, 1999). The New York Times reports that residents around Suffolk County, New York's Gabreski Airport are pushing for a moratorium on new airport construction. Officials at the airport say there is no significant expansion planned at the airport, but pressure from residents who say the noise from the airport is growing.

Westlake Village, California, "California Residents Oppose Sports Park Plan for Their Neighborhood, Saying They Will Sue to Keep Space Open" (Apr. 17, 1998). The Ventura County Star reports that residents of Westlake Canyon Oaks in Westlake Village, California don't want a sports park built on 41 undeveloped acres near their homes. The article says village officials are considering a proposal to build a $4 million sports park on 28 acres of land that is currently zoned as open space. Residents say they are prepared to bring a lawsuit over the issue.

Westminster, Maryland, "Noise From Model Airplanes in Rural Maryland Doesn't Violate State Regulations" (Jul. 21, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Department of the Environment checked the noise level of model planes flown by the Westminster Aero Modelers on a farm north of Westminster, Maryland in response to a complaint from a neighbor, and found that while the noise is "distinctively noticeable," it does not violate state regulations.

Westminster, Maryland, "Westminster, Maryland Resident Brings Noise Case Against Gun Club" (Aug. 29, 1999). The Baltimore Sun reports that a resident of Westminster, Maryland has brought a legal complaint against the Deep Run Rifle and Revolver Club. Evidence from another lawsuit has revealed that the gun club generates 90 decibels, while 45 decibels is the usual sound level in the area. Lawyers for the gun club also note that there is no evidence that there have been safety problems or damaged property values, and say that the club is exempt from noise laws because it opened before their institution.

Westminster, United Kingdom, "A Day In the Life of a London, England Environmental Health Officer" (Nov. 30, 1999). The Evening Standard prints a report on a day in the life of a Westminster, London, England Environmental Health Officer. Most of the article is anecdotal, but some statistics regarding noise complaints are revealed.

Weston, Florida, "Florida Town Passes New Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 21, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that city commissioners in Weston, Florida voted unanimously Monday to approve a noise ordinance that will give Broward County Sheriff's Office deputies the power to issue citations for people making "loud or raucous noise."

Weston, Florida, "West City Council Approves New Noise Code; Neighbors in Fort Lauderdale Get Relief from Barking Dog" (Jul. 30, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports that Weston city council has approved a noise code prohibiting loud and raucous noise.

Weston, Florida, "Weston, Florida, Gets Serious About Enforcing Quiet" (Jul. 7, 1998). The Sun-Sentinel reports several residents of Weston, Florida, urged the City Commission to approve a code limiting "loud and raucous noise." The noise code was unanimously approved.

Weston, Ohio, "Ohio Towns Offered Noise Mitigation Funding by Railroads" (Apr. 3, 2000). The Associated Press reports that when CSX Transportation and Norfolk Southern Railway took over Conrail's routes in Northern Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and southeast Michigan, a deal was arranged whereby the railroads would compensate towns $10,000 for each home that was deemed to be adversely affected by train noise resulting from increased train traffic on the rails due to the merger. A controversy has ensued over which houses are eligible and how each affected town is spending this money originally earmarked for noise mitigation.

Wethersfield, Connecticut, "Return of Trains Bring Noise and Safety Worries to Some Conn. Residents" (May 18, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that while the revival of the Hartford-to-Cromwell rail line is being hailed as a boon for local businesses, some Wethersfield, Connecticut, residents say they are concerned about safety and noise.

Weymouth, Massachusetts, "Committee Will Consider Curfews on Business Practices in an Effort to Curb Noise in Weymouth, Massachusetts" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Patriot Ledger reports that Selectman are forming a seven-member committee that will recommend new town bylaws that would disallow noisy business practices early in the morning and late at night.

Weymouth, Massachusetts, "Advisory Board in Mass. Works to Protect Community from Power Plant Noise" (Apr. 1, 1999). The Patriot Ledger reports Weymouth, Massachusetts, town officials are carefully considering noise and other pollution concerns at a proposed power plant.

Wheaton and Glen Ellyn, Illinois, "Idling Trains in Chicago Suburbs Disturb Residents" (Oct. 19, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that idling freight trains in Wheaton and Glen Ellyn, Illinois have been disturbing nearby residents, who are annoyed at the fumes and noise from the trains. After meeting with administrators from the two suburbs, Union Pacific Railroad officials said they will consider moving the idling trains away from residential areas.

Wheeling, Illinois, "Residents Optimistic, Officials Cautious about Airport's Noise Diversion Study" (May 9, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports residents who live in an apartment complex near the Palwaukee Municipal Airport welcome the news that airport officials plan to study a possible shift of the airfield's main runway to direct planes over an industrial area instead of the apartments. However, airport officials say it may be too late to make such changes.

Wheeling, Illinois, "Residents Upset When Airport Put Noise Study at a Low Priority in Wheeling, Illinois" (Oct. 7, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports that local officials and residents are lobbying state aviation officials for an estimated $90 million in improvements at the Palwaukee Municipal Airport in Wheeling, Illinois.

Wheeling, Illinois, "Housing Development Approved Near Illinois' Palwaukee Airport, Clause Prevents Noise Lawsuits from Residents" (Sep. 9, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports the village board of Wheeling, Illinois unanimously approved a new subdivision on a piece of land north of Palwaukee Municipal Airport.

Wheeling/Prospect Heights, Illinois, "Illinois Airport Gets New Holding Apron Designed to Reduce Noise for Nearby Residents" (Jul. 17, 1997). The Chicago Tribune reports that the construction has begun on a new holding apron at the Palwaukee Municipal Airport outside Chicago (Illinois), in order to reduce noise for residents from planes waiting to take off from the airport's main runway.

White Plains, New York, "Citizens' Panel Suggests Limits on New York's County Airport; Noise and Water Pollution Top Concerns" (Oct. 11, 1998). The New York Times reports a citizens' advisory board recommended limited expansion of New York's County Airport, citing a number of quality of life and environmental issues including noise pollution and water quality.

Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, "Complaints of Air Conditioner Noise from Neighbor of Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin Municipal Building Prompts City to Build Expensive Wall" (Jun. 30, 1999). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that after a noisy air conditioner at Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin's Municipal Building drew complaints from a neighbor, the village has decided to build a wall to cut the noise. The neighbor pointed out that while the unit is 2.5 feet from his property line, the city failed to secure a variance to the 10-foot requirement. The village will spend a partial $18,600 wall, and may spend an additional $5200 if the first section isn't sufficient.

Whitpain, Pennsylvania area, "Pennsylvania Residents Fear Possible Sale of Airport to County" (Jul. 27, 1997). The Morning Call reports that residents in the Whitpain, Pennsylvania area are strongly opposing the possible purchase of Wings Field by the Montgomery County Airport Authority, which is studying the issue. If purchased, the airport's runway would be lengthened, and residents fear this will bring more air traffic to the area. Meanwhile, various members of the recently created airport authority have defended accusations that they have conflicts of interest, and two members have resigned.

Wickenburg, Arizona, "Highway Move Considered for Arizona Town; Some Say it Would Reduce Traffic Noise" (Nov. 30, 1997). The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that the Arizona Department of Transportation is considering moving part of U.S. 89 to go around Wickenburg, Arizona instead of through it, due to problems with congestion. However, the article says, some residents approve the plan, saying it will improve safety, noise and air pollution in the town, while others say the town's merchants will fail if no traffic is routed through their town.

Wildwood, Missouri, "Missouri Residents Oppose Plan for Shopping Center in Rural Area Due to Noise and Traffic" (Jun. 8, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Planning and Zoning Commission in Wildwood, Missouri is considering a plan to re-zone 18 acres of land from residential to commercial use, paving the way for a shopping center at Highways 100 and 109. But residents attending a meeting of the commission said they opposed the project because it would increase noise and traffic, and destroy the green space and rural atmosphere of the town.

Wilmette, Illinois, "Noise Consultant for Wilmette, Illinois Residents Near Edens Expressway Recommend Noise Walls and Shrubbery" (Sep. 3, 1999). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the noise consultant for Wilmette, Illinois recommends a combination of soundwalls and shrubbery to block highway noise after a year-long $100,000 study. The project -- designed to reduce the 79 decibels that those nearest Edens Expressway currently experience -- would cost $1.5 million, and the village hopes to get half of the funding from the state.

Wilmington, North Carolina, "North Carolina School Board Will Reconsider Whether to Build a Wall to Screen Noise" (Jun. 5, 1997). The Morning Star reports that the New Hanover County school board in Wilmington, North Carolina will reconsider whether to build a wall to shield neighbors who have complained about a noisy air handler at the new Holly Tree Elementary School, set to open this year. The board earlier removed the issue from its agenda after one board member said she didn't believe the board should spend the money on a wall. However, the board has now agreed to discuss the issue at its June 17 meeting.

Wilmington, North Carolina, "North Carolina Community Enacts Noisy Cat Ordinance" (Feb. 25, 1998). The Morning Star reports that officials in Long Beach, North Carolina have enacted a noisy cat ordinance.

Wilmington, North Carolina, "Noise From a Skating Park Has Homeowners in Neighboring Development Upset in Wilmington, North Carolina" (Jun. 18, 1998). The Morning Star reports that noise from a skateboarding business has neighbors living nearby upset. The business, Eastwood Ramp Park, is located in an industrial park that was started before the residential subdivision and according to the article, does not violate any ordinance for nonresidential location. Neighbors have petitioned the County Commissioners to amend the county's noise ordinance to force the business to tone it down.

Wilmington, North Carolina, "Noise Complaints Prompt North Carolinian to Write Letter" (Apr. 16, 2000). The Sunday Star-News printed a letter to the editor from one person who says noise complaints should not be called in to the police, adding that downtown noise is part of downtown life. The letter is printed in its entirety.

Wilmington, North Carolina, "Residents in Wilmington, North Carolina Bothered by Loud Music from Bars; Noise Ordinance to be Amended" (Apr. 13, 2000). The Morning Star in Wilmington, North Carolina reports that a popular nightclub offering outdoor music reopened two weeks ago in a new location that is bothering residents in downtown Wilmington. The bar, called the Icehouse, had previously been located in a warehouse district of the city, but has reopened in a downtown area near condominiums. The Icehouse had violated the city noise ordinance in the past at its old location.

Wilmington, North Carolina area, "North Carolina School Board Should Reconsider Being a Good Neighbor" (May 26, 1997). The Morning Star printed an editorial that says the New Hanover County Board of Education, which voted to ignore neighbors' requests to quiet an air handling system and relocate a garbage container at the newly constructed Holly Tree Elementary School in the Wilmington, North Carolina area, should reconsider its decision and be a friendly neighbor.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Connecticut Airport Considers Policy on Addressing Noise Complaints" (Sep. 1, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the Airport Commission, an advisory board for Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, will meet Wednesday to consider adopting a written policy to improve noise control and respond to residents' complaints about noise.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Connecticut Citizen Airport Commission Adopts Written Policy on Noise Pollution" (Sep. 4, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the Bradley International Airport Commission, a citizen commission in Windsor Locks, Connecticut that advises the state on the operation of Bradley International Airport, adopted a policy Wednesday that outlines recommended procedures for addressing noise pollution from jets. The policy stipulates that airport officials will "investigate each legitimate complaint and report its finding back to the caller," that officials of the state Department of Transportation, which runs the airport, will contact airlines and cargo carriers following complaints "to solicit their future cooperation with the airport's noise abatement program."

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Airport Noise Workshops Held in Connecticut, But Residents Still Unsatisfied" (Nov. 25, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that more than 100 residents attended a series of workshops Monday night to discuss noise issues at the Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. But, the article reports, the event organized by the airport commission left many residents feeling skeptical and powerless.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Workshop Scheduled in Connecticut to Address Airport Noise Issues" (Nov. 14, 1997). The Hartford Courant reports that the Federal Aviation Administration, the Connecticut Department of Transportation's bureau of aviation and ports, and the Bradley International Airport Commission will sponsor a November 24 workshop to address noise issues at the Bradley International Airport near Windsor Locks and Suffield.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Bradley International Airport Gears Up for a Noise Study" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that state officials have hired a national engineering firm to study ways to reduce noise caused by planes departing from Bradley International Airport in Connecticut.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "State Study in Connecticut Will Identify Noise Levels Around Airport" (Mar. 24, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that officials from the Connecticut Department of Transportation discussed plans for a study of aircraft takeoff patterns and possible ways to lower noise levels around Bradley International Airport near Windsor Locks, Connecticut with members of the selectboards in Suffield, Windsor Locks, East Granby, and Simsbury on Monday.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Connecticut Residents Still Concerned Over Airport Noise and Safety" (Mar. 11, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that residents and area officials are still not satisfied with the current noise solutions at the Bradley International Airport in Connecticut.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Conn. Seeks Federal Money for Comprehensive Noise Study of Bradley Airport" (May 6, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports state transportation officials are seeking federal aid to expand their planned study of noise from Bradley International Airport.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Meetings to Focus on Mini-Study of Noise Sensitive Residential Areas Surrounding Conn.'s Bradley Airport" (Sep. 21, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports residents will be able to voice their concerns about noise from Connecticut's Bradley International Airport at three meetings this week. Residents will be asked to give input on a planned "mini-study" of noise-sensitive areas.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Noise Consultants for Suffield, Connecticut's Bradley International Airport Recommend Dropping Turn From Flight-Path; Environmental Impact Study Must Be Done First" (Nov. 5, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that noise consultants for Bradley International Airport in Connecticut have suggested that a fifteen-degree turn be dropped from a departing flight path. The new path would mean that by 2005, 249 people would be affected by an average of 65-decibel noise, while the older path would affect 359. A complete environmental impact study must be done first, because some areas will see an increase in noise despite the overall drop.

Windsor Locks, Connecticut, "Connecticut Residents Increased Complaints Until Airport Officials Reduced Noise" (Jan. 14, 2000). The Hartford Courant reports that in 1999, complaints against jet noise from Bradley International Airport quadrupled, adding airport traffic dramatically increased as well. But that's only part of the problem.

Windsor, Connecticut, "Noise Consultants from Windsor, Connecticut's Bradley International Airport Will Hold Next Information Session in Less than a Month" (Oct. 15, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that noise consultants for Windsor, Connecticut's Bradley International Airport will hold their next public information session on November 4th. The consultants hope to determine ways to reduce aircraft noise disturbances. The article notes that one method to do this would be to spread flight paths more evenly, but tests this summer prompted a huge increase in noise complaints.

Winfield, Illinois, "Illinois Town Considers New Ordinance to Limit Noise" (Jun. 5, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that trustees in Winfield, Illinois considered a draft noise ordinance Thursday that would levy fines for "excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noise." According to village officials, the ordinance was drawn up in response to people complaining about noisy pets.

Winfield, Illinois, "Illinois Town Rejects Noise Ordinance as Too Broad and Restrictive" (Feb. 22, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports late last week, the village board of Winfield, Illinois, voted to reject a proposed noise ordinance that many residents argued was unnecessary and too broad.

Winter Park, Colorado, "Winter Park's City Council Prohibits Engineers from Blowing Their Whistles" (Aug. 13, 1998). The Denver Post reports that the town council in Winter Park unanimously passed an ordinance prohibiting the train engineers from blowing their whistles at the two crossings last month. The new development was spurred on by complaints from developers, lodging owners, visitors, and local residents.

Winter Park, Colorado, "More Trains Mean More Noise in Winter Park, Colorado" (Mar. 8, 1999). The Rocky Mountain News published an editorial saying springtime in Winter Park, Colorado, may bring in a wave of noise complaints as residents open their windows to warm, fresh air and the continuous blaring of train whistles.

Wiscasset, Maine, "Noisy Fans at Nuclear Plant Exceeds State Decibel Limits and Prompts Maine’s DEP Investigation" (Jul. 29, 1998). The Portland Press Herald reports the fans at Maine Yankee nuclear plant are generating noise that exceeds state limits in residential areas located up to two miles away. The noise has angered residents and prompted investigation by the Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Wndsor Locks, Connecticut, "Conn. Residents to Hear Results of Noise Study of Bradley Airport" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports consultants hired by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, which operates Bradley International Airport, will report this month to residents the results of a noise study.

Wolfeboro, Massachusetts, "Wolfeboro Modifies Decision on Large Concert Tent Citing Noise and Traffic" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Union Leader reports the Wolfeboro Massachusetts Planning Board recently limited the size of a an acoustic concert tent at Great Waters Music Festival citing noise, traffic, and parking concerns as well as the visual impact of the 810-person capacity tent and related equipment.

Woodbine, Maryland, "Maryland County Board Approves Private Airstrip Over Neighbors' Objections" (Aug. 28, 1997). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Carroll County (Maryland) Board of Zoning Appeals yesterday approved an application for a private airstrip on a 208-acre property in Woodbine. The board approved construction of a 50-foot by 1,785-foot landing strip, but stipulated that the strip can only be used by the owner's two single-engine planes for 40 trips per year.

Woodbridge, California, "Woodbridge, California Council Bans Nighttime Fishing After Residents Complain About Noise" (Nov. 5, 1999). The Los Angeles Times reports that Woodbridge, California's council has banned nighttime fishing.

Woodbridge, New Jersey, "Noise Pollution Activists Protest New Flight Paths at New Jersey Airport" (Mar. 13, 1998). The New York Times reports that noise pollution activists protest the new flight paths for Newark International Airport.

Woodinville, Washington, "Seattle Natural Gas Company Installs Silencing Devices on Gas Pipeline to Reduce Noise" (Sep. 16, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that Northwest Pipeline, a Seattle company that operates an underground natural gas pipeline, installed silencing devices on the pipeline last month to quiet sound waves resulting from compression of the gas at a station in Woodinville, Washington. Residents in the Bear Creek area had complained that the noise was constant and resembled a helicopter flying overhead. According to Grant Jensen, company spokesperson, the silencing project cost about $500,000 and should be a permanent fix.

Woodinville, Washington, "Town in Washington Adopts Noise Ordinance After Hearing Complaints about Car Stereos" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Woodinville, Washington, City Council has adopted a noise ordinance after receiving numerous noise complaints from citizens about loud car stereos.

Woodland Hills, California, "California Schools Win Court Case Against Development Plan Due to Noise and Air Pollution Impacts" (Oct. 25, 1997). The Daily News of Los Angeles reports that California's Second District Court of Appeal invalidated a plan Friday that would allow the Warner Center in Woodland Hills, California to double its commercial and office space. The court found that the city failed to adequately address noise and air pollution impacts on nearby schools.

Woods Cross, Utah, "Utah Town Attempts to Solves Noise Problem from Steel Company" (Jan. 16, 2000). An article in the Deseret News said that the Woods Cross Council might soon solve noise problems from Metro Steel following complaints from the company's neighbors.

Woodstock, Illinois, "Noise Expert Calls Plans for Illinois Power Plant 'Fatally Flawed'" (Apr. 17, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports a noise expert testified Friday that an electrical generating plant near Woodstock, Illinois, may create enough noise to be considered a nuisance for neighbors.

Woodstock, Illinois, "Illinois Residents' Noise Fears about Power Plant Not Quieted by Noise Experts" (Mar. 11, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports despite noise experts testifying to the contrary, residents of Woodstock, Illinois, are opposed to a proposed power plant because they believe it will bring noise and air pollution and generally lower the quality of life in their region.

Woodstock, Illinois, "Illinois Residents Question Impartiality of Noise Experts Hired by Power Plant" (Mar. 12, 1999). The Chicago Tribune reports concerns over the effects of noise from a proposed electricity-generating power plant near Woodstock, Illinois, dominated the third night of public hearings. Some citizens question the impartiality of noise specialists hired by the power plant.

Woolwich, Maine, "Judge Denies Bid for Bedrock Quarry in Maine, Upholding Town's Mining Ordinance" (Nov. 27, 1997). The Portland Press Herald reports that a Maine Superior Court judge Tuesday denied a mining company's request to allow a bedrock mining operation in a rural neighborhood in Woolwich on Dana Mill Road. The decision upholds the town's mining ordinance, and comes after a decade-long battle to protect the 163-acre site.

Woonsocket, Rhode Island, "The City of Woonsocket, Rhode Island Responds to Night Noises with a Police Crackdown" (Jun. 17, 1998). Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that 57 tickets written by police officers June 13-14 under the resuscitated noise ordinance in Woonsocket. Officers wrote the tickets to persons riding loud motorcycles, driving cars with thumping stereos and disturbing their neighbors' night peace.

Worcester, England, "Residents in English Town Demand Relief from Road Noise" (Sep. 22, 1998). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports residents of Evesham, England, are requesting a low noise surface be laid on a busy highway that creates constant and intolerable traffic noise.

Worcester, Massachusetts, "Engineers Design Massachusetts Hospital Over Train Tracks" (Jun. 9, 1997). The Engineering News-Record reports that a project is underway to build $232-million, 730,000-sq-ft medical center in Worcester, Massachusetts on top of rail tracks. The article reports that engineers have coped with the problem by designing ways for the noise and vibrations to be absorbed, so that patients, operations, and sensitive equipment are protected. The article goes on to outline the engineering details of the project.

Worcestershire, U.K., "Residents in Worcestershire, U.K. Oppose Opening Local Police's Firing Range to Outsiders, Thus Allowing More Noise" (Sep. 14, 1999). The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that residents in Worcestershire, U.K. oppose the proposed lifting of a rule at the local police's firing range that would allow outsiders to train there. Officials say that training with other area officers is important for public safetey, but critics don't want noise to increase.

Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, "Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina Committee Should Have Noise-Reduction Strategy Recommendations for Aldermen by Summer" (Nov. 2, 1999). The Morning Star reports that the Committee for a Better Beach, formed by the Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina Aldermen, plans to have noise-reduction strategy recommendations by summer. The main problem was seen to be bar noise: loud music, and noisy patrons on their way home.

Wylie, Texas, "Railroad Company Says it Will Build Rail Yard in Texas City, Against City's Wishes" (Jun. 11, 1998). The Dallas Morning News reports that officials with the Kansas City Southern Railway Company said Wednesday they would build a 15-track rail yard in Wylie, Texas. The rail yard was part of a controversial project proposed by the railroad that voters rejected almost a year ago. The railroad company no longer plans to build a business park and truck shipping center, which were part of the earlier project, the article says. City officials fear that building a rail yard will leave the city with more trains and noise, but no economic gain. Residents who fought the earlier proposed project were dismayed at the announcement.

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