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Eagle Harbor, Florida, "Florida Development May Threaten Bald Eagles" (Feb. 14, 1998). The Florida Times-Union reports that plans to build a 3-acre waterfront park in Eagle Harbor, Florida could push out the threatened species for which the Clay County area is named.

Eagle, Idaho, "New Noise Ordinance Has Teeth, Says Eagle City, Idaho" (May 4, 1998). The Idaho Statesman reports a new noise ordinance approved by Eagle City, Idaho, is now in effect. The City Council is confident the new ordinance is enforceable.

Eagle, Michigan, "Michigan Town Wants To Stop Sporting Clay Shooting" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal reports that town officials of Eagle, Michigan have asked the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to halt shooting of clay pigeons at the McMiller Sports Center.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Residents Complain About Noise From Shooting Clay Range" (Dec. 8, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a public hearing will be held Wednesday by the Eagle (Wisconsin) Town Board on a request of Wern Valley Inc. for another conditional use permit to allow sporting clay shooting at the McMiller Sports Center.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Town Rescinds Ban on Sporting Clay Shooting Due to a Legal Technicality" (Jul. 14, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that officials in Eagle, Wisconsin have lifted a ban on sporting clay shooting at the McMiller Sports Center after they discovered they made a mistake earlier this week in establishing the prohibition. According to town chair Don Wilton, officials made the mistake Monday when they rejected a Department of Natural Resources request for a year extension on a conditional use permit to operate the range. Town officials later realized they could not legally initiate a ban before the current permit, which was agreed to last year by officials, expires July 27. Wilton said officials would ban the shooting clay range again, if necessary, once the current permit expires.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Some Wisconsin Residents Say Peace and Quiet Shattered. Others Urge Compromise" (Oct. 31, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that some residents of Eagle, Wisconsin, are upset about a proposal from a private gun club, the McMiller Sports Center, to use state land for a sporting clay pigeon range. The land is in the Kettle Moraine State Forest.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Opponents Prompt Reduced Hours for Shooting Range" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a shooting permit request by the McMiller Sports Center, located in Eagle, Wisconsin, was revived when McMiller agreed to trim hours and days of operation for a clay pigeon range after a year-long dispute over gunfire noise from the center.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "The Town of Eagle, Wisconsin Fights Against Clay Pigeon Shooting Business and State Department of Natural Resources" (Apr. 6, 1998). Journal Sentinel reports the town of Eagle, Wisconsin is fighting against Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources and the Wern Valley Inc., a business which operates shooting ranges, in its effort to ban clay shooting. The Town of Eagle initially banned the sport in response to noise complaints but the town's order was reversed when the Waukesha County Circuit Court ruled that the town did not act properly in refusing a conditional use permit for the range last August.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Wisconsin Town Loses Lawsuit for Rejecting Shooting Range Due to Noise Complaints" (Feb. 26, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that a judge ruled Wednesday that the Town of Eagle, Wisconsin did not follow proper procedure when it rejected a conditional use permit for a clay pigeon shooting range at the McMiller Sports Center. Noise complaints from neighbors resulted in town officials' decision.

Eagle, Wisconsin, "Sports Center in Eagle, Wisconsin Seeks Permit for Clay Shooting Despite Noise Complaints by Residents" (Jan. 7, 1998). The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that Wern Valley Inc. plans another attempt to obtain a conditional use permit to allow sporting clay target shooting at the McMiller Sports Center, part of the Southern Unit of the Kettle Moraine State Forest in Wisconsin. Last year, Eagle, Wisconsin officials declined to renew Wern Valley's permit for sporting clay shooting for another year because of noise complaints from nearby residents.

East Aurora, New York, "New York Community Shelves Proposed Noise Ordinance" (Dec. 5, 1997). The Buffalo News reports that East Aurora (New York) Village Board this week tabled a noise ordinance after several trustees and residents expressed concern that the law may prove unenforceable.

East Austin, Texas, "In a Twist, Texas Neighbors and Activists Support Noisy Business" (Oct. 29, 1997). The Austin-American Statesman of Austin, Texas, reports that neighborhood residents in East Austin gathered to demand that the city award its 30-year curbside recycling contract to their old nemesis, BFI's Bolm Road recycling plant. In the past, the recycling plant has left wind-blown trash onto their lawns, annoyed them with crashing trash containers and sent trucks past their houses as many as 100 times a day. But residents and East Austin environmental activists urged the city to choose BFI, because the company has promised the neighborhood that it will move out if it gets the contract. BFI holds the current city contract, but it says the city's increasing recycling load would force it to move to a bigger facility if the contract is renewed.

East Bay, California, "California Residents Disturbed Over Continual Jet Noise" (Feb. 4, 2000). The San Francisco Chronicle reported on Point Richmond residents who are subjected to jet noise every six minutes, and who've organized to get the number of overhead flights reduced.

East Collierville, Tennessee, "Tennessee Residents Object to Road that Will bring Noise, Pollution, and Danger" (Oct. 30, 1997). The Commercial Appeal reports that many East Collierville, Tennessee, residents are working hard to persuade state officials to keep the proposed Collierville-Arlington Parkway as far away from them as possible. To the more than 1,000 citizens in East Collierville, the new road will mean pollution, noise and potential danger to themselves and nearby school children.

East County, California, "California Towns Protest Marine Helicopter Flight Path" (Jul. 8, 1999). According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, marine helicopters may soon hover over East County. Officials from three towns are concerned that the north-south flight corridor above Interstate may be moved. The flight path is above Interstate 15 from the Marine Air Station in Miramar to Escondido.

East Devon, England, "British County Planners Recommend Approval of Recycling Facility, Despite Residents' Objections" (May 1, 1998). The Western Morning News reports that British county planners have recommended that plans for a recycling facility in East Devon, England be approved, despite objections by local residents and the parish council. The article notes that the project will be considered by the county's development control committee on Wednesday.

East Devon, U.K., "Protesters In the United Kingdom Who Want A Noisy Concrete Highway Resurfaced Say Money Spent On Roadside Plantings Designed To Encourage Wildlife Could Be Better Spent On Resurfacing the Road" (Dec. 7, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that residents in East Devon, U.K. are upset that the government is spending 8 million pounds on roadside plantings designed to encourage wildlife rather than on reducing noise. A spokesperson for the government said that the money will go to roads nationwide, and that the resurfacing question is under consideration.

East Devon, United Kingdom, "East Devon, U.K. Residents Are Dismayed to Learn that a New Law Banning Noisy Concrete Highways Don't Apply to the A30; Residents There Have Campaigned to Resurface the Road, but Traffic As Measured By the Number of Cars Don't Meet the Law's Required Minimum" (Nov. 19, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that a new law passed in the United Kingdom bans noisy concrete highways, but the law doesn't apply to the controversial A30 because of a traffic minimum. Residents say that the law should have taken into account bothersome noise that isn't arbitrarily defined by traffic volume.

East Devon, United Kingdom, "Those Protesting Noise from A30 in East Devon, U.K. Gain Support of Transport Minister; Article Examines History of the Problem" (Nov. 11, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that those protesting noise from the new A30 in East Devon, U.K. gained the support of the Transport Minister this week; he called for investigation into the noise and cooperation between the noise consultants and residents. The article discusses the history of the problem including a similar successful campaign elsewhere in England, and details about the surface.

East Granby, Connecticut, "Final Public Meeting Scheduled for Environmental Aspects of Flight Path Changes at Bradley International Airport in East Granby, Connecticut" (Nov. 30, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that a final public meeting will be held in East Granby, Connecticut to discuss flight path changes at Bradley International Airport. Instead of being examined under the current study, certain changes -- which have been identified as likely to increase noise impacts -- will be considered only as part of a larger, more comprehensive Part 150 study already begun.

East Hartford, Connecticut, "East Hartford Mayor Backs Theme Park; Residents Concerned about Noise and Traffic" (Jan. 20, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports that the mayor and city officials of East Hartford, Connecticut, will recommend a giant amusement park for their town.

East Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, "East Hungtington, Pennsylvania Residents Win Stay of Construction Project" (Apr. 23, 1997). Residents of East Huntingdon, Pennsylvania have won a temporary victory against Lomac Petroleum, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports. The residents are trying to halt construction of a natural-gas pumping station that would create "a life-changing noise," one resident said.

East Lindsey, England, "Noise Complaints Rise as Tolerance for Noise Decreases in English Town" (Sep. 23, 1998). The Grimsby Evening Telegraph reports noise pollution is becoming an increasing problem in East Lindsey, England, as residents become less tolerant of certain kinds of noise.

East Providence, Rhode Island, "East Providence, Rhode Island Wood-Recycling Business May Be Shut Down After Owner Ignores Zoning Board Stipulations to Enclose Noisy Wood-Chipper" (Sep. 21, 1999). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a wood recycling business in East Providence, Rhode Island may be shut down because the owner has ignored Zoning Board requirements. The business recycles building debris into wood chips, and neighbors have complained about noise and dust from wood-grinding equipment and trucks that unload to early in the morning and too late at night. The Zoning Board told the business to enclose the grinding machine, but the business has failed to do that and may lose its right to operate.

East Rockhill Township, Pennsylvania, "PA Township Considers Ordinance to Control Noisy Pets" (Apr. 29, 1998). The Morning Call of Allentown, Pennsylvania, reports East Rockhill Township supervisors are considering an proposed ordinance that prohibits the possession of animals that cause a public nuisance by making noise.

Eau Claire, Alberta, Canada, "Calgary Night Club Owner Promises Little Late Night Noise" (Apr. 20, 2000). The Calgary Herald reported on that the owner of a new sports night club has promised neighbors that his night club will not disturb them with late-night noise problems like a previous nightclub did.

Eden Prairie, Minnesota, "Minn. Town Objects to Airport Expansion, Citing Noise Concerns and Charging Breach of Promise" (Aug. 7, 1998). The Star Tribune reports despite pressure from the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), officials and residents in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, object to expansion of their "reliever" airport because they fear an increase in noise and an alteration in their quality of life.

Edgewood and Swissvale, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Towns Oppose Bus-Only Roadway" (Jun. 4, 1998). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that officials in Edgewood and Swissvale, Pennsylvania, as well as officials in some other Pittsburgh suburbs, plan to step up their opposition to a planned extension of the Martin Luther King Jr. East Busway. Officials said they oppose the bus-only roadway extension because of the additional air pollution, noise pollution, additional traffic, and unsightly noise walls it would create.

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Scottish Residents Try to Block Comedy Club Festival Near Their Homes" (Apr. 17, 1998). The Evening News reports that residents in Edinburgh, Scotland are angry about noise from a comedy club, the Gilded Balloon II Festival Fringe venue, near their homes. The residents accuse comedy club workers of bullying residents to ensure that residents don't oppose them. Now, residents are lodging complaints with the Edinburgh City Council in an attempt to block the club from holding a festival venue at Fishmarket Close from 11 am to 1 am between August 7 and 29. The comedy club has applied for a temporary theatre license to operate festival venue, and the City Council's licensing committee will discuss the issue at a meeting today.

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Domestic Noise Problems Belong to Environmental Health Department Says Citizen in Eninburgh, Scotland" (Mar. 7, 1998). The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland ran the following letter regarding the enforcement of noise ordinances. According to the article, legislation was recently amended to provide police the power to seize sound equipment that is causing a nuisance. The resident's letter points out that the Environmental Health Department already had existing powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to enforce the law regarding persistent noise nuisance from both commercial and domestic sources. The letter reads as follows:

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Scotland's Environmental Health Department Should Enforce Noise Laws" (Mar. 7, 1998). The Evening News of Edinburgh, Scotland, printed the following letter from a resident about which agency should enforce noise laws:

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Edinburgh, Scotland Residents Oppose Summer Fair in Local Park" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland reports that residents in an Edinburgh, Scotland neighborhood near a park are protesting a fair that is slated to take place there in May. In previous years, the fair, they say, has produced too much noise, litter, vandalism, and other crimes. They have asked the City Council to refuse to give the promoters a license to hold the fair this year.

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Residents in Scottish Community Protest Later Closing Time for Outdoor Summer Festival" (Apr. 10, 2000). The Evening News in Edinburgh, Scotland reports that the Midlothian Council will soon make a decision about whether or not to extend the evening hours of this year's "Hunter and Lass" summer festival. The outdoor festival takes place in Penicuik public park, and residents who live nearby oppose the later closure because of noise.

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Scottish Research Team Studies Hospital Noise" (Apr. 12, 2000). The Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail reports that a group of researchers from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland are studying whether high noise levels in hospitals are adversely affecting patient recovery times and increasing nurses' stress levels. Part of the study will include installing special sound-absorbing ceilings to see if they make a difference.

Edinburgh, Scotland, "Edinburgh, Scotland Residents Oppose Temporary Housing for Homeless, Saying Existing Noise and Vandalism Problems Will Get Worse" (Jan. 27, 2000). The Evening News reports that residents in Edinburgh, Scotland's Fountainbridge neighborhood are opposing a plan to create temporary housing for homeless young people and people with special needs. They argue that noise and vandalism will become more of a problem than it already is.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, "Canadian Rifle Range Unwanted in Neighborhood" (Feb. 20, 2000). The Edmonton Sun printed a letter to the editor opposing the controversial location for a proposed rifle range in Canada. The editorial said that three other sites nearby were rejected as well. Public opposition, danger and noise pollution were given as reasons for the controversy.

Edmundton, Alberta, Canada, "Canadian Residents Challenge Shooting Range in Neighborhood" (Jan. 11, 2000). According to the Edmonton Sun, about 200 Edmundton residents signed a petition opposing a shooting range at a local park because of safety and noise concerns. The Edmonton Nordic Ski Club proposed the park.

Edwardsville, Illinois, "Illinois Funds Two Studies of Highway Noise Barriers" (Apr. 9, 1998). The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the Illinois Transportation Research Center (ITRC) is funding two traffic noise -related studies at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville's School of Engineering in response to residents' concerns.

Effingham, New Hampshire, "Racetrack Proposal in New Hampshire Town Prompts Vote on a Zoning Ordinance" (May 21, 1997). The Union Leader reports that voters in Effingham, New Hampshire, a town of about 900, will vote Thursday on whether to adopt a temporary zoning ordinance in the town in response to a developer's plan to build a racetrack on his land. The town is emotionally divided over whether to adopt the ordinance, the article says.

Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, "Pilot Training at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida Includes Dropping Live Bombs" (Mar. 25, 2000). An article from the Associated Press reported on a live bombing exercise on Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle--that was moved from Puerto Rico because of complaints against the Navy's use of the island for the bombing.

El Cajon, California, "City Council Says 'No' to Home Depot's Plan to Build Store in Residential Area of El Cajon, California" (Oct. 1, 1998). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that homeowner opposition put a temporary end to Home Depot's plan to build near a residential subdivision. The company has appealed the denial of their conditional-use permit and scheduled an after-election appeal hearing for November.

El Mirage, Arizona, "Arizona Town Officials Seek to Build 3,000 Homes Near Air Force Base; Military Opposes the Plan" (Jul. 20, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that city officials in El Mirage, Arizona hope to approve more than 3,000 new homes during the next several months for locations directly below the flight path of the Luke Air Force Base. In response to the plan, the Airport Military Preservation Committee, a group of state lawmakers and military and community representatives, voted last week to ask the state Attorney General's Office to examine whether El Mirage would be violating an Arizona statute if the subdivisions are built.

El Mirage, Arizona, "Coalition Questions New Housing in Potential Flight Paths of Luke AFB" (Mar. 4, 1998). The Arizona Republic reports that developers plans to build up to 2,200 residences in El Mirage, Arizona, have been put on hold because it's unclear whether the properties are in the flight path of planes from Luke Air Force Base.

El Paso, California, "Knott Berry Farm’s Tries to be a Better Neighbor in El Paso, California" (Jul. 30, 1998). Los Angeles Times reports that Knott’s Berry Farm is trying to tone down the "scream" in the new Supreme Scream ride by installing sound buffers in the ride's mechanism. According to the article Knott’s has spent about $50,000 on city-hired inspectors to quiet down the new ride.

El Paso, California, "Knott Berry Farms Tries to be a Better Neighbor in El Paso, California" (Jul. 30, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that a 30-story amusement park ride at Knott's Berry Farm, which has been drawing resident complaints over noise, is scheduled to receive noise-reduction treatment tonight. The Farm has spent $50,000 so far to pay noise consultants to come up with the solution.

El Paso, California, "Knottís Berry Farm Trys to Quiet New Ride for Neighbors in El Paso, California" (Jul. 31, 1998). The Los Angeles Times reports that a 312-foot-high ride called the Supreme Scream at Orange County's Knott's Berry Farm is the tallest structure in the county. After reprimands from the city, primed by resident complaints, alterations including new valves and a diffusers were added to quiet the ride.

El Segundo, California, "Airline Trade Association Writes Letter to the FAA Opposing Tests of Alternative Flight Paths at Los Angeles International Airport; El Segundo, California Mayor Furious" (Aug. 18, 1999). The City News Service reports that a letter sent by the Air Transport Association (ATA) to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) opposing tests of alternate flight paths at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) has infuriated officials in El Segundo, California. The ATA says that there will be more delays, and noise will only shift from one community to another. El Segundo officials say that the ATA is ignoring the noise problems of residents under the current flight paths.

El Toro, California, "After A Decade Of Debate, California Will Decide In 98 The Future Of El Toro Air Base" (Dec. 29, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that in 1998, plans to use the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for non-military purposes will become clearer, and the debate over the details will likely intensify.

El Toro, California, "El Toro Airport Neighbors in Los Angeles, California Speak Out Against Anticipated International Airport Noise" (Apr. 8, 1998). The Los Angeles Times interviews several residents that say aircraft noise from the proposed El Toro Airport will be unacceptable.

El Toro, California, "El Toro, California Flight Test Will Let Residents Sneak Preview Sounds of Proposed Commercial Flights" (Apr. 23, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that a simulation of air traffic intended for an El Toro Marine Corp base has been approved and that the test flights will give neighbors an idea of what the noise would be like if the airport was used for commercial flights.

El Toro, California, "Opponents of El Toro Airport Question Safety and Noise Pollution Associated With Increased Air Traffic" (Apr. 24, 1999). The Orange County Register reports that recommendations by the Orange County Board of Supervisors for enlarging the El Toro Airport to about half the size of the Los Angeles Airport are being met with opposition by those who say the airport will cause increased noise pollution for residents of neighboring communities as well as increase the likelihood of accidents due to the increased traffic.

El Toro, California, "Opponents Call Proposed El Toro Test Flights a Waste of Money" (Mar. 23, 1999). The Orange County Register reports the proposed El Toro flight demonstration plan that will be considered by the California's Orange County Board of Supervisors is under criticism from opponents.

Elgin, Illinois, "Illinois Cogeneration Facility May Close Due To Noise" (Nov. 18, 1997). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that a decision is expected today on whether Elgin Area Unit School District 46 in Elgin, Illinois can continue to operate its power plant next to Bartlett High School. The cogeneration facility saves the school about $1,000 per day on electricity bills, but also creates noise.

Elgin, Illinois, "Neighbors Want Manufacturing Site Converted into Quiet Uses in Elgin, Illinois" (Oct. 5, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that neighbors want property that has been utilized by manufacturing to be converted into quiet uses but the city of Elgin, Illinois.

Elizabeth City, Virginia, "Virginia Town Strengthens Noise Ordinance to Deal With Car Stereos" (Jun. 4, 1997). The Virginian-Pilot reports that the Elizabeth City, Virginia City Council has unanimously passed a stronger noise ordinance addressed at loud car stereos.

Elizabeth, New Jersey, "Newark Airport Runway to be Extended Over Objections from New Jersey City Officials" (Nov. 28, 1997). The Asbury Park Press reports that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is going forward with plans to extend one of the runways at Newark International Airport, despite objections from officials in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Elizabeth, New Jersey, "Newark International Airport Will Reroute Planes To Relieve Residential Areas From Noise" (Dec. 3, 1997). The Asbury Park Press reports that planes using Newark (New Jersey) International Airport will be rerouted next month over industrial areas and the Arthur Kill in an effort to provide noise relief for Central New Jersey residents, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Elk Grove Village, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb's Decision not to Join City Noise Group Draws Criticism" (Sep. 6, 1997). The Chicago Tribune printed the following letter-to-the-editor from Laurie Stone, president and CEO of the Greater O'Hare Association of Industry and Commerce, regarding the decision by Elk Grove Village (Illinois) officials to not join the O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission, a group formed by Chicago's mayor to address airport noise issues:

Elk Grove Village, Illinois, "Barking Dog Not Music to Residents' Ears in Chicago Suburb" (Jan. 21, 1998). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that residents in a Chicago suburb are willing to take dog owners to court to put a stop to incessant barking.

Elk Grove Village, Illinois, "Chicago Suburbs Struggle to Fairly Allocate O'Hare Soundproofing Money" (Apr. 18, 1999). The Chicago Daily Herald reports trustees in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, have approved a plan to select houses for soundproofing this year although it doesn't please everyone.

Elk Grove, Illinois, "Chicago Suburb Votes Not to Join Mayor's Anti-Noise Panel" (Aug. 27, 1997). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the Village Board in Elk Grove, Illinois voted unanimously Tuesday to reject an invitation to join Chicago Mayor Daley's O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission, a suburban advisory group on jet noise from O'Hare Airport. Elk Grove officials instead agreed to remain a charter member of the Suburban O'Hare Commission, the adversary of the Mayor's group.

Elkhart, Indiana, "Elkhart, Indiana Toughens Noise Ordinance" (Jul. 11, 1999). The South Bend Tribune reports that Elkhart, Indiana's noise ordinance will be toughening fines, ranging from $100 to $2500. The ordinance will now apply around the clock, and police can identify violators by hearing a noise 50 feet from the source, measuring over 83 decibels at 15 feet, or subjectively judging a sound to be "inherently offensive and patently obnoxious." Recent regulation of train whistles in Elkhart prompted the revisions to the ordinance in the interest of dealing with several other noise issues -- such as loud mufflers or stereos -- at the same time.

Elkhart, Indiana, "Elkhart, Indiana Receives State Approval to Ban Train Whistles" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Southbend Tribune reports that the city of Elkhart, Indiana has received permission from the Indiana Department of Transportation (InDOT) to ban train whistles at 11 different railroad crossings throughout the city. Norfolk Southern Railway has 15 days to appeal InDOT's decision.

Elkhart, Michigan, "Elkhart, Michigan Mayoral Candidate and Common Council Member Wants to Toughen Local Noise Ordinance" (Jun. 30, 1999). South Bend Tribune reports that an Elkhart, Michigan common council member and Republican mayoral candidate has proposed changes to toughen the noise ordinance; common problems in the community include motorists playing loud music and having loud exhaust systems. 154 noise violations have been written already this year. The current range for fines of $25-$100 would be raised to $100-$2500. Hours of enforcement would be changed from between 9 PM and 8 AM to around the clock. Violators could be identified with three criteria: noise audible at 50 feet from the source, noise registering 83 decibels or higher 15 feet from the source, or any inherently offensive or patently obnoxious noise. The words inherently and patently were added after complaints that the language was too vague.

Elkridge, Maryland, "Maryland State Officials Enlarge Airport Noise Zone, Throwing a Wrench in Developer's Plans" (Jul. 23, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Aviation Administration changed the noise zone boundary, an area in which homes cannot be built, for the Baltimore-Washington International Airport in March. That move has angered developer Earl Armiger, who already had started plans for a 31-home development in Elkridge that now falls within the noise zone. Armiger has appealed to the Board of Airport Zoning Appeals, asking for permission to build in the noise zone. The board is scheduled to hear the case on October 16.

Ellicott City, Maryland, "Maryland Residents and Developer Fight Over Rezoning Land for New Strip Mall" (Jul. 24, 1998). The Baltimore Sun reports that the Howard County Zoning Board in Ellicott City, Maryland considered a request yesterday about re-zoning a parcel of land across from the Long Gate Shopping Center on Montgomery Road from residential to commercial uses. Triangle Development Corporation wants to build a five store strip mall on the site, the article says. While nine residents objected to the re-zoning, saying the area is becoming too commercial, two residents living on the site support the re-zoning because, they said, the area has become intolerable due to noise, traffic, bright lights, and restaurant odors. The board is expected to make a decision Wednesday, the article says.

Ellington, Connecticut, "Residents Consider Noise Ordinance in Conn. Town" (Nov. 24, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports Ellington, Connecticut, residents gathered Monday at a town ordinance meeting addressing noise and blight.

Ellsworth, Maine, "Final Hearing for Maine's Ban of Personal Watercraft Concentrates on Residents of Tunk and Donnell Lakes" (Aug. 20, 1998). The Bangor Daily News reports that the recent law banning personal watercraft from 245 lakes and ponds under Maine's Land Use Regulation Commission's (LURC) jurisdiction came before the Commission for a final hearing. Landowners on two of the larger Hancock County lakes turned out in force both for and against the ban on personal watercraft.

Elmhurst, Illinois, "Chicago Area School Sues City For Soundproofing From Airport Noise" (Dec. 10, 1997). The Chicago Daily Herald reports that area schools are fed up with the noise from the nearby O'Hare International airport. One school intends to sue the city for soundproofing.

Elmhurst, Illinois, "Church Sues Chicago for Soundproofing Money to Reduce Aircraft Noise in Schools" (Sep. 26, 1997). The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the Immaculate Conception parish in Elmhurst (Illinois) and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet filed a lawsuit against the City of Chicago Thursday, seeking $7.6 million for soundproofing to reduce aircraft noise from O'Hare International Airport. The lawsuit alleges that the jet noise disrupts classes at the parish high school and elementary school and that city officials reneged on a promise to fully soundproof the schools.

Elmhurst, Illinois, "Illinois Judge Dismisses Part of Parish's Noise Case Against O'Hare" (Oct. 15, 1998). The Chicago Tribune reports an Illinois county judge dismissed some elements of a lawsuit filed by a school against Chicago over soundproofing against O'Hare International Airport noise.

Emma, South Carolina, "South Carolina Judge Denies Residents' Challenge To Neighborhood Firing Range" (Jun. 1, 1999). The Asheville Citizen-Times of South Carolina reports that a Buncombe County Superior Court judge has denied some Emma landowners a preliminary injunction against the owners of a Shelby Road firing range near their property, which is located in a residential area. A trial date has yet to be determined.

Emmaus, Pennsylvania, "Pennsylvania Residents Angry Over Idling Trains by Their Homes" (Jul. 21, 1998). The Morning Call reports that about 25 residents turned out for the borough council meeting in Emmaus, Pennsylvania Monday to demand that restrictions be placed on where Conrail trains can idle their engines. The article explains that boundaries were set in previous years regarding where trains can idle, but residents say the rules are not being enforced. Two weeks ago, residents asked council members to consider an ordinance banning the noise and pollution from the trains. Meanwhile, the article says, Conrail officials say an ordinance isn't necessary and they will start enforcing the boundaries.

Encinitas, California, "Calif. Town Upholds Dog-Friendly Parks but says Pet Owners Need to Resolve Noise Complaints" (Apr. 15, 1999). The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the Encinitas, California, City Council last night upheld the status quo at a "dog-friendly" park despite noise complaints from neighbors. Pet owners, however, were reminded to take responsibility in solving noise complaints from park neighbors.

Encino, California, "Homeowners Shut Down Little League PA System in California City" (Jun. 18, 1997). The Los Angeles Times reports that the Army Corps of Engineers -- which is responsible for enforcing noise rules in the Sepulveda Basin in Encino, California -- temporarily prohibited the use of a public address system that has neighbors complaining. The system exceeds the local 60-decibel limit for noise.

Encino, California, "Myths, Facts & Proposals about Noise and Regulation at Van Nuys Airport" (Apr. 12, 1998). The Los Angeles Times published an editorial by Gerald A. Silver, president of Homeowners of Encino, California, and writer, Myrna L. Silver, about jet and helicopter noise from Van Nuys Airport. What follows is their article as published:

Encino, California, "Letters from California Residents about Van Nuys Airport and Expansion" (Feb. 7, 1999). The Los Angeles Times published letters from California residents speak out about the expansion at Van Nuys Airport. The first letter is from Karl Gottesfeld of Encino who opposes expansion:

Encino, California, "Letters To the Editor Tell of Residents' Protest Over LAX Expansion" (Jul. 7, 1999). No more planes

Enfield, Connecticut, "Study Finds Noise Levels within Law at Conn. Crematory; Residents Continue to Object to Noise" (Nov. 17, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports results of a noise study conducted at an Enfield, Connecticut, crematory did not solve a dispute between the funeral home and its neighbors.

Enfield, Connecticut, "Noise from Crematory Gets Action from Conn. Town Council" (Oct. 20, 1998). The Hartford Courant reports neighbors of a crematory in Enfield, Connecticut, were successful Monday night in getting their town council to take action after they voiced complaints about noise from the operation.

Enfield, Connecticut, "Connecticut's Bradley International Airport Confirms that FAA's Flight Path Directs Too Many Flights Over Nearby Enfield; Alternatives Include Earlier Turns" (Aug. 19, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that Bradley International Airport has confirmed that having planes turn after a relatively straight first four miles takes too many planes over nearby Enfield. Enfield officials were worried when the early summer tests increased aircraft noise substantially in their community but airport officials assured them today that the flight path shift will not be permanently adopted. The airport's noise consultant said that it knew four miles was too long, but the tests proved this to the skeptical FAA, which will probably now allow the turning point to be placed before the 4-mile point.

Enfield, Connecticut, "Enfield, Connecticut Officials Oppose New Flight Paths for Bradley International Airport that Would Increase Flights Over Their Community" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Hartford Courant reports that after a test of alternative flight paths at Bradley International Airport, officials in Enfield, Connecticut say they oppose the paths that would send planes over Enfield.

Enfield, Connecticut, "Enfield, Connecticut Residents Complain About Jet Noise From Inbound Traffic to Bradley International Airport" (Apr. 3, 2000). The Hartford Courant reports that the town of Enfield, Connecticut is concerned by the noise from jets inbound to Bradley International Airport

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, "Roosters Turn up in Upscale Neighborhood and Annoy Residents" (Jun. 22, 1997). The Record reports that roosters have been returning to a neighborhood in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey for the past couple of years after swallows return to Capistrano. Some residents of the upscale neighborhood want the roosters out of their area, while others don't mind the noisy birds.

Englewood, New Jersey, "New Jersey Noise Barriers Delayed Again for Another DOT Study" (Jan. 23, 1998). The Record of Bergen County, New Jersey, reports that the federal government will again delay the building of noise barriers along Route 95. This new delay is attributed to a study of traffic patterns on the highway. At this rate, residents may have to wait until 2001 for noise barriers.

Erewash, England, "Farm Family in Erewash Borough, England Wants to Build Road Embankment to Shield Farm from Traffic Noise" (Apr. 5, 2000). The Derby Evening Telegraph in England reports that a farm family in the Borough of Erewash wants to build their own sound berm to protect their farm from the noise created by the busy road along which the farm is located.

Erie County, New York, "Communities in the Buffalo, New York, Area Draft Noise Ordinance with Car Stereos in Mind" (Jul. 6, 1998). The Buffalo News reports New York's Erie County Sheriff's Department and other area police agencies are trying to crackdown on drivers who blast high-powered car stereos.

Escot, United Kingdom, "Residents Near Escot, U.K. Worry that Second Phase of A30 Will Disrupt Their Lives and Businesses Just As First Phase Has Disturbed People In Exeter" (Nov. 4, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that residents near Escot, U.K are worried that the second phase of the A30 highway will be as noisy as the first phase, which has prompted substantial protests.

Estover, England, "Metal Fabrication Plant Approved in Estover, England Despite Resident Noise Concerns" (Mar. 30, 2000). The Evening Herald in Plymouth, England reports that the city council in Estover, England has granted approval for West Wise Manufacturing, Ltd. to build a new factory, despite concerns by residents over noise.

Eureka Springs, Arkansas, "With Noise Ordinance Vote, Arkansas Town Remains Quiet" (Apr. 17, 1999). The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports residents of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, sent a message loud and clear Tuesday that they want a quiet little town.

Eureka Springs, Arkansas, "Eureka Springs, Arkansas Nightclub Sued by Six Song Publishers After Playing their Songs Without Permission; Nightclub Owners Started Playing More Recorded Music After a New Noise Ordinance Restricted their Live Music" (Aug. 18, 1999). The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that a nightclub in Eureka Springs, Arkansas is being sued by six song publishers after it allegedly played copyrighted songs without permission. The nightclub owners were restricted on how loud their live music could be after a noise ordinance was recently upheld, and it appears that their cavalier attitude over recorded music copyrights may have led them to fill the live-music void with illegally-played recordings.

Evanston, IL, "Chicago Suburb Bans Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers" (Sep. 1996). Conscious Choice reports that the Chicago suburb of Evanston has recently passed strict regulations against gas-powered leaf blowers. As of August 1, 1996, use of gas-powered leaf blowers is banned between May 15 and September 30. The blowers may be used only between April 1 and May 14 and between October 1 and December 15. Furthermore, the city council prohibits the blowers be used before 7 a.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. on weekends. The blowers can reach a decibel reading as high as 90 or 100.

Evanston, Illinois, "Neighbors In Illinois Town Ask University For Night-Game Ban" (Dec. 12, 1997). The Chicago Times reports that residents of Evanston, Illinois are fed up with noise and lights from Northwestern University's Ryan Field. A group of Evanston residents is asking the school to ban night football games.

Evansville, Indiana, "New Noise Ordinance in Evansville, Indiana Allows Police to Identify Violators by Distance, Eliminating Need for Decibel Meters" (Apr. 29, 1999). The Associated Press State & Local Wire reports that a new Evansville, Indiana noise ordinance will forbid car stereos and boom boxes from being heard 30 feet away. Police will now be able to identify violators by measuring distance, and will not need decibel meters. Increasing noise complaints from residents prompted the new ordinance. About 50 residents attended a recent city council meeting to support the ordinance.

Everett, Washington, "New Hearing on Railroad Noise in Washington City Scheduled" (Aug. 7, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the City Council in Everett, Washington has scheduled a new public hearing to review a proposed ordinance that would limit noise from the "makeup yard" at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad yard. The public hearing is set for 7 pm on August 20 in order to accomodate citizens who couldn't attend a morning hearing yesterday.

Everett, Washington, "City in Washington May Lack Power to Control Noise from Rail Yard" (Jul. 24, 1997). The Seattle Times reports that the Everett (Washington) City Council yesterday introduced an ordinance that would limit operations in the switching-yard of The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad near Everett Marina due to resident complaints about noise. The ordinance would forbid excessive noise between 10 pm and 7 am. However, federal laws protect railroads from local regulations due to constitutional restrictions on interfering with interstate commerce, leading to speculation that the city may not have the power to enforce its ordinance.

Everett, Washington, "Commuter Rail Project in Washington City Could Eliminate Noisy Rail Yards" (Mar. 24, 1998). The Seattle Times reports the Regional Transit Authority in the Seattle, Washington area is considering eliminating noisy railroad yards next to the marina in Everett along the Snohomish River as part of its commuter-rail project.

Everett, Washington, "Seattle Real Estate Expert Says Rights of Neighbors Regarding Noise from Building Construction Varies with Building Codes and Ordinances" (Sep. 5, 1999). The Seattle Times prints a series of questions and answers about real estate. One question asked if residents "have any rights during construction regarding noise." The columnist answers that there is a friendly way -- informally talking to the builder -- and the official way. The official way depends on building codes and local noise ordinances entirely; there are no universal 'rights' in this case.

Everglades National Park, Florida, "Environmentalists Band Together To Oppose Commercial Airport Near Florida's Everglades" (Dec. 2, 1997). The States News Service reports that a group of environmentalists is calling for more study before the federal government signs off on a plan to convert defunct Homestead Air Force Base near the Everglades National Park in Florida into a commercial airport.

Evesham, England, "Noise Complaints Increase 20 Percent in English Towns" (Jun. 29, 1998). The Gloucestershire Echo reports complaints about noisy neighbors are on the increase in the English towns of Vale of Evesham and Broadway.

Exeter, England, "New Concrete Highway in Exeter, England Draws Ire from Residents" (Apr. 6, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that the final stretch of the new A30 highway has been completed. The new "M5 junction" opens today. Next week the Highways Agency will begin noise testing on the new road.

Exeter, England, "East Devon Dog Kennel's Construction Might Not be Approved" (Apr. 10, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that a community in an East Devon parish has been wrestling with the issue of whether a dog boarding kennel that may be built will cause too much neighborhood noise.

Exeter, England, "Homeowners in Exeter, England May Apply for Government Compensation Because of Exposure to Noise from Newly Opened Highway" (Apr. 11, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that residents living near a newly opened highway, the A30, may apply for compensation from the government through the Highways Agency. The homeowners are eligible for compensation under the Land Compensation Act 1973, which states that "there is a right to compensation when property is devalued by more than GBP 50 as a result of physical factors such as noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke and artificial lighting."

Exeter, England, "Resident Group in Exeter, England Continues to Protest Highway A30; Calls for Resurfacing of New Roadway to Reduce Noise" (Feb. 17, 2000). The Exeter, England Express and Echo reports that over 2,000 people have joined the resident group Resurface The A30 (RTA30) to complain about traffic noise from the newly-opened stretch of Highway A30. The group has circulated a petition asking that the new road be relaid with a blacktop surface, which would be substantially quieter than the present brushed concrete surface.

Exeter, England, "Protesters Would Like New Highway in Exeter, England to be Resurfaced to Make it Quieter" (Mar. 29, 2000). The Express and Echo in Exeter, England reports that a newly-opened highway, the A30 running east from Exeter to Honiton, has been the focus of many complaints from residents who say that the noise from the road is excessive. They want the brushed concrete road to be resurfaced with bitumen, which is quieter.

Exeter, Rhode Island, "Dog Kennel in Exeter, Rhode Island Awaits License Renewal; Barking Dogs a Concern" (Apr. 5, 2000). The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that a dog kennel in Exeter, Rhode Island would like the town to renew its kennel license. The Town Council has not yet granted the request because it wants to make sure the kennel is not violating the town's fire code or noise ordinance.

Exeter, UK, "Neighbors of New Exeter Highway Want Road Resurfaced Because of Noise" (Aug. 18, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that neighbors of a brand-new Exeter, UK highway have already formed a pressure group to push for the resurfacing of the noisy road. The construction manager of the Highways Agency said he was there to listen to the public, as he had throughout the planning process, but he had no solutions. The pressure group is hopeful that it can get the road resurfaced since it has happened on new roads elsewhere in the country.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Noise From New Concrete Highway in Exeter, U.K. Bothers Residents; Officially, Noise Monitoring Won't Happen for One Year and Resurfacing Won't Happen for Twenty Years" (Aug. 17, 1999). The Express & Echo reports that over 100 people attended a public meeting in Exeter, U.K. to protest excessive noise levels from a new concrete highway. Residents want a thin, tarmac coating to quiet the road; pressure from residents resulted in road resurfacing elsewhere in the U.K. despite official policy.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "250 Residents Attend First In Series of Protests to Resurface a Concrete Exeter, U.K. Highway with Quieter Asphalt" (Aug. 29, 1999). The Express & Echo reports that 250 residents attended the first in a series of planned protests over a noisy Exeter, U.K. highway. Concrete was selected because it lasts long but, it is much noisier than asphalt. Residents want the road resurfaced now, and say that if officials do nothing, they will step up their campaign.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Exeter, U.K. Woman Charged With Assault After Striking Two Women Who Came To Her Door and Complained About Noise From a Party She Was Hosting" (Dec. 7, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a woman from Exeter, U.K. was charged with two counts of assault after slapping two women who complained to her about noise from a party she was throwing. The hostess was "given a 12 month conditional discharge."

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Exminster, U.K. Mental Hospital Renovation Underway; Use of Noisy Trash Compactor On Site Limited" (Nov. 17, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that a window company in Exeter, U.K. will build a sound-wall around a loud trash compactor that has drawn numerous complaints from residents. The company agreed to use the compactor only between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. during the week and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Highways Agency Noise Tests In Exeter, U.K. Confirm that Traffic from A30 Is Louder than Predicted" (Nov. 18, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that after official noise tests by the Highways Agency, Exeter, U.K.'s A30 has been proven to be 1.5 decibels higher than officials had predicted the noise would be fifteen years from now. The tests were forced by 2,000 residents of East Devon who say the road has been unbearably loud since its opening in August. Activists plan to begin working more closely with the agency in deciding what can be done now.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Environmental Organizations Lend Support to England Campaigners for the Resurfacing of the A30" (Nov. 21, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that two prominent environmental organizations are showing their support for campaigners who want the noisy A30 in Exeter, U.K. resurfaced. Noise levels are up to 10.4 decibels louder than promised, and the pits in the concrete surface -- which allows for the noisy expansion of air -- is double the prediction. Both groups voiced their concerns at public hearings back in 1992, but were ignored.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Resurface the A30 Campaign in Exeter, U.K. Raising Funds to Hire Noise Expert" (Nov. 24, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that members of "Resurface the A30" in Exeter, U.K. plan to employ an expert to help their campaign, and are raising funds that could be used to pay that expert.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Sussex, U.K. Road -- Who Have Protested Concrete Highway There for Years -- Joins Fight Against Exter's A30 Concrete Surface; Asphalt Organization Launches Quiet Roads Campaign" (Nov. 23, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that West Sussex, United Kingdom residents -- who have been fighting for resurfacing of a loud, concrete highway for 11 years -- have expressed their outrage that the government has used the same material to build the A30 in Exeter, U.K. The current campaign in Exeter, which has included a 2,000 signature petition, has finally prompted an investigation into the noise there. The Refined Bitumen Association has begun a silent road campaign to unify residents with similar highway-noise problems across the country.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "U.K. Government Plans to Test Noise Levels -- In Response to Residents' Outcry --from Highway In Exeter Next Easter, When Traffic Is Back to Previous High Levels" (Nov. 25, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that the British government plans to conduct noise tests -- in response to resident complaints -- along the noisy A30 highway in Exeter next Easter. Independent noise tests last summer showed that the surface exceeded expected noise levels that were referred to in public hearings.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Drivers on Exeter, U.K.'s A30 Complain About Noise From Concrete Surface, Joining Residents in Battle for Asphalt Resurfacing" (Dec. 4, 1999). The Western Morning News reports that a motoring organization has officially complained that the A30 in Exeter, U.K. is too noisy. Residents along the road have already been campaigning for a resurfacing of the road.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "A30 Neighbors May Receive Compensation for Lost Property Value Due to Noise, but Lost Views Will Not Be Considered" (Nov. 8, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that not all homeowners who live near the new A30 in Exeter, U.K. will be entitled to compensation for lost property value due to the road. Property value losses from noise and light will be compensated, but losses due to affected views will not.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Lord Whitty Announces that Traffic Noise Will Be Reevaluated On the A30 with Residents' Involvement" (Nov. 10, 1999). The Express and Echo reports the Roads Minister in Exeter, U.K. has initiated the reevaluation of traffic noise along the A30. This article offers little information not covered in other summarized articles on this site, but it does differ in the reported depth of the brushed concrete ridges: an aspect of the surface that makes it noisy.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "U.K. Roads Minister Will Examine Noise Report -- Which Shows A30 in Exeter is Too Loud -- Before He Meets with Activists Next Week" (Nov. 3, 1999). The Express and Echo reports that U.K. Roads Minister Whitty has requested a copy of a noise report to examine before a meeting with Resurface the A30 activists next week. The report shows that the A30 is louder than predicted, and could be quieted if resurfaced.

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Resurface the A30 Activists Perform Noise Tests to Supplement Highways Agency's Planned Tests in April" (Jan. 5, 2000). The Western Morning News reports that activists from the Resurface the A30 group in Exeter, U.K. have hired a noise expert to measure noise levels along the A30 -- in addition to official measurements planned for April -- to "substantiate... claims that the noise levels are unacceptable at all times of the year."

Exeter, United Kingdom, "Exeter, U.K. Recording Studio Owner Threatened With Eviction Because of Noise Complaints, Although Noise Officials Say the Noise Is Legally Acceptable" (Jan. 31, 2000). The Express and Echo reports that the owner of a recording studio in Exeter, U.K. is being threatened with eviction because of noise complaints. Local noise officials visited the studio and said that the noise was in legal limits, but the landlord still insists on eviction.

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