Chronological Index for January 2000

1990: Sep
1994: Jul Sep
1996: Jun Jul Sep Oct Nov Dec
1997: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1998: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
1999: Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2000: Jan Feb Mar Apr

January 1, 2000

Clay County, Florida Commissioners Consider Revising Ordinance to Make it More Objective. The Florida Times-Union reports that commissioners in Clay County, Florida are considering a revision of their noise ordinance to make it more objective.

Singapore Education Officials Notes Schools Are Being Designed to Place Classrooms in Quieter Sections of Buildings. The Straits Times prints a letter to the editor in which the writer notes that new schools in Singapore are being built with the intention of keeping classrooms in quiet sections of the building.

U.S. Threatens to File Complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization to Pressure the European Union to Modify or Withdraw Its Hushkit Ban. Aviation Week and Space Technology reports that the United States may file an official complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed hushkit ban, although a compromise may be reached before that. The U.S. says that when the ICAO eventually tries to work on Stage 4 standards, European companies won't want its equipment devalued any more than the U.S. does now.

January 2, 2000

Union Beach, New Jersey Activist Says Noise Study of Flight Paths from New York City Area Airports -- Which Said Ocean Routing Would Increase Noise for Coastal Residents -- Was a "Big Lie". The Asbury Park Press prints a letter from a Union Beach, New Jersey resident who says a noise study which showed ocean routing of aircraft at New York City area airports was a big lie manufactured by the airlines. He says that contrary to the study, ocean routing would take the planes farther out to sea and coastal residents would not receive additional noise.

January 3, 2000

Neighbors Near Hampton, Virginia's Langley Air Force Base Say They Are Used to Jet Noise. The Daily Press reports that many residents living in Hampton, Virginia near Langley Air Force Base are used to fighter-jet noise. The base does maintain no-flight hours on most days, but doesn't restrict afterburner use. Some say that residents aren't sufficiently aware of potential noise problems when they move in.

Wellington, New Zealand City Council Dismisses Complaints About Noise from Screaming Riders of a Bungy Ride as Insignificant. The Waikato Times reports that the Wellington, New Zealand City Council dismissed complaints about noise from screaming patrons at a downtown bungy ride as not "a huge issue."

New York City Resident Criticizes FAA for Taking So Long to Rework Aircraft Flight Paths to Reduce Noise Burden. The Daily News prints an editorial which criticizes the FAA for taking so long to provide noise relief for New Yorkers.

North Smithfield, Rhode Island Resident Criticizes Noise Impact of Water Trucks Serving a Power Plant, As Well As Potential Noise from Operation of a Newly-Proposed Plant. The Providence Journal-Bulletin prints a letter to the editor from a North Smithfield, Rhode Island resident who believes noise and pollution from water trucks -- serving a nearby power plant -- and a newly-proposed power plant will degrade her community's quality of life.

Brussels, Belgium Will Ban Night Flights After 2003. AFX European Focus reports that Brussels, Belgium will ban all nighttime flights starting in mid-2003, as well as restricting noisy flights after 11 p.m starting in 2001.

January 4, 2000

High Point, North Carolina Officials Delay Approval of Development Plans Near Piedmont Triad International Airport -- the Future Site of a Fedex Hub -- Until Noise Study Provides More Details. The News and Record reports that High Point, North Carolina officials are delaying the approval of development plans near Piedmont Triad International Airport, fearing that a planned FedEx hub may cause more noise than expected. Approval will be delayed until an FAA-supervised noise study -- due later this month -- is released.

Nine Neighborhoods Near Rocky Hill, Connecticut's I-91 Traffic Will Get Noise Barriers. The Hartford Courant reports that nine noise walls will be erected in communities around Rocky Hill, Connecticut near Interstate 91, after years of complaints from residents.

January 5, 2000

Tampa, Florida Planners Considser Noise Walls Along I-4 Junction; Support for Walls Is Yet to Be Determined. The St. Petersburg Times reports that Tampa, Florida is considering noise walls at an infamous interstate junction. A public hearing will also be held to gauge public opinion about the walls. A preliminary survey suggests that opinion is leaning towards the barriers. Some officials say the walls will ruin tourists' driving experience.

West Lampeter, Pennsylvania Mini-Mart Wants to Expand Store, but Neighbor Says Noise and Light Pollution Will Worsen. The Intelligencer Journal reports that a mini-mart in West Lampeter, Pennsylvania wants to expand. One neighbor, who has already planted trees and built a shed to shield himself from noise and light from the current store, says a larger store will worsen the situation and force him to move. The store will appear before the planning board soon.

Resurface the A30 Activists Perform Noise Tests to Supplement Highways Agency's Planned Tests in April. The Western Morning News reports that activists from the Resurface the A30 group in Exeter, U.K. have hired a noise expert to measure noise levels along the A30 -- in addition to official measurements planned for April -- to "substantiate... claims that the noise levels are unacceptable at all times of the year."

Clayton, Missouri Resident Believes Motorized Vehicles Should Stay Out of National Forests. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch prints a letter to the editor from a reader who believes that noisy motorized vehicles have no place in our national forests, where they can harm wildlife.

Vogeltown, New Zealand Couple Says Millennium Concert Was Too Loud and Lasted Too Long. The Daily News reports that a couple living in Vogeltown, New Zealand thought the Millennium concert on New Years' Day night was too loud and went too long. Local officials thought that most people wouldn't mind the once-in-a-millennium exception.

Brussels' Night-Flight Ban Is Latest in European Trend of Noise Restrictions; Policies Hurt Cargo Companies the Most. The Journal of Commerce reports that Belgium's proposed ban on flights between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. at Brussels Airport is the latest in a European trend of noise restrictions. Other airports have lost or gained cargo customers based on their noise restrictions.

European Express Association Denounces Belgian Move to Ban Night Flights by 2003. Air Transport Intelligence reports that the European Express Association (EEA) has denounced a move by the Belgian Government to ban night flights starting in 2003. The EEA says that express companies need to fly at night to maintain their competitive edge, and to continue benefiting the European economy.

January 6, 2000

FAA Head Supports Removal of Eastern-Departure Ban from the Terminal Building Agreement at Burbank Airport; Burbank Officials Dismiss the Comment As a Mere Suggestion. The Los Angeles Times reports that Jane Garvey of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has said that a proposed ban on eastern takeoffs from Burbank Airport should be removed from the draft agreement. Burbank city officials downplayed the comment as a suggestion, likely because they know that the ban will help win support from Burbank voters.

Seattle Resident Says Redistributing Noise is No Solution to Seattle-Tacoma Airport's Noise Problems. The Seattle Times prints a letter to the editor that criticizes a recent letter that supported sharing aircraft noise by redistributing it. This letter says redistribution is no solution.

Neighbors Claim Stoneville, North Carolina Wood-Product Factory Is Violating Zoning Ordinances, Producing Noise and Spewing Sawdust. The News and Record reports that neighbors of a wood-product finishing factory say that the owner hasn't complied with a conditional-use permit, and complain about sawdust and noise from the factory. The owner of the factory says he believes he is in compliance, and pointed to improvements such as added ducts and piping that were meant to better contain sawdust. The town council will send a letter of violation to the company, and they will have until July to comply.

Jerome, Arizona "Ex-Hippie" Residents Push Noise Ordinance to Restrict Large, Noisy Biker Population. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that "ex-hippies" living in Jerome, Arizona are pushing for a noise ordinance that would provide relief from noisy, smelly motorcycles ridden by a large biker population. The ordinance would prohibit noise of over 80 decibels at 25 feet from the source.

Resident of Virginia Beach Says Daily Noise Levels for Jet Noise Provided By Military Are Misleadingly-Low. The Virginian-Pilot prints a letter to the editor which questions the military's presentation of Daily Noise Levels for Virginia Beach jet noise without presenting the more telling data on single noise events.

New Short-Term Leasing System to Encourage Airline Competition in Minnesota's Twin Cities Will Allow New Airlines to Opt Out of Paying for Some Noise Abatement Projects. The Star Tribune reports that a committee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission for Minnesota's Twin Cities has approved a new leasing agreement which would designate up to seven gates as short-term. New airlines taking advantage of the new system can opt out of noise abatement fees for projects that are not included in the current plan.

Fish and Wildlife Service Says Proposed Amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota Will Harm Neighboring Wildlife Refuge. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that the Fish and Wildlife Service has opposed an amphitheater in Shakopee, Minnesota that would disrupt animals and recreation at a wildlife refuge. A preliminary environmental review determined the noise wouldn't be too much, but the Fish and Wildlife Service wants further study at the 10,500 acre refuge.

Potential Low-Altitude Flight Path for Air Force Bombers in New Mexico Rejected In Favor of More Suitable Route Through West Texas. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that the Air Force has announced that a flight path it had considered for low-altitude training flights through New Mexico is not its top choice. The flight path through New Mexico would have brought 2,600 flights each year within 200 feet of the ground, generating painful noise that could disrupt recreation, ranching, and wildlife.

Stonehaven, U.K. Bar Is Granted Later Operating Hours, Despite Resident's Objections. The Aberdeen Press and Journal reports that the Aberdeenshire Council granted permission for later operating hours at a Stonehaven bar. A neighbor had said the hours would cause noise problems, but police officials said there had never been any problems.

January 7, 2000

Screams from Bungy Ride in Wellington, New Zealand Upsets Clients of Sexual Abuse Trauma Center Nearby. The Press reports that a therapist at a counseling center for sexual abuse victims in Wellington, New Zealand says his clients are upset at screams from a nearby thrill ride. Measurements taken in the last few days suggested that some screaming did exceed noise limits, contrary to previous estimates. City council members are discussing the issue with the operator.

Richfield, Minnesota Wants to Demolish Hundreds of Houses and Apartments and Build More Residences and Office Buildings Elsewhere; Report on Low-Frequency Noise from Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Runway May Be a Barrier to Plans. The Star Tribune reports that a plan to redevelop part of Richfield, Minnesota may face an obstacle in the form of a low-frequency-noise report on Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport's new runway. The 8,000 foot runway will open in 2003. New buildings will be " built with the latest sound-stopping techniques and materials to blunt low-frequency noise."

Boise, Idaho Airport Hopes Congress Will Reconsider Giving Local Authorities the Right to Restrict Noisy Aircraft. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that federal representatives from Boise, Idaho met with residents this week to discuss noise problems from Stage-2 corporate jets at Friedman Memorial Airport in Hailey. A pending report may encourage Congress to allow cities to restrict noisy aircraft: a right that was taken away in 1990.

Private Jet Owner Sues San Jose International Airport Over Noise Rule He Says Is Illegal Because It Is Based on Weight and Not Noise Levels. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that a CEO who owns a private jet has sued San Jose International Airport over a rule that says his plane can't land at night because it weighs more than 75,000 pounds. The CEO says that federal laws prohibit "arbitrary and discriminatory" regulation based on weight rather than noise. In 1990, Congress "established complex criteria for cities wishing to enforce noise restrictions on airline traffic," but the curfew may have been grandfathered in since it was established before the law was passed.

January 8, 2000

Residents of Vancouver, Washington Want Noise Wall With Planned Road Extension; Officials Say They Don't Have the Money. The Columbian reports that residents near Interstate 5 in Vancouver, Washington want a noise wall in their neighborhood where a planned extension will increase traffic. State transportation officials say that it could take about ten years to build the $50-million worth of noise walls currently on the waiting list with an annual budget of just over $5-million.

Fifty Employees Working in Lincoln, Nebraska's Capitol Building Can Voluntarily Relocate Because of Construction Noise Levels. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that a restoration project at Lincoln, Nebraska's capitol has proven so loud that fifty employees in the building have been given the option of relocating. The noise was measured at 82.5 decibels, just 2.5 decibels below the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's maximum of 85.

London Architect Supports Proposal to Landscape Ugly, High-Noise Spots Along Transportation Lines Into Greenspace, As Paris Has Done In Past Years. The Times reports that London is considering a plan -- similar to one used in Paris, France -- to reclaim green space and fight noise at the same time. A noisy section of rail line or highway was covered; then, the cover was made into a park. The prime minister of England wants to reclaim greenspace, and this proposal would do it for about 20 million pounds per mile.

January 9, 2000

Classroom Acoustics Study in Ohio Suggests Many Ohio Classrooms Are Noisier than They Should Be For Optimal Learning. The Columbus Dispatch reports that Ohio schools' noise levels are too high for optimal learning. Reverberation times and noise levels exceeded standards in 94 percent of classrooms studied.

Community Advisory Board Near Columbus Circle, New York City Is Pushing for Audible Pedestrian Signals for the Blind; Some Residents and Businesses Worry About Potential Noise. The New York Times reports that Community Board 4, near Columbus Circle in New York City, is pushing for audible pedestrian-crossing signals for the circle. Residents and business owners worried about noise from excessively loud or shrill crosswalks. The community board said that the crosswalks constantly adjust their volume too be audible above city noise without being excessive or shrill.

Los Angeles Times Editorial Says Safety Should Override Both Sides of Debate Over Burbank Airport's New Terminal; Noise Should Not Be Introduced to New Neighborhoods Simply to "Share the Noise," and Ban on Eastward Flights Should Not Have Higher Priority than Safety Concerns. The Los Angeles Times prints an editorial which says noise considerations should not be used to determine runway use at Burbank Airport, no matter what side of the debate you are on.

Motocross Track Near Ethel, Louisiana Generates Noise 7 Days a Week; Some Residents Complain, While Others Say It Brings Families and Community Together. The Sunday Advocate reports that a motocross track near Ethel, Louisiana has drawn noise complaints from several residents who claim their homes are being devalued from noise, loss of wildlife, dust and exhaust fumes. Many in the area counter that the track allows families to bond while having "good, clean fun," and encourages young and old cyclists to be together. The lawyer for the track said that it was really an issue of land use that should be addressed.

Numerous Letters to the Editor on Orange County, California's Proposed El Toro Airport Argue For and Against Airport, Criticize Commissioners for Secretive Activity, and Discuss Measure that Would Require Citizen Approval of Infrastructure Like Airports and Jails. The Los Angeles Times prints several letters to the editor which argue for and against the validity of a noise report on the proposed El Toro Airport in Orange County, California, argue for and against Measure F that would require citizen approval of public infrastructure like airports and jails, and criticize airport commissioners for secretive activity.

January 10, 2000

Mayor of Arlington Heights, Near Chicago O'Hare Airport, Says Hushkitted Stage II Jets -- Which Are Still Louder than New Stage III Jets -- Will Need to Be Phased Out Before Real Noise Improvements Are Made. The Chicago Tribune reports that despite new requirements that all Stage II jets have hushkits, noise is not expected to decrease much over the next year because hushkitted Stage II aircraft still make three times the noise that a new Stage III plane does. O'Hare Airport is urging the FAA to require a hushkit phase out.

January 11, 2000

Maine Residents Challenge Stone Company Over Noise and Work Hours. The Bath Chronicle reported on a noise dispute between a local stone company and its neighbors over the company's planned expansion.

Maine Town Rejects Noise Abatement Amendment for Businesses With Liquor Licenses. The Kennebec Journal reported on the city council's rejection of a proposed amendment to a local ordinance that, if passed, would have required businesses with liquor licenses to conform to the same noise standards that city residents must observe.

Canadian Residents Challenge Shooting Range in Neighborhood. According to the Edmonton Sun, about 200 Edmundton residents signed a petition opposing a shooting range at a local park because of safety and noise concerns. The Edmonton Nordic Ski Club proposed the park.

Idahoans Blame Cement Company for Noise Distrubances. According to the Idaho Statesman, neighbors of the Ash Grove Cement Co. say low hum or vibration from the plant bothers them during the day and keeps them awake at night.

Nebraska Ice Cream Truck Cannot Make Music. According to the Omaha World-Herald, the ice cream man cannot ring the bells on his truck when he's in Bellevue because it is illegal.

Kentucky Town Discusses Airport Noise Reduction Strategies. The Courier-Journal printed a notice about the Regional Airport Authority's next Noise Compatibility Study Group meeting.

New Mexico City Officials Call for Quieter Airport. The Albuquerque Journal reported that city officials approved an airport noise abatement ordinance, calling for changes at Santa Fe Municipal Airport.

Rhode Island Club Loses Renewal of Permit. The Providence Journal-Bulletin reported on the city council's rejection of a permit renewal for the Club Confetti because of noise, traffic and unruly customers. The vote was four to one.

Minnesota Airport Noise Consultants Disagree On Noise Impact Area. According to the Star Tribune, a dispute between noise consultants resulted in a failure to define noise zones affected by jets using a new runway at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Coast Guard Plans for Bridge Poses Noise and Traffic Concerns for Skeptical Louisiana Residents. According to the Advocate, over 150 people attended a public meeting concerning a proposed major thoroughfare through a Lafayette neighborhood.

Luxurious California Hotel in Dispute With Trendy Restaurant Over Noise. The Los Angeles Times reported on the permanent closing of Twin Palms restaurant, which has been involved in a noise dispute with a local hotel.

January 12, 2000

UK Airport Fights Residential Developments: Local Officials Angry. The Canberra Times reported on the opposition to residential housing by the owner of the Canberra International Airport. The article said that the airport owners want a cross-border agreement among local governments ensure that no houses are built under the airport's flight path

UK Kennel Owner to Pay Town for Noise Violations. According to the Leicester Mercury, the owner of a dog kennel was fined 100ƒ and must pay 75ƒ in costs because he failed to comply with a noise abatement order on his barking dogs.

UK Nightclub Gets Permit For Live Jazz on Sunday. According to the Bath Chronicle, a local bar has been given a license for live music and dancing on Sundays despite opposition from local residents.

Helicopter Noise Declared a Public Health Hazard in New York. The New York Daily News reported on a study by the Natural Resources Defense Council concluding that helicopter noise is linked to serious health such as sleep and cardiovascular disorders, anxiety and impaired learning ability in children. The study focused on helicopter noise in New York.

Pennsylvania Township Delayed Expansion of Store Because of Noise Concerns. The Intelligencer Journal reported that town's zoning board delayed a decision on granting a permit for expansion of a local convenience store after the first two zoning hearings included almost eight hours of testimony from residents opposing the expansion. The article said they feared the expansion would create light and noise problems and excessive traffic.

New Jersey Wine Plant Remains Open Despite Noise Complaints. The Bergen County Record reported on the decision by a Superior Court judge that gave permission to owners of a noisy wine distribution plant to stay open while they worked with Glen Rock borough officials to design an addition that "would quiet the complaints."

New York Environmental Group Links Helicopter Noise to Health Problems. According to the Daily News, the Natural Resources Defense Council released findings from a recent study saying that helicopter noise can lead to health problems.

Florida Noise Amendment Rejected by County Commissioners and State's Attorney. According to the Ledger, county commissioners in Barstow, Florida rejected an amendment that imposed criminal penalties for businesses that make excessive noise.

Local Residents in UK Divided Over Train Whistle. According to the Calgary Herald, about 20 residents signed a petition against whistles from trains owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).

North Carolina FedEx Supporters Spout Propaganda and Mislead the Public. The News & Record printed a scathing editorial that criticized pro-FedEx supporters for propagandizing about growth, noise and runways if FedEx comes to town. The editorial said that many of the supporters never been awakened a 3:00 am by a FedEx airplane, or never visited a visited a FedEx hub, of if they have, were given a VIP tour.

North Carolinians Fight FedEx Hub at Airport. An article in the Greensboro reported that residents near Piedmont Triad International Airport are poised to launch a campaign to stop FedEx from building a cargo hub.

Louisiana Leaf Blowers Worse Than Rockets and Drag Races. The Times-Picayune printed a tongue-in-cheek but none-the-less serious editorial that condemned leaf blowers, worse than car alarms, boom cars or garbage trucks at 5:00 am.

January 13, 2000

UK Go Kart Track Subject of Noise Complaints and Controversy. According to The Journal, Sunderland residents are so angry about the noise from the expansion of a nearby go-kart track that they've organized to challenge not only the noise but also the procedure for the track's getting a permit to open. Representatives from the Warden Law Action Group say the process was not democratic.

Maine Town Council Reforms. The Bangor Daily News reported that Orno Town Council members warned a local nightclub owner to reduce the noise level or risk losing his entertainment license.

Belgian Express Mail Company Seeks Solution to Ban on Night Flights at Brussels Airport. According to an article in AFX European Focus, the CEO of a Belgian express mail company pledged to find a solution to the Belgian government's proposed ban on night flights to Brussels National Airport.

Texas City Councils Say Noise Regulation Difficult to Enforce. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Southlake residents have had enough of the blower from a nearby car wash, and have lodged complaints to local officials just the city was reviewing its noise ordinance. The article explained some of the difficulties of writing an "enforceable noise ordinance," according to the city's head of code enforcement.

Chicago Train Horn Noise Battle Returns. The Chicago Daily Herald reported that Edison Park residents must renew their battle with train noise on the Wisconsin Central line at all hours of the night unless they pay for costly improvements at rail crossings, or so says the Federal Railroad Association.

Florida County to Measure Music Levels at Bars. According to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Sarasota County commissioners gave their approval to sheriff's deputies to use sound-level meters to determine noise violations when residents complain about loud music at bars.

Florida Developer To Commercialize Tranquil Residential Area: Noise is Major Concern. The St. Petersburg Times reported on commercial developers' buying up the remaining land around this once tranquil town.

Noise from California Night Club Creates Neighborhood Tension. The Sacramento Bee reported that Roseville residents can't enjoy their back yards, rest, read or sleep because of a neighborhood billiard business that plays live music, but the city council says the club doesn't violate the local noise ordinance.

Australian Airport Bans Airlines Because of Noise and Safety Concerns. According to an AAP Newswire bulletin, the Victorian government banned Virgin Airlines from establishing its headquarter and barred it from temporarily using the city's Essendon Airport for an 18 month-interim until a new airport is built in Tullamarine. Governmental officials said the airline's 737 jets would create noise and safety risks in the suburban residential area.

January 14, 2000

US Representative Approves Building of Noise Barriers. The following is a press release from the Congressional Press Releases regarding the construction of noise barriers along I-75 in Georgia. It is printed in its entirety.

US Snowmobile Manufacturer Announces Quieter Machines For Testing in Yellowstone. An article from the PR Presswire reported that Arctic Cat announced that it would loan two prototypes for a quieter snowmobile to the National Park Service for use in Yellowstone National Park.

Tax Break for Chicago Homeowners Near O'Hare Not on Town Ballots. The Chicago Tribune reports that former state treasurer Pat Quinn's attempt to give property tax breaks to homeowners who live near O'Hare Airport failed to get support from local townships and municipalities. Only Stickney Township will put the question on the town's ballot.

Kentucky Group Upset Over Vague Airport Noise Reduction Recommendations. The Courier-Journal reports that an airport consultant recommended existing and new technology be used to keep aircraft on track over less populated areas near Louisville International Airport. The article said the consultant upset and even angered some people at the public meeting because he rejected many of their recommendations.

Nevada Airport Authority's New Noise Study Seeks Public Input. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Washoe County Airport Authority board approved a new study reduce to noise around the Reno-Tahoe International Airport. In addition, the authority said it would aggressively seek public input.

New Jersey Lawmakers Design Strategy to Reduce Jet Noise at Teterboro. The Bergen County Record reported that lawmakers recently met to design a strategy for reducing noise for North Jersey towns near Teterboro Airport, the nation's busiest non-commercial airport.

Missouri School for the Deaf Has New Technology to Reduce Background Noise. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis can better prepare their hearing impaired students for integration into public school because of new technology that reduces exterior noise.

Florida Power Plant's New Location Promises Less Noise. The Orlando Sentinel reported that when Reliant Energy came to Holopaw residents for the second time and told residents that its proposed 460-megawatt power plant would hum no louder than their refrigerators, residents told company officials it would still be too noisy.

Americans Urged To Increase Awareness of Hearing Hazards, Especially for Children. An article from PR Newswire reported health information from The House Ear Institute, saying that if adults and children are in an environment where they must raise their voices to be heard, they are in potentially hazardous-hearing area and hearing protection is recommended.

Noise Levels in US Homes Increasing. An article from the PR Newswire reported that modern technology and decreasing lot sizes mean more noise for American homeowners, and that means more stress and less sleep.

Connecticut Residents Increased Complaints Until Airport Officials Reduced Noise. The Hartford Courant reports that in 1999, complaints against jet noise from Bradley International Airport quadrupled, adding airport traffic dramatically increased as well. But that's only part of the problem.

January 15, 2000

Wealthy Florida Developer Finally Complies With Noise Ordinance. According to the Sun-Sentinel, a local developer violated six city noise ordinances by continuing to run heavy equipment at a construction site well past the 10 p.m. deadline without being penalized.

Singapore Enforces Noise Rules in Neighborhoods. The Straits Times (Singapore) printed a response from Mike Chan, the head of the Housing Maintenance Section Housing Administration regarding a complaint about housing renovations.

Airport Officials Rethink Decision: California Man's Jet Can Stay. According to the Ventura County Star, a Ventura County man can store his Czechoslovakian military jet at the Camarillo Airport because it passed the required noise test. This recent decision rescinds an earlier one requiring him to remove the jet.

Los Angeles City Council OKS $100,000 to Soundproof Firing Range. The Los Angeles Times reports that complaints about a police firing range prompted the City Council to approve $100,000 to improve existing soundproofing for the facility. Residents complain that gunfire can be heard two miles away.

Streetsweeper Too Noisy in English Town. The Gloucestershire Echo printed a letter that appeared in the environmental section of the newspaper concerning noise from a local mechanical streetsweeper. The letter appears in its entirety.

January 16, 2000

Kenyan Disco Noise Leads to Violence. According to an article from the Agence France Presse, the husband of Princess Caroline of Monaco, and some of his friends beat the owner of disco and hotel, who is now in intensive care because of loud music.

Utah Town Attempts to Solves Noise Problem from Steel Company. An article in the Deseret News said that the Woods Cross Council might soon solve noise problems from Metro Steel following complaints from the company's neighbors.

Virginia Naval Station Proves Costly for Schools. The Virginia-Pilot reports jet noise from the Oceana Naval Air Station is so disruptive to education in Virginia Beach that 15 schools need better insulation that will cost $3.5 million.

January 17, 2000

California Residents Protest Los Angeles International Airport Noise. An article from City News Service reports that protestors will march at Inglewood City Hall on January 19, protesting an agreement that denies their right to sue Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) if the organization that operates the airport pays for sound-proofing their homes.

New Mexico Residents Oppose Pumice Plant Because of Noise and Pollution. The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that neighbors of the C.R. Minerals pumice plant in Santa Fe will voice their opposition to the state Environment Department at public hearings.

New York Environmental Chairperson Wants President to Reopen National Noise Office. The New York Times printed this letter to the editor regarding noise. The letters appears in its entirety.

January 18, 2000

California Amphitheater's Noise Dispute Settled Before Jury Decision. The Los Angeles Times reported that a noise dispute between the Pacific Amphitheatre and its neighbors is over, after years of conflict.

January 25, 2000

Airline Industry Organizations Applaud U.S. Decision to File a Complaint Against the European Union with the International Civil Aviation Organization Over It's Proposed Hushkit Ban. M2 Presswire reports that several Airline industry groups applauded the U.S. decision to file a formal complaint with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) against the European Union's proposed ban on hushkitted aircraft. They emphasized that hushkitted aircraft meet international standards already set by the ICAO.

North Carolina Legislator Proposes Law to Stop FedEx from Building Hub with Overnight Flights at Greensboro's Piedmont Triad International Airport; Some Officials Say This Would Be Illegal. The News and Record reports that a state representative has drafted a law that would prohibit night flights, discouraging a proposed FedEx hub at Greensboro's Piedmont Triad International Airport. Some say that such a law is illegal, and others say it's a bad idea anyway. Proponents of the airport say that noise problems would be overshadowed by benefits from new jobs.

Orange County, California Supervisors Change Maximum Noise Levels For Areas Surrounding John Wayne Airport While Questioning Why Airport Changed Maximums in Previous Years Without Consulting a Judge. The Los Angeles Times reports that Orange County supervisors approved changes to maximum noise levels near John Wayne airport, and questioned why a district judge's permission for such changes had not been consistently sought in the past.

Residents in Somerset, U.K. Fear Slaughterhouse Extension Will Create Noise and Odor Problems. The Western Daily Press reports that residents in Somerset, U.K. are worried that a slaughterhouse extension that was recently approved will cost noise, traffic and odor problems. Local officials say that strict rules will deal with those problems.

January 26, 2000

Letter to the Editor Criticizes Noise Abatement at Bradley Airport in Suffield, Connecticut. The Hartford Courant prints a letter to the editor that criticizes noise abatement at Bradley Airport, and says until recently it has been lead by those who are ignorant of typical noise abatement strategy.

Letter to the Editor Highlights Problems with West Virginia Quarry Bill, Including Lack of Protections from Noise. The Charleston Daily Mail prints several letters to the editor, one of which talks about the problems with a quarry bill in West Virginia, including lack of noise regulation.

Midland, U.K. Man Fined 600 Pounds for Six Violations Following a Noise Abatement Notice. The Birmingham Evening Mail reports that a Midland, U.K. man who violated a noise abatement notice six times was fined 600 pounds.

Proposed Skeet Shooting Range at Fort Meade in Maryland Is Scrapped Because Environmental Controls Would Cost Too Much. The Capital reports that a proposed trap and skeet shooting range at Fort Meade in Maryland is being scrapped because environmental controls would cost too much to implement. Residents say they're glad, and also criticize the Army for poor communication throughout the process.

Schaumburg, Illinois Airport Noise Monitoring Program Reports Full Compliance Last Month. The Chicago Daily Herald reports that a noise monitoring program at Schaumburg Regional Airport shows that all planes were in full compliance of noise rules since last month. Noise complaints have decreased to 30 percent of their levels since 1997 when the program was begun.

Sugar Grove, Illinois Planners Delay Ruling on Proposed Road Loop at Country Club for High-Performance Cars -- Though Racecars Would Be Prohibited -- Until Noise Can Be Studied Further. The Chicago Tribune reports that Sugar Grove, Illinois planning officials have deferred their decision on an application for a road loop for high-performance cars at a local country club. Estimates place noise at 66 decibels, which could be present all day long during the warmer months.

Sydney, Australia's Kingsford Smith International Airport Will Insulate More Houses After Updated Software Reveals Higher Noise Levels than Previously Thought. Air Transport Intelligence reports that Sydney, Australia has promised to insulate more homes against noise from Kingsford Smith International Airport, after it was considered that the land around the airport slopes upward.

January 27, 2000

24-Hour Soil Reclamation Plant in Loudon, New Hampshire Has Residents Worried About Noise. The Union Leader reports that residents plan to turn out "in force" to a public hearing in Loudon, New Hampshire about noise from a soil reclamation plant. Round-the-clock operation has residents upset, and they want operating hours cut back.

Edinburgh, Scotland Residents Oppose Temporary Housing for Homeless, Saying Existing Noise and Vandalism Problems Will Get Worse. The Evening News reports that residents in Edinburgh, Scotland's Fountainbridge neighborhood are opposing a plan to create temporary housing for homeless young people and people with special needs. They argue that noise and vandalism will become more of a problem than it already is.

Environmental Report from McGuire Air Force Base in New Hanover, New Jersey Says Base is Busier, and Also Quieter. The Asbury Park Press reports that an environmental report on McGuire Air Force Base in New Hanover, New Jersey says that the base is busier but quieter.

Newcastle, U.K. Residents and Council Members Worry that Noise Will Worsen If More Pubs Gain Approval In the Quayside District. The Evening Chronicle reports that residents and council members are worried that noise problems and other nuisances could worsen in the Quayside area of Newcastle, U.K. if more pubs are approved there.

Residents Worry that Proposed Water Park in Buena Park, California Will Cause Noise, Pollution, and Safety Problems. The Orange County Register reports that a proposed water park in Buena Park, California has residents worried about noise, traffic, and safety issues.

Street Preacher Says Beaufort, South Carolina Noise Law that Sets Different Decibel Limits for Amplified and Unamplified Noise is Discriminatory to Street Preachers. The Post and Courier reports that a Beaufort, South Carolina preacher has threatened to sue the city for setting decibel limits for unamplified noise lower than those for amplified noise: a rule that discriminates against street preaching.

Sunriver, Oregon Airport Plans to Add New Staff and Automatic Weather Advisory to Help Pilots Keep Quiet. The Bulletin reports that Sunriver Airport in Sunriver, Oregon plans to add extra staff and an automatic weather system which could advise pilots of the quietest possible approach.

January 28, 2000

Addison, Illinois Toughens Noise Ordinance to Address Loud Car Stereos. The Chicago Daily Herald reports that Addison, Illinois has changed its noise ordinance to prohibit stereos systems or mufflers from being heard 75 feet away from a vehicle.

Eight Business Leaders Team Up with Virginia Beach's Chamber of Commerce to Form a Group that Promotes Oceana Naval Base, and Counter Attacks by Anti-Noise Activists. The Virginian-Pilot reports that eight business leaders have formed a group with the help of the Chamber of Commerce to promote the benefits of Virginia Beach's Oceana Naval Base. They want to counter what they call 'misinformation' from an anti-noise activist group, and encourage the Navy to maintain its strong presence there.

Ilkeston, United Kingdom Historic Police Station to Become a Pub, Despite Residents' Concern Over Noise. The Nottingham Evening Post reports that a century-old building in Ilkeston, U.K. that formerly housed a police station will become a pub despite residents' concerns over potential noise.

Ordinance Prohibiting All-Terrain Vehicles Along Reservoir in Rumford, Rhode Island Amended to Create Stiffer Fines. The Providence Journal-Bulletin reports that an ordinance that prohibits the use of all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles along railbeds and near a reservoir in Rumford, Rhode Island has been amended to increase the fines. The ordinance is intended to protect the environment and to reduce noise.

Several Nebraska Municipalities Change Signs Prohibiting "Jake Brakes" Because "Jake" Refers to a Brand and Constitutes a Trademark Violation. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that several municipalities in Nebraska, including David City, have changed the language on road signs that prohibit the use of "Jake Brakes." Unmuffled compressed-air engine brakes -- which include many brands including Jacobs Vehicle Systems -- have become a noise nuisance in many areas where big-rigs are in operation.

January 29, 2000

Bitton, United Kingdom Residents Say Despite Courteous Discussions, Factory Continues to Make Noise. The Bath Chronicle reports that Bitton, U.K. residents are getting fed up with noise from a factory. Planners say that it's just a matter of enforcing delivery hours and parking rules. Factory officials say that they are doing everything they can.

Broomfield, Colorado's Jefferson County Airport Is Growing; Officials Are Pleased, But Some Residents Complain that Noise Is Getting Worse. The Daily Camera reports that Broomfield, Colorado's Jefferson County Airport is growing, having increased by 10,000 operations during 1999. Residents feel that more and bigger planes have been using the airport, bringing with them more noise. Airport officials say this indicates a healthy economy, but have some voluntary noise rules in place to quiet the noise.

Noise Warnings May Be Buried in Contract When Purchasing a Home or Condo in Canada; On the Other Hand, Certain Noise Mitigation Measures Are Required of the Builder. The Toronto Star reports that when buying a house or especially a condominium in Canada, warnings about noise may be buried in the contract. Mandatory noise-reduction measures for homes include double-glazed windows and central air-conditioning.

January 30, 2000

Letters to the Editor Show Support for El Toro Airport. The Los Angeles Times prints several letters to the editor, two of which deal with potential noise from the proposed El Toro International Airport in Orange County, California. The first argues that El Toro is needed because nearby John Wayne Airport is already overburdened and unsafe. The second says that residents near the proposed El Toro Airport knew about the noise from the former military base, and so should have no complaint about noise from a new airport.

Mayfield, Scotland Senior Citizen Sleeps In Her Car to Escape Neighbors Music; Neighbor Counters that Senior's Saint Bernard Snores. The Sunday Mail reports that an elderly woman in Mayfield, Midlothian, Scotland has taken to sleeping in her car because of music that comes through her walls from her neighbors. Her neighbor says the music is not too loud, and counters that he loses sleep from her snoring, which she blames on her dog.

Orange County, California Fair Agrees Not to Extract Legal Fees from Two Neighbors Who Opposed Them In a Losing Lawsuit Over Noise from a Fairgrounds Amphitheater. The Los Angeles Times reports that the Orange County, California Fair has agreed not to hold two neighbors to their 'responsibility' to pay $52,000 in legal fees. The two neighbors had joined the losing side of a lawsuit that claimed an amphitheater was sold to the fair when it was known to be unusable due to noise restrictions. When the company who sold the theater settled and the neighbors did not, the neighbors were shouldered with the legal fees. If they don't appeal the ruling, the legal fees will now be waived.

Orange County, California Plans to Maintain Noise Rules at John Wayne Airport When Original Agreement Expires, Regardless Of Whether El Toro Airport Becomes a Reality. The Los Angeles Times reports that Orange County, California officials plan to keep noise rules at John Wayne Airport in place even after 2005 when the original regulations expire. It remains unclear whether this plan will be feasible. Residents near John Wayne worry that if the proposed El Toro airport isn't built, John Wayne could grow dramatically.

Pembroke Pines, Florida Considers Stricter Noise Ordinance. The Sun-Sentinel reports that the Mayor of Pembroke Pines, Florida has asked city commissioners to consider toughening the existing noise ordinance. Noise that exceeded new decibel limits, or was loud enough "to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighborhood, regardless of the time of day," would be punishable by up to $500 fine or 60 days in jail.

West Boca, Florida Couple Complains that a Neighbor Stomps In Wooden Clogs at Night and Allows Her Dogs to Bark Constantly; Neighbor Files Suit to Stop Their "Harassment". The Sun-Sentinel reports that in West Boca, Florida, an elderly couple claims their upstairs neighbor stomps around with wooden clogs at night and allows her two dogs to constantly bark. The neighbor, who now wears socks at night, said she is suing the couple for harassing her.

January 31, 2000

Exeter, U.K. Recording Studio Owner Threatened With Eviction Because of Noise Complaints, Although Noise Officials Say the Noise Is Legally Acceptable. The Express and Echo reports that the owner of a recording studio in Exeter, U.K. is being threatened with eviction because of noise complaints. Local noise officials visited the studio and said that the noise was in legal limits, but the landlord still insists on eviction.

Helicopter Convention Includes Retrofits to Reduce Noise Footprint, Inspired By Noise Problems Over Grand Canyon National Park. Aviation Week and Space Technology reports on an international helicopter conference which included the introduction of a retrofitted sightseeing helicopter which is quieter than the original, creating an 80-decibel footprint.

Minnesota Competition Asks College Students to Design a Cleaner, Quieter Snowmobile. The Star Tribune reports that engineering students from seven colleges will compete in Jackson, Wyoming to have the cleanest, quietest snowmobile. The issues of air-pollution and noise in Wyoming state parks had been looming large, and the competition was conceived as a constructive way to address the issue.

Scaled-Down Housing Development in Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. Receives Approval Despite Concerns that Nearby Shot-Blasting Operation May Prompt Noise Complaints. The Sentinel reports that the city council of Stoke-on-Trent, U.K. approved a scaled down housing development near a noisy plant. Representatives of the nearby engineering company say they worry that noise complaints may still jeopardize the future of the plant.

T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island Plans to Buy 260 Homes to Mitigate Noise. The Associated Press State and Local Wire reports that T.F. Green Airport in Warwick, Rhode Island plans to offer home buyouts to 260 homeowners to mitigate noise. Local officials are asking for creation of a federal law which would make airports reimburse municipalities for tax revenue lost in the process of noise mitigation.

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