This is a listing of some organizations that we feel have a grasp of the threats to health and well being caused by noise pollution. They need our support, and they need to know that we think noise is an important environmental issue.
American Canoe Association
The ACA promotes the health, social, and personal benefits of
canoeing, kayaking, and rafting to serve the needs of all paddlers for
safe, enjoyable, and quality paddling opportunities. They have been
involved in challenges to irresponsible jet ski use.
American Lands Alliance
The American Lands coalition of activists and organizations is
dedicated to protecting forest heritage and ecological integrity. Wildlife
and wildlands are threatened by logging, roadbuilding, grazing, off road
vehicles and mining.
Bluewater Network
Bluewater Network is a project of David Brower's Earth Island
Institute. Part of their mission is to be a clearinghouse, supporting
mechanisms for communities and activists working to regulate and ban
polluting vehicles like personal watercraft (PWC). The jet ski pages
include fact sheets, sample ordinances, a position paper, and an
explanation of the polluting nature of two-stroke engines.
California Wilderness Coalition
The California Wilderness Coalition is the voice for wild California.
It is comprised of people who believe that wilderness holds a special
place in the human spirit and has intrinsic value. Their mission is to
vigorously defend California's remaining wildlands.
Canadian Association for
Sound Ecology
Formed as the Canadian chapter of the World Forum for Acoustic
Ecology (WFAE), The Canadian Association for Sound Ecology is a coalition
of Canadian individuals and institutions concerned with the state of the
soundscape as a balanced entity.
Colorado Environmental Coalition
The Colorado Environmental Coalition is a citizens' group committed
to protecting Colorado's natural heritage, wildlands, wildlife, and
quality of life.
Council on
the Environment of New York City (CENYC)
The Council on the Environment of New York City (CENYC), founded in
1970, is a privately funded citizens organization in the Mayor's Office.
CENYC promotes environmental awareness and solutions to environmental
problems. The
page contains references to noise and children, explains how noise
hurts the inner ear, and discusses noise-related stress as a health
Enviro-Arting uses the Arts as a tool to learn about and improve the
environment. The site states that "we need to recognize that we all
play a part in protecting the environment," and encourages viewers to
learn more about pollution, including noise.
Environment Agency
The European Environment Agency of Copenhagen, Denmark, developed the
Environmental Information and Observation Network. Their Noise Newsletter
addresses the growing concern over noise and the European population. It
contains reports on European noise and the environment, such as acoustic
quality in urban and rural areas.
Forest Watch advocates for wildlife, wilderness, and backcountry
recreation. Historically, Forest Watch has been the watchdog for public
land in Vermont with action-oriented members.
Friends of the Boundary Waters
The Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness is an environmental
organization whose sole focus is the protection and preservation of the
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and surrounding areas of the
Quetico-Superior Ecosystem.
1313 Fifth St. SE, Suite 329
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 379-3835
Friends of the Earth
A national nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to the
environment. Starting with President Brent Blackwelder, they have taken
strong positions on noise pollution.
Great Old Broads for Wilderness
Great Old Broads for Wilderness is a grassroots organization
dedicated to wilderness growth and protection. Their ranks have grown to
include men and younger women (broads-in-training), although the majority
of the membership continues to be older women committed to protecting
wilderness areas.
Greater Yellowstone
The Greater Yellowstone Coalition works to conserve and protect the
Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the full range of its life, based on the
idea that a healthy, wild ecosystem can prosper only if it is kept whole.
Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization which uses
non-violent creative confrontation to expose global environmental
problems, and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and
peaceful future.
Montana Wilderness Association
The Montana Wilderness Association was founded to advocate the
protection of Montana's wilderness resource. There are six active chapters
of MWA in Montana.
Montana Wildlife Federation
The Montana Wildlife Federation is dedicated to strong conservation
principles and conservation policies that perpetuate wildlife and develop
lasting environmental safeguards for wildlife habitat. MWF was founded in
1935 by conservationists, landowners, hunters and anglers.
Nantucket Sustainable Development Corporation is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to sustain Nantucket’s economic vitality while preserving and restoring community character.
National Association of Physicians For
the Environment
The motto of the National Association of Physicians for the
Environment is "pollution prevention is disease prevention."
This group focuses upon the impacts of environmental pollutants on the
organs, systems or disease processes. They inform physicians, patients and
the public about these impacts and the necessary personal and public
health steps to prevent, reduce or eliminate them.
National Audubon Society
The National Audubon Society is a grass roots organization that has
over 500 local chapters in the Americas.
National Parks Conservation Association
America's only private nonprofit citizen organization dedicated
solely to protecting, preserving and enhancing the U.S. National Park
System. They have been active participants in the Grand Canyon overflight
National Resources Defense Council
Follow their crusade against U.S. Government sponsored underwater
ocean noise pollution.
Nature Sounds Society
The Nature Sounds Society is a world-wide organization whose
principal purpose is to encourage the preservation, appreciation and
creative use of natural sounds. They have a library of natural sounds, a
directory of resources and trips, a library of natural sounds, an essay on
the effects of noise on wildlife, and an interesting quarterly journal.
Predator Conservation
The Predator Conservation Alliance is dedicated to conserving,
protecting, and restoring native predators and their habitats in the
Northern Rockies and High Plains. They advocate on behalf of fourteen
species, many of whom receive little other attention.
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest
organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by
influencing public policy decisions--legislative, administrative, legal,
and electoral.
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
SUWA advocates for the wild and unspoiled Colorado Plateau. They have
a strong grassroots commitment to save Southern Utah's canyon country:
intricate canyons, arches, buttes, vast expanses of slickrock, and red and
salmon colored pinnacles.
Taxpayers For Common Sense
Taxpayers for Common Sense is dedicated to cutting wasteful
government spending, subsidies and tax breaks through research and citizen
education. The organization supports a balanced budget and common sense
tax reform.
The Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Environmental Justice Clinic is a public interest, environmental project founded in 1994 to lend the expertise and commitment of the Civil Rights and Environmental Movement to disenfranchised minority and low-income communities in Texas and neighboring states throughout the South, burdened by various environmental abuses.
US Public Interest Research Group (U.S.
U.S.PIRG is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to
serving as a watchdog for the nation's citizens and environment.
Vermonters for a Clean Environment
Vermonters for a Clean Environment opposes the natural gas pipeline
and electric generating plant project proposed for Southwestern Vermont.
They believe that Vermont's future lies in conserving its clean, rural,
and small-town environment with a quiet, responsible, sustainable,
renewable energy plan.
Wild Sanctuary
Wild Sanctuary is a resource for natural sound and media design.
Based on one of the largest and most comprehensive wildlife sound
libraries in private hands, their collection includes 3,000 hours of
material representing nearly 15,000 species. Their field research and
articles show a concern for the loss of natural habitat and acoustic
Wild Wilderness
Wild Wilderness believes that America's public recreation lands are a
national treasure that must be financially supported by the American
people and held in public ownership as a legacy for future generations.
The Wilderness Society
TWS works to protect America's wilderness and to develop a nationwide
network of wildlands through education, analysis, and advocacy.
The Wildlands Center for
Preventing Roads
Wildlands CPR works to protect and restore wildland ecosystems by
preventing and removing roads and limiting motorized recreation. They are
a national clearinghouse and network, providing citizens with tools and
strategies to fight road construction, deter motorized recreation, and
promote road removal and revegetation. They seek to protect native
ecosystems and biodiversity by recreating an interconnected network of
roadless public wildlands.
Wildlife Need Habitat
Off-Limits To Humans!
This page is developed to work toward creating wildlife habitat that
is off-limits to humans ("pure habitat"). Humans bring noise,
and noise pollution affects wildlife as well as humans.
World Forum
for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE)
The WFAE is an international interdisciplinary coalition of
individuals and institutions concerned with the state of the world
soundscape as an ecologically balanced entity.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization supports the attainment of physical,
mental, and social well-being by all people. They have developed
guidelines for community noise. A final draft will be published on the WHO
homepage in the summer of 1999.